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经过数年准备,南极海洋生物资源养护委员会(以下简称"CCAMLR")在未经系统论证,许多关键的科学和法律问题仍然模糊不清,甚至存在争议的情况下,通过了《关于建立CCAMLR海洋保护区的总体框架》(以下简称"《总体框架》"),期望以此为有关南极海洋保护区建设的讨论提供一个框架。《总体框架》通过的时间相对仓促,加上政治因素的介入,导致海洋保护区建设在法律架构、科学基础和管理、监测、评估等方面存在一系列问题,使得成员国在关于设立海洋保护区的具体讨论中面临大量分歧。在这个问题上,CCAMLR的当务之急是充分尊重《南极海洋生物资源养护公约》(以下简称"《公约》")及CCAMLR现有养护制度和实践,以科学为基础和核心,创造公平、透明的条件和氛围,从法律、科学和技术问题着手,理顺海洋保护区建设的总体制度,为成员国围绕南极海洋保护区的磋商提供切实可行的基础。  相似文献   

邹磊磊 《极地研究》2020,32(3):373-382
2016年10月南极罗斯海保护区提案在历经5年协商谈判后得以通过。在罗斯海保护区协商谈判中,出于对地缘政治因素主导下的南极"软控制"担忧,相关国家对该提案表示关切和质疑。另外,对渔业权益的考量也在一定程度上影响部分国家对该提案的态度。因此,南极权益诉求是保护区谈判经历曲折的主要原因之一。罗斯海保护区提案的通过是各方基于各自权益进行博弈并妥协的结果。未来保护区制度可能成为南极海洋环境保护的重要手段,为维护南极权益,中国应汲取罗斯海保护区提案协商谈判的经验,提高对保护区制度的认识,洞悉提案背后潜在的权益纷争,提升权益诉求下的政治博弈能力,参与法律规制的构建,加强南极的科学研究,从而成长为南极海洋保护区事务的重要参与者。  相似文献   

论南极条约体系的法律实施与执行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈力 《极地研究》2017,29(4):531-544
以1959年《南极条约》为核心的南极条约体系为缔约国确立了非军事化、南极环境保护、南极海洋生物资源养护等宽泛的国际法义务。随着南极条约体系的不断发展,南极人类活动的形式也从早期单一的政府组织的科学考察活动,朝着南极旅游、南极渔业以及南极生物资源勘探等多元化的商业活动方向发展。南极条约体系主要通过国际法层面的视察机制,以及敦促缔约国采取必要的国内立法或其他适当措施的形式具体实施和执行其所确立的原则与规则。不过因视察机制缺乏必要的救济措施、属人管辖限制而造成的对非缔约国执法真空,以及因地理位置遥远、气候环境严酷而导致的法律执行不能等问题依然困扰整个南极机制。面对挑战,南极条约体系应通过强化国际执法合作、完善南极视察机制以及加强公民极地教育等综合执法手段加以积极应对。  相似文献   

吴宁铂 《极地研究》2019,(1):103-113
20世纪80年代中后期以来,泛滥的非法、未报告及未管制捕鱼造成了南大洋生物资源日渐枯竭。南极海洋生物资源养护委员会作为该区域内最重要的渔业管理组织,相继出台了多项规制措施并在缔约国当中取得了显著成效。但不可否认的是,由于国际海洋法在船旗国管辖规定上存在的固有局限性,悬挂非缔约国旗帜的船舶在其管理海域内从事非法、未报告及未管制的捕鱼作业仍然无法杜绝,以至于成为现阶段管理南极海洋生物资源面临的最大挑战。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代中后期以来,泛滥的非法、未报告及未管制捕鱼造成了南大洋生物资源日渐枯竭。南极海洋生物资源养护委员会作为该区域内最重要的渔业管理组织,相继出台了多项规制措施并在缔约国当中取得了显著成效。但不可否认的是,由于国际海洋法在船旗国管辖规定上存在的固有局限性,悬挂非缔约国旗帜的船舶在其管理海域内从事非法、未报告及未管制的捕鱼作业仍然无法杜绝,以至于成为现阶段管理南极海洋生物资源面临的最大挑战。  相似文献   

南极磷虾渔业反馈式管理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着近几年南极磷虾渔业的快速发展,南极海洋生物资源养护委员会(CCAMLR)正在抓紧建立反馈式管理(FBM)机制,以预防和控制磷虾渔业对南大洋局部生态系统可能产生的负面影响,介绍了CCAMLR南极磷虾渔业反馈式管理的基本概念和理论框架,梳理了反馈式管理工作开展的具体进程;侧重阐述了近期反馈式管理的两类模式策略,分析了反馈式管理关注的科学问题和基础理论、方法;提出我国渔业相关机构应积极储备科学数据和理论,参与反馈式管理建设,以适应未来南极磷虾渔业新的管理模式,促进我国南极磷虾渔业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

南大洋海域因其特殊的地理位置、极端的气候环境和丰富的资源,具有重要的科学和经济意义。当今世界各国力争国家权益,积极参与南极海洋保护区设立的国际事务,然而我国虽对此持续关注,但相关研究甚少,在南极海洋保护区设立的适宜性评价指标和区划方法研究方面几近空白。在此背景下,通过对现有各国南极海洋保护区的提案分析,尝试构建南极海洋保护区设立的适宜性评价的多级指标体系,并基于我国南极科学考察数据,运用层次分析法和加权叠加分析,对普里兹湾海洋保护区设立的适宜性进行案例研究,以期为我国南极海洋保护区的设立和相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

基于文献计量分析的南极海洋保护区研究动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南大洋生物资源养护与区域治理一直为全球其他区域树立典范,而南极海洋保护区(Antarctic Marine Protected Area,AMPA)自提出以来便受到了全球学者的广泛关注.为了更为全面地了解AMPA的研究状况和热点问题,本研究以Web of Science核心数据库中有关AMPA的文献为样本,融合CNKI...  相似文献   

南极磷虾渔业近况与趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
南极周边海域蕴藏着丰富的南极磷虾资源,其开发潜力受到世界各国的关注。为此,本研究基于南极海洋生物资源养护委员会(CCAMLR)统计数据分析了近几年南极磷虾渔业国家发展状况,并研究了南极磷虾渔业捕捞结构的变化特点。结果发现:(1)受捕捞技术及装备的限制,南极磷虾传统渔业国家——波兰、日本及乌克兰等正逐渐淡出开发行列;(2)随着挪威、中国及智利等新兴国家的加入,南极磷虾入渔船舶和渔业产量呈上升趋势;(3)南极磷虾全年均有生产,其中3—9月份渔获产量占总产量的70%—90%;(4)受综合环境因素和新的渔业管理措施影响,CCAMLR 48.1、48.2和48.3小区渔获产量年间波动变大,渔场选择难度增大;(5)传统的大规模科学调查模式已不适应该资源变化与渔业管理的要求,科学性渔业调查将成为今后南极磷虾资源调查与评估的重要补充。  相似文献   

南极磷虾的区域特色、资源保有量优势和广泛的应用价值,使它成为重要的战略资源。南极磷虾商业化开发战略是海洋战略的重要组成部分,其资源特色为战略制定与实施提供了支撑,符合战略性新兴产业发展要求。基于中国海洋开发的战略环境,结合南极磷虾资源特色,评估其战略能力,确立发展目标为形成并完善南极磷虾资源开发的产业体系,确立发展战略重点为跟踪南极磷虾资源养护管理措施变化和开发利用政策、中国南极磷虾产业发展模式及风险评估、中国发展南极磷虾产业关键技术突破与产业化机制、中国发展南极磷虾产业的政策措施与保障机制研究。  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) – or sections of the ocean set aside where human activities such as fishing are restricted – have been growing in popularity as a marine conservation tool. As a result, it is important to examine the socioeconomic consequences of MPAs and how they may affect nearby communities. This study explores social and equity issues surrounding the designation of the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument, an MPA that includes protections around the three most northern islands in the US territory of the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands (CNMI). We gathered oral history interviews with 40 individuals from CMNI and Guam who had connections to the waters in the newly-designated MPA and reviewed key documents in order to (1) document historical and current use of the waters in the MPA and (2) consider the implications that proposed fishing regulations in the MPA may have for the local communities. Our study documented 129 trips to visit the waters in the MPA in living memory. We found that due to distance, trips to the MPA waters were rare but culturally significant events that provided residents from CNMI and Guam with connections to their indigenous roots. Regulation of fishing in the new MPA has the potential to directly and indirectly restrict local access to these culturally important waters. This research highlights the importance of better collaboration with local partners and better consideration of social and equity concerns in the siting and regulation of MPAs.  相似文献   

回顾了南极海洋生物资源养护委员会(CCAMLR)管理体系中科学观察覆盖的主要要素,以及在过去的6年中中国南极磷虾渔业执行科学观察计划的主要成果,旨在帮助中国磷虾渔船更好地理解和执行相关的政策、规定。国际科学观察制度是CCAMLR管理体系中最为重要的监管组成部分。它是由观察员指派、职责和方法标准、执行效果评估等组成的相对独立管理机制。科学观察员覆盖率是其实施策略的核心评价指标,它在渔船、网次以及具体观察任务3个层次都有不同的管理规定。南极磷虾渔业必须接受CCAMLR严格监管并实施科学观察。2009—2015年6个渔季,中国渔船在贯穿所有渔业活动中,按照CCAMLR要求执行最大可能全面、系统的观察覆盖。已有的23船次中,19船次执行科学观察,聘用科学观察员近30人。各渔季的观察天数覆盖率介于81%—100%(平均覆盖率为94%);渔船覆盖率介于66%—100%,6个渔季平均覆盖率为82%,超过CCAMLR的50%的要求。为应对南极磷虾渔业科学观察管理可能的调整,建议我国建立开放的科学观察培训机制,积极储备极地渔业国家科学观察员人力资源,开拓灵活简便的多重委派途径。  相似文献   

Inshore artisanal fishing in Malta is under intense spatial competition as the coastal zone is fragmented by multiple uses and designations including maritime transport, infrastructure, industrial fisheries, aquaculture, tourism and recreation. This research, adopting a grounded visualization methodology, explains how the artisanal fishing sector has undergone and been affected by ‘spatial squeezing’. Our results show that artisanal fishermen have been forced to give up fishing grounds or co-exist with other uses to the point where the ability to fish is becoming increasingly challenging. These difficulties might escalate with the advent of the marine protected areas (MPAs) which encompass nearly half of the inshore fishing zones. Since there does not seem to be effective MPA consultation mechanisms that elicit the real social, cultural and economic value of artisanal fishing grounds, fishermen feel threatened, alienated and disempowered. This study urges for a more holistic approach to spatial marine planning and accentuates the need of realizing the dependency of the artisanal sector on the inshore zones in the implementation of conservation measures, such that the prolonged existence of the coastal fishing communities is not jeopardized.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) hold great promise as an effective conservation tool, but the potential negative socioeconomic impacts of MPAs remain poorly understood. Indeed, little work has been done to advance the frameworks and methods needed to assess, measure, and communicate the potential negative socioeconomic impact of MPAs and incorporate this information in MPA planning and management efforts. To address this gap, we test a vulnerability assessment termed the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) that is designed to measure the relative potential impact a proposed MPA network may have upon fisherman livelihoods. To test the LVI, specifically we ask, how does the vulnerability of fishermen to the impact of MPAs differ across place? We explore this question through two core areas of inquiry surrounding the study of vulnerability assessments: 1) Ranking and comparing vulnerability and 2) Explaining attributes of vulnerability. Through this study we demonstrate how the historical and current conditions fishermen experience in a given place shape vulnerability levels in various ways. Variability in the attributes of a particular place such as weather conditions, the size of fishing areas, availability of alternative fisheries, and changes in kelp cover contribute inherently as measures of vulnerability but they also shape fishermen perceptions of what are important measures of vulnerability. Secondly, counter to existing notions, the use of weights in vulnerability assessments may not significantly impact vulnerability scores and ranking. Together these findings emphasize the need to test vulnerability assessments against actual experienced impact or harm across geographies and groups of fishermen towards an informed refinement of vulnerability assessments. We emphasize that the particularities of place are critical to understand, to appropriately assess and thus to effectively mitigate vulnerability in order to promote the future well being of fisherman livelihoods.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are among the most widely accepted methods of marine management. MPAs are not, however, always placed such that they can maximize impact on conservation and livelihoods. Current MPA guidelines fall short in focusing primarily on biophysical criteria, overlooking interrelated socioeconomic factors. We identified 32 socioeconomic factors that influence whether MPA placement has an impact on biodiversity and/or livelihoods and weighted the quality of evidence using a novel “Evidence for Impact” Score. Results suggest that stakeholder engagement, poverty, population density, and strong leadership have most potential to positively impact biodiversity and/or livelihoods, but the direction of impact (i.e., positive or negative) can be context-dependent. We found a generally poor evidence base for impact evaluation of socioeconomic factors: though some factors were highly cited, few studies actually evaluate impact. Results indicate the need for a more interdisciplinary approach to MPA placement and more empirical studies that assess impact.  相似文献   

A ceremony for establishing SFU-NOAA Joint Center for Ocean Remote Sensing and Living Marine Resources Management was held in Shanghai Fisheries University on December 6, 2006. The Center, supported by High Level Featured Project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, will provide a platform for exchanges of scientific information between scientists of different countries and multidisciplines and for global collaborations in research areas related to fish stock assessment and management.[第一段]  相似文献   

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