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中国第九次南极考察期间在中山站北部普里兹湾中面积约132km2的测区内进行了地磁测量,为日后的南极内陆考察作前期准备。磁测资料表明,这里有一个宽约5-8km、走向NW的磁异常,其幅度达500nT。磁异常可能是由深成岩浆的侵入体或富含磁铁矿的地质体引起的,磁源物体的埋深在海冰面以下0.3-2.0km。考察实践证明:只要经过充分准备,利用普里兹湾冬季冰封的有利条件,开展大范围的海冰面地球物理考察,在技术上是可行的。  相似文献   

随着北斗三号卫星定位系统(BDS-3)的逐步建成,北斗系统的服务范围已从亚太地区扩展到全球,而极地具有重要的科研、航运等价值,因此北斗三号在环南极地区的定位性能需要进行全面评估.利用在中山站、长城站以及环南极航行的"雪龙"号上采集的2018—2020年的北斗三号数据,本文从可见卫星数及位置精度因子、多径值与信噪比、伪距...  相似文献   

谢泽林  王召民 《极地研究》2017,29(3):368-377
通过分析再分析资料与站点观测资料的差异评估了普里兹湾区域5 套再分析资料的风速、风向以及 温度产品。这5 套再分析资料包括欧洲中心再分析资料(ERA-I)、日本25 年再分析资料(JRA-25)、日本55 年再分析资料(JRA-55)、美国国家环境预报中心再分析资料(CFSR)和美国国家航空航天局再分析资料 (MERRA)。采用的观测资料来自两个人工观测站和三个自动气象站。月平均和季节差异分析结果表明, Mawson 站点再分析资料的风速一般小于站点风速, 其他站点再分析资料一般风速过大, 所有的站点风向与 再分析资料风向差异不大, 再分析资料的2 m 温度总体低于人工观测站的温度, 自动站和再分析资料的差 异则没有一致的差异特征。通过6 h 风速资料对比, 发现当Mawson 站点风速低于5 m·s–1 时, 再分析资料偏 高, 当站点风速高于15 m·s–1 时, 再分析资料偏低, 且该站点记录的极端强风次数远多于再分析资料。  相似文献   

古森昌  颜文 《极地研究》1998,9(1):21-28
Apreliminarystudyontheelementstrataandpalaeoenvi┐ronmentofcoreNP95┐1fromthePrydzBay,AntarcticaGuSenchang(古森昌)andYanWen(颜文)Sou...  相似文献   

李超伦  孙松  张光涛  吉鹏 《极地研究》2001,12(2):153-159
Metabolic rates (oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion) of two dominant copepods, Calanoides acutus and Metridia gerlachei, were measured during the austral summer (December 1998 January 1999), in the marginal ice zone of the Prydz Bay. Their elemental compositions (C and N) were also analysed through these metabolic experiments. The results showed that C. acutus was 48.4% 48.6% of dry weight in carbon content and 6.1% 6.5% of dry weight in nitrogen content. Metridia gerlachei was 47.1% 50.1% and 5.9% 7.4%, relatively. Oxygen consumption rates of C. acutus were variant in the different areas (0.226 to 0.774 μlO 2mg -1h -1). And its ammonia excretion rates ranged from 0.014 to 0.105 μgNmg -1h -1. The ratio between the rates (O∶N) exhibited a large difference(5 6 times). For Metridia gerlachei, oxygen consumption rates were 0.488 0.644 μlO 2mg -1 and ammonia excretion rates were 0.015 0.034 μgNmg -1h -1. From the results of metabolic rate measurements and elemental analyses, daily losses of body carbon and nitrogen were estimated to be 0.59% 1.99% and 0.44% 3.27%, respectively. The metabolic carbon requirements accounted for 0 6% 29 2% of primary production per day, and their excretion of ammonia occupied 0.2% 38.0% of daily phytoplankton nitrogen demand.  相似文献   

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