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杨丹  方倩  魏联  朱国平 《极地研究》2022,(3):303-310
耳石外型分析已广泛用于鱼类种群识别,而东南极克洛泽岛与凯尔盖朗群岛的小鳞犬牙南极鱼(Dissostichus eleginoides)被认为存在两个不同的地理种群。由此,本研究利用6个耳石形状指标(形态因子、圆度、环率、矩形趋近率、椭圆率和幅形比)和椭圆傅里叶系数对凯尔盖朗群岛与克洛泽岛的小鳞犬牙南极鱼耳石外型进行描述和分析。分析前,首先排除个体异速生长效应对耳石形态造成的影响,再应用主成分分析选取后续判别分析的成分。基于形状指标和椭圆傅里叶系数相结合的耳石外型判别分析结果显示,判别成功率为80.00%。来自凯尔盖朗群岛与克洛泽岛的小鳞犬牙南极鱼耳石外型整体形态相似,但耳石外部轮廓存在着细微差异。结合以往的遗传学结论和标志放流结果,耳石外型研究可以初步推断,克洛泽群岛和凯尔盖朗群岛之间存在种群交换,但因为两个区域之间的交换比例和机制尚不清楚,需利用多种分析方法,如耳石微化学、标志放流等作进一步阐述和补充。  相似文献   

张宸铭  高建华  黎世民  高尚  赵继宾 《地理研究》2018,37(12):2528-2540
为将城市形态分形维数从平面空间拓展到交通网络系统,提出一种基于路网的分形集聚维数测算方法,探讨该维数的集聚—扩散性质。以郑州市中心城区为案例区,分别测算了各类功能用地半径集聚维数和路网集聚维数。结果表明:① 各类用地无论在平面中还是在路网中,密度从中心向外围的变化在特定区间内都是均匀的,符合分形特征。② 两种维数均呈现出商业用地<全部建设用地(不含道路与交通设施用地)<居住用地<工业及仓储用地的规律。③ 对于同类功能用地,相对于半径维数,路网集聚维数标度不变区尺度范围更广,对空间的划分也更为精细。④ 同类用地两种集聚维数的分形测量值存在差异,这体现出路网集聚维数对传统测度结果具有一定的延展—集聚修正作用。  相似文献   

Dams are well known for influencing channel and vegetation dynamics downstream, but little work has focused on distinguishing effects of land use and channel responses to the impoundment. In this paper, we examined interacting effects of a dam and land use on downstream changes in channel morphology and riparian vegetation along an agricultural stream system in northern California. Measurements of planform channel morphology, vegetation area, and land use were mapped along multiple stream segments based on a chronological sequence of historical aerial photographs over a 34-yr period prior to operation of the dam in 1983 and over a 17-yr period after dam operation, and compared to a nearby, undammed reference stream. A two-factor analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to examine the effect of the dam on changes in bankfull area, stream length, and riparian vegetation area while accounting for the effect of land use and distance downstream. The dammed stream's bankfull area contracted 94% after dam operation. Prior to dam operation, bankfull area decreased when land use area increased, but not after operation of the dam. Stream length varied 64% less after dam operation as a consequence of less frequent episodic channel migration and entrenchment. The area of riparian vegetation was decreasing during the pre-dam period, but then increased 72% after operation of the dam. Across time periods, decreases in the area of riparian vegetation were also associated with increases in land use area in both the dammed and reference stream. After operation of the dam, reduced peak discharges and sediment reduction likely lead to channel incision and constrained channel migration, which allowed vegetation to increase 50% on less accessible, abandoned banks. Rating curve and hydraulic exponent analyses based on stream gauge measurements corroborate statistical analyses of the mapped changes. In conclusion, we found that operation of the dam and land use patterns together influenced spatial and temporal changes in channel morphology and riparian vegetation. Use of a nearby undammed reference stream in conjunction with multivariable analysis of spatially and temporally replicated observations provided an effective framework for unraveling interacting effects of dams and land use activities on stream channel and vegetation dynamics.  相似文献   

基于农户利用效率的平原和山区耕地利用形态比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用形态是土地利用转型研究的核心内容。农户土地利用决策是引起土地利用系统变化与土地利用转型的深层因素,当前学者从多个视角对耕地利用形态展开了系列的理论与实证研究,但从农户层面深入探讨耕地利用隐性形态及其形成机理的研究相对较少。为揭示农户耕地利用隐性形态的差异及其影响因素,本文以农户耕地利用效率为切入点基于平原区寿光市和山区沂源县农户调研数据,从农户家庭劳动力要素变动与农业生产决策视角对农户的耕地利用效率进行了测算,构建结构方程模型探讨了农户耕地利用效率的驱动机制。研究表明,寿光市和沂源县耕地利用效率较低,并且存在地貌类型和农户类型上的差异,平原(寿光市)耕地利用效率要高于山区(沂源县),老年农户耕地利用效率低于年轻农户。在影响路径方面,农户耕地经营规模、生产要素投入和耕地产出直接影响耕地利用效率,而种植结构对耕地利用效率的影响不显著。  相似文献   

Small, low order channels located in wet meadows along the Mogollon Rim of northern Arizona that receive the bulk of their flow from spring discharge exhibit a morphology that differs markedly from channels that receive the bulk of their flow from runoff. These small, spring-dominated channels generally have dense vegetation cover, vertical (or near vertical) banks with flat channel beds that are armored with clasts up to 60 mm. Clasts armoring the spring-dominated channels become mobile at 45 to 85% of the bankfull depth. The lack of fine-grained material in the bed of the spring-dominated channels reflects the small drainage size, lack of fine grain input from the spring, and winnowing affect of the consistent discharge. Minor amounts of large woody debris were present in some of the spring-dominated channels, however, unlike previous studies it does not appear to play a role in the spring-dominated channel morphology. Sinuosity values for spring-dominated channels averaged 1.19, while the average sinuosity values for the runoff-dominated channels, 1.08, were significantly lower. Measured width-to-depth ratios averaged 2.4 in the spring-dominated channels, much lower than the average ratio of 11.6 found for the runoff-dominated channels. The standard deviation of width-to-depth ratios was higher for runoff-dominated channels, reflecting a more variable channel profile. A third channel type, here referred to as hybrid channels, receive significant flow from both springs and runoff. These channels have characteristics that fall between spring-dominated and runoff-dominated channels.Elevation, gradient, organic matter content, and sediment grain size distribution of the wet meadows in which the channels are formed do not exhibit significant differences between channel types, suggesting that these factors are not responsible for the observed differences in channel morphologies. The major differences in controls on the channel morphology found between the spring-dominated and runoff-dominated channels are the discharge regime and the sediment input. The hydrology unique to the spring-dominated channels and the lack of fine-grained sediment input combine to create the observed differences.  相似文献   

城市群是城市地理学的重要研究领域,对城市群的实体空间进行界定识别是研究城市群的前提和基础。城市群作为众多城镇的集群,前人对城市群的空间识别主要是以城市为单元进行的,缺少对识别单元空间形态的考虑。城市群实体空间的形态具有自相似性,空间分形特征可作为自相似性的表征工具,通过对空间分形特征的分析、识别及提取,可以实现对空间对象基于形态的客观测度。本文借鉴单个城市其边界的相关识别方法,从不同尺度的空间最小可识别单元出发,测度城市群城镇空间形态的分形特征,并据此提出了城市群城镇的客观识别方法。该方法利用城镇的空间分形特征识别归属于城市群的城镇,通过空间最小可识别单元的变化得到不同的城镇规模并获取城市群城镇的空间分形特征,再以此为基础对空间分形特征的存在范围进行识别,将其映射于空间最终实现对城市群城镇的识别,进而得到城市群在空间上的分布状况。本文将该方法应用于京津冀城市群,基于2016年Landsat卫星遥感影像,实现了对京津冀城市群构成城镇的识别,为界定城市群的实体空间提供了一次有益尝试。  相似文献   

Sediment transport rates were estimated for two flood events on the cobble-bed Sainte Marguerite River in the Saguenay region, Canada. Morphologic methods were used to derive one set of estimates, and a combination of the Meyer-Peter and Muller equation with a dimensionless sediment transport ratio (after Dietrich et al. [Nature 340 (1989) 215]) was used to derive another set of estimates. Both sets of estimates give consistent results for the first event (which had a decade-scale return period), and for the second event (which was the largest flood on record and had a century-scale return period). The transport occurring during the second event was an order of magnitude greater than that occurring during the first event: despite this disparity in the transport intensity of the two events, the channel morphology remained qualitatively similar. The observed degree of channel stability is attributed to a change of channel pattern and the initiation of bed degradation following channel rectification in the 1960s.  相似文献   

Measurements of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIRS) in the mid-infrared (MIR) region were conducted on sedimentary records from Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Siberia, and Lake Ohrid, Albania/Macedonia. Calibration models relating FTIR spectral information to biogeochemical property concentrations were established using partial least squares regression (PLSR). They showed good statistical performance for total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), and biogenic silica (opal) in the sediment record from Lake El’gygytgyn, and for TOC, total inorganic carbon (TIC), TN, and opal in sediments from Lake Ohrid. In both cases, the calibration models were successfully applied for down-core analysis. The results, in combination with the small amount of sample material needed, negligible sample pre-treatments, and low costs of analysis, demonstrate that FTIRS is a promising, cost-effective tool that allows high-resolution paleolimnological studies.  相似文献   

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