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Columnar structured horizons have been recognized in ancient coastal palaeosols of several Lower Permian (Asselian) stratigraphic units of north-central Kansas. These strongly developed columnar, polygonal-shaped peds are characteristic of sodium-influenced (natric) argillic horizons, and are commonly indicative of semi-arid to arid environments. Evaporite features above and below these palaeosols support the conclusion for a dry palaeoclimate. The columnar peds are typically 3–15 cm in diameter and exhibit domed tops. Fine clay fills the cracks between the columnar peds, and is generally of a darker colour than the peds. Each natric horizon has a low value and chroma colour, apparently the result of carbonate accumulation. The natric horizons in these Permian palaeosols appear to have been partially influenced by sodium-rich groundwaters. Root traces and root moulds are found between peds in all natric horizons, indicating plant succession after columnar ped formation. These sodium-influenced palaeosol profiles occur as part of a spectrum of palaeosol types that indicate cyclical climate change associated with glacioeustatic sea-level fluctuations.  相似文献   

Detailed study of palaeosols in the sea cliffs between Long Reef and Palm Beach, north of Sydney, has given a much clearer idea of the environment and climate of the area during the late Scythian to early Anisian portion of Triassic time.

At the base of the exposed succession, kaolinitic clayey soils with red B horizons were formed on volcanogenic sediments derived from the old Gerringong volcanic ridge to the east. The red Bald Hill Claystone consists largely of soil material, both in place and resorted. These were grey‐brown podzolic soils (ferrods) formed on well‐drained sites under coniferous forest. Humic gleys (fibrists) within the overlying Garie Formation were probably lowland catenary equivalents formed under Dicroidium, Voltziopsis, and equisetalean swamp woodland.

These soils were drowned by the relative rise of the Narrabeen lagoonal complex and the concomitant southward growth of sediments of the Gosford Delta. These sediments formed the lower Newport Formation, of clean quartz‐lithic sandstone and grey kaolinite‐illite shale, derived from an extensive source land to the north and west. The most widespread soils in the delta were gleyed podzolic soils (aquods) under Dicroidium heath. Younger soils of a similar type (alluvial soils or aquents) also supported Dicroidium heath in low‐lying areas and Pleuromeia meadows in interdistributary bays. On slightly more elevated areas a more oxidized gleyed podzolic soil (ochrept) developed. On clayey levees, grey clay soils (fluvents) formed under a Dicroidium flora locally dominated by Taeniopteris lentriculiformis.

Few palaeosols are preserved in the upper Newport Formation and Hawkesbury Sandstone because of the more frequent channel reworking of the floodplain during their deposition.

The dominance of podzols is compatible with a cool temperate climate.  相似文献   

Palaeosols of the Koluel‐Kaike Formation, a red colour‐banded, pyroclastic succession from southern Argentina, constitute a proxy for Eocene climate changes. Reticulated and vertically elongated ferric mottles, along with iron and manganese nodules are the most significant climate indicators, which originated by alternating cycles of waterlogging and drying conditions causing Fe‐Mn mobilization and fixation. Clay minerals vary from a kaolinite > smectite suite in the lower and middle sections, to a smectite > kaolinite one in the upper part. High concentrations of iron oxides/hydroxides and kaolinite, lack of exchangeable bases, absence of carbonate cement, presence of ironstone and redness of hue in most of the palaeosols suggest intense chemical weathering related to leaching and lateritization processes. Five pedotypes, ordered in a stratigraphic sense, were identified. Strongly developed, red to orange Chornk (Fragiaquult) and Kápenk (Plinthaquult) pedotypes display argillic horizons, abundant ferric nodules and slickensides; they are dominant in the lower and middle sections, and formed in seasonal humid and megathermic (tropical) conditions with a mean annual precipitation of 1200 to 1300 mm and a mean annual temperature of 15 °C. Weakly developed, less structured Ornek (Vitrand) and Pólnek (Placaquand) pedotypes occur in the middle and upper sections, and originated in sub‐humid and mesic‐megathermic conditions with a mean annual precipitation around 1000 mm and a mean annual temperature around 12 °C. The brownish Soorsh (Argialboll) pedotype exhibits a granular structure and is present at the uppermost part of the unit. It developed in sub‐humid/semi‐arid and mesic conditions, with a mean annual precipitation of 600 to 700 mm and a mean annual temperature around 10 °C. This pedotype succession and clay mineral distribution indicates a decrease in chemical weathering and degree of soil development with time. Koluel‐Kaike palaeosols from Central Patagonia are some of the first continental non‐palaeobiological data linked to the Early Palaeogene global warming in South America; they show an especially close relationship with the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum and the following long‐term cooling and drying initiated by Middle to Late Eocene time.  相似文献   


Late Permian (early Tatarian, 258 Ma) palaeosols exposed near Kiama and Dapto on the south coast of New South Wales can be recognised from their red colour, clayey and massive texture, and clay‐filled root traces. Harvey pedotype palaeosols are within the upper Jamberoo Sandstone Member of the Broughton Formation. Loveleigh pedotype palaeosols are within the basal Kiama Sandstone overlying columnar jointed flows of the Blow Hole Latite Member of the Broughton Formation. Both kinds of palaeosols are strongly ferruginised with little relict bedding, yet they are little weathered and have surprisingly high amounts of feldspar and pyroxene. Both also show deformation of subsurface layers comparable to the active layer of permafrosted soils. Root traces in these palaeosols are sparse and comparable to those of woody gymnosperms, not chambered like the known roots of Glossopteris. Plausible components of the taiga woodland represented by the palaeosols include Gangamopteris, cordaites, seed ferns, and equisetaleans. Frigid palaeoclimatic indications from the palaeosols are compatible with a palaeomagnetically determined palaeolatitude of 57–85°S, and thus indicate an equator‐pole climatic gradient in the Late Permian generally similar to that of today.  相似文献   

In this work we study one of the most palaeopedological sequence formed in Central Spain, which is located on the Pliocene–Pleistocene erosional surface in the Madrid Basin. We also analyse its relationship to erosive and sedimentary Pleistocene events in order to obtain new data for a correct interpretation of the origin and evolution of forms at the top of tabular lands in this site. The geomorphic features and the properties of a sequence of very red palaeosols that developed on this old surface can help us in the understanding of the palaeoclimatic evolution of Central Spain in a Mediterranean climate. They were examined to identify pedologic and climatic changes during the Quaternary. The soil sequence comprises intercalated palaeoargillic and palaeopetrocalcic horizons. The clay minerals are mainly illite, kaolinite, smectite and sepiolite. The alternation of argillic and calcic horizons, limestone debris (cryoclastic colluvions) and aeolian sands suggests succeeding periods of phytostability and phytoinstability (biostasis/rhexistasis). Argillation, rubification and calcium carbonate accumulation were repeated throughout the Pleistocene and it is hypothesised that climatic conditions during numerous stages of this period were not very different from the present conditions.  相似文献   

The Boss Point Formation of Maritime Canada comprises alternating successions of braidplain sandstone, lacustrine mudstone, and lacustrine fluvio-deltaic sandstone and mudstone. These rocks were deposited within an active strike-slip basin during the early Pennsylvanian (Westphalian A), at a palaeolatitude of 8°S. Palaesols comprise a small but distinct proportion of the formation, and typically occur at the tops of fining upward sandstone-siltstone cycles. Spherulitic siderites from the Boss Point Formation occur within sandy and silty palaeosols. They occur as ‘large’ (>200 μm) and ‘small’ (<200 μm) diameter spherulitic nodules within calcrete, and show either a radially arranged ferroan calcite and siderite spar morphology, or contain a core of ferroan calcite, surrounded by a later formed sheath of siderite. Analytical data indicate that with respect to Ca-Mg-Mn, wide compositional variation occurs within the siderites. The Boss Point Formation siderites are similar to, but contain less Ca for a given Mg/Mn ratio, than previously published siderite compositional data. Published data, together with the results from the Boss Point Formation, indicate that a continuum exists in freshwater siderites, between the relatively Mn-depleted and the Mg-enriched analytical fields that were previously reported. The relatively low Ca values determined in the Boss Point Formation samples reflect the general lack of calcium in the sedimentary basin during sedimentation. Both chlorite and smectite clays may have been important sources of iron. It is concluded that the spherulitic siderites are eogenetic, and formed within small anoxic ponds rich in organic matter, under reducing and low dissolved sulphate conditions. With time these pools dried up, ferroan calcite precipitating as calcrete nodules around the earlier formed siderite spherulites.  相似文献   

Cenozoic atmospheric circulation, climatic changes, sedimentation and weathering over the Indian sub-continent were mainly influenced by the northward drift of the Indian Plate, the shrinking Paratethys, India-Asia collision and the rise of the Himalayas. This study is aimed at exploring the fluvial sedimentary record of the north-west part of the Himalayan Foreland Basin to interpret weathering and pedogenesis during early Oligocene to Mid-Miocene time. Palaeopedological investigation of a 3.1 km thick succession from Kangra sub-basin of the Himalayan Foreland Basin shows that the lower 2 km part of the succession is characterized by the red (10R hue) and the upper 1.1 km part of the succession by the yellow (2.5Y hue) palaeosols with varying intensity of weathering and pedogenesis. The association of sedimentary rocks and pedogenic expression in palaeosols indicate four (Type-A to Type-D) pedofacies in the entire Oligocene–Miocene succession. The pedofacies are defined by a decrease in the intensity of palaeopedogenic development from strongly-developed palaeopedofeatures in Type-A, moderately-developed palaeopedofeatures in Type-B, weakly-developed palaeopedofeatures in Type-C and to the only incipient stage of palaeopedogenesis in Type-D pedofacies. The palaeolatitudinal shift during the convergence of the Indian Plate played a major role in weathering and palaeopedogenesis with the inception of seasonality during the early Oligocene, which is demonstrated by the formation of the red palaeosols with pedogenic CaCO3 and vertic features in tropical conditions. The transition to yellow palaeosols at about 20 Ma is marked by increased humidity, rapid aggradation, pronounced uplift and enhanced erosion of the hinterland. These yellow palaeosols are characterized by the abundance of weakly-developed Bw and Bss horizons, pure clay pedofeatures and absence of any pedogenic CaCO3 during short pedogenic intervals in subtropical conditions.  相似文献   

对川西南荥经坳陷内三口页岩气井尤其是川荥页1井奥陶系开展了系统的岩心观察和分析。三口钻井在梁山组之下均发育十余米厚的灰黑色泥岩,其中川荥页1井灰黑色泥岩厚近16m。沉积相分析认为灰黑色泥岩为浅水陆棚相,泥岩之下发育的大套砂岩为滨岸近滨亚相,总体向上海水逐渐变深。砂岩中发育丰富的沉积软变形构造及波状交错层理、浪成沙纹层理、平行层理、斜层理等构造。川荥页1井上部泥岩中见大量三叶虫、笔石和腕足等化石及其碎片,鉴定表明含有代表中下奥陶统的常见生物分子,如对笔石(Didymograotus sp.)、大洪山虫(Taihungshania sp.)等。该套砂泥岩组合在沉积相及古生物化石等方面明显区别于荥经坳陷周缘奥陶系五峰组—志留系龙马溪组,与研究区及邻区中下奥陶统红石崖组、湄潭组、大湾组、大官山组中段等层位相当。  相似文献   

RON GOLDBERY 《Sedimentology》1980,27(2):189-198
An early diagenetic non-hydrothermal deposit of Na-alunite [(Na,K)Al3(SO4)2(OH)6] is described from the Miocene Ras Maalab Group at Ras Sudar Sinai. The alunite is nodular and occurs along two horizons parallel to bedding. Displacive growth structures and disrupted bedding within the host rock, together with enterolithic growth structures within the nodules, indicate a period of growth prior to compaction. Linear arrays of fabric elements within the nodules, observed under the microscope, further support early diagenetic growth. The host sequence, believed to be the product of sedimentation within barred coastal lagoons has been subdivided into two lithofacies, one reflecting a subtidal open-lagoonal environment, the other an intertidal restricted-circulation environment. Anaerobic conditions of early diagenesis conducive to generation of H2S and FeS2 preceded an oxidation event produced either by contact with free-circulating oxygenated waters or by emergence. The sulphuric acid generated lowered the pH and clay minerals were converted to alunite.  相似文献   

Palaeosols are ancient soils formed in sedimentary successions between events of sedimentation, erosion and volcanic activity. Soil formation is regulated by circumstances of climate, vegetation, topographic relief, parent material and time. These factors are quantified by nomopedology, in the form of climofunctions, chronofunctions and other relationships useful for interpreting conditions of the past from palaeosols. In deep time, palaeosols reveal the timing and extent of the Great Oxidation Event of 2.4 Ga. There is also circumstantial evidence for life in palaeosols back to 3.5 Ga on Earth and 3.7 Ga on Mars. These are the oldest known intact profiles, but pieces of palaeosols some 4.56 Ga in age may be represented by carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Astropedology is the study of very ancient palaeosols and meteorites relevant to the origin of life and different planetary soil systems. Complex chemical assembly, metal catalysis of organic compounds, and the course of hydrolytic reactions as a kind of planetary metabolism make soils an attractive theoretical site for the origin of life. Because dilute solutions tend to an equilibrium that undoes organosynthetic reactions, life is more likely to have arisen on a soil planet like Mars than a water planet like Earth.  相似文献   

The relative weathering of a sequence of five palaesols formed in different parent materials, including bedrock of phonolitic composition, is described and assessed. The three lower palaeosols (units 3–5) are considered to be of interglacial origin. The saprolite (unit 5), in phonolite, formed prior to deposition of the lower Brunhes-age till, is considered to be as old as the Brunhes Matuyama boundary (0.73 myr). The other two palaeosols in this group (units 3 and 4), derived from loess and till, respectively, formed over middle to late Brunhes time under palaeoclimates that were wetter (and presumably warmer), and of sufficient leaching power to move clay, as well as organically complexed extractable Fe and Al. The palaeosols in unit 3 are more complex than the lower ones. Their upper and lower horizons have about the same chemical composition as the lowest two palaeosols, while the middle horizons are similar to the upper two palaeosols (units 1 and 2). Radiocarbon dates for unit 3 are considered to be too young to account for the strong weathering in the upper and lower horizons. This interpretation is supported by high D/L ratios of aspartic acid. Overlying sediments, emplaced by episodic colluvial (unit 2) and slope wash (unit 1) processes, are less weathered; the lower colluvial unit in this group was emplaced during the late stade of the last glaciation. The surface sediments were emplaced more recently during the same interval and weathered mainly during the post-glacial period. Tentative correlations with core 82PCS18 from the Canary Basin show that upper unit 3 is probably equivalent to Isotope Stage 5e, lower unit 3 to Isotope Stage 7, unit 4 to Isotope Stage 8, and unit 5 to Isotope Stage 9. Units 1 and 2 are firmly correlated with Isotope Stage 2.  相似文献   

The Sheepbed mudstone forms the base of the strata examined by the Curiosity rover in Gale Crater on Mars, and is the first bona fide mudstone known on another planet. From images and associated data, this contribution proposes a holistic interpretation of depositional regime, diagenesis and burial history. A lake basin probably received sediment pulses from alluvial fans. Bed cross‐sections show millimetre to centimetre‐scale layering due to distal pulses of fluvial sediment injections (fine‐grained hyperpycnites), fall‐out from river plumes, and some aeolian supply. Diagenetic features include mineralized synaeresis cracks and millimetre‐scale nodules, as well as stratiform cementation. Clay minerals were initially considered due to in situ alteration, but bulk rock chemistry and mineralogy suggests that sediments were derived from variably weathered source rocks that probably contained pre‐existing clay minerals. X‐ray diffraction analyses show contrasting clay mineralogy in closely spaced samples, consistent with at least partial detrital supply of clay minerals. A significant (ca 30 wt%) amorphous component is consistent with little post‐depositional alteration. Theoretical modelling of diagenetic reactions, as well as kinetic considerations, suggest that the bulk of diagenetic clay mineral formation occurred comparatively late in diagenesis. Diagenetic features (synaeresis cracks and nodules) were previously thought to reflect early diagenetic gas formation, but an alternative scenario of synaeresis crack formation via fabric collapse of flocculated clays appears more likely. The observed diagenetic features, such as solid nodules, hollow nodules, matrix cement and ‘raised ridges’ (synaeresis cracks) can be explained with progressive alteration of olivine/glass in conjunction with centrifugal and counter diffusion of reactive species. Anhydrite‐filled fractures in the Sheepbed mudstone occurred late in diagenesis when fluid pressures built up to exceed lithostatic pressure. Generating fluid overpressure by burial to facilitate hydraulic fracturing suggests a burial depth of at least 1000 m for the underlying strata that supplied these fluids.  相似文献   

Burial compaction is one of several major obstacles to estimating palaeoprecipitation from depth to pedogenic carbonate in favourably preserved palaeosols. Palaeosols must be decompacted and the preburial depth to the pedogenic carbonate obtained. Vertic palaeosols may be particularly good candidates for palaeoprecipitation estimates, because of their increased likelihood of preserving clastic dykes, one of the best features for estimating burial compaction. Compaction estimates from clastic dykes and literature-based depth of burial estimates suggest vertic palaeosols undergo significantly less burial compaction than may be commonly assumed. Late Carboniferous vertic palaeosols, buried to 2·5–3·0 km, compacted to 93% of their original thickness. In contrast, clastic dykes in a nonpedogenic shale directly underlying one of the Late Carboniferous palaeosols records compaction to 70% of original thickness. Similarly obtained burial compaction and burial depth estimates for Early Carboniferous, Ordovician, and Proterozoic vertic palaeosols were used to test a burial compaction curve and equation specific to vertic palaeosols. Results suggest this ‘vertic-calibrated’curve and equation can be used to estimate burial compaction for vertic palaeosols lacking clastic dykes, but additional testing is needed. Naturally high bulk densities may have limited the compactibility of vertic palaeosols. Likewise, high initial bulk density and an abundance of swelling clays may have severely limited the transmissivity of some vertic palaeosols as they passed from pedogenic to burial environments. Upon burial these vertic palaeosols may have behaved as closed systems, which has implications for understanding their diagenetic modification. Additional efforts to understand burial compaction of vertic palaeosols also promises to improve our understanding of aquifer/aquiclude and hydrocarbon reservoir/seal relationships in sedimentary basins containing intercalated palaeosols.  相似文献   

柴北缘石炭系克鲁克组发育了一套厚层富有机质细粒沉积岩,是研究区页岩气勘探的主力层系。克鲁克组泥页岩形成于陆表海沉积环境,与深海富硅质泥页岩和湖相富碳酸盐泥页岩具有显著差异,目前研究程度相对较低,因此对其开展岩相与沉积环境研究具有十分重要的沉积学与油气地质学意义。通过野外露头和岩心观察,薄片鉴定、X射线衍射分析等技术,以区分标志明显、易于识别为主要原则,综合矿物组成、沉积构造、化石组合及其他混入物等因素,将柴北缘石炭系克鲁克组泥页岩划分出10种主要岩相类型,分别指示不同的沉积微环境。其中,煤岩、水平层理碳质黏土岩、透镜状层理粉砂质黏土岩、波状层理黏土质粉砂岩、脉状层理粉砂岩均属于潮坪沉积;富含菱铁矿结核的块状黏土岩为潟湖沉积;块状泥灰岩和块状生屑灰岩属碳酸盐台地沉积;而含介壳粉砂型泥岩和介壳型泥岩则属于潟湖与局限台地之间的过渡沉积,具有原地混积的特点。由于陆表海平缓的古坡脚,致使区内沉积体系受短期海平面升降变化影响显著,随滨线快速迁移,不同沉积环境的泥页岩在垂向上频繁叠置,交互出现,可总结出3种主要的岩相组合类型,分别形成于局限台地相潟湖相潮坪相组合,局限台地相潟湖相组合和局限台地相生物碎屑浅滩相组合。在泥页岩的岩相类型、特征、沉积环境及垂向演化序列研究的基础上,最终建立了陆表海泥页岩沉积模式。  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous (Albian) upper Blairmore Group is part of a thick clastic wedge that formed adjacent to the rising Cordillera in south-western Alberta. Regional transgressive intervals are superimposed on the overall regressive succession. Alluvial conglomerates, sandstones and mudstones were deposited in east-north-eastward draining fluvial systems, orientated transverse to the basin axis. Five facies associations have been identified: igneous pebble conglomerate, thick sandstone, interbedded lenticular sandstone and mudstone, thick mudstone with thin sandstone interlayers, and fossiliferous sandstone and mudstone. The facies associations are interpreted as gravelly fluvial channels, sandy fluvial channels, sand-dominated floodplains, mud-dominated floodplains, and marine shoreline deposits, respectively. Five types of palaeosols are recognized in the upper Blairmore Group based on lithology, the presence of pedogenic features (clay coatings, root traces, ferruginous nodules, slickensides, carbonate nodules) and degree of horizonization. The regional distribution of the various types of palaeosols enables a refinement of the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction permitting an assessment of the controls on floodplain evolution. In source-proximal areas, palaeosol development was inhibited by high rates of sedimentation. In source-distal locations, poor drainage resulting from high watertables, low topography and lower rates of sedimentation also inhibited palaeosol development. The best-developed palaeosols (containing Bt horizons) occur in intermediate alluvial plain positions (tectonic hinge zone) where the floodplains were most stable due to a balance between sedimentation, erosion and subsidence rates. Extrapolating from the upper Blairmore Group suggests that the tectonic hinge zone of continental foreland basins can be established by palaeosol analysis. At the hinge zone, soil development is controlled primarily by climate and tectonics and their effect on sediment supply, whereas closer to the palaeoshoreline, relative sea level fluctuations, resulting in poor drainage, may have a more significant influence.  相似文献   

长江口九段沙现代潮滩沉积特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据2003年对长江河口九段沙潮间带和潮上带的现场调查和室内对沉积构造、粒度分布、矿物组成、沉积速率等的分析,对九段沙现代潮滩的沉积特征进行了研究。研究表明九段沙潮间带以小型交错层理为主,波痕发育,粒度主要为细砂至粗粉砂;潮上带主要为水平层理,粒度主要为中细粉砂。潮间带和潮上带的沉积矿物组成非常接近。沉积速率以潮间带低而潮上带高为特点。  相似文献   

The morphology and geochemistry of pedogenic carbonate found in vertic claystone palaeosols in the Devonian Catskill Formation in central Pennsylvania preserve a record of the physical and chemical environment of carbonate precipitation. The carbonate is characterized by three distinct petrographic generations. Pedogenic rhizoliths and nodules are the earliest precipitated generation, and typically consist of dull red-brown luminescent micrite. Clear, equant calcite spar cement fills voids in the centres of rhizoliths, as well as circumgranular cracks and septarian voids in nodules. Early spar cements are non-luminescent to dull luminescent, whereas later spar cements exhibit bright yellow-orange luminescence. Late stage pedogenic fractures are always occluded with very bright yellow-orange luminescent spar cements. The incorporation of progressively higher concentrations of Mn (up to 34000 ppm) into successively younger calcite spar cements, without concomitant increases in Fe, suggests carbonate precipitation from an evolving meteoric water in which Mn2+ became increasingly mobile over time. The increased mobility is possibly due to decreasing Eh, resulting from oxidation of organic matter after rapid soil burial on the floodplain. The amount of Fe2+ available for incorporation into calcite was limited because most iron was immobile, having been earlier oxidized and bound to the palaeosol clay matrix as a poorly crystallized ferric oxide or oxyhydroxide mineral. Carbon isotope compositions of pedogenic carbonate correlate with the inferred depth of carbonate precipitation. Rhizoliths preserved below the lowest stratigraphic occurrences of pedogenic slickensides are consistently depleted in 13C relative to nodules, which formed stratigraphically higher, within the zone of active soil shrink and swell processes. Nodular carbonate, precipitated in proximity to deep cracks in the soil, is enriched due to increased gas exchange with isotopically heavy atmospheric CO2. Accordingly, rhizolith compositions will most accurately estimate palaeoatmospheric levels of CO2; the use of nodule compositions may result in overestimation of PCO2 by as much as 30%.  相似文献   

Carboniferous calcretes in the Canadian Arctic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Calcrete palaeosols have been found in the Upper Carboniferous Canyon Fiord Formation of southwestern Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic. These calcretes were developed in fluvial and shallow marine sediments that accumulated within two adjacent subbasins, in which the tectono-sedimentary environment led to the deposition of five different sedimentary facies: (i) floodbasin sandstones; (ii) alluvial fan sandstones; (iii) alluvial fan conglomerates; (iv) braided fluvial sandstones; and (v) shallow marine limestones. Nodular/massive palaeosol profiles, consisting of cryptic, nodular, massive and laminar horizons, occur within the floodbasin sandstone and alluvial fan sandstone facies. Plugged palaeosol profiles, consisting of cryptic, plugged and laminar horizons, are restricted to the alluvial fan conglomerate facies. Massive/brecciated palaeosol profiles, consisting of cryptic, massive/brecciated and laminar horizons, occur essentially within the shallow marine limestone facies. The relationships between calcrete profiles and sedimentary facies suggest that profile types were controlled mainly by the texture and composition of the parent material: nodular/massive profiles are restricted to silicate-rich sandstone hosts, plugged profiles are restricted to carbonate-rich conglomerate hosts and massive/brecciated profiles are restricted to limestone hosts. Important relationships also exist between the maturity levels of nodular/massive profiles and sedimentary facies: profiles are generally mature in the floodbasin sandstones, invariably immature in the alluvial fan sandstones and absent from the braided fluvial sandstones. These different maturity levels were probably controlled mainly by exposure time, vegetation and substrate composition.  相似文献   

Grain‐size data from different climatic zones across the Chinese Loess Plateau show that the loess generally contains an ultrafine component, which has a consistent modal grain size of ca 0·37 μm and a variable proportion of 4 to 10%. The variation of the ultrafine component through a loess section is characterized by a high proportion and fine grain size in palaeosols, and by a low proportion and coarse grain size in loess layers. Its proportional content in a stratum roughly increases from north‐west to south‐east across the Loess Plateau. Quantitative X‐ray diffraction analysis indicates that the ultrafine component is composed mainly of clay minerals (ca 70%), which are mostly illite (ca 80%), and with significant amounts of kaolinite (ca 8%) and chlorite (ca 2%). The temporal and spatial variations of the ultrafine component, and the degree of illite crystallinity, suggest that this component in aeolian sediments is linked closely to the process of pedogenesis. Weakly altered loess on the north‐western margin of the Loess Plateau contains considerable amounts of detrital clay minerals derived from the aeolian source areas. Results from a loess section with a basal age of 7·6 Ma in the central Loess Plateau show that the ultrafine component increased from 7·6 to 5 Ma, and progressively decreased thereafter. This trend was punctuated by two abrupt changes at 2·6 and 0·6 Ma. These variations reflect to a considerable extent the history of pedogenesis during the Late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

The crystallographic fabric of siderite in siderite concretions has been determined for upper Carboniferous (Westphalian‐A) non‐marine concretions and lower Jurassic (Pliensbachian) marine concretions. Compositional zoning indicates that individual siderite crystals grew over a period of changing pore water chemistry, consistent with the concretions being initially a diffuse patch of cement, which grew progressively. The siderite crystallographic fabric was analysed using the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, which is carried by paramagnetic siderite. The siderite concretions from marine and non‐marine formations exhibit differences in fabric style, although both display increases in the degree of preferred siderite c‐axis orientation towards the concretion margins. The Westphalian non‐marine siderites show a preferred orientation of siderite c‐axes in the bedding plane, whereas the Pliensbachian marine siderites have a preferred orientation of c‐axes perpendicular to the bedding. In addition, a single marine concretion shows evidence of earlier formed, inclined girdle‐type fabrics, which are intergrown with later formed vertical c‐axis siderite fabrics. The marine and non‐marine fabrics are both apparently controlled by substrate processes at the site of nucleation, which was probably clay mineral surfaces. Siderite nucleation processes on the substrate were most probably controlled by the (bio?) chemistry of the pore waters, which altered the morphology and crystallographic orientation of the forming carbonate. The preferred crystallographic orientation of siderite results from the orientation of the nucleation substrate. Fabric changes across the concretions partially mimic the progressive compaction‐induced alignment of the clay substrates, while the concretion grew during burial.  相似文献   

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