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南极地区常用地图投影及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
南极地区常用的地图投影方式有 :极方位立体投影、横轴墨卡托投影、兰伯特正形圆锥投影等三种等角投影。本文在介绍了所有等角投影应满足的一般条件的基础上 ,分别详述了上述三种投影在南极地区的具体应用。并对卫星影像的投影作了探讨。  相似文献   

杨秋平 《地理教学》2013,(14):57-58
正柑橘皮具有较好的柔软性和延展性,在地理实验教学中可用来展示地球仪上的经纬网、晨昏线等投影到平面图上变形的直观效果,能够很好地解决球体与平面之间的各种线形、面积之间的投影转换的教学难点,不失为一种简便但科学的实验方法。一、在经纬网投影教学中的运用地球仪上的经纬线依据不同的投影法则转换到平  相似文献   

唐盟 《热带地理》2015,35(5):739-744
以南海海域200 m等深线水深图和南沙群岛海域11幅1﹕250 000海图以及1﹕800 000海图为基础数据,使用ArcGIS 10.1,采用墨卡托投影,CGCS 2000坐标系对海图进行配准并进行矢量化处理,提取图中水深点、岛礁位置信息、礁坪、礁体位置信息。通过对被越南侵占的南沙群岛29座岛礁的空间分析,认为被占岛礁在空间上存在“一纵一横”的空间分布特征,南沙群岛被占岛礁南子岛、景宏岛、南威岛、六门礁从N至W构成了4个核心和广雅滩1个次核心的岛礁空间分布战略格局。通过对被占岛礁面积、礁坪面积及礁体面积进行插值处理,叠加分析,按重分类方法将插值结果按数值大小划分为5类,予以揭示被占岛礁的重要程度及未来开发潜力。通过分析越南侵占岛礁的岛屿面积与礁体面积比值,指出鸿庥岛、景宏岛、西礁、中礁、毕生礁、六门礁、柏礁有较大填海造陆潜力的岛礁。  相似文献   

近世绘制地图所用之投影,以多圆锥投影(Polyconic projection)为最普通。此种投影为一八二○年美国陆地测量开始时海斯勒(F.R.Hassler)所创,因其绘制简易,故创行未久,即为各国采用,但亦有其种种缺点,而以相隣图幅不相接合为最大弊病。且其差误之程度与范围之广狭成正比,故范围广大之图,此种投影绝不适宜。兰勃脱投影系兰勃脱(J.H.Lambert)所创,为正形圆锥投影(Conformal Conical Projection),算制时以所拟包括区域为标准,故用以制该区域之总图固善,用以制某一分段之详图亦极适宜。相隣图幅不相接合之弊,则完全免除。  相似文献   

李越 《中国地名》2010,(8):46-46,50
科右中旗电厂测量工程作业的技术设计应用全球定位系统(简称GPS),选择坐标系统、投影带、投影面,合理地利用和配置已知点,使控制网的精度满足了多种比例尺测量图的需要。  相似文献   

何敬廉  尹剑辉 《热带地理》1998,18(3):275-278
介绍采用两种不同投影系统的卫星资料制作1:50万TM卫星影像图的基本工艺及关键技术,(10对TM卫星底片进行密度测定和反差分析,(2)卫星像片平面位置误差赋和控制;(3)卫星像片彩色合成色调协调一致控制,在此基础上分析论述了TM卫星影像图的特点及其在地理学上的应用。  相似文献   

周应华  周德培  邵江 《山地学报》2006,24(4):446-449
多数岩质边坡稳定性分析已基本解决了常走向单坡面临空的边坡平面滑动问题。然而,在路堑边坡工程和自然边坡中有很多边坡坡面并不是平面,它包含多个坡面。多坡面边坡包含两个或多个不同走向的坡面。多坡面边坡几何特征不同于单坡面边坡,所以滑动条件也不一样。在赤平投影图上,多坡面的滑动包络线是组成边坡的每个坡面单独投影包络线的组合。为了探讨方便,只讨论了双坡面临空岩质边坡的滑动破坏模式,并将其分为双坡面临空下的平面破坏和楔形体破坏。在赤平投影图上,双坡面滑动区域定义为双坡面边坡滑动包络图中两侧坡面的真倾线之间的面积。如果有一两个节理面真倾向线落在滑动区内,滑动破坏才可能发生。  相似文献   

陶波  冯林刚  刘敏 《西部资源》2013,(4):181-182
GPS控制网在起算点包含粗差或错误的情况下,会导致GPS相对网形产生严重的扭曲和变形。因此,在约束平差前,必须对已知点的可靠性、兼容性进行检验分析,认为确实没有粗差或错误,方可用于约束平差。本文提出根据同一投影面上基准点间的相似变换关系,来检验GPS网平面基准点的可靠性、兼容性的方法。此法对于GPS网中只有2个基准点的情况也可判断其兼容性。  相似文献   

南大洋海冰分布是南极考察过程中影响破冰船航行的重要因素,也是南极研究的重要内容之一。目前国际上不同机构发布的南大洋海冰分布图,大多是球面投影,不能直接用于主流的瓦片地图发布。将极方位立体投影海冰图转换为目前主流的网络墨卡托投影地图,并利用合适的图像重采样方法,按照不同级别比例尺进行瓦片切割和编号存储,最终实现海冰影像地图的发布共享是本文的主要研究内容。笔者对不同的图像重采样方法进行了比较,分析了最邻近点采样方法、双线性内插和双三次卷积重采样方法的优劣,针对本文的研究优选双线性内插方法进行影像地图瓦片的切割,并最终叠加融合在Google地图上,实现了Google底图、准实时海冰影像图与破冰船走航位置的集成显示,为雪龙船的冰区航行提供了重要的数据支撑。  相似文献   

沈杰  白旭 《极地研究》2020,32(2):177-183
极区自然资源丰富却气候恶劣,海洋平台在此地区作业时甲板表面极易出现结冰现象。针对极区海洋平台甲板结构结冰问题,采用Fluent与FENSAP-ICE软件相结合的方法,分析在过冷雾和过冷雨条件下,距海面高度和结构特征长度对甲板结构结冰的影响。结果表明:当特征风速为5 m·s~(-1)、6 m·s~(-1)和7 m·s~(-1)时,在风速不变的条件下,随着距海面高度由2m增加到20m,结构表面的平均结冰厚度均逐渐增加且结构表面的结冰相对增长率逐渐减小;在特征风速为5 m·s~(-1)条件下,在距海面高度为20 m和80 m处,随着结构特征长度由1 m增加到30 m时,结构表面的平均结冰厚度均逐渐减小且减少程度逐渐减缓。  相似文献   

The recently introduced adaptive composite map projection technique changes the projection to the geographic area shown on a map. It is meant as a replacement for the commonly used web Mercator projection, which grossly distorts areas when representing the entire world. The original equal-area version of the adaptive composite map projection technique uses the Lambert azimuthal projection for regional maps and three alternative projections for world maps. Adaptive composite map projections can include a variety of other equal-area projections when the transformation between the Lambert azimuthal and the world projections uses Wagner’s method. To select the most suitable pseudocylindrical projection, the distortion characteristics of a pseudocylindrical projection family are analyzed, and a user study among experts in the area of map projections is carried out. Based on the results of the distortion analysis and the user study, a new pseudocylindrical projection is recommended for extending adaptive composite map projections. The new projection is equal-area throughout the transformation to the Lambert azimuthal projection and has better distortion characteristics then small-scale projections currently included in the adaptive composite map projection technique.  相似文献   

The reprojection of image data causes the loss or duplication of original pixel values. This research investigated the feasibility of using the sinusoidal projection for global image database construction. Specifically, reprojection accuracies were tested with geographic latitude and longitude coordinates, and the Hammer‐Aitoff, Eckert IV, Mollweide, and sinusoidal projections. Reprojections between these five global projections and the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection and referencing system were performed using fifty‐four sample datasets. A statistical analysis of categorical accuracy, a measure describing the omission of pixel values during reprojection, was conducted. Geographic coordinates and the sinusoidal projection both showed very high accuracy rates (100.0 percent and 99.5 percent respectively) when sample datasets were reprojected from UTM. The geographic coordinates, however, showed very low accuracy (65.3 percent) when sample datasets were reprojected to the UTM projection, while the sinusoidal projection showed the highest accuracy (98.4 percent). The results strongly suggest that the sinusoidal projection is very accurate and efficient for building global image databases.  相似文献   

邹斌  解思梅  郝春江  陆军  尹涛 《极地研究》2000,12(4):291-300
船载卫星遥感图象处理系统是针对南极考察气象航线预报、冰区航行的海冰预报和导航需要而研制的船陆两用多功能软件系统。采用了最新的 DEL PHI可视化软件开发工具 ,开发了用于 WINDOWS98环境下的 32位的程序 ,并针对接收系统开发了 WINDOWS设备驱动程序 ,提高了在 WIND0 WS98多任务环境下 ,接收程序的实时性和可靠性 ;采用面向对象的程序开发方法和开放式的体系结构 ,便于功能的更新和提高 ;采用 SGP4/SDP4轨道模式及两行元素的轨道参数计算出卫星星下点的位置 ,实现了在 1 A图象上计算逐点经纬度的快速动态定位和图象显示的功能 ;采用迭代法利用电子地图网格数据 ,在接收的卫星云图上迭代套上地形及海岸线。组成了适合船陆两用的多功能快速灵活的图象处理系统 ,可以在 1~ 2分钟瞬间内完成一幅图的定位套网格和套地形线的工作。解决了南极海冰监测和冰缝、水道预报的难点。可以使图象上下滚动、左右移动、任意放大、缩小和剪取 ;可以随着鼠标的移动显示出图上任意一点的经纬度 ;能够在图上标出任意目标物 ,如船位、站位、岛屿等等 ;能够方便地在图上画出航线 ,直观地判断船所处的位置和航线周围的气象和海洋环境状况 ;解决了在茫茫海洋和冰区中航行找不到参照物时的困惑 :能够输出任意大小的 2 4位真  相似文献   

Even nowadays one frequently sees distributional data plotted on world maps on the Mercator projection, the only advantage of which is that loxodromes (rhumb lines) appear as straight lines, but which is grotesquely misleading for comparison of area and distance. Equal-area projections are, however, more and more used, the uncertainty mainly being which of the numerous kinds should be the most suitable one.  相似文献   

State Geography Standards in 2004   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):182-184

National Geography Standards for the middle school years generally stress the teaching of latitude and longitude. There are many creative ways to explain the great grid that encircles our planet, but the author has found that students in his college-level geography courses especially enjoy human-interest stories associated with lines of latitude and longitude. In particular, certain nautical “rites of passage” and GPS-enabled adventure show how some people identify with these imaginary lines as places to celebrate and explore. The author contends that humanizing this global geometry enhances student understanding and appreciation at any grade level.  相似文献   

提出一种基于SRG剖分方法的剖分编码与经纬度坐标之间的转换算法,不涉及任何投影变换,计算过程只需加、减、乘、除简单算术运算,计算速度快,且SRG剖分编码本身就具有固定的方向性,利于邻近搜索。算法中采用坐标系辅助区分一些难以区分的菱形块,降低了转化误码率,进而提高了转换的精度。  相似文献   

A new context for active tectonic zone recognition is proposed on the basis of the exporting energy of the terrain features at continental scale. Toward this end, elevation, latitude, and longitude decorrelation stretch of multi-temporal moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) monthly average land surface temperature (LST) imagery (MYD11C3) is applied in a study area extending from Red Sea to Indian Ocean and from Persian Gulf to Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Multiple linear regression analysis of principal components images (principal components analysis (PCAs)) quantified the variance explained by elevation, latitude, and longitude. Selective variance reduction reconstructed the multi-temporal LST imagery from the residual images and selected PCAs by taking into account the portion of variance that is not related to elevation, latitude, and longitude. The reconstructed imagery presents the magnitude the standardized LST value per pixel deviates from the elevation, latitude, and longitude predicted one, whereas a positive LST anomaly is defined as a region that presents positive reconstructed LST value throughout the year. Clustering of the reconstructed standardized imagery mapped a great positive LST anomaly of tectonic origin that occupies the greatest in elevation and most massive areas, forming three regions: (a) the Himalayan Belt along the Pakistan, Afghanistan borders, and the Eastern Alpine zone (Makhran Ranges and Zagros Ranges), (b) the coastal zone (along the Red Sea) of the Arabian Shield, and (c) the Oman Mountains Province along the Persian Gulf. The method will allow the classification of terrain objects (e.g. mountains, basins) on the basis of both the exporting energy (reconstructed LST) and geomorphometry.  相似文献   

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