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An integrated study including petrography, mineral chemistry, metamorphic P–T path modelling, and zircon U–Pb dating was conducted on a granitic gneiss and enclosed eclogite from South Dulan, North Qaidam UHP (ultrahigh-pressure) belt. The result shows that the granitic gneiss underwent a clockwise P–T path with a peak-P stage at 655–745°C, 30–34 kbar, and a subsequent peak-T stage at 815–870°C, 14–18 kbar, which is similar to the P–T estimates reported for coesite-bearing continental-type eclogites in this region. The enclosed eclogite resembles an olivine–pyroxene-rich cumulate in Qaidam block. It has a similar prograde P–T path with the country gneiss and experienced a peak-P stage of 682–748°C at 27–34 kbar. Zircon U–Pb dating yields an eclogite-facies metamorphic age of 447 ± 2 Ma for the granitic gneiss and 445 ± 6 Ma for the enclosed eclogite. These ages agree with metamorphic ages obtained from paragneisses (427–439 Ma), coesite-bearing continental-type eclogites (430–451 Ma), and UHPM (ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic) oceanic crust–mantle sequence (440–445 Ma) from South Dulan, as well as UHP eclogites, garnet peridotite, and gneisses from other units (460–420 Ma) within this belt reported by others. Similar metamorphic ages as well as P–T evolution documented in gneisses and intercalated eclogites imply that both rocks experienced a coeval UHP event. Summarizing all the published geochronology data, we argue that the North Qaidam UHP belt was mainly formed by continental deep subduction at ~460 to ~420 Ma. The UHPM oceanic crust-mantle sequence in South Dulan may represent oceanic lithosphere in the transition zone between oceanic and continental crust, which was dragged upward by the exhumed continental rocks after break-off of the dense oceanic crust.  相似文献   


A U–Pb zircon age of 1762 ± 11 Ma is reported for granite gneiss located on Flinders Island, South Australia. This age is identical, within analytical uncertainty, to a previously reported age for schists of the Price Metasediments located 100 km to the southeast on the southwestern coast of the Eyre Peninsula. The outcrop represents the only known country rock to the Early Mesoproterozoic Calca Granite (Hiltaba Suite) of Flinders Island, the largest island of the Investigator Group of islands, in the southwestern Gawler Craton. The stratigraphic name Investigator Granite Gneiss is proposed for this rock unit. The discovery of the Investigator Granite Gneiss now considerably increases the extent of known Late Palaeoproterozoic rocks on the eastern side of the peninsula. The outcrop was previously included with the considerably younger St Peter Suite granite‐monzogranite, and grouped together with other islands in the Investigator Group. This new dating suggests that the geology on the other islands may require revision. For the first time, detailed major and trace‐element geochemistry is supplied for the granite gneiss on Flinders Island.  相似文献   

The migmatites of the Palmer area, in the core of the Mt Lofty Ranges metamorphic belt, are considered to have formed by partial melting of quartzo‐feldspathic schists and gneisses, rather than by metamorphic segregation as formerly suggested. Large‐ and small‐scale tectonic structures indicate that the Cambrian Kanmantoo Group rocks in the Palmer area have undergone three deformations during the Delamerian Orogeny and that these are similar to those described elsewhere in the Mt Lofty Ranges. The relationships of the migmatitic veins to these structures indicate that some partial melt was present during a large part of the structural history: some veins formed before and after the first folding event, and some formed during or after the third folding event even though the metamorphic grade appears to have been waning in areas more distant from the highest grade ore. The early onset of partial melting is consistent with previously reported evidence that thermal activity in the belt began before penetrative deformation.  相似文献   

一种刚玉夕线钾长片麻岩的岩石学矿物学特征及形成环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刚玉夕线钾长片麻岩是产于新太古代迭布斯格岩群中的一种低Si、高Al、高K的特殊岩石,主要包括刚玉钾长金红石片麻岩、黑云夕线钾长金红石片麻岩2种岩石组合,呈互层状产出。刚玉、夕线石和钾长石是通过白云母的变质分解和白云母 SiO2的变质反应而生成的。形成温度约为720~760℃,压力约为0.6~0.8GPa。由于温度和压力稍高,岩石中已开始出现重熔钾长石细脉。环带状次生白云母的出现属退变质反应。变质程度为区域中高温变质作用,达高角闪岩相,与围岩的变质程度一致。其原岩是在较短的稳定条件下由富K、富Al的花岗质岩石经强烈风化搬运进入大陆边缘沉积盆地,再经化学分解和沉积作用而形成的不同的原岩组合。  相似文献   

Equilibria between different valence states of Fe and Mn have been studied in a microcline-plagioclase-quartz gneiss which locally contains ferromagnesian minerals unusually high in Mn+3 and Fe+3 and low in Fe+2. The compositions of coexistent minerals have been determined by chemical and microprobe analyses. The minerals in some layers were formed under highly-oxidizing conditions, as indicated by extremely low Fe+2/Fe+3 ratios in the silicates, by the presence of hematite, and by the occurrence of piemontite, which requires Mn+3 for its formation. The minerals in other layers were formed under less-oxidizing conditions, as indicated by the fact that epidote, rather than piemontite, crystallized with Mn-rich garnet and by the presence of biotite rather than phlogopite. In the less-oxidized layers Mn+3 appears to be absent. The differences in oxidation of Fe and Mn occur between adjacent layers and probably reflect sedimentary differences preserved despite the metamorphism.Iron and manganese with different valences are sharply partitioned between the coexisting phases. In highly-oxidized layers, muscovite contains more iron (as Fe+3) than coexistent phlogopite; in piemontite most of the manganese is Mn+3, while in coexistent garnet most of the manganese is Mn+2. In less-oxidized layers, epidote contains no Mn+3 and contains less Mn+2 than coexistent garnet, biotite, or amphibole. Analytical data, crystal-chemical arguments, and characteristics of Fe and Mn L-spectra indicate that in coexistent garnet and piemontite, Fe+2, Fe+3, Mn+2, and Mn+3 are present, in spite of the fact that trivalent manganese strongly oxidizes divalent iron in aqueous solution under normal conditions.Contribution No. 1468.  相似文献   

In the upper Hunter Valley of New South Wales a high level teschenitic sill complex emplaced into Permian coal measures derives from parent magmas which were themselves crystal fractionation products of alkali basaltic melts. The sills crystallised in situ and produced a spectrum of rock types ranging from olivine teschenite to teschenite, syenoteschenite and, ultimately, syenite. The olivine teschenites are also enriched in biotite and are crudely interlayered with teschenite and syenoteschenite. The lineage from olivine teschenite to syenoteschenite is characterised by a progressive decrease in olivine and a build-up of alkaline mesostasis which is accompanied by strong chemical zonation in abutting silicate minerals. The alkaline mesostasis and syenites are identical mineralogically. Primary crystallisation of olivine in the olivine teschenite-teschenite-syenoteschenite continuum and data from coexisting iron-titanium oxide pairs suggest that oxygen fugacity was constrained to a path parallel to the QFM buffer curve. Absence of olivine from the alkaline mesostasis and syenite veins, together with the appearance of sphene, indicates buffering of oxygen fugacity by other assemblages (probably annite-alkali feldspar-magnetite) and generally higher fO 2 in the residual liquids. Here, a build-up of CO2, F and Cl, in addition to H2O, influenced the relative stabilities of the pyroxene and amphibole minerals.Major and trace element data support an in situ, progressive congelation model for crystallisation. Mass balance solutions require participation of all phases to produce acceptable residuals. Simple mixing calculations suggest that syenoteschenite consists of teschenite plus approximately 40% syenite, in close agreement with the observed modal mineralogy. Segregation of syenite from syenoteschenite probably occurred when the residual liquid, as represented by mesostasis, reached a critical volume of around 40%.  相似文献   

Nepheline syenite gneiss is exposed in three localities near the village of Boca Nova (47·04′W, 1°51′S) in northeastern Pará, Brazil. Isotopic and chemical evidence for an igneous premetamorphic history include: (1) bulk compositions which plot in the Q–Ne–Ks system on a peralkaline fractionation curve; (2) bulk compositions which fall on the Hviddal igneous trend in the SiO2–Al2O3–Na2O + K2O molecular diagram; (3) an average K/Rb ratio identical to the average for nepheline syenites of the Khibina massif; (4) K/Rb ratios which lie on the ideal igneous fractionation curve; (5) Nb(Ta) contents far in excess of average crustal abundance; and (6) a low Sr87/Sr86 value (0·7034) characteristic of mantle derivation. Post-kinematic lit-par-lit injections, discordant veins, and concordant pods of leucocratic nepheline–alkali feldspar pegmatite partially replaced the metamorphic assemblage and destroyed any microscopic equilibrium texture that may have been present. The final disequilibrium assemblage consists of Fe-rich biotite and two generations each of sodic plagioclase, microcline, and nepheline. Some minor metasomatic chemical effects may be present in the rocks but a case for nephelinization of crustal rocks cannot be documented. Field, petrographic, and chemical constraints indicate that the Boca Nova gneiss is an early-stage migmatite formed by anatexis of metamorphosed igneous nepheline syenite or its volcanic equivalent. Regional metamorphism and partial melting opened the Rb-Sr system so that the whole-rock Rb/Sr isochron age of 724 m.y. has no unambiguous interpretation. A K/Ar age of 580 ± 10 m.y. from biotite denning the metamorphic foliation is regarded as a minimum date for the regional metamorphism and anatexis. No other alkaline rocks of comparable age are known in the Sao Luis Craton.  相似文献   

Hornblendic and felsic groups of Archean age and each of broadly similar geochemical composition across the Malton Gneiss Complex southeast of Valemount, Bristish Columbia, show detailed mineralogical and chemical variations from one geographical district to another. The complex appears to be composed of meta-igneous rocks which were originally developed as petrologically discrete units on a roughly 10-km scale, but which all belonged to one similar petrographic province. Overall they are characterized by rather high immobile trace and alkali element abundances. Their nearest geochemical equivalent appear to be found in the grey gneiss complexes of the North Atlantic Craton rather than in the granite-greenstone complexes of the Canadian Shield, but no other Archean complex possesses their overall characteristics. Some similarities in A-F-M and Q-Ab-Or content of these gneisses and those of the Laramie Range, Wyoming, are noted.  相似文献   

There are several micro-blocks dispersed in the South China Sea (SCS), e.g., Xisha-Zhongsha block, Nansha block and Reed-Northeastern Palawan block, etc., but detailed petrological constraints on their basement nature were previously lacking. The magmatic ages for granitic rock samples from two dredge stations in the Nansha micro-block vary from 159 to 127 Ma, which are comparable to magmatic activities occurred in the northern margin (Pearl river mouth), HongKong and East China. Petrographic characteristics, major-, trace element and Sr–Nd isotopic data of nine samples from two dredged station performed in the Nansha micro-block, the SCS, are reported. Petrographically, these granitic rocks can be divided into two groups which underwent a complex history of magmatic process, i.e., tonalitic rock (Group I) and monzogranitic rock (Group II). The Rittmann index (σ) for these rocks (1.9–3.1) suggest that they belong to calc-alkaline rocks. Group I rocks which is of typical I-type, have higher contents of TiO2, Al2O3, FeO, MgO, CaO, Na2O and P2O5, but lower values of SiO2 and K2O, when compared with those of Group II with I-type characteristics. Group I rocks are produced by partial melting of older Precambrian basement with the variable influence of mantle-derived magma which results from the interaction of released fluids from the subducted slab and the overlying mantle wedge in a general convergent margin setting, and Group II rocks result from partial melting of lower crustal basic rocks (amphibolite) and/or further partial melting of the Group I rocks associated with the variable influence from the underplating mantle-derived magma resulting from lithospheric extensional regime. Both Groups I and II have undergone assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) processes during its petrogenesis. This study therefore demonstrates that there exists a continental basement within micro-blocks in the South China Sea, and further supports the idea that a Middle Jurassic to Mid-Cretaceous subduction zone existed across the temporary Taiwan, Palawan to Southern Vietnam, which was associated with westward to northestward convergence of the Pacific Plate during Late Mesozoic. We suggest that this subduction zone may have been connected with the paleo-Pacific plate subduction zone offshore eastern China during Mesozoic era. This study provides petrologic data for the pre-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Textural evidence for the partial breakdown of staurolite-biotite and andalusite-biotite assemblages to cordierite-orthoamphibole implies high temperature metasomatic depletion of K2O in semi-pelitic rocks from Springton, South Australia. The origin of the reaction textures is discussed with reference to K2O-T diagrams derived from the topologically equivalent K2O–(-H2O) diagram showing both discontinuous and Fe–Mg continuous reactions. The involvement of fluids in the metasomatic process is implied by the scale of K2O removal and suggests that the outcrop pattern of cordierite-gedrite rocks reflects, at least in part, a heterogeneous distribution of advecting fluids in the metamorphic pile at high temperatures.Mineral abbreviations used in text and figures ab albite - alm almandine - als aluminosilicate - and andalusite - anth anthophyllite - bt biotite - cd cordierite - fe-bt Fe-rich biotite - fe-cd Fe-rich cordierite - fe-oa Fe-rich orthoamphibole - fe-st Fe-staurolite - gt garnet - ksp potassium feldspar - ky kyanite - mg-cd Mg-rich cordierite - mg-oa Mg-rich orthoamphibole - mg-st Mg-rich staurolite - mu muscovite - oa orthoamphibole - phl phlogopite - plag plagioclase - py pyrope - sill sillimanite - st staurolite - v vapour  相似文献   

Several gneissic xenoliths occur in granite which has been intruded along the contact between an anorthosite body and gneisses in the Nain complex, Labrador. One of these xenoliths is a ferro-aluminous gneiss with ovoids, 1–3 cm in diameter, consisting of an intimate mixture of fine, granular cordierite-olivine-spinel-orthopyroxene-plagioclase-ilmenite-pyrrhotite enclosed by poikilitic grains of garnet and orthoamphibole. Biotite occurs as both granular and poikilitic grains. The textures indicate a two-stage contact metamorphic history characterized by the simplified reaction: cordierite+olivine+spinel+plagioclase +orthopyroxene→garnet+orthoamphibole Although, on the basis of texture, the reactants represent the early stage assemblage and the products represent the final stage, the distribution coefficient data for Fe-Mg indicate that, except for orthopyroxene, all of the minerals were stable and in equilibrium during the final stage. The coexistence of cordierite and olivine indicates that pressure was less than 3 kbar. The phase relationships agree well with the experimental work of Hsu and Burnham (1969) on the almandine-pyrope join at 2 kbar and indicate a temperature of 800° C for the first stage and 615° C for the second stage of contact metamorphism. This close agreement also suggests that the ovoids at one time may have been garnet porphyroblasts that were decomposed during the first stage. These data correlate well with the field relations: the first-stage, high-temperature effects were likely caused by the intrusion of the anhydrous anorthositic body and the second-stage, low-temperature effects by the invasion of the volatile-rich granite.  相似文献   

New U-Pb zircon data from a segregation pegmatite in the granitic gneiss at Glenfinnan yield discordant points which appear to be aligned along a chord on a concordia diagram with upper and lower intersection ages of 1,517±30 Ma and 556±8 Ma, respectively. The results are similar to published U-Pb zircon data from the granitic gneiss but the lower intersection age does not correspond to concordant ages of 455±3 Ma obtained for monazites from the segregation pegmatite and from paragneiss which hosts the granitic gneiss. The apparent U-Pb zircon chord also gives no indication of a 1,030±50 Ma (large sample) Rb-Sr whole rock isochron age for the granitic gneiss (Brook et al. 1976). A traverse of adjacent 5–8 cm thick slabs in the paragneiss yields a Rb-Sr errochron of 455±60 Ma which also does not agree with the U-Pb zircon lower intersection age. The scale of this Sr whole rock diffusion (ca. 10 cm) is not at variance with existing thermal, temporal and experimental constraints.A two episodic loss model has been applied to the zircon data from the segregation pegmatite, to the previously published zircon data on the granitic gneiss and to new U-Pb zircon data on the host paragneiss. The first lead loss event, if assumed to be in Grenville time, was computed to be strongest in the granitic gneiss and segregation pegmatite. For the three suites of zircon considered, primary ages converge in the 1,700–1,800 Ma range with a final disturbance event at ca. 490 Ma, i.e., close to a plausible prograde stage of Caledonian metamorphism.The zircons in both the granitic gneiss and the paragneiss are believed to have been derived from the ubiquitous early Proterozoic shields bordering the North Atlantic. Furthermore the above model is consistent with the hypothesis that the zircons in the granitic gneiss were largely derived from the paragneiss. However, the U-Pb zircon data are not inconsistent with new Sr-isotopic evidence which suggests an additional, possibly deeper source with lower 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios.  相似文献   

对西大别四道河含石榴子石花岗片麻岩进行了锆石 U-Pb 和石榴子石 Lu-Hf 年代学测试,锆石 U-Pb谐和年龄为(223±1) Ma,石榴子石-全岩 Lu-Hf 等时线年龄为(212.2±0.7) Ma.石榴子石具有极高的母子体同位素比值(176Lu/177Hf =~300).结合锆石和石榴子石的微量元素特征,该锆石 U-Pb 年龄代表的可能是超高压/高压变质时间,石榴子石 Lu-Hf 年龄代表的是石榴子石重结晶时间,可能指示了后期退变质作用流体活动  相似文献   

The Coolac Serpentinite, in the Tumut region of southeastern NSW, is one of many Alpine-type, linear ultramafic bodies exposed in the Lachlan Orogen of New South Wales. Despite the significance of such oceanic lithosphere throughout the orogen to tectonic models, few studies on the genesis of these bodies in the Lachlan Orogen have been documented. A significant proportion of the Coolac ultramafic rocks are only partially serpentinised, making them good candidates for detailed petrological and geochemical studies. The Coolac peridotites include harzburgites with mineral compositions and bulk-rock REE concentrations similar to abyssal peridotites. Assuming depleted mantle compositions, HREE concentrations are limited (0.2–0.3 × primitive mantle) implying melt extraction of 15–20%. Conversely, some Cr-spinel data within the harzburgites (Cr# = 0.22–0.27) indicate partial melting of only 9–11%. Adsorbed mantle pyroxenes, excess olivine and LREE enrichment suggest melt–rock interactions led to the refertilisation of the harzburgites. Isotope characteristics of a ca 501 Ma allochthonous tonalite block derived from melting of altered oceanic crust and a ca 439 Ma oceanic granite intrusion indicate an identical source that separated from the fertile mantle at 660 Ma. This places chronological constraints on the harzburgites, which are the result of two-stage melting involving a lherzolite protolith formed during the break-up of Rodinia followed by harzburgite formation during a further melt extraction event within an extensional phase of the Delamerian Orogeny. The harzburgites were enriched via melt–rock interactions soon after formation as well as during phases of the Benambran Orogeny beginning at ca 439 Ma and ending around ca 427 Ma with the emplacement of the North Mooney Complex, a layered ultramafic–gabbro association that has characteristics of Alaskan-style intrusions similar to the Fifield complexes of the central Lachlan Orogen.  相似文献   

罗改  张彤  贾小川  杨学俊  肖典  谭晓莲 《地质学报》2021,95(11):3335-3351
青藏高原东南缘滇西北前寒武纪石鼓变质杂岩中新识别出一套花岗质片麻岩.采用LA-ICP-MS方法进行锆石U-Pb年代学分析,获得206Pb/238 U加权平均年龄分别为790±11 Ma(MSWD=2.1,n=10)和814±15 Ma(MSWD=5.7,n=9),显示其形成于新元古代早期.地球化学特征显示,岩石具有高硅(SiO2=66.05%~77.16%)、高 K2O/Na2O(0.90~9.26,均值2.57)特征,MgO=0.35%~3.60%,TFeO=1.02%~4.86%,P2O5=0.03%~0.17%.铝饱和指数A/CNK为1.08~2.51,矿物组合中出现石榴子石和白云母等富铝矿物,CIPW标准矿物中刚玉分子平均含量为4.72%,显示为强过铝质花岗岩.球粒陨石标准化稀土配分显示轻稀土元素富集,(La/Yb)N=1.79~12.34,具明显的Eu负异常(δEu=0.21~0.67).原始地幔标准化蛛网图显示,岩石富集Rb、U,明显亏损Ba、Ta、Nb、Sr、P、Ti元素.综合分析认为,花岗质片麻岩原岩主要为低成熟度、黏土贫乏的砂质岩在高温条件下部分熔融的产物,形成于后碰撞构造环境,是Rodinia超大陆汇聚事件在滇西北石鼓地区的响应.  相似文献   

徐淮地区中生代侵入杂岩中角闪岩和片麻岩类捕虏体的主要元素、微量元素地球化学特征及其岩相学的研究表明,它们经历了两期变质作用的改造,即早期的榴辉岩相变质和晚期的角闪岩相退化变质。其原岩为拉斑玄武质岩石,在其形成过程中有较强的陆壳物质混染;部分捕虏体可能代表了本区深部地壳的物质组成,且具有华北地块基底的性质。中生代早期该区上地幔是多种岩石构成的构造混杂岩带,深部地壳主要由片麻岩类、角闪岩类和少量石榴辉石岩类组成。早白垩世时期深部地壳主要由一套快速折返至下地壳的榴辉岩相变质岩石所构成,它们普遍发生了角闪岩相退化变质,并与原下部地壳的深变质岩(片麻岩和角闪岩)混杂在一起,构成了一个构造混杂体。  相似文献   

错那洞穹隆是藏南特提斯喜马拉雅地区新发现的一个片麻岩穹隆构造。穹隆核部发育一套早古生代眼球状片麻岩。本文在野外地质调查的基础上,利用LA-(MC)-ICP-MS对花岗质片麻岩2个样品的锆石开展U-Pb年代学和Lu-Hf同位素分析。片麻岩中的锆石发育核-幔-边结构,核部为具溶蚀港湾结构的继承锆石,幔部为具韵律(震荡)环带的岩浆锆石,边部(增生边)为重熔变质成因的黑锆石。岩浆锆石幔部的~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄加权平均值为(500.6±2.6)Ma~(501.1±2.5)Ma,代表该片麻岩的早古生代岩浆结晶年龄。边部变质锆石的新生代重熔年龄为(37.7±0.5)Ma,可能代表藏南拆离系的启动时间。早古生代岩浆锆石幔部的ε_(Hf)(t)值为-2.1-+5.3 (平均值为+2.2),Hf同位素两阶段模式年龄(TDM2)为1.1~1.6 Ga(平均值为1.3 Ga),表明其源岩起源于高喜马拉雅元古宙地层的部分熔融。结合区域内早古生代岩浆活动和新生代穹隆构造变质事件,本文认为错那洞花岗质片麻岩的形成受控于早古生代原特提斯洋壳板片向冈瓦纳大陆下俯冲的造山作用,同时记录了新生代印度一欧亚大陆碰撞造山后的变质和深熔事件。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Gravity cores of Holocene sediments from a shallow ephemeral lake in the Coorong region (Pellet Lake, southeastern coastal Australia) show a mineral assemblage and sequence particular to its hydrology. The mineralogical sequence above an initial dolomitic siliciclastic sand reflects conditions of increasing salinity in the lower portions of the core (i.e. organic-rich aragonite to magnesite + hydromagnesite + aragonite) followed by a relative decrease in salinity (i.e. magnesite + aragonite + hydromagnesite to aragonite + hydromagnesite) in the upper portions of the core. This sequence is capped by ? 0.4 m of micritic dolomite and minor amounts of hydromagnesite, with the relative abundance of dolomite increasing upwards. Three stratigraphically and spatially distinct dolomite units (upper, lower and margin) are recognized using stable carbon and oxygen isotope data, unit cell calculations and MgCO3 mole per cent data of the dolomite. Detailed X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses of samples with more than 80% dolomite shows that the dolomite is ordered. Average unit cell parameters, calculated from the XRD patterns, indicate that the upper dolomite unit has crystal lattices expanded in the co direction (co= 16.09 Å) relative to ideal dolomite (co= 16.02 Å) and contracted in the ao direction (ao= 4.796 Å) relative to ideal dolomite (ao= 4.812 Å). The mol fraction of MgCO3 in the upper dolomite shows up to 4.0 ±M 2.0 mole per cent excess Mg in the dolomite crystal lattice (calculated from XRD). This unusual dolomite crystal chemistry is probably generated by rapid precipitation from solutions which have greatly elevated Mg/Ca ratios. Transmission electron microscopy reveals that the upper dolomite has a heterogeneous microstructure which also suggests rapid precipitation from solution. The modulated microstructure found in calcium-rich dolomite is completely lacking. Dolomite ordering reflections are present in electron diffraction patterns, but are weak. Stable oxygen and carbon isotope values of the upper dolomite are tightly grouped (ave. δ18O ~+ 7.55%o, δ13C ~+ 4.10%o), yet show three upward-lightening oxygen cycles. The oxygen cycles correlate with three upward decreases in the calculated Mg content of the dolomite zone. These cycles may indicate the increased importance of rain-water dilution of the brine at times when the water in the lake was at its shallowest levels. Analyses of the lower dolomite and the margin dolomite suggest that these units precipitated more slowly from less evaporitic brines than the upper dolomite unit. The lower dolomite is close to stoichiometric, has less evaporitic stable isotope values than the upper dolomite, and has only a slightly expanded co-axis. The margin dolomite is Ca-rich, has a more homogeneous microstructure, and has expanded ao and co axes. The abundance of relatively soluble Mg-bearing phases, such as hydromagnesite and magnesite, may supply additional magnesium for the dolomitization of aragonite and calcite during subsequent diagenesis and burial of the sediment. This process may leave a finely laminated dolomicrite deposit which retains little, if any, evidence of evaporite minerals.  相似文献   

岩石地球化学研究表明,柴北缘鱼卡河超高压榴辉岩围岩花岗质片麻岩的SiO2、Al2O3、K2O和Na2O含量较高,而TiO2、FeOt、MgO、MnO和CaO含量较低,里特曼指数为1.93~2.36,铝饱和指数ACNK值为1.07~1.17,显示出明显的壳源S型花岗岩的特点。在微量元素方面,岩石富集大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素,具有轻稀土元素富集和中等的Eu负异常,也显示了壳源S型花岗岩的特征。阴极发光(CL)图像显示该花岗质片麻岩的锆石具有核-幔(边)结构,核部为原岩残留、幔部显示弱的变质重结晶。LA-ICPMS锆石原位微量元素研究显示,本区锆石经历了弱的变质重结晶作用,且可能遭受到后期热液蚀变作用的改造;参考锆石的微量元素组成特征,挑选受变质重结晶和热液改造较弱的锆石的同位素进行测试,结果获得鱼卡河花岗质片麻岩的原岩形成时代为(952±19)Ma左右的新元古代,是地壳重熔作用的产物;同时获得该片麻岩的可能变质年龄为424~480Ma,表明该片麻岩的原岩可能与榴辉岩的原岩共同经历了早古生代加里东期的变质作用,但由于片麻岩的变质程度较低,应是在榴辉岩的折返过程中构造叠置在一起的。利用LA-ICPMS对具有多阶段演化历史的变质锆石定年时,必须同时进行锆石CL图像和原位微量元素分析,才可能对所获年龄给出合理的解释。  相似文献   

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