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The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) was systematically measured for samples collected across the Lachlan Transverse Zone in the Eastern Subprovince of the Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales. Although the degree of anisotropy is usually moderate to low, it can be shown that the origin of the magnetic fabric is generally composite. Many localities are witness to a tectonic influence in addition to a magnetic foliation preserved from the time of rock formation (compaction). Furthermore, some localities indicate the presence of superimposed magnetic fabrics, potentially associated with a Silurian east–west direction of shortening, and a younger north–south (?) direction of shortening. Finally, the progressive southwards change in orientation of the magnetic lineation in the Molong area from north–south to east–west and then back to north–south again south of the Lyndhurst–Neville Fault suggests that the Lachlan Transverse Zone coincides with, and reflects, a major cross-structure in the Eastern Subprovince. AMS is thus a powerful tool to help map the fabric of Paleozoic rocks in the Tasmanides. Additional data will be required to help obtain a comprehensive picture of the tectonic history of the region.  相似文献   

The Lachlan Transverse Zone is a major yet subtle west‐northwest‐trending structure that cuts across the Tasmanides of southeastern Australia. It extends from the western part of the Olepoloko Fault in the west, where it marks the boundary between the Delamerian and Thomson Orogens, across the Lachlan Orogen into the Sydney Basin where it is represented by dykes and intrusions. The western part of the Lachlan Transverse Zone is defined by west‐northwest‐trending faults. In the Eastern Belt of the Lachlan Orogen, it is defined as a corridor of west‐northwest‐trending folds and faults that disrupt major folds and faults which constitute the regional grain of the orogen. The Lachlan Transverse Zone was active in the development of the Lachlan Orogen since at least the Middle Ordovician period. It has influenced the partitioning of upper crustal extensional and contractional deformation, the intrusion of igneous bodies as well as the distribution of copper‐gold deposits in the Eastern Belt of the orogen. The Lachlan Transverse Zone appears to be an extension of the Proterozoic Amadeus Transverse Zone, as well as an extension of a west‐northwest‐trending transform segment in the Tasman Line that controlled the Neoproterozoic and Cambrian breakup of cratonic Australia. For these reasons, we suggest that the Lachlan Transverse Zone represents the reactivation of a fundamental crustal weakness in the cratonic lithosphere that propagated into younger Neoproterozoic to Palaeozoic lithosphere of oceanic and continental character.  相似文献   


The turbidite-filled, Lower Devonian Cobar Basin is characterised through a detrital zircon study. Uranium–Pb age data for six samples were combined with published data to show the basin has a unique age spectrum characterised by a subordinate Middle Ordovician (ca 470?Ma) peak superimposed on a dominant ca 500?Ma peak. Maximum depositional ages for 3 samples were ca 425?Ma, close to the published Lower Devonian (Lochkovian 419–411?Ma) biostratigraphic ages. A minor ca 1000?Ma zircon population was also identified. The major source of the 500?Ma zircons was probably the local Ordovician metasedimentary basement, which was folded, thickened and presumably exposed during the ca 440?Ma Benambran Orogeny. The ca 470?Ma age peak reflects derivation from Middle Ordovician (Phase 2) rocks of the Macquarie Arc to the east. The I-type Florida Volcanics, located ~50?km eastward from the Cobar Basin, contains distinctive Middle and Late Ordovician zircon populations, considered to be derived from deeply underthrust Macquarie Arc crust. Protracted silicic magmatism occurred before, during and after Cobar Basin deposition, indicating that the basin formed by subduction-related processes in a back-arc setting, rather than as a continental rift.  相似文献   


The nature of the substrate below the northern Lachlan Orogen and the southern Thomson Orogen is poorly understood. We investigate the nature of the mid- to lower-crust using O and Lu–Hf isotope analyses of zircons from magmatic rocks that intrude these regions, and focus on the 440–410 Ma time window to minimise temporal effects while focussing on spatial differences. Over the entire region, weighted mean δ18O values range from 5.5 to 9.8‰ (relative to VSMOW, Vienna Standard Mean Oceanic Water), and weighted mean ?Hft range from ?8.8 to +8.5. In the northern Lachlan Orogen and much of the southern Thomson Orogen, magmatic rocks with unradiogenic ?Hft (~?7 to ?4) and elevated δ18O values (~9 to 10‰) reflect a supracrustal source component that may be common to both orogens. Magmatic rocks intruding the Warratta Group in the western part of the Thomson Orogen also have unradiogenic ?Hft (~?9 to ?6) but more subdued δ18O values (~7‰), indicating a distinct supracrustal source component in this region. Some regions record radiogenic ?Hf and mantle-like δ18O values, indicative of either a contribution from arc-derived rocks or a direct mantle input. In the northeast Lachlan Orogen Hermidale Terrane, magmatic rocks record mixing of the supracrustal source component with input from a infracrustal or mantle source component (?Hft as high as +8.5, δ18O values as low as 5.5‰), possibly of Macquarie Arc affinity. Samples in the west-southwestern Thomson Orogen also record some evidence of radiogenic input (?Hft as high as ?0.5, δ18O values as low as 6.4‰), possibly from the Mount Wright Arc of the Koonenberry Belt. Overall, our results demonstrate a strong spatial control on isotopic compositions. We find no isotopic differences between the bulk of the Lachlan Orogen and the bulk of the Thomson Orogen, and some indication of similarities between the two.  相似文献   

In the Shoalhaven River Gorge, in the eastern Lachlan Fold Belt, the Ordovician quartz‐turbidite succession (Adaminaby Group) is affected by one major phase of deformation with northerly trending, gently plunging, upright, close to tight folds (F1) characterised by a range in half wavelengths up to 3 km. Several anticlinoria and synclinoria are developed and folds occur in at least four orders; these characteristics are consistent with buckling occurring at several scales and are controlled by the thickness of competent units in the multilayered succession. F1 folding is thick‐skinned in style with the whole crust probably having been affected by deformation. D1 occurred during the Silurian to Middle Devonian interval and was associated with crustal thickening and the shallowing of depositional environments over time. Locally, F1 is overprinted by south‐southeast‐trending, steeply to moderately inclined F2 that reorients F1 to recumbent attitudes. D2 is of Early to Middle Carboniferous age. Both deformations are related to convergence in an intra‐arc to backarc region and occurred inboard of a subduction zone, remnants of which occur in the New England Fold Belt.  相似文献   


Re-evaluation of geochemical and geophysical datasets, and analysis of magmatic and detrital zircons from drill-core samples extracted from the Louth region of the southern Thomson Orogen (STO), augmented by limited field samples, has shown that two temporally and compositionally distinct igneous groups exist. The older Lower Devonian, calc-alkaline group corresponds to complexly folded, high-intensity curvilinear magnetic anomalies in the Louth region (Louth Volcanics) and are probable equivalents to Lower Devonian volcanics in the northern Lachlan Orogen. A younger Permo-Triassic alkaline assemblage forms part of an E–W corridor of diatremes that appears to relate to focussed lithospheric extension associated with the later stages of the Hunter–Bowen Orogeny in the New England Orogen. The alkaline group includes gabbros previously considered as Neoproterozoic, but all magmatic rocks, including alkaline basalts, contain an unusual number of xenocrystic zircons. The age spectra of the xenocrystic zircons mimic detrital zircons from Cobar Basin sedimentary rocks and/or underlying Ordovician turbidites, suggesting incorporation of upper crustal zircons into the alkaline basaltic magmas. A distinct difference of detrital zircon age spectra from central Thomson Orogen metasediments indicates the STO metasediments have greater affinities to the Lachlan Orogen, but both orogens probably began in the Early Ordovician during widespread backarc extension and deposition of turbidites in the Tasmanides. A surprising result is that Ordovician, Devonian and Permo-Triassic basaltic rocks from the STO and elsewhere in the Tasmanides, all yield the same Nd-model ages of ca 960–830 Ma, suggesting that Neoproterozoic subcontinental lithospheric mantle persisted throughout the evolution of the Tasmanide orogenic system.  相似文献   


In its type area around Narooma, the Narooma Terrane in the Lachlan Orogen comprises the Wagonga Group, which consists of the Narooma Chert overlain by the argillaceous Bogolo Formation. Conodonts indicate that the lower, largely massive (ribbon chert) part of the Narooma Chert ranges in age from mid-Late Cambrian to Darriwilian-Gisbornian (late Middle to early Late Ordovician). The upper Narooma Chert consists of shale, containing Eastonian (Late Ordovician) graptolites, interbedded with chert. Where not deformed by later faulting, the boundary between the Narooma Chert and Bogolo Formation is gradational. At map scale, the Narooma Terrane consists of a stack of imbricate thrust slices caught between two thrust faults that juxtaposed the terrane against the coeval Adaminaby Superterrane in Early Silurian time. These slices are best defined where Narooma Chert is thrust over Bogolo Formation. The soles of such slices contain multiply foliated chert. Late extensional shear bands indicate a strike-slip component to the faulting. The Narooma Terrane, with chert overlain by muddy ooze, is interpreted to be an oceanic terrane that accumulated remote from land for ~50 million years. The upward increase in the terrigenous component at the top of the Wagonga Group (shale, argillite, siltstone and sandstone of the upper Narooma Chert and Bogolo Formation) records approach of the terrane to the Australian sector of the Gondwana margin. Blocks of chert, argillite and sandstone reflect extensional/strike-slip disruption of the terrane as it approached the transform trench along the Gondwana-proto-Pacific plate boundary. Blocks of basalt and basalt breccia represent detritus from a seamount that was also entering the trench. There is no evidence that the Narooma Terrane or the adjacent Adaminaby Group formed in an accretionary prism/ subduction complex.  相似文献   


The diverse geological and geophysical data sets compiled, interrogated and interpreted for the largely undercover southern Thomson Orogen region reveal a Paleozoic terrane dominated by deformed metasedimentary rocks intruded by S- and I-type granites. An interpretive basement geology map and synthesis of geochronological constraints allow definition of several stratigraphic packages. The oldest and most widespread comprises upper Cambrian to Lower Ordovician metasedimentary rocks deposited during the vast extensional Larapinta Event with maximum depositional ages of ca 520 to ca 496 Ma. These units correlate with elements of the northern Thomson Orogen, Warburton Basin and Amadeus Basin. The degree of deformation and metamorphism of these rocks varies across the region. A second major package includes Lower to Middle Devonian volcanic and sedimentary units, some of which correlate with components of the Lachlan Orogen. The region also includes a Middle to Upper Ordovician package of metasedimentary rocks and a Devonian or younger package of intermediate volcaniclastic rocks of restricted extent. Intrusive units range from diatremes and relatively small layered mafic bodies to batholithic-scale suites of granite and granodiorite. S-type and I-type intrusions are both present, and ages range from Ordovician to Triassic, but late Silurian intrusions are the most abundant. Two broad belts of intrusions are recognised. In the east, the Scalby Belt comprises relatively young (Upper Devonian) intrusions, while in the west, the Ella Belt is dominated by intrusions of late Silurian age within a curvilinear, broadly east–west trend. The stratigraphic distributions, characteristics and constraints defined by this interpretive basement mapping provide a basic framework for ongoing research and mineral exploration.  相似文献   


Cambrian deformation associated with the Delamerian Orogeny is most evident in the Delamerian Orogen (southwestern Tasmanides) but has also been documented in the Thomson Orogen (northern Tasmanides). The tectonic evolution of the Thomson Orogen in the context of the Delamerian Orogeny is poorly understood. In particular, tectonostratigraphic relationships between the different parts of the Thomson Orogen (Anakie Inlier, Nebine Ridge, and southern Thomson Orogen) are still unclear. New detrital zircon data from the Nebine Ridge revealed an age spectrum that is consistent with published geochronological data from the Anakie Inlier. These results, in conjunction with petrographic observations and the interpretation of geophysical data, suggest that along the eastern part of the Thomson Orogen, the?~?NNE-trending Nebine Ridge represents the southward continuation of the?~?N–S-trending Anakie Inlier. New detrital zircon geochronological data are also presented for metasedimentary rocks from both sides of the Thomson–Lachlan boundary. The results constrain the maximum age of deposition (Ordovician–Devonian), and show that both sides of the Thomson–Lachlan boundary received detritus from a similar provenance. This might suggest that the Thomson–Lachlan boundary did not play a major role as a crustal-scale boundary prior to the Devonian. We speculate that transpressional deformation along this?~?E–W boundary, during the Early Devonian, was responsible for disrupting the original belt that connected the Delamerian Orogen (Koonenberry Belt) with the eastern Thomson Orogen (Nebine Ridge and Anakie Inlier).
  1. Highlights
  2. The Nebine Ridge is the southward continuation of the Anakie Inlier.

  3. The Anakie Inlier and Nebine Ridge represent a northern segment of the Cambrian Delamerian–Thomson Belt.

  4. ~E–W-trending crustal-scale structures at the southern Thomson Orogen were active during Devonian.


The basement rocks of the poorly understood Thomson Orogen are concealed by mid-Paleozoic to Upper Cretaceous intra-continental basins and direct information about the orogen is gleaned from sparse geological data. Constrained potential field forward modelling has been undertaken to highlight key features and resolve deeply sourced anomalies within the Thomson Orogen. The Thomson Orogen is characterised by long-wavelength and low-amplitude geophysical anomalies when compared with the northern and western Precambrian terranes of the Australian continent. Prominent NE- and NW-trending gravity anomalies reflect the fault architecture of the region. High-intensity Bouguer gravity anomalies correlate with shallow basement rocks. Bouguer gravity anomalies below –300 µm/s2 define the distribution of the Devonian Adavale Basin and associated troughs. The magnetic grid shows smooth textures, punctuated by short-wavelength, high-intensity anomalies that indicate magnetic contribution at different crustal levels. It is interpreted that meta-sedimentary basement rocks of the Thomson Orogen, intersected in several drill holes, are representative of a seismically non-reflective and non-magnetic upper basement. Short-wavelength, high-intensity magnetic source bodies and colocated negative Bouguer gravity responses are interpreted to represent shallow granitic intrusions. Long-wavelength magnetic anomalies are inferred to reflect the topography of a seismically reflective and magnetic lower basement. Potential field forward modelling indicates that the Thomson Orogen might be a single terrane. We interpret that the lower basement consists of attenuated Precambrian and mafic enriched continental crust, which differs from the oceanic crust of the Lachlan Orogen further south.  相似文献   

The ~E–W-trending Olepoloko Fault and ~ENE-trending Louth-Eumarra Shear Zone in north-central New South Wales are approximately orthogonal to the dominant ~N–S-trending structural grain of Paleozoic eastern Australia. These structures have been interpreted to represent the boundary between the Thomson and Lachlan orogens, but their exact geometry and kinematics remain unclear owing to the scarcity of surface exposure. Using gridded aeromagnetic data and limited field mapping, we obtained new data on the tectonic history of the Louth-Eumarra Shear Zone, which seems to represent a broad zone of dextral shearing with a component of crustal thickening indicated by the recognition of kyanite growth in a mica-schist. The timing of deformation is relatively poorly constrained, but at least a component of the dextral shearing appears to be coeval or younger than the age of displaced late Silurian and Early Devonian granitoids. Additional indicators for dextral kinematics farther north, along the ~ENE-trending Culgoa Fault, suggest that the width of the zone that was subjected to dextral deformation is possibly >100 km. This raises the possibility that a large component of dextral displacement was accommodated in this region. In a broader geodynamic context, we discuss the possibility that the precursor of the Louth-Eumarra Shear Zone and Olepoloko Fault originated from segmentation between the northern and southern Tasmanides, perhaps during the Cambrian. The existence of such a discontinuity may have buttressed the process of oroclinal bending in the Silurian. The observed dextral kinematics has possibly resulted from reactivated deformation during the Tabberabberan and Alice Springs orogenies.  相似文献   

Four slate samples from subduction complex rocks exposed on the south coast of New South Wales, south of Batemans Bay, were analysed by K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar step‐heating methods. One sample contains relatively abundant detrital muscovite flakes that are locally oblique to the regional cleavage in the rock, whereas the remaining samples appear to contain sparse detrital muscovite. Separates of detrital muscovite yielded plateau ages of 505 ± 3 Ma and 513 ± 3 Ma indicating that inheritance has not been eliminated by metamorphism and recrystallisation. Step‐heating analyses of whole‐rock chips from all four slate samples produced discordant apparent age spectra with ‘saddle shapes’ following young apparent ages at the lowest temperature increments. Elevated apparent ages associated with the highest temperature steps are attributed to the presence of variable quantities of detrital muscovite (<1–5%). Two whole‐rock slate samples yielded similar 40Ar/39Ar integrated ages of ca 455 Ma, which are some 15–30 million years older than K–Ar ages for the same samples. These discrepancies suggest that the slates have also been affected by recoil loss/redistribution of 39Ar, leading to anomalously old 40Ar/39Ar ages. Two other samples, from slaty tectonic mélange and intensely cleaved slate, yielded average 40Ar/39Ar integrated ages of ca 424 Ma, which are closer to associated mean K–Ar ages of 423 ± 4 Ma and 409 ± 16 Ma, respectively. Taking into account the potential influences of recoil loss/redistribution of 39Ar and inheritance, the results from the latter samples suggest a maximum age of ca 440 Ma for deformation/metamorphism. The current results indicate that recoil and inheritance problems may also have affected whole‐rock 40Ar/39Ar data reported from other regions of the Lachlan Fold Belt. Therefore, until these effects are adequately quantified, models for the evolution of the Lachlan Fold Belt, that are based on such whole‐rock 40Ar/39Ar data, should be treated with caution.  相似文献   


The upper Cambrian Yancannia Formation is a small and isolated basement exposure situated in the southern Thomson Orogen, northwestern New South Wales. Understanding the geology of the Yancannia Formation is important, as it offers a rare glimpse of the composition and structure of the mostly covered basement rocks of the southern Thomson Orogen. It consists of deformed fine-grained, lithic-rich, turbiditic metasediments, suggesting deposition in a proximal, low-energy deep-marine environment. A 497 ± 13 Ma U–Pb detrital zircon date provides its maximum depositional age, the same as previously published for a tuff horizon in a correlative unit. Analysis of sedimentological, geochronological and geophysical data confirms the Yancannia Formation belongs to the Warratta Group. The Warratta Group exhibits many similarities to the Teltawongee Group in the adjacent Delamerian Orogen, including similar provenance, sedimentology and deep-water turbiditic depositional environment. Additionally, there is no sedimentological evidence for deposition of the Warratta Group following the ca 500 Ma Delamerian Orogeny, which suggests that the Warratta Group is syn-Delamerian. However, no geochronological or structural evidence for Delamerian orogenesis was observed in the Warratta Group, suggesting that the group was either unaffected by Delamerian orogenesis, or that no conclusive record remains. The provenance signature of the Warratta Group also bears strong similarities with the upper Cambrian Stawell Zone Saint Arnaud Group in the western Lachlan Orogen. Units east of Yancannia have similar provenance signatures to the Lower Ordovician Girilambone Group of the Lachlan Orogen, suggesting equivalents exist in the southern Thomson Orogen. These are likely to be the Thomson beds, deposited in a deep-marine setting outboard of the Delamerian continental margin. Structural analysis from a ~10 km, semi-continuous, across-strike section indicates a major, kilometre-scale, upright, shallow northwest-trending, doubly plunging anticline dominates the Yancannia region. This D1 structure was associated with tight-to-isoclinal folding, penetrative cleavage and abundant quartz veining of probable Benambran age. Later dextral transpressional deformation (D2) produced a sporadic, weak cleavage and dextral faulting, possibly of Bindian age. Major south-directed thrusting (D3) on the adjacent Olepoloko Fault occurred in the early Carboniferous and appears to pre-date a later deformation event (D4), which was associated with kink folding.  相似文献   

The geological map of the Broken Hill area in New South Wales shows a striking feature, the Grasmere Knee Zone, which consists of a major change in structural trend. North of the Grasmere Knee Zone, the analysis of the structure of the Late Silurian–Early Devonian Mt Daubeny Basin coupled with AMS measurements suggests that the basin has undergone two phases of folding. Correction of magnetic data from bedding orientation has consisted in unfolding sequentially fold F2 to obtain a simple syncline and unfolding fold F1. Although the fold tests, conglomerate test and dyke test may be considered to be positive concerning the high-temperature component (DAU-CH), paleomagnetic results from the Mt Daubeny Formation (locality DAU) are subject to caution, in particular due to the complex unfolding procedure. If component DAU-CH, carried by hematite, is interpreted to be primary in origin, the corresponding paleopole is consistent with an X-type of apparent polar wander path for Gondwana, in particular if one relies on the proposed optimum bedding correction. South of the Grasmere Knee Zone, the Mt. Daubeny Formation is considered to be rotated clockwise relative to the north. The tentative model presented herein proposes that a block corresponding to the Southwestern Subprovince of Lachlan Orogen indented the Tasmanides between the Central Subprovince of the Lachlan Orogen and the Delamerian Orogen from the mid-Devonian (Tabberabberan event) up to the Early Carboniferous, triggering rotations in the Broken Hill area. A later magmatic event, thought to be Early Cretaceous, may have induced fluid migration and deposition of magnetite leading to the occurrence of an important magnetic overprint (DAU-CM).  相似文献   


Multi-scale, multi-method integration of geological constraints, with new interpretations of potential field data and seismic reflection data, has resulted in a comprehensive structural interpretation of the southern Thomson Orogen, eastern Australia. The interpretation reveals ~50 major faults and shear zones, many of which can be traced for several hundred kilometres. The interpretation suggests that the southern Thomson Orogen can be subdivided into several structural domains that can be distinguished by differences in: (i) spatial orientation, (ii) geographic distribution, and (iii) partly the timing of major faults, but also to varying degrees by (iv) the evolution and spatial orientation of other structural elements, such as folds, minor faults and fractures, (v) broader lithological trends, (vi) stratigraphy, and (vii) structural style. The two largest domains are the Western Structural Domain that contains numerous faults and shear zones, and the fold-dominated Eastern Structural Domain, which is more strongly affected by late- to post-Devonian thrusting than the Western Structural Domain. Notwithstanding their differences, the domains can be integrated into a coherent structural model for the southern Thomson Orogen, which suggests that the area represents a set of megafolds or oroclines, which may have formed during the Bindian Orogeny.  相似文献   

The middle to late Permian Hunter Bowen Event is credited with the development of orogenic curvature in the southern New England Orogen, yet contention surrounds the structural dynamics responsible for the development of this curvature. Debate is largely centred on the roles of orogen parallel strike-slip and orogen normal extension and contraction to explain the development of curvature. To evaluate the dynamic history of the Hunter Bowen Event, we present new kinematic reconstructions of the Tamworth Belt. The Tamworth Belt formed as a Carboniferous forearc basin and was subsequently inverted during the Hunter Bowen Event. Kinematic reconstructions of the Tamworth Belt are based on new maps and cross-sections built from a synthesis of best-available mapping, chronostratigraphic data and new interpretations of depth-converted seismic data. The following conclusions are made from our study: (i) the Hunter Bowen Event was dominantly driven by margin normal contraction (east–west shortening; present-day coordinates), and; (ii) variations in structural style along the strike of the Tamworth Belt can be explained by orthogonal vs. oblique inversion, which reflects the angular relationship between the principal shortening vector and continental-arc margin. Given these conclusions, we suggest that curvature around the controversial Manning Bend was influenced by the presence of primary curvature in the continental margin, and that the Hastings Block was translated along a sinistral strike-slip fault system that formed along this oblique (with respect to the regional east–west extension and convergence direction) part of the margin. Given the available temporal data, the translation of the Hastings Block took place in the Early Permian (Asselian) and therefore preceded the Hunter Bowen Event. Accordingly, we suggest that the Hunter Bowen Event was dominantly associated with enhancing curvature that was either primary in origin, or associated with fault block translation during the Early Permian. This model differs to previously proposed reconstructions where curvature largely formed by orogen parallel strike-slip transportation during the Hunter Bowen Event.  相似文献   


The Charters Towers Province, of the northern Thomson Orogen, records conversion from a Neoproterozoic passive margin to a Cambrian active margin, as characteristic of the Tasmanides. The passive margin succession includes a thick metasedimentary unit derived from Mesoproterozoic rocks. The Cambrian active margin is represented by upper Cambrian–Lower Ordovician (500–460?Ma) basinal development (Seventy Mile Range Group), plutonism and metamorphism resulting from an enduring episode of arc–backarc crustal extension. Detrital zircon age spectra indicate that parts of the metamorphic basement of the Charters Towers Province (elements of the Argentine Metamorphics and Charters Towers Metamorphics) overlap in protolith age with the basal part of the Seventy Mile Range Group and thus were associated with extensional basin development. Detrital zircon age data from the extensional basin succession indicate it was derived from a far-field (Pacific-Gondwana) primary source. However, a young cluster (<510?Ma) is interpreted as reflecting a local igneous source related to active margin tectonism. Relict zircon in a tonalite phase of the Fat Hen Creek Complex suggests that active margin plutonism may have extended back to ca 530?Ma. Syntectonic plutonism in the western Charters Towers Province is dated at ca 485–480?Ma, close to timing of metamorphism (477–467?Ma) and plutonism more generally (508–455?Ma). The dominant structures in the metamorphic basement formed with gentle to subhorizontal dips and are inferred to have formed by extensional ductile deformation, while normal faulting developed at shallower depths, associated with heat advection by plutonism. Lower Silurian (Benambran) shortening, which affected metamorphic basement and extensional basin units, resulted in the dominant east–west-structural trends of the province. We consider that these trends reflect localised north–south shortening rather than rotation of the province as is consistent with the north–south paleogeographic alignment of extensional basin successions.
  2. Northern Tasmanide transition from passive to active margin tectonic mode had occurred by ca 510?Ma, perhaps as early as ca 530?Ma.

  3. Cambro-Ordovician active margin tectonism of the Charters Towers Province (northern Thomson Orogen) was characterised by crustal extension.

  4. Crustal extension resulted in the development of coeval (500–460?Ma) basin fill, granitic plutonism and metamorphism with rock assemblages as exposed across the Charters Towers Province developed at a wide range of crustal levels and expressing heterogeneous exhumation.

  5. Protoliths of metasedimentary assemblages of the Charters Towers Province include both Proterozoic passive margin successions and those emplaced as Cambrian extensional basin fill.


Volcanic‐hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) deposits of the eastern Lachlan Fold Belt of New South Wales represent a VHMS district of major importance. Despite the metallogenic importance of this terrane, few data have been published for sulfur isotope distribution in the deposits, with the exception of previously published studies on Captains Flat and Woodlawn (Captains Flat‐Goulburn Trough) and Sunny Corner (Hill End Trough). Here is presented 105 new sulfur isotope analyses and collation of a further 92 analyses from unpublished sources on an additional 12 of the VHMS systems in the Hill End Trough. Measured δ34S values range from ‐7.4% to 38.3%, mainly for massive and stockwork mineralisation. Sulfur isotope signatures for polymetallic sulfide mineralisation from the Lewis Ponds, Mt Bulga, Belara and Accost deposits (group 1) are all very similar and vary from ‐1.7% to 5.9%. Ore‐forming fluids for these deposits were likely to have been reducing, with sulfur derived largely from a magmatic source, either as a direct magmatic contribution accompanying felsic volcanism or indirectly through dissolution and recycling of rock sulfide in host volcanic sequences. Sulfur isotope signatures for sulfide mineralisation from the Calula, Commonwealth, Cordillera and Kempfield deposits, Peelwood mine and Sunny Corner (group 2) are similar and have average δ34S values ranging from 5.4% to 8.1%. These deposits appear to have formed from ore fluids that were more oxidising than group 1 deposits, representing a mixed contribution of sulfur derived from partial reduction of seawater sulfate, in addition to sulfur from other sources. The δ34S values for massive sulfides from the John Fardy deposit are the highest in the present study and have a range of 11.9–14.5%, suggesting a greater component of sulfur of seawater origin compared to other VHMS deposits in the Hill End Trough. For barite the sulfur isotope composition for samples from the Commonwealth, Stringers and Kempfield deposits ranges from 12.6% to 38.3%. More than 75% of barite samples have a sulfur isotope composition between 23.4 and 30.6%, close to the previously published estimates of the composition of seawater sulfate during Late Silurian to earliest Devonian times, providing supporting evidence that these deposits formed concurrently with the Late Silurian volcanic event. Sulfur isotope distribution appears to be independent of the host rock unit, although there appears to be a relation linking the sulfur isotope composition of different deposits to defined centres of felsic volcanism. The Mt Bulga, Lewis Ponds and Accost systems are close to coherent felsic volcanic rocks and/or intrusions and have sulfur isotope signatures with a stronger magmatic affinity than group 2 deposits. By contrast, group 2 deposits (including John Fardy) are characterised by 34S‐enrichment and a lesser magmatic signature, are generally confined to clastic units and reworked volcanogenic sediments with lesser coherent volcanics in the local stratigraphy, and are interpreted to have formed distal from the magmatic source. An exception is the Belara deposit, which is hosted by reworked felsic volcanic rocks and has a more pronounced magmatic sulfur isotope signature.  相似文献   

The Cape Hoskins volcanoes form part of the Quaternary volcanic island arc that extends from Rabaul in the east to the Schouten Islands in the west, and they overlie the northerly dipping New Britain Benioff Zone. The products of the volcanoes range in composition from basalt to rhyolite, and are normative in quartz and hypersthene. They contain phenocrysts of plagioclase and subordinate augite, hypersthene, and in most samples iron‐titanium oxides; some samples also contain olivine or quartz or both, and some pumice contains hornblende and, rarely, biotite.

Chemical analyses of 29 volcanic rocks are presented; 22 were also analysed for 17 minor elements — Rb, Ba, Sr, Pb, Zn, Cu, Zr, Y, Ni, Co, Sc, Cr, V, Ga, B, U, and Th.

Chemically the rocks have many of the characteristics of the ‘island arc tholeiitic series’, but do not show a pronounced relative enrichment in iron and appear to be relatively enriched in Sr. Compared with volcanic rocks from the northern part of the Willaumez Peninsula, they are lower in K (but not Na), Ti, Rb, Ba, Zr, Pb, Th, Ni, and probably also V, Cu, and Zn: these differences are attributed to the greater depth of the Benioff Zone beneath the Willaumez Peninsula. The more basic of the Cape Hoskins rocks are similar in most respects to lavas of comparable composition from Ulawun volcano to the east.  相似文献   

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