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通过分析国内外城市网络研究的理论与方法,基于电子信息企业生产网络视角,对中国城市网络的空间特征进行了探索。研究发现:在中国制造业企业500强和世界500强中,电子信息企业总部集中于以北京、上海和深圳为核心的三大沿海都市圈,以及中西部地区的特大城市和省会城市,其研发机构与总部区位特征具有一定相似性,生产基地分布相对分散。由中国企业和跨国公司所主导的中国城市网络,可划分为地方化和全球化两种类型,均以东部及中西部特大城市为网络核心节点。地方化型城市网络的企业总部节点城市较为分散,网络密度和连接度较小;全球化型城市网络则以北京和上海为核心节点,对外联系程度相对较高。与传统城市等级体系相比,城市网络体系具有更强的包容性,从中可以发现崛起中的专业化城市。  相似文献   

We use a GIS‐based agent‐based model (ABM), named dynamic ecological exurban development (DEED), with spatial data in hypothetical scenarios to evaluate the individual and interacting effects of lot‐size zoning and municipal land‐acquisition strategies on possible forest‐cover outcomes in Scio Township, a municipality in Southeastern Michigan. Agent types, characteristics, behavioural methods, and landscape perceptions (i.e. landscape aesthetics) are empirically informed using survey data, spatial analyses, and a USDA methodology for mapping landscape aesthetic quality. Results from our scenario experiments computationally verified literature that show large lot‐size zoning policies lead to greater sprawl, and large lot‐size zoning policies can lead to increased forest cover, although we found this effect to be small relative to municipal land acquisition. The return on land acquisition for forest conservation was strongly affected by the location strategy used to select parcels for conservation. Furthermore, the location strategy for forest conservation land acquisition was more effective at increasing aggregate forest levels than the independent zoning policies, the quantity of area acquired for forest conservation, and any combination of the two. The results using an integrated GIS and ABM framework for evaluating land‐use development policies on forest cover provide additional insight into how these types of policies may act out over time and what aspects of the policies were more influential towards the goal of maximising forest cover.  相似文献   

Constraint‐based models and models constructing accessibility measures mainly focus on single agents having only one available transport mode. However, numerous cases exist where multiple agents or groups of individuals with different available transport modes want to participate in a joint activity at a certain location. The aim of this paper is to provide new insights into representing and reasoning about feasible space–time opportunities for multiple agents. Relying on concepts of time geography, we propose a conceptual framework in order to determine interaction spaces for groups of individuals. Besides availability of means of transport and the locations of each individual, minimum activity duration and opening hours of opportunities are taken into account. The reasoning about space and time is visualized in three dimensions using a hybrid (CAD/GIS) system.  相似文献   

This paper presents an original methodology for the construction of a harmonized database for urban areas in the United States from 1790 to 2010 (a period with a census every 10 years, amounting to 23 dates). Upstream, this method is based on a theoretical choice, the use of a spatio-temporal reference frame to construct urban areas over the long term, defined by a maximum range of one hour’s travel for each period. We used an automatic aggregation from a Reilly model. Urban measures (growth, concentration) derived from this harmonized database are then presented, providing a unified picture of urbanization in the United States over more than two centuries. They are compared with results derived from more classical databases established using the official figures from the Census Bureau, or from other constructions differing from the present system. The results diverge considerably in some instances, which confirms the impact of the method of delineation of geographical areas in measures of growth.  相似文献   

The “Hu Line” has been regarded as one of the greatest geographical discoveries in China because it reveals the significant spatial relationship between human activity and natural environment. The spatial evolution of population on both sides of the “Hu Line” has had important implications for both urbanization and regional development and has attracted widespread attention during the dramatic economic and social changes since the implementation of reform and opening-up policy in China in 1978. Using Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques, this paper studied the stability of the “Hu Line” and the spatial patterns of population growth on each side by constructing a spatial database of China’s census data from 1982 to 2010. The findings are as follows: (1) In the last 30 years, the “Hu Line” has remained relatively stable, but a new tendency of population change has begun to emerge. The population ratio either side, namely, the southeast half (SEH) and the northwest half (NWH), of the “Hu Line” remains at roughly 94:6 (SHE: NWH). Noteworthy, the proportion of population in the SEH of the “Hu Line” has been decreasing slightly, while that in the NWH has been increasing slightly, as the latter has benefited from its higher rate of natural population growth. (2) The spatial patterns of population growth on both sides of the “Hu Line” were quite different. The degree of population concentration in the SEH increased faster than the NWH. Regions with a negative population growth rate have rapidly expanded; these were mainly located in the south of the “Qinling Mountains-Huaihe River belt” and northeastern China. Meanwhile, regions with a fast population growth rate were mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and the Beijing-Tianjin metropolitan area. Thus, the spatial pattern of population growth in the SEH presented a concentration pattern that could be called “Matthew effect pattern”. (3) The spatial pattern of population growth in the NWH could be regarded as the “Relative Balance pattern.” In the NWH, the population growth rate was positive and the degree of population concentration was very low. There were many minority populations located in the NWH that usually lived in a dispersed pattern but had a higher rate of natural population growth due to the preferential population policy. There were also some regions with a negative rate of population growth in the NWH, which were mainly located close to the “Hu Line” and the Ancient Silk Road. (4) In the future, the spatial patterns of population growth on both sides of the “Hu Line” may continue to evolve. For the SEH, the capacity to attract more people to small and medium-sized cities and towns should be enhanced. For the NWH, the emphasis should be placed on promoting urbanization and enhancing population agglomeration in its major cities.  相似文献   

The automation of cartographic map production is still an important research field in Geographical Information Systems (GIS). With the increasing development of monitoring and decision‐aid systems either on computer networks or wireless networks, efficient methods are needed to visualise geographical data while respecting some application constraints (accuracy, legibility, security, etc.). This paper introduces a B‐spline snake model to deal with the current operators involved in the cartographic generalisation process of lines. This model enables us to perform those operators with a continuous approach. In order to avoid local conflicts such as intersections or self‐intersections, the consistency of the lines is checked and discrete operations such as segment removal are performed during the process. We apply the method to map production in the highly constrained domain of maritime navigation systems. Experimental results of marine chart generalisation yield some discussions about generalisation robustness and quality.  相似文献   

With the technological improvements of satellite sensors, we will acquire more information about the earth so that we have reached a new application epoch of observation on earth environmental change and cartography. But with the enhancement of spatial resolution, some questions have arisen in the application of using traditional image processing and classification methods. Aiming for such questions, we studied the application of IKONOS very high resolution image (1 m) in Xiamen City on Urban Vegetation Cover Investigation and discussed the difference between the very high resolution image and traditional low spatial resolution image at classification,information abstraction etc. It is an advantageous test for the large-scale application of very high resolution data in the future.  相似文献   

Rule‐based cellular automata (CA) have been increasingly applied to the simulation of geographical phenomena, such as urban evolution and land‐use changes. However, these models have difficulties and uncertainties in soliciting transition rules for a large complex region. This paper presents an extended cellular automaton in which transition rules are represented by using case‐based reasoning (CBR) techniques. The common k‐NN algorithm of CBR has been modified to incorporate the location factor to reflect the spatial variation of transition rules. Multi‐temporal remote‐sensing images are used to obtain the adaptation knowledge in the temporal dimension. This model has been applied to the simulation of urban development in the Pearl River Delta which has a hierarchy of cities. Comparison indicates that this model can produce more plausible results than rule‐based CA in simulating this large complex region in 1988–2002.  相似文献   

The built environment of Panama City, Panama, has undergone a transformative change over the past decade. Hundreds of high‐rise residential towers have sprung up in and around its central business district, eliciting comparisons with Singapore, New York and Dubai insofar as journalists, real estate boosters and politicians have associated the increase in tall buildings with a commensurate increase in global status. Concurrently, on the urban periphery, scores of uniform housing estates have been erected to house an upwardly mobile middle class. Triggered by the handover of the Panama Canal and the surrounding Canal Zone in 1999, the city's pronounced building boom has corresponded with the highest rates of economic growth in Latin America. This paper examines the complex factors behind the recent transformation of Panama City from a historical‐morphological perspective. While the drivers of demand for real property were primarily global, the determinants of supply have been highly localized, suggesting that the interface between the global and the local is a fundamental catalyst of changes in the urban landscape.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distribution of solar energy in urban areas is highly variable because of the complex building structures present. Traditional GIS-based solar radiation models rely on two-dimensional (2D) digital elevation models to calculate insolation, without considering building facades and complicated three-dimensional (3D) shading effects. Inspired by the ‘texture baking’ technique used in computer graphics, we propose a full 3D method for computing and visualizing urban solar radiation based on image-space data representation. First, a surface mapping approach is employed to project each 3D triangular mesh onto a 2D raster surface whose cell size determines the calculation accuracy. Second, the positions and surface normal vectors of each 3D triangular mesh are rasterized onto the associated 2D raster using barycentric interpolation techniques. An efficient compute unified device architecture -accelerated shadow-casting algorithm is presented to accurately capture shading effects for large-scale 3D urban models. Solar radiation is calculated for each raster cell based on the input raster layers containing such information as slope, aspect, and shadow masks. Finally, a resulting insolation raster layer is produced for each triangular mesh and is represented as an RGB texture map using a color ramp. Because a virtual city can be composed of tens of thousands of triangular meshes and texture maps, a texture atlas technique is presented to merge thousands of small images into a single large image to batch draw calls and thereby efficiently render a large number of textured meshes on the graphics processing unit.  相似文献   

We parameterized neural net‐based models for the Detroit and Twin Cities metropolitan areas in the US and attempted to test whether they were transferable across both metropolitan areas. Three different types of models were developed. First, we trained and tested the neural nets within each region and compared them against observed change. Second, we used the training weights from one area and applied them to the other. Third, we selected a small subset (~1%) of the Twin Cities area where a lot of urban change occurred. Four model performance metrics are reported: (1) Kappa; (2) the scale which correct and paired omission/commission errors exceed 50%; (3) landscape pattern metrics; and (4) percentage of cells in agreement between model simulations. We found that the neural net model in most cases performed well on pattern but not location using Kappa. The model performed well only in one case where the neural net weights from one area were used to simulate the other. We suggest that landscape metrics are good to judge model performance of land use change models but that Kappa might not be reliable for situations where a small percentage of urban areas change.  相似文献   

This paper discusses extensions of GAP‐trees from three aspects and its implementation based on non‐topological structure in order to enhance access to large vector data sets. First of all, we apply cartographic generalization rules to build a generalization procedure of the GAP‐tree, which makes coarse representations more consistent with human cognition. Second, we replace the three‐dimensional (pseudo‐) Reactive‐tree index with a 2D R‐tree index and a B‐tree index to improve the system efficiency. Finally, we compress a binary GAP‐tree into multi‐way GAP‐trees in order to reduce data redundancy. The shallower multi‐way GAP‐trees not only eliminate redundant data but also accelerate the system's response time. The extensions have been successfully implemented in PostgreSQL. A test of Beijing's land‐use data at the 1:10 000 scale demonstrates that the extended GAP‐trees are efficient, compact, and easy to implement.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The soilerosion in Loess Plateau is mostserious on the globe mainly due to the destroying of naturalvegetation and cultivation on slope land overextensive areas(Yang and Yu,1992;Jiang, 1997).To convertsloping cropland (cropped land on slope…  相似文献   

Urban forests play an important role in the thermal comfort and overall life of local populations in large-and medium-sized cities. This study analyzes urban forest loss and maps land use and land cover(LULC) changes between 1991 and 2018 by evaluating the use of urban planning instruments for the mitigation of urban forest loss in Jo?o Pessoa, Brazil. For this purpose, satellite-derived LULC images from 1991, 2006, 2010 and 2018 and data on urban forest loss areas obtained using the Google Earth Engine were used. In addition, this paper also discusses the instruments used for integrated urban planning, which are(a) the legal sector, responsibility and nature;(b) the urban expansion process; and(c) the elements of urban infrastructure. The results show a clear shift in land use in the study area. The major changes in LULC classes occurred in urban areas and herbaceous vegetation, while the greatest loss was in arboreal/shrub vegetation. Thus, an increase in the pressure to occupy zones intended for environmental preservation could be estimated. Our results showed similar accuracies with other studies and more spatial details. The characteristics of the patterns, traces, and hotspots of urban expansion and forest cover loss were explored. We highlighted the potential use of this proposed framework to be applied and validated in other parts of the world to help better understand and quantify various aspects of urban-related problems such as urban forest loss mapping using instruments for integrated urban planning and low-cost approaches.  相似文献   

Frich, Povl and Brandt, Erik: Holocene talus accumulation rates,—and their influence on rock glacier growth. A case study from Igpik, Disko—West Greenland. Geografisk Tidsskrift 85: 32–44 Copenhagen, October 1985.

The Igpik area is located ten km east of Godhavn on the south-coast of the island Disko. Geologically the area is dominated by Tertiary basalt formations.

A general geomorphological classification of this area, which covers approximately three square kms, has been made. Based on radiocarbon ages of former marine levels in the Disko Bugt area, the beginning of talus accumulation has been determined for two talus cones situated on raised beaches. They have ages of 5800 and 7900 14C y. B.P. Using theodolite readings, the volumes of three different talus cones have been determined and two average talus accumulation rates have been calculated for the cones located on raised beaches. These values are transformed into an average Holocene rockwall retreat rate of 0.0005 and 0.0015 m/year, respectively. The total volume of two lobate rock glaciers is calculated to be 2.2 mill, cu.m and as they are located inside 9000 years old local moraines, the average Holocene mass-transfer through the third talus cone has been estimated to 1.4 106 tons×m/sq.km/y. Finally the results are discussed, with reference to other areas, and as a possible threshhold for the initiation of rock glaciers.  相似文献   

Water shortage and water pollution have seriously affected human survival and China's sustainable development. Analysis of water pollution in various regions and industries is the key for addressing China's environmental sustainability problem. This study used multiregional input-output tables for 2002, 2007, and 2012 on the basis of traditional greywater footprint research, calculated the process and final consumption grey water footprints of China's 30 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions (not including Tibet, Hong Kong, Macao and Tianwan) and 17 industries during 2002-2012, and the total grey water footprint transfer of the eight regions and 17 industries. The results show that: 1) The grey water footprints of large economic areas such as Shandong, Henan, and Hebei have been relatively high, and the grey water footprints of relatively small economies such as Qinghai, Ningxia, and Hainan have been relatively small. 2) Agriculture is the largest sector contributing to grey water footprint. The four industries in the commercial and transportation sectors have large grey water footprints, but their total is far less than the agricultural grey water footprint. The grey water footprints of five industrial sectors, such as other manufacturing industries, have been relatively small. 3) The net input area of grey water footprint is the Beijing-Tianjin region, northern coastal region, eastern coastal region, and southern coastal region. The sum of the two paths with the largest amount of grey water footprint transfer increases first and then decreases. The identified main grey water footprint outflow-inflow area is the central area-the eastern coastal area. 4) Agriculture and mining industry are the net export sectors of grey water footprints. Most light industries and tertiary industries are the net input sectors of grey water footprints. The identified major grey water footprint outflow-inflow sectors include agriculture-food manufacturing and tobacco processing, agriculture-textile services, and agriculture-chemical industries. The grey water footprints generated by various regions and industries and the grey water footprint paths identified for the regions and industries can provide a theoretical basis for reducing grey water production, and provide theoretical support for the rational use of regional and industrial water resources. © 2020, Editorial office of PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Scientific interpretation of the driving forces of built-up land expansion is essential to urban planning and policy-making. In general, built-up land expansion results from the interactions of different factors, and thus, understanding the combined impacts of built-up land expansion is beneficial. However, previous studies have primarily been concerned with the separate effect of each driver, rather than the interactions between the drivers. Using the built-up land expansion in Beijing from 2000 to 2010 as a study case, this research aims to fill this gap. A spatial statistical method, named the geographical detector, was used to investigate the effects of physical and socioeconomic factors. The effects of policy factors were also explored using physical and socioeconomic factors as proxies. The results showed that the modifiable areal unit problem existed in the geographical detector, and 4000 m might be the optimal scale for the classification performed in this study. At this scale, the interactions between most factors enhanced each other, which indicated that the interactions had greater effects on the built-up land expansion than any single factor. In addition, two pairs of nonlinear enhancement, the greatest enhancement type, were found between the distance to rivers and two socioeconomic factors: the total investment in fixed assets and GDP. Moreover, it was found that the urban plans, environmental protection policies and major events had a great impact on built-up land expansion. The findings of this study verify that the geographical detector is applicable in analysing the driving forces of built-up land expansion. This study also offers a new perspective in researching the interactions between different drivers.  相似文献   

Permafrost engineering has been developing rapidly in recent years. Many projects have been undertaken with the latest technologies and show their importance in supporting regional social and economical development. For example, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has been a milestone project in permafrost engineering. However, when designing and building infrastructures in cold regions,  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method (moving-windows) that optimizes diatom-based paleolimnological reconstructions of past environmental conditions from supra-regional training sets. The moving-window method identifies the best number of nearest neighbours (window size) from a merged supra-regional EDDI and local (MV) training set (n = 429) for each fossil diatom assemblage and the best type of transfer function (ML, WA-PLS) based on the error statistic of each transfer function (highest cross-validated R 2, lowest cross-validated average bias, maximum bias and RMSEP). At first we evaluated the moving-window approach by comparing measured TP-values with inferred TP-values using both the moving-window approach and the WA-PLS method. The relative errors of the moving-window approach were not significantly different for 208 samples that had an error <15 μg/l TP using the WA-PLS method. However, for the remaining 221 samples with errors >>15 μg/l TP using the WA-PLS method, the moving window approach significantly reduced the relative error of the inferred TP levels. Secondly, the moving- window approach was used to reconstruct epilimnetic total phosphorous (TP) for Lake Dudinghausen, Lake Rugensee, Lake Tiefer See and Lake Drewitzer See (Northern Germany) using both the supra-regional EDDI training set and a local training set from Northern Germany (MV training set). The moving-window inferred TP-levels of the four study lakes were compared with published reconstructed TP-values and with inferred TP-values based on the local MV training set. Overall, the moving-window and the published TP-trends agree well with each other. However, the moving-window reconstructions generally indicated lower TP-levels throughout the past ∼5,000 to 12,000 years, including past maxima. Thus, the moving-window method seems to generate more realistic absolute TP levels due to the optimized window size (highest number of modern analogues, best error statistics). The identification of more realistic absolute historic TP-values is important for the validation of reference conditions for inland waters. This study also demonstrates that a robust local training set may, similar to moving-window training sets, also lead to reliable reconstructions, if the geological settings of the local training set lakes and the study lakes are similar.  相似文献   

Much research has demonstrated the effectiveness of customary indigenous management at conserving natural resources. However, little is known about integrating customary management with state-level institutions. We present a model case study of collaborative rulemaking based upon customary norms for interacting with resources. We explore the efforts of one Hawai‘i community to create formal state law based on customary norms to understand: (1) What is needed to integrate customary norms into state law? (2) What factors influence this integration? (3) What lessons emerge for similar efforts in other locations? First, we find that implementing some norms of customary management requires fundamental changes to state-level institutions. Second, communities can overcome institutional constraints by identifying substitutes for those customary norms that cannot be implemented directly. And third, formal regulation must be supplemented with educational and social programs. Based on these findings, we offer suggestions to integrate customary and state management in other geographies.  相似文献   

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