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Sedimentological analysis of the Weichselian deposits exposed in the coastal cliff section at Lønstrup Klint, northern Jutland, Denmark, demonstrates the presence of four sedimentary units comprising fine-grained lacustrine and fluvial deposits of the latest Middle Wcichselian. The Lønstrup Klint section also shows an interplay between glaciotectonics and sedimentation. The two lower sedimentary units are separated by an erosional unconformity of pretectonic origin, whereas the upper two units are syntectonic. The glaciotectonic processes reflect the Late Weichselian expansion of the Scandinavian ice cap into northern Jutland. The sedimentary structures indicate high rates of deposition. The area underwent dramatic palaeogeographic changes from deep lake to proglacial fluvial plain in a time-span of a few thousand years.  相似文献   

Papers presented at a two-day jointly sponsored IAHS/AGU symposium on groundwater contamination are briefly summarized. This international symposium was held 11–12 May, 1989, in Baltimore, Maryland. Presentations encompassed recent research developments in three general areas: abiotic and biotic processes governing contaminant transport; aquifer rehabilitation; and the influence of agricultural practices and nonpoint sources on aquifer quality. Contributions offered an interesting mixture of theoretical, mathematical, laboratory, and field studies. In the first session, transport processes explored ranged from dispersion and fingering to nonequilibrium sorption, metals complexation, and bacteria migration. The use of optimization modeling in the design of remediation strategies was the focus of another session. Here theoretical studies were presented alongside case histories of aquifer rehabilitation. In a final session, a number of models for agricultural management were described. These presentations were complemented by case studies of actual aquifer degradation resulting from land-use and management practices.  相似文献   

2009年10月在西安召开第八届国际冻土工程会议, 就冻土地区工程设计与建设、季节冻土区工程冻害防治、冻土物理力学特性、 模型发展及其应用、寒区气候、环境及冷生变化、多年冻土水文学、寒区水资源和土地应用等主要议题进行了广泛交流, 报告了近年来冻土工程与环境研究方面的一些新进展. 从冻土工程设计、施工和评价、普通冻土研究、冻土的物理力学性质、冻土模型发展及应用、 气候变化及冰冻圈环境等方面对该次会议交流的成果进行了总结. 与会研究者认为今后的研究一方面要加强理论研究、工程措施机理研究;另一方面要加强寒区环境对气候变化的响应及反馈、以及环境变化与冻土工程措施之间的相互作用研究.  相似文献   

Tectonics and plate tectonics model for the Variscan belt of Europe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A plate tectonics model is presented to explain the tectonometamorphic characteristics of the European Variscides. After the closing of two oceanic domains by two-sided subduction (500-420 Ma) and obduction (420-380 Ma), collision of the European and African continental plates occurred. We propose that the subsequent complex intracontinental deformation (380-290 Ma) is the result of a double subduction of the continental lithosphere accompanied by crust-mantle décollement. This mechanism explains the progressive crustal thickening and migration of the deformation through time from the sutures toward the external parts of the Variscan Belt. Accounting for this model and for the relationships between the European Variscides and the other Paleozoic peri-Atlantic belts (Caledonides, Appalachian, Mauritanides and Morocco), we infer the relative positions of Africa, America and Europe between the Silurian and the Permian.  相似文献   

国际化探大会每两年召开一次。一般是在北美与西欧轮流召开。本届会议是第一次在中国,也是第一次在亚洲召开。为了使更多国外学者了解中国化探的成就,本届会议决定与第5届全国勘查地球化学学术讨论会在同一时期同一地点先后举行。本文概述了大会前的5个专题讨论会、大会开幕式、全体会议上的3个学术报告、分组进行的9个专题学术报告会及成果展示。从本文可看到当前国际化探的动向,中国化探在国际上的地位,并可看到这次会议对中国化探今后发展的深远影响。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the program of the International Symposium on Forecasting Volcanic Eruptions and Relationship between Types of Eruption and Corresponding Magma Types. The symposium was held in Japan May 9–19, 1962. It included papers on predicting volcanic eruptions; eruption and related magma types; volcanic gases; calderas, physicochemical aspects of volcanic magmas; absolute age dating; and a general review of ignimbrites. Field trips were held in conjunction with the symposium. — R.C. Epis.  相似文献   

国际油页岩开发技术与研究进展记第33届国际油页岩会议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者参加了美国科罗拉多矿业学院于2013年10月14-16日组织召开的第33届国际油页岩会议(33rd Oil Shale Symposium).为了让国内学者了解国际油页岩开发技术与研究的进展情况,笔者选取了会上重要报告,从油页岩资源的地质调查、油页岩化学分析技术、地面干馏技术、地下原位转化技术、国际油页岩项目动态和油页岩资源开发风险评估等方面介绍了国际油页岩研究的新进展.国际上对油页岩资源的开发与利用正向着快速、经济、原位和环保的方向发展,会议上提出的油页岩光谱分析、沸腾油原位转化工艺及其先导试验区的建设、油页岩新项目的设计与发展等相关技术与理念都非常值得我国油页岩行业学习与借鉴.  相似文献   

2019年5月10日~12日,中国地震学会工程勘察专业委员会2019学术年会暨第四届海洋工程地质发展战略研讨会在中国海洋大学顺利召开。本次会议由山东省海洋环境地质工程重点实验室承办,防灾科技学院、国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部协办。共有来自国内42家知名科研院所和企事业单位的120余位专家学者参会,围绕"海洋地震及次生灾害勘测与防灾"主题展开讨论。会议共设11场特邀报告、9场自由报告,还安排了海洋工程地质发展战略研讨会以及野外考察。各位代表围绕会议主题,进行了热烈讨论,碰撞出了新的学术火花。不仅对于促进海洋地震及其次生灾害形成机理与灾害防控研究具有重要意义,而且为海洋工程地质工作者搭建了一个交流学术思想、分享科研进展的平台。  相似文献   

Albania: Rural development, migration and uncertainty   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
D. R. Hall 《GeoJournal》1996,38(2):185-189
This paper briefly reviews some of the post-communist rural development characteristics revealed in Albania up to the mid-1990s. In particular it focuses on the role of both emigration and internal migration as responses to domestic and particularly rural conditions within the country. North-south and rural-urban migration with the development of spontaneous settlements adjacent to the main centres of Tirana and Durrës are seen as presenting short-term expedients perhaps only exacerbating longer-term socio-economic problems. The future is uncertain: Albania is capable of filling a number of niche roles within European agriculture, but investment and domestic incentive is predicted upon both internal and external stability. This may not be forthcoming in the immediate future.  相似文献   

A symposium on the genesis of till entitled Till/Sweden-76 was held in Stockholm 16–18 August 1976. This issue of Boreas contains most of the papers presented at the symposium.  相似文献   

Association of titanium-zirconium placers and phosphate mineralization in Upper Cretaceous rocks of the East European Platform is shown with the Tsentral’noe (Central) and Unecha deposits as example. This paragenesis is caused by interaction between the multicomponent placer ore (phosphate-rare metal) concentrations and mechanical-chemical differentiation that shows up periodically during the sub-aerial migration of sedimentary material. Clastic ore components were mainly derived from intermediate collectors, while the phosphate material was delivered by the phosphate-containing solutions and particulates in the chemical weathering crust. Such phosphorite-titanium-zirconium occurrences can also be detected in other regions, including areas with rare metal placers.  相似文献   

The effects of air transportation on the movement of labor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of the deregulation of airlines markets and the new technologies that have been introduced into air transportation have been heavily studied. Much of this analysis has been on the impacts on the industry and the immediate welfare implications for passengers and, to a lesser extent, cargo consignors. This study looks at the longer-term effects of the modern air transportation system on labor markets and labor migration. The growth of the service sector, the emergence of more flexible manufacturing techniques, the reduction in trade-barriers, and the creation of more sophisticated financial markets have led to greater mobility in production and in capital movement. This has been explored to some extent. Labor is, however, also more mobile - for example, since the admission of Poland to the European Union some 465,000 Polish workers have joined the UK labor market. Air transportation facilitates easier migration, makes short-term, long-distance migration viable, and allows migrants to maintain contact with their home country. Within larger countries, such as the US, there has also been a growth in long distance “week-day” migration as spouses work in different parts of the country to be reunited at weekends. The study makes use of aggregate data to look at trends in international labor movements particularly concerning the European situation, and, to a lesser extent, at recent developments within the US. It is concerned both with what is going on in terms of the use being made of air transportation by migrants and the light that this may shed on migration theory.
Kenneth John ButtonEmail:

At the VIII. International Sedimentological Congress held in Heidelberg in 1971, a symposium with the above title was convened; a selection of the papers presented is assembled in this issue. In the introduction the approaches of the following studies are reviewed to show some trends and problems in reef research.  相似文献   

2001年8月19~23日, 在格陵兰举行了规模空前的"冰芯与气候"国际盛会, 会议展示了冰芯与气候环境研究的最新进展. 文中介绍这次会议并概括了近年来的主要研究进展. 与南北极地区的冰芯研究相比, 中低纬度地区冰芯研究是近年来国际冰芯研究中发展最快的. 在这一研究中, 中国科学家做出了重要贡献并得到了国际同行的高度评价.  相似文献   

O. Ransome-Kuti 《GeoJournal》1991,25(4):434-436

The International Geographical Union Reports

IGU commission health and development UGI commission sante et developpement In conjunction with medical geography specialty groups of the AAG, CAG, and IBG International medical geography symposium  相似文献   

A. R. Ritsema 《Tectonophysics》1970,10(5-6):609-623
This is a report of a symposium organized by the Netherlands Commission for the Upper Mantle Project. The data relative to the generation of the western Mediterranean Sea basins, presented during this symposium, are summarized in the Appendix.

Several modes of origin have been discussed:

1. (1) the basins are remnants of a former larger ocean;

2. (2) they are formed in the wake of drifting continental blocks;

3. (3) by an erosion and denudation of a continental crust;

4. (4) by an upheaval and later subsidence of an ocean floor; or

5. (5) by sub crustal erosion of a continental crust.

It is concluded that, although many data are in agreement with the drift model, this process cannot have been the sole agent in the generation of the basins.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1403-1431
A review of Geochemistry of Steppes and Deserts was published in an earlier issue of International Geology Review (v. 5, no. 6, p. 737). On the basis of this review, the Committee recomended that the eight papers constituting the major portion of the symposium be translated and published in International Geology Review.

Therefore, /he first of these translations is published below. The remaining papers will be published in succeeding issues of IGR when possible and will be presented in the order as listed in the table of contents in the original symposium.--AGI Translation Office.  相似文献   

Carter FW 《GeoJournal》1993,30(3):241-248
Migration within and from Eastern Europe has recently risen as a topic of significance on the European political agenda. One aspect of this complex migration matrix relates to ethnic unrest. This paper examines the scale and spatial ramifications of this movement on a part of the continent recently freed from communist rule.An attempt is made to divide the ethnic quilt of Eastern Europe into those countries with few such problems and those with many. It is possible then to define areas of active migration (hot spots) from those of potential migration (inflammable spots) based on predictions from the current situation.Active ethnic migration results from the present political/military instability in the western Balkans, where refugees have left for other parts of Europe to escape the present Croat-Serb-Muslim conflict. War escalation could encourage potential ethnic migration from Kosovo, the Sandzak and Vojvodina regions,and Macedonia within the former Yugoslavia. Future disquiet elsewhere could stimulate ethnic groups such as the Turks in Bulgaria,and the Hungarian minorities in Slovakia and Romania to join this migration movement scenario.  相似文献   



Hydrology in the Humid Tropic environment first circular — call for papers international symposium  相似文献   

International symposium on mineralization related to mafic and ultramafic rocks  相似文献   

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