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Charged dust grains of radiia3×10–6 cm could be a help in understanding the production of primary cosmic ray particles in extensive air showers (EAS). A two-stage acceleration mechanism is proposed in order to accelerate dust grains up to relativistic energy. In the first stage, dust grains acquire suprathermal energy (Suprathermal Grains) by the Fermi mechanism. In the second stage, suprathermal grains attain relativistic energy by the Alfvén magnetic pumping mechanism yielding the primary cosmic ray particles. Ionization loss has been considered to be a most important loss mechanism for charged dust grains in a fully ionized medium. It is suggested that graphite dust grains of intergalactic origin may be responsible for high energy (>1020 eV) cosmic rays.  相似文献   

The optical properties of circumstellar silicate dust grains around oxygen-rich giant stars are investigated with close attention to infrared observations of OH/IR stars. The optical constants are deduced from available astronomical and laboratory data. The deduced opacities at longer wavelengths (12 m) for OH/IR stars are higher than the one for M-type Miras possibly because of the change of optical constants depending on temperature of dust grains. Absorption and scattering efficiencies are evaluated for various grain size distributions and shapes. The results of detailed radiative transfer model calculations based on our dust parameters are compared with observational data. The Planck mean values incorporating substantial far-infrared absorption are also calculated.Yonsei University Observatory Contribution No. 91.Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk National University Contribution No. 4.  相似文献   

A self-consistent solution of the dynamical and thermal structure of an H2O-dominated, two-phase, dusty-gas cometary atmosphere has been obtained by solving the simultaneous set of differential equations representing conservation of number density, momentum and energy together with the transfer of solar radiation in the streams responsible for the major photolytic processes and the heating of the nucleus. The validity of the model is restricted to the collision-dominated region where all the gas species are assumed to attain a common velocity and common temperature. Two models are considered for the transfer of solar radiation through the circum-nuclear dust halo. In the first only the direct extinction by the dust is considered. In the second, the finding of some recent models, that the diffuse radiation field due to multiple scattering by the dust halo more or less compensates for radiation removed by direct absorption when the optical depth is near unity, is approximated by neglecting the attenuation of the radiation by the dust altogether.As has been shown earlier, the presence of dust results in a transonic solution, and it is obtained by a two-step iterative procedure which makes use of the asymptotic behaviour of the radiation fields sufficiently far from the nucleus and a regularity condition at the sonic point.The calculations were performed for a medium sized comet (R n =2.5 km) having a dust to gas production rate ratio of unity, at a heliocentric distance of 1 AU. The dust grains were assumed to be of the same radius (1), of low density (1g cm–3) and be strongly absorbing (having the optical properties of magnetite).The main effect of the dust on the cometary atmosphere is dynamic. While the dust-gas coupling persists to about 20R n , the strong throat effect of the dust friction on the gas causes the latter to go supersonic quite rapidly. Consequently the sub-sonic region around the nucleus is very thin, varying between 45 and 85m in the two models considered. On the other hand, while this highly absorbing dust has a temperature substantially above that of the gas in the inner coma, heat exchange between them does not significantly change the temperature profile of the gas. This is because of the predominance of the expansion cooling, and even more importantly, the IR-cooling by H2O, in the inner coma. Consequently, the gas temperature goes through a strong inversion, as in the dust-free case, achieving a temperature as low as about 6K within about 50km of the nucleus, before increasing to about 700K atr=104km, due to the high efficiency of photolytic heating over the cooling process in the outer coma. The Mach number achieves a maximum value of about 10 at the distance of the temperature minimum, thereafter steadily decreasing to a value of about 2.5 atr104km.It is shown that while the dust attenuation has a strong effect on the production rate of H2O, it also has an interesting effect on the electron density profile. It increases the electron density in the inner coma over the unattenuated case, while at the same time, decreasing it in the outer coma. In conclusion, the limitations of the present model and the necessity to extend it using a multi-fluid approach are discussed.  相似文献   

The linear density and velocity perturbations are analyzed in a differentially rotating thin gravitating disc consisting of gas and dust. For the radial behaviour of the equilibrium density and the velocity of sound we assume a power law. The zeros of these perturbations have a distance behaviour like the distances of the planets and their satellites known as the Titius-Bode rule. It is suggested, that the knots of the velocity disturbances are the places where ring like dust accumulations occur. The mechanism is the same as in the Kundt's tube, where collisions between the dust and the oscillating gas are responsible for this effect.  相似文献   

We present 50 and 100µm photometry and size information for several main sequence stars surrounded by dust shells. The observations from NASA's Kuiper Airborne Observatory include the Vega-like stars, Beta Pic, Fomalhaut, as well as four stars suggested by Walker and Wolstencroft to belong possibly to the same class. The results of our observations are best interpreted as upper limits to the far-infrared sizes of the dust clouds around all of the stars except Fomalhaut and Beta Pic. We have also fit simple, optically thin models to the Beta Pic data to explore the range of shell parameters consistent with our limits and with previous observations.  相似文献   

The interaction between small-scale magnetic fields and horizontal photospheric flows has been studied from observations of high angular resolution obtained with the Lockheed narrowband filter in the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope at La Palma. The measured magnetic flux density (B ) is in the range from a detection limit of 10 G to about 500 G, showing a good correspondence with the filigree. The magnetic flux elements take part in the local flows towards downdrafts at the supergranulation cell boundaries. The measured flux density, as well as the associated filigree intensity, decrease as the structures approach the downdrafts, presumably as a result of increased tilting and possibly submergence of flux into the downdrafts.  相似文献   

Corrections are given which transform the Tables of the solar radiation data (Labs and Neckel, 1968) into the International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968. Additionally, for the adjustment of the data of the true continuum and the corresponding line blanketing as well, the veiled line effect mentioned first by Carbon et al. (1968), but studied in more detail by Holweger (1970a), has been considered also.The corresponding corrections of the solar irradiance result in an improved value of the spectrophotometric solar constant: S = 1.947 cal cm-2 min-1 or 0.1358 W cm-2. Two Tables presenting the highest (window-) intensities and the corrected irradiance data have been added.  相似文献   

We present CCD surface photometry for four globular clusters: NGC 2298, NGC 6402, NGC 6934 and NGC 7089. Our photometry was aimed at the central 3 arcmin region in each cluster. We show that the surface brightness distributions of these clusters are well described by the isothermal King (1966) models. Our color analysis shows that NGC 7089 exhibits a remarkable color gradient in which the central region is bluer than the outer parts by the amplitude inB-V 0.1 mag/. Color gradients have also been detected in the central regions of NGC 6402 and NGC 6934, although the variation does not extend to outer part. No gradient has been detected in NGC 2298. Similar color gradients have been previsouly observed exclusively in highly concentrated systems classified as post core collapse clusters.  相似文献   

Photographs of Comet Bennett 1969i taken in the dust-scattered continuum reveal that the dust particles, leading to the formation of the type II tail, leave the vicinity of the nucleus only within a certain cone with the aperture in the direction to the Sun. Three parabolic envelopes embracing the nucleus are formed by the dust (vertex always about on the radius vector) reaching distances from the nucleus of 30 000, 60 000 and 100 000 km.There exists no relation between the production and motion of this dust and the production and motion of the neutral coma gases. The cone of expulsion of the dust is identical with the cone of expulsion for the ions leading to the formation of the type I tail. Dust- and ion envelopes have, however, different kinematical properties. The cone of expulsion is identical with Bessel's Ausströmungskegel of visible matter observed by him in Comet Halley 1835.Comet Bennett is compared with Comet Halley 1910; they are related in many respects although Comet Halley had a lower dust production than the Comet Bennett.We ascribe to the dust particles of the tail II from the beginning of the expulsion an electrical charge.  相似文献   

The observed variation of reddening as function of the heliocentric distance and the spatial variation of reddening within the coma of Comet West in the visual wavelength range have been considered to infer the properties of the cometary dust grains. The relevant model incorporates the variation in the size distribution function as well as the composition of the spherical grains. The real part of the complex index of refraction (m = m – im) is chosen such thatm = 1.6. The imaginary part is required to vary from m = 0.2 to 0.05 over the wavelength range 0.4 to 0.7 m. This choice of refractive index corresponds to dirty silicate grains. As a by-product, the model also satisfies the observed polarization and albedo for the Comet West.  相似文献   

Mid-infrared imaging photometry of the Orion BN/KL infrared cluster at eight wavelengths between 5 and 20µm using a 58 × 62 pixel imaging array camera has revealed new compact sources and the large-scale structure of the region in diffraction-limited (1 arcsec) detail. Several new objects have been detected within a few arcsec of IRc2, widely thought to be the principal luminosity source for the entire BN/KL complex. Detailed color temperature and emission opacity images are derived from the 7.8, 12.4 and 20.0µm observations, and the 9.8µm image is used to derive an image of silicate dust extinction for the region. The color temperature, opacity, and extinction images show that IRc2 may not be the single dominant luminosity source for the BN/KL region; substantial contributions to the luminosity could be made by IRc7, BN, KL, and five new compact 10µm sources detected within a few arcseconds of IRc2. We suggest that a luminous, early-type star near IRc2, which is associated with the compact radio source I and the Orion SiO maser, is the dominant luminosity source in the BN/KL region, hidden from view by cool dust material with at least Av 60 mag of visible extinction.  相似文献   

The large-scale post-perihelion evolution of the dust tail in Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale–Bopp) was monitored with Schmidt telescope exposures at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) La Silla in Chile. In early October 1997 signatures of a peculiar dust-tail appeared as straight, but diffuse extensions in the northern and southern coma hemisphere. With the approach of the Earth to the orbital plane of the comet a needle-like anti-tail with a similar, but much longer counterpart in the region of the normal dust tail formed. In early January 1998, i.e., close to the plane crossing, the anti-tail pointed towards position angle 190° and was at least 0.4°long, its counter part extended over more than 5° into oppositedirection. During February and March 1998 the position angles of both features increased by more than 40$°– while their appearance became shorter, wider and more diffuse again. Thepeculiar dust tail was last observed in April 1998.Modeling of the dust tail dynamics shows that the anti-tail andpeculiar tail phenomenon observed is formed by a neck-line structureof heavy dust grains released around perihelion passage. Two scenariiare introduced to explain the extension of the anti-tail feature:(1) grains ejected about 20 days post-perihelion with a initial velocity of 170 m/s in radial direction towards the Sun and(2) grains released about 60–80 days before perihelion at a speed of70m/s into the orbital plane and against the motion directionof the comet. The out-of-plane velocity component of the dust wasless than 25 m/s. Both scenarios require dust of < 0.001to be involved, i.e., grains of at least mm-size. The rather symmetric shading of the neck-line structure before and after passage of theEarth through the orbital plane of the comet in early January 1998 supports the idea that dust of both scenarii may have contributed to the phenomenon.  相似文献   

High linear polarization (up to 5–8%) discovered by our group in the deep minima of isolated AE-Herbig stars is discussed in the framework of the model of zodiacal light produced by scattering matter in a circumstellar dust envelope (probably in protoplanetary discs). The numerical simulations of polarizational and colourimetrical properties of the scattered light based on the Mie theory permit to obtain from the observations some important parameters of circumstellar dust: the size distribution of grains, their rough chemical composition (silicate/graphite), the flatness of the dust envelope.Moreover, the position angle of polarization in deep minima may be used for determination of the symmetry axis projection of circumstellar disc on the sky relative to the direction of local interstellar magnetic field. The latest is important in order to understand the role of the magnetic field at the initial phase of gravitational collapse of protostellar clouds.Finally, the component of linear polarization which is due to the alignment of nonspherical circumstellar grains may be separate from the observed polarization under certain conditions.Paper presented at the 12th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU European Astronomers Look to the Future, held 8–11 October, 1990 in Davos, Switzerland.  相似文献   

The Galileo spacecraft was launched in 1989, and—between 1995 and 2003—was the first spacecraft in orbit about Jupiter. The in-situ dust instrument on board was a highly sensitive impact-ionisation dust detector which measured the speed, mass and impact direction of dust particles hitting a metal target. It provided a unique 12-year record of cosmic dust in interplanetary and circumjovian space. Degradation of the instrument electronics caused by the harsh radiation environment in the inner jovian magnetosphere was recognised in various ways: the sensitivity for dust detection dropped by a factor of 7.5 between 1996 and 2003 while the noise sensitivity decreased by up to a factor of 100. Shifts in the parameters measured during dust impacts and noise events (charge amplitudes and signal rise times, etc.) required a time-dependent algorithm for noise identification. After noise removal a total of 21 224 complete data sets for dust impacts (i.e. impact charges, signal rise times, impact direction, etc.) is available from the entire Galileo mission between 1989 and 2003 (18 340 data sets from the Jupiter mission after 1996). This homogeneous data set has been used in many investigations of jovian dust published already or ongoing. Electronics degradation prevents the application of the mass and speed calibration to data obtained after 2000. Only in cases where the impact speed of grains is known by other means can grain masses be derived for later measurements. The drop of the detection sensitivity also required a time-dependent correction for fluxes of jovian dust streams, reaching a factor of 20 in 2002. We use the derived homogeneous noise-removed data set for long-term monitoring of the jovian dust streams with Galileo. The derived fluxes of dust stream particles were highly variable by about five orders of magnitude, between 3×10-3 and and exhibited strong orbit-to-orbit variability. This extensive and valuable data set is available for further detailed investigations.  相似文献   

One-hundred and three nearby bright Main-Sequence stars of spectral type F and G have been searched for infrared excess in order to find out Vega-like characteristics. In our sample of bright Main-Sequence F and G stars none of the G-type stars show infrared excess but 4 out of 28 F-type stars are Vega-like and the equilibrium distances of dust shells are within the planet-forming region.  相似文献   

The enhanced -decay rate of ionized187Re in stars has been studied within the context of a detailed numerical model of the production ofr-process elements and their recycling through stars during the course of galactic evolution. It is concluded that the enhanced decay rate does not significantly reduce the Re-Os chronometer age for the Galaxy. Consequently, the187Re -decay half-life and the neutron cross-section ratio (186Os)/(187Os) remain as the significant uncertainties in this chronology. Unlike the uncertainties in other chronologies, both are amenable to laboratory measurements.  相似文献   

Analytical approximations used often in the literature for calculating energy rates emitted by dust grains in infrared are discussed. Comparisons with correct complete formulations are made for three grain models: (1) pure graphite, (2) ice mantle-graphite core, (3) silicates. -1 and -1 dependences for the average effective emissivity of such grains are used. We find that for silicate and graphite grains the simplified approximations are valid only when accuracies between 10% and 50% are required and only for grain temperatures higher than 80 K. At lower temperatures the validity of the approximations fails for the graphite particle while it is variable for the silicate dust grain. The ice core mantle particles can instead be treated with approximated formulae without introducing appreciable errors.Paper presented at the Symposium on Solid State Astrophysics, held at the University College, Cardiff, Wales, between 9–12 July, 1974.  相似文献   

We consider the possibility that dust grains in novae could nucleate on ions. We examine how different ejected masses and different elemental abundances effect the availability of nucleation centres, and we show how this model could explain why only novae of intermediate speed classes form dust.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   

A. Greve 《Solar physics》1971,16(2):328-335
From observations of the center to limb variation of the emission peaks of the Mgii, H and K lines the optical thickness of the emitting layer for a simplified geometrical model has been calculated to be 300. The source function was approximated by a second order polynomial. The turbulent velocities of the emitting layer are found to be 6.8 km/sec, in agreement with other observations.  相似文献   

We discuss in this paper the possibility of interpreting the 2200 Å band occurring in the interstellar extinction curves as being attributed to porous graphite. The results show that grains with radii smaller than 0.015 m and a porosity degree within the values 0.02f0.25 are able to fit satisfactorily the peak at 4.6 m–1 and the band shape between 4 and 5.2 m–1. Consideration of the expected density for such particles seems to confirm that interstellar grains may be porous but, at the same time, suggests that care must be taken when data concerning dust in the solar system are extrapolated to the interstellar space.  相似文献   

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