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Seagrass beds serve as nursery grounds for many fish species and often play an important role in the juvenile stages of economically and recreationally important fishes. The eelgrass Zostera capensis is the dominant submerged macrophyte in permanently open South African estuaries and occupies large intertidal and subtidal areas within the Knysna system. The primary objective of this study was to compare the occurrence of sparids and mugilids in eelgrass and nearby bare sediment areas using sampling with seine nets. The hypothesis that was tested is that mugilids are dominant in unvegetated areas of the Knysna Estuary littoral whereas sparids predominate within eelgrass beds located in the same zone. The results indicate that the family Mugilidae is better represented at unvegetated sites when compared to members of the family Sparidae, with the exception of Lithognathus lithognathus, but that the dominant three sparids and dominant two mugilids were most abundant in sparse eelgrass beds that included both bare and vegetated areas within this habitat type. The main fish species responsible for the separation of fish assemblages associated with unvegetated sites versus those associated with vegetated areas were Rhabdosargus holubi, Liza dumerili, Liza richardsonii, Lithognathus lithognathus, Sarpa salpa and Diplodus capensis, with R. holubi, S. salpa and D. capensis being mainly attracted to eelgrass habitats and L. dumerili, L. richardsonii and L. lithognathus having a stronger affinity for bare areas. This finding confirms a previous estuarine study in the nearby Swartvlei lake littoral, which found that sparids dominated areas where aquatic macrophytes were extensive and that mugilids became more prevalent at those same sites when the macrophytes underwent complete senescence. The length-frequency distributions of some sparid and mugilid species differed considerably between eelgrass and bare sediment areas, whereas those of other species showed little or no difference between these two habitat types.  相似文献   

Larval fishes were collected from the surf zone of Horn Island, Mississippi between March 1978 and April 1979. A standardized total of 39 435 larvae were taken from 222 collections in the inner and outer surf zone regions, representing fish in 69 taxa. Overall, considerably more larvae were collected in the outer surf zone (78·3%) than in the inner surf zone (21·7%). Engraulids, Chloroscombrus chrysurus and Symphurus spp. were the most abundant larvae taken from the outer surf zone while engraulids, Leiostomus xanthurus, Brevoortia patronus and Trinectes maculatus were the numerically dominant larvae in the inner surf zone. Seasonal peaks in abundance occurred at the outer surf zone stations during May and June and at the inner surf zone stations during December. Larval densities were significantly greater in night collections than in day collections.The occurrence of early larvae, late larvae and juveniles suggests that the surf zone habitat is important to several species of coastal marine fishes. Menticirrhus littoralis, Harengula jaguana and Trachinotus carolinus appear to most readily utilize the surf zone as a nursery area.  相似文献   

Habitat heterogeneity can influence biological communities by providing a diversity of areas that can be occupied by different species. Sandy beach surf zones are often considered homogenous environments; however, sand bars moved by currents and waves can produce trench‐like shapes or troughs that provide heterogeneity. The influence of habitat heterogeneity produced by sand movement is unclear despite the fact that surf zones are an important habitat for larval and juvenile fish and macrocrustaceans. To determine if, and how, the fish and macroinvertebrate communities present in trough and non‐trough or flat areas of Oregon surf zones differ, we compared species assemblages in both areas at three beaches adjacent to estuary mouths over 2 years. Troughs had different communities compared with flat areas, with higher total catch (mean ± SD = 123.2 ± 122.1 versus 43.6 ± 44.5 individuals × 100 m?2) and taxon richness (6.7 ± 2.7 versus 4.0 ± 2.3 taxa); these differences were potentially due to water movement, prey availability and sediment size. The fish and macroinvertebrate communities did not vary between years but there were significant differences among beaches, with the most distinct community present at the only beach adjacent to an estuary without a jetty at its mouth, which was possibly due to higher species movement between the surf zones and estuary. Fish and macrocrustacean surf zone communities varied spatially within and among beaches in relation to habitat heterogeneity provided by sand movement and, potentially, the influence of adjacent habitats.  相似文献   

The surf zone ichthyoplankton of Swartvlei Bay was studied between February 1986 and June 1987, with particular emphasis on its potential role as a nursery area for estuarine associated marine fish species. Larvae and/or postlarvae of 16 families were identified from the surf zone, with the Gobiidae, Soleidae, Sparidae and Mugilidae comprising 85·7% of all teleosts sampled. The postlarvae of several taxa (including the six most common species), which utilize the Swartvlei estuary as a juvenile nursery area, were abundant in the surf zone. Conversely, species which are common in nearshore marine waters as juveniles and adults, but seldom enter estuaries, totalled less than 8% of the surf zone ichthyoplankton assemblage.Larval and postlarval densities peaked during summer when water temperatures exceeded 19°C and the estuary mouth was open. Concentrations of ichthyoplankton were highest at those sampling stations closest to the estuary mouth during the summer period. Diel changes in total catches revealed no significant difference between day and night densities; but of the four major taxa, the Mugilidae and Sparidae tended to be more abundant during the day, the Gobiidae at night and the Soleidae showed no distinct pattern. Results from a 24 h sampling session indicated that tidal phase may also be important in governing ichthyoplankton abundance in the surf zone.  相似文献   

Monthly sampling for ichthyoplankton was conducted at three stations very near to the coast (near to shore shallow stations before the surf zone in direction to the shoreline) of Atlantic northwestern Portugal within contrasting localities: rocky shore, in front of a sandy beach receiving an estuary and a fishing port with heavy anthropogenic impact. Sampling was conducted from August 2002 to October 2003, always at full moon, at low tide and high tide in daylight hours, at the water column using a 48 cm diameter plankton net with 335 μm mesh. Analysis of the physico-chemical parameters pointed out the spatial (horizontal) homogeneity of the sampling area. Fish larvae from 41 taxa belonging to 17 families were identified; Blenniidae, Labridae, Ammodytidae, Clupeidae, Gobiidae, Soleidae and Gobiesocidae were the most representative during the study period. Parablennius gattorugine, Ammodytes tobianus, Symphodus melops, Sardina pilchardus, Lipophrys pholis and Coryphoblennius galerita were the most representative species (percentage contribution to total abundance). Peak abundance of fish eggs occurred during May, June and August 2003 and fish larvae occurred during May and July 2003 and August 2002 and 2003; there was a pronounced winter/early spring (March 2003) peak in larval abundance dominated by the small sandeel A. tobianus. This study identifies the occurrence of a conspicuous assemblage of larval fishes at very nearshore shallow environments of a variety of species with different adult habitats: the fish larvae assemblage was dominated by intertidal species. The present study has shown that temporal and spatial variations in the larval fish assemblage are related to environmental conditions and biological dynamics: the results suggest that abiotic conditions mediate biotic parameters, and that both abiotic and biotic characteristics regulated the larval fishes at very nearshore shallow environments.  相似文献   

Adult brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in lakes are primarily littoral/benthic foragers. We predicted that the distribution of adult brown trout in lakes would be shaped by foraging demands, and that they would be more abundant in gently sloping littoral areas, that is, littoral areas that have a greater space available to support benthic foraging habitats. To address this hypothesis, we measured abundance of brown trout among littoral areas with different gradients in Lakes Te Anau and Manapouri. There was a significant negative relationship between littoral zone gradient and relative abundance (CPUE) of adult brown trout. This result supports the hypothesis that brown trout aggregate in littoral areas with greater amounts of foraging habitat in Fiordland lakes.  相似文献   

Vertical and horizontal distribution patterns of larval and juvenile fishes were described from five offshore petroleum platforms in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Light traps and passively-fished plankton nets were used nocturnally between 1995–2000 to collect fishes in surface and deep (15–23 m depth) waters within the platform structure, and light traps were also used in surface waters directly down-current of the platforms. Light traps fished at the surface, as opposed to at-depth, collected greater CPUEs and greater diversity of larval and juvenile fishes. Of the dominant taxa collected by light traps, clupeids, engraulids, synodontids, and presettlement blenniids were most common in surface waters within the platform, while postflexion scombrids and settlement-size blenniids and pomacentrids were most common in surface waters down-current of the platforms. Deep plankton nets collected greater densities of non-clupeiform larval fishes, although surface plankton nets collected greater numbers of taxa. The vertical distribution patterns described for dominant larval fish collected by plankton nets were generally consistent with those from other studies, i.e. clupeid, carangid, sciaenid and scombrid larvae more abundant in surface waters at platforms, and synodontid, bregmacerotid, gobiid and bothid larvae more abundant in deeper waters. Oil and gas platforms likely impact larval and juvenile fish populations, particularly considering their proliferation in the Gulf (i.e., over 4000 platforms). The results from this study provide valuable baseline information for future research investigating how platforms impact the life history stages of fish populations.  相似文献   

Elucidation of important nursery habitats for young fish can aid in the management and assessment of fish stocks. Herring (Clupea harengus) in the Baltic Sea primarily spawn in coastal areas, but larvae are also present in off-shore, open sea areas. To investigate if sheltered coastal habitats provide a better growth environment for larval herring, we compared short-term growth (as indexed by whole body RNA:DNA ratios) of larval herring from three habitat types of the northwest Baltic proper (sheltered inner bay, exposed outer bay, and open sea). In addition, we compared individual RNA content of adult female Eurytemora affinis (a common Baltic copepod) among these different habitats. High RNA levels in these copepods indicate high production of nauplii, which are important food for larval herring. Both RNA:DNA ratios of larval herring and RNA content of E. affinis were significantly greater in embayment habitats, suggesting that the sheltered coastal areas are high quality nursery habitats for young Baltic herring.  相似文献   

Fronts and eddies are widely hypothesized to be critical spawning habitat for large pelagic fishes, due to increased larval and/or adult feeding opportunities at these features. We examined sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) spawning around a cyclonic, submesoscale (∼13 × 7 km) Florida Current frontal eddy. The temporal progression of eddy dynamics over a 65 h period was determined using ocean color satellite imagery, continuous surface measurements along the cruise track, and non-linear least-squares fitting of the positions of three drifters deployed within the eddy. A peak in larval sailfish densities (n = 2435, stations = 49), composed primarily of yolk-sac and first-feeding larvae, occurred at the eddy frontal zone. A majority of these larvae were estimated to have been spawned during the formation of the eddy. A comparison between the distribution of similar-age sailfish and scombrid larvae indicated that the peak in larval sailfish density likely resulted from spawning directly at the front, rather than transport by convergent flow. The first-feeding prey items of larval sailfish (Farranula and Corycaeus copepods) were most abundant at the frontal zone and to a lesser extent inside the eddy. Egg distributions were used to indirectly assess the distribution of adult sailfish prey items. Euthynnus alleteratus and Auxis spp. eggs were in highest abundance outside the eddy, while the eggs of small carangids were in highest abundance at the eddy frontal zone. Overall, this study indicates that sailfish spawn at small-scale oceanographic features that provide a favorable feeding environment for their larvae and potentially also for the adults.  相似文献   

The size of bottom‐up subsidies, food and larvae, from the ocean has a profound impact on inter‐tidal communities and populations. Alongshore variations in subsidies are attributed to variation in coastal conditions, but also might be due to variations in surf‐zone hydrodynamics. We tested this hypothesis by comparing surf‐zone phytoplankton concentrations to surf‐zone hydrodynamics as indicated by the width of the surf zones. To minimize the potential effects of alongshore variation in phytoplankton abundance in the coastal ocean, we sampled closely spaced sites (median separation 1 km) over short periods (3 days). Surf‐zone concentrations of coastal phytoplankton taxa (e.g. Chaetoceros spp., Pseudo‐nitzschia spp. and dinoflagellates) varied with surf‐zone width; 65% to 94% of the variability in their concentration is explained by surf‐zone width. Where surf zones were narrow and more reflective, phytoplankton concentrations were one to several orders of magnitude lower than in wider, more dissipative surf zones. The most closely spaced stations were 30 m apart, but represented distinct habitats – a reflective and a more dissipative surf zone. Phytoplankton concentrations in the reflective surf zone were an order of magnitude or more lower than in the adjacent more dissipative surf zone. A reanalysis of a published study on phytoplankton subsidies found similar results. Alongshore variation in surf‐zone hydrodynamics appears to be an important driver of phytoplankton subsidies to the inter‐tidal zone.  相似文献   

The evaluation and management of fisheries resources requires knowledge of spatial and temporal changes in the habitat-associations of fishes. However, most studies concerning habitat associations of small fishes in the shallow regions of estuaries have been limited to daytime sampling strategies. Diel changes were investigated in assemblages of fishes associated with shallow seagrass (Zostera capricorni) and bare sand in two estuaries in south-eastern Australia. Habitat-related differences in assemblages were strong day and night, and were greater than diel changes in assemblages. The seagrass-associated assemblages remained similar day and night and consistently differed from those associated with bare sand. In contrast, the assemblages over sand varied on a diel basis as larger individuals of several species (e.g.Gerres subfasciatus,Platycephalus fuscus) that resided over other (deeper) habitats during the day were caught over shallow sand at night. Further, some species (e.g.Ambassis jacksoniensis) that resided in seagrass during the day occurred over sand at night. Both habitats were utilized by newly recruited juveniles of economically important species and the habitat-associations of these species generally did not differ on a diel basis. Therefore, both habitats are considered important to the fisheries resources of south-eastern Australia. Inclusion of night-time sampling provided a greater understanding and appreciation of the use of the unvegetated habitat by fishes than has previously been acknowledged from studies based solely on daytime sampling. This study indicates that greater consideration of temporal changes in habitat associations of fishes is required in other geographic regions.  相似文献   

The restriction of freshwater flow into estuaries, the presence of in-stream barriers and the occurrence of invasive fish species in these habitats are identified as major threats to these young estuary- and marine-spawned fish species. These aspects have been investigated using the distribution and abundance of young estuary- and marine-spawned fish species in the headwater environments of four permanently open estuaries of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Fishes were collected twice per season over the 2009 and 2010 period, using mixed method sampling with seine net hauls and overnight fyke net deployments. Of the 74,751 fishes collected, 37,444 fishes, 18 families and 34 species were taken in fyke net catches, while 34,308 fishes, 21 families and 38 species were caught in seine nets. In the Great Fish, Kowie, Kariega and Sundays River systems, juveniles of estuarine residents dominated headwater catches, followed by juveniles of estuary-dependent marine species. The prevalence of larval and small juvenile stages of estuary- and marine-spawned fish species highlights the potential importance of these transitional areas for young fish.  相似文献   

To determine the relative importance of surf zones as habitats for fishes and macroinvertebrates, compared to other inshore marine environments, seasonal and diel abundance patterns were studied for one year. Both study sites were located on the south shore of Horn Island, a barrier in the northern Gulf of Mexico. At each site a 300 m2 area was sampled, using a 50-m seine set around steel poles. Capture efficiency of the seine, determined from escapement tests, averaged 82%.While 59 species were captured during the study, only six species, Harengula jaguana, Anchoa hepsetus, A. mitchilli, Callinectes sapidus, A. lyolepis and Menticirrhus littoralis, comprised 90% of the total catch by number. Summer macrofaunal standing crop (mean = 9·8 gm−2, wet weight) was significantly greater than other seasons. The lowest values for both density and standing crop were those obtained in the winter. Both standing crop and average weight of the fishes increased significantly in night samples; a similar pattern did not occur for blue carbs. This primarily reflects the movement of larger, but generally rarer, fish species into the shallow surf zone after dark.Principal components analysis indicated that the standing crop of fishes was lowest during periods of reduced water volume and wave activity. However, seasonal factors appear, overall, to be more important in influencing fish abundance. Compared to a wide range of inshore marine habitats, surf zones appear intermediate in standing crop. Thus, at least during the summer, such habitats are important contributors to inshore standing crops of fishes.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to (1) investigate whether the availability of suitable zooplankton prey limits the distribution of the coastal larval areas of pike (Esox lucius) in two archipelago areas of the northern Baltic Sea and (2) compare the availability of zooplankton prey in spring between different types of coastal littoral habitat. According to the results, reed belt habitats formed by Phragmites australis constitute hot spots for zooplankton prey in the coastal ecosystem. During the spring, reed-covered shores of the inner archipelago maintained more than 10 times higher densities of copepods and cladocerans, the preferred prey for larval pike, compared to the other studied shores. Temperature conditions were also most favourable in the reed belt habitat. Thus, the reed belts of the inner and middle archipelago were shown to form the best habitat for larval pike in the coastal area of the northern Baltic Sea, and this was also the only habitat where pike larvae were found. Our results suggest that the poor survival and recruitment of pike in the outer archipelago, however, cannot exclusively be explained by sub-optimal feeding conditions of the larvae. There are also other important factors, presumably connected to the exposure to the open sea, that affect the distribution of the pike larvae. Our results, however, highlight the importance of sheltered coastal reed belt shores as reproduction habitat for spring-spawning fish in the northern Baltic Sea. Further, this study disproves the assumption that the seaweed bladder wrack (Fucus vesiculosus) forms a reproduction habitat for pike in the coastal area.  相似文献   

鱼卵和仔稚鱼在海洋生态系统能量传递中起重要作用,作为渔业资源的早期补充群体,其分布、群聚结构对评估渔业资源和保护渔业资源具有重要意义。为了解三门湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼群聚结构时空变化规律,对该海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼进行春、夏两季调查,分析了该海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼组成及群聚结构变化等特征。结果发现:(1)两季共鉴定出鱼卵、仔稚鱼8目21科40种,其中定性样品鱼卵、仔稚鱼8目21科36种,定量样品鱼卵、仔稚鱼4目11科24种;鱼卵优势种为斑鰶(Konosirus punctatus)、鲷科未定种(Sparidae)、蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)、鮻(Liza haematocheila)、舌鳎属(Cynoglossus spp.)、石首鱼科未定种(Sciaenidae)、小公鱼属(Stolephorus spp.);仔稚鱼优势种为鮻、孔虾虎鱼(Trypauchen vagina)、小公鱼属、细棘虾虎鱼属(Acentrogobius spp.)、缟虾虎鱼属(Tridentiger spp.)。(2)三门湾湾内与湾外鱼卵、仔稚鱼群聚的组成存在显著差异,且湾内密度均高于湾外,反映出优势种鱼类在产卵季对于水文环境(如海流、温度)的空间响应。(3)三门湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼的群聚组成季节波动明显,主要由鱼类产卵的季节节律以及以洄游习性等差异形成。结果表明,三门湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼群聚结构空间、季节差异明显,与历史资料相比,鱼卵、仔稚鱼资源从“年际”短时间尺度看已初步显现一定恢复态势。  相似文献   

Since surf zone hyperbenthos, although highly important in local food webs, has often been neglected and very little information is available, a survey of the Belgian sandy beaches was carried out from May 1996 until July 1997. Monthly samples were taken to give a complete record of hyperbenthic organisms occurring in the surf zone of Belgian sandy beaches and to evaluate the intensity by which this surf zone is used. In total 172 species were recorded. The number of species occurring in the surf zone is comparable to that of adjacent areas. As well as true hyperbenthic species, endobenthic and planktonic organisms were sampled. More than 75% of the average total sample composition consisted of mysids, mainly Mesopodopsis slabberi,Schistomysis spiritus and Schistomysis kervillei (holohyperbenthos). Apart from several resident species, active and passive seasonal migration towards the surf zone by a number of species is suggested. A large number of sporadic species adds to the composition of surf zone hyperbenthos. Within the merohyperbenthos, postlarval decapods and fish were the dominant organisms. During the year three recruitment peaks were observed. Average densities per month exceeded 1500 ind. 100 m−2. Yearly biomass averages ranged from 300 to over 3000 mg ADW 100 m−2. Densities of the common species are slightly higher in the surf zone than in other habitats, emphasising the importance of the area. Besides a possible nursery function, the surf zone may also be used as a transient area between different habitats. Finally, the influence of several abiotic factors on the hyperbenthic assemblages was evaluated. The main structuring variables determining the occurrence of most of the organisms are water temperature and hydrodynamic factors such as wave height and turbidity. The influence of wave height seems to be two-fold: several good swimmers such as mysids and some fish species are suggested to be able to actively avoid severe wave conditions, whereas other, more planktonic organisms, are passively transported towards the area if wave height increases.  相似文献   

Habitat choice of reef fish larvae at settlement is one of the mechanisms proposed to explain spatial patterns in the distribution of fishes and the corresponding spatial structure of communities. Field experiments using Pomacentridae were conducted at Iriomote Island, southern Japan, in order to determine if rare recruitment of coral reef fishes in seagrass beds is due to larval settlement preference. When three types of natural patch treatments (branching coral patch, seagrass patch, and control without patches) were established in cleared seagrass squares in the center of a seagrass bed, four pomacentrid species, Amblyglyphidodon curacao, Dischistodus prosopotaenia, Cheiloprion labiatus, and Dascyllus aruanus, recruited exclusively onto the coral patches, indicating that larvae distributed in the seagrass bed may have preferred a coral rather than seagrass substrate as a settlement habitat. The effects of differences in physical shape (grid structure for branching coral vs. vertical structure for seagrass leaves) and rigidity (rigid substrate for coral vs. flexible substrate for seagrass) between coral and seagrass substrates on such recruitment patterns were investigated using artificial coral and seagrass units. When artificial habitat units with predator exclusion cages were established in the cleared seagrass squares as above, high densities of A. curacao and D. prosopotaenia recruits were observed on the rigid rather than flexible habitat units (both unit types having similar shape), whereas differences in recruit numbers of the two species were unclear in differently shaped units. These results demonstrated that even though pomacentrid larvae are distributed in the seagrass bed, they do not settle on the seagrass substrate owing to their habitat choice being partially based on a preference for substrate rigidity. Moreover, non-recruitment of C. labiatus and D. aruanus on artificial habitat units suggested that the presence of living coral substrates rather than physical shape/rigidity of substrates are an important cue for habitat choice of these fishes.  相似文献   

In 2004, we surveyed demersal fishes and habitats on the continental shelf off central California (65–110 m depth) using the occupied submersible Delta. Our objectives were to estimate the relative abundance of habitats and to examine demersal fish species composition, diversity, density, and sizes relative to these habitats. A total of 112 transects were completed covering 32 km of seafloor. A higher density of fishes was estimated in boulder and cobble habitats than in mud and brachiopod beds. More than 80% of the fishes were small, measuring 20 cm or less in total length. Species with small maximum size (primarily pygmy rockfish, Sebastes wilsoni, and blackeye gobies, Rhinogobiops nicholsii) accounted for nearly half (49%) of the total number of 12,441 fishes. Most fishes were immature, with only 4 of 20 harvested species having more than 50% of the individuals larger than the size at first maturity. Our study area on the continental shelf may be an ontogenetic transition zone for immature fishes before they move to their adult habitat on the slope. Alternatively, historical fishing pressure may have contributed to the lack of large, mature fishes in the survey area. Understanding the importance of these habitats to fishes at various life stages will improve our ability to assess these deepwater fish stocks and effectively manage these living resources on an ecosystem basis.  相似文献   

Intertidal population dynamics are driven by a complex series of processes, including larval supply and the possibility of larval predation by benthic animals such as filter-feeders. We hypothesised that cannibalism by adults could play a major role in the population connectivity of mussel populations by removing larvae as they attempt to settle in the adult habitat. Specifically, we tested hypotheses that consumption of mussel larvae by adults removes a significant proportion of potential settlers and is influenced by both settlement intensity and tidal state (flooding or ebbing). Predation of mussel larvae by adult mussels was investigated on incoming and ebbing tides during four spring tides by analysing the gut contents of adult Perna perna and Mytilus galloprovincialis collected from the low intertidal mussel zone between October 2005 and January 2006. Consumption rates were then compared with estimates of successful settler densities on natural beds. The results showed that mortality of competent mussel larvae through adult ingestion removes up to 77% a of potential settlers. Rates of larval consumption were highest during months of intense settlement, suggesting that mussels feed opportunistically, filtering a relatively fixed volume of water and removing particles, including larvae, in proportion to their densities in the water. Rates of larviphagy were also higher during receding than incoming tides. We suggest that this is due to changes in larval density or, more probably, in adult filtration efficiency that are related to the state of the tide. Despite significant effects of both tidal state and settlement intensity on rates of larval ingestion, neither had a significant effect on the proportion of potential settlers removed. During settlement more than half of all potential settlers are lost through cannibalism, with potentially serious consequences for population maintenance. The results highlight the paradoxical nature of the evolution of settlement mechanisms in mussels, which must balance the advantages of settlement in habitats favourable to adults against the consumption of larvae by adults.  相似文献   

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