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The Schmidt hammer (SH) is widely used in geomorphology for relative- and calibrated-exposure age dating surfaces and deposits within landforms. This study employs a laboratory-based methodology to assess the effects of surface roughness, clast roundness, and clast volume on SH rebound values (R-values) by analyzing samples from three modern depositional environments (i.e. river, alluvial fan, talus). Each environment contains clasts of Torlesse supergroup greywacke sandstones with distinct roundness and micro-scale roughness characteristics. Roundness, surface roughness, and clast volume were all found to influence R-values significantly. The R-values from different deposit types are statistically significant and could potentially create an apparent age divergence of several thousand years for samples with the same exposure-age. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Schmidt Hammer (SH) method is used to quantify the rock weathering degree and has been proposed as a relative dating tool. Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclide (TCN) methods provide absolute exposure ages for erosive surfaces. Few works combine both methods for surfaces older than the Holocene. We compare data obtained by both methods for c. 150 ka bp glacial and fluvial erosive granite surfaces from northwest Spain. Rebound values (R) have been firstly compared with the rock density to assess the correlation with the rock strength, independently from influence of factors such as wetness and roughness in the R‐values. For erosive glacial surfaces older than 100 ka R‐values are confined in a narrow range, with no differences within errors. Stepped fluvial surfaces of 700 m to 70 m above present sea level show an inverse correspondence between TCN ages and R‐values, although no age predictions can be done on the basis of the R‐values. Thus, age inferences exclusively based on R‐values may not be realistic, but SH studies could be a useful tool for selecting surfaces for TCN dating. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The weathering characteristics of bedrock fault scarps provide relative age constraints that can be used to determine fault displacements. Here, we report Schmidt hammer rebound values (R‐values) for a limestone fault scarp that was last exposed in the 1959 Mw 7.3 Hebgen Lake, Montana earthquake. Results show that some R‐value indices, related to the difference between minimum and maximum R‐values in repeated impacts at a point, increase upward along the scarp, which we propose is due to progressive exposure of the scarp in earthquakes. An objective method is developed for fitting slip histories to the Schmidt hammer data and produces the best model fit (using the Bayesian Information Criterion) of three earthquakes with single event displacements of ≥ 1.20 m, 3.75 m, and c. 4.80 m. The same fitting method is also applied to new terrestrial LiDAR data of the scarp, though the LiDAR results may be more influenced by macro‐scale structure of the outcrop than by differential weathering. We suggest the use of this fitting procedure to define single event displacements on other bedrock fault scarps using other dating techniques. Our preliminary findings demonstrate that the Schmidt hammer, combined with other methods, may provide useful constraints on single event displacements on exposed bedrock fault scarps. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Application of Schmidt‐hammer exposure‐age dating (SHD) to landforms has substantially increased in recent years. The original mechanical Schmidt hammer records R‐(rebound) values. Although the newly introduced electronic Schmidt hammer (SilverSchmidt) facilitates greatly improved data processing, it measures surface hardness differently, recording Q‐(velocity) values that are not a priori interconvertible with R‐values. This study is the first to compare the performance of both instruments in the context of field‐based exposure‐age dating with a particular focus on the interconvertibility of R‐values and Q‐values. The study was conducted on glacially polished pyroxene‐granulite gneiss, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Results indicate that mean Q‐values are consistently 8–10 units higher than mean R‐values over the range of values normally encountered in the application of SHD to glacial and periglacial landforms. A convenient conversion factor of ±10 units may, therefore, be appropriate for all but the softest rock types close to the technical resolution of the instruments. The electronic Schmidt hammer should therefore be regarded as a useful complement and potential replacement for the mechanical Schmidt hammer. Conversion of published R‐values data to Q‐values requires, however, careful control and documentation of instrument calibration. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in surface roughness on carbonate fault scarps often reflect varying durations of subaerial weathering. On the Pleasant Valley fault in central Nevada, the documentation of a surface rupture in 1915, a long recurrence interval of faulting, slow weathering rate, and a relatively high (2–3 m) single-event displacement make the discrimination of the historical and penultimate slip patches unambiguous. Following from a 2018 study, we used a Schmidt hammer and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) to further test whether these weathering patterns delineate exposed slip patches on a fault scarp. Results show that Schmidt hammer rebound value ranges (termed ΔR – the difference between minimum and maximum R-values in repeat impacts at a point), increase by ~8–10 points across the historical–penultimate event transition zone in two separate scarp transects. TLS-derived surface roughness also indicates a clear difference between the most recent and penultimate events. The average single-event displacement (SED) estimated using the Schmidt hammer and TLS is 2.85 m at two transect sites and is roughly equivalent to the visually estimated 3 m. While this fault is an ideal case where we know some of the slip history, the results demonstrate that these techniques show promise for discriminating slip patches on larger carbonate fault scarps with longer paleoearthquake histories, and could be used alongside 36Cl cosmogenic exposure-age dating to improve paleoseismic records on normal faults. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rapid, field‐based assessments of rock hardness are required in a broad range of geomorphological investigations where rock intact strength is important. Several different methods are now available for taking such measurements, in particular the Schmidt hammer, which has seen increasing use in geomorphology in recent decades. This is despite caution from within the engineering literature regarding choice of Schmidt hammer type, normalization of rebound (R‐) values, surface micro‐roughness, weathering degree and moisture content, and data reduction/analysis procedures. We present a pilot study of the use of an Acoustic Energy Meter (AEM), originally produced, tested and developed within the field of underground mining engineering as a rapid measure of rock surface hardness, and compare it with results from a mechanical N‐Type Schmidt hammer. We assess its capabilities across six lithological study sites in southeast Queensland, Australia, in the Greater Brisbane area. Each rock exposure has been recently exposed in the 20th/21st century. Using a ‘paired’ sampling approach, the AEM G‐value shows an inverse relationship with Schmidt hammer R‐value. While both devices show variability with lithology, the AEM G‐values show less scatter than the Schmidt hammer. We conclude that each device can contribute to useful rock hardness testing in geomorphological research, but the AEM requires further field testing in a range of environments, and in particular on older and naturally‐exposed rock surfaces. Future evaluations can extend this pilot study by focusing on sampling procedures, energy sources, and data reduction protocols, within the framework of a comparison study with other rock hardness testing apparatus. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents rock strength variations at granite outcrops and in subsurface vertical profiles in the Jizerské hory Mountains, Czech Republic. Schmidt hammer rebound values in subsurface profiles change gradually from the bedrock surface downward. An exponential relation has been observed between the R‐values and depth in rock outcrops to a depth of around 4·5 m. The exponential nature of the curve indicates that rock hardness increases more rapidly with depth in the uppermost 1?m section of the rock profile. A detailed study of rebound values obtained from both intact and polished rock exposures reveal effects of surface grinding on results of the Schmidt hammer method. The range of data collected increases after grinding, allowing more precise discrimination of rock surfaces in respect of age and weathering. The Schmidt hammer method may be used effectively as a relative‐age dating tool for rock surfaces that originated during the Late Pleistocene. It is concluded that this time limitation can be significantly mitigated by surface grinding before measurement. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The actively deformed foreland of eastern Qilian Shan (mountains) contains well‐preserved geomorphic features such as erosion surfaces, river terraces and tectonically uplifted alluvial fans, providing suitable archives for research on regional tectonic activities and palaeoclimatic changes. These geomorphic surfaces are well dated by using a combination of magnetostratigraphy, electron spin resonance, thermoluminescence, infra‐red stimulated luminescence, radiocarbon dating, and correlation with the well‐established loess–palaeosol sequences of China. Our results show that the erosion surface formed about 1·4 Ma ago, and the age of river terraces is 1·24 Ma, 820–860 ka, 780 ka, 420–440 ka, 230–250 ka, 140 ka, 60 ka and 10 ka, respectively. Valley incision rates of c. 0·09–0·25 m ka?1 have been identified. The repetitive stratigraphic and geomorphic pattern of these terraces indicates the fluvial sedimentation–incision cycles are tightly associated with the 100‐ka glacial–interglacial climatic cycles. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic 26Al, 10Be, and 14C dating of fluvial fill terraces in steep canyons of the Colorado Front Range provides a temporal framework for analysing episodic aggradation and incision. Results from Boulder Canyon show that terrace heights above the modern channel (grade) can be divided into: (1) Bull Lake (≳100 ka; 20–15 m above grade); (2) Pinedale (32–10 ka; 15–4 m above grade); and (3) Holocene age (<4 m above grade). No pre‐Bull Lake deposits are preserved along Boulder Canyon, and only three small remnants >15 m above grade record Bull Lake deposition. Well‐preserved terraces of Pinedale age suggest that the range of terrace height above grade reflects short‐term fluctuations in the river profile during periods of rapidly changing stream load and power. Net river incision apparently occurred during transitions to interglacial periods. Soil development and stratigraphic position, along with limited cosmogenic and 14C dating, suggest that ∼130 ka terraces in Boulder Canyon correlate with the Louviers Alluvium, and that 32 to 10 ka fills in the canyon correlate with the Broadway Alluvium on the adjacent High Plains. Late Pleistocene incision rates (∼0·15 m ka−1) along Boulder Canyon exceed pre‐late Pleistocene incision rates, and are higher than middle to late Pleistocene incision rates (∼0·04 m ka−1) on the High Plains. This study provides an example of how modern geochronologic techniques allow us to understand better rivers that drain glaciated catchments. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There are a number of techniques for estimating the amount of weathering a clast has undergone. These usually have the objective of establishing an ordinal chronology of geomorphological surfaces, or investigation of site-specific conditions affecting weathering rates. Three such techniques are applied to a dated sequence of alluvial fan segments in southern Tunisia. Two of these techniques depend on measuring surface roughness (the micro-roughness meter and a displacement approach) and one uses the structural weakening of the rock fabric (Schmidt hammer). The micro-roughness meter enables calculation of standard deviation of surface height variation, root mean square roughness and surface autocorrelation function. Of these techniques, Schmidt hammer rebound values, standard deviation, root mean square roughness and the displacement technique show systematic changes on the three fan segments which are statistically significant at the 0·05 level. However, the amount of variance in all datasets is very large, indicating the need for caution in application of these techniques for relative dating. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present new data about the morphological and stratigraphic evolution and the rates of fluvial denudation of the Tavoliere di Puglia plain, a low‐relief landscape representing the northernmost sector of the Pliocene‐Pleistocene foredeep of the southern Apennines. The study area is located between the easternmost part of the southern Apennine chain and the Gargano promontory and it is characterized by several orders of terraced fluvial deposits, disconformably overlying lower Pleistocene marine clay and organized in a staircase geometry, which recorded the emersion and the long‐term incision history of this sector since mid‐Pleistocene times. We used the spatial and altimetric distribution of several orders of middle to late Pleistocene fluvial terraces in order to perform paleotopographic reconstruction and GIS‐aided eroded volumes estimates. Then, we estimated denudation rates on the basis of the terraces chronostratigraphy, supported by published OSL and AAR dating. Middle to upper Pleistocene denudation rates estimated by means of such an approach are slightly lower than 0.1 mm yr‐1, in good agreement with short‐term data from direct and indirect evaluation of suspended sediment yield. The analysis of longitudinal river profiles using the stream power erosion model provided additional information on the incision rates of the studied area. Middle to late Quaternary uplift rates (about 0.15 mm yr‐1), calculated on the basis of the elevation above sea level of marine deposits outcropping in the easternmost sector of the study area, are quite similar to the erosion rates average value, thus suggesting a steady‐state fluvial incision. The approach adopted in this work has demonstrated that erosion rates traditionally obtained by quantitative geomorphic analysis and ksn estimations can be successfully integrated to quantify rates of tectonic or geomorphological processes of a landscape approaching steady‐state equilibrium. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Schmidt‐hammer exposure‐age dating (SHD) was applied to the problem of dating the diachronous surfaces of five distal river‐bank boulder ramparts deposited by snow avalanches plunging into the Jostedøla and Sprongdøla rivers in the Jostedalsbreen region of southern Norway. Approaches to local high‐precision linear age calibration, which controlled in different ways for boulder roundness, were developed. The mean age (SHDmean) and the maximum age (SHDmax) of surface boulders were estimated for whole ramparts, crests and distal fringes. Interpretation was further assisted by reference to R‐value distributions. SHDmean ages (with 95% confidence intervals) ranged from 520 ± 270 years to 5375 ± 965 years, whereas SHDmax ages (expected to be exceeded by <5% of surface boulders) ranged from 675 to 9065 years. SHD ages from the Jostedøla ramparts tended to be older than those associated with the Sprongdøla, rampart crests were younger than the respective distal fringes, and use of relatively rounded boulders yielded more consistent SHD ages than angular boulders. The SHDmean ages indicate differences in recent levels of snow‐avalanche activity between ramparts and provide insights into rampart dynamics as boulders are deposited on rampart crests and, in smaller numbers, on the distal fringes. SHDmax ages provide minimum age estimates of rampart age (i.e. the time elapsed since the ramparts began to form) and suggest that at least some of the ramparts have been developing since the early Holocene. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantifying rates of river incision and continental uplift over Quaternary timescales offer the potential for modelling landscape change due to tectonic and climatic forcing. In many areas, river terraces form datable archives that help constrain the timing and rate of valley incision. However, old river terraces, with high-level deposits, are prone to weathering and often lack datable material. Where valleys are incised through karst areas, caves and sediments can be used to reconstruct the landscape evolution because they can record the elevation of palaeo-water tables and contain preserved datable material. In Normandy (N. France), the Seine River is entrenched into an extensive karstic chalk plateau. Previous estimates of valley incision were hampered by the lack of preserved datable fluvial terraces. A stack of abandoned phreatic cave passages preserved in the sides of the Seine valley can be used to reconstruct the landscape evolution of the region. Combining geomorphological observations, palaeomagnetic and U/Th dating of speleothem and sediments in eight caves along the Lower Seine valley, we have constructed a new age model for cave development and valley incision. Six identified cave levels up to ∼100 m a.s.l. were formed during the last ~1 Ma, coeval with the incision of the Seine River. Passage morphologies indicate that the caves formed in a shallow phreatic/epiphreatic setting, modified by sediment influxes. The valley's maximum age is constrained by the occurrence of late Pliocene marine sand. Palaeomagnetic dating of cave infills indicates that the highest-level caves were being infilled prior to 1.1 Ma. The evidence from the studied caves, complemented by fluvial terrace sequences, indicates that rapid river incision occurred during marine isotope stage (MIS) 28 to 20 (0.8–1 Ma), with maximal rates of ~0.30 m ka−1, dropping to ~0.08 m ka−1 between MIS 20–11 (0.8–0.4 Ma) and 0.05 m ka−1 from MIS 5 to the present time. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Erosion processes in bedrock‐floored rivers shape channel cross‐sectional geometry and the broader landscape. However, the influence of weathering on channel slope and geometry is not well understood. Weathering can produce variation in rock erodibility within channel cross‐sections. Recent numerical modeling results suggest that weathering may preferentially weaken rock on channel banks relative to the thalweg, strongly influencing channel form. Here, we present the first quantitative field study of differential weathering across channel cross‐sections. We hypothesize that average cross‐section erosion rate controls the magnitude of this contrast in weathering between the banks and the thalweg. Erosion rate, in turn, is moderated by the extent to which weathering processes increase bedrock erodibility. We test these hypotheses on tributaries to the Potomac River, Virginia, with inferred erosion rates from ~0.1 m/kyr to >0.8 m/kyr, with higher rates in knickpoints spawned by the migratory Great Falls knickzone. We selected nine channel cross‐sections on three tributaries spanning the full range of erosion rates, and at multiple flow heights we measured (1) rock compressive strength using a Schmidt hammer, (2) rock surface roughness using a contour gage combined with automated photograph analysis, and (3) crack density (crack length/area) at three cross‐sections on one channel. All cross‐sections showed significant (p < 0.01 for strength, p < 0.05 for roughness) increases in weathering by at least one metric with height above the thalweg. These results, assuming that the weathered state of rock is a proxy for erodibility, indicate that rock erodibility varies inversely with bedrock inundation frequency. Differences in weathering between the thalweg and the channel margins tend to decrease as inferred erosion rates increase, leading to variations in channel form related to the interplay of weathering and erosion rate. This observation is consistent with numerical modeling that predicts a strong influence of weathering‐related erodibility on channel morphology. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we use isochron‐burial dating to date the Swiss Deckenschotter, the oldest Quaternary deposits of the northern Alpine Foreland. Concentrations of cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al in individual clasts from a single stratigraphic horizon can be used to calculate an isochron‐burial age based on an assumed initial ratio and the measured 26Al/10Be ratio. We suggest that, owing to deep and repeated glacial erosion, the initial isochron ratio of glacial landscapes at the time of burial varies between 6.75 and 8.4. Analysis of 22 clasts of different lithology, shape, and size from one 0.5 m thick gravel bed at Siglistorf (Canton Aargau) indicates low nuclide concentrations: <20 000 10Be atoms/g and <150 000 26Al atoms/g. Using an 26Al/10Be ratio of 7.6 (arithmetical mean of 6.75 and 8.4), we calculate a mean isochron‐burial age of 1.5 ± 0.2 Ma. This age points to an average bedrock incision rate between 0.13 and 0.17 mm/a. Age data from the Irchel, Stadlerberg, and Siglistorf sites show that the Higher Swiss Deckenschotter was deposited between 2.5 and 1.3 Ma. Our results indicate that isochron‐burial dating can be successfully applied to glaciofluvial sediments despite very low cosmogenic nuclide concentrations. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Selecting an appropriate hillslope transport model and calibrating model parameters are essential for morphological dating of fault and fluvial scarps. In this paper, we refine the method of profile-based morphologic dating by updating the representation of nonlinearity in sediment flux dependence on the hillslope gradient. We apply this revised method to fluvial scarps bounding fluvial terraces offset along the Kongur Normal Fault in the semi-arid high-altitude Pamir mountains, northwestern China. One of these terraces, the T3 surface, is dated to 7.0+1.9/−1.6 kyr using 10Be cosmogenic depth profile analysis. Well-preserved, dated terraces make this an ideal site to test the utility of morphological modelling in constraining ages of the young terrace risers. To do this, 35 topographic swath profiles across the terrace risers are extracted from a 0.2 m-resolution digital elevation model produced using structure from motion from photos collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle. The best estimates of morphological age are 13.9 ± 1.3 m2 for the riser T3/T4 and 11.9 ± 1.3 m2 for T2/T3 using a linear diffusion approach. These two morphological ages overlap within uncertainty and fail to distinguish between two young terrace risers. Alternatively, we employed a nonlinear diffusion model, calibrated with transport constant k = 1 m2 kyr−1, nonlinearity n = 2, and critical gradient Sc = tan(33°). This nonlinear model produces ages of 7.3 ± 0.5 kyr for T3/T4 and 4.0 ± 0.2 kyr for T2/T3; these ages are consistent with terrace surface ages deduced by using vertical offset divided by independently determining average throw rate. This comparison shows the advantage of a nonlinear model in defining ages of young scarps. Furthermore, we explored the minor effect of heterogeneous degradation along steep sections of the scarp profiles. The nonlinear scarp modelling scheme we develop in this paper is suitable for studying scarp degradation in other regions. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two major fluvial terrace surfaces, and four less significant surfaces, are identified by aerial photographic interpretation, field mapping and levelling on one c. 2 km long reach of the upper Bowmont Water, an upland stream draining the northern Cheviot Hills, Scotland. The oldest terrace surface remains undated. Cartographic, radiocarbon and palynological dating suggest that later terraces formed very recently, within the last 250 years, with the most prominent terrace fill having aggraded in the 18th century. Incision below this terrace surface is dated to approximately the end of the 18th century, correlated with channel trenching at other sites in the region. Detailed palaeoecological and documentary evidence is used to examine whether climatic or land-use changes might have instigated aggradation, and a link with increased precipitation and flooding during part of the ‘Little Ice Age’ is suggested.  相似文献   

Measures of the differential relief of adjacent feldspar and pyroxene grains provide the first clear negative correlation of Schmidt hammer rebound (R-) values and degree of weathering. However, weathering and roughness are intimately related, so the latter cannot be seen simply as a source of error limiting the utility of the Schmidt hammer. Only where surfaces had similar textures prior to weathering can R-values be compared directly. Even where surface texture is well controlled, differences in R-values should be viewed critically rather than assigned indiscriminately to differences in degree of weathering.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean domain is characterized by a specific climate resulting from the close interplay between atmospheric and marine processes and strongly differentiated regional topographies. Corsica Island, a mountainous area located in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea is particularly suitable to quantify regional denudation rates in the framework of a source‐to‐sink approach. Indeed, fluvial sedimentation in East‐Corsica margin is almost exclusively limited to its alluvial plain and offshore domain and its basement is mainly constituted of quartz‐rich crystalline rocks allowing cosmogenic nuclide 10Be measurements. In this paper, Holocene denudation rates of catchments from the eastern part of the island of Corsica are quantified relying on in situ produced 10Be concentrations in stream sediments and interpreted in an approach including quantitative geomorphology, rock strength measurement (with a Schmidt Hammer) and vegetation cover distribution. Calculated denudation rates range from 15 to 95 mm ka‐1. When compared with rates from similar geomorphic domains experiencing a different climate setting, such as the foreland of the northern European Alps, they appear quite low and temporally stable. At the first order, they better correlate with rock strength and vegetation cover than with morphometric indexes. Spatial distribution of the vegetation is controlled by morpho‐climatic parameters including sun exposure and the direction of the main wet wind, so‐called ‘Libecciu’. This distribution, as well as the basement rock strength seems to play a significant role in the denudation distribution. We thus suggest that the landscape reached a geomorphic steady‐state due to the specific Mediterranean climate and that Holocene denudation rates are mainly sustained by weathering processes, through the amount of regolith formation, rather than being transport‐limited. Al/K measurements used as a proxy to infer present‐day catchment‐wide chemical weathering patterns might support this assumption. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Schmidt hammer has for some years been used to measure the hardness of different rock surfaces and to date relatively boulders in moraine deposits. In this paper applications on isostatically raised boulder-beaches and rocky shores are described. The research area is the northern Swedish Bothnian coast where present isostatic uplift is between 0.8-1.0 cm year?1. Elevations above sea-level can be converted to a timescale. Rebound values (R) of the Schmidt hammer are correlated with the altitude and the degree of rock weathering can be estimated for each site. Eight sites with boulder-beaches and nine sites with rocky shores have been analysed. For boulder-beaches correlation-coefficients of 0.82-0.97 for weathering values (R) and the elevations above sea-level were obtained. For the rocky shores these values were calculated to 0.75-0.97. This method has applications in both geomorphology and archaeology. For example, a deep layer of weathered dolerite in the Nordingrå region, which previously has been regarded as a post-Weichselian formation, can be shown to be of pre-Weichselian origin. Several archaeological applications are also mentioned in the paper.  相似文献   

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