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We have analysed a series of surface samples from the alpine glaciers of Taylor Valley, Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica for their geochemical composition. This was done to better establish the role of glaciochemical variation on the chemical composition of meltwater streams emanating from the glaciers. The chemistry of the snow and ice changes with proximity to the ocean and with elevation of the glacier surface. The aeolian transport of dry valley dust, as indicated by both chemical and particulate matter variations, is a major process affecting the overall glacier chemistry and the chemistry of the meltwaters. Streams originating on the western edges of the glaciers are more impacted by the aeolian input as they are in the direct path of the major regional wind direction. Our data strongly suggest that the variation in stream geochemistry in Taylor Valley is a result in part of the differences in chemical composition of glacier melt. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic study of specimens from four lamprophyric dykes on the Kukri Hills, Taylor Valley (77.64°S, 163.35°E) has yielded a primary mean direction of magnetization ofD=222.6 andI=+0.6 with 95=10.9° after AF cleaning. The magnetization of five other dykes and of the amphibolitic basement was either unstable or not fully reliable.The corresponding pole position lies at 9.3°S and 26.7°E and confirms the previous results from Lower Ordovician rocks from distant areas of East Antarctica.A Lower Ordovician mean pole position recalculated from valid data lies at 17°S, 21°E.  相似文献   

Rio Agrio in Patagonia, Argentina is a geogenically acidic stream that derives its low-pH waters from condensation of acidic gases near its headwaters on the flanks of the active Copahue Volcano. This study reports the results of three diel (24-h) water samplings in three different pH regimes (3.2, 4.4 and 6.3) along the river. Changes in the concentration and speciation of Fe dominated the diel chemical changes at all three sites, although the timing and intensity of these cycles were different in each reach. At the two acidic sampling sites, total dissolved Fe and dissolved Fe(III) concentrations decreased during the day and increased at night, whereas dissolved Fe(II) showed the reverse pattern. These cycles are explained by Fe(III) photoreduction, as well as enhanced rates of precipitation of hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) during the warm afternoon hours. A strong correlation was observed between Fe(III) and As at the furthest upstream (pH 3.2) site, most likely due to co-precipitation of As with HFO. At the downstream (pH 6.3) location, Fe(II) concentrations increased at night, as did concentrations of rare earth elements and dissolved Al. Photoreduction does not appear to be an important process at pH 6.3, although it may be indirectly responsible for the observed diel cycle of Fe(II) due to advection of photochemically produced Fe(II) from acidic upstream waters.  相似文献   

Edwin  Ortiz  Barry P.  Roser 《Island Arc》2006,15(2):223-238
Abstract Basement rocks in the catchment of the Kando River in southwest Japan can be divided into two main groups. Paleogene to Cretaceous felsic granitoids and volcanic rocks dominate in the upstream section, and more mafic, mostly Miocene volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks occur in the downstream reaches. Geochemically distinctive Mount Sambe adakitic volcanic products also crop out in the west. X‐ray fluorescence analyses of major elements and 14 trace elements were made of two size fractions (<180 and 180–2000 µm) from 86 stream sediments collected within the catchment, to examine contrasts in composition between the fractions as a result of sorting and varying source lithotype. The <180 µm fractions are depleted in SiO2 and enriched in most other major and trace elements relative to the 180–2000 µm fractions. Na2O, K2O, Ba, Rb and Sr are either depleted relative to the 180–2000 µm fractions, or show little contrast in abundance. Sediments from granitoid‐dominated catchments are distinguished by greater K2O, Th, Rb, Ba and Nb than those derived from the Miocene volcanic rocks. Granitoid‐derived <180 µm fractions are also enriched in Zr, Ce and Y. Sediments derived from the Miocene volcanic rocks generally contain greater TiO2, Fe2O3*, Sc, V, MgO and P2O5, reflecting their more mafic source. Sediments containing Sambe volcanic rocks in their source are marked by higher Sr, CaO, Na2O and lower Y, reflecting an adakitic signature that persists into the lower main channel, where compositions become less variable as the bedload is homogenized. Normalization against source averages shows that compositions of the 180–2000 µm fractions are less fractionated from their parents than are the <180 µm fractions, which are enriched for some elements. Contrast between the size fractions is greatest for the granitoid‐derived sediments. Weathering indices of the sediments are relatively low, indicating source weathering is moderate, and typical of temperate climates. Some zircon concentration has occurred in granitoid‐derived <180 µm fractions relative to 180–2000 µm counterparts, but Th/Sc and Zr/Sc ratios overall closely reflect both provenance and homogenization in the lower reaches.  相似文献   

Glacial meltwater streams in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica exhibit daily cycles in temperature with maxima frequently reaching 10–15 °C, often 10 °C above air temperatures. Hydrologic and biogeochemical processes occurring in these streams and their hyporheic zones strongly influence the flux of water, solutes, and sediment to the ice-covered lakes on the valley bottoms. The purpose of this study was to identify the dominant processes controlling water temperature in these polar desert streams and to investigate in particular the role of hyporheic exchange. In order to do this, we analyzed stream temperature patterns on basin-wide, longitudinal, and reach scales. In the basin-wide study, we examined stream temperature monitoring data for seven streams in the Lake Fryxell Basin. For the longitudinal study, we measured temperatures at seven sites along a 5-km length of Von Guerard Stream.  相似文献   

On the high altitude polar plateau of Amundsenisen, western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, a subglacial valley, with a broad horizontal valley floor interpreted as a sediment floodplain or valley delta, was studied by radio echo sounding. In addition, a small, probably glacial, valley was mapped within the same subglacial massif. Basal ice temperatures were calculated using field data on precipitation, air temperature and ice sheet thickness. Discoveries of old landforms which have been preserved more or less intact beneath the former Fennoscandian and Laurentide ice sheets have received increasing attention during the last decade. The aim of this study is to investigate whether preservation of landforms occurs under the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, and to discuss under that climatological and glaciological circumstances preservation may take place. The results show that the ice sheet covering the investigated localities is frozen to bed, and therefore has an insignificant erosional capability. The observations suggest that a large-scale subglacial sediment deposit and a small valley formed by glacial erosion have survived beneath a cold-based ice sheet marginal zone for a long time period. The process of glacial preservation, recognized for bedrock features and tentatively observed for sediment accumulations, should act on similar large-scale landforms under any cold-based ice sheet, present or past. On the basis of existing studies of the age and stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, a Middle Pliocene age is suggested for the preserved landforms. The presence of the presumed sediment-filled valley further indicates that no prolonged periods of basal melting have occurred at the Amundsenisen study area during the ice sheet history, which includes the Quaternary glaciation periods. Finally, calculations of basal temperature for localities at different altitudes within the same subglacial massif were used to demonstrate local altitudinal control of glacial preservation. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Subglacial bed conditions are key to understanding ice stream behaviour and evolution, with bed roughness re?ecting substrate composition and ?ow resistance. Here we present an analysis of bed roughness in the Siple Coast region of West Antarctica from airborne radio‐echo sounding data. The ice streams are associated generally with low bed roughness values, which decrease downstream. The bed of the slow‐?owing Ice Stream C (~10 000 km2) is also characterized by being smooth at all scales (wavelengths ranging from 5 km to in excess of 40 km). Furthermore, the bed is smooth either side of Ice Stream C. This suggests the location of the ice stream is controlled by internal ice sheet dynamics rather than by bed morphology. If the ice stream were encouraged to migrate laterally, when active, there would be little resistance offered by the subglacial morphology. Other inter‐ice stream regions are rough, however, indicating a subglacial topographic in?uence on ice stream position. Bed roughness increases up‐?ow of ice streams, which, unless the bed is modi?ed, may limit the inland migration of these systems. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study addresses the changes in dissolved major and trace element concentrations along the Orinoco River, including the mixing zone between the Orinoco and Apure Rivers. Water samples from the Apure and Orinoco Rivers were collected monthly in four sectors over a period of 15 months. Auxiliary parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and temperature), total suspended sediments, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and major (Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Si) and trace (Al, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Cr) element concentrations were measured in all sectors. The relative contribution of both rivers after the Apure–Orinoco confluence was determined using Ca as a tracer. Moreover, a mixing model was developed to determine whether dissolved species exhibit a conservative behavior during mixing. The results indicate that DOC is removed from waters during the Apure–Orinoco mixing, probably due to absorption of DOC on mineral phases supplied by the Apure River. Dissolved Na, Ca, and Mg behave conservatively during the mixing processes, and their concentrations are controlled by a dilution process. The anomaly in the temporal pattern of K in the Orinoco is caused by the input of biogenic K originating from the Apure River during the high‐water stage. The loss of dissolved Si during the low‐water stage can be explained by the uptake of Si by diatoms. Dissolved Mn, Zn, Al, and Fe showed a non‐conservative behavior during the Apure–Orinoco mixing. The removal of Mn and Zn from the dissolved phase can be explained by the formation of Mn‐oxyhydroxides and the scavenging of Zn onto Mn oxides. Dissolved Fe is controlled by redox processes, although the removals of Fe and Al due to the preferential adsorption of large organometallic complexes by mineral surfaces after the Apure–Orinoco confluence can affect the mobility of both elements during transport. The conservative behavior shown by Cu and Cr can be related to the tendency of both elements to be complexed with small organic colloids, which are not preferentially adsorbed by clays.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,78(1-2):341-348
Sources and transport processes of As, Cu, Cd and Pb were studied in different environmental compartments of Deception Island, an active volcano in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Element concentrations in fresh water samples are consistent with the lowest values reported elsewhere in Antarctica. Interestingly, higher concentration values of As were found in samples collected in or near spring water courses and its transport may be related with processes of lixiviation in underground waters. While in saline waters Cu and Pb had important punctual sources, concentration values for Cd were consistently high pointing to the existence of a natural and diffuse source possibly related with the hydrothermal activity. The high Si/Al ratio, low carbon content, and a non-significant anthropogenic heavy metal input may explain the surprisingly homogeneous heavy metal content found in sediment samples.  相似文献   

Metal concentrations in macroalgae from East Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Monthly analyses of pH, conductance, alkalinity, total suspended solids, dissolved major cations (Na, K, Ca and Mg), and selected dissolved trace elements (Fe, Al, Mn, Cu, Zn and Cr) were conducted on waters of the lower Orinoco River from February 2004 to May 2006. The data show strong seasonal variability. Major cations had maximum concentrations at low water, and were correlated with pH, conductance and alkalinity because of the tributaries coming from the Andean zones, where the weathering of evaporites and carbonate shales controls water chemistry. K concentrations did not show any relation with evaporite weathering, probably because large amounts of K come from the Guayana Shield rivers as a consequence of feldspar weathering. The concentrations of dissolved Fe, Mn and Cu were highest during the high water stage. Concentrations of the elements K, Cr, Zn and Cu are correlated with each other but not with dissolved Fe and Al, which probably are complexed with humic and fulvic substances. Mn concentrations did not show relationships with other variables. Inter‐annual variability of dissolved elements is explained by temporal changes in precipitation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The large radiocarbon (14C) reservoir effect in Antarctica varies regionally and with settings. Luminescence sediment dating has potential as an alternate geochronometer. Extending our earlier tests of the effectiveness of resetting of photon-stimulated-luminescence (PSL) that employed only multi-aliquot analyses of fine-silt grains, we applied single-aliquot multigrain, and single-grain-quartz (SGQ) PSL procedures to a variety of samples from on and under the meters-thick perennial ice cover at Lake Hoare. These procedures yielded quartz sand age estimates for ice-surface sand (the source of the lake-bottom sand) of 10–80 a. Sand within a small dune on the perennial lake ice in front of Canada Glacier gave an SGQ age estimate of 48 ± 23 a. These methods produced realistic age estimates in lake-bottom short cores that are at least 5–20 times younger than comparable (uncorrected-for-reservoir) 14C results. Near-core-top PSL age estimates ranged from zero to ~500 a, depending on the core site. Four of the 7 short cores revealed clear linear age-depth trends for the upper few cm of core. These results demonstrate that for such lake-core deposits, single-aliquot and single-grain PSL dating can replace 14C dating, at least in Lake Hoare, because PSL dating lacks a significant ‘zero-point’ offset such as the 14C reservoir effect, and because PSL dating of quartz is applicable to samples as old as ~150 ka under normal sedimentary conditions. Moreover, these results imply that isolated paleo-lake-bottom deposits (e.g., microbial-mat sand mounds above present lake levels) throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys can now be dated directly.  相似文献   

李栓科 《湖泊科学》1995,7(3):193-202
拉斯曼丘陵区的湖泊均为淡水湖,总数近150个,湖泊总面积6.3km~2,占陆地总面积的3.15%。东部地区湖泊数量少但多深大湖,西部地区数量多但多浅小湖。湖泊地貌发育初始,A_1/A_c之值较大,湖岸地貌形态不发育,全年封冻期长达300天,限制了湖水动力对地貌和沉积物形成的作用强度,冰雪融水量与湖面蒸发量控制了湖水平衡和湖面变化过程。湖积物厚度小,颗粒粗,分选差,风力混杂堆积作用明显。夏季水温变化复杂,并常有明显的逆温现象。水体pH值介于6.0~8.0之间,Na~+占绝对优势。  相似文献   

Norman E. Peters 《水文研究》2009,23(20):2860-2878
A long‐term stream water quality monitoring network was established in the city of Atlanta, Georgia during 2003 to assess baseline water quality conditions and the effects of urbanization on stream water quality. Routine hydrologically based manual stream sampling, including several concurrent manual point and equal width increment sampling, was conducted ~12 times annually at 21 stations, with drainage areas ranging from 3·7 to 232 km2. Eleven of the stations are real‐time (RT) stations having continuous measures of stream stage/discharge, pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance, water temperature and turbidity, and automatic samplers for stormwater collection. Samples were analyzed for field parameters, and a broad suite of water quality and sediment‐related constituents. Field parameters and concentrations of major ions, metals, nutrient species and coliform bacteria among stations were evaluated and with respect to watershed characteristics and plausible sources from 2003 through September 2007. Most constituent concentrations are much higher than nearby reference streams. Concentrations are statistically different among stations for several constituents, despite high variability both within and among stations. Routine manual sampling, automatic sampling during stormflows and RT water quality monitoring provided sufficient information about urban stream water quality variability to evaluate causes of water quality differences among streams. Fecal coliform bacteria concentrations of most samples exceeded Georgia's water quality standard for any water‐usage class. High chloride concentrations occur at three stations and are hypothesized to be associated with discharges of chlorinated combined sewer overflows, drainage of swimming pool(s) and dissolution and transport during rainstorms of CaCl2, a deicing salt applied to roads during winter storms. One stream was affected by dissolution and transport of ammonium alum [NH4Al(SO4)2] from an alum‐manufacturing plant; streamwater has low pH (<5), low alkalinity and high metals concentrations. Several trace metals exceed acute and chronic water quality standards and high concentrations are attributed to washoff from impervious surfaces. Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the importance of hyporheic dynamics within Andersen Creek and Von Guerard Stream, Taylor Valley, Antarctica, from the 2010–2011 melt season using natural tracers. Water collection started at flow onset and continued, with weekly hyporheic‐zone sampling. The water δ18O and δD values were isotopically lighter in the beginning and heavier later in the season. D‐excess measurements were used as an indicator of mixing because an evaporative signature was evident and distinguishable between 2 primary end‐members (glacier meltwater and hyporheic zone). Hyporheic‐zone influence on the channel water was variable with a strong control on streamwater chemistry, except at highest discharges. This work supports previous research indicating that Von Guerard Stream has a large, widespread hyporheic zone that varies in size with time and discharge. Andersen Creek, with a smaller hyporheic zone, displayed hyporheic‐zone solute interaction through the influence from subsurface hypersaline flow. Overall, the evolution of Taylor Valley hyporheic‐zone hydrology is described seasonally. In mid‐December, the hyporheic zone is a dynamic system exchanging with the glacier meltwater in the channel, and with diminishing flow in January, the hyporheic zone drains back into the channel flow also impacting stream chemistry. This work adds new information on the role of hyporheic zone–stream interaction in these glacier meltwater streams.  相似文献   

The topsoil of around 10 000 km2 in eastern England has recently been sampled intensely at 4609 sites to characterize its geochemistry. The parent materials, which include both solid geology and Quaternary sediments, range in age from Permian to Holocene. The distributions of the concentrations of major and trace elements have been characterized geostatistically, and the role of parent material on their spatial structure (anisotropy) and their spatial relationships (coregionalization) have been investigated. Analysis of variance with the sites grouped by major parent material type showed that this classi?cation accounted for 14 to 48 per cent of the variance for the various elements. Global variograms of 13 elements (Al, As, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Ti, and U) have been computed and modelled. Eleven of the variograms seem to comprise two structures, both of which we modelled with spherical functions, one of short range, 3·5 to 9 km, and the other with a range of 15 to 23 km. The models included a nugget variance, which varied from 27 per cent (for As, Fe, and Mg) to 63 per cent (for P) of the total. The long‐range structures are related to the separations of the major parent materials. The variograms of several elements showed appreciable anisotropy, most notably that of Mg. Anisotropy is evident at short ranges of less than 5 km. This accords with the geological structure of the beds which dip from west to east so that their outcrops are elongated from north to south. A linear model of coregionalization ?tted to the data emphasized several important geochemical associations, which we interpret. Elements commonly associated with clay minerals (Mg, Al) and the clay size fraction (Ti) are dominated by the long‐range structure of the coregionalization, whilst several trace elements (As, Cr, Ni and U) are spatially correlated with Fe over short distances, through adsorption of the former on the surfaces of Fe oxyhydroxides. The topsoil around large urban areas is enriched in lead, but it is not clear whether anthropogenic sources are responsible for this metal's anomalous spatial relationships with other elements. Crown copyright © 2003. Reproduced with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Of?ce. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There are three types of zircon (i.e. Zircon A, Zircon B and Zircon C) in the microgranitoid enclaves from the Qingtian granite. Zircon A is of the smallest Ipr, Ipy and Iel values with the largest range of variations; Zircon C is of the largest Ipr, Ipy and Iel values with the smallest range of variations; and Zircon B is intermediate among the three types. The microprobe analysis of zircon demonstrates that the contents of trace elements (Hf, U, Y, Th) increase progressively with larger and larger variation from Zircon A through Zircon B to Zircon C. These characters snggest that the three types of zircon in the enclaves may have formed successively during the cooling mess of enclave magma, corresponding to different sites along with the intrusion of enclave magma. Because of positive correlations of the UO2/HfO2ratio with Ipr, the Th02/Y203 ratio with Ipy, and the UO2/(ThO2+Y203) ratio with Iel, it is suggested that the variation in zircon typology is caused by selective substitution of trace elements on different surfaces of zircon. On the basis of enclave petrology and zircon typomorphism, it is believed that the enclave magma may be generated from partial melting of residual materials in deep regions where the granitic magma has been extracted. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49632080).  相似文献   

A tephrostratigraphy for Erebus volcano is presented, including tephra composition, stratigraphy, and eruption mechanism. Tephra from Erebus were collected from glacial ice and firn. Scanning electron microscope images of the ash morphologies help determine their eruption mechanisms The tephra resulted mainly from phreatomagmatic eruptions with fewer from Strombolian eruptions. Tephra having mixed phreatomagmatic–Strombolian origins are common. Two tephra deposited on the East Antarctic ice sheet, ~ 200 km from Erebus, resulted from Plinian and phreatomagmatic eruptions. Glass droplets in some tephra indicate that these shards were produced in both phreatomagmatic and Strombolian eruptions. A budding ash morphology results from small spheres quenched during the process of hydrodynamically splitting off from a parent melt globule. Clustered and rare single xenocrystic analcime crystals, undifferentiated zeolites, and clay are likely accidental clasts entrained from a hydrothermal system present prior to eruption. The phonolite compositions of glass shards confirm Erebus volcano as the eruptive source. The glasses show subtle trends in composition, which correlate with stratigraphic position. Trace element analyses of bulk tephra samples show slight differences that reflect varying feldspar contents.  相似文献   

Measurements of the primary and secondary velocity components were máde in two, active, braided river anabranch confluences with a simple Y-shaped plan form, in the gravelly Sunwapta River (D50 of approximately 30 mm). Flow velocity was measured at regularly-spaced intervals using a bidirectional electromagnetic current meter and the measured downstream and cross-stream velocities were converted to primary and secondary velocities to yield the secondary circulation. The primary (downstream) velocity field shows two high velocity streams from the two tributaries which merge (and, in some cases, accelerate) into a single high velocity core over the thalweg. Primary flow velocity declines as the flow expands and diverges at the downstream end of the confluence. The secondary circulation is dominated by two helical cells, back-to-back, plunging over the thalweg and diverging at the bed. This is the first confirmation of this flow structure in confluences, based on field measurements. The strength of the secondary cells declines downstream through each confluence, and laterally away from the thalweg area in cross-section. There is also a tendency for one cell, from the larger of the tributaries, to override the other. The secondary and primary flow structure and strength differs slightly between the two confluences and this is reflected in differences in scour hole form.  相似文献   

Lake Vostok, isolated from direct exchange with the atmosphere by about 4 km of ice for millions of years, provides a unique environment. This inaccessibility raises the importance of numerical models to investigate the physical conditions within the lake. Using a three-dimensional numerical model and the best available geometry, we test different parameter settings to define a standard model configuration suitable for studying flow in this subglacial lake. From our model runs we find a baroclinic circulation within the lake that splits into three different parts: Along a topographic ridge in the northern part of Lake Vostok, bottom water masses are transported eastward, diverging away from the ridge. In the lake’s surface layer, the flow in these two vertical overturning cells has opposite directions. In the southern part of the lake, where freezing occurs across about 3,500 km2, two opposing gyres split the water column vertically. The general flow is stronger in the southern basin with horizontal velocities in the order of 1 mm/s. The strongest upwelling, found in the eastern part of this basin, is about 25 μm/s. We estimate the lower limit of the overturning timescale to be about 2.5 years vertically and 8.6 years horizontally. The basal mass loss of ice from the ice sheet floating on the lake is 5.6 mm/year (equivalent to a fresh water flux of 2.78 m3/s, or a basal ice loss of 0.09 km3/year). This imbalance indicates either a constant growth of the lake or its continuous (or periodical) discharge into a subglacial drainage system.  相似文献   

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