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The ability to position landscapes in a context of time and space is a particular goal of Quaternary science research. The lack of context for dating samples published previously for MacCauley's Beach, an important site for the reconstruction of Australian sea levels, warranted a re‐evaluation of both the site stratigraphy and chronology. In this study, we combined optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of sedimentary quartz grains and soil micromorphology of the same samples to improve our understanding of the depositional history and chronology of the sediments. This combination allowed the contextualization of samples not only in time and space, but also in terms of their depositional histories. The latter is important in OSL dating, where pre‐, syn‐ and post‐depositional processes can all influence the accuracy and precision of the final age estimates. The sediment profile at MacCauley's Beach is made up of three major units. The basal mottled mud layer has undergone extensive pedogenesis since deposition, and only a minimum age of 14.7 ± 2.7 ka could be calculated. The overlying grey mud, with OSL ages from the bottom and top of the unit of 10.0 ± 0.7 and 7.7 ± 0.5 ka, respectively, shows evidence of soil structure collapse. This unit correspond to the onset of the mid‐Holocene sea‐level high stand for this region. The overlying sand layer was first deposited at 7.5 ± 0.4 ka, with deposition continuing beyond 6.6 ± 0.4 ka. Not only does the chronology presented constrain the timing of deposition (and the extent of post‐depositional processes) at MacCauley's Beach, but the methodological approach used here can be applied to any site to aid in the interpretation of formation processes and assess their influence on OSL age determination. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Alluvial channel bed incision and bank widening have been reported in both the south‐western and south‐eastern US throughout the past century. Distinct regional differences in climate and landscape properties likely influence the rate of erosion. This study discusses regional differences in hydraulic driving forces and substrate resistance and tests the hypothesis that regional differences exist in average rates of channel incision, bank erosion, and knickpoint retreat. Specifically, we hypothesize that erosion rates are higher in south‐western US streams and reason that this is because of greater flood magnitudes and limited substrate resistance. A review of the literature documenting incision, bank erosion, and knickpoint retreat, however, indicates that intra‐regional differences are larger than inter‐regional differences and that average rates in the south‐western US are either statistically similar or less than the rates in parts of the south‐eastern US. This could either be a result of strong intra‐regional hydroclimatic and substrate variability or because average erosion rate may not be an appropriate metric for inter‐regional comparisons because of the variability between case studies associated with the field methods to measure erosion, duration of study period, and time since disturbance to the channel. Nevertheless, these findings provide a basis for future evaluations of the relative importance of different controls on driving and resisting forces in these and other landscapes characterized by rapid channel incision and arroyo formation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An ensemble of stochastic daily rainfall projections has been generated for 30 stations across south‐eastern Australia using the downscaling nonhomogeneous hidden Markov model, which was driven by atmospheric predictors from four climate models for three IPCC emissions scenarios (A1B, A2, and B1) and for two periods (2046–2065 and 2081–2100). The results indicate that the annual rainfall is projected to decrease for both periods for all scenarios and climate models, with the exception of a few scenarios of no statistically significant changes. However, there is a seasonal difference: two downscaled GCMs consistently project a decline of summer rainfall, and two an increase. In contrast, all four downscaled GCMs show a decrease of winter rainfall. Because winter rainfall accounts for two‐thirds of the annual rainfall and produces the majority of streamflow for this region, this decrease in winter rainfall would cause additional water availability concerns in the southern Murray–Darling basin, given that water shortage is already a critical problem in the region. In addition, the annual maximum daily rainfall is projected to intensify in the future, particularly by the end of the 21st century; the maximum length of consecutive dry days is projected to increase, and correspondingly, the maximum length of consecutive wet days is projected to decrease. These changes in daily sequencing, combined with fewer events of reduced amount, could lead to drier catchment soil profiles and further reduce runoff potential and, hence, also have streamflow and water availability implications. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Identifying the influence of neotectonics on the morphology of elevated passive margins is complicated in that major morpho‐structural patterns might plausibly be explained by processes related to late Mesozoic to early Cenozoic rifting and/or differential erosion induced by Cenozoic epeirogenic uplift. The proportional contribution of each process can vary from continent to continent, and potentially even within the same passive margin. In the passive margin setting of the southeast Australian highlands the documented occurrence of neotectonic deformation is rare, and accordingly its role in landscape evolution is difficult to establish. The results of investigations within the Lapstone Structural Complex, which forms the eastern range front of the Blue Mountains Plateau, provide evidence for two periods of Cenozoic neotectonic uplift in this part of the highlands. The first, demonstrated by seismic and structural evidence, is suggested to have occurred in the Paleogene, and is thus unrelated to Cretaceous rifting. The second period, demonstrated by evidence from the Kurrajong Fault (presented herein) suggests that uplift occurred in both the Mio‐Pliocene and the Middle Pleistocene. The cumulative Neogene and younger uplift of ~15 m determined for the Kurrajong Fault is less than 10% of the 130 m of total measured throw across the fault. The apparently minor contribution of neotectonism to the current elevation of the Blue Mountains Plateau supports a predominantly erosional exhumation origin for the topographic relief at the plateau's eastern edge. This finding contrasts with evidence from fault complexes associated with similar topographic relief elsewhere in the south‐eastern highlands, indicating that present‐day topography cannot be directly related to relief generated by Neogene and younger uplift, even from relatively closely‐spaced (< 150 km) structures within the same passive margin. These findings have implications for understanding the spatio‐temporal variability of post‐rift faulting in continental passive margin settings and the evolution of landscapes therein. © Commonwealth of Australia. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Holocene evolution of the Canning Coast of Western Australia has largely been overlooked so far mainly due to its remoteness and low population density. We report on new data from a sequence of foredunes inside the macro‐tidal Admiral Bay, 110 km southwest of Broome. Based on sediment cores, differential global positioning system (dGPS)‐based elevation transects, and stratigraphical analyses on outcrops of the relict foredunes, we aim at reconstructing Holocene coastal changes and relative sea levels (RSLs), as well as identifying and dating imprints of extreme‐wave events. Sedimentary analyses comprise the documentation of bedding structures, foraminiferal content and macrofaunal remains, grain size distribution, and organic matter. The chronological framework is based on 26 carbon‐14 accelerator mass spectrometry (14C‐AMS) datings. Marine flooding of the pre‐Holocene surface landward of the 2.5 km‐wide foredune barriers occurred 7400–7200 cal bp , when mangroves colonized the area. After only 200–400 years, a high‐energy inter‐tidal environment established and prevailed until c. 4000 cal bp , before turning into the present supralittoral mudflat. During that time, coastal regression led to beach progradation and the formation of aligned foredunes. Drivers of progradation were a stable RSL or gradual RSL fall after the mid‐Holocene and a positive sand budget. The foredunes overlie upper beach deposits located up to >2 m above the present upper beach level and provide evidence for a higher mid‐Holocene RSL. Discontinuous layers of coarse shells and sand are intercalated in the foredunes, indicating massive coastal flooding events. One such layer was traced over three dune ridges and dated to c. 1700–1550 cal bp . However, it seems that most tropical cyclones induce net erosion rather than deposition at aligned foredunes and thus, they are only suitable for reconstructing temporal variability if erosional features or sedimentation reliably tied to these events can be identified and dated accurately. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seth Rose 《水文研究》2009,23(8):1105-1118
An extensive dataset (230 precipitation gauges and 79 stream gauges) was used to analyse rainfall–runoff relationships in 10 subregions of a 482000 km2 area in the south‐eastern USA (Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia). The average annual rainfall and runoff for this study area between 1938 and 2005 were 1201 and 439 mm, respectively. Average runoff/rainfall ratios during this period varied between 0·24 in the southernmost Coastal Plain subregion to 0·64 in the Blue Ridge Province. Watershed elevation and relief are the principal determinants governing the conversion of rainfall to runoff. Temporal rainfall variation throughout the south‐eastern USA ranges from ~40% above and below normal while the variation for runoff is higher, from ? 75% to + 100%. In any given year there can exist a ± 25–50% error in predicted runoff deviation using the annual rainfall–runoff regression. Fast Fourier Transform and autoregressive spectral analysis revealed dominant cyclicities for rainfall and runoff between 14 and 17 years. Secondary periodicities were typically between 6–7 and 10–12 years. The inferred cyclicity may be related to ENSO and/or Central North Pacific atmospheric phenomena. Mann–Kendall analyses indicate that there were no consistent statistically significant temporal trends with respect to south‐eastern US rainfall and runoff during the study period. The results of U‐tests similarly indicated that rainfall between 1996 and 2005 was not statistically higher or lower than during earlier in the study period. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Bellinger River catchment in the New England Fold Belt on the mid‐north coast of New South Wales is characterized by an assemblage of stepped late Quaternary alluvial units. Late Pleistocene terraces were formed by large, more competent rivers that eroded almost entire valley floors; however, a decline in discharge prior to the Holocene has resulted in the abandonment of these deposits as elevated terraces or residual alluvium, onlapped by contemporary floodplains. Intrinsic controls on floodplain formation appear to be superimposed over an early–mid‐Holocene climatic signature. A fluvially active period, known as the Nambucca Phase, from 10 to 4·5 ka, eroded Late Pleistocene terraces. Two floodplain surfaces, one higher than the other, both started to accrete vertically from 4 ka but with some valley locations remaining vulnerable to episodes of erosion, resulting in substantial units of even younger basal alluvium. The high floodplain is dominated by horizontally laminated, vertically accreted sequences, while the low floodplain, which overlaps in age, is characterized by pronounced cut‐and‐fill stratigraphy. Terraces and floodplains in partly confined settings can have similar elevations but be polycyclic, with very different basal ages. In such landscapes the classical assumption that individual terrace or floodplain profiles along a valley represent periods of coeval formation is shown to be frequently invalid. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is possible that climate changes and sea level fluctuations (allogenic processes) are and will cause major changes in mangrove dynamics. However, other driving forces may be significantly affecting this system. Distinguishing allogenic and autogenic influence on mangroves is a challenging question, because mechanisms related to the natural dynamics of depositional environments (autogenic processes) have strong influences on the establishment and degradation of mangroves. Thus, impacts on mangroves caused by autogenic processes may be erroneously attributed to allogenic mechanisms. Therefore, it is imperative to identify the ‘fingerprint’ of global changes in modern mangrove dynamics. In order to characterize the influence of these forces on mangroves, this work has used geomorphology and vegetation maps integrated with sedimentological and palynological data, radiocarbon dating, as well as δ13C, δ15N and C/N from sedimentary organic matter. The inter‐proxy analyses reveal an estuarine influence with mangrove development along the Ceará Mirim River, north‐eastern Brazil, since ~6920 cal yr bp , after the post‐glacial sea level rise. Relative sea level (RSL) has been stable during the middle and late Holocene. Mangrove establishment along this fluvial valley begins at about 6920 cal yr bp , caused by the sea‐level stabilization, an allogenic influence. However, after its establishment, wetland dynamics were mainly controlled by autogenic factors, related to channel migrations, instead of allogenic process. Some influence of sea‐level and climate changes on mangrove dynamics in this estuarine channel have been weakened by more intense tidal channels activities. Therefore, the expansion and contraction of mangrove areas along the estuary of the Ceará Mirim River since 6920 cal yr bp has been mainly influenced by channel dynamics that regulate the accretion and erosion of mangrove substrates. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research reconstructed the Late Quaternary salinity history of the Pearl River estuary, China, from diatom records of four sedimentary cores. The reconstruction was produced through the application of a diatom–salinity transfer function developed based on 77 modern surface sediment samples collected across the estuary from shallow marine environment to deltaic distributaries. The statistical analysis indicates that the majority of sediment samples from the cores has good modern analogues, thus the reconstructions are reliable. The reconstructed salinity history shows the older estuarine sequence formed during the last interglacial was deposited under similar salinity conditions to the younger estuarine sequence, which was formed during the present interglacial. Further analysis into the younger estuarine sequence reveals the interplays between sea level, monsoon‐driven freshwater discharge, and deltaic shoreline movement, key factors that have influenced water salinity in the estuary. In particular, a core from the delta plain shows the effects of sea‐level change and deltaic progradation, while cores from the mouth region of the estuary reveal changes of monsoon‐driven freshwater discharge. This study demonstrates the advantages of quantitative salinity reconstructions to improve the quality of reconstruction and allow direct comparison with other quantitative records and the instrumentally observed values of salinity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Coastal geomorphology results from the combined effects of contemporary dynamics, sea‐level rise and the inherited geological framework, yet the relative importance of these driving mechanisms may change throughout the evolutionary history of coastal deposits. In this contribution, we analyse the depositional history of the Cíes Islands barrier‐lagoon system, based on lithofacies, radiocarbon ages, and pollen analysis. Our results reveal a sedimentary sequence that provides evidence for striking changes in the dynamical functioning of this complex since the mid‐Holocene. The sedimentary sequence commenced about 7700 cal years bp by fresh‐water ponding of an upland depression located about 4 m below present mean sea‐level. Fresh‐water ponds were infilled by aeolian sediments following a gradual lowering of the water‐table 4000 cal years bp . Post‐3600 cal years bp sea‐level rise allowed water oscillations to reach the elevation of the bedrock causing the inundation of fresh‐water ponds and subsequent lagoonal and marine sedimentation. Subsequently, landward and upward migration of a sand‐barrier led to overwash and deposition of sand in the newly formed lagoon. The resultant sedimentary sequence suggests that climatic conditions played an important role controlling the sedimentation regime during the entire history of the basin; changing water‐table levels during early stages of evolution and increasing storminess during more recent times. In addition, background sea‐level rise related to the Holocene transgression was a key factor in controlling the evolution of the system, yet its influence depended to an extent on the relative elevation of the bedrock topography. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Phreatic overgrowths on speleothems (POS) are carbonate formations deposited at the water table of caves in unique karstic coastal settings having morphologies that can be directly related to sea level at the time of formation. The U‐Th ages of calcite and aragonite overgrowths collected from the modern water table in coastal caves on Mallorca (Cova de Cala Varques A and Cova des Pas de Vallgornera) were determined using high‐precision MC‐ICPMS techniques. U‐Th ages indicate that phreatic carbonate deposition occurred between ca 2·8 and at least 0·6 ka BP and are in accord with an archeologically estimated age of 3·7–3·0 ka BP for a drowned prehistoric construction at a depth of 1 m below current sea level in a cave from the same area. Speleothem δ13C and δ18O and chemical composition of cave pools provide supportive evidence that POS reflect mixing between seawater and brackish water table. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Differences in chemical weathering extent and character are expected to exist across topographic escarpments due to spatial gradients of climatic and/or tectonic forcing. The passive margin escarpment of south‐eastern Australia has a debated but generally accepted model of propagation in which it retreated (within 40 Ma) to near its current position following rifting between Australia and New Zealand 85–100 Ma before present. We focus on this escarpment to quantify chemical weathering rates and processes and how they may provide insight into scarp evolution and retreat. We compare chemical weathering extents and rates above and below the escarpment using a mass balance approach coupling major and trace element analyses with previous measurements of denudation rates using cosmogenic nuclides (10Be and 26Al). We find a slight gradient in saprolite chemical weathering rate as a percentage of total weathering rate across the escarpment. The lowlands area, encompassing the region extending from the base of the escarpment to the coast, experiences a greater extent of chemical weathering than the highland region above the escarpment. Percents of denudation attributable to saprolite weathering average 57 ± 6% and 47 ± 7% at low and high sites respectively. Furthermore, the chemical index of alteration (CIA), a ratio of immobile to mobile oxides in granitic material that increases with weathering extent, have corresponding average values of 73·7 ± 3·9 and 65·5 ± 3·4, indicating lower extents of weathering above the escarpment. Finally, we quantify variations in the rates and extent of chemical weathering at the hillslope scale across the escarpment to suggest new insight into how climate differences and hillslope topography help drive landscape evolution, potentially overprinting longer term tectonic forcing. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A recently exposed section across a ?rst‐order valley buried beneath the regional blanket peat on hillside slopes in the upper Liffey valley, Co. Wicklow, is described. The section shows two alluvia within a shallow valley form underlain by an extensive boulder and stone line over regional till and weathered granite. 14C dates from wood in the alluvia indicate the older alluvium to have formed between 4324 ± 53 BP and 4126 ± 45 BP and the younger between 3217 ± 53 BP and 2975 ± 53 BP . The basal layer of the overlying peat yielded a date of 2208 ± 61 BP . The younger alluvium shows the effects of soil paludi?cation prior to the peat expansion. Dated pollen analyses elsewhere in the upper catchment con?rm the spread of blanket peat over most areas above 350 m after 4000–3600 BP . The buried valley was contributing sediments to the mid‐Holocene ?oodplains in the upper Liffey valley prior to the extension of blanket peat over the catchment after which sediment yields from it and the other catchment slopes declined. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A common explanation for intense soil erosion and gullying in SE Australia is the introduction by Europeans of new land use practices following their arrival in Australia in the late 18th century. Eucalyptus woodlands were cleared to introduce farming, and valley bottoms, characterized by chains of ponds with organic‐rich swampy meadow (SM) soils, were subsequently buried by thick deposits of ‘post‐settlement alluvium’ (PSA) generated by erosion in the catchment. In this study, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is used to evaluate the source(s) of the PSA in Grabben Gullen Creek (GGC), Australia. We use a portable OSL reader to measure total photon counts on bulk polymineral and polygrain‐size samples from nine profiles along the Creek. We use these luminescence signals as geotracers of sediment source(s) and transport pathways. We obtained higher luminescence signals in the PSA than in the SM sediments, suggesting different sources and fluvial transport conditions for these two widespread sedimentary units. Portable OSL reader data from soils in the GGC catchment that are potential sources for the SM sediments and PSA show that the high luminescence signals recorded in the PSA are similar to those from subsoil samples in granite soils, suggesting that the PSA was derived by gullying of granite subsoils. In the SM sediments, luminescence signals decrease upwards from the base of the profile, as expected in well‐reset fluvial deposits, but with one or more changes in gradient in the profile of photon counts with depth, most likely indicating changes in sediment deposition rates. To calculate deposition rates in the SM sediments, several samples were dated using OSL. The OSL ages produced low scatter in the equivalent doses, confirming the well‐reset nature of the grains composing the SM and indicating a process of sediment transport in dilute flows, as is interpreted from the portable OSL signals. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influences of palaeohydrology and geological‐topographic inheritance in shaping the channel of the lower River Suir, southeast Ireland. Results of acoustic surveys of the lower River Suir and Waterford Harbour reveal two scales of pseudo‐cyclic river bedforms. Longitudinal elevation profiles of the geological topography (undulating bedrock and till‐mantled bedrock) bounding the present floodplain swath reveal pseudo‐cyclicity in that terrain too. Spectral and statistical analyses are used to quantify the cyclicity of the long profile and geological‐topographic series. These methods show that the dominant cyclicity of the long profile reflects autocorrelation more than inheritance of cyclicity from the bounding geological topography. The cyclicity of the long profile mainly reflects a hydraulic control on pool‐spacing, although some cyclicity probably has been inherited from the geological‐topography. Channel‐forming palaeodischarge is estimated based on the dominant pool‐spacing revealed by spectral analysis, validated using relationships between meander wavelength, channel cross‐sectional geometry and hydraulically‐informed discharge reconstruction. The palaeodischarge estimates are in close agreement and are two orders of magnitude greater than present flood maxima. Significantly, these palaeodischarge estimates also agree closely with palaeodischarge calculated for the submerged Pleistocene palaeochannel that extends across the near‐shore continental shelf from Waterford Harbour. The pool‐sequence of the lower Suir and the submerged palaeochannel represent a former land‐system that was active during a period of low relative sea level during the last glacial. More broadly, the paper offers insights into the landscape evolution of formerly glaciated regions that experienced very wide discharge variability during and after the transition from glacial to interglacial regimes, in a context of complex relative sea level change. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geomorphological analyses of the morphology, lithostratigraphy and chronology of Holocene alluvial fills in a 2·75 km long piedmont reach of the wandering gravel‐bed River South Tyne at Lambley in Northumberland, northern England, have identified spatial and temporal patterns of late Holocene channel and floodplain development and elucidated the relationship between reach‐ and subreach‐scale channel transformation and terrace formation. Five terraced alluvial fills have been dated to periods sometime between c. 1400 BC –AD 1100, AD 1100–1300, AD 1300–1700, AD 1700–1850 and from AD 1850 to the present. Palaeochannel morphology and lithofacies architecture of alluvial deposits indicate that the past 3000 years has been characterized by episodic channel and floodplain change associated with development and subsequent recovery of subreach‐scale zones of instability which have been fixed in neither time nor space. Cartographic and photographic evidence spanning the past 130 years suggests channel transformation can be accomplished in as little as 50 years. The localized and episodic nature of fluvial adjustment at Lambley points to the operation of subreach‐scale controls of coarse sediment transfers. These include downstream propagation of sediment waves, as well as internal controls imposed by differing valley floor morphology, gradient and boundary materials. However, the preservation of correlated terrace levels indicates that major phases of floodplain construction and entrenchment have been superimposed over locally complex patterns of sediment transfer. Reach‐scale lateral and vertical channel adjustments at Lambley appear to be closely related to climatically driven changes in flood frequency and magnitude, with clusters of extreme floods being particularly important for accomplishing entrenchment and reconfiguring the pattern of localized instability zones. Confinement of flood flows by valley entrenchment, and contamination of catchment river courses by metal‐rich fine sediments following recent historic mining operations, have combined to render the South Tyne at Lambley increasingly sensitive to changes in flood regimes over the past 1000 years. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Beach‐ridge systems are important geo‐archives providing evidence for past wave climate including catastrophic storm flood events. This study investigates the morphological impacts of the 1872 Baltic storm flood on a beach‐ridge system (sandy spit) in south‐eastern Denmark and evaluates the frequency of extreme storm flood events in the area over a longer time perspective. This paper combines field studies of morphology and sedimentary deposits, studies of historical maps, digital terrain model, ground‐penetrating radar profiles, and luminescence dating. Sea water reached 2.8 m above mean sea level (amsl) during peak inundation and, based on studies of the morphological impacts of the 1872 storm flood, the event can be divided into four phases. Phase 1: increasing mean water levels and wave activity at the beach brought sediments from the beach (intertidal bars and normal berm) higher up in the profile and led to the formation of a storm‐berm. Phase 2: water levels further increased and sediment in the upper part of the profile continued to build up the storm‐berm. Phase 3: water levels now reached the top of the dune ridge and were well above the storm‐berm level. Sea water was breaching the dune ridge at several sites and wash‐over fans were generated until a level where the mean water level had dropped too much. Phase 4: the non‐vegetated wash‐over fans functioned as pathways for aeolian sand transport and relatively high dunes were formed in particular along the margins of the fan where aeolian sand was trapped by existing vegetation. The studied beach‐ridge system records about 4500 years of accumulation; the storm flood sediments described are unique suggesting that the 1872 Baltic storm flood event was an extreme event. Thus studies of beach‐ridge systems form a new source for understanding storm surge risk. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The impacts of climate‐induced changes in discharge and base level in three tributaries of the Saint‐Lawrence River, Québec, Canada, are modelled for the period 2010–2099 using a one‐dimensional morphodynamic model. Changes in channel stability and bed‐material delivery to the Saint‐Lawrence River over this period are simulated for all combinations of seven tributary hydrological regimes (present‐day and those predicted using three global climate models and two greenhouse gas emission scenarios) and three scenarios of how the base level provided by the Saint‐Lawrence River will alter (no change, gradual fall, step fall). Even with no change in base level the projected discharge scenarios lead to an increase in average bed material delivery for most combinations of river and global climate model, although the magnitude of simulated change depends on the choice of global climate model and the trend over time seems related to whether the river is currently aggrading, degrading or in equilibrium. The choice of greenhouse gas emission scenario makes much less difference than the choice of global climate model. As expected, a fall in base level leads to degradation in the rivers currently aggrading or in equilibrium, and amplifies the effects of climate change on sediment delivery to the Saint‐Lawrence River. These differences highlight the importance of investigating several rivers using several climate models in order to determine trends in climate change impacts. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fluvial systems in uplifting terrain respond to tectonic, climatic, eustatic and local base‐level controls modified by specific local factors, such as river capture. The Rio Alias in southeast Spain is an ephemeral, transverse‐to‐structure fluvial system. The river drains two interconnected Neogene sedimentary basins, the Sorbas and Almeria basins, and crosses two major geological structures, the Sierras de Alhamilla/Cabrera and the Carboneras Fault Zone. Regional epeirogenic uplift resulted in sustained fluvial incision during the Quaternary, punctuated by major climatically driven periods of aggradation and dissection, which created a suite of five river terraces. The river terrace sequence was radically modified in the late Pleistocene by a major river capture (itself a response to regional tectonics), localized tectonic activity and eustatic base‐level change. The Rio Alias is defined by four reaches; within each the climatically‐generated, region‐wide, fluvial response was modified by tectonics, base‐level change or river capture to varying degrees. In the upper part of the basin (Lucainena reach), climate was the dominant control on river development, with limited modification of the sequence by uplift of the Sierra Alhamilla and local drainage reorganization by a local river capture. Downstream of the Sierra Alhamilla in the Polopus reach, the climatic signal is dominant, but its expression is radically modified by the response to a major river capture whereby the Alias system lost up to 70% of its pre‐capture drainage area. In the reach adjacent to the Carboneras Fault Zone (Argamason reach), modification of the terrace sequence by local tectonic activity and a resultant local base‐level fall led to a major local incisional event (propagating c. 3–4 km upstream from the area of tectonic disturbance). At the seaward end of the system (El Saltador reach) Quaternary sea‐level changes modified the patterns of erosion and incision and have resulted in steep incisional terrace profiles. The signals generated by regional tectonics and the Quaternary climate change can be identified throughout the basin but those generated by ongoing local tectonics, river capture and sea‐level change are spatially restricted and define the four reaches. The connectivity of the system from the headwaters to the coast decreased through time as incision progressed, resulting in changes in local coupling characteristics. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The surface morphology of the transgressive dunefield barrier extending from Itapeva to Tramandai along the northern littoral of Rio Grande do Sul, is examined and an attempt is presented to link morphological changes across the barrier to Holocene sea level changes. The 4·5 km wide Holocene barrier displays two typical morphologies: an inner part dominated by large‐scale, continuous alongshore, overlapping dunefield phases comprising sand sheets, dunes, deflation plains and precipitation ridges; and an outer part dominated by discontinuous, medium‐ to small‐scale, triangular to lobate transgressive dunefield phases, cut by both active and relict (palaeo‐) creeks or washouts. Holocene sea level in the region rose to c. +1 to +3 m above present reaching a maximum around 5100 years bp and then progressively fell to the present level. We argue that the effect on barrier development was to suppress the development of a drainage system during the rising and maximum stages, and encourage the development of an organized drainage system in the form of regularly spaced washouts during the falling period, and that this change in sea level from rising to falling therefore produced the large‐scale differences in barrier morphology. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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