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A sustained dynamic inflow perturbation and bar–floodplain conversion are considered crucial to dynamic meandering. Past experiments, one-dimensional modelling and linear theory have demonstrated that the initiation and persistence of dynamic meandering require a periodic transverse motion of the inflow. However, it remains unknown whether the period of the inflow perturbation affects self-formed meander dynamics. Here, we numerically study the effect of the inflow perturbation period on the development and meander dynamics of a chute-cutoff-dominated river, which requires two-dimensional modelling with vegetation forming floodplain on bars. We extended the morphodynamic model Nays2D with growth and mortality rules of vegetation to allow for meandering. We tested the effect of a transversely migrating inflow boundary by varying the perturbation period between runs over an order of magnitude around typical modelled meander periods. Following the cutoff cascade after initial meander formation from a straight channel, all runs with sufficient vegetation show series of growing meanders terminated by chute cutoffs. This generates an intricate channel belt topography with point bar complexes truncated by chutes, oxbow lakes, and scroll-bar-related vegetation age patterns. The sinuosity, braiding index and meander period, which emerge from the inherent biomorphological feedback loops, are unrelated to the inflow perturbation period, although the spin-up to dynamic equilibrium takes a longer time and distance for weak and absent inflow perturbations. This explains why, in previous experimental studies, dynamic meandering was only accomplished with a sustained upstream perturbation in flumes that were short relative to the meander wavelength. Our modelling of self-formed meander patterns is evidence that scroll-bar-dominated and chute-cutoff-dominated meanders develop from downstream convecting instabilities. This insight extends to many more fluvial, estuarine and coastal systems in morphological models and experiments, which require sustained dynamic perturbations to form complex patterns and develop natural dynamics. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Many models of river meander migration rely upon a simple formalism, whereby the eroding bank is cut back at a rate that is dictated by the flow, and the depositing bank then migrates passively in response, so as to maintain a constant bankfull channel width. Here a new model is presented, in which separate relations are developed for the migration of the eroding bank and the depositing bank. It is assumed that the eroding bank consists of a layer of fine‐grained sediment that is cohesive and/or densely riddled with roots, underlain by a purely noncohesive layer of sand and/or gravel. Following erosion of the noncohesive layer, the cohesive layer fails in the form of slump blocks, which armor the noncohesive layer and thereby moderate the erosion rate. If the slump block material breaks down or is fluvially entrained, the protection it provides for the noncohesive layer diminishes and bank erosion is renewed. Renewed bank erosion, however, rejuvenates slump block armoring. At the depositing bank, it is assumed that all the sediment delivered to the edge of vegetation due to the transverse component of sediment transport is captured by encroaching vegetation, which is not removed by successive floods. Separate equations describing the migration of the eroding and depositing banks are tied to a standard morphodynamic formulation for the evolution of the flow and bed in the central region of the channel. In this model, the river evolves toward maintenance of roughly constant bankfull width as it migrates only to the extent that the eroding bank and depositing bank ‘talk’ to each other via the medium of the morphodynamics of the channel center region. The model allows for both (a) migration for which erosion widens the channel, forcing deposition at the opposite bank, and (b) migration for which deposition narrows the channel forcing erosion at the opposite bank. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fluvial biomorphodynamics in actively meandering rivers entail interactions between hydromorphodynamics and pioneering tree species that have eco-engineering effects. Here we study spatiotemporal patterns of vegetation patches smaller than 150 m2 in a 4 km reach of the river Allier in France in order to unravel causes for tree persistence and mortality and identify spatial trends across the river valley. To this end we analysed aerial photographs by object-based image analysis over a period of 56 years and tracked individual patches through time. Furthermore the cover and surface age of the study reach were classified. The large-scale shifts of channels, bars and vegetation are consistent with the meandering process and chute cutoffs. However, the spatiotemporal patterns of the vegetation patches are surprising in that they are ubiquitous and have ages up to decades on the highly dynamic meander belt, but hardly expand into larger vegetation patches. Patches disappear exponentially as a function of their age, and faster so in the last decades. Causes are amalgamation into the riparian forest flanking the meander belt and mortality likely due to desiccation or erosion. Patches have a higher probability of survival when further away from the active channel and closer to high vegetation patches and valley boundary. The window of opportunity of vegetation settlement widens towards the valley boundaries and in floodplain lows of former channels and chutes. These results imply a gradual cross-valley gradient of riparian vegetation settling, survival and succession. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

The evolution of meandering river floodplains is predominantly controlled by the interplay between overbank sedimentation and channel migration. The resulting spatial heterogeneity in floodplain deposits leads to variability in bank erodibility, which in turn influences channel migration and planform development. Despite the potential significance of these feedbacks, few studies have quantified their impact upon channel evolution and floodplain construction in dynamic settings (e.g. locations characterized by rapid channel migration and high rates of overbank sedimentation). This study employs a combination of field observations, geographic information system (GIS) analysis of satellite imagery and numerical modelling to investigate these issues along a 375 km reach of the Rio Beni in the Bolivian Amazon. Results demonstrate that the occurrence of clay‐rich floodplain deposits promotes a significant reduction in channel migration rates and distinctive styles of channel evolution, including channel straightening and immobilization of bend apices leading to channel narrowing. Clay bodies act as stable locations limiting the propagation of planform disturbances in both upstream and downstream directions, and operate as ‘hinge’ points, around which the channel migrates. Spatial variations in the erodibility of clay‐rich floodplain material also promote large‐scale (10–50 km) differences in channel sinuosity and migration, although these variables are also likely to be influenced by channel gradient and tectonic effects that are difficult to quantify. Numerical model results suggest that spatial heterogeneity in bank erodibility, driven by variable bank composition, may force a substantial (c. 30%) reduction in average channel sinuosity, compared to situations in which bank strength is spatially homogeneous. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydraulic interactions between rivers and floodplains produce off‐channel chutes, the presence of which influences the routing of water and sediment and thus the planform evolution of meandering rivers. Detailed studies of the hydrologic exchanges between channels and floodplains are usually conducted in laboratory facilities, and studies documenting chute development are generally limited to qualitative observations. In this study, we use a reconstructed, gravel‐bedded, meandering river as a field laboratory for studying these mechanisms at a realistic scale. Using an integrated field and modeling approach, we quantified the flow exchanges between the river channel and its floodplain during an overbank flood, and identified locations where flow had the capacity to erode floodplain chutes. Hydraulic measurements and modeling indicated high rates of flow exchange between the channel and floodplain, with flow rapidly decelerating as water was decanted from the channel onto the floodplain due to the frictional drag provided by substrate and vegetation. Peak shear stresses were greatest downstream of the maxima in bend curvature, along the concave bank, where terrestrial LiDAR scans indicate initial floodplain chute formation. A second chute has developed across the convex bank of a meander bend, in a location where sediment accretion, point bar development and plant colonization have created divergent flow paths between the main channel and floodplain. In both cases, the off‐channel chutes are evolving slowly during infrequent floods due to the coarse nature of the floodplain, though rapid chute formation would be more likely in finer‐grained floodplains. The controls on chute formation at these locations include the flood magnitude, river curvature, floodplain gradient, erodibility of the floodplain sediment, and the flow resistance provided by riparian vegetation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The process of channelization on river floodplains plays an essential role in regulating river sinuosity and creating river avulsions. Most channelization occurs within the channel belt (e.g. chute channels), but growing evidence suggests some channels originate outside of the channel‐belt in the floodplain. To understand the occurrence and prevalence of these floodplain channels we mapped 3064 km2 of floodplain in Indiana, USA using 1.5 m resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data. We find the following range of channelization types on floodplains in Indiana: 6.8% of floodplain area has no evidence of channelization, 55.9% of floodplains show evidence (e.g. oxbow lakes) of chute‐channel activity in the channel belt, and 37.3% of floodplains contain floodplain channels that form long, coherent down‐valley pathways with bifurcations and confluences, and they are active only during overbank discharge. Whereas the first two types of floodplains are relatively well studied, only a few studies have recognized the existence of floodplain channels. To understand why floodplain channels occur, we compared the presence of channelization types with measured floodplain width, floodplain slope, river width, river meander rate, sinuosity, flooding frequency, soil composition, and land cover. Results show floodplain channels occur when the fluvial systems are characterized by large floodplain‐to‐river widths, relatively higher meandering rates, and are dominantly used for agriculture. More detailed reach‐scale mapping reveals that up to 75% of channel reaches within floodplain channels are likely paleo‐meander cutoffs. The meander cutoffs are connected by secondary channels to form floodplain channels. We suggest that secondary channels within floodplains form by differential erosion across the floodplain, linking together pre‐existing topographic lows, such as meander cutoffs. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of floodplain vegetation on river planform have been investigated for a medium‐sized river using a 2D morphodynamic model with submodels for flow resistance and plant colonization. The flow resistance was divided into a resistance exerted by the soil and a resistance exerted by the plants. In this way it was possible to reproduce both the decrease in bed shear stress, reducing the sediment transport capacity of the flow within the plants, and the increase in hydraulic resistance, reducing the flow velocities. Colonization by plants was obtained by instantaneously assigning vegetation to the areas that became dry at low water stages. This colonization presents a step forward in the modelling of bank accretion. Bank erosion was related to bed degradation at adjacent wet cells. Bank advance and retreat were reproduced as drying and wetting of the computational cells at the channel margins. The model was applied to a hypothetical case with the same characteristics as the Allier River (France). The river was allowed to develop its own geometry starting from a straight, uniform, channel. Different vegetation densities produced different planforms. With bare floodplains, the river always developed a braided planform, even if the discharge was constant and below bankfull. With the highest vegetation density (grass) the flow concentrated in a single channel and formed incipient meanders. Lower vegetation density (pioneer vegetation) led to a transitional planform, with a low degree of braiding and distinguishable incipient meanders. The results comply with flume experiments and field observations reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that riparian vegetation leads to channel transformation from a multi-bar to a single-thread channel planform. However, it still remains unclear how the presence of pioneer and mature vegetation affects the morphodynamics of single-thread meandering rivers. In this study, we therefore investigated the effects of vegetation strength on the morphodynamic evolution of an experimental meandering channel. Three physical laboratory experiments were conducted using alfalfa sprouts in different life stages – no vegetation, immature vegetation, and mature vegetation – to simulate different floodplain vegetation strengths. Our results demonstrate that vegetation plays a key role in mediating bank erosion and point-bar accretion, and that this is reflected in both the evolution of the channel bed as well as the sediment flux. The presence of mature vegetation maintained a deep, single-thread channel by reducing bank erosion, thereby limiting both channel widening and sediment storage capacity. Conversely, an unvegetated floodplain led to channel widening and high sediment storage capacity. Channel evolution in the unvegetated scenario showed that the active sediment supply from outer bank erosion led to slightly delayed point-bar accretion on the inner banks due to helical flow, deflecting the surface flow toward the outer banks and causing further erosion. In contrast, in the immature vegetation scenario, the outer banks were also initially eroded, but point-bar accretion did not clearly progress. This led to a greater width-to-depth ratio, resulting in a transition from a single- to a multi-thread channel with minor flow paths on the floodplain. The experimental results suggest that the eco-morphodynamic effects of young (low-strength) and mature (high-strength) vegetation are different. Notably, low-strength, early-stage vegetation increases channel complexity by accelerating both channel widening and branching, and therefore might promote the coexistence of multi-bars and pioneer vegetation.  相似文献   

The study investigates interactions, water and sediment exchanges, between a rapidly migrating meander and its associated floodplain at fine temporal and spatial scales. The Beni River, an Amazonian free meandering river, makes the transition between Andean ranges and Amazonian lowlands. For the period 2002–2006, an assemblage of tools and methods (water and sediment discharges, topometric and bathymetric surveys, sedimentation rate estimations from unsupported 210Pb and sediment trapping system) was used to jointly analyse the influence on the sediment budget of external factors (mainly water and sediment discharge) and the inherent behaviour of the system. The main issue addressed is the investigation of the complex relationship between ‘morphological conditioning’ of fluvial landform and process. The first part of the study was undertaken with the aim of linking erosion–deposition in an active meander with water and sediment fluxes. The three inter‐annual evolutions are characterized by very unequal sediment budgets; the first two intervals underwent predominant erosion, and the latter slight accumulation. Digital elevation models, evaluated for the active meander, demonstrate that sedimentation on the point bar depends more on external factors than erosion of the concave bank, which fluctuates slightly. The second part of the study, focusing on water and sediment exchanges between active bend and floodplain, examines the respective parts played by overbank flow and by an abandoned channel on the diffusion and sequestration of sediment. The association of short‐ and long‐term estimation of sedimentation rates suggests that floodplain construction is associated with two different processes and rhythms of sediment transportation. Finally, a sediment budget is proposed for the Beni River in the upper part of the Amazonian lowlands. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The ability to predict the stability of eroding riverbanks is a prerequisite for modelling alluvial channel width adjustment and a requirement for predicting bank erosion rates and sediment yield associated with bank erosion. Mass‐wasting of bank materials under gravity occurs through a variety of specific mechanisms, with a separate analysis required for each type of failure. This paper presents a computer program for the analysis of the stability of steep, cohesive riverbanks with respect to planar‐type failures. Planar‐type failures are common along stream channels destabilized by severe bed degradation. Existing stability analyses for planar‐type failures have a number of limitations that affect their physical basis and predictive ability. The computer program presented here is based on an analysis developed by Darby and Thorne. The software takes account of the geotechnical characteristics of the bank materials, the shape of the bank profile, and the relative elevations of the groundwater and surface water to estimate stability with respect to mass failure along a planar‐type failure surface. Results can be displayed either in terms of a factor of safety (ratio of resisting to driving forces), or probability of failure. The computer analysis is able to determine the relative amounts of bed degradation and bank‐toe erosion required to destabilize an initially stable bank. Data for the analysis are supplied in the form of either HEC‐2 hydrographic survey data files or user‐supplied bank profile data, in conjunction with user‐supplied geotechnical parameter values. Some examples, using data from the Upper Missouri River in Montana, are used to demonstrate potential applications of the software. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous studies of alluvial rivers have shown that channel patterns form a continuum controlled by interactions among factors such as gradient, discharge, sediment size, and bank strength. Data from channels in the permanent wetlands of the Okavango Delta add to these ?ndings by focusing on pattern transitions in channels with banks formed by sedges and grasses that are rooted in peat and underlain by unconsolidated sediment. Channels are well de?ned, and transport ?ne–medium sand as bedload between the vertical, vegetation‐lined banks. Water depths, velocities, grain sizes, and bankline vegetation do not vary signi?cantly or systematically downstream, but the permeable banks allow water to leak from the channels, contributing to an overall downstream decrease in discharge and width. In addition, as the Okavango River ?ows from the <12 km wide ‘Panhandle’ and splits into distributaries in the broader ‘Fan’, valley gradient steepens by c. 60 per cent. These downstream changes result in channel pattern adjustments. In the Panhandle, the Okavango River is a relatively wide (c. 30–100 m), actively meandering, sinuous channel (P > 2·0), but further downstream in the Fan, the narrower (<40 m) distributaries follow laterally stable, less sinuous (‘straight’) courses (P < 1·75). Some channel pattern discrimination diagrams based on simple indices of gradient, discharge, sediment size or stream power are inadequate for analysing the meandering–straight transition in the Okavango but Parker's (1976) approach, based on ratios of depth–width and slope–Froude number, accurately characterizes the transition. Our ?eld observations, combined with the results from previous experimental studies, suggest that in relatively wide channels (w/d > 10), thalweg meandering results in scour of the unconsolidated sediment at the bank base, leading to undermining and collapse of the vegetation, and to slow meander migration. However, as channels narrow downstream (w/d < 10) with discharge losses, proportionally increasing sidewall drag exerted by bankline vegetation suppresses thalweg meandering and bank scour, and channels follow stable, less sinuous courses. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River meandering has been extensively investigated. Two fundamental features to be explored in order to make further progress are nonlinearity and unsteadiness. Linear steady models have played an important role in the development of the subject but suffer from a number of limits. Moreover, rivers are not steady systems; rather their states respond to hydrologic forcing subject to seasonal oscillations, punctuated by the occurrence of flood events. We first derive a classification of river bends based on a systematic assessment of the various physical mechanisms affecting their morphodynamic equilibrium and their evolution in response to variations of hydrodynamic forcing. Using the database by Lagasse et al. ( 2004 ) we also show that natural meanders are typically mildly curved and long, i.e. such that both the centrifugal and the topographic secondary flows are weak, but they are almost invariably nonlinear. We then review some recent developments which allow us to treat analytically the flow and bed topography of mildly curved and long nonlinear bends subject to steady forcing, taking advantage of the fact that flow and bed topography in mildly curved long bends are slowly varying. Results show that nonlinearity has a number of consequences: most notably damping of the morphodynamic response and upstream shifting of the location of the nonlinear peak of the flow speed. Next we extend the latter model to the case of unsteady forcing. Results are found to depend crucially on the ratio between the flood duration and a morphodynamic timescale. It turns out that, in a channel subject to a repeated sequence of floods, the system reaches a dynamic equilibrium. We conclude the paper discussing how the present assessment relates to the debate on meander modelling of the late 1980s and suggesting what we see as promising lines of future developments.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is one of the major limiting nutrient in many freshwater ecosystems. During the last decade, attention has been focused on the fluxes of suspended sediment and particulate P through freshwater drainage systems because of severe eutrophication effects in aquatic ecosystems. Hence, the analysis and prediction of phosphorus and sediment dynamics constitute an important element for ecological conservation and restoration of freshwater ecosystems. In that sense, the development of a suitable prediction model is justified, and the present work is devoted to the validation and application of a predictive soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) uptake and sedimentation models, to a real riparian system of the middle Ebro river floodplain. Both models are coupled to a fully distributed two‐dimensional shallow‐water flow numerical model. The SRP uptake model is validated using data from three field experiments. The model predictions show a good accuracy for SRP concentration, where the linear regressions between measured and calculated values of the three experiments were significant (r2 ≥ 0.62; p ≤ 0.05), and a Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient (E) that ranged from 0.54 to 0.62. The sedimentation model is validated using field data collected during two real flooding events within the same river reach. The comparison between calculated and measured sediment depositions showed a significant linear regression (p ≤ 0.05; r2 = 0.97) and an E that ranged from 0.63 to 0.78. Subsequently, the complete model that includes flow dynamics, solute transport, SRP uptake and sedimentation is used to simulate and analyse floodplain sediment deposition, river nutrient contribution and SRP uptake. According to this analysis, the main SRP uptake process appears to be the sediment sorption. The analysis also reveals the presence of a lateral gradient of hydrological connectivity that decreases with distance from the river and controls the river matter contribution to the floodplain. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In meandering rivers, the local channel migration rate increases with increasing bend sharpness until it reaches a maximum at a certain critical value of the bend sharpness. Beyond this critical value, the migration rate decreases if bend sharpness increases. Similarly, reach‐averaged migration rates attain a maximum at a certain river sinuosity. This work investigates the physics of these phenomena by comparing the results of two physics‐based models of different complexity, in which the migration rates are proportional to the near‐bank flow velocity excess. In the computational tests the river was allowed to meander progressively, starting from an almost straight planimetry. Both models reproduced the observed peak in the curve describing the local migration rate as a function of the ratio radius of curvature‐channel width (R/B), with a rising limb at lower R/B values and a falling limb at higher R/B values. The rising limb can be explained by the decrease in relative lag distance between near‐bank flow velocity and forcing curvature as R/B increases. The falling limb results from the decrease in local channel curvature and near‐bank flow velocity excess. Since the models do not include flow separation, the results indicate that this phenomenon is not needed to explain the decrease of channel migration rates in sharp bends. The models reproduced also the peak in the curve describing the reach‐averaged migration rates as a function of river sinuosity The increase and then decrease of reach‐averaged migration rates as sinuosity increases appears to be mainly caused by the variation of the reach‐averaged value of the ratio R/B. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rivers may dramatically change course on a fluvial plain. Such an avulsion temporarily leads to two active channels connected at a bifurcation. Here we study the effect of dynamic meandering at the bifurcation and the effect of channel width adjustment to changing discharge in both downstream branches on the evolution of a bifurcation and coexisting channels. As an example, we reconstructed the last major avulsion at the Rhine delta apex. We combined historical and geological data to reconstruct a slowly developing avulsion process spanning 2000 years and involving channel width adjustment and meandering at the bifurcation. Based on earlier idealised models, we developed a one‐dimensional model for long‐term morphodynamic prediction of upstream channel and bifurcates connected at the bifurcation node. The model predicts flow and sediment partitioning at the node, including the effect of migrating meanders at the bifurcation and channel width adjustment. Bifurcate channel width adaptation to changing discharge partitioning dramatically slows the pacing of bifurcation evolution because the sediment balance for width adjustment and bed evolution are coupled. The model further shows that meandering at the bifurcation modulates channel abandonment or enlargement periodically. This explains hitherto unrecognised reactivation signals in the sedimentary record of the studied bifurcation meander belts, newly identified in our geological reconstruction. Historical maps show that bifurcation migration due to meander bend dynamics increases the bifurcation angle, which increases the rate of closure of one bifurcate. The combination of model and reconstruction identifies the relevant timescales for bifurcation evolution and avulsion duration. These are the time required to fill one downstream channel over one backwater length, the time to translate one meander wavelength downstream and, for strong river banks, the adaptation timescale to adjust channel width. The findings have relevance for all avulsions where channel width can adjust to changing discharge and where meandering occurs. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Physically‐based modelling of rivers has advanced in recent decades by developing separate approaches for representing single‐thread and multi‐thread channels. This paper reports on a new morphodynamic model developed with the goal of simulating river and floodplain co‐evolution within a general framework suitable for investigating diverse fluvial styles. Simulations illustrate the potential for representing meandering, braided and anabranching channels using this model. Moreover, by adopting relatively simple parameterizations of many processes, this work provides insight into what may constitute sufficient (minimal) model complexity, and highlights uncertainties that should be addressed by future research. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Distinct bankline patterns appeared after the removal of protection works along a navigable reach of the Meuse River. A series of oblique embayments now dominate the riverine landscape after ten years of bank erosion, but their location and asymmetry cannot be explained yet. This work analyses and integrates field measurements of flow, ship waves, bank composition, bed topography and historical maps to explain the observed patterns along two reaches of the river. An extraordinary low-water-level event generated by a ship accident provided the unique opportunity to also analyse the subaqueous bank topography. The results indicate that the formation of oblique embayments arises from the combination of floodplain heterogeneity, structured by scroll-bar deposits, and the regulation of water levels, resulting in ship-wave attack at a narrow range of bank elevation for 70% of the time. Substrate erodibility acts on the effectiveness of trees to slow down local bank erosion rates, which is possibly enhanced by a positive feedback between woody roots and cohesive soil. The strong regulation of water levels and the waves generated by the intense ship traffic produce an increasingly long mildly-sloping terrace at the bank toe and progressively dominate the bank erosion process. This study demonstrates the important role of floodplain and scroll bar formation in shaping later bank erosion, which has implications for predictive numerical models, restoration strategies, and understanding the role of vegetation in bank erosion processes. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

Channel geometry, flow and sedimentation in a meander bend of the River South Esk were studied from bankfull stages (January–February) to low water stages (May) in 1974. Bed topography varied little over the study period, showing a typical pool and ripple geometry. Variation of mean depth and velocity with discharge differed from section to section around the bend, due primarily to locally varying flow resistance with stage. The flow pattern for all stages was dominated by a single spiral over the point bar, with a development zone at the bend entrance. Deviation of bed shear stress from the mean flow direction was in general accord with theory, especially for high stages. The use of a uniform longitudinal water surface slope in the calculation of bed shear stress is not justified because of a complicated water surface topography, also such calculated shear may not represent effective bed shear on grains, as it accounts also for energy losses associated with secondary flows. Dunes covered much of the bar at high stages, with increasing proportions of ripples, sand ribbons and lower phase plane beds at low stages. Local flow resistance generally decreases from dunes, diminished and ripple-backed dunes, ripples, sand ribbons to plane beds, and bed forms are predicted quite well by the stream power-grain size scheme. Mean size, sorting and skewness of sediment over the bed changes little with stage. In general, size decreases, sorting improves and skewness changes from positive to negative from the talweg to the inner bank, and in the downstream direction. Allen's (1970a, b) force balance equation for moving bed load particles is supported for bankfull stage, with some reservations, and textural characteristics are explained by progressive sorting in the direction of sediment transport. Large-scale trough cross stratification (with some flat bedding) formed at high stage by dunes (and lower phase plane beds) dominates the point bar sediments. Alternations of fine-medium sand (often cross-laminated) and vegetation-rich layers result from periodic deposition on the grassed upper bar surface. Fining upwards sequences produced by lateral channel migration are modified by a coarsening upward subsequence in the upstream bar region where spiral flow is developing from the bend upstream.  相似文献   

Rivers flowing through sedimentary basins are subjected to a variety of controls. The main goal of our study was to identify the effect of external (e.g. climate changes, tectonics) and internal controls (e.g. sediment transport, deposition, vegetation cover) on the evolution of meandering rivers flowing through sedimentary basins using the example of the lower Drava River (Europe, Hungary/Croatia). Field research was conducted along a 50-km-long section of the valley. Sedimentary data from boreholes and corings, 35 km of ground-penetrating radar surveys and analyses of digital maps were conducted to reconstruct channel planform changes. Traces of four meander belts were identified, and 39 AMS radiocarbon dates were used to distinguish the chronology of the fluvial events. The evolution of the lower Drava River comprised alternating periods of deposition (formation of aggrading meander belt) and avulsions. The channel belts were formed owing to upstream sediment delivery and floodplain storage. Changes in climate humidity and the occurrence of high flows influenced the planform of the meanders within particular channel belts. The oldest channel was active at least ~40 000 cal. BP before being reworked by subsequent meanders active between the Late Pleniglacial (30 000–14 700 cal. BP) and Late Glacial (~11 000 cal. BP) periods. The channel belts shifted to the south in the Holocene, between ~11 000 and 250 cal. BP due to the presence of a thrust fault situated diagonally to the Drava Valley. Results show channel width, channel belt width and the surface area of point bar deposits increased in the succeeding generations of meanders and that the style and sedimentary architecture of the channel belts were dominantly dependent on autogenic controls, that is, sediment delivery, aggradation and erosional events (e.g. formation of chute cut-offs).  相似文献   

Hydropower alteration of the natural flow and sediment regime can severely degrade hydromorphology, thereby threatening biodiversity and overall ecosystem processes of rivers and their floodplains. Using sequences of aerial images, we quantified seven decades (1938/1942–2013) of spatiotemporal changes in channel and floodplain morphology, as well as changes in the physical habitats, of three floodplain river reaches of the Swiss pre-Alps, two hydropower-regulated and one near-natural. In the Sarine River floodplain, within the first decades of hydropower impairment, the magnitude and frequency of flood events (Q2, Q10, Q30) decreased substantially. As a result, the area of pioneer floodplain habitats that depend on flood activity and sediment dynamic, such as bare sediments, decreased dramatically by approximately 95%. However, by 2013 vegetated areas had generally increased in comparison to the pre-regulation period in 1943, indicating general vegetative colonization. Between 1943 and 2013, the active channel underwent essential narrowing (up to 62% width reduction in the residual flow reach) and habitat turnover rates were very low (5% of the total floodplain area changed habitat type five to six times). In contrast, from the 1950s onwards, the near-natural floodplain of the Sense River experienced recurrent narrowing and widening, and frequent changes between bare and vegetated areas, reflecting the shifting habitat mosaic concept typical for natural floodplains. In the three reaches investigated, we found that the active floodplain width and erosion of vegetated areas were primarily controlled by medium to large floods (Q10, Q30), which combined with reduced time intervals between ordinary floods ≥ Q2 most likely mobilized streambed sediments and limited the ability of vegetation to establish itself on bare gravel bars within the parafluvial zone. These findings can contribute to restoration action plans such as controlled flooding and sediment replenishments in the Sarine and other floodplain rivers of the Alps. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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