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Soil surface roughness not only delays overland flow generation but also strongly affects the spatial distribution and concentration of overland flow. Previous studies generally aimed at predicting the delay in overland flow generation by means of a single parameter characterizing soil roughness. However, little work has been done to find a link between soil roughness and overland flow dynamics. This is made difficult because soil roughness and hence overland flow characteristics evolve differently depending on whether diffuse or concentrated erosion dominates. The present study examined whether the concept of connectivity can be used to link roughness characteristics to overland flow dynamics. For this purpose, soil roughness of three 30‐m2 tilled plots exposed to natural rainfall was monitored for two years. Soil micro‐topography was characterized by means of photogrammetry on a monthly basis. Soil roughness was characterized by the variogram, the surface stream network was characterized by network‐based indices and overland flow connectivity was characterized by Relative Surface Connection function (RSCf) functional connectivity indicator. Overland flow hydrographs were generated by means of a physically‐based overland flow model based on 1‐cm resolution digital elevation models. The development of eroded flow paths at the soil surface not only reduced the delay in overland flow generation but also resulted in a higher continuity of high flow velocity paths, an increase in erosive energy and a higher rate of increase of the overland flow hydrograph. Overland flow dynamics were found to be highly correlated to the RSCf characteristic points. By providing information regarding overland flow dynamics, the RSCf may thus serve as a quantitative link between soil roughness and overland flow generation in order to improve the overland flow hydrograph prediction. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The loss of P in overland flow from most cultivated soils is controlled by erosion, and in‐turn soil moisture. We evaluated the effect of soil moisture on erosion and P transport in overland flow by applying rainfall (7 cm h?1) to packed soil boxes (1 m long and 0·15 m wide) and field plots (1 and 10 m long by 1 m wide) of silt loams in a central Pennsylvania (USA) catchment. Flow from packed soil boxes took longer to initiate as antecedent soil moisture decreased from field capacity (2 min) to air dried (8 to 9 min). Even in the more complex field plots (i.e. soil heterogeneity and topography), the wetter site (1 by 10 m plot; 70% field capacity) produced flow more quickly (3 min) and in greater volume (439 L) than the drier site (1 by 10 m plot; 40% field capacity, 15 min, and 214 L, respectively). However, less suspended sediment was transported from wetter soil boxes (1·6 to 2·5 g L?1) and field plots (0·9 g L?1) than drier boxes (2·9 to 4·2 g L?1) and plots (1·2 g L?1). Differences are attributed to their potential for soil aggregate breakdown, slaking and dispersion, which contribute to surface soil sealing and crusting, as dry soils are subject to rapid wetting (by rainfall). During flow, selective erosion and antecedent moisture conditions affected P transport. At field capacity, DRP and PP transport varied little during overland flow. Whereas P transport from previously dry soil decreased rapidly after the initiation of flow (6 to 1·5 mg TP L?1), owing to the greater slaking and dispersion of P‐rich particles into flow at the beginning than end of the flow event. These results indicate that soil moisture fluctuations greatly effect erosion and P transport potential and that management to decrease the potential for loss should consider practices such as conservation tillage and cover crops, particularly on areas where high soil P and erosion coincide. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interrill erosion processes on gentle slopes are affected by mechanisms of raindrop impact, overland flow and their interaction. However, limited experimental work has been conducted to understand how important each of the mechanisms are and how they interact, in particular for peat soil. Laboratory simulation experiments were conducted on peat blocks under two slopes (2.5° and 7.5°) and three treatments: Rainfall, where rainfall with an intensity of 12 mm h?1 was simulated; Inflow, where upslope overland flow at a rate of 12 mm h?1 was applied; and Rainfall + Inflow which combined both Rainfall and Inflow. Overland flow, sediment loss and overland flow velocity data were collected and splash cups were used to measure the mass of sediment detached by raindrops. Raindrop impact was found to reduce overland flow by 10 to 13%, due to increased infiltration, and reduce erosion by 47% on average for both slope gradients. Raindrop impact also reduced flow velocity (80–92%) and increased roughness (72–78%). The interaction between rainfall and flow was found to significantly reduce sediment concentrations (73–85%). Slope gradient had only a minor effect on overland flow and sediment yield. Significantly higher flow velocities and sediment yields were observed under the Rainfall + Inflow treatment compared to the Rainfall treatment. On average, upslope inflow was found to increase erosion by 36%. These results indicate that overland flow and erosion processes on peat hillslopes are affected by upslope inflow. There was no significant relationship between interrill erosion and overland flow, whereas stream power had a strong relationship with erosion. These findings help improve our understanding of the importance of interrill erosion processes on peat. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is little information on the performance of vegetative filter strips (VFS) in filtering high‐concentration sediment from subcritical overland flow. Flume experiments on simulated grass strips were conducted using combinations of three slope gradients (3°, 9° and 15°), five 1‐m‐wide slope positions (from upslope to downslope), two flow rates (60 and 20 L min‐1 m‐1) and sediment concentrations of 100–300 kg m‐3 under simulated rainfall and non‐rainfall conditions. The results showed that sediment deposition efficiency increased with VFS width as a power function. Rainfall significantly reduced sediment deposited within VFS. Higher sediment concentration corresponded to a larger sediment deposition load but reduced deposition efficiency. Flow rate had a negative effect on deposition efficiency but no effect on deposition load. Sediments were more easily deposited at the upper slope position than downslope, and the upper slope position had a higher percentage of coarse sediments. The deposited sediment had significantly greater median diameters (D50) than the inflow sediment. A greater proportion of coarse sediments larger than 25 µm in diameter were deposited, and particles smaller than 1 µm and of 10–25 µm had a better deposition performance than particles of 1–10 µm. Rainfall reduced the deposited sediment D50 at a slope gradient of 3° and had no significant influence on it at 9° or 15°. A higher sediment concentration led to a smaller D50 of the deposited sediment. Rainfall had no significant effect on overland flow velocity. Both the deposited sediment load and D50 decreased with increasing flow velocity, and flow velocity was the most sensitive factor impacting sediment deposition. The results from this study should be useful to control sediment flowing into rivers in areas with serious soil erosion. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of complex interactions among hydrological factors, soil characteristics and biogeochemical functions on nutrient dynamics in overland flow is important for efficiently managing agricultural nonpoint pollution. Experiments were conducted to assess nutrient export from Ultisol soils in the Sunjia catchment, Jiangxi province, southern China, between 2003 and 2005. Four plots were divided into two groups: two peanut plots and two agroforestry (peanut intercropped with citrus) plots. During the study period, we collected water samples for chemical analyses after each rainfall event that generated overland flow to assess nutrient export dynamics. The concentrations of potassium (K) and nitrate‐N (NO3–N) in overland flow were higher during the wetting season (winter and early spring). This reflects the solubility of K and NO3–N, the accumulation of NO3–N during the dry season and an increase in desorption processes and mixing with pre‐event water caused by prolonged contact with soil in areas with long‐duration, low‐intensity rainfall. In contrast, concentrations of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) were higher during the wet season (late March to early July) and during the dry season (mid‐July to the end of September or early October). This was due to the interaction between specific hydrological regimes, the properties of the Ultisol and particulate transport processes. Variations in nutrient concentrations during storm events further identified that event water was the dominant source of total nitrogen and total phosphorus, and pre‐event water was the dominant source of NO3–N. In addition, the results obtained for the different land uses suggest that agroforestry practices reduce nutrient loss via overland flow. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stormflow generation in headwater catchments dominated by subsurface flow has been studied extensively, yet catchments dominated by surface flow have received less attention. We addressed this by testing whether stormflow chemistry is controlled by either (a) the event‐water signature of overland flow, or (b) the pre‐event water signature of return flow. We used a high‐resolution hydrochemical data set of stormflow and end‐members of multiple storms in an end‐member mixing analysis to determine the number of end‐members needed to explain stormflow, characterize and identify potential end‐members, calculate their contributions to stormflow, and develop a conceptual model of stormflow. The arrangement and relative positioning of end‐members in stormflow mixing space suggest that saturation excess overland flow (26–48%) and return flow from two different subsurface storage pools (17–53%) are both similarly important for stormflow. These results suggest that pipes and fractures are important flow paths to rapidly release stored water and highlight the value of within‐event resolution hydrochemical data to assess the full range and dynamics of flow paths.  相似文献   

V. P. Singh 《水文研究》1997,11(12):1649-1669
The shape, timing and peak flow of a stream flow hydrograph are significantly influenced by spatial and temporal variability in rainfall and watershed characteristics. Depending upon the size and shape of a watershed, its hydrological response is closely linked with storm dynamics. On an urban watershed a rain storm moving in the direction of flow produces a higher peak than it would if it were moving in the opposite direction. The effect of storm speed on peak discharge is much less for rapidly moving storms than for storms moving at about the same speed as the flow velocity. In a relatively homogeneous watershed the most important effect of spatial variability of rainfall occurs in the timing and shape of the runoff hydrograph. Temporally variable rainfall leads to higher peak flow than does constant rainfall. Significant errors in the prediction of runoff occur when an equivalent uniform hillslope is used to represent a heterogeneous hillslope. When average soil properties are used instead of spatially variable properties, significant differences are observed in infiltration. Spatially variable roughness alters the flow dynamics significantly. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The acceleration of saltating grains by overland flow causes momentum to be transferred from the flow to the grains, thereby increasing flow resistance and bed roughness. To assess the impact of saltating sediment on overland flow hydraulics, velocity profiles in transitional and turbulent flows on a fixed sand-covered bed were measured using hot-film anemometry. Five discharges were studied. At each discharge, three flows were measured: one free of sediment, one with a relatively low sediment load, and one with a relatively high sediment load. In these flows from 83 to 90 per cent of the sediment was travelling by saltation. As a result, in the sediment-laden flows the near-bed velocities were smaller and the velocity profiles steeper than those in the equivalent sediment-free flows. Sediment loads ranged up to 87·0 per cent of transport capacity and accounted for as much as 20·8 per cent of flow resistance (measured by the friction factor) and 89·7 per cent of bed roughness (measured by the ratio of the roughness length to median grain diameter). It is concluded that saltating sediment has a considerable impact on overland flow hydraulics, at least on fixed granular beds. Saltation is likely to have a relatively smaller effect on overland flow on natural hillslopes and agricultural fields where form and wave resistance dominate. Still, saltation is generally of greater significance in overland flow than in river flow, and for this reason its effect on overland flow hydraulics is deserving of further study. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Many studies have focused on soil erosion in unmanaged Japanese cypress plantations because the sparse understory vegetation and litter covering the forest ground enhance soil erosion. In this study, soil erosion, litter, and overland flow measurements were conducted over 14 months to identify the spatio-temporal variation and examine the optimal sample size. Fifteen traps (each 0.25 m wide) were installed in line along the bottom of a 15-m-wide slope. Soil erosion and overland flow had large spatial variations as compared to litter. The temporal coefficient of variation of soil erosion and overland flow was highest during dry seasons, while smaller during wet seasons. The random sampling analysis showed that the rate of decrease in spatio-temporal variation became moderate as the sample size increased beyond six. This result indicated that the optimal sample size was five, the total width of which was equivalent to about 8% of the monitored slope width.  相似文献   

Upgrading agriculture in semi-arid areas and ensuring its sustainability require an optimal management of rainfall partition between blue and green waters in the farmed water harvesting catchment. The main objective of this study is to analyze the influence of heterogeneous land use on the spatial and temporal variation of rainfall partitioning and blue water production within a typical farmed catchment located in north-eastern Tunisia. The catchment has an area of 2.6 km2 and comprises at its outlet a dam, which retains the runoff water in a reservoir. Overland flow and soil water balance components were monitored during two cropping seasons (2000/2001 and 2001/2002) on a network of eleven plots of 2 m2 each with different land use and soil characteristics. The hydrological balances of both the catchment and reservoir have been monitored since 1994.Observed data showed a very large temporal and spatial variability of overland flow within the catchment reflecting the great importance of total rainfall as well as land use. During the 2001/2002 season the results showed a large variation of the number of observed runoff events, from 27 to 39, and of the annual overland flow depths, from 8 mm (under vineyard on calcaric cambisols) up to 43 mm (under shrubs-pasture on haplic regosols), between the plots. The annual runoff amounts were moderate; they always corresponded to less than 15% of the annual rainfall amount whatever the observation scale. It was also observed that changes in land use in years with similar rainfall could lead to significant differences in blue water flow. An attempt for predicting the overland flow by the general linear regression approach showed an r2 of 31%, the predictors used are the class of soil infiltration capacity, the initial moisture saturation ratio of the soil surface layer and the total rainfall amounts.These experimental results indicate that the variation in land use in a semi-arid catchment is a main factor of variation in soil surface conditions and explain the major role played by the former on hydrological behavior of the upstream area and on rainfall partition between overland flow and infiltration. Therefore, to predict the water harvesting capacities in terms of blue water production of a farmed catchment in semi-arid areas it seems essential to consider precisely its land use and its temporal evolution related to management practices.  相似文献   

We examined spatial and temporal variations in precipitation measured during summer season between 1976 and 2007 for 28 stations located in mountain areas across Japan using the amount of precipitation (Pr), the mean depth of precipitation events (η), and the inverse of the mean interval times (λ). We obtained positive correlations between the period mean Pr (Pr ) and the period mean η ( ) and between Pr and the period mean λ ( ) for the 28 stations. Pr was more strongly related to than to , indicating the spatial variations in Pr that are primarily related to the variations in . In addition, Pr was more strongly related to η than to λ for most stations on the basis of data for 1976–2007, indicating that the year‐to‐year variations in Pr are primarily related to η. We also examined temporal trends in Pr, η and λ for 1976–2007 and found no systematic trends for 23 of the 28 stations, suggesting long‐term trends that are not common in mountain areas of Japan. The relationships between Pr and and between Pr and η presented in this study enable us to generate a temporal precipitation distribution pattern based on only Pr and Pr data, respectively. Furthermore, probabilistic stochastic hydrological models require precipitation characteristics as input; thus, this study contributes to the determination of hydrological cycles and their possible future changes in Japanese mountain areas and therefore to water resource management. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The impact of global climate change on runoff components, especially on the type of overland flow, is of utmost significance. High‐resolution temporal rainfall plays an important role in determining the hydrological response of quick runoff components. However, hydrological climate change scenario analyses with high temporal resolution are rare. This study investigates the impact of climate change on discharge peak events generated by rainfall, snowmelt, and soil‐frost induced runoff using high‐resolution hydrological modelling. The study area is Schäfertal catchment (1.44 km2) in the lower Harz Mountains in central Germany. The WaSiM‐ETH hydrological model is used to investigate the rainfall response of runoff components under near future (2021–2050) and far‐distant future (2071–2100) climatic conditions. Disaggregated daily climate variables of WETTREG2010 SRES scenario A1B are used on a temporal resolution of 10 min. Hydrological model parameter optimization and uncertainty analysis was conducted using the Differential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis (DREAM_(ZS)) uncertainty tool. The scenario results show that total runoff and interflow will increase by 3.8% and 3.5% in the near future and decrease by 32.85% and 31% in the far‐distant future compared to the baseline scenario. In contrast, overland flow and the number and size of peak runoff will decrease moderately for the near future and drastically for the far‐distant future compared to the baseline scenario. We found the strongest decrease for soil‐frost induced discharge peaks at 79.6% in the near future and at 98.2% in the far‐distant future scenario. It can be concluded that high‐resolution hydrological modelling can provide detailed predictions of future hydrological regimes and discharge peak events of the catchment. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

泸沽湖近代沉积环境时空变化特征及原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对泸沽湖沉积岩芯粒度、磁化率(χ_(lf))、化学蚀变指数(CIA)等沉积指标的分析,结合~(210)Pb和~(137)Cs定年结果以及区域降水和人类活动等资料,研究了近150年来泸沽湖沉积环境的时空变化特征与主要影响因素.泸沽湖沉积物粒度组成以黏土与细粉砂为主(80%),细颗粒组分(如黏土)含量与χ_(lf)、CIA之间具有显著相关性.各岩芯沉积指标垂向变化规律相似,1920s之前,沉积指标较为稳定,为人类活动影响较弱的准自然沉积阶段;1920s以来,χ_(lf)、CIA值与黏土含量逐渐升高,反映了风化与成壤作用较强的细颗粒表土物质侵蚀开始加强,可能与流域农业发展及森林砍伐等人类活动影响有关;约1970年以来,χ_(lf)、CIA值与黏土含量进一步升高,指示了流域内表土侵蚀与上述人类活动影响的进一步增强,与文献记录的1970s—1980s两次大规模的森林砍伐吻合;约2002年以来,χ_(lf)、CIA值与黏土含量降低,反映了表土侵蚀减弱,与近年来流域植被逐渐恢复及降水减少有关.与器测资料对比研究表明,降水等气候因素对近代泸沽湖沉积环境演变的影响相对较弱.空间上,各沉积指标表现出一定的异质性.黏土含量在南部和北部湖区两侧靠近洪积扇及冲积平原的湖区沉积物中较高;近50年以来,各沉积岩芯所反映的平均沉积通量为0.020~0.043 g/(cm~2·a),南部湖区高于北部湖区,主要受入湖水系分布及流域南部地区高强度人类活动导致的土壤侵蚀的影响.  相似文献   

Global warming has leaded to permafrost degradation, with potential impacts on the runoff generation processes of permafrost influenced alpine meadow hillslope. Stable isotopes have the potential to trace the complex runoff generation processes. In this study, precipitation, hillslope surface and subsurface runoff, stream water, and mobile soil water (MSW) at different hillslope positions and depths were collected during the summer rainfall period to analyse the major flow pathway based on stable isotopic signatures. The results indicated that (a) compared with precipitation, the δ2H values of MSW showed little temporal variation but strong heterogeneity with enriched isotopic ratios at lower hillslope positions and in deeper soil layers. (b) The δ2H values of middle-slope surface runoff and shallow subsurface flow were similar to those of precipitation and MSW of the same soil layer, respectively. (c) Middle-slope shallow subsurface flow was the major flow pathway of the permafrost influenced alpine meadow hillslope, which turned into surface runoff at the riparian zone before contributing to the streamflow. (d) The slight variation of δ2H values in stream water was shown to be related to mixing processes of new water (precipitation, 2%) and old water (middle-slope shallow subsurface flow, 98%) in the highly transmissive shallow thawed soil layers. It was inferred that supra-permafrost water levels would be lowered to a less conductive, deeper soil layer under further warming and thawing permafrost, which would result in a declined streamflow and delayed runoff peak. This study explained the “rapid mobilization of old water” paradox in permafrost influenced alpine meadow hillslope and improved our understanding of permafrost hillslope hydrology in alpine regions.  相似文献   

经引水等综合整治后,西湖外湖、西里湖总磷(TP)浓度累计下降58%和78%,总氮(TN)浓度累计下降16.7%和7.7%,透明度提高100%~200%,富营养状态得到极大缓解.比较1986年治理前,西湖各湖区因来水、引水和排水格局差异较大,TP浓度的年内变化特点及驱动因素也存在较大差异:杨公堤以西的上游湖区因优质水源补充TP浓度总体较低,同时受流域降雨径流面源输入影响,呈现时段性升高;杨公堤和苏堤之间的中游湖区优质水源补充量最大,湖区水体更新最快,TP浓度最低且变化相对最为稳定;苏堤以东的外湖区水体更新相对最慢,在夏、秋高温季节因底泥污染释放,TP浓度出现峰值.因外来引水量大且未经脱氮处理,西湖各湖区TN年内变化基本与钱塘江取水口TN浓度变化一致,同时因流域降雨径流面源输入而出现时段性波动.基于TP质量平衡模型分析,各湖区水质空间差异主要受水体年交换次数影响,其次受单位水体的年污染负荷影响.  相似文献   

In semi‐arid environments, the characteristics of the land surface determine how rainfall is transformed into surface runoff and influences how this runoff moves from the hillslopes into river channels. Whether or not water reaches the river channel is determined by the hydrological connectivity. This paper uses a numerical experiment‐based approach to systematically assess the effects of slope length, gradient, flow path convergence, infiltration rates and vegetation patterns on the generation and connectivity of runoff. The experiments were performed with the Connectivity of Runoff Model, 2D version distributed, physically based, hydrological model. The experiments presented are set within a semi‐arid environment, characteristic of south‐eastern Spain, which is subject to low frequency high rainfall intensity storm events. As a result, the dominant hydrological processes are infiltration excess runoff generation and surface flow dynamics. The results from the modelling experiments demonstrate that three surface factors are important in determining the form of the discharge hydrograph: the slope length, the slope gradient and the infiltration characteristics at the hillslope‐channel connection. These factors are all related to the time required for generated runoff to reach an efficient flow channel, because once in this channel, the transmission losses significantly decrease. Because these factors are distributed across the landscape, they have a fundamental role in controlling the landscape hydrological response to storm events. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖作为中国最大的淡水湖泊,其水生态健康状态始终是人们关注的热点。近些年,鄱阳湖极端洪旱灾害频发,浮游植物生长受极端洪旱的影响发生了明显变化。为分析浮游植物时空变化特征、探究环境因子对鄱阳湖浮游植物影响机制以及极端洪枯事件对浮游植物的影响,利用结构方程模型(SEM)构建浮游植物与环境因子的影响路径模型,定量分析环境因子对浮游植物的影响程度。结果表明,鄱阳湖浮游植物以蓝藻、绿藻为主且有明显的季节特征,在7月丰水期浮游植物密度达到最高;由结构方程模型(SEM)可知,影响浮游植物密度最关键的因子为物理因子(水温>pH>透明度>溶解氧),其次为营养物质(总氮>硝态氮>总磷>磷酸盐),浮游植物对高温、高营养和高pH较偏好。2020年极端洪水和2022年极端高温干旱,浮游植物密度主要受水温、溶解氧、透明度等物理因子的影响;在影响较小的营养物质中,主要的限制性因素分别为磷和氮。与正常年份相比,极端洪水年鄱阳湖受入湖来水及降雨的增多,湖区水量急剧增加,“稀释”作用超过水温和透明度对浮游植物生长的促进作用造成浮游植物密度和生物量有所下降;在营养物质中,磷成为主要限制性因素。而极端高温干旱年受入湖来水的减少及湖水的快速蒸发,“浓缩”作用超过水温和透明度对浮游植物生长的抑制作用造成浮游植物密度和生物量显著增加,同时,营养物质对浮游植物的作用更加凸显。研究结果表明极端洪枯事件导致鄱阳湖浮游植物变化明显,确定其对浮游植物的影响机制,可以为极端洪枯事件下浮游植物监测、管理提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

To accurately obtain the spatial distribution characteristics of groundwater level in an extremely arid zone and its dynamic change patterns under the influence of human activities, based on the data of 55 groundwater observation wells in the middle and lower reaches of the Kriya River, spatial interpolation of regional groundwater level data were performed using the inverse distance weight, spline function, trend surface, and the ordinary kriging methods. The optimal interpolation method was selected by its accuracy to spatially interpolate the groundwater level data in the study area from 2019 to 2021. The results show that: (1) the ordinary kriging method has the highest interpolation accuracy (MAE = 7.1393, MRE = 0.0058, RMSE = 9.4314) and reflects the spatial and temporal variability and distribution characteristics of groundwater levels with great accuracy. (2)The relationship between surface water–groundwater recharge and discharge in different areas of the river channel in the desert section varies depending on geological structure, surface water seepage, and other elements. (3) Groundwater in the Taklamakan Desert has little effect on groundwater recharge in the Dariyabui Oasis, and changes in groundwater dynamics in the oasis are predominantly influenced by surface runoff. (4) Monthly changes in groundwater levels in the Yutian Oasis are continuous, with ‘V’ shaped fluctuations, a declining trend in the southern part, no significant change in the central part, and a slight increase in the northern part. These results contribute to the sustainable management of water resources in the Kriya River Basin, provide a basis for groundwater prediction, and offer a reference for studies of other, similar extreme desert area basins.  相似文献   


Development of environmental flow standards at the regional scale has been proposed as a means to manage the influence of hydrological alterations on riverine ecosystems in view of the rapid pace of global water resources management. Flow regime classification forms a critical part in such environmental flow assessments. We present a national-scale classification of hydrological regimes for Iran based on a set of hydrological metrics. It describes ecologically relevant characteristics of the natural hydrological regime derived from 15- to 47-year-long records of daily mean discharge data for 539 streamgauges within a 47-year period. The classification was undertaken using a fuzzy partitional method within Bayesian mixture modelling. The analysis resulted in 12 classes of distinctive flow regime types that differ in various hydrological aspects. This classification is being used for further research in regional-scale environmental flow studies in Iran.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis  相似文献   

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