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Limited field and flume data suggests that both uniform and graded beds appear to progressively stabilize when subjected to inter-flood flows as characterized by the absence of active bedload transport. Previous work has shown that the degree of bed stabilization scales with duration of inter-flood flow, however, the sensitivity of this response to bed surface grain size distribution has not been explored. This article presents the first detailed comparison of the dependence of graded bed stability on inter-flood flow duration. Sixty discrete experiments, including repetitions, were undertaken using three grain size distributions of identical D50 (4.8 mm); near-uniform (σg = 1.13), unimodal (σg = 1.63) and bimodal (σg = 2.08). Each bed was conditioned for between 0 (benchmark) and 960 minutes by an antecedent shear stress below the entrainment threshold of the bed (τ*c50). The degree of bed stabilization was determined by measuring changes to critical entrainment thresholds and bedload flux characteristics. Results show that (i) increasing inter-flood duration from 0 to 960 minutes increases the average threshold shear stress of the D50 by up to 18%; (ii) bedload transport rates were reduced by up to 90% as inter-flood duration increased from 0 to 960 minutes; (iii) the rate of response to changes in inter-flood duration in both critical shear stress and bedload transport rate is non-linear and is inversely proportional to antecedent duration; (iv) there is a grade dependent response to changes in critical shear stress where the magnitude of response in uniform beds is up to twice that of the graded beds; and (v) there is a grade dependent response to changes in bedload transport rate where the bimodal bed is most responsive in terms of the magnitude of change. These advances underpin the development of more accurate predictions of both entrainment thresholds and bedload flux timing and magnitude, as well as having implications for the management of environmental flow design. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates trends in bed surface and substrate grain sizes in relation to reach‐scale hydraulics using data from more than 100 gravel‐bed stream reaches in Colorado and Utah. Collocated measurements of surface and substrate sediment, bankfull channel geometry and channel slope are used to examine relations between reach‐average shear stress and bed sediment grain size. Slopes at the study sites range from 0·0003 to 0·07; bankfull depths range from 0·2 to 5 m and bankfull widths range from 2 to 200 m. The data show that there is much less variation in the median grain size of the substrate, D50s, than there is in the median grain size of the surface, D50; the ratio of D50 to D50s thus decreases from about four in headwater reaches with high shear stress to less than two in downstream reaches with low shear stress. Similar trends are observed in an independent data set obtained from measurements in gravel‐bed streams in Idaho. A conceptual quantitative model is developed on the basis of these observations to track differences in bed load transport through an idealized stream system. The results of the transport model suggest that downstream trends in total bed load flux may vary appreciably, depending on the assumed relation between surface and substrate grain sizes. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flume experiments were conducted using four different gravel beds (D50 + 12–39 mm) and a range of marked particles (10–65 mm). The shear stresses were evaluated from friction velocities, when initial movement of marked particles occurred. Two kinds of equations were produced: first for the threshold of initial movement, and second for generalized movement. Equations of the type 0c + a(Di/D50)b, as proposed by Andrews (1983) are applicable even if the material is relatively well sorted. However, the values of a and b are lower (respectively 0·050 and -0·70) for initial movement. Generalized movement requires a higher shear stress (a + 0·068 and b + -0·80). D90 of the bed material and y0 (the bed roughness parameter) were also used as reference values in place of D50. They produced lower values than in natural streams, mainly owing to the fact that the material used in the flume is better sorted: clusters are less well developed and the bed roughness is lower.  相似文献   

Shear velocity u* is an important parameter in geophysical flows, in particular with respect to sediment transport dynamics. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of applying five standard methods [the logarithmic mean velocity profile, the Reynolds stress profile, the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) profile, the wall similarity and spectral methods] that were initially developed to estimate shear velocity in smooth bed flow to turbulent flow over a loose bed of coarse gravel (D50 = 1·5 cm) under sub‐threshold conditions. The analysis is based on quasi‐instantaneous three‐dimensional (3D) full depth velocity profiles with high spatial and temporal resolution that were measured with an Acoustic Doppler Velocity Profiler (ADVP) in an open channel. The results of the analysis confirm the importance of detailed velocity profile measurements for the determination of shear velocity in rough‐bed flows. Results from all methods fall into a range of ± 20% variability and no systematic trend between methods was observed. Local and temporal variation in the loose bed roughness may contribute to the variability of the logarithmic profile method results. Estimates obtained from the TKE and Reynolds stress methods reasonably agree. Most results from the wall similarity method are within 10% of those obtained by the TKE and Reynolds stress methods. The spectral method was difficult to use since the spectral energy of the vertical velocity component strongly increased with distance from the bed in the inner layer. This made the choice of the reference level problematic. Mean shear stress for all experiments follows a quadratic relationship with the mean velocity in the flow. The wall similarity method appears to be a promising tool for estimating shear velocity under rough‐bed flow conditions and in field studies where other methods may be difficult to apply. This method allows for the determination of u* from a single point measurement at one level in the intermediate range (0·3 < h < 0·6). Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During bed‐load transport by overland ?ow, momentum is transferred from the ?ow to the bed via grain collisions, resulting in a decrease in ?ow velocity and an increase in ?ow resistance, herein termed bed‐load transport resistance. In overland ?ow on mobile plane beds, total ?ow resistance f consists of grain resistance fg and bed‐load transport resistance fbt. In order to identify and evaluate the relative importance of the factors controlling fbt, 38 ?ume experiments were performed on slopes of 2·7 and 5·5° using sediment with median diameters of 0·74 and 1·16 mm. All ?ows were supercritical and turbulent. This study is an extension of a recent study by Gao and Abrahams (Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2004, vol. 29, pp. 423–435). These authors found that fbt is controlled by three factors: sediment concentration C, dimensionless sediment diameter D*, and relative submergence h/D, where h is ?ow depth, D is median sediment diameter. However, a new dimensional analysis identi?es two additional factors: Froude number F and slope S. Multiple regression analyses reveal (1) that these ?ve factors together explain 97 per cent of the variance of fbt, and (2) that S controls fbt entirely through C. The variable C is therefore redundant, and a new functional equation relating fbt to D*, h/D, S and F is developed. This equation may be used to predict fbt. An advantage of this equation is that it may be used to predict fbt without measuring bed‐load transport rate. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data from flume studies are used to develop a model for predicting bed‐load transport rates in rough turbulent two‐dimensional open‐channel flows moving well sorted non‐cohesive sediments over plane mobile beds. The object is not to predict transport rates in natural channel flows but rather to provide a standard against which measured bed‐load transport rates influenced by factors such as bed forms, bed armouring, or limited sediment availability may be compared in order to assess the impact of these factors on bed‐load transport rates. The model is based on a revised version of Bagnold's basic energy equation ibsb = ebω, where ib is the immersed bed‐load transport rate, ω is flow power per unit area, eb is the efficiency coefficient, and sb is the stress coefficient defined as the ratio of the tangential bed shear stress caused by grain collisions and fluid drag to the immersed weight of the bed load. Expressions are developed for sb and eb in terms of G, a normalized measure of sediment transport stage, and these expressions are substituted into the revised energy equation to obtain the bed‐load transport equation ib = ω G 3·4. This equation applies regardless of the mode of bed‐load transport (i.e. saltation or sheet flow) and reduces to ib = ω where G approaches 1 in the sheet‐flow regime. That ib = ω does not mean that all the available power is dissipated in transporting the bed load. Rather, it reflects the fact that ib is a transport rate that must be multiplied by sb to become a work rate before it can be compared with ω. It follows that the proportion of ω that is dissipated in the transport of bed load is ibsb/ω, which is approximately 0·6 when ib = ω. It is suggested that this remarkably high transport efficiency is achieved in sheet flow (1) because the ratio of grain‐to‐grain to grain‐to‐bed collisions increases with bed shear stress, and (2) because on average much more momentum is lost in a grain‐to‐bed collision than in a grain‐to‐grain one. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Resistance to flow at low to moderate stream discharge was examined in five small (12–77 km2 drainage area) tributaries of Chilliwack River, British Columbia, more than half of which exhibit planar bed morphology. The resulting data set is composed of eight to 12 individual estimates of the total resistance to flow at 61 cross sections located in 13 separate reaches of five tributaries to the main river. This new data set includes 625 individual estimates of resistance to flow at low to moderate river stage. Resistance to flow in these conditions is high, highly variable and strongly dependent on stage. The Darcy–Weisbach resistance factor (ff) varies over six orders of magnitude (0·29–12 700) and Manning's n varies over three orders of magnitude (0·047–7·95). Despite this extreme range, both power equations at the individual cross sections and Keulegan equations for reach‐averaged values describe the hydraulic relations well. Roughness is divided into grain and form (considered as all non‐grain sources) components. Form roughness is the dominant component, accounting for about 90% of the total roughness of the system (i.e., form roughness is on average 8.6 times as great as grain roughness). Of the various quantitative and qualitative form‐roughness indicators observed, only the sorting coefficient (σ = D84/D50) correlates well with form roughness. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Coarse bed load was sampled in a gravel/cobble bed stream during two major floods in the snowmelt runoff season. The channel is characterized by high rates of bank erosion and, therefore, high rates of sediment supply and bed load flux. Peak discharge reached four times bank‐full, and bed load was sampled at flows 0·7–1·7 times bank‐full. A large aperture bed load sampler (1 m by 0·45 m) captured the largest particles in motion, and specifically targeted the coarse bed load size distribution by using a relatively large mesh (32 mm or D25 of streambed surface size distribution). Bed load flux was highly variable, with a peak value of 0·85 kg/s/m for the coarse fraction above 38 mm. Bed load size distribution and maximum particle size was related to flow strength. Entrainment was size selective for particles D70 and larger (88–155 mm), while particles in the range D30D70 (35–88 mm) ceased to move at essentially the same flow. Bed load flux was size selective in that coarse fractions of the streambed surface were under‐represented in or absent from the bed load. Painted tracer particles revealed that the streambed surface in the riffles could remain stable even during high rates of bed load transport. These observations suggest that a large proportion of bed load sediments was sourced from outside the riffles. Repeat surveys confirmed major scour and fill in pools (up to 0·75 m), and bank erosion (>2 m), which together contributed large volumes of sediment to the bed load. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Detailed hydraulic measurements were made in nine step‐pool, five cascade and one plane‐bed reach in Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado to better understand at‐a‐station hydraulic geometry (AHG) relations in these channel types. Average values for AHG exponents, m (0·49), f (0·39), and b (0·16), were well within the range found by other researchers working in steep gradient channels. A principal component analysis (PCA) was used to compare the combined variations in all three exponents against five potential control variables: wood, D84, grain‐size distribution (σ), coefficient of variation of pool volume, average roughness‐area (projected wetted area) and bed gradient. The gradient and average roughness‐area were found to be significantly related to the PCA axis scores, indicating that both driving and resisting forces influence the rates of change of velocity, depth and width with discharge. Further analysis of the exponents showed that reaches with m > b + f are most likely dominated by grain resistance and reaches below this value (m < b + f) are dominated by form resistance. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory flume experiments under conditions of sediment starvation (zero sediment feeding) and recirculation were conducted in order to identify the temporal evolution and surface properties of static and mobile armour layers. The experiments were carried out in an 8 m long flume using a bimodal grain‐size mixture (D50 = 6·2 mm) and a range of shear stresses ranging from 4·0 to 8·6 N m–2. The results confirm that a static armour layer is coarser than a mobile one, and that the grain size of a mobile armour layer is rather insensitive to changes in the imposed flow strength. An analysis of laser scan bed surveys revealed the highly structured and imbricated nature of the static armour layer. Under these conditions the vertical roughness length scale of the bed diminished and it became topographically less complex at higher forming discharges. The topography of mobile armour layers created by rising discharges differed. They exhibited a greater roughness length scale and were less organized, despite the fact that the grain size of the surface material maintained an approximately constant value during recirculation. Also, the mobile armour tended to create larger cluster structures than static armour layers when formed by higher discharges. These differences were mainly due to the transport of the coarser fraction of bed sediments, which diminished to zero over the static armour because of being hidden within the bed, whereas in the mobile armour the coarser particles protruded into the flow and were actively transported, increasing the vertical roughness length scale. Overall, the results show that an examination of the grain size characteristics of armour layers cannot be used to infer sediment mobility and bed roughness. Detailed elevation models of exposed surfaces of gravel‐bed rivers are required to provide critical insight on the sediment availability and sedimentation processes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Unsteady bedload transport was measured in two c. 5 m wide anabranches of a gravel‐bed braided stream draining the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland, during the 1998 and 1999 melt seasons. Bedload was directly sampled using 152 mm square Helley–Smith type samplers deployed from a portable measuring bridge, and independent transport rate estimates for the coarser size fractions were obtained from the dispersion of magnetically tagged tracer pebbles. Bedload transport time series show pulsing behaviour under both marginal (1998) and partial (1999) transport regimes. There are generally weak correlations between transport rates and shear stresses determined from velocity data recorded at the measuring bridge. Characteristic parameters of the bedload grain‐size distributions (D50, D84) are weakly correlated with transport rates. Analysis of full bedload grain‐size distributions reveals greater structure, with a tendency for transport to become less size selective at higher transport rates. The bedload time series show autoregressive behaviour but are dif?cult to distinguish by this method. State–space plots, and associated measures of time‐series separation, reveal the structure of the time series more clearly. The measured pulses have distinctly different time‐series characteristics from those modelled using a one‐dimensional sediment routing model in which bed shear stress and grain size are varied randomly. These results suggest a mechanism of pulse generation based on irregular low‐amplitude bedforms, that may be generated in‐channel or may represent the advection of material supplied by bank erosion events. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel simulations of the effect of non-erodible roughness elements on sediment transport show that the flux ratio q/qs, shear velocity U*, and roughness density λ are co-dependent variables. Initially, the sediment flux is enhanced by kinetic energy retention in relatively elastic collisions that occur at the roughness element surfaces, but at the same time, the rising surface coverage of the immobile elements reduces the probability of grain ejection. A zone of strong shearing stress develops within 0·03 to 0·04 m of the rough bed because of a relative straightening of velocity profiles which are normally convex with saltation drag. This positive influence on fluid entrainment is opposed by declining shear stress partitioned to the sand bed. Similarly, because the free stream velocity Uf is fixed while U* increases, velocity at height z and particle momentum gain from the airstream decline, leading eventually to lower numbers of particles ejected on average at each impact. When the ratio of the element basal area to frontal area σ is approximately equal to 3·5, secondary flow effects appear to become significant, so that the dimensionless aerodynamic roughness parameter Z0/h and shear stress on the exposed sand bed Ts decrease. It is at this point that grain supply to the airstream and saltation drag appear to be significantly reduced, thereby intensifying the reduction in U*. The zone of strong fluid shear near the bed dissipates.  相似文献   

Bedload and river morphology interact in a strong feedback manner. Bedload conditions the development of river morphology along different space and time scales; however, by concentrating the flow in preferential paths, a given morphology controls bedload for a given discharge. As bedload is a non‐linear response of shear stress, local morphology is likely to have a strong impact on bedload prediction when the shear stress is averaged over the section, as is usually done. This was investigated by comparing bedload measured in different bed morphologies (step‐pool, plane bed, riffle‐pool, braiding, and sand beds), with bedload measured in narrow flumes in the absence of any bed form, used here as a reference. The initial methodology consisted of fitting a bedload equation to the flume data. Secondly, the morphological signature of each river was studied as the distance to this referent equation. It was concluded that each morphology affects bedload in a different way. For a given average grain shear stress, the larger the river, the larger the deviation from the flume transport. Narrow streams are those morphologies that behave more like flumes; this is particularly true with flat beds, whereas results deviate from flumes to a greater extent in step‐pools. The riffle‐pool's morphology impacts bedload at different levels depending on the degree of bar development, considered here through the ratio D84/D50 which is used as a proxy for the local bed patchiness and morphology. In braiding rivers morphological effects are important but difficult to assess because width is dependent on transport rate. Bed morphology was found to have negligible effects in sand bed rivers where the Shields stress is usually sufficiently high to minimize the non‐linearity effects when hydraulics is averaged over the section. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Researchers have associated channel-forming flows with reach-average shear stresses close to the entrainment threshold for the surface D50 . We conducted experiments using a model of a generic steep, gravel–cobble stream to test this association. Our results suggest that channel-forming flows fully mobilize the D50 , and produce shear stresses close to the entrainment threshold for the largest grains in the bed. The channel dimensions were set by flows capable of mobilizing between 85% and 90% of the bed surface, which produced a brief period of lateral instability lasting about 1 h, followed by a prolonged period of relative stability during which modest adjustments occurred, but during which the reach-average hydraulics remained about the same. The adjustments during the unstable phase of the experiments are characterized by rapid bank erosion, extensive deposits on the channel bed and a restructuring of the major morphologic elements of the stream. The adjustments during the stable phase of the experiments involved barform migration and bed surface coarsening but did not appreciably modify the physical template established by the end of the unstable phase. The behaviour we observed is not consistent with the concept of a dynamic equilibrium associated with a formative flow that is just capable of entraining the bed surface D50 . Instead, it suggests that rapid adjustments occur once a stability threshold is exceeded, which creates a template that constrains channel activity until another event drives the system across the stability threshold, and re-sets the template. While we believe that it is probably too simplistic to associate a channel-forming discharge with the entrainment threshold for a single grain size, our results suggest that the D95 is a more logical choice than the D50 © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bedload transport data from planebed and step‐pool reach types are used to determine grain size transport thresholds for selected upland streams in southeast Australia. Morphological differences between the reach types allow the effects of frictional losses from bedforms, microtopography and bed packing to be incorporated into the dimensionless critical shear stress value. Local sediment transport data are also included in a regime model and applied to mountain streams, to investigate whether empirical data improve the delineation of reach types on the basis of dimensionless discharge per unit width (q*) and dimensionless bedload transport (qb*). Instrumented planebed and step‐pool sites are not competent to transport surface median grains (D50s) at bankfull discharge (Qbf). Application of a locally parametrized entrainment equation to the full range of reach types in the study area indicates that the majority of cascades, cascade‐pools, step‐pools and planebeds are also not competent at Qbf and require a 10 year recurrence interval flood to mobilize their D50s. Consequently, the hydraulic parameters of the regime diagram, which assume equilibrium conditions at bankfull, are ill suited to these streams and provide a poor basis of channel delineation. Modifying the diagram to better reflect the dominant transported bedload size (equivalent to the D16 of surface sediment) made only slight improvements to reach delineation and had greatest effect on the morphologies with smaller surface grain sizes such as forced pool‐riffles and planebeds. Likewise, the Corey shape factor was incorporated into the regime diagram as an objective method for adjusting a base dimensionless critical shear stress (τ*c50b) to account for lithologically controlled grain shape on bed packing and entrainment. However, it too provided only minor adjustments to reach type delineation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study of bedload transport processes is constrained by an inability to monitor the mass, volume and grain size distribution of sediment in transport at high temporal frequencies. Building upon a previously published design, we have integrated a high‐resolution (1392 × 1024 pixels) video camera with a light table to continuously capture images of 2–181 mm material exiting a flume. The images are continuously recorded at a rate of 15 to 20 frames per second and are post‐processed using LabView(?) software, yielding continuous grain‐size‐specific transport information on a per second basis. The video capture rate is sufficient to record multiple images of each grain leaving the flume so that particle velocities can be measured automatically. No manual image processing is required. After calibration the method is accurate and precise for sediment in the 2 mm through to 45 mm grain size classes compared with other means of measuring bedload. Based on a set of validation samples, no statistically significant difference existed between the D10, D16, D25, D50, D75, D84, D90 and D95 determined by sieving captured samples and the Di values determined with the system. On average the system overpredicted transport by 4 per cent (n = 206, SD = 42%). This error can be corrected easily by simply weighing the mass of sediment that leaves the flume. The technology is relatively inexpensive and provides high‐resolution data on coarse sediment transport out of a flume. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Non‐uniform flows encompassing both accelerating and decelerating flows over a cobble‐bed flume have been experimentally investigated in a flume at a scale of intermediate relative submergence. Measurements of mean longitudinal flow velocity u, and determinations of turbulence intensities u′, v′, w′, and Reynolds shear stress ?ufwf have been made. The longitudinal velocity distribution was divided into the inner zone close to the bed and the outer zone far from the bed. In the inner zone of the boundary layer (near the bed) the velocity profile closely followed the ‘Log Law’; however, in the outer zone the velocity distribution deviated from the Log Law consistently for both accelerating and decelerating flows and the changes in bed slopes ranging from ?2% to + 2% had no considerable effect on the outer zone. For a constant bed slope (S = ±0·015), the larger the flow rate, the smaller the turbulence intensities. However, no detectable pattern has been observed for u′, v′ and w′ distributions near the bed. Likewise, for a constant flow rate (Q = 0·040 m3/s), with variation in bed slope the longitudinal turbulent intensity profile in the longitudinal direction remained concave for both accelerating and decelerating flows; whereas vertical turbulent intensity (w′) profile presented no specific form. The results reveal that the positions of maximum values of turbulence intensities and the Reynolds shear stress depend not only on the flow structure (accelerating or decelerating) but also on the intermediate relative submergence scale. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an evaluation of the feasibility and the reliability of a visual characterization technique for gravel–cobble river bed surface substrate. Based on principal axis regressions, using phi scale (ϕ), comparisons of visual estimation and grid sampling techniques show that useful predictive relations (R2 = 0·78–0·88) exist between visual estimates of the surface d16, d50 and d84 and estimates obtained for the same percentiles with the grid sampling technique. Comparisons of visual estimation and the surface‐bulk sampling technique also indicate a predictive relation (R2 = 0·70) between the d50 of the two methods. Trained operators can visually estimate gravel–cobble bed surface d16 to uncertainties of 41 per cent, d50 to 15 per cent and d84 to 11 per cent (for example, there is a 5·5 mm error on a d84 size of 50 mm). Furthermore, evidence shows that if operators are properly trained, a calibration relation for each percentile can be applied independently of operators. This visual characterization allows effective detailed mapping of spatial patterns in substrate size distribution along extensive reaches of gravel‐bed rivers. The technique can be very useful in creating terrain models for various geomorphological, hydrological and biological applications such as the determination of entrainment thresholds, hydraulic roughness and substrate suitability for benthic insects or salmonid habitat. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While clay and silt matrices of gravel‐bed rivers have received attention from ecologists concerned variously with the deteriorating environments of benthic and hyporheic organisms, their impact on sediment entrainment and transport has been explored less. A recent increase of such a matrix in the bed of Nahal Eshtemoa, an ephemeral river of the northern Negev, has more than doubled the boundary shear stress needed to initiate bedload, from 7 N m‐2* = 0.027) during the flash floods of 1991–2001 to 15 N m‐2* = 0.059) during those of 2008–2009. The relation between bedload flux and boundary shear stress continues to be well‐defined, but it is displaced. The matrix now contains a significant amount of silt and clay size material. The reasons for the increased entrainment threshold of bedload are explored. Large‐scale laser scanning of the dry bed reveals a reduction in grain‐scale morphological roughness, while artificial in situ tests of matrix integrity indicate considerable cohesion. The implications for adopting bed material sampling strategies that account for matrix development are assessed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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