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汶川地震高速远程滑坡机制实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
汶川大地震触发了多处高速远程滑坡,导致了大量的人员伤亡及财产损失。其中,东河口滑坡是这次地震触发的最为典型的高速远程滑坡之一,同时也是目前备受关注、争论颇多的滑坡之一。野外调研结果表明,该滑坡的成因和动力特征主要包括震裂溃屈、水平抛射、碎屑流化和振动液化等4个方面。为了对该滑坡滑动过程中的振动液化这一动力特征进行模拟再现,在东河口滑坡体上采集了具有代表性的滑带土作为试验样品,并以该地震时的实测地震波作为动力输入,利用目前国际上最先进的DPRI环剪试验机,对滑坡滑动过程中的振动液化现象进行了一系列环剪试验研究。结果表明,地震作用过程中,发生在滑坡潜在滑面上的振动液化现象是导致高速远程滑坡产生的一个重要因素;伴随着振动液化过程,滑体的剪切强度迅速降低并产生逐渐增大的剪切位移,为高速远程滑坡的形成提供了条件  相似文献   

汶川大地震中成都地区液化及其震害现象较为显著.通过现场调查和工程地质资料分析,成都地区的液化特点为:液化带主要集中都江堰市液化在烈度Ⅵ、Ⅶ、Ⅷ、X和X度区均有出现,但Ⅶ度区最为集中液化喷水高度多在1-3m之间,最高一处超过10m液化场地喷出物涵盖了多种土类,约67%为粉细砂,且有卵砾石,约占11%液化带普遍伴随地裂缝,...  相似文献   

A comparative study of selected bridge damage due to the Wenchuan, Northridge, Loma Prieta and San Fernando earthquakes is described in this paper. Typical ground motion effects considered include large ground fault displacement, liquefaction, landslide, and strong ground shaking. Issues related to falling spans, inadequate detailing for structural ductility and complex bridge configurations are discussed within the context of the recent seismic design codes of China and the US. A significant lesson learned from the Great Wenchuan earthquake, far beyond the opportunities to improve the seismic design provisions for bridges, is articulated.  相似文献   

For sites susceptible to liquefaction induced lateral spreading during a probable earthquake, geotechnical engineers often need to know the undrained residual shear strength of the liquefied soil deposit to estimate lateral spreading displacements, and the forces acting on the piles from the liquefied soils in order to perform post liquefaction stability analyses. The most commonly used methods to estimate the undrained residual shear strength (Sur) of liquefied sand deposits are based on the correlations determined from liquefaction induced flow failures with SPT and CPT data. In this study, 44 lateral spread case histories are analyzed and a new relationship based on only lateral spread case histories is recommended, which estimates the residual shear strength ratio of the liquefiable soil layer from normalized shear wave velocity. The new proposed method is also utilized to estimate the residual lateral displacement of an example bridge problem in an area susceptible to lateral spreading in order to provide insight into how the proposed relationship can be used in geotechnical engineering practice.  相似文献   

汶川大地震中德阳地区液化特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川大地震中八个主要地区均有液化现象出现,其中德阳地区液化现象及其震害最为显著.通过现场调查和工程地质资料分析,德阳地区的液化特点为:液化带主要集中在绵竹市、什邡市和德阳市,绵竹市最为严重;液化在烈度Ⅶ、Ⅷ、Ⅸ度区均有出现,但Ⅷ度区最为集中;液化喷水高度多在几公分到2m之间,最高一处超过10 m;液化场地喷出物基本涵盖...  相似文献   

汶川Ms8.0地震驱动的同震及震后地质灾害空间分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川大地震驱动了大量的同震崩塌、滑坡等地质灾害,这些地质灾害同时造成了山谷中大量的松散堆积物堆积,并将以泥石流的形式进入河流系统,造成震后大规模的泥石流地质灾害,这也是地震灾区在震后面临的最为严峻的问题。根据本项目组的卫星影像处理和实地观测工作,以及前人对同震地质灾害研究获得的数量资料,对同震地质灾害数量在平行于断裂方...  相似文献   

Liquefaction macrophenomena in the great Wenchuan earthquake   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
On May 12, 2008 at 14:28, a catastrophic magnitude M 8.0 earthquake struck the Sichuan Province of China.The epicenter was located at Wenchuan (31.00°N, 103.40°E). Liquefaction macrophenomena and corresponding destruction was observed throughout a vast area of 500 km long and 200 km wide following the earthquake. This paper illustrates the geographic distribution of the liquefaction and the relationship between liquefaction behavior and seismic intensity, and summarizes the liquefaction macrophenomena, including sandboils and waterspouts, ground subsidence, ground fissures etc., and relevant liquefaction features. A brief summary of the structural damage caused by liquefaction is presented and discussed. Based on comparisons with liquefaction phenomena observed in the 1976 Tangshan and 1975 Haicheng earthquakes, preliminary analyses were performed, which revealed some new features of liquefaction behavior and associated issues arising from this event. The site investigation indicated that the spatial non-uniformity of liquefaction distribution was obvious and most of the liquefied sites were located in regions of seismic intensity Ⅷ. However, liquefaction phenomena at ten different sites in regions of seismic intensity Ⅵ were also observed for the first time in China mainland. Sandboils and waterspouts ranged from centimeters to tens of meters, with most between 1 m to 3 m. Dramatically high water/sand ejections,e.g., more than 10 m, were observed at four different sites. The sand ejections included silty sand, fine sand, medium sand,course sand and gravel, but the ejected sand amount was less than that in the 1976 Tangshan earthquake. Possible liquefaction of natural gravel soils was observed for the first time in China mainland.  相似文献   

汶川地震高速远程滑坡速度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汶川地震诱发了大量的高速远程滑坡。在超强的地震动作用下,坡体结构被撕裂并抛射后,受到坡体前缘地形及自身势能的影响,很容易转化为碎屑流作远程运动,这种高位滑坡以其很快的运动速度和超常的运动距离造成了巨大的灾害与损失。本文在对汶川地震大型典型高速远程滑坡大量现场调查的基础上,分析了坡体临空飞行运动初始速度、滑程运动最大速度以及碎屑流运动速度,并且以东河口滑坡为例,对比了不同计算方法下的运动速度和运动性,得到东河口滑坡的运动特征值μ=0.2292,最大运动速度Vm ax=63.40 m/s,平均运动速度超过25 m/s,属于超高速滑坡运动以及强碎屑流性质。  相似文献   

汶川大地震液化的特点及带来的新问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结汶川8.0级大地震液化及其震害科学考察结果,分析此次地震液化带来的新问题.结果表明,汶川大地震中液化及其震害现象显著,是建国以来液化涉及区域最广、液化宏观现象最为丰富的一次;本次地震液化宏观现象特点为喷水高、持时短、喷砂量小但喷砂类型十分丰富;砂砾土液化、Ⅵ度区内场地液化、深层土液化、无液化减震以及液化普遍伴随地裂缝是此次地震液化5个突出特征;砂砾土液化判别技术、液化引起地表裂缝机理和预测方法、Ⅵ度区内场地液化与深层土的液化机理和预测方法、液化加减震发生条件、场地液化现场判定与识别技术等是新的课题.为解决上述问题,应优先发展岩土地震工程观测技术及建设岩土地震工程实验场.  相似文献   

2008年"5.12"汶川特大地震引发了数以万计的滑坡、崩塌、危岩等次生地质灾害,对灾区人民生命财产造成了惨痛损失。尤其是破坏面积大、危害范围广的特大型滑坡,给人们生命财产造成了巨大灾难,而且潜在危险性仍然存在。笔者通过实地调查、资料查阅等方式搜集统计了汶川地震区的特大型滑坡并对其分布特征作了较为全面的归纳总结和分析研究。  相似文献   

The great Wenchuan earthquake (Ms = 8.0) in 2008 caused severe damage in the western part of the Chengdu Plain. Soil liquefaction was one of the major causes of damage in the plain areas, and proper evaluation of liquefaction potential is important in the definition of the seismic hazard facing a given region and post-earthquake reconstruction. In this paper, a simplified procedure is proposed for liquefaction assessment of sandy deposits using shear wave velocity (Vs), and soil liquefaction from the Banqiao School site was preliminarily investigated after the earthquake. Boreholes were made at the site and shear wave velocities were measured both by SASW and down-hole methods. Based on the in-situ soil information and Vs profiles, the liquefaction potential of this site was evaluated. The results are reasonably consistent with the actual field behavior observed after the earthquake, indicating that the proposed procedure is effective. The possible effects of gravel and fines contents on liquefaction of sandy soils were also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Field investigations following the 2008 Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake identified 118 liquefaction sites, most of which are underlain by gravelly sediment in the Chengdu Plain and adjacent Mianyang area, in the Sichuan Province. Gravel sediment in the Sichuan province is widely distributed; hence it is necessary to develop a method for prediction and evaluation of gravel liquefaction behavior. Based on liquefaction investigation data and in-situ testing, and with reference to existing procedures for sandy soil liquefaction evaluation, a fundamental procedure for gravel liquefaction evaluation using dynamic penetration tests (DPT) is proposed along with a corresponding model and calculation formula. The procedure contains two stages, i.e., pre-determination and re-determination. Pre-determination excludes impossible liquefiable or non-liquefiable soils, and re-determination explores a DPT-based critical N120 blows calculation model. Pre-determination includes three criteria, i.e., geological age, gravel contents, gravel sediment depths and water tables. The re-determination model consists of five parameters, i.e., DPT reference values, gravel contents, gravel sediment depths, water tables and seismic intensities. A normalization method is used for DPT reference values and an optimization method is used for the gravel sediment depth coefficient and water table coefficient. The gravel liquefaction evaluation method proposed herein is simple and takes most influencing factors on gravel sediment liquefaction into account.  相似文献   

A total of more than 50 000 landslides has occurred in Sichuan province since the \"5·12\" Wenchuan earthquake,resulting in serious damage to the surface vegetation in southwestern China.In this study,we select Yingxiu,the epicenter of Wenchuan earthquake,as the experimental area.The vegetation coverage information of the experimental area is extracted from the remote sensing images collected in the year of2005,2011 and 2013,respectively.The surface vegetation coverage in different periods is analyzed,and the vegetation recovery rate of the whole area is calculated.The experimental results show that in the first three years after the earthquake,the speed of vegetation restoration is slow,and the vegetation coverage rate is less than 20%better than 0.241,while in 2013,the vegetation coverage increases significantly.  相似文献   

Variations of shear wave splitting in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake region   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Through the analysis of S-wave particle motion of local events in the shear wave window, the polariza-tion directions of the faster shear wave and the delay times between the faster and the slower shear waves were derived from seismic recordings at the stations near the fault zones. The shear wave split-ting results of seven stations in the area of Longmenshan fault zone reveal spatial variation of the po-larization directions of the fast shear wave. The directions at stations in the southeastern side of the Longmenshan fault zone (in the Sichuan Basin area) are in the NE direction, whereas the direction at station PWU (in the Plateau), which is in the northwestern side of the faults, is in the EW direction. Systematic changes of the time delays between two split shear waves were also observed. At station L5501 in the southern end of the aftershock zone, the delay times of the slower shear wave decrease systematically after the main shock. After the main shock, the delay times at station PWU were longer than those before the earthquake. Seismic shear wave splitting is caused mostly by stress-aligned microcracks in the rock below the stations. The results demonstrate changes of local stress field dur-ing the main-shock and the aftershocks. The stress in the southern part of Wenchuan seismogenic zone was released by the main-shock and the aftershocks. The crustal stresses were transferred to the northeastern part of the zone, resulting in stress increase at station PWU after the main-shock.  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震环境剪应力特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于甘肃强震固定台和流动观测记录的汶川8.0级地震主震及余震加速度资料,选用三分向记录均完整的87次地震(震级范围为3.0~8.0级),根据用位错理论二维断裂模式推导的震源峰值加速度与环境剪应力关系式计算汶川地震序列的环境剪应力值,探讨其环境剪应力场特征。结果表明,环境剪应力和矩震级有较好的相关性,3~5级地震对应的应力值多在3~6 MPa,5~6级多在6~9 MPa,6~7级多在9MPa以上,且环境剪应力对震源深度也有较强的依赖性。  相似文献   

汶川地震滑坡崩塌的空间分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
汶川地震发生在青藏高原东部边界的龙门山断裂带.该区域由一系列叠瓦状冲断带构成,在大地构造上是连接青藏高原与扬子地台的过渡地带.此次地震引发了大规模的滑坡、崩塌、碎屑流等地质灾害,造成严重的人员伤亡和社会经济财产损失.震后的凋查和研究结果表明,在龙门山断裂带的两侧,滑坡崩塌灾害的分布很不均匀.大多数的滑坡崩塌存在于龙门山...  相似文献   

The 8.0 Mw Wenchuan earthquake triggered widespread and large scale landslides in mountainous regions.An approach was used to map and assess landslide susceptibility in a given area. A numerical rating system was applied to five factors that contribute to slope instability. Factors such as lithology, topography, streams and faults have an important influence as event-controlling factors for landslide susceptibility assessment. A final map is provided to show areas of low,medium, and high landslide susceptibility. Areas identified as having high landslide susceptibility were located in the central,northeastern, and far south regions of the study area. The assessment results will help decision makers to select safe sites for emergency placement of refuges and plan for future reconstruction. The maps may also be used as a basis for landslide risk management in the study area.  相似文献   

Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Longmenshan fault belt   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The giant earthquake (M s=8.0) in Wenchuan on May 12, 2008 was triggered by oblique convergence between the Tibetan Plateau and the South China along the Longmenshan fault belt. The Longmenshan fault belt marks an important component of the tectonic and geomorphological boundary between the eastern and western part of China and has a protracted tectonic history. It was first formed as an intracontinental transfer fault, patitioning the differential deformation between the Pacific and Tethys tectonic domains, initiated in late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic time, then served as the eastern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau to accommodate the growth of the plateau in Cenozoic. Its current geological and geomorphological frameworks are the result of superimposition of these two tectonic events. In Late Triassic, the Longmenshan underwent left-slip oblique NW-SE shortening due to the clockwise rotation of the Yangtze Block, which led to the flexural subsidence of the Sichuan foreland basin, but after that, the subsidence of the Sichuan Basin seems no longer controlled by the tectonic activity of the Longmenshan fault belt. The Meosozoic tectonic evolution of the Songpan-Ganzi fold belt differs significantly compared with that of the Yangtze Platform, featured by intensive northeast and southwest shortening and resulted in the close of the Paleo-Tethys. Aerial photos taken immediately after main shock of the giant May 12, 2008 earthquake have documented extensive rock fall and landslides that represent one of the most destructive aspects of the earthquake. Both rock avalanches and landslides delivered a huge volume of debris into the middle part of the Minjiang River, and formed many dammed lakes. Breaching of these natural dams can be catastrophic, as occurred in the Diexi area along the upstream of the Minjiang River in the year of 1933 that led to devastating floodings. The resultant flood following the breaching of these dams flowed through and out of the Longmenshan belt into the Chengdu Plain, bringing a huge volume of sediments. The oldest alluvial deposits within the Chengdu Plain are estimated to be Late Miocene (8–13 Ma). We suggest that the flooding that transported the course-grained sediments into the Chengdu Plain occurred in late Cenozoic, resulted from both the climate and the historical earthquakes similar to the May 12 earthquake. Estimated age of the sediments related to earthquakes and coeval shortening across the Chengdu Plain indicate that the eastern margin of the plateau became seismically and tectonically active in Late Miocene. Supported by Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-12), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40672151, 40721003, 40472121 and 40830314) and PetroChina Company Limited  相似文献   

Field investigations following the 2008 Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake identified 118 liquefaction sites, most of which are underlain by gravelly sediment in the Chengdu Plain and adjacent Mianyang area, in the Sichuan Province. Gravel sediment in the Sichuan province is widely distributed; hence it is necessary to develop a method for prediction and evaluation of gravel liquefaction behavior. Based on liquefaction investigation data and in-situ testing, and with reference to existing procedures for sandy soil l...  相似文献   

地震滑坡灾害是一种致灾性极高的地震次生灾害,其中的地震触发因素是导致滑坡发生的重要影响因素.可以表征地震影响因素的参数有多种,但它们代表地震动水平的能力有差异,对灾害评估预测结果有很大影响.因此,本文提出利用层次分析法将多种地震动参数联合应用以弥补不同参数间存在的不足和差异.计算实例表明,参数联合应用所得评估结果与实际破坏情况最为接近,优于参数单独使用所得评估结果,说明该方法是可行的.文中给出的参数联合应用的方法对于其它地震灾害的评估也有很重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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