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Based on knowledge of a commutative group calculation of the rock stiffness and on some geophysical assumptions, the simplest fractured medium may be regarded as a fracture embedded in an isotropic background medium, and the fracture interface can be simulated as a linear slip interface that satisfies non‐welded contact boundary conditions: the kinematic displacements are discontinuous across the interface, whereas the dynamic stresses are continuous across the interface. The finite‐difference method with boundary conditions explicitly imposed is advantageous for modelling wave propagation in fractured discontinuous media that are described by the elastic equation of motion and non‐welded contact boundary conditions. In this paper, finite‐difference schemes for horizontally, vertically, and orthogonally fractured media are derived when the fracture interfaces are aligned with the boundaries of the finite‐difference grid. The new finite‐difference schemes explicitly have an additional part that is different from the conventional second‐order finite‐difference scheme and that directly describes the contributions of the fracture to the wave equation of motion in the fractured medium. The numerical seismograms presented, to first order, show that the new finite‐difference scheme is accurate and stable and agrees well with the results of previously published finite‐difference schemes (the Coates and Schoenberg method). The results of the new finite‐difference schemes show how the amplitude of the reflection produced by the fracture varies with the fracture compliances. Later, comparisons with the reflection coefficients indicate that the reflection coefficients of the fracture are frequency dependent, whereas the reflection coefficients of the impedance contrast interface are frequency independent. In addition, the numerical seismograms show that the reflections of the fractured medium are equal to the reflections of the background medium plus the reflections of the fracture in the elastic fractured medium.  相似文献   

We characterize the seismic response of Lake Vostok, an Antarctic subglacial lake located at nearly 4 km depth below the ice sheet. This study is relevant for the determination of the location and morphology of subglacial lakes. The characterization requires the design of a methodology based on rock physics and numerical modelling of wave propagation. The methodology involves rock-physics models of the shallow layer (firn), the ice sheet and the lake sediments, numerical simulation of synthetic seismograms, ray tracing, τ–p transforms, and AVA analysis, based on the theoretical reflection coefficients. The modelled reflection seismograms show a set of straight events (refractions through the firn and top-ice layer) and the two reflection events associated with the top and bottom of the lake. Theoretical AVA analysis of these reflections indicates that, at near offsets, the PP-wave anomaly is negative for the ice/water interface and constant for the water/sediment interface. This behaviour is shown by AVA analysis of the synthetic data set. This study shows that subglacial lakes can be identified by using seismic methods. Moreover, the methodology provides a tool for designing suitable seismic surveys.  相似文献   

建立准确描述体系动力特性的有限元模型是应用反应谱理论进行抗震计算的关键,以公司SCB10-800/6.3变压器为例,建立了干式变压器本体及外壳结构的有限元模型,计算了体系的模态并与实验结果进行了比较,分析了建立干式变压器抗震模型的关键问题。  相似文献   

Modelling uncertainty can significantly affect the structural seismic reliability assessment. However, the limit state excursion due to this type of uncertainty may not be described by a Poisson process as it lacks renewal properties with the occurrence of each earthquake event. Furthermore, considering uncertainties related to ground motion representation by employing recorded ground motions together with modelling uncertainties is not a trivial task. Robust fragility assessment, proposed previously by the authors, employs the structural response to recorded ground motion as data in order to update prescribed seismic fragility models. Robust fragility can be extremely efficient for considering also the structural modelling uncertainties by creating a dataset of one-to-one assignments of structural model realizations and as-recorded ground motions. This can reduce the computational effort by more than 1 order of magnitude. However, it should be kept in mind that the fragility concept itself is based on the underlying assumption of Poisson-type renewal. Using the concept of updated robust reliability, considering both the uncertainty in ground motion representation based on as-recorded ground motion and non ergodic modelling uncertainties, the error introduced through structural reliability assessment by using the robust fragility is quantified. It is shown through specific application to an existing RC frame that this error is quite small when the product of the time interval and the standard deviation of failure rate is small and is on the conservative side.  相似文献   

组合剪力墙的抗震研究与发展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
剪力墙是高层建筑结构中的核心抗侧力部件,研制抗震性能好的剪力墙,是建筑抗震设计的关键技术之一。组合剪力墙包括不同材料和不同结构形式的组合,可以发挥不同材料和不同结构形式各自的优势,使剪力墙的延性和耗能能力得以提高,从而改善其抗震性能。本文对国内外一些新型组合剪力墙的抗震研究工作进行了归纳总结,并对其发展作一展望。  相似文献   

地震海洋学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地震海洋学是利用反射地震方法探测海水温盐结构的一门新兴交叉学科.其主要优势在于水平方向的分辨率较高,能够弥补传统物理海洋学观测在时空尺度上的缺陷,为研究温盐结构、海洋动力过程提供了一种可视化手段.本文将追溯地震海洋学的发展历程,详细阐述近年在地震剖面和海水温盐结构的关系、内波、地中海涡旋、潜流等海洋学现象研究以及在海水温度结构反演、地震波模拟等定量研究方面的最新进展.最后展望地震海洋学今后的发展,阐述了未来可能取得突破的7个研究领域,如混合,内波的3D波包等.  相似文献   

A new self-centering steel post-tensioned connection using web hourglass shape pins (WHPs) has been recently developed and experimentally validated. The connection isolates inelastic deformations in WHPs, avoids damage in other connection parts as well as in beams and columns, and eliminates residual drifts. WHPs do not interfere with the composite slab and can be very easily replaced without bolting or welding, and so, the connection enables non-disruptive repair and rapid return to building occupancy in the aftermath of a strong earthquake. This paper presents a simplified nonlinear model for the connection and the associated beams and columns that consists of nonlinear beam-column elements, and hysteretic and contact zero-length spring elements appropriately placed in the beam-column interface. The model was calibrated against experimental results and found to accurately simulate the connection behaviour. A prototype building was selected and designed as a conventional steel moment-resisting frame (MRF) according to Eurocode 8 or as a self-centering steel MRF (SC-MRF) using the connection with WHPs. Seismic analyses results show that the conventional MRF and the SC-MRF have comparable peak storey drifts, and highlight the inherent potential of the SC-MRF to eliminate damage in beams and residual drifts. The paper also shows that repair of damage in the conventional MRF will be costly and disruptive after the design basis earthquake, and, not financially viable after the maximum considered earthquake due to large residual drifts.  相似文献   

A two‐dimensional shallow water hydro‐sediment‐morphodynamic model is applied to investigate alternate bar formation, development and sediment sorting in straight channels. The model is coupled, explicitly incorporating the flow–sediment–bed interactions by using the full mass and momentum conservation equations, which are numerically solved by a well‐balanced version of the finite volume Slope Limiter Centred (SLIC) scheme. The model is first tested against a flume experiment on alternate bars formed over a uniform sediment bed, which clearly exhibits processes of bar formation, migrating and finally approaching an equilibrium state. Then it is applied to another flume experiment on alternate bars due to non‐uniform sediment transport. The computational results are evaluated, with a focus on the longitudinal and vertical sediment sorting. It is argued for the first time that the inconsistent sediment sorting patterns observed in previous studies are determined by different sediment transport conditions, i.e. full versus partial transport. When a condition of full transport is achieved, under which all size fractions are fully mobilized and transported, the longitudinal surface sediment shows a sorting pattern of coarse‐on‐head and fine‐in‐pool, and the vertical substrate sediment exhibits an immobile‐fine‐coarse structure upwards. In contrast, for a partial transport condition, under which only finer fraction participates in the transport process, an opposite longitudinal pattern (i.e. fine‐on‐head and coarse‐in‐pool) and a different vertical structure (i.e. immobile‐coarse‐fine) are observed. Concurrently, numerical experiments with specified conditions show that the critical aspect ratio for the formation of migrating alternate bars is approximately equal to 12. With the increase of the aspect ratio, the bar length grows gradually, while the bar height increases rapidly for moderate values of the aspect ratio and then keeps nearly stable. The bar celerity, however, is weakly sensitive to the variation of this ratio. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The capability of a simplified approach to model the behaviour of shallow foundations during earthquakes is explored by numerical simulation of a series of shaking table tests performed at the Public Works Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan. After a summary of the experimental work, the numerical model is introduced, where the whole soil–foundation system is represented by a multi‐degrees‐of‐freedom elasto‐plastic macro‐element, supporting a single degree‐of‐freedom superstructure. In spite of its simplicity and of the large intensity of the excitation involving a high degree of nonlinearity in the foundation response, the proposed approach is found to provide very satisfactory results in predicting the rocking behaviour of the system and the seismic actions transmitted to the superstructure. The agreement is further improved by introducing a simple degradation rule of the foundation stiffness parameters, suitable to capture even some minor details of the observed rocking response. On the other hand, the performance of the model is not fully satisfactory in predicting vertical settlements. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper,a historical review of the seismic network of Vietnam and the ability of the network to monitor earthquakes is presented.The seismic activity of Vietnam as a country of high seismictiy in the last century and since the beginning of the new century is described.The current state of seismological research in Vietnam and cooperation with institutions outside of Vietnam is outlined.  相似文献   

在过去的数十年里,美国地震区划图随着建筑抗震设计需求而不断发展变化,从最初的一张图发展成现今抗震设计图和地震危险性图两图共生的形式。地震危险性图主要反映依据地震科学认识与基础观测资料评估得到的国土地震危险性分布,抗震设计图则继承了传统地震区划图的主要功能,反映国土范围内建筑抗震设计所需地震动设计参数的分布,服务于建筑设计。依据抗震设计需求,美国地震区划图的演化过程可划分为地震系数分区区划、设计地震地震动区划和最大考虑地震地震动区划3个阶段,各阶段均始于地震危险性图的改进,并以抗震设计理念与方法的更新换代以及与之相适应的抗震设计图的编制为标志。本文总结了美国地震区划图的演化历程,对地震危险性图与抗震设计图发生变革的技术原因、主要特征、应用意义及其影响进行了重点的分析与论述。  相似文献   

依据地震地质构造和断裂带几何特征,将临汾盆地及其周缘划分为6个研究区域,运用近27年经过精确定位的区域台网地震资料,采用多个地震活动参数值的组合,结合震源深度分布、历史强震背景,分析临汾盆地及其周缘各研究区的现今活动状态。结果表明,现今应力水平较高的3个区域分别为洪洞—临汾凹陷、侯马凹陷和峨眉台地。其中,洪洞—临汾凹陷为1303年洪洞8.0级地震的破裂区,现今应力水平仍然较高,其中深部出现的小震活动稀疏段可能表明其正处于破裂区的恢复阶段;侯马凹陷至峨嵋台地北缘自有史料记载以来,没有记录到M6以上地震,现今地震活动特征显示其处于较高应力水平下的相对闭锁状态,属于未来强震的危险区段;灵石隆起、辛置凸起和襄汾凸起现今应力水平相对较低,以中小地震活动为主要特征,强震危险性较小。  相似文献   

概述了河北省地震局红山基准台50余年的建设与发展历程,介绍了台站在地震监测、异常核实、科普宣传等方面的经验,可为基层台站发展提供一些思路.  相似文献   

Seismic site coefficients (F s ) for Imphal city have been estimated based on 700 synthetically generated earthquake time histories through stochastic finite fault method, considering various combinations of magnitudes and fault distances that may affect Imphal city. Seismic hazard curves and Uniform Hazard Response Spectra (UHRS) are presented for Imphal city. F s have been estimated based on site response analyses through SHAKE-91 for a period range of engineering interest (PGA to 3.0 s), for 5% damping. F s were multiplied by UHRS values to obtain surface level spectral acceleration with 2 and 10% probability of exceedance in 50 year (~2500 and ~500 year) return period. Comparison between predicted mean surface level response spectra and IS-1893 code shows that spectral acceleration value is higher for longer periods (i.e., >1.0 s), for ~500 year return period, and lower for periods shorter than 0.2 s for ~2500 year return period.  相似文献   

The opportunity and the advantages of applying base isolation technologies developed for civil structures to small objects are investigated and some considerations related to the scale effects are discussed. A series of experimental tests carried out at SRMD facility in San Diego are presented with the aim to investigate the dynamic response of a system designed to simulate a sculpture isolated by means of Double Concave Curved Surface Sliders. Such devices are specifically re-designed to fit the peculiar situation of light weight objects. In particular the samples used in the experimentation are designed with geometric and inertia characteristics fit for representing the Michelangelo’s sculptures exposed at the “Galleria dell’Accademia” in Florence, Italy. Finally, the main aspects concerning the numerical simulation of the seismic response of the proposed isolated system are discussed, also to investigate the efficiency of the existing numerical models, which are developed for traditional devices, when they are applied on such small and particular objects. The results of the experimental/numerical campaign show a general efficiency of the isolation system in terms of limiting the transferred action. Further study is needed to understand more clearly some local unexpected phenomena emerged from the experimental tests.  相似文献   

Seismic events that occurred during the past half century in the Tellian Atlas, North Africa, are used to establish fundamental seismic empirical relations, tying earthquake magnitude to source parameters (seismic moment, fault plane area, maximal displacement along the fault, and fault plane length). Those empirical relations applied to the overall seismicity from 1716 to present are used to transform the magnitude (or intensity) versus time distribution into (1) cumulative seismic moment versus time, and (2) cumulative displacements versus time. Both of those parameters as well as the computed seismic moment rate, the strain rate along the Tellian Atlas strike, and various other geological observations are consistent with the existence, in the Tellian Atlas, of three distinct active tectonic blocks. These blocks are seismically decoupled from each other, thus allowing consideration of the seismicity as occurring in three different distinct seismotectonic blocks. The cumulative displacement versus time from 1900 to present for each of these tectonic blocks presents a remarkable pattern of recurrence time intervals and precursors associated with major earthquakes. Indeed, most major earthquakes that occurred in these three blocks might have been predicted in time. The Tellian Atlas historical seismicity from the year 881 to the present more substantially confirms these observations, in particular for the western block of the Tellian Atlas. Theoretical determination of recurrence time intervals for the Tellian Atlas large earthquakes using Molnar and Kostrov formalisms is also consistent with these observations. Substantial observations support the fact that the western and central Tellian Atlas are currently at very high seismic risk, in particular the central part. Indeed, most of the accumulated seismic energy in the central Tellian Atlas crust has yet to be released, despite the occurrence of the recent destructive May 2003 Boumerdes earthquake (M w = 6.8). The accumulated seismic energy is equivalent to a magnitude 7.6 earthquake. In situ stress and geodetic measurements, as well as other geophysical field data measurements, are now required to practically check the validity of those observations.  相似文献   

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