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The great MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake has been the most destructive earthquake since 1949 in China. The earthquake occurred no more than half a year after the establishment of the National Strong Motion Observation Network System (NSMONS) of China; what is more, the epicenter was located in the area with dense strong motion observation stations so that a large number of strong motion records of the main shock were obtained. In this paper, 501 strong motion records from 167 observation stations are utilized to...  相似文献   

Based on abundant aftershock sequence data of the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008, we studied the spatio-temporal variation process and segmentation rupture characteristic. Dense aftershocks distribute along Longmenshan central fault zone of NE direction and form a narrow strip with the length of 325 km and the depth between several and 40 km. The depth profile (section of NW direction) vertical to the strike of aftershock zone (NE direction) shows anisomerous wedgy distribution characteristic of aftershock concentrated regions; it is related to the force form of the Longmenshan nappe tectonic belt. The stronger aftershocks could be divided into northern segment and southern segment apparently and the focal depths of strong aftershocks in the 50 km area between northern segment and southern segment are shallower. It seems like 'to be going to rupture' segment. We also study focal mechanisms and segmentation of strong aftershocks. The principal compressive stress azimuth of aftershock area is WNW direction and the faulting types of aftershocks at southern and northern segment have the same proportion. Because aftershocks distribute on different secondary faults, their focal mechanisms present complex local tectonic stress field. The faulting of seven strong earthquakes on the Longmenshan central fault is mainly characterized by thrust with the component of right-lateral strike-slip. Meantime six strong aftershocks on the Longmenshan back-range fault and Qingchuan fault present strike-slip faulting. At last we discuss the complex segmentation rupture mechanism of the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

2016年3月21日11时29分甘肃省酒泉市金塔县发生M_S 4.7地震,甘肃省强震动台网中心收集到5组三分向加速度记录,常规处理后得到15条零基线校正后的三分向峰值加速度(PGA),选取土层台基类型的62XID台站加速度记录(PGA数值最大)进行分析,绘制校正后的加速度、速度和位移时程曲线及加速度反应谱,为中国西部工程震害调查提供参考资料。  相似文献   

The characteristics of spatio-temporal seismicity evolution before the Wenchuan earthquake are studied. The results mainly involve in the trend abnormal features and its relation to the Wenchuan earthquake. The western Chinese mainland and its adjacent area has been in the seismically active period since 2001, while the seismic activity shows the obvious quiescence of M≥?7.0, M≥?6.0 and M?≥5.0 earthquakes in Chinese mainland. A quiescence area with M?≥7.0 has been formed in the middle of the North-South seismic zone since 1988, and the Wenchuan earthquake occurred just within this area. There are a background seismicity gap of M?≥5.0 earthquakes and a seismogenic gap of ML?≥4.0 earthquakes in the area of Longmenshan fault zone and its vicinity prior to the Wenchuan earthquake. The seismic activity obviously strengthened and a doughnut-shape pattern of M?≥4.6 earthquakes is formed in the middle and southern part of the North-South seismic zone after the 2003 Dayao, Yunnan, earthquake. Sichuan and its vicinity in the middle of the doughnut-shape pattern show abnormal quiescence. At the same time, the seismicity of earthquake swarms is significant and shows heterogeneity in the temporal and spatial process. A swarm gap appears in the M4.6 seismically quiet area, and the Wenchuan earthquake occurred just on the margin of the gap. In addition, in the short term before the Wenchuan earthquake, the quiescence of earthquake with ML≥?4.0 appears in Qinghai-Tibet block and a seismic belt of ML?≥3.0 earthquakes, with NW striking and oblique with Longmenshan fault zone, is formed.  相似文献   

2014年8月3日云南省鲁甸发生MS6.5地震后,10月7日云南省内再次发生景谷MS6.6地震。对我国数字强震台网捕获的39组主震记录进行处理后,分析幅值参数、Arias强度以及持时参数的衰减特征,发现两次地震触发台站远场记录的地震动参数均显著低于预测方程,鲁甸地震的近场地震动参数略高于景谷地震;而鲁甸地震地震动参数衰减快于景谷地震,这可能与云南东部地区Q值低于西部地区的区域差异性特征相关。分析结果可以为研究该区域6.5级左右地震动衰减特征提供参考。  相似文献   

The paper introduces firstly the seismic loss assessment method based on macro-economic indicators and new vulnerability models determined by the data from the on-site damage and loss survey to earthquakes occurred in China during the last two decades. The fast assessment for the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake with MS8.0 is given based on an empirical intensity attenuation relationship. Compared with the assessment based on the practical seismic intensity map of the event according to the on-site investigation, the result demonstrates the usability of the seismic vulnerability models introduced in the paper. In addition, it is indicated that the main uncertainty of losses in the fast loss assessment comes from the uncertainty of the estimation of seismic ground motion.  相似文献   

The diurnal variation of the geomagnetic vertical component is exhibited mainly by changes of phase and amplitude before strong earthquakes. Based on data recorded by the network of geomagnetic observatories in China for many years, the anomalous features of the appearance time of the minima of diurnal variations (i.e, low-point time) of the geomagnetic vertical components and the variation of their spatial distribution (i.e, phenomena of low-point displacement) have been studied before the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake. The strong aftershocks after two months' quiescence of M6 aftershocks of the MS8.0 event were forecasted based on these studies. There are good correlativities between these geomagnetic anomalies and occurrences of earthquakes. It has been found that most earthquakes occur near the boundary line of sudden changes of the low-point time and generally within four days before or after the 27th or 41st day counting from the day of the appearance of the anomaly. In addition, the imminent anomalies in diurnal-variation amplitudes near the epicentral areas have also been studied before the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

汶川地震诱发滑坡的地震动加速度评判标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对汶川MS8.0地震强震记录资料的计算分析,给出一个与地震诱发滑坡关系比较密切的地震动加速度参数--最大临界加速度.分析表明,最大临界加速度与地震滑坡的相关性高于峰值加速度,而且可以消除峰值加速度作为判据使用时存在的问题.利用汶川地震强震资料建立了该参数在震区的衰减关系,由衰减关系得到的地震滑坡影响区域与汶川地震滑...  相似文献   

We systematically analyze coseismic responses and post-seismic characteristics of groundwater levels in the Three Gorges well-network to the MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake on 12 May 2008. The results indicate that these characteristics differ among wells. On the conditions of similar borehole configurations, the differences are associated with geological structural sites of wells, burial types of aquifers monitored, and transmissivities of aquifer systems. We explored coseismic and post-seismic step-rise and step-drop mechanical mechanisms and their implication to earthquake prediction. We validated the inference that the residual step-rise zone is a possible earthquake risk zone based on recent seismic activity on the Xiannüshan fault in the area.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008 is the most destructive earthquake in China in the past 30 years in terms of property damage and human losses. In order to understand the earthquake process and the geo-morphological factors affecting the seismic hazard, we simulated the strong ground mo-tion caused by the earthquake, incorporating three-dimensional (3D) earth structure, finite-fault rupture, and realistic surface topography. The simulated ground motions reveal that the fault rupture and basin structure control the overall pattern of the peak ground shaking. Large peak ground velocity (PGV) is distributed in two narrow areas: one with the largest PGV values is above the hanging wall of the fault and attributed to the locations of fault asperities and rupture directivity; the other is along the north-western margin of the Sichuan Basin and caused by both the directivity of fault rupture and the ampli-fication in the thick sediment basin. Rough topography above the rupture fault causes wave scattering, resulting in significantly larger peak ground motion on the apex of topographic relief than in the valley. Topography and scattering also reduce the wave energy in the forward direction of fault rupture but increase the PGV in other parts of the basin. These results suggest the need for a localized hazard as-sessment in places of rough topography that takes the topographic effects into account. Finally, had the earthquake started at the northeast end of the fault zone and ruptured to the southwest, Chengdu would have suffered a much stronger shaking than it experienced on 12 May, 2008.  相似文献   

从余震序列分布、震源机制、断裂构造、地震烈度和发震构造,简要论述九寨沟MS7.0地震及构造背景,在此基础上,整理此次地震198条强震动记录,分析强震动峰值加速度分布特征(衰减规律)及构造影响因素,发现峰值加速度在发震断层两侧的衰减具有明显的不对称性,其中NE向衰减缓慢,SW向衰减迅速,该现象不仅与发震断层的倾向、倾角有关,还与不同构造块体的介质差异密切相关。  相似文献   

运用经验格林函数法模拟了2008年5月12日汶川8.0级大地震的近场强地面运动.拟合过程中,首先参考其他学者反演结果给出的滑动量分布的特征,确定强震动生成区的大致范围;然后利用Somerville等(1999)提出的地震矩与凹凸体面积间的经验关系式确定强震动生成区(SMGA)细小划分的初值,继而利用遗传优化算法确定以上两者的最优值及其他震源参数.数值模拟波形同实际地震观测记录在时间域和频率域分别进行了比较,结果显示,在所选取的18个观测台中,多数台站的数值模拟结果同实际观测结果符合得很好,特别是大于1 Hz的高频部分.我们发现断层面上有5个强震动生成区,其中两个的位置与其他学者反演的滑动量集中分布区相一致,但强震动生成区规模和上升时间比Somerville等(1999)获得的定标率外延的估计值要小.  相似文献   




Coseismic water level changes which may have been induced by the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake and its 15 larger aftershocks (MS≥?5.4) have been observed at Tangshan well. We analyze the correlation between coseismic parameters (maximum amplitude, duration, coseismic step and the time when the coseismic reach its maximum amplitude) and earthquake parameters (magnitude, well-epicenter distance and depth), and then compare the time when the coseismic oscillation reaches its maximum amplitude with the seismogram from Douhe seismic station which is about 16.3 km away from Tangshan well. The analysis indicates that magnitude is the main factor influencing the induced coseismic water level changes, and that the well-epicenter distance and depth have less influence. MS magnitude has the strongest correlation with the coseismic water level changes comparing to MW and ML magnitudes. There exists strong correlation between the maximum amplitude, step size and the oscillation duration. The water level oscillation and step are both caused by dynamic strain sourcing from seismic waves. Most of the times when the oscillations reach their maximum amplitudes are between S and Rayleigh waves. The coseismic water level changes are due to the co-effect of seismic waves and hydro-geological environments.  相似文献   





The Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake occurred on the Longmenshan fault which inclines at a dip angle exceeding 60 degrees. Since most thrust earthquakes occur on faults with dip angles of about 30 degrees, it is enigmatic why the Wenchuan earthquake occurred on such a steep fault. In this study we use a simple finite element model to investigate how the stress state in the fault changes with the variation of Poisson's ratio. The results show that, with the Poisson's ratio in the fault increasing, the magnitudes of the principal stresses increase and the maximum shear stress decrease, and, especially, the angle between the maximum principal stress and the fault plane decreases, which will enhance the driving force to overcome the frictional resistance on the fault. The increase of Poisson's ratio in the fault may be an important factor to affect the occurrence of the fault earthquakes with large angles between maximum principal stress and fault plane.


2020年5月18日云南省巧家县发生M_S5.0地震,中国数字强震动台网的13个强震台站和昭通简易烈度计示范项目建设的43个烈度计台站,共接收168条强震动记录,经常规处理,绘制震区加速度峰值等值线图,并与云南地区常用地震动衰减关系进行对比,分析加速度峰值较大的几个台站频谱特性,计算地震动能量持时,讨论中小地震中高加速度峰值/低震害现象的成因,得到以下结论:(1) PGA等值线图形状较为平滑,其长轴呈NW—SE向展布;(2)云南地区常用地震动衰减关系预测值总体衰减趋势与观测值一致,但在近场(0—30 km)时,预测值基本偏小;(3)加速度峰值较大的几个台站记录主频集中在1—5 Hz;(4)小河镇台记录的能量持时较短,说明能量衰减较快,属脉冲型记录,不会对建筑物造成较大破坏。  相似文献   

解滔  刘杰  卢军  李美  姚丽  王亚丽  于晨 《地球物理学报》2018,61(5):1922-1937



利用2008年汶川M8.0地震获得的强震动记录数据,根据《仪器地震烈度计算暂行规程》计算得到各台站处的仪器地震烈度值,分析仪器地震烈度与宏观地震烈度的对应关系,研究该仪器烈度计算方法的适用性。结果表明,利用该算法所得的仪器烈度值与宏观烈度完全吻合的比率为47.5%,偏差±1度以内的比率为89.1%,说明二者对应情况较为理想,仪器烈度可在一定程度上客观反映实际的震害情况;在各宏观烈度区内仪器烈度值虽然具有一定的离散性,但其均值与宏观烈度区值的偏差相对较小,均控制在±0.3度以内。另外,文中还绘制了汶川地震仪器烈度分布图,虽然与宏观烈度在整体分布上具有一定的对应关系,但受多种因素的影响,仪器烈度分布与宏观烈度分布不可能完全一致。仪器烈度与宏观烈度的概念和属性有所差异,发挥的作用也不尽相同,不应混淆和相互替代。  相似文献   

地震地下流体在地震预测研究与震情跟踪中发挥着重要作用.本文基于中国地震地下流体前兆观测台网所涉及的资料范围,系统收集了2008年四川汶川8.0级地震的可能地下流体前兆异常,分析了这些异常的空间展布、时空演化以及形态等总体变化特征.结果表明,收集到的68项异常均位于10-8应变量范围内,59项异常位于汶川8.0级地震3倍破裂区(约900 km)范围内,占异常总数的87%,这与国内外已发表的地下流体前兆异常空间分布范围和震级之间的关系相符,说明汶川8.0级巨大地震的前兆观测范围至少包含该地震3倍破裂尺度甚至更大;异常出现时间总体呈现出临近地震异常数量增多的特点,但异常数量并非逐渐增多,而是在震前5个月和1个月突然增多;异常形态特征复杂,水氡和水位总体呈现出趋势性异常特征,水温总体表现出短临变化特征,主要表现为震前1—3个月突升、突降或波动异常变化.此外,本文还结合国内外已发表的地震地下流体前兆异常以及地震孕育理论,讨论了异常的空间分布、时间尺度与未来震中的关系,这对深入认识地下流体前兆异常及产生机理都具有重要的现实意义和科学价值.  相似文献   

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