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The first order deconfinement phase transitions in rotating hybrid stars are studied and it is found that if the surface tension is sufficiently large, the transition from metastable hadron matter to stable mixed hadron-quark matter during the spindown history of a hybrid star can cause a glitch.  相似文献   

We present predictions for the line-of-sight velocity dispersion profiles of dwarf spheroidal galaxies and compare them to observations in the case of the Fornax dwarf. The predictions are made in the framework of standard dynamical theory of spherical systems with different velocity distributions. The stars are assumed to be distributed according to Sérsic laws with parameters fitted to observations. We compare predictions obtained assuming the presence of dark matter haloes (with density profiles adopted from N -body simulations) with those resulting from Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND). If the anisotropy of velocity distribution is treated as a free parameter, observational data for Fornax are reproduced equally well by models with dark matter and with MOND. If stellar mass-to-light ratio of 1 M/L is assumed, the required mass of the dark halo is     , two orders of magnitude larger than the mass in stars. The derived MOND acceleration scale is     . In both cases a certain amount of tangential anisotropy in the velocity distribution is needed to reproduce the shape of the velocity dispersion profile in Fornax.  相似文献   

Via a study of the evolutionary tracks of 3∼10 M stars on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, the variations of the energy, density, temperature at the peak of helium-shell burning, ratio of surface luminosity of helium shell to stellar surface luminosity as well as the stellar radius are analyzed. Then the demarcation point of medium-mass stars in the evolution from early AGB stars to thermally pulsing AGB stars on the HR diagram is determined, and for 119 carbon stars our analysis agrees rather well with observation. At the same time the following is suggested. After arriving at this demarcation point in stellar evolution, in the formula of the loss of stellar wind material it is probably needed to introduce a quantity which is not concerned with the surface luminosity, but it dominates the formation of super stellar wind. On this basis and via the analysis of the structure and evolution of 5 M stars as well as the rate of mass loss of stellar wind, it is found that the effect of turbulent pressure on the mass loss of stellar wind in the stage of thermally pulsing AGB stars is rather great, hence the turbulent pressure of thermally pulsing AGB stars cannot be overlooked. Furthermore, the physical factors which possibly affect the matter loss of the stellar winds of thermally pulsing AGB stars are suggested.  相似文献   

The surface fine structure of bare strange stars is determined. The distribution of electrons and quarks in the surface layer is determined using a phenomenological Thomas-Fermi model. For the MIT bag model, the quark density at the free surface is found to fall off continuously to zero in a layer of finite thickness. Unlike the results of other authors, here the electric field in the transition layer changes direction. The coefficient of surface tension of the quark matter is determined in terms of this model. Depending on the model parameters, it is 60–150 MeV/Fm2.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 139–150 (February 2005).  相似文献   

As neutron stars spin-down and contract, the deconfinement phase transition can continue to occur, resulting in energy release (so-called deconfinement heating) in case of the first-order phase transition. The thermal evolution of neutron stars is investigated to combine phase transition and the related energy release self-consistently. We find that the appearance of deconfinement heating during spin-down result in not only the cooling delay but also the increase of surface temperature of stars. For stars characterized by intermediate and weak magnetic field strength, a period of increasing surface temperature could exist. Especially, a sharp jump in surface temperature can be produced as soon as quark matter appears in the core of stars with a weak magnetic field. We think that this may serve as evidence for the existence of deconfinement quark matter. The results show that deconfinement heating facilitates the emergence of such characteristic signature during the thermal evolution process of neutron stars.  相似文献   

We perform a detailed physical analysis for a class of exact solutions for the Einstein–Maxwell equations. The linear equation of state consistent with quark stars has been incorporated in the model. The physical analysis of the exact solutions is performed by considering the charged anisotropic stars for the particular nonsingular exact model obtained by Maharaj, Sunzu and Ray. In performing such an analysis we regain masses obtained by previous researchers for isotropic and anisotropic matter. It is also indicated that other masses and radii may be generated which are in acceptable ranges consistent with observed values of stellar objects. A study of the mass-radius relation indicates the effect of the electromagnetic field and anisotropy on the mass of the relativistic star.  相似文献   

By studying the cylindrically symmetric solution for matter in 2+1 space-time dimensions we arrive at stability criteria for such a configuration when the local energy density is proportional to the square of the tension (negative pressure). Our analysis demonstrates that to the post-Newtonian approximation that such a configuration is stable provided it does not shrink below a certain radius. We find our model provides a reason for how stars form from a two-dimensional configuration with both a maximum mass and a minimum radius.  相似文献   

We study the distribution of dark matter in dwarf spheroidal galaxies by modelling the moments of their line-of-sight velocity distributions. We discuss different dark matter density profiles, both cuspy and possessing flat density cores. The predictions are made in the framework of standard dynamical theory of two-component (stars and dark matter) spherical systems with different velocity distributions. We compare the predicted velocity dispersion profiles to observations in the case of Fornax and Draco dwarfs. For isotropic models the dark haloes with cores are found to fit the data better than those with cusps. Anisotropic models are studied by fitting two parameters, dark mass and velocity anisotropy, to the data. In this case all profiles yield good fits, but the steeper the cusp of the profile, the more tangential is the velocity distribution required to fit the data. To resolve this well-known degeneracy of density profile versus velocity anisotropy, we obtain predictions for the kurtosis of the line-of-sight velocity distribution for models found to provide best fits to the velocity dispersion profiles. It turns out that profiles with cores typically yield higher values of kurtosis which decrease more steeply with distance than the cuspy profiles, which will allow us to discriminate between the profiles once the kurtosis measurements become available. We also show that with present quality of the data the alternative explanation of velocity dispersions in terms of Modified Newtonian Dynamics cannot yet be ruled out.  相似文献   

中子星可以通过重子物质和暗物质的相互作用吸积暗物质,且在一定条件下, 中子星吸积的暗物质粒子可以引发自引力塌缩形成小型黑洞, 生成的黑洞可能会进一步吞噬中子星.依据文献已有模型, 基于以上物理过程给出了在暗物质粒子不同质量下对暗物质粒子--中子的散射截面的限制.使用弱相互作用大质量粒子(Weakly Interacting Massive Particle, WIMP)模型, 并考虑暗物质粒子是玻色子的情形, 讨论了暗物质粒子有无自相互作用以及有无湮灭等条件下对限制暗物质参数的影响.既考虑了已发现的两个中子星系统来给出对暗物质参数空间的限制,也考虑了两个可能存在的年老中子星来预测未来观测可能对暗物质参数空间的限制.对于考虑玻色--爱因斯坦凝聚(Bose-Einstein Condensate, BEC)的玻色子暗物质, 在无自相互作用或有弱自相互作用, 无湮灭或有很小湮灭截面的条件下,中子星给出的间接观测对暗物质粒子-中子散射截面的限制的强度比XENON1T直接探测实验来得更强.未来, 如果在银心附近能观测到年老中子星, 其观测结果可以提升模型给出的对暗物质粒子--中子散射截面的限制, 从而帮助人们进一步理解暗物质.  相似文献   

Recently, a very strong correlation between the central surface density of stars and dynamical mass in 135 disk galaxies has been obtained. It has been shown that this central-surface-densities relation agrees very well with Modified Newtonian Dynamics(MOND). In this article, we show that if we assume the baryons have an isothermal distribution and dark matter exists, then it is possible to derive by means of the Jeans equation an analytic central-surface-densities relation connecting dark matter and baryons that agrees with the observed relation. We find that the observed central-surface-densities relation can also be accommodated in the context of dark matter provided the latter is described by an isothermal profile. Therefore, the observed relation is consistent with not only MOND.  相似文献   

Recent measurements of the surface magnetic fields of classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) and magnetic cataclysmic variables show that their magnetic fields have a complex structure. Investigation of accretion onto such stars requires global three-dimensional (3D) magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, where the complexity of simulations strongly increases with each higher-order multipole. Previously, we were able to model disc accretion onto stars with magnetic fields described by a superposition of dipole and quadrupole moments. However, in some stars, like CTTS V2129 Oph and BP Tau, the octupolar component is significant and it was necessary to include the next octupolar component. Here, we show results of global 3D MHD simulations of accretion onto stars with superposition of the dipole and octupole fields, where we vary the ratio between components. Simulations show that if octupolar field strongly dominates at the disc-magnetosphere boundary, then matter flows into the ring-like octupolar poles, forming ring-shape spots at the surface of the star above and below equator. The light-curves are complex and may have two peaks per period. In case where the dipole field dominates, matter accretes in two ordered funnel streams towards poles, however the polar spots are meridionally-elongated due to the action of the octupolar component. In the case when the fields are of similar strengths, both, polar and belt-like spots are present. In many cases the light-curves show the evidence of complex fields, excluding the cases of small inclinations angles, where sinusoidal light-curve is observed and ‘hides’ the information about the field complexity.We also propose new mechanisms of phase shift in stars with complex magnetic fields. We suggest that the phase shifts can be connected with: (1) temporal variation of the star’s intrinsic magnetic field and subsequent redistribution of main magnetic poles; (2) variation of the accretion rate, which causes the disc to interact with the magnetic fields associated with different magnetic moments. We use our model to demonstrate these phase shift mechanisms, and we discuss possible applications of these mechanisms to accreting millisecond pulsars and young stars.  相似文献   

A gravitationless black hole model is proposed in accord with a five-dimensional fully covariant Kaluza-Klein (K-K) theory with a scalar field, which unifies the four-dimensional Einsteinian general theory of relativity and Maxwellian electromagnetic theory. It is shown that a dense compact core of a star, when it collapses to a critical density, suddenly turns off or shields its gravitational field. The core, if its mass exceeds an upper limit, directly collapses into a black hole. Otherwise, the extremely large pressure, as the gravity is turned off, immediately stops the collapse and drives the mantle material of supernova moving outward, which leads to an impulsive explosion and forms a neutron star as a remnant. A neutron star can further evolve into a black hole when it accretes enough matter from a companion star such that the total mass exceeds a lower limit. The black hole in the K-K theory is gravitationless at the surface because the scalar field is infinitely strong, which varies the equivalent gravitational constant to zero. In general, a star, at the end of its evolution, is relatively harder to collapse into a gravitationless K-K black hole than a strong gravitational Schwarzschild black hole. This is consistent with the observation of some very massive stars to form neutron stars rather than expected black holes. In addition, the gravitationless K-K black hole should be easier to generate jets than a Schwarzschild black hole.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of the distortion of the photospheric spectrum for a young star as its light is scattered in the inner accretion disk in the dust grain evaporation region. In T Tauri stars, this region is at a distance of the order of several stellar radii and is involved in the large-scale motions of matter with velocities of ~100 km s?1 or higher. The light scattering in such a medium causes the frequency of the scattered radiation to be shifted due to the Doppler effect. We analyze the influence of this effect on the absorption line profiles in the spectra of T Tauri stars using classical results of the theory of radiative transfer. We consider two models of a scattering medium: (i) a homogeneous cylindrical surface and (ii) a cylindrical surface with an azimuth-dependent height (such conditions take place during the accretion of matter onto a star with an oblique magnetic dipole). We show that in the first case, the scattering of the photospheric radiation causes the absorption lines to broaden. If the motion of the circumstellar matter in the dust evaporation region is characterized by two velocity components, then the line profile of the scattered radiation is asymmetric, with the pattern of the asymmetry depending on the direction of the radial velocity. In the second case, the scattered radiation can cause periodic shifts of the absorption line centroid, which can be perceived by an observer as periodic radial-velocity variations in the star. We suggest that precisely this effect is responsible for the low-amplitude radial-velocity variations with periods close to the stellar rotation periods that have recently been found in some of the T Tauri stars.  相似文献   

We introduce a set of stellar models for massive stars whose evolution has been affected by mass transfer in a binary system, at a range of metallicities. As noted by other authors, the effect of such mass transfer is frequently more than just rejuvenation. We find that, whilst stars with convective cores which have accreted only H-rich matter rejuvenate as expected, those stars which have accreted He-rich matter (e.g. at the end stages of conservative mass transfer) evolve in a way that is qualitatively similar to rejuvenated stars of much higher metallicity. Thus, the effects of non-conservative evolution depend strongly on whether He-rich matter is amongst the portion accreted or ejected. This may lead to a significant divergence in binary evolution paths with only a small difference in initial assumptions. We compare our models to observed systems and find approximate formulae for the effect of mass accretion on the effective age and metallicity of the resulting star.  相似文献   

A suggestion is put forward that a number of spectral anomalies observed in some A-stars (Am and Ap-stars) may be due to the existence of planetary systems. Terrestrial type planets condense in matter exchanged between components of close binaries. Exchange of matter takes place at the stage of system formation and in later stages of evolution, with both late and early stars. If the outer layers of components in a system do not become renewed by mixing or outflow, then surface anomalies in the chemical composition of stars onto which fall some of the forming planetoids may serve as an evidence of the formation of planets.  相似文献   

Using a population synthesis code, we have investigated the formation of symbiotic systems in which the hot component is a main-sequence star that is accreting matter from the cool component via Roche lobe overflow (RLOF). The RLOF can be divided into two cases: dynamically unstable and stable. In the first case, the birthrate of symbiotic stars is 0.056 yr-1 or 0.045 yr-1 depending on different assumptions; in the stable RLOF case, it is 0.002 yr-1 or 0.005 yr-1. The number of symbiotic stars with main-sequence accretors and unstable RLOF in our galaxy is about 5, that with stable RLOF is about 60 to 280. Comparison between our results with those of Yungelson et al. shows that symbiotic stars with MS accretors make only a small contribution ((?) 8%) to the whole population of symbiotic stars in the Galaxy.  相似文献   

The abundances of heavy elements in EMP stars are not well explained by the simple view of an initial basic “rapid” process. In a careful and homogeneous analysis of the “First Stars” sample (eighty per cent of the stars have a metallicity [Fe/H] ≃ –3.1 ± 0.4), it has been shown that at this metallicity [Eu/Ba] is constant, and therefore the europium‐rich stars (generally called “r‐rich”) are also Ba‐rich. The very large variation of [Ba/Fe] (existence of “r‐poor” and “r‐rich” stars) induces that the early matter was not perfectly mixed. On the other hand, the distribution of the values of [Sr/Ba] vs. [Ba/Fe] appears with well defined upper and lower envelopes. No star was found with [Sr/Ba] < –0.5 and the scatter of [Sr/Ba] increases regularly when [Ba/Fe] decreases. To explain this behavior, we suggest that an early “additional” process forming mainly first peak elements would affect the initial composition of the matter. For a same quantity of accreted matter, this additional Sr production would barely affect the r‐rich matter (which already contains an important quantity of Sr) but would change significantly the composition of the r‐poor matter. The abundances found in the CEMP‐r+s stars reflect the transfer of heavy elements from a defunct AGB companion. But the abundances of the heavy elements in CEMP‐no stars present the same characteristics as the the abundances in the EMP stars. Direct stellar ages may be found from radioactive elements, the precision is limited by the precision in the measurements of abundances from faint lines in faint stars, and the uncertainty in the initial abundances of the radioactive elements. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The theory of stars consisting of non-interacting neutrons at zero Kelvin isrevisited starting from a quantum formulation. The Dirac equation is solvedin a curved space-time with spherical symmetry and N single-particle quantumstates are filled with N neutrons in such a way that the mass of the star isa minimum constrained by Einstein's equations of general relativity. Thisrule leads to quantum ground states with local isotropy (i.e. isotropicpressure) for masses below the Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit, but quantum groundstates with local anisotropy above it. The calculations suggest that thereare stable neutron stars with mass well above the currently accepted limit.  相似文献   

In view of the recent report on the discovery of low mass halo stars for the candidates of MACHOs, a calculation has been made for the possible enhancement ofM/L ratio for populations of stars of varying mass domains taking the input data from the latest present day mass function (PDMF) of stars. It is seen that there is good scope for explaining dark matter problem where the dark matter is mostly in the form of low mass stars.  相似文献   

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