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从Sloan巡天第二批释放的数据(Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Data Release Two)中选择了395个在r波段亮于15 mag的晚型旋涡星系作为样本,对样本星系的表面亮度轮廓进行一维两成分(核球与盘)拟合,并着重讨论了盘的颜色梯度,分别用Δc/ΔR和Δc/Δlg R两种形式来拟合。结果表明,对于波长相距较大的颜色r-z和g-z,颜色梯度更符合Δc/ΔR为常数的线性变化形式,而g-r则符合Δc/ΔlgR为线性的情形;用Δc/ΔlgR拟合的梯度值分别为Δ(9-r)/ΔlgR=-0.152±0.010,Δ(r-z)/ΔlgR=-0.377±0.019,Δ(g-z)/ΔlgR=-0.590±0.026,均与前人的研究结果一致。  相似文献   

We compare the ionized gas velocity dispersion σgas with the stellar velocity dis-persion σ* in star-forming galaxies, composite galaxies, Low Ionization Nuclear Emission-line Regions (LINERs) and Seyfert 2s, compiled from a cross-identification of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Fourth Data Release (SDSS DR4) and Point Source Catalogue Redshift Survey (PSCz). We measure σgas from the FWHMs of emission lines (Hα, [NII]λλ6548, 6583 and [SII] λλ6716, 6731). A significant correlation between the gas and stellar velocity dispersion exists, despite substantial scatter. The mean value of the gas to stellar velocity dispersion ratio is close to unity. This suggests that gas velocity dispersion can substitute for the stellar veloc-ity dispersion as a tracer of the gravitational potential well for all the four types of galaxies,but the involved uncertainties are different from type to type. We also studied σgas/σ* as a function of the redshift and the axial ratio to test the effects of aperture and galaxy inclina-tion, and found that both effects are weak. Finally we checked the trend of σgas/σ* with the infrared luminosity and found no significant correlation.  相似文献   

We compare the ionized gas velocity dispersion σgas with the stellar velocity dispersion σ* in star-forming galaxies, composite galaxies, Low Ionization Nuclear Emissionline Regions (LINERs) and Seyfert 2s, compiled from a cross-identification of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Fourth Data Release (SDSS DR4) and Point Source Catalogue Redshift Survey (PSCz). We measure σgas from the FWHMs of emission lines (Hα, [NⅡ]λλ6548, 6583 and [SⅡ]λλ6716, 6731). A significant correlation between the gas and stellar velocity dispersion exists, despite substantial scatter. The mean value of the gas to stellar velocity dispersion ratio is close to unity. This suggests that gas velocity dispersion can substitute for the stellar velocity dispersion as a tracer of the gravitational potential well for all the four types of galaxies, but the involved uncertainties are different from type to type. We also studied -↑σgas, as a function of the redshift and the axial ratio to test the effects of aperture and galaxy inclination, and found that both effects are weak. Finally we checked the trend of -↑σgas/σ* with the infrared luminosity and found no significant correlation.  相似文献   

We present here the optical light curves of the Soft X-ray TransientsXTE J1550-564 and XTEJ1859+226 from outburst to quiescence  相似文献   

从Sloan数字巡天(Sloan Digital Sky Survey)第二批释放的数据(Data ReleaseTwo,简称DR2)中,选择了395个在r波段亮于15等的晚型旋涡星系作为样本,研究了这些星系及其盘的颜色星等关系.结果表明晚型旋涡星系及其盘的三个颜色g-r,r-z和g-z均与r波段的绝对星等有紧密的相关关系,越亮的星系(或盘),颜色越红,而且星系的相关性比盘的更强.  相似文献   

The 395 late-type spiral galaxies brighter than 15m in r-band are selected from the Data Release 2 of Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the colormagnitude relations of these galaxies and their disks are investigated. It is found that the colors g − r, r − z and g − z of these galaxies and their disks are strongly correlated with the r-band absolute magnitudes, i.e., the more luminous galaxies (or disks) have the redder colors than the less luminous galaxies (or disks). And the correlation of galaxies is stronger than that of their disks.  相似文献   

从Sloan数字巡天第2批释放的数据(SDSS DR2)中选择了395个在r波段亮于15等的面向晚型旋涡星系作为样本,研究了盘的颜色梯度与结构参数的关系.结果表明:盘的颜色梯度与盘的绝对星等(质量)无关;盘的颜色梯度与盘的尺度有关,越大的盘颜色梯度越陡;盘的颜色梯度与盘的颜色有关,越蓝的盘颜色梯度越陡;盘的颜色梯度与盘的表面亮度有关,越亮的盘颜色梯度越陡,并简单讨论了盘的颜色梯度与各结构参数的相关关系对晚型旋涡星系盘恒星形成历史的约束.  相似文献   

The problem of influence of the ambiental intergalactic pressure on extended gas associated with normal field galaxies is briefly discussed. An empirically established characteristic radius of absorption can not be explained in the context of simple two-phase halo model as a consequence of pressure equilibrium of the hot halo with the smooth intergalactic medium. This conclusion is based upon the stringent constraints on the temperature and density of the intergalactic plasma obtained through the CMBR measurements. On the other hand, ram-pressure stripping caused by peculiar motions of galaxies does present a viable alternative for the hot halo truncation. It is shown that for a particular set of chosen parameters, a simple model is capable of producing the absolute upper limit on the extent of gas associated with the galaxy. The values obtained are compatible with the results of the recent QSO absorption-line studies, and are significantly higher than the radius at which the cooling timescale of the halo gas equates the dynamical timescale.  相似文献   

From the second group of the data released by the Sloan numerical patrol survey (SDSS DR2), 395 face-on late-type spiral galaxies brighter than 15-th magnitude in the waveband r are selected as the sample. The relations between the color gradients and structural parameters of disks are studied. The results indicate the following: (1) The color gradient is independent of the absolute magnitude (mass) of the disk. (2) The color gradient of disk is concerned with the size of disk. The larger the disk, the steeper the color gradient. (3) The color gradient of disk is concerned with the color of disk. The bluer the disk color, the steeper the gradient. (4) The color gradient of disk is related with the surface brightness of disk. The brighter the disk, the steeper the color gradient. Moreover, the historical constraint formed by the relations between the color gradients of disks and various structural parameters is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We outline the results of a two-dimensional (2D) fit to the light distribution of early-type galaxies belonging to a complete volume-limited sample and discuss briefly the significant correlations among the structural parameters. In particular we reconfirm that the lack of structural homology is probably a characteristic of hot stellar systems. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An improved linear stability theory of small-amplitude oscillations of a self-gravitating, infinitesimally thin gaseous disk of spiral galaxies has been developed by Bertin, Lau, Lin, Mark, Morozov, Polyachenko, and others in the approximation of moderately tightly wound gravity perturbations. In this regime, the generalized Lin–Shu type dispersion relation was also found by including higher order terms in the small parameter 1/kr for wavenumber k and radius r. It was shown that in the differentially rotating disks for nonaxisymmetric (spiral)perturbations Toomre's modified critical Q-parameter is larger than the standard one: the fact that the spiral perturbations in the nonuniformly rotating system are more unstable than the axisymmetric ones is taken into account in this modified local stability criterion. We use hydrodynamical simulations to test the validity of the modified local criterion. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

束成钢 《天文学进展》2001,19(2):249-249
从星系形成和演化的角度出发,对星系结构和动力学进行的粗略的评述,内容包括:(1)初步描述了星系中各主要成分的物理特征(空间分布,运行学和化学)及其形成和演化,(2)Damped Lyman-alpha systems(DLAs)是本地星系的化石,对其进行观测研究是HST的主要任务之一,对DLAs宽的谱线轮廓的物理机制和其恒星形成,化学演化进行了讨论,(3)目前已证明Lyman Break方法是发现高红移高恒星形成星系的有效手段,讨论了Lyman Break Galaxies的动力学过程和恒星形象,(4)旋涡星系和椭圆星系的Scaling Law是星系形成和演化所必须解释的问题,对近期该方面的研究结果作了介绍,(5)整体超星的反馈作用在星系形成和演化中起了重要作用,评述了该物理过程对星系演化的影响;(6)随着观测资料的不断积累,各种物体对河外背景辐射的贡献已成了一个重要的研究方向,讨论了宇宙整体的星形成历史和化学演化,(7)银河系是进行星系形成和演化研究的归算零点,介绍了银河系的结构,动力学及演化。  相似文献   

邻近旋涡星系中观测到的磁场被理论学家解释为发电机作用的结果.而我们发现,在邻近的星系中,磁场的强度与中性氢的柱密度紧密相关.星系盘中的磁场处于磁重平衡状态.这一结果与发电机放大机制相悖,从而支持星系磁场是原初起源的假说.  相似文献   

The hierarchical and dynamical structure of the bimodal cluster of galaxies A 548, consisting of the two components A 548E and A 548W, was investigated. An HTree cluster analysis was used for this purpose. Based on the results of the analysis, three main nuclei, five subgroups, and six triplets of galaxies were distinguished in the cluster. These subgroups lie in regions of local density maxima of the entire cluster. The average radial velocities of the subgroups coincide with local maxima in the V r distribution of the entire cluster. The members of subgroups are 1.25 stellar magnitudes brighter, on the average, than other galaxies. Based both on the projected positions of the galaxies and on their radial velocities, the field of the cluster has a more uniform structure than does the entire system as a whole. Galaxies with different V r are unevenly distributed in the cluster: radial velocity increases from the periphery toward the center.  相似文献   

The investigation of the distributions of number densities and radial velocities in the Coma cluster led us to the conclusion that this cluster possesses substructures. This result is in agreement with corresponding results for the Hydra I cluster and the Perseus cluster and with former conclusions by different authors that substructures are a typical phenomenon for a high percentage of all clusters of galaxies.  相似文献   

The investigation of the distribution of number densities and radial velocities in the Perseus cluster led us to the conclusion that this cluster possesses dominant substructures. This result is in agreement with a corresponding result for the Hydra-I cluster and with former conclusions of different authors that substructures are a typical phenomenon for a high percentage of all clusters of galaxies. The complex of the Perseus cluster has a diameter of 60–80 minutes of arc.  相似文献   

Using the multi-band photometric data of all five CANDELS (Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey) fields and the near-infrared (F125W and F160W) high-resolution images of HST WFC3 (Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3), a quantitative study of morphology and structure of mass-selected galaxies is presented. The sample includes 8002 galaxies with a redshift 1 < z < 3 and stellar mass M*> 1010M. Based on the Convolutional Neural Network (ConvNet) criteria, we classify the sample galaxies into SPHeroids (SPH), Early-Type Disks (ETD), Late-Type Disks (LTD), and IRRegulars (IRR) in different redshift bins. The findings indicate that the galaxy morphology and structure evolve with redshift up to z ~ 3, from irregular galaxies in the high-redshift universe to the formation of the Hubble sequence dominated by disks and spheroids. For the same redshift interval, the median values of effective radii (re) of different morphological types are in a descending order: IRR, LTD, ETD, and SPH. But for the Sérsic index (n), the order is reversed (SPH, ETD, LTD, and IRR). In the meantime, the evolution of galaxy size (re) with the redshift is explored for the galaxies of different morphological types, and it is confirmed that their size will enlarge with time. However, such a phenomenon is not found in the relations between the redshift (1 < z < 3) and the mean axis ratio (b/a), as well as the Sérsic index (n).  相似文献   

Simultaneous multi-wavelength observations have revealed complex variability in AGNs. To explain the variability we considered a theoretical model consisting of an inner hot comptonizing corona and an outer thin accretion disk, with interactions between the two components in the form of comptonization and reprocessing. We found that the variability of AGNs is strongly affected by the parameters of the model, namely, the truncated disk radius rmin, the corona radius rs, the temperature KTe and the optical depth τ0 of the corona. We applied this model to the two best observed Seyfert 1 galaxies, NGC 5548 and NGC 4051. Our model can reproduce satisfactory the observed SEDs. Our fits indicate that NGC 5548 may have experienced dramatic changes in physical parameters between 1989-1990 and 1998, and that NGC 4051 has a much larger truncated disk radius (700 Schwarzschild radii) than NGC 5548 (several tens of Schwarzschild radii). Since we adopted a more refined treatment of the comptonization process rather than simply assuming a cut-off power law, our results should be more reasonable than the previous ones.  相似文献   

在考虑径向对流和不同光学厚度的基础上,我们采用一般的辐射致冷假设;在统一的框架内考察了吸积盘的整体结构.对α模型,我们发现在不同的盘区存在不同的整体结构.在吸积率较低时,存在三种类型解:光学厚的局部辐射致冷解;光学薄的局部致冷解;光学薄的对流致冷解.这些解在盘内较大范围内都存在且互不交叉.但在吸积率较高和粘滞系数较大时,两种局部致冷解会相互交叉,而对流为主的解在所有盘区都稳定存在.另一方面,在吸积率较高和粘滞系数较小时,两种光学薄解会相互交叉,而光学厚和局部致冷为主的解在所有盘区都存在.  相似文献   

The star-forming clumps in star-bursting dwarf galaxies provide valuable insights into understanding the evolution of dwarf galaxies.In this paper,we focus on five star-bursting dwarf galaxies featuring off-centered clumps in the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory survey.Using the stellar population synthesis software Fitting Analysis using Differential evolution Optimization,we obtain the spatially resolved distribution of the star formation history,which allows us to construct...  相似文献   

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