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Based on the results from seismogeological study, aeromagnetic inversion and deep seismic sounding (DSS), it is found that the M≥8.0 earthquakes in North China have three common deep structural characteristics, i.e., they all took place above the ultra-crustal deep faults or on the edges of the tectonic blocks with higher intensity, and there are low-velocity, low-density and high-conductive layers deep in the epicentral regions. The origins of the earthquakes are also discussed and the two possibilities of seismogenesis are proposed, i.e., tectonic movement and intracrustal explosion.  相似文献   

The post-earthquake rapid accurate assessment of macro influence of seismic ground motion is of significance for earthquake emergency relief, post-earthquake reconstruction and scientific research. The seismic intensity distribution map released by the Lushan earthquake field team of the China Earthquake Administration (CEA) five days after the strong earthquake (M7.0) occurred in Lushan County of Sichuan Ya’an City at 8:02 on April 20, 2013 provides a scientific basis for emergency relief, economic loss assessment and post-earthquake reconstruction. In this paper, the means for blind estimation of macroscopic intensity, field estimation of macro intensity, and review of intensity, as well as corresponding problems are discussed in detail, and the intensity distribution characteristics of the Lushan “4.20” M7.0 earthquake and its influential factors are analyzed, providing a reference for future seismic intensity assessments.  相似文献   

A stochastic triggering (epidemic) model incorporating short-term clustering was fitted to the instrumental earthquake catalog of Italy for event with local magnitudes 2.6 and greater to optimize its ability to retrospectively forecast 33 target events of magnitude 5.0 and greater that occurred in the period 1990–2006. To obtain an unbiased evaluation of the information value of the model, forecasts of each event use parameter values obtained from data up to the end of the year preceding the target event. The results of the test are given in terms of the probability gain of the epidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS) model relative to a time-invariant Poisson model for each of the 33 target events. These probability gains range from 0.93 to 32000, with ten of the target events yielding a probability gain of at least 10. As the forecasting capability of the ETAS model is based on seismic activity recorded prior to the target earthquakes, the highest probability gains are associated with the occurrence of secondary mainshocks during seismic sequences. However, in nine of these cases, the largest mainshock of the sequence was marked by a probability gain larger than 50, having been preceded by previous smaller magnitude earthquakes. The overall evaluation of the performance of the epidemic model has been carried out by means of four popular statistical criteria: the relative operating characteristic diagram, the R score, the probability gain, and the log-likelihood ratio. These tests confirm the superior performance of the method with respect to a spatially varying, time-invariant Poisson model. Nevertheless, this method is characterized by a high false alarm rate, which would make its application in real circumstances problematic.  相似文献   

A 3D, two-time-level, σS-z-σB hybrid-coordinate Marine Science and Numerical Modeling numerical ocean circulation model (HyMOM) is developed in this paper. In HyMOM, the σ coordinate is employed in the surface and bottom regions, and the z coordinate is used in the intermediate layers. This method can overcome problems with vanishing surface cells and minimize the unwanted deviation in representing bottom topography. The connection between the σ and z layers vertically includes an expanded “ghost” method and the linear interpolation. The governing equations in the σS-z-σB hybrid coordinate based on the complete Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations are derived in detail. The two-level time staggered and Eulerian forward and backward schemes, which are of second-order of accuracy, are adopted for the temporal difference in internal and external mode, respectively. The computation of the baroclinic gradient force is tested in an analytic test problem; the errors for two methods in HyMOM, which are relatively large only in the bottom layers, are obviously smaller than those in the pure σ and z models in almost all of the vertical layers. A quasi-global climatologic numerical experiment is constructed to test the simulation performance of HyMOM. With the monthly mean Levitus climatology data as reference, the HyMOM can improve the simulating accuracy compared with its pure z or σ coordinate implementation.  相似文献   

This study analyzes and compares the P- and S-wave displacement spectra from local earthquakes and explosions of similar magnitudes. We propose a new approach to discrimination between low-magnitude shallow earthquakes and explosions by using ratios of P- to S-wave corner frequencies as a criterion. We have explored 2430 digital records of the Israeli Seismic Network (ISN) from 456 local events (226 earthquakes, 230 quarry blasts, and a few underwater explosions) of magnitudes Md?=?1.4–3.4, which occurred at distances up to 250 km during 2001–2013 years. P-wave and S-wave displacement spectra were computed for all events following Brune’s source model of earthquakes (1970, 1971) and applying the distance correction coefficients (Shapira and Hofstetter, Teconophysics 217:217–226, 1993; Ataeva G, Shapira A, Hofstetter A, J Seismol 19:389-401, 2015), The corner frequencies and moment magnitudes were determined using multiple stations for each event, and then the comparative analysis was performed.The analysis showed that both P-wave and especially S-wave displacement spectra of quarry blasts demonstrate the corner frequencies lower than those obtained from earthquakes of similar magnitudes. A clear separation between earthquake and explosion populations was obtained for ratios of P- to S-wave corner frequency f 0(P)/f 0(S). The ratios were computed for each event with corner frequencies f 0 of P- and S-wave, which were obtained from the measured f 0 I at individual stations, then corrected for distance and finally averaged. We obtained empirically the average estimation of f 0(P)/f 0(S)?=?1.23 for all used earthquakes, and 1.86 for all explosions. We found that the difference in the ratios can be an effective discrimination parameter which does not depend on estimated moment magnitude M w .The new multi-station Corner Frequency Discriminant (CFD) for earthquakes and explosions in Israel was developed based on ratios P- to S-wave corner frequencies f 0(P)/f 0(S), with the empirical threshold value of the ratio for Israel as 1.48.  相似文献   

An earthquake with the moment magnitude M w ?=?5.8 occurred in the middle part of the Sakhalin Island, Russian Federation, on 14 August 2016, at 11:17 a.m. UTC. The earthquake source was located west of the Central Sakhalin Fault Zone, which is considered to mark the boundary between the Okhotsk and Eurasian (Amurian) plates. Moment tensor solution of the mainshock as well as the configuration of aftershock cloud suggests that the earthquake was caused by slip on a SW-dipping reverse fault. For the first time for Sakhalin, we have got the felt reports unified in accordance with DYFI. We also analyzed observed PGA values and, based on them, produced shaking maps.  相似文献   

In this study, pre-seismic and post-seismic total electron content (TEC) anomalies of 63 Mw?≥?5.0 earthquakes in Turkey (36°–42°N, 26°–45°E) were statistically investigated. The largest earthquake that occurred in Turkey during 2003–2016 is the Mw 7.1 Van earthquake on October 23, 2011. The TEC data of epicenters is obtained from CODE-GIM using a simple 4-point bivariate interpolation. The anomalies of TEC variations were determined by using a quartile-based running median process. In order to validate GIM results, we used the GPS-TEC data of available four IGS stations within the size of the Van earthquake preparation area. The anomalies that are detected by GIM and GPS-TEC show a similar pattern. Accordingly, the results obtained with CODE-GIM are reliable. The statistical results show that there are not prominent earthquake precursors for Mw?≤?6.0 earthquakes in Turkey.  相似文献   

In recent years, some researchers have studied the paleoearthquake along the Haiyuan fault and revealed a lot of paleoearthquake events. All available information allows more reliable analysis of earthquake recurrence interval and earthquake rupture patterns along the Haiyuan fault. Based on this paleoseismological information, the recurrence probability and magnitude distribution for M≥6.7 earthquakes in future 100 years along the Haiyuan fault can be obtained through weighted computation by using Poisson and Brownian passage time models and considering different rupture patterns. The result shows that the recurrence probability of M S≥6.7 earthquakes is about 0.035 in future 100 years along the Haiyuan fault.  相似文献   

We present results from a comparative analysis of empirical and synthetic shapes for isoseismals of low intensity (I = IV–VI on the MCS scale) for six Italian earthquakes of ML = 4.5–6. Our modeling of isoseismals is based on a plane-stratified earth model and on the double–couple point source approximation to calculate seismograms in the frequency range f 1 Hz. With a minimum of parameter variation we demonstrate that the low intensity isoseismals provide information on source geometry. We strive to avoid subjectivity in isoseismal constructions by using the new Diffuse Boundary method, which visualizes isoseismals with their uncertainty. Similar results in this direction are known for large earthquakes (ML 6 or greater) with extended sources and for the higher isoseismals (I VI on the MM scale). The latter studies disregard the earth structure, use a greater number of parameters, and therefore have greater possibilities for fitting the data than our approach.  相似文献   

During the 22nd Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE-22), the atmospheric gas samples above the oceanic surface and near the surface were collected on the track for the scientific ship “Xuelong” and on Millor Peninsula of eastern Antarctica, respectively, using the Tedlar gas bags. Every day the sampling times were 10:00 and 22:00 (local time), respectively. In the laboratory, high-precision measurement of the isotopic compositions for N2O in these gas samples was conducted using Thermo Finnigan MAT-253 Isotopic Mass Spectrometer with a fully automated interface for the pre-GC concentration (PreCon) of trace gases. The temporal and spatial variations of δ 15N and δ 18O in atmospheric N2O were analyzed. The mean δ 15N and δ 18O-N2O values above the oceanic surface were (7.21±0.50)‰ and (44.52±0.52)‰, respectively. From 30°N to Antarctica, the δ 15N (6.05‰–7.88‰) linearly increased with the rate of about 0.01‰ with the latitude while the δ 18O (43.05‰–48.78‰) showed a large fluctuation. The δ 15N negatively correlated with air temperature and N2O concentration, and slightly positively correlated with δ 18O. The summertime variations of δ 15N and δ 18O-N2O appeared the same trend on Millor Peninsula of eastern Antarctica. They significantly positively correlated with each other and negatively with N2O concentration. The δ 15N and δ 18O-N2O at different sites averaged (7.42±0.35)‰ and (44.69±0.49)‰, respectively, slightly higher than those above the oceanic surface, significantly higher than those of atmospheric N2O in the low-latitude regions of Northern Hemisphere. The predominant factors affecting the spatial variations of δ 15N and δ 18O values were also discussed. The isotopic data given in this study can help to investigate the global and regional N2O budgets. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40676005 and 40406001)  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal mapping the minimum magnitude of completeness Mc and b-value of the Gutenberg–Richter law is conducted for the earthquake catalog data of Greece. The data were recorded by the seismic network of the Institute of Geodynamics of the National Observatory of Athens (GINOA) in 1970–2010 and by the Hellenic Unified Seismic Network (HUSN) in 2011–2014. It is shown that with the beginning of the measurements at HUSN, the number of the recorded events more than quintupled. The magnitude of completeness Mc of the earthquake catalog for 1970–2010 varies within 2.7 to 3.5, whereas starting from April 2011 it decreases to 1.5–1.8 in the central part of the region and fluctuates around the average of 2.0 in the study region overall. The magnitude of completeness Mc and b-value for the catalogs of the earthquakes recorded by the old (GINOA) and new (HUSN) seismic networks are compared. It is hypothesized that the magnitude of completeness Mc may affect the b-value estimates. The spatial distribution of the b-value determined from the HUSN catalog data generally agrees with the main geotectonic features of the studied territory. It is shown that the b-value is below 1 in the zones of compression and is larger than or equal to 1 in the zones dominated by extension. The established depth dependence of the b-value is pretty much consistent with the hypothesis of a brittle–ductile transition zone existing in the Earth’s crust. It is assumed that the source depth of a strong earthquake can probably be estimated from the depth distribution of the b-value, which can be used for seismic hazard assessment.  相似文献   

Based on Center of Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) global ionospheric map (GIM) data, a statistical analysis of local total electron content (TEC) anomalies before 121 low-depth (D ≤ 100 km) strong (M w ≥ 7.0) earthquakes has been made using the sliding median differential calculation method combining with a new approach of image processing technique. The results show that significant local TEC anomalies could be observed 0–6 days before 80 earthquakes, about 66.1% out of the total. The positive anomalies occur more often than negative ones. For 26 cases, both positive and negative anomalies are observed before the shock. The pre-earthquake TEC anomalies show local time recurrence for 38 earthquakes, which occur around the same local time on different days. The local time distribution of the pre-earthquake TEC anomalies mainly concentrates between 19 and 06 LT, roughly from the sunset to sunrise. Most of the pre-earthquake TEC anomalies do not locate above the epicenter but shift to the south. The pre-earthquake TEC anomalies could be extracted near the magnetic conjugate point of the epicenter for 40 events, which is 50% out of the total 80 cases with significant local TEC anomalies. In general, the signs of the anomalies around epicenter and its conjugate point are the same, but the abnormal magnitude and lasting time are not.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the H-κ stacking technique of Zhu and Kanamori (J Geophys Res 105:2969–2980, 2000) has become a standard tool to determine the crustal thickness H and the bulk crustal vP/vS ratio κ from teleseismic receiver functions. It is obvious that unfavorable noise conditions as well as a complex 3D velocity structure can severely hamper the interpretation of receiver-function data. However, we observe that ambiguities can even arise from a simple 1D layered velocity structure which raises a high potential for misinterpretations. To analyze the feasibility and basic limitations of the H-κ stacking method, we conduct a series of tests based on synthetic data. The impact of different given elementary parameters, related either to the velocity structure or to the data processing, is evaluated in a series of eight individual tests. We deliberately exclude complications such as 3D structural variations and/or noise to show that even a simple 1D velocity structure, involving, e.g., an additional inter-crustal discontinuity, can have significant consequences for the interpretation of the results. However, our modeling suggests that more complex crustal structures may lead to even less reliable results. Additionally, our tests illustrate that time shifts of the maxima in the H-κ domain due to the superposition and merging of individual phases can lead to significantly overestimated vP/vS ratios. In general, the depth to the Moho (or other discontinuities of interest) is less significantly affected. Our tests indicate the necessity to accurately check delay times derived from the maxima of the H-κ stacks against corresponding phases in the receiver functions. Repeating the stacking with varied weighting factors and filter ranges can help to reduce the ambiguities and to avoid possible misinterpretation.  相似文献   

Upgrading of the electrical resistance variometer GEOMES-R6 of the Institute of Geophysics of the Poland Academy of Sciences, with enhancement of functional capabilities of the GEOMES assemblage for its application in laboratory measurements on rock samples, has been carried out. The assemblage operation principle, specifications, and theory of operation are given. Results of the assemblage test at measurements on marble sample and concrete model are presented. It is shown that the installation allows long-duration registration of variations of the value ρ k on high-ohmic samples.  相似文献   

A moderate shallow earthquake occurred on 5 December 2014 (M W = 4.9) in the north of Lake Hovsgol (northern Mongolia). The infrasonic signal with duration 140 s was recorded for this earthquake by the “Tory” infrasound array (Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia). Source parameters of the earthquake (seismic moment, geometrical sizes, displacement amplitudes in the focus) were determined using spectral analysis of direct body P and S waves. The spectral analysis of seismograms and amplitude variations of the surface waves allows to determine the effect of the propagation of the rupture in the earthquake focus, the azimuth of the rupture propagation direction and the velocity of displacement in the earthquake focus. The results of modelling of the surface displacements caused by the Hovsgol earthquake and high effective velocity of propagation of infrasound signal (~ 625 m/s) indicate that its occurrence is not caused by the downward movement of the Earth’s surface in the epicentral region but by the effect of the secondary source. The position of the secondary source of infrasound signal is defined on the northern slopes of the Khamar-Daban ridge according to the data on the azimuth and time of arrival of acoustic wave at the Tory station. The interaction of surface waves with the regional topography is proposed as the most probable mechanism of formation of the infrasound signal.  相似文献   

A key issue in the design of pile-supported structures on sloping ground is soil–pile interaction, which becomes more complicated in case of dynamic loading. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of slope on the dynamic behavior of pile-supported structures by performing a series of centrifuge tests. Three models were prepared by varying the slope and soil density of dry sand grounds. The mass supported on 3 by 3 group piles was shaken applying sinusoidal wave with various amplitudes. Test results showed that the location of maximum values and distribution shape of the bending moment below the ground surface varied noticeably with the pile position in the slope case. The relationship between the soil resistance and pile deflection (pyp loops) was carefully evaluated by applying the piecewise cubic spline method to fit the measured bending moment curves along piles. It was found that the shape of the pyp loops was irregular due to the effect of slope, and immensely influenced by the movement of the unstable zone. In addition, the effect of the pile group in the horizontal case was evaluated by comparing with the previously suggested curves that represent the relationship between the soil resistance and pile–soil relative displacement (py curves) to propose the multiplier coefficients.  相似文献   

Stable isotope paleoaltimetry has provided unprecedented insights into the topographic histories of many of the world’s highest mountain ranges. However, on the Tibetan Plateau (TP), stable isotopes from paleosols generally yield much higher paleoaltitudes than those based on fossils. It is therefore essential when attempting to interpret accurately this region’s paleoaltitudes that the empirical calibrations of local stable isotopes and the relations between them are established. Additionally, it is vital that careful estimations be made when estimate how different isotopes sourced from different areas may have been influenced by different controls. We present here 29 hydrogen isotopic values for leaf wax-derived n-alkanes (i.e., δDwax values, and abundance-weighted average δD values of C29 and C31) in surface soils, as well as the δD values of soil water (δDsw) samples (totaling 22) from Mount Longmen (LM), on the eastern TP (altitude ~0.8–4.0 km above sea level (asl), a region climatically affected by the East Asian Monsoon (EAM). We compared our results with published data from Mount Gongga (GG). In addition, 47 river water samples, 55 spring water samples, and the daily and monthly summer precipitation records (from May to October, 2015) from two precipitation observation stations were collected along the GG transect for δD analysis. LM soil δDwax values showed regional differences and responded strongly to altitude, varying from?160‰ to?219‰, with an altitudinal lapse rate (ALR) of?18‰ km?1 (R 2=0.83; p<0.0001; n=29). These δDwax values appeared more enriched than those from the GG transect by ~40‰. We found that both the climate and moisture sources led to the differences observed in soil δDwax values between the LM and GG transects. We found that, as a general rule, ε wax/rw, ε wax/p and ε wax/sw values (i.e., the isotopic fractionation of δDwax corresponding to δDrw, δDp and δDsw) increased with increasing altitude along both the LM and GG transects (up to 34‰and 50‰, respectively). Basing its research on a comparative study of δDwax, δDp, δDrw(δDspringw) and δDsw, this paper discusses the effects of moisture recycling, glacier-fed meltwater, relative humidity (RH), evapotranspiration (ET), vegetation cover, latitude, topography and/or other factors on ε wax/p values. Clearly, if ε wax-p values at higher altitudes are calculated using smaller ε wax-p values from lower altitudes, the calculated paleowaterδDp values are going to be more depleted than the actual δD values, and any paleoaltitude would therefore be overestimated.  相似文献   

Conventional f?x empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is an effective random noise attenuation method for use with seismic profiles mainly containing horizontal events. However, when a seismic event is not horizontal, the use of f?x EMD is harmful to most useful signals. Based on the framework of f?x EMD, this study proposes an improved denoising approach that retrieves lost useful signals by detecting effective signal points in a noise section using local similarity and then designing a weighting operator for retrieving signals. Compared with conventional f?x EMD, f?x predictive filtering, and f?x empirical mode decomposition predictive filtering, the new approach can preserve more useful signals and obtain a relatively cleaner denoised image. Synthetic and field data examples are shown as test performances of the proposed approach, thereby verifying the effectiveness of this method.  相似文献   

Clay fractions in the non-calcareous surface sediments from the eastern Pacific were analyzed for clay minerals, REE and 143Nd/144Nd. Montmorillonite/illite ratio (M/I ratio), total REE contents (ΣREE), LREE/HREE ratio and cerium anomaly (δCe) may effectively indicate the genesis of clay minerals. Clay fractions with M/I ratio <1, δCe >0.85, ΣREE <400 μg/g, LREE/HREE ratio ≈4, and REE patterns similar to those of pelagic sediments are terrigenous and autogenetic mixed clay fractions and contain more autogenetic montmorillonite. Clay fractions with M/I ratio >1, δCe=0.86 to 1.5, ΣREE=200 to 350 μg/g, LREE/HREE ratio ≈6 and REE distribution patterns similar to that of China loess are identified as terrigenous clay fraction. The 143Nd/144Nd ratios or ɛNd values of clay fractions inherit the features of terrigenous sources of clay minerals. Clay fractions are divided into 4 types according to ɛNd values. Terrigenous clay minerals of type I with the ɛNd values of ™8 to ™6 originate mainly from North American fluvial deposits. Those of type II with the ε Nd values of ™9 to ™7 are mainly from the East Asia and North American fluvial deposits. Those of type III with ε Nd values of ™6 to ™3 could come from the central and eastern Pacific volcanic islands. Those of type IV with ε Nd values of ™13 to ™12 may be from East Asia eolian. The terrigenous and autogenetic mixed clay fractions show patchy distributions, indicating that there are volcanic or hot-spot activities in the eastern Pacific plate, while the terrigenous clay fractions cover a large part of the study area, proving that the terrigenous clay minerals are dominant in the eastern Pacific.  相似文献   

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