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深部采空区尾砂胶结充填体强度特性试验研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
采空区充填体可以改善围岩应力状态、限制围岩移动的规模,维护空区的稳定性和地表的生态环境。根据充填体作用的机理,利用正交试验研究影响尾砂充填体强度的因素,优选出符合工程需要的尾砂胶结充填体材料配比,分析了该配比下的充填体强度特性。结果表明,充填体可以有效地限制该矿区的地压活动,对于资源的二次利用和环境保护也有较大意义。  相似文献   

尾砂胶结充填体损伤模型及与岩体的匹配分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
刘志祥  李夕兵  戴塔根  曹平 《岩土力学》2006,27(9):1442-1446
分别对灰砂配比为1:4,1:8,1:10和1:12的4种尾砂胶结充填体进行了力学试验,得出了其应力-应变曲线。分析了不同配比充填体变形与破坏特征,用损伤力学建立了4种不同配比充填体损伤本构方程。经验算对比,所建立的损伤本构方程与试验结果吻合。尾砂胶结充填体损伤研究表明,不同配比的充填体表现出不同的损伤特性,充填体配比越低,达到峰值应力时的损伤值越小;峰值应力后,损伤增长越快,破坏过程越突然。根据岩体开挖释放能量与充填体蓄积应变能相近的原则,探讨了充填体与岩体的合理匹配。充填体与岩体的匹配系数与原岩应力、岩体弹性模量、充填体弹性模量及充填体损伤参数相关。为了便于工程实际应用,对充填体力学试验结果进行了回归分析,得出了充填体强度设计公式,并研究了深部矿床不同开采深度所要求的充填体强度。  相似文献   

曹帅  宋卫东  薛改利  王洋  朱鹏瑞 《岩土力学》2015,36(10):2869-2876
充填体分层现象在分段或阶段嗣后填充采空区过程中较为常见。设置65%、70%、72%和75% 4个浓度,填充次数为1、2、3和4制作不同分层胶结充填体试件,进行单轴压缩试验探究其力学强度及其破坏模式。试验结果表明:(1)相同浓度条件下,随着填充次数增多,胶结充填体的单轴抗压强度弱化效应越明显,而当浓度在65%~75%之间变化时,对应强度折减系数介于0.592~0.967;(2)充填体单轴抗压强度与填充次数之间满足二次多项式函数关系,而与料浆浓度呈对数函数分布;(3)不同分层胶结充填体的破坏模式主要表现为共轭剪切破坏和贯穿分层面的张拉破坏。低强度夹层可能是导致分层胶结充填体强度降低的原因,能够为后期填充采空区的充填体强度设计提供可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

超细尾砂已成为充填材料的主要来源。为了便于充填料浆配合比设计与强度预测,基于超细料浆微观结构,提出用固体填充率表征充填料浆结构密实程度。选用某矿山超细尾砂进行了63组配合比强度试验。研究结果表明:固体填充率和水灰比与充填体无侧限强度分别呈指数函数和负幂函数关系。采用Pearson理论对试验样本进行相关性分析,结果表明:固体填充率与水灰比相互独立。在此基础上,建立了超细尾砂胶结充填体双变量强度计算模型,模型计算值与试验值的误差在7%以内。进行了超细尾砂胶结体强度随养护时间增长的试验,基于试验数据拟合规律,提出了强度龄期数学模型,建立了三变量强度计算公式。模型能准确预测矿山充填体强度,且能有效指导矿山充填料浆设计。  相似文献   

曹帅  杜翠凤  谭玉叶  付建新 《岩土力学》2015,36(8):2370-2376
矿柱宽度和充填体自立高度是阶段嗣后充填顺利实施的重要影响因素。基于弹性力学平面应变基本假设,建立阶段嗣后胶结充填体矿柱力学模型并进行理论求解。以某铁矿为工程分析实例,采用控制变量法(CVM)研究矿柱不同宽度、高度条件下,水平应力和剪应力的变化规律。研究表明:矿房极限宽度和高度分别为19.8 m和103.2 m。胶结充填体矿柱水平应力随矿柱高度的增高而逐渐增大;剪应力在矿柱中心位置达到最大,且高度越大,剪应力值也越大。在胶结充填体矿柱与非胶结充填体接触侧剪应力趋于定值。矿柱宽度分别为15、18、20 m时,其剪应力分别为243.8、292.6、325.1 kPa。而产生剪应力的主要原因是非胶结充填体受水平应力作用在与胶结充填体矿柱接触面产生滑动摩擦力所致。  相似文献   

赵奎  何文  熊良宵  杨欣  王晓军 《岩土力学》2012,33(Z1):112-116
关于岩石蠕变特性的研究已有诸多成果,但对胶结充填体的蠕变特性还缺乏系统地研究。在室内充填体单轴蠕变试验的基础上,利用Hoek-Kelvin模型表征充填体的蠕变特性,运用粒子群优化算法,对选用的蠕变模型的参数进行辨识,并研究各蠕变参数对应力水平的敏感程度。研究结果表明,在不同分级应力水平加载下,弹性模量EH和黏滞系数η变化较小,而参数EK对应力水平变化较敏感。利用FLAC3D软件二次开发所建立的蠕变模型,用开发的模型进行分级加载蠕变的数值模拟,计算结果与试验数据吻合。  相似文献   

易雪枫  刘春康  王宇 《岩土力学》2020,(10):3365-3373
为了揭示金属矿尾废胶结充填体(CWRB)破裂过程中的细观力学特性及尾废胶结协同作用机制,采用单轴压缩实时CT扫描力学试验对废石含量(WBP)为0%(全尾砂胶结充填体)、30%、50%和70%的充填体损伤破裂演化过程进行了可视化和数字化表征,揭示了充填体细观损伤和破裂演化的内在力学机制。结果表明,尾废胶结充填体中的废石含量会影响应力-应变响应,随着废石含量的增加,充填体的强度也会增加。强度增加的主要原因是试样中挠曲破裂面扩展的地质力学效应。充填体开裂后裂纹的形状受废石块形状、大小和分布的影响。基质-块体交接界面为充填体中最薄弱的部分。裂纹的形成和扩展最终导致了尾废胶结充填体的应力剪胀行为。界面损伤开裂控制了试样中裂纹扩展路径及强度特性。尾废胶结充填体的强度效应取决于块石的含量,废石-废砂胶结充填体的相互作用控制着试样强度的增加,块石间的互锁作用对于提高试样的整体刚度具有重要影响。该研究成果对于金属矿固废绿色处置及矿产资源的可持续开发具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   

为研究尾砂胶结充填体的动态力学性能及能量损伤演化过程,采用分离式霍普金森杆对尾砂胶结充填体进行了不同应变率下的冲击加载试验。试验结果表明:充填体的动态抗压强度和动态抗压强度增强因子随应变率的增加呈指数函数递增规律,且水泥含量越低的充填体应变率效应更显著;充填体的峰前能耗量密度、峰后能耗量密度、单位体积应变能及总能耗量密度随应变率的增加均呈指数函数递增规律,且动态抗压强度与峰后耗散能密度具有明显的正相关关系;冲击载荷作用下,充填体变形破坏主要经历了线弹性变形、屈服破坏及峰后破裂这3个阶段;在充填体的线弹性变形及屈服破坏阶段,能量以弹性应变能的形式储存在试样内部,而在峰后破裂阶段,能量以耗散能释放为主;冲击加载下,充填体的受荷能量损伤演化过程划分为损伤稳定发展阶段、损伤加速阶段及损伤破坏阶段3个阶段。  相似文献   

采用MTS815岩石力学试验系统与自制的胶结充填体制作装置,对骨架颗粒满足Talbol级配理论的废石胶结充填体进行单轴抗压试验研究,分析了Talbol幂指数、初始孔隙度、胶结材料种类及含量对充填体强度及变形特性的影响规律。结果表明:充填体单轴抗压强度、弹性模量、变形模量均随Talbol指数n呈先增大、后减小的趋势;采用2次多项式拟合充填体单轴抗压强度与骨架颗粒Talbol指数的关系,得到了使充填体强度及变形特性达到最优的Talbol指数n=0.45。充填体单轴抗压强度基本上随其初始孔隙度的增大而减小,但当孔隙分布均匀性较差时,其试验结果具有一定差异。满足Talbol分布的充填体强度随其胶结材料胶结性能的提高而逐渐增大,其中水泥胶结充填体单轴抗压强度可以达到黏土胶结充填体的6倍以上。另外,胶结材料含量的提高同样可以增大充填体的强度,并能够相应地缩短其应力-应变曲线中的孔隙压密阶段。  相似文献   

矿山充填开采正逐步向寒区甚至永久冻土区发展,这些区域含盐地下水分布非常广泛。同时,极端寒冷条件下往往需要向充填材料中加入一些防冻盐以防止料浆在输送过程中发生冻结。通过室内测试分析了-6℃环境下不同盐分(Na Cl)膏体充填体力学特性(强度和初始弹性模型)随时间演化特征。利用单轴压力机测得了龄期为7、28、90 d膏体充填体的强度和初始弹性模量,结果表明NaCl的加入会降低冻结充填体的强度,其影响程度取决于胶结料类型。试样的强度随着养护时间的增加而增大。此外,不论盐分浓度、养护时间和胶结料类型,试样的强度与初始弹性模量之间存在显著的线性关系。该研究结果可以为寒区含盐膏体充填技术的开展提供一些依据。  相似文献   

Although the use of blasting has become a routine in contemporary mine operations, there is a lack of knowledge on the response of cement tailings backfills subjected to sudden dynamic loading. To rationally describe such a phenomenon, a new coupled chemo‐viscoplastic cap model is proposed in the present study to describe the behavior of hydrating cemented tailings backfill under blast loading. A modified Perzyna type of visco‐plasticity model is adopted to represent the rate‐dependent behavior of the cemented tailings backfill under blast loading. A modified smooth surface cap model is consequently developed to characterize the yield of the material, which also facilitates hysteresis and full compaction as well as dilation control. Then, the viscoplastic formulation is further augmented with a variable bulk modulus derived from a Mie–Gruneisen equation of state, in order to capture the nonlinear hydrostatic response of cemented backfills subjected to high pressure. Subsequently, the material properties required in the viscoplastic cap model are coupled with a chemical model, which captures and quantifies the degree of cement hydration. Thus, the behavior of hydrating cemented backfills under the impact of blast loading can be evaluated under any curing time of interest. The validation results of the developed model show a good agreement between the experimental and the predicted results. The authors believe that the proposed model will contribute to a better understanding of the performance of cemented backfills under mine blasting and contribute to evaluating and managing the risk of failure of backfill structures under such a dynamic condition. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

田阳辉  李小春  魏宁 《岩土力学》2011,32(12):3597-3603
地下采矿引起了地表塌陷和错动;尾矿库储存尾砂能力有限,同时又受到征地限制。为综合解决这两个问题,针对金山店铁矿现状,采用半干胶结块体充填塌陷区。但在上覆和周围岩层再塌陷过程中,充填块体易破碎粉化并诱发深部采空区泥石流。因此,需要研究塌陷后充填块体的粉化率以及诱发泥石流的可能性。为此,分别对抗压强度为1、3 MPa的尾砂胶结块体和抗压强度为6 MPa的尾砂胶结块体与废石混合体进行分级压缩,并记录竖向应力-应变;当加载到某一级荷载胶结块体发生破碎并粉化时,取样进行颗粒筛分试验,分析破碎块体的粒径分布曲线。对试验结果分析可得,在采空区发生塌陷压缩胶结块体时,各种状态下的块体粉化率为8%~15%;胶结块体与废石混合充填,可有效降低围岩塌陷后充填体破碎的块体粉化率,结合泥石流试验结果,尾砂胶结块体充填诱发泥石流的可能性较小;即使发生,也能保证矿区井下正常生产  相似文献   

Recycling the mine waste (tailings) into cemented tailings backfill has economical and environmental advantages for the mining industry. One of the most recent types of cemented tailings backfill is gelfill (GF), a backfill that contains sodium silicate as chemical additive. GF is typically made of tailings, water, binder and chemical additives (sodium silicate gel). It is a promising mine tailings backfill technology. From a design point of view, the environmental performance or durability of GF structures is considered as a key factor. Due to the fact that GF structures are cementitious tailings, their durability and environmental performance depend on their ability to resist the flow of aggressive elements (water and oxygen). Thus, understanding the unsaturated hydraulic properties of GF is essential for a cost-effective, environmentally friendly and durable design of GF structures. However, there is a lack of information with regards to unsaturated hydraulic properties of GF, the factors that affect them and their evolution with time. Hence, the unsaturated hydraulic properties (water retention curve (WRC) or water characteristic curve, air entry value (AEV), residual water content, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity) of GF are investigated in this paper. GF samples of various compositions and cured in room temperature for different times (3, 7, 28, and 90 days) are considered. Saturated hydraulic conductivity and microstructural tests have been conducted; WRCs are measured by using a WP4-T dewpoint potentiameter and the saline solution method. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is predicted using the van Genuchten (1980) equation. The water retention curve (WRC) is determined as the relationship between volumetric water content and suction for each GF mix and curing time. The van Genuchten (1980) equation is used to simulate the WRC to best-fit the experimental data. AEV and residual water content are also computed for each mix and curing time. Furthermore, functions are developed to predict the evolution of AEVs, residual water content and fitting parameters of the van Genuchten model with degree of hydration. Important outcomes have been achieved with regards to unsaturated hydraulic properties. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of GF was calculated to decrease when the suction, binder content, and degree of hydration increase. The effects of binder content and degree of hydration are more obvious at low suction ranges. The obtained results would contribute to a better design and assessment of the durability and environmental performance of GF structures.  相似文献   

曹帅  宋卫东  薛改利 《岩土力学》2018,39(Z1):341-347
为探究不同充填间隔时间(FTS)和料浆浓度对胶结充填体长期强度影响机制,配制70%、72%、75%三个浓度、充填间隔时间为12、24、36、48 h的两分层胶结充填体试件,开展单轴抗压强度(UCS)试验并探究其力学特性及其破坏形式。试验结果表明,(1)胶结充填体峰值抗压强度随充填间隔时间增大而呈递减趋势,充填间隔时间一定时胶结充填体抗压强度随料浆浓度增大而增大,且峰值抗压强度与充填间隔时间呈多项式函数规律;(2)胶结充填体试件加载过程中表现为压密阶段、线弹性阶段、裂纹扩展阶段和破坏发展4个阶段,随充填间隔时间延长,胶结充填体的破坏形式可能表现为张拉破坏–拉剪破坏过渡–拉剪混合破坏的损伤模式。研究结论能够为后期充填体强度设计和稳定性控制提供有益参考。  相似文献   

After placement of cemented tailings backfill (CTB), which is a mixture of tailings (man‐made soil), water, and binder, into underground mined‐out voids (stopes), the hydration reaction of the binder converts the capillary water into chemically bound water, which results in the reduction of the water content in the pores of the CTB, thereby causing a reduction in the pore‐water pressure in the CTB (self‐desiccation). Self‐desiccation has a significant impact on the pore‐water pressure and effective stress development in CTB and paramount and practical importance for the stability assessment and design of CTB structures and barricades. However, self‐desiccation in CTB structures is complex because it is a function of the multiphysics or coupled (i.e., thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical) processes that occur in CTB. To understand the self‐desiccation behavior of CTB, an integrated multiphysics model of self‐desiccation is developed in this study, which fully considers the coupled thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical processes and the consolidation process in CTB. All model coefficients are determined in measurable parameters. Moreover, the predictive ability of the model is verified with extensive case studies. A series of engineering issues are examined with the validated model to investigate the self‐desiccation process in CTB structures with respect to the changes in the mixture recipe, backfilling, and the surrounding rock and curing conditions. The obtained results provide in‐depth insight into the self‐desiccation behavior of CTB structures. The developed multiphysics model is therefore a potential tool for assessing and predicting self‐desiccation in CTB structures.  相似文献   

借助自主设计的由加载控制系统、应变采集系统、电阻同步采集系统以及红外成像系统等组成的多参数、同步监测系统,研究了充填体在单轴压缩过程中的应力-应变、电阻率以及温度变化规律,分析了充填体在破坏失稳应力-应变、电阻率以及热效应异常前兆特征,并对比了不同监测信息对同一事件破坏的敏感度和差异性。结果表明:充填体的电阻率和热红外信息时空演化进程与其压缩变形破坏整个过程基本相符,且具有明显的阶段性;在整个加载破坏过程中,观测到的电阻率前兆信息点要早于热红外前兆点、应力前兆点;与应力-应变、温度变化相比,电阻率变化规律具有明显的反对称性;电阻率变化规律能详细地表现充填体受压过程中每个阶段内部结构变化特征,而热红外信息则主要体现充填体塑性屈服前的表面结构温度演化特性。运用多参数评价充填体加载破坏前兆特征,能克服单纯考虑某一参数变化方法预警可信度低、错误率高的缺点。该方法是一种能全面、精准地掌握采场充填体稳定状态的有效方法。  相似文献   

管棚力学行为的解析分析与现场测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾金青  王海涛  涂兵雄  孟刚 《岩土力学》2010,31(6):1858-1864
管棚超前预支护在隧道上部形成纵向拱效应,从而保证隧道的安全开挖。然而由于模型边界条件的复杂性,目前多局限于从管棚对控制围岩变形和开挖面稳定的整体效果进行研究,无法分析管棚真实的力学行为。对管棚的Winkler弹性地基梁模型进行了改进,并考虑了初期支护的延滞效应,基于Pasternak弹性地基梁理论,推导了管棚的挠度方程和内力计算公式,并提出求解方法。以一隧道开挖为例,通过Pasternak模型和Winkler模型的计算结果与管棚的现场测试数据的对比分析,说明Pasternak模型较Winkler模型与现场测试曲线吻合更好,说明Pasternak模型改进了Winkler模型中地基变形不连续的缺陷,更符合实际受力情况,能较好地反映管棚在隧道开挖过程中的真实力学行为。计算结果表明:管棚起着杠杆作用,能够有效地将开挖面附近的上部荷载向未开挖区传递,从而控制隧道变形,保证开挖面的稳定。  相似文献   

A pressure cell apparatus has been developed in this research work to study the long-term hydro-mechanical behaviour of cemented paste backfill (CPB) cured under applied stress. The samples are cured for 7, 28, 90 and 150 days and the evolution of their mechanical, hydraulic, physical and microstructural properties is studied. Also, the suction, temperature and electrical conductivity are monitored for a period of 150 days of curing. The testing and monitoring programmes are conducted in undrained conditions, with and without pressure application. The obtained results show that the curing stress affects the hydro-mechanical behaviour of CPB for up to 28 days. Within this curing period, the CPB exhibits enhanced hydro-mechanical performance. However, application of sustained excessive curing stress onto the CPB samples induces the propagation of microcracks in the backfill structure, thus causing lower mechanical strength and higher fluid permeability at the more advanced ages. Furthermore, the mineralogical and chemical compositions of the tailings (e.g., sulfidic tailings) can significantly alter the mechanical strength properties (uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus) and the permeability of the CPB. The evolution of coupled factors and characteristics of the CPB at an early age control and influence its long-term behaviour and performance.  相似文献   

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