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Northwest Africa (NWA) 8657 is an incompatible trace element-enriched, low-Al basaltic shergottite, similar in texture and chemistry to Shergotty, Zagami, and NWA 5298. It is composed of zoned pyroxene, maskelynite, merrillite, and Ti-oxide minerals with minor apatite, silica, and pyrrhotite. Pyroxene grains are characterized by patchy zoning, with pigeonite or augite cores zoned to Fe-rich pigeonite mantles. The cores have rounded morphologies and irregular margins. Combined with the low Ti/Al of the cores, the morphology and chemistry of the pyroxene grains are consistent with initial crystallization at depth (30–70 km) followed by partial resorption en route to the surface. Enriched rare earth element (REE) equilibrium melt compositions and calculated oxygen fugacities (fO2) conditions for pigeonite cores indicate that the original parent melts were enriched shergottite magmas that staged in chambers at depth within the Martian crust. NWA 8657 does not represent a liquid but rather entrained a proportion of pyroxene crystals from magma chambers where fractional crystallization was occurring at depth. Variation between fO2 and bulk-rock (La/Yb)N of the enriched and intermediate shergottites suggests that oxidation conditions and degree of incompatible element enrichment in the source may not be correlated, as thought previously. Shock melt pockets are characterized by an absence of phosphates and oxide minerals. It is likely that these phases were melted during shock. REEs were redistributed during this process into maskelynite and to a lesser extent the shock melt; however, the overall normalized REE profile of the shock melt is like that of the bulk-rock, but at lower absolute concentrations. Overall, shock melting has had a significant effect on the mineralogy of NWA 8657, especially the distribution of phosphates, which may be significant for geochronological applications of this meteorite and other Martian meteorites with extensive shock melt.  相似文献   

Elemental abundances for volatile siderophile and chalcophile elements for Mars inform us about processes of accretion and core formation. Such data are few for Martian meteorites, and are often lacking in the growing number of desert finds. In this study, we employed laser ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) to analyze polished slabs of 15 Martian meteorites for the abundances of about 70 elements. This technique has high sensitivity, excellent precision, and is generally accurate as determined by comparisons of elements for which literature abundances are known. However, in some meteorites, the analyzed surface is not representative of the bulk composition due to the over‐ or underrepresentation of a key host mineral, e.g., phosphate for rare earth elements (REE). For other meteorites, the range of variation in bulk rastered analyses of REE is within the range of variation reported among bulk REE analyses in the literature. An unexpected benefit has been the determination of the abundances of Ir and Os with a precision and accuracy comparable to the isotope dilution technique. Overall, the speed and small sample consumption afforded by this technique makes it an important tool widely applicable to small or rare meteorites for which a polished sample was prepared. The new volatile siderophile and chalcophile element abundances have been employed to determine Ge and Sb abundances, and revise Zn, As, and Bi abundances for the Martian mantle. The new estimates of Martian mantle composition support core formation at intermediate pressures (14 ± 3 GPa) in a magma ocean on Mars.  相似文献   

Kuebler et al. (2006) identified variations in olivine Raman spectra based on the composition of individual olivine grains, leading to identification of olivine composition from Raman spectra alone. However, shock on a crystal lattice has since been shown to result in a structural change to the original material, which produces a shift in the Raman spectra of olivine grains compared with the original unshocked olivine (Foster et al. 2013). This suggests that the use of the compositional calculations from the Raman spectra, reported in Kuebler et al. (2006), may provide an incorrect compositional value for material that has experienced shock. Here, we have investigated the effect of impact speed (and hence peak shock pressure) on the shift in the Raman spectra for San Carlos olivine (Fo91) impacting Al foil. Powdered San Carlos olivine (grain size 1–10 μm) was fired at a range of impact speeds from 0.6 to 6.1 km s?1 (peak shock pressures 5–86 GPa) at Al foil to simulate capture over a wide range of peak shock pressures. A permanent change in the Raman spectra was found to be observed only for impact speeds greater than ~5 km s?1. The process that causes the shift is most likely linked to an increase in the peak pressure produced by the impact, but only after a minimum shock pressure associated with the speed at which the effect is first observed (here 65–86 GPa). At speeds around 6 km s?1 (peak shock pressures ~86 GPa), the shift in Raman peak positions is in a similar direction (red shift) to that observed by Foster et al. (2013) but of twice the magnitude.  相似文献   

Analytic treatments of a particle encountering a collisionless shock have commonly been based on the assumption that the shock surface is quasi-planar with length scales larger than the particle gyroradius. Within this framework, the particle distribution function width is supposed to be conserved in any shock reflection process. It is well known, however, that the thermal energy associated with backstreaming ions upstream of Earth's bow shock is significantly larger than the incident solar wind thermal energy. In a previous study, we found that non-thermal features of ions reflected quasi-adiabatically can be accounted for by considering the effect of small, normally distributed fluctuations of the shock normal over short temporal or spatial scales. The strong dependence of the particle acceleration on shock geometry leads to an increase in the temperature and to a non-thermal tail. Here, we conduct a similar analysis to investigate the effects of small, normally distributed fluctuations in the shock normal direction for specularly reflected ions. This later mechanism is considered of first importance in the dissipation process occurring at quasi-perpendicular shocks. We have derived the probability distribution functions f(v) and f(v) of ions issued from a specular reflection of incident solar wind in the presence of normal direction fluctuations. These distributions deviate weakly from a Maxwellian, in agreement with the observations. In particular, a qualitative agreement with the ion thermal energy is obtained for fluctuations of the normal orientation in the 5-8° range about the nominal direction. Also, we have found that the shock θBn has a weak effect on the shape of the distribution. While, not a strong determinant of the reflected distribution characteristics, the dynamical shock structure at ion scales cannot be ignored when accounting for the shock-accelerated particle thermal energy.  相似文献   

Apatite is the major volatile‐bearing phase in Martian meteorites, containing structurally bound fluorine, chlorine, and hydroxyl ions. In apatite, F is more compatible than Cl, which in turn is more compatible than OH. During degassing, Cl strongly partitions into the exsolved phase, whereas F remains in the melt. For these reasons, the volatile concentrations within apatite are predictable during magmatic differentiation and degassing. Here, we present compositional data for apatite and merrillite in the paired enriched, olivine‐phyric shergottites LAR 12011 and LAR 06319. In addition, we calculate the relative volatile fugacities of the parental melts at the time of apatite formation. The apatites are dominantly OH‐rich (calculated by stoichiometry) with variable yet high Cl contents. Although several other studies have found evidence for degassing in the late‐stage mineral assemblage of LAR 06319, the apatite evolutionary trends cannot be reconciled with this interpretation. The variable Cl contents and high OH contents measured in apatites are not consistent with fractionation either. Volatile fugacity calculations indicate that water and fluorine activities remain relatively constant, whereas there is a large variation in the chlorine activity. The Martian crust is Cl‐rich indicating that changes in Cl contents in the apatites may be related to an external crustal source. We suggest that the high and variable Cl contents and high OH contents of the apatite are the results of postcrystallization interaction with Cl‐rich, and possibly water‐rich, crustal fluids circulating in the Martian crust.  相似文献   

Abstract— Chassigny is a shock-metamorphosed dunite of probable Martian origin. In order to determine its degree of shock metamorphism and to define the starting conditions prior to its ejection from Mars, the shock signature of Chassigny has been carefully examined by optical and electronoptical techniques. Dominant shock effects are the conversion of feldspars to diaplectic glass (maskelynite), the clino-/orthoenstatite inversion, strong mosaicism of olivine, and the activation of numerous planar fractures and c dislocations in olivine. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveals additionally the coexistance of planar fractures with, so far, unknown discontinuous fractures in olivine. These findings point to a shock pressure of 35 GPa. Chassigny has thus experienced a high and similar degree of shock metamorphism as the shergottites. The results of this study suggest that Chassigny was at a shallow target position, close to the point of impact, when it was ejected.  相似文献   

It is never too strange to expect that an eventual fifth repulsive interaction may also be mediated by a spin-2 field. On the other hand, it is highly unlikely that a spin-1 field may mediate an attractive force.  相似文献   

Cathodoluminescence (CL) analyses were carried out on maskelynite and lingunite in L6 chondrites of Tenham and Yamato-790729. Under CL microscopy, bright blue emission was observed in Na-lingunite in the shock veins. Dull blue-emitting maskelynite is adjacent to the shock veins, and aqua blue luminescent plagioclase lies farther away. CL spectroscopy of the Na-lingunite showed emission bands centered at ~330, 360–380, and ~590 nm. CL spectra of maskelynite consisted of emission bands at ~330 and ~380 nm. Only an emission band at 420 nm was recognized in crystalline plagioclase. Deconvolution of CL spectra from maskelynite successfully separated the UV–blue emission bands into Gaussian components at 3.88, 3.26, and 2.95 eV. For comparison, we prepared K-lingunite and experimentally shock-recovered feldspars at the known shock pressures of 11.1–41.2 GPa to measure CL spectra. Synthetic K-lingunite has similar UV–blue and characteristic yellow bands at ~550, ~660, ~720, ~750, and ~770 nm. The UV–blue emissions of shock-recovered feldspars and the diaplectic feldspar glasses show a good correlation between intensity and shock pressure after deconvolution. They may be assigned to pressure-induced defects in Si and Al octahedra and tetrahedra. The components at 3.88 and 3.26 eV were detectable in the lingunite, both of which may be caused by the defects in Si and Al octahedra, the same as maskelynite. CL of maskelynite and lingunite may be applicable to estimate shock pressure for feldspar-bearing meteorites, impactites, and samples returned by spacecraft mission, although we need to develop more as a reliable shock barometer.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present the results of a combined mineralogic‐petrologic and ion microprobe study of two martian meteorites recently recovered in the Lybian Sahara, Dar al Gani 476 (DaG 476) and Dar al Gani 489 (DaG 489). Having resided in a hot desert environment for an extended time, DaG 476 and DaG 489 were subjected to terrestrial weathering that significantly altered their chemical composition. In particular, analyses of some of the silicates show light rare earth element (LREE)‐enrichment resulting from terrestrial alteration. In situ measurement of trace element abundances in minerals allows us to identify areas unaffected by this contamination and, thereby, to infer the petrogenesis of these meteorites. No significant compositional differences between DaG 476 and DaG 489 were found, supporting the hypothesis that they belong to the same fall. These meteorites have characteristics in common with both basaltic and lherzolitic shergottites, possibly suggesting spatial and petrogenetic associations of these two types of lithologies on Mars. However, the compositions of Fe‐Ti oxides and the size of Eu anomalies in the earliest‐formed pyroxenes indicate that the two Saharan meteorites probably experienced more reducing crystallization conditions than other shergottites (with the exception of Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94201). As is the case for other shergottites, trace element microdistributions in minerals of the DaG martian meteorites indicate that closed‐system crystal fractionation from a LREE‐depleted parent magma dominated their crystallization history. Furthermore, rare earth element abundances in the orthopyroxene megacrysts are consistent with their origin as xenocrysts rather than phenocrysts.  相似文献   

Observational time series of the total sunspot area A in the visible solar hemisphere are analyzed. A technique that allows the instability of the scale of these series to be found and corrected has been developed. An internally homogeneous series of the index A on the Greenwich scale can be obtained from 1875 to the present. A method for the approximate calculation of the yearly mean A from the Wolf sunspot numbers known since 1700 is suggested to extend this series into the past. The resulting series of the index A characterizes the solar activity variations over a period of ~300 years. These data are used to study processes in the Solar System related to the variability of the central star.  相似文献   

We calculate the reverse shock (RS) synchrotron emission in the optical and the radio wavelength bands from electron–positron pair-enriched gamma-ray burst ejecta with the goal of determining the pair content of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) using early-time observations. We take into account an extensive number of physical effects that influence radiation from the RS-heated GRB ejecta. We find that optical/infrared flux depends very weakly on the number of pairs in the ejecta, and there is no unique signature of ejecta pair enrichment if observations are confined to a single wavelength band. It may be possible to determine if the number of pairs per proton in the ejecta is ≳100 by using observations in optical and radio bands; the ratio of flux in the optical and radio at the peak of each respective RS light curve is dependent on the number of pairs per proton. We also find that over a large parameter space, RS emission is expected to be very weak; GRB 990123 seems to have been an exceptional burst in that only a very small fraction of the parameter space produces optical flashes this bright. Also, it is often the case that the optical flux from the forward shock is brighter than the RS flux at deceleration. This could be another possible reason for the paucity of prompt optical flashes with a rapidly declining light curve at early times as was seen in GRBs 990123 and 021211. Some of these results are a generalization of similar results reported in Nakar & Piran.  相似文献   

Abstract— This study provides a complete data set of all five noble gases for bulk samples and mineral separates from three Martian shergottites: Shergotty (bulk, pyroxene, maskelynite), Zagami (bulk, pyroxene, maskelynite), and Elephant Moraine (EET) A79001, lithology A (bulk, pyroxene). We also give a compilation of all noble gas and nitrogen studies performed on these meteorites. Our mean values for cosmic‐ray exposure ages from 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar are 2.48 Myr for Shergotty, 2.73 Myr for Zagami, and 0.65 Myr for EETA79001 lith. A. Serious loss of radiogenic 4He due to shock is observed. Cosmogenic neon results for bulk samples from 13 Martian meteorites (new data and literature data) are used in addition to the mineral separates of this study in a new approach to explore evidence of solar cosmic‐ray effects. While a contribution of this low‐energy irradiation is strongly indicated for all of the shergottites, spallation Ne in Chassigny, Allan Hills (ALH) 84001, and the nakhlites is fully explained by galactic cosmic‐ray spallation. Implanted Martian atmospheric gases are present in all mineral separates and the thermal release indicates a near‐surface siting. We derive an estimate for the 40Ar/36Ar ratio of the Martian interior component by subtracting from measured Ar in the (K‐poor) pyroxenes the (small) radiogenic component as well as the implanted atmospheric component as indicated from 129Xe, * excesses. Unless compromised by the presence of additional components, a high ratio of ~2000 is indicated for Martian interior argon, similar to that in the Martian atmosphere. Since much lower ratios have been inferred for Chassigny and ALH 84001, the result may indicate spatial and/or temporal variations of 40Ar/36Ar in the Martian mantle.  相似文献   

The influence of solar EUV and solar wind conditions on ion escape at Mars is investigated using ion data from the Aspera-3 instrument on Mars Express, combined with solar wind proxy data obtained from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft. A solar EUV flux proxy based on data from the Earth position, scaled and shifted in time for Mars, is used to study relatively long time scale changes related to solar EUV variability. Data from May 2004 until November 2005 has been used. A clear dependence on the strength of the subsolar magnetic field as inferred from MGS measurements is seen in the ion data. The region of significant heavy ion flows is compressed and the heavy ion flux density is higher for high subsolar magnetic field strength. Because of the difference in outflow area, the difference in estimated total outflow is somewhat less than the difference in average flux density. We confirm previous findings that escaping planetary ions are mainly seen in the hemisphere into which the solar wind electric field is pointed. The effect is more pronounced for the high subsolar magnetic field case.The average ion motion has a consistent bias towards the direction of the solar wind electric field, but the main motion is in the antisunward direction. The antisunward flow velocity increases with tailward distance, reaching above at 2 to 3 martian radii downtail from Mars for O+ ions. Different ion species reach approximately the same bulk flow energy. We did not find any clear correlation between the solar EUV flux and the ion escape distribution or rate, probably because the variation of the solar EUV flux over our study interval was too small. The results indicate that the solar wind and its magnetic field directly interacts with the ionosphere of Mars, removing more ions for high subsolar magnetic field strength. The interaction region and the tail heavy ion flow region are not perfectly shielded from the solar wind electric field, which accelerates particles over relatively large tail distances.  相似文献   

Degassed magmatic water was potentially the major source of surficial water on Mars. We measured Li, B, and Be abundances and Li isotope profiles in pyroxenes, olivines, and maskelynite from four compositionally different shergottites—Shergotty, QUE 94201, LAR 06319, and Tissint—using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). All three light lithophile elements (LLE) are incompatible: Li and B are soluble in H2O‐rich fluids, whereas Be is insoluble. In the analyzed shergottites, Li concentration decreases and Be concentration increases from cores to rims in pyroxenes. However, B concentrations do not vary consistently with Li and Be abundances, except in QUE 94201 pyroxenes. Additionally, abundances of these three elements in olivines show a normal igneous‐fractionation trend consistent with the crystallization of olivine before magma ascent and degassing. We expect that kinetic effects would lead to fractionation of 6Li in the vapor phase compared to 7Li during degassing. The Li isotope profiles, with increasing δ7Li from cores to rims, as well as Li and B profiles indicate possible degassing of hydrous fluids only for the depleted shergottite QUE 94201, as also supported by degassing models. Conversely, Shergotty, LAR 06319, and Tissint appear to have been affected by postcrystallization diffusion, based on their LLE and Li isotope profiles, accompanied by diffusion models. This process may represent an overlay on a degassing pattern. The LLE profiles and isotope profiles in QUE 94201 support the hypothesis that degassing of some basaltic shergottite magmas provided water to the Martian surface, although evidence may be obscured by subsolidus diffusion processes.  相似文献   

Near-infrared images in H2 line emission and submillimetre maps in CO J  = 3–2 emission illustrate the remarkable association between a molecular bow shock and the redshifted molecular outflow lobe in W75N. The flow lobe fits perfectly into the wake of the bow, as one would expect if the lobe represented swept-up gas. Indeed, these observations strongly support the 'bow shock' entrainment scenario for molecular outflows driven by young stars.   The characteristics of the bow shock and CO outflow lobe are compared with those of numerical simulations of jet-driven flows. These models successfully reproduce the bulge and limb-brightening in the CO outflow, although the model H2 bow exhibits more structure extending back along the flow axis. We also find that the size of the flow, the high mass fraction in the flow at low outflow velocities (low γ values) and the high CO/H2 luminosity ratio indicate that the system is evolved. We also predict a correlation, in evolved systems, between outflow age and the CO/H2 luminosity ratio.  相似文献   

The effect of the disturbance behind a strong plane shock wave propagating in a medium with exponentially varying density in the presence of magnetic field is investigated. The similarity solution is used to find the two interaction terms at all points of the flow. A method has been developed to determine the similarity exponent in magnetogasdynamics.  相似文献   

The relations between variations of far UV (FUV) emission in 115–210 nm waveband and L 121.6 nm and F10.7 are studied. The changes of FUV flux are found to lag changes of F10.7 - as a rule for 1 day. It is shown that such a difference may be caused by two factors: 1) differences between the rates of decrease of local sources' (active regions) brightness in FUV and 10.7 cm; 2) differences between limb-darkening curves for different wavelengths. One may expect the fluxes at different wavelengths to exhibit phase shifts of one relative to another. Cross-correlation analysis reveals no time-delay between emission fluxes within the FUV waveband, in spite of different laws for limb-brightening (darkening) for different spectral intervals. The absence of a phase delay can be caused by relatively small contribution of active regions to the flux of the whole Sun at these wavelengths. Thus the Lyman-alpha line intensity variation reflects variations of Solar FUV emission more precisely than F10.7. Therefore, using the L intensity for flux intensity calculations of other FUV wavelengths is preferable to using the F10.7 index.  相似文献   

In this paper, the shock hodograph (polar) for a collisionless transverse shock has been developed in the plane of the flow deflection angle and total pressure jump. The sonic point on the hodograph lies closer to the characteristic than to the point of maximum flow deflection for an attached shock. This hodograph is particularly useful in the analysis of three shock confluences and refraction of shock waves at gas interfaces. The first analysis is fully described in this paper. It is observed that the third shock wave is forward facing. It is pertinent to note that the limited region of supersonic flow also restricts the occurrences of three shock interactions.  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to calibrate the phytolith index of tree cover density, D/P (the ratio of ligneous dicotyledons phytoliths (D) over Poaceae phytoliths (P)) with Leaf Area Index (LAI) measurements. LAI is the vertically integrated surface of leaves per unit of ground area (m2 leaves/m2 ground). Modern soil samples from southeastern Cameroon, collected along a continuous forest–savanna transect, have been analyzed for phytoliths. Phytolith assemblages and D/P index clearly record the physiognomy of the forest and savanna communities and of the transition between both of them. A highly significant relationship was obtained between D/P and LAI. The relationship between phytolith data and the vegetation transect is also discussed and compared with existing palynological results obtained along the same transect.  相似文献   

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