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Abstract— On January 15, 2006, Stardust, a man‐made space capsule, plummeted to Earth for a soft landing after spending seven years in space. Since the expected initial speed of the body was about 12.9 km/s, a four‐element ground‐based infrasound array was deployed to Wendover, Nevada, USA, to measure the hypersonic booms from the re‐entry. At a distance of ~33 km from the nominal trajectory, we easily recorded the weak acoustic arrivals and their continued rumbling after the main hypersonic boom arrival. In this paper, we report on subsequent analyses of these data, including an assessment of the expected entry characteristics (dynamics, energetics, ablation and panchromatic luminosity, etc.) on the basis of a bolide/meteor/fireball entry model that was specifically adapted for modeling a re‐entering man‐made object. Throughout the infrasonic data analyses, we compared our results for Stardust to those previously obtained for Genesis. From the associated entry parameters, we were also able to compute the kinetic energy density conservation properties for the propagating line source blast wave and compared the inviscid theoretical predictions against observed ground‐based infrasound amplitude and wave period data as a function of range. Finally, we made a top‐down bottom‐up assessment of the line source wave normals propagating downward into the complex temperature/sound speed and horizontal wind speed environment during January 15, 2006. This assessment proved to be generally consistent with the signal processing analysis and with the observed time delay between the known Stardust entry and the time of observations of infrasound signals, and so forth.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this paper, we review the recent hypothesis, based mostly on geomorphological features, that a ~130 m‐wide sag pond, surrounded by a saddle‐shaped rim from the Sirente plain (Abruzzi, Italy), is the first‐discovered meteoritic crater of Italy. Sub‐circular depressions (hosting ponds), with geomorphological features and size very similar to those exhibited by the main Sirente sag, are exposed in other neighboring intermountain karstic plains from Abruzzi. We have sampled present‐day soils from these sag ponds and from the Sirente sags (both the main “crater” and some smaller ones, recently interpreted as a crater field) and various Abruzzi paleosols from excavated trenches with an age range encompassing the estimated age of the “Sirente crater.” For all samples, we measured the magnetic susceptibility and determined the Ni and Cr contents of selected specimens. The results show that the magnetic susceptibility values and the geochemical composition are similar for all samples (from Sirente and other Abruzzi sags) and are both significantly different from the values reported for soils contaminated by meteoritic dust. No solid evidence pointing at an impact origin exists, besides the circular shape and rim of the main sag. The available observations and data suggest that the “Sirente crater,” together with analogous large sags in the Abruzzi intermountain plains, have to be attributed to the historical phenomenon of “transumanza” (seasonal migration of sheep and shepherds), a custom that for centuries characterized the basic social‐economical system of the Abruzzi region. Such sags were excavated to provide water for millions of sheep, which spent summers in the Abruzzi karstic high pasture lands, on carbonatic massifs deprived of natural superficial fresh water. Conversely, the distribution of the smaller sags from the Sirente plain correlates with the local pattern of the calcareous bedrock and, together with the characteristics of their internal structure, are best interpreted as natural dolines. In fact, reported radiocarbon ages for the formation of the main sag pond and of the smaller sags differ (significantly) by more than two millennia, thus excluding that they were all contemporaneously formed by a meteoritic impact.  相似文献   

What remains of a 30 g sample, first recognized as a meteorite in 1989 during characterization of metalworking debris from Danebury, an Iron Age hillfort, in Hampshire, England, has been classified as an H5 ordinary chondrite. Its arrival on Earth has been dated as 2350 ± 120 yr BP, making it contemporary with the period of maximum human activity at the recovery site. Despite its considerable terrestrial residence age, the interior of the specimen is remarkably fresh with a weathering index of W1/2. There is, however, no evidence of human intervention in its preservation. Its near‐pristine state is explained in terms of its serendipitous burial during the back‐fill of a pit dug into chalk by prehistoric people for the storage of grain. This chance discovery has interesting ramifications for the survival of meteorites in areas having a high pH because of a natural lime content arising as a result of the local geology.  相似文献   

Grove Mountains (GRV) 020090 is a “lherzolitic” shergottite found in the Grove Mountains, Antarctica. It exhibits two distinct textures: poikilitic and nonpoikilitic. In poikilitic areas, large pyroxene oikocrysts enclose subhedral olivine and chromite chadacrysts. Pyroxene oikocrysts are zoned from pigeonite cores to augite rims. In nonpoikilitic areas, olivine, pyroxene, and interstitial maskelynite occur as major phases, and minor phases include chromite and merrillite. Compared with typical “lherzolitic” shergottites, GRV 020090 contains a distinctly higher abundance of maskelynite (19 vol%). Olivine and pyroxene are more ferroan (Fa28–40, En57–72Fs24–31Wo4–14 and En46–53Fs17–21Wo26–35), and maskelynite is more alkali‐rich (Ab43–65Or2–7). The major phases, whole‐rock (estimated) and fusion crust of GRV 020090, are relatively enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE), similar to those of the geochemically enriched basaltic shergottites, but distinct from those of LREE‐depleted “lherzolitic” shergottites. Combined with a high oxygen fugacity of log fO2 = QFM ? 1.41 ± 0.04 (relative to the quartz‐fayalite‐magnetite buffer), it is clear that GRV 020090 sampled from an oxidized and enriched mantle reservoir similar to those of other enriched shergottites. The calculated REE abundances and patterns of the melts in equilibrium with the cores of major phases are parallel to but higher than that of the whole rock, suggesting that GRV 020090 originated from a single parent magma and experienced progressive fractional crystallization in a closed system. The crystallization age recorded by baddeleyite is 192 ± 10 (2σ) Ma, consistent with the young internal isochron ages of enriched shergottites. Baddeleyite dating results further demonstrated that the young ages, rather than ancient ages (>4 Ga), appear to represent the crystallization of Martian surface lava flow. GRV 020090 shares many similarities with Roberts Massif (RBT) 04261/2, the first enriched “lherzolitic” shergottite. Detailed comparisons suggest that these two rocks are petrologically and geochemically closely related, and probably launch paired.  相似文献   

The Grier(b), New Mexico meteorite, a single mass of 929.4 grams, was found in 1969. This brecciated chondrite can be classified as an L-group from the bulk chemical analysis, ~ 8 wt % metal with an estimated total iron content of 25 wt %, and the constant olivine (Fa25.5) and orthopyroxene (Fs23) compositions. The main portion of the meteorite fits the criteria for an L5 (grey to intermediate hypersthene) chondrite. A conspicuous, large (several cm3) dense fragment, texturally an L6–7 chondrite, contains practically no metal or chondrules. However, there is little variation in the bulk silicate and individual phase compositions between the fragment and the matrix. In spite of this, it seems unlikely that the fragment was created in situ because metal and sulfide are not found in the fragment-matrix contact zone; thus the formation of olivines and pyroxenes in both parts, as well as the “draining” of metal from the fragment, occurred prior to accretion with little, if any, subsequent thermal metamorphism.  相似文献   

We present results of a study of the so-called “stickiness” regions where orbits in mappings and dynamical systems stay for very long times near an island and then escape to the surrounding chaotic region. First we investigated the standard map in the form xi+1 = xi+yi+1 and yi+1 = yi+K/2π · sin(2πxi) with a stochasticity parameter K = 5, where only two islands of regular motion survive. We checked now many consecutive points—for special initial conditions of the mapping—stay within a certain region around the island. For an orbit on an invariant curve all the points remain forever inside this region, but outside the “last invariant curve” this number changes significantly even for very small changes in the initial conditions. In our study we found out that there exist two regions of “sticky” orbits around the invariant curves: A small region I confined by Cantori with small holes and an extended region II is outside these cantori which has an interesting fractal character. Investigating also the Sitnikov-Problem where two equally massive primary bodies move on elliptical Keplerian orbits, and a third massless body oscillates through the barycentre of the two primaries perpendicularly to the plane of the primaries—a similar behaviour of the stickiness region was found. Although no clearly defined border between the two stickiness regions was found in the latter problem the fractal character of the outer region was confirmed.  相似文献   

Abstract— We explore the orbital dynamics of Earth‐crossing objects with the intent to understand the time scales under which an “orbital stream” of material could produce time‐correlated meteorite falls. These “meteoroid streams” have been suggested to be associated with three well‐known meteorite‐dropping fireballs (Innisfree, Peekskill, and P?íbram). We have performed two different analyses of the statistical significance of the “orbital similarity,” in particular calculating how often orbits of the same level of similarity would come from a random sample. Secondly, we have performed extremely detailed numerical integrations related to these three cases, and we find that if they were streams of objects in similar orbits, then they would become “decoherent” (in the sense that the day‐of‐fall of meteorites of these streams become almost random) on time scales of 104–105 yr. Thus, an extremely recent breakup would be required, much more recent that the cosmic ray exposure ages of the recovered falls in each case. We conclude that orbital destruction is too efficient to allow the existence of long‐lived meteoroid streams and that the statistical evidence for such streams is insufficient; random fall patterns show comparable levels of clustering.  相似文献   

Occasionally micropulsation dynamic spectra show a series of nosed tones in place of the more usual purely rising tones. These are explained in some detail if, at times, some 3–10 per cent of the ionic content in the outer magnetosphere is helium (H6+). Although this is one or two orders of magnitude greater than expected from diffusive equilibrium theory, it is in broad agreement with recent Ogo-A measurements.  相似文献   

The unprecedented harvest of X‐ray photons detected from dozens of isolated neutron stars has made it possible to glimpse at their emission mechanisms as well as at their emission geometry. Rotating hot spot(s), superimposed to the global thermal emission from the neutron star surface, are seen from several objects, allowing to probe the stars' external heating sources. Non‐thermal emission is also seen to vary as the stars rotate. Moreover, absorption features have been detected in the spectra of several objects, allowing to probe (tentatively) the stars' magnetic fields. Spectacular tails, trailing the stars' supersonic motion, trace the boundaries of the relativist winds streaming from the star's magnetosphere. Apart from classical radio pulsar and certified radio‐quiet neutron stars, XMM‐Newton has devoted significant observation time to the enigmatic central compact objects, presumably isolated neutron stars shining at the center of their supernova remnants. Far from showing a unifying behaviour, XMM‐Newton data have unveiled a surprising diversity. Understanding the reason(s) behind such diversity is the challenge for the next decade of X‐ray observations. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The reconstruction of the solar activity during some years of the 18th century is poorly known because there are scarce sunspot observations. The aim of this short contribution is to present a “lost” sunspot observation realized by the Portuguese scientist Sanches Dorta during his observation of the solar eclipse of 1785 from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). This record was not included in the database compiled by Hoyt and Schatten (1998). We present new estimations of the solar activity during 1785. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Abstract— Among the three large camera networks carrying out fireball observations through the seventies and eighties, the “European Fireball Network” is the last one still in operation. The network today consists of more than 34 all-sky and fish-eye cameras deployed with ~100 km spacing and covering an area of ~106 km2, in the Czech and Slovak Republics, Germany, as well as parts of Belgium, Switzerland, and Austria. Network operation results in ~10 000 image exposures per year, which represent on average 1200 h of clear sky observations—as imaging periods are restricted due to daylight, moonlight, and clouds. The cameras detect currently large meteors at a rate of ~50 per year; this is in good agreement with the encounter rates determined in previous fireball studies. From sightings of “meteorite candidates” (fireballs that may have deposited meteorites) and meteorite recoveries in the network area, we estimate that 15% of the influx of meteoritic matter is currently observed by the cameras, whereas <1% is recovered on the ground. Issues to be addressed by future fireball observations include the study of very large meteoroids (>1000 kg) for which statistics are currently very poor and an examination of their relationship to NEOs (near-Earth objects) identified by current NEO search programs.  相似文献   

With the exception of a distinctive olivine-bronzite chondrite recognized by H. H. Nininger: “Ness County (1938)”, most of the numerous stony meteorites found in Ness County, Kansas, have been lumped together under the designation “Ness County (1894)”. It is the purpose of this paper to show that at least three separate falls are covered by this name  相似文献   

The reality of the high percentage of variability among Blue Objects which was found in previous investigations was examined on 170 Tautenburg Schmidt plates of two test fields near M 31. The high percentage could not be confirmed. Spurious amplitudes can be explained by the large probable errors of the photometry (especially near the plate limit) and by bad suitability of good-looking plates. Out of 37 Blue Objects examined, only two (van den Bergh 5 and 12) are distinctly variable, but the final examination of Blue Objects which are suspected of variability can only be done by photoelectric photometry.  相似文献   

The Flynn Creek impact structure is an approximately 3.8 km diameter, marine‐target impact structure, which is located in north central Tennessee, USA. The target stratigraphy consists of several hundreds of meters of Ordovician carbonate strata, specifically Knox Group through Catheys‐Leipers Formation. Like other, similarly sized marine‐target impact craters, Flynn Creek's crater moat‐filling deposits include, in stratigraphic order, gravity‐driven slump material, aqueous resurge deposits, and secular (postimpact) aqueous settling deposits. In the present study, we show that Flynn Creek also possesses previously undescribed erosional resurge gullies and an annular, sloping surface that comprises an outer crater rim surrounding an inner, nested bowl‐shaped crater, thus forming a concentric crater structure. Considering this morphology, the Flynn Creek impact structure has a crater shape that has been referred to at other craters as an “inverted sombrero.” In this paper, we describe the annular rim and the inner crater at Flynn Creek using geographic information system technology. We relate these geomorphic features to the marine environment of crater formation, and compare the Flynn Creek impact structure with other marine‐target impact structures having similar features.  相似文献   

We have earlier investigated the surface structures of a late‐type, single, giant FK Com for the years 1994–1998 using Doppler imaging. These surface temperature maps revealed long‐lived active regions at high latitudes. Long‐term photometric observations also show that these active regions tend to occur at two permanent active longitudes which are 180 degrees apart from each other, and that the activity switches the longitude with an average period of about 3 years (the “flip‐flop” phenomenon). In this work we present new Doppler maps of FK Com obtained 1998‐2003 and light‐curve maps obtained 2002–2003. These new maps are investigated together with the earlier temperature maps and light‐curve maps, with an aim of further studying the active longitudes, “flip‐flop” phenomenon and surface differential rotation on FK Com. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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