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The petrology and geochemistry of some new occurrences of Mesoproterozoic diamondiferous hypabyssal-facies kimberlites from the Chigicherla, Wajrakarur-Lattavaram and Kalyandurg clusters of the Wajrakarur kimberlite field (WKF), Eastern Dharwar craton (EDC), southern India, are reported. The kimberlites contain two generations of olivine, and multiple groundmass phases including phlogopite, spinel, calcite, dolomite, apatite, perovskite, apatite and rare titanite, and xenocrysts of eclogitic garnet and picro-ilmenite. Since many of the silicate minerals in these kimberlites have been subjected to carbonisation and alteration, the compositions of the groundmass oxide minerals play a crucial role in their characterisation and in understanding melt compositions. While there is no evidence for significant crustal contamination in these kimberlites, some limited effects of ilmenite entrainment are evident in samples from the Kalyandurg cluster. Geochemical studies reveal that the WKF kimberlites are less differentiated and more primitive than those from the Narayanpet kimberlite field (NKF), Eastern Dharwar craton. Highly fractionated (La/Yb = 108–145) chondrite-normalised distribution patterns with La abundances of 500–1,000 × chondrite and low heavy rare earth elements (HREE) abundances of 5–10 × chondrite are characteristic of these rocks. Metasomatism by percolating melts from the convecting mantle, rather than by subduction-related processes, is inferred to have occurred in their source regions based on incompatible element signatures. While the majority of the Eastern Dharwar craton kimberlites are similar to the Group I kimberlites of southern Africa in terms of petrology, geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotope systematics, others show the geochemical traits of Group II kimberlites or an overlap between Group I and II kimberlites. Rare earth element (REE)-based semi-quantitative forward modelling of batch melting of southern African Group I and II kimberlite source compositions involving a metasomatised garnet lherzolite and very low degrees of partial melting demonstrate that (1) WKF and NKF kimberlites display a relatively far greater range in the degree of melting than those from the on-craton occurrences from southern Africa and are similar to that of world-wide melilitites, (2) different degrees of partial melting of a common source cannot account for the genesis of all the EDC kimberlites, (3) multiple and highly heterogeneous kimberlite sources involve in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) in the Eastern Dharwar craton and (4) WKF and NKF kimberlites generation is a resultant of complex interplay between the heterogeneous sources and their different degrees of partial melting. These observations are consistent with the recent results obtained from inversion modelling of REE concentrations from EDC kimberlites in that both the forward as wells as inverse melting models necessitate a dominantly lithospheric, and not asthenospheric, mantle source regions. The invading metasomatic (enriching) melts percolating from the convecting (asthenosphere) mantle impart an OIB-like isotopic signature to the final melt products.  相似文献   

Variations of carbon and oxygen isotopic ratios in response to cyclical sea level fluctuations have been documented from a Paleoproterozoic peritidal stromatolite succession. The upper division of the Kajrahat Limestone, Vindhyan Supergroup of central India consists of several shallowing upward stromatolite cycles identified by regular and systematic changes in stromatolite size. Normally, larger stromatolites are followed upward in the succession by smaller stromatolites and microbial laminites that occupy the top of the cycle. Desiccation cracks are found in all the facies indicating subaerial exposure. We investigated the stable isotope compositional variations across nine complete stromatolite cycles showing frequent subaerial emergence. Carbon and oxygen isotopic values of the limestones, in general, are comparable to contemporary marine values available from earlier studies but show regular depletion in response to shallowing of the water level. The δ13C and δ18O values of the limestones vary within an individual stromatolite cycle; depleted values characterize the topmost part of the cycles. The isotope pattern is explained by micritic carbonate deposition in different sub environments of the shallow marine domain having different salinity and variable duration of exposure. These variations also probably caused the observed scatter in δ13C and δ18O values of supratidal microbial laminites.  相似文献   

A well preserved assemblage of compressed, straight, circular to sinuously coiled megascopic and helical carbonaceous fossils and other varied megascopic morphoforms are known from the Early Mesoproterozoic Rohtas Formation, Semri Group within Vindhyan Supergroup exposed in Katni district of central India. These megascopic remains are preserved as impressions, compressions, partially mineralized remains, and/or epi-relief. Some of the forms are typical filamentous empty sheaths and others are trichomes, with cell like entities under various stages of degradation. This study, based on fresh collections and also of the topotype material of the helically coiled megascopic fossils, straight forms and related fossilized remains occurring as epi-relief from Katni indicate that the two morphotaxa are distinct entities and possibly appear to be prokaryotes. Grypania spiralis and Katnia singhii are most likely of cyanobacterial origin. Spirally coiled and circular fossils, with epi-relief, and which probably represents a tissue grade organism, are considered as Spiroichnus beerii Mathur, 1983. Linear sheet-like carbonaceous solitary form has been placed in the morphotaxon Proterotainia and described as P. katniensis n. sp. Certain rare circular, carbonaceous forms are considered as Chuaria sp. A few circular disc-like forms found in the assemblage are treated as dubiofossils.  相似文献   

Chuaria circularis (Walcott 1899) from the Suket Shale of the Vindhyan Supergroup (central India) has been reinvestigated for its morphology and chemical composition using biostatistics, electron microscopy and pyrolysis-gas chromatography. Morphology and microscopic investigations provide little clues on the specific biological affinity ofChuaria as numerous preservational artifacts seem to be incorporated. On the contrary, the predominance of η aliphatic pyrolysates of presently studiedChuaria from India rather supports an algal affinity. Moreover, the reflectance ofC circularis can be used to obtain a comparative maturity parameter of the Precambrian sediments. The review of the age and geographical distribution ofC circularis constrains that this species cannot be considered as an index fossil for the Proterozoic time.  相似文献   

Mesoproterozoic (∼ 1600 Ma old) Salkhan Limestone (Semri Group) of the Vindhyan Supergroup, exposed in Rohtas district of Bihar, India, preserves an abundant and varied ancient microbial assemblage. These microfossils are recorded in three distinctly occurring cherts viz., bedded chert, stromatolitic chert and cherty stromatolites. 27 morphoforms belonging to 14 genera and 21 species have been recognized. Six unnamed forms are also described. The microbial assemblage, almost exclusively composed of the remnants of cyanobacteria, is dominated by entophysalidacean members and short trichomes and can be termed as ‘typical Mesoproterozoic microbiotas’. The assemblage includes characteristic mat-forming scytonematacean and entophysalidacean cyanobacteria.Eoentophysalis is the dominant organism in the assemblage. Ellipsoidal akinetes of nostocalean cyanobacteria(Archaeollipsoides) and spherical unicells also occur; both are distinct from mat forming assemblage, allochthonous and possibly planktic. Co-occurrence of the microbiotas and precipitates is related to the depositional environment of the Mesoproterozoic tidal flats with high carbonate saturation.  相似文献   

The Vindhyan sedimentary succession in central India spans a wide time bracket from the Paleoproterozoic to the Neoproterozoic period. Chronostratigraphic significance of stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of the carbonate phase in Vindhyan sediments has been discussed in some recent studies. However, the subtle controls of facies variation, depositional setting and post-depositional diagenesis on stable isotope compositions are not yet clearly understood. The Vindhyan Supergroup hosts four carbonate units, exhibiting a wide variability in depositional processes and paleogeography. A detailed facies-specific carbon and oxygen isotope study of the carbonate units was undertaken by us to investigate the effect of these processes and to identify the least altered isotope values. It is seen that both carbon and oxygen isotope compositions have been affected by early meteoric water diagenesis. The effect of diagenetic alteration is, however, more pronounced in case of oxygen isotopes than carbon isotopes. Stable isotope compositions remained insensitive to facies only when sediments accumulated in a shallow shelf setting without being exposed. Major alteration of original isotope ratios was observed in case of shallow marine carbonates, which became exposed to meteoric fluids during early diagenetic stage. Duration of exposure possibly determined the magnitude of alteration and shift from the original values. Moreover, dolomitization is found to be accompanied by appreciable alteration of isotope compositions in some of the carbonates. The present study suggests that variations in sediment depositional settings, in particular the possibility of subaerial exposure, need to be considered while extracting chronostratigraphic significance from δ13C data.  相似文献   

Although the diamond potential of cratons is linked mainly to thick and depleted Archean lithospheric keels, there are examples of craton-edge locations and circum-cratonic Proterozoic terranes underlain by diamondiferous mantle. Here, we use the results of comprehensive major and trace-element studies of detrital garnets from diamond-rich Late Triassic (Carnian) sedimentary rocks in the northeastern Siberia to constrain the thermal and chemical state of the pre-Triassic mantle and its ability to sustain the diamond storage. The studied detrital mantle-derived garnets are dominated by low- to medium-Cr lherzolitic (~45%) and low-Cr megacrystic (~39%) chemistries, with a significant proportion of eclogitic garnets (~11%), and only subordinate contribution from harzburgitic garnets (~5%) with variable Cr2O3 contents (1.2–8.4 wt.%). Low-Cr megacrysts display uniform, “normal” rare-earth element (REE) patterns with no Eu/Eu* anomalies, systematic Zr and Ti enrichment (mainly within 2.5–5), which are evidence of their crystallization from deep metasomatic melts. Lherzolitic (G9) garnets exhibit normal or humped to MREE-depleted sinusoidal REE patterns and elevated Nd/Y (up to 0.33–0.41) and Zr/Y ratios (up to 7.62). Rare low- to high-Cr harzburgitic (G10) garnets have primarily “depleted”, sinusoidal REE-patterns, low Ti, Y and HREE, but vary significantly in Zr-Hf, Ti and MREE-HREE contents, Nd/Y (within 0.1–2.4) and Zr/Y (1.53–19.9) ratios. The observed trends of chemical enrichment from the most depleted, harzburgitic garnets towards lherzolitic (including high-Ti high-Cr G11-type) garnets and megacrysts result from either voluminous high-temperature metasomatism by plume-derived silicate melts or recurrent mobilization of less voluminous kimberlitic or related carbonated mantle melts, rather than the initially primitive, fertile nature of the Proterozoic SCLM. Calculated Ni-in-garnet temperatures (primarily within ~1150–1250 °C) indicate their derivation from at least ~220 km thick Cr-undersaturated lithosphere at the relevant Devonian to Triassic thermal flow of ~45 mW/m2 or cooler. We suggest the existence of rare harzburgitic domains in the primarily lherzolitic diamond-facies SCLM beneath the northeastern Siberian craton at least by Triassic, whereas the abundance of eclogitic garnets, predominance of E-type inclusions in placer diamonds and specific morphologies argue for diamondiferous eclogites occurring within a ~50–65 kbar diamond window of the Olenek province by the same time.  相似文献   

The Mesoproterozoic Srisailam Formation, exposed along the northern part of the Cuddapah basin, India, comprises mainly medium- to fine-grained siliciclastics, and is devoid of any carbonate sediment. Preliminary sedimentological studies helped in recognizing fifteen distinct facies (five facies associations) in Chitrial outlier of the Srisailam Formation deposited in continental half-graben basin(s). Black shales (sensu lato) are minor components of the Srisailam Formation, and inferred to have deposited in deep lacustrine and prodelta facies of the half-graben(s). The black shales show restricted thickness (up to 29.0 m), and are characterized by overall high ‘black shale' to ‘total shale' ratio (>0.51). Their geochemical characteristics were studied to constrain provenance, palaeoclimate, and tectonic setting of deposition of the Srisailam Formation. Further, an attempt has been made to use the Srisailam black shales as proxy for constraining the timing of breakup of the supercontinent Columbia.The Srisailam black shales are geochemically quite distinct. At similar SiO2 contents they are considerably different from PAAS. They are characterized by considerably lower ΣREE (Av. 136.0 ± 50.4 ppm) but a more conspicuous negative Eu-anomaly (Av. 0.34 ± 0.09) than PAAS. Al2O3/TiO2 and TiO2/Zr ratios coupled with Eu/Eu*, GdCN/YbCN, La/Sc, Th/Sc, and Th/Cr ratios suggest their derivation from granite and granodiorite. The CIA values (65–90, Av. 72 ± 9) as a whole indicate moderate chemical weathering under semiarid climate. Discriminating geochemical parameters indicate passive margin depositional setting. The combined sedimentological and geochemical characteristics reveal deposition of the Srisailam sediments in continental rift basin(s).Thick succession of black shales (with high CIA values) that deposited with shelf carbonates proxy for mantle superplume and supercontinent breakup events. The sedimentological characteristics and geochemical data of the Srisailam black shales plausibly exclude any large-scale breakup of Columbia during the interval (1400–1327 Ma) of deposition of the Srisailam Formation.  相似文献   

Numerous lamproite dykes are hosted by the Eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India, particularly towards the northwestern margin of the Cuddapah Basin. We present here a comprehensive mineralogical and geochemical (including Sr and Nd isotopic) study on the lamproites from the Vattikod Field, exposed in the vicinity of the well-studied Ramadugu lamproite field. The Vattikod lamproites trend WNW–ESE to NW–SE and reveal effects of low-temperature post-magmatic alteration. The studied lamproites show porphyritic texture with carbonated and serpentinized olivine, diopside, fluorine-rich phlogopite, amphibole, apatite, chromite, allanite, and calcite. The trace-element geochemistry (elevated Sr and HFSE) reveals their mixed affinity to orogenic as well as anorogenic lamproites. Higher fluorine content of the hydrous phases coupled with higher whole-rock K2O highlights the role of metasomatic phlogopite and apatite in the mantle source regions. Trace-element ratios such as Zr/Hf and Ti/Eu reveal carbonate metasomatism of mantle previously enriched by ancient subduction processes. The initial 87Sr/86Sr-isotopic ratios (calculated for an assumed emplacement age of 1350 Ma) vary from 0.7037 to 0.7087 and ?Nd range from ??10.6 to ??9.3, consistent with data on global lamproites and ultrapotassic rocks. We attribute the mixed orogenic–anorogenic character for the lamproites under study to multi-stage metasomatism. We relate the (1) earlier subduction-related enrichment to the Paleoproterozoic amalgamation of the Columbia supercontinent and the (2) second episode of carbonate metasomatism to the Mesoproterozoic rift-related asthenospheric upwelling associated with the Columbia breakup. This study highlights the association of lamproites with supercontinent amalgamation and fragmentation in the Earth history.  相似文献   

来自大别-苏鲁地区晚中生代镁铁质岩石表现出类似于岛弧火山岩的富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)、轻稀土元素(LREE)和相对亏损高场强元素(HFSE)的微量元素地球化学特征,和高度富集的放射成因Sr(ISr:0.7065~0.7090)和低放射成因Nd(εNd(t)=-19~-10)的同位素组成;同时它们显示出一定程度的Nb/Ta和Zr/Hf内部分馏特征,反映其地慢源区曾受到了相对富金红石和CO2的熔体交代作用。我们倾向认为深俯冲陆壳在俯冲或折返过程中发生部分熔融作用形成的熔体与地幔反应是形成大别-苏鲁地区造山带富集岩石圈地幔的重要机制。  相似文献   

The petrology and geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths in the Cenozoic basalts from Fanshi, the central North China Craton (NCC), provide constraints on the evolution of sub-continental lithospheric mantle. These peridotite xenoliths are mainly spinel-facies lherzolites with minor harzburgites. The lherzolites are characterized by low forsterite contents in olivines (Fo < 91) and light rare earth element (LREE) enrichments in clinopyroxenes. In contrast, the harzburgites are typified by high-Fo olivines (> 91), high-Cr# spinels and clinopyroxenes with low abundances of heavy REE (HREE). These features are similar to those from old refractory lithospheric mantle around the world, and thus interpreted to be relics of old lithospheric mantle. The old lithospheric mantle has been chemically modified by the influx of melts, as evidenced by the Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of clinopyroxenes and relatively lower Fo contents than typical Archean lithospheric mantle (Fo > 92.5). The Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of harzburgites are close to EM1-type mantle, and of the lherzolites are similar to bulk silicate earth. The latter could be the result of recent modification of old harzburgites by asthenospheric melt, which is strengthened by fertile compositions of minerals in the lherzolites. Therefore, the isotopic and chemical heterogeneities of the Fanshi peridotite xenoliths reflect the refertilization of ancient refractory lithospheric mantle by massive addition of asthenospheric melts. This may be an important mechanism for the lithospheric evolution beneath the Central NCC.  相似文献   

The first documented interpretation of the regional-scale hydrostratigraphy and groundwater flow is presented for a ~21,000-km2 area of the arsenic-affected districts of West Bengal [Murshidabad, Nadia, North 24 Parganas and South 24 Parganas (including Calcutta)], India. A hydrostratigraphic model demonstrates the presence of a continuous, semi-confined sand aquifer underlain by a thick clay aquitard. The aquifer thickens toward the east and south. In the south, discontinuous clay layers locally divide the near-surface aquifer into several deeper, laterally connected, confined aquifers. Eight 22-layer model scenarios of regional groundwater flow were developed based on the observed topography, seasonal conditions, and inferred hydrostratigraphy. The models suggest the existence of seasonally variable, regional, north–south flow across the basin prior to the onset of extensive pumping in the 1970s. Pumping has severely distorted the flow pattern, inducing high vertical hydraulic gradients across wide cones of depression. Pumping has also increased total recharge (including irrigational return flow), inflow from rivers, and sea water intrusion. Consequently, downward flow of arsenic contaminated shallow groundwater appears to have resulted in contamination of previously safe aquifers by a combination of mechanical mixing and changes in chemical equilibrium.  相似文献   

Broad-band and long period magnetotelluric measurements made at 63 locations along ~500 km long Chikmagalur-Kavali profile,that cut across the Dharwar craton(DC)and Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt(EGMB)in south India,is modelled to examine the lithosphere architecture of the cratonic domain and define tectonic boundaries.The 2-D resistivity model shows moderately conductive features that intersperse a highly resistive background of crystalline rocks and spatially connect to the exposed schist belts or granitic intrusions in the DC.These features are therefore interpreted as images of fossil pathways of the volcanic emplacements associated with the greenstone belt and granite suite formation exposed in the region.A near vertical conductive feature in the upper mantle under the Chitradurga Shear Zone represents the Archean suture between the western and eastern blocks of DC.Although thick(~200 km)cratonic(highly resistive)lithosphere is preserved,significant part of the cratonic lithosphere below the western DC is modified due to plume-continental lithosphere interactions during the Cretaceous—Tertiary period.A west-verging moderately conductive feature imaged beneath EGMB lithosphere is interpreted as the remnant of the Proterozoic collision process between the Indian land mass and East Antarctica.Thin(~120 km)lithosphere is seen below the EGMB,which form the exterior margin of the India shield subsequent to its separation from East Antarctica through rifting and opening of the Indian Ocean in the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope compositions of olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts and pyroxene and amphibole megacrysts from Neogene alkali basalts of the Pannonian basin (0.5–11 Ma) have been determined by laser fluorination. Measured δ18O values in olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts show rather restricted variations from 5.00 to 5.20‰ and from 5.07 to 5.34%., respectively, with cpx-ol fractionations Δ18O(cpx-ol) ranging from + 0.04 to + 0.29‰. These δ18O values are significantly lower than those of the corresponding whole rocks, suggesting that low temperature alteration has increased the 18O/16O ratios of the groundmass of host rocks, even in fresh looking samples, whereas their phenocrysts have retained original oxygen isotope compositions. The uniform oxygen isotope ratio in the phenocrysts suggests that the mantle source of the alkali basalts was also homogeneous with respect to its oxygen isotope composition, which is in contrast to the relatively wide variation of Sr, Nd and Pb isotope ratios in the source. Variations in radiogenic isotope compositions in the basalts have been explained by the interaction of subduction-related fluids with the mantle source of the basalts. If this is the case, then the fluids which caused significant changes in the Sr and Pb isotope ratios of the mantle source clearly did not noticeably modify its oxygen isotope composition. These data support the opinion that the upper mantle is more homogeneous with respect to its oxygen isotope composition than it was previously considered.  相似文献   

In the Lower Gondwana succession of the Jharia basin of eastern India, the Barren Measures Formation is characterized by the cyclic disposition of fine-grained lacustrine deposits and relatively coarse-grained fluvial deposits. The cyclic variation in the rate of coarse clastic input is attributed to the sedimentary response to basin tectonics. The sandstone-shale alternations of the Barren Measures succession can be correlated with the tectonic cyclothems developed on the hangingwall dip-slope and adjoining trough in a continental half-graben setting. Enhancement of the gradient of the hangingwall dip-slope during reactivation of the basin margin faults led to progradation of the existing fluvial system towards the half-graben trough and deposition of the coarser clastics on the fine-grained lacustrine deposits of the trough. Peneplanation of the hangingwall slope and slow increase in the lake level caused lacustrine transgression and retrogration of the fluvial system on the hangingwall block. The fluvial sediments were onlapped by the fine-grained lacustrine deposits. Episodic rejuvenation of the basin margin faults thus caused development of tectonic cyclothem on the hangingwall block. The paleocurrent pattern indicates that a persistent northward paleoslope was maintained during Barren Measures sedimentation. The inferred depositional settings were much more extensive than the present limit of the outcrop. The faults, presently defining the northern limit of the Barren Measures Formation, were possibly emplaced after Barren Measures sedimentation. The final movement along these fault planes caused preservation of the downthrown hangingwall block and the Barren Measures sediments on the footwall block were eroded during subsequent denudation. The Southern Boundary Fault came into existence after the deposition of the Barren Measures sediments.  相似文献   

位于安徽省境内的女山新生代碱性玄武岩中含有大量而且类型丰富的地幔橄榄岩包体,主要类型有尖晶石相、石榴石相、尖晶石-石榴子石过渡相二辉橄榄岩以及少量的方辉橄榄岩,其中部分尖晶石二辉橄榄岩样品中出现富含挥发分的角闪石、金云母和磷灰石。本文选择该区的尖晶石二辉橄榄岩和方辉橄榄岩包体进行了较为详细的岩石学、矿物学、地球化学研究工作。结果显示,除2个方辉橄榄岩表现难熔特征外,其它25件尖晶石相二辉橄榄岩均具有饱满的主量元素组成。二辉橄榄岩样品的Sr-Nd-Hf同位素均表现为亏损地幔的性质,不同于古老克拉通型难熔、富集的岩石圈地幔。富含挥发份交代矿物的出现以及轻稀土元素不同程度的富集,表明女山岩石圈地幔经历了较为强烈的交代作用,然而Re-Os同位素及PGE分析结果表明交代作用并没有显著改变Os同位素组成。二辉橄榄岩样品均具有较高的Os同位素组成,结合其饱满的主量元素组成,亏损的同位素特征,表明女山地区岩石圈地幔整体为新生岩石圈地幔。但1个方辉橄榄岩样品给出了较低的Os同位素比值0.1184,其Re亏损年龄为1.5Ga,它可能来自于软流圈中残留的古老难熔地幔。  相似文献   

The early Mesoproterozoic Rohtas Limestone in the Son valley area of central India represents an overall shallowing-upward carbonate succession. Detailed facies analysis of the limestone reveals outer- to inner-shelf deposition in an open marine setting. Wave-ripples, hummocky cross stratifications and edgewise conglomerates argue against a deep marine depositional model for the Rohtas Limestone proposed earlier. Stable isotope analysis of the limestone shows that δ13C and δ18O values are compatible with the early Mesoproterozoic open seawater composition. The ribbon limestone facies in the Rohtas Limestone is characterized by micritic beds, each decoupled in a lower band enriched and an upper band depleted in dissolution seams. Band-wise isotopic analysis reveals systematic short-term variations. Comparative enrichment of the heavier isotopes in the upper bands is attributed to early cementation from sea water and water derived from the lower band undergoing dissolution because of lowering of pH at depth. The short-term positive shifts in isotopic compositions in almost every upward gradational transition from a seamed band to a non-seamed band support the contention that dissolution seams here are of early diagenetic origin, although their formation was accentuated under overburden pressure.  相似文献   

Peridotitic clinopyroxene (cpx) and pyrope garnet xenocrysts from four kimberlite pipes in the Kaavi–Kuopio area of Eastern Finland have been studied using major and trace element geochemistry to obtain information on the vertical compositional variability of the underlying mantle. The xenocryst data, when combined with the petrological constraints provided by peridotite xenoliths, yield a relatively complete section through the lithospheric mantle. Single-grain cpx thermobarometry fits with a 36-mW/m2 geotherm calculated using heat flow constraints and xenolith modes and geophysical properties. Ni thermometry on pyrope xenocrysts gives 700–1350 °C and, based on the cpx xenocryst/xenolith geotherm, indicates a wide sampling interval, ca. 80–230 km. Plotting pyrope major and trace element compositions as a function of temperature shows there are three distinct layers in the local lithospheric mantle:
(1) A low-temperature (<850 °C) harzburgite layer distinguished by Ca-rich but Ti-, Y- and Zr-depleted pyropes. The xenoliths originating from this layer are all fine-grained garnet-spinel harzburgites with secondary cpx.
(2) A variably depleted lherzolitic, harzburgitic and wehrlitic horizon from 950 to 1150 °C or 130 to 180 km.
(3) A deep layer from 180 to 240 km composed largely of fertile material.
The peridotitic diamond window at Kaavi–Kuopio stretches from the top of the diamond stability field at 140 km to the base of the harzburgite-bearing mantle at about 180 km, implying a roughly 40-km-wide prospective zone.  相似文献   

The Naga Hills Ophiolite(NHO) represents one of the fragments of Tethyan oceanic crust in the Himalayan Orogenic system which is exposed in the Phek and Kiphire districts of Nagaland, India. The NHO is composed of partially serpentinized dunite, peridotite, gabbro, basalt, minor plagiogranite,diorite dyke and marine sediments. The basalts are mainly composed of fine grained plagioclase feldspar, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene and show quenching and variolitic textures. The gabbros are characterized by medium to coarse grained plagioclase, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene with ophitic to sub-ophitic textures. The ultramafic cumulates are represented by olivine, Cpx and Opx.Geochemically, the basalts and gabbros are sub-alkaline to alkaline and show tholeiitic features.The basalts are characterized by 44.1-45.6 wt.% of SiO_2 with 28-38 of Mg#, and the gabbros by38.7-43.7 wt.% of SiO_2, and 26-79 of Mg#. The ultramafic rocks are characterized by 37.4-52.2 wt.% of SiO_2, and 80-88 of Mg#. In multi-element diagrams(spidergrams) both basalts and gabbros show fractionated trends with strong negative anomalies of Zr. Nb. Sr and a gentle negative anomaly of P.However, the rare earth element(REE) plots of the basalts and gabbros show two distinct patterns. The first pattern, represented by light REE(LREE) depletion, suggests N-MORB features and can be interpreted as a signature of Paleo-Tethyan oceanic crust. The second pattern, represented by LREE enrichment with negligible negative Eu anomaly, conforms to E-MORB, and may be related to an arc tectonic setting. In V vs. Ti/1000, Cr vs. Y and AFM diagrams, the basalts and gabbros plot within Island Arc Tholeiite(IAT) and MORB fields suggesting both ridge and arc related settings. The ultramafic rocks exhibit two distinct patterns both in spidergrams and in REE plots. In the spidergram, one group displays highly enriched pattern, whereas the other group shows near flat pattern compared to primordial mantle. In the REE plot, one group displays steeper slopes [(La/Yb)N = 4.340-4.341], whereas the other displays moderate to flat slopes [(La/Yb)N = 0.97-1.67] and negative Eu-anomalies. Our study suggests that the ultramafic rocks represent two possible mantle sources(fertile and refractory).  相似文献   

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