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渤海海面风场的一种动力诊断方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
给出一种动力诊断获取渤海海面风场的简便方法.首先建立一个简单的水平二维地面风场诊断模式,根据由微机支持的数字化仪输入的地面格点气压场,诊断出地面风场;然后利用渤海沿岸和岛屿海洋观测站(含石油平台站)实测风资料,运用简单的资料同化方法(张驰逼近方法)对诊断风场进行调整,从而得到渤海海面风场.结果表明,此方法简便有效.  相似文献   

台风风剖面信息是直观反映与台风中心不同距离的各点与平均风速关系的曲线,它是确定各级台风风圈范围的重要基础。本文利用HY-2A微波散射计海面风场资料,结合Holland风场模型提出了一种新的台风风剖面信息提取方法,并选取2012–2017年期间16期典型台风进行应用。结果表明:34 kt与50 kt风圈半径的平均均方根误差为37.6 km与18.3 km,该方法具有较好的适用性和精度。本研究对于描述台风结构特征及潜在的破坏力和台风可能的影响范围具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

利用浅水地形的SAR影像以及基于浅水地形SAR仿真模型计算得到的仿真SAR影像,基于仿真SAR影像与真实SAR影像之间的相关性提出了一种确定海面风向的方法——最大相关系数法.以南沙双子礁海域为例,利用最大相关系数法确定出了一幅RADARSAT SAR影像成像时刻的海面风向,通过对结果的比较分析可以看出对于包含浅水地形的SAR影像应用该方法探测海面风向是可行的.  相似文献   

据赤道经向风剖面及热带西太平洋岛屿站测风资料来诊断厄尔尼诺(ElNino)事件,试图从观测事实方面来跟踪与预测ElNino的发生。分析结果得出:气候监测公报中850hPa风指数对监测、诊断已发生的ElNino事件较好,但不能用来预测ElNino事件的发生,而热带西太平洋岛屿站月平均纬向风对ElNino事件的发生有一定的指示意义。从越赤道气流的演变特征进一步证明,ElNino事件对应于弱季风,而拉尼娜(LaNina)事件对应于强季风。  相似文献   

利用某系列船2000~2007年秋冬季(11月~翌年3月)在东海北部海区的气象观测资料,来检验Hsu等(1981)动力计算模式和辛宝恒等(1987)的热力订正方法,并利用某系列船实际观测资料确定出该海区的计算参数。结果表明利用Hsu动力模式作基础再加上热力订正的办法,由陆上资料可以较好地推算海上风速,有一定的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

A new method for field calibration of multibeam echo sounders is presented. The method applies least-squares adjustment computation of static offsets in parameters such as roll, pitch, heading and the horizontal shift of the transducer relative to the reference point of the positioning system. All the parameters are derived simultaneously. An investigation demonstrates the precision and the flexibility of the method. Flexibility is here related to the design of calibration lines, i.e., their number, their direction and length. The strength of the method is its ability to utilize all the depth measurements in an optimal way. The variance of the parameters can be derived directly from least-squares adjustment, but limited knowledge of the stochastic properties of the observations can lead to optimistic precision estimates. An alternative method to compute quality estimates is proposed and demonstrated.  相似文献   

吕咸青 《海洋学报》2001,23(1):13-20
所作的孪生实验表明:通过利用变分优化控制技术将气象学和海洋学(表层和次表层)的观测资料同化到海洋的埃克曼层模型中,可将未知的边界条件(风应力拖曳系数)和垂向涡动黏性系数的分布同时反演出来.  相似文献   

This paper describes an algorithm for processing data provided by a gradient-distributed temperature sensor, based on the regularization method, to estimate internal wave parameters in the thermocline. Measurements of the average temperature in the layer, temperature data at its boundaries, as well as the vertical temperature profile at the initial moment of time serve as input data. Data on the error-level of parameter measurements and ana priori assumption as to the monotonic declining of temperature with depth is applied. Examples of computations are given illustrating the validity of the algorithm.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

The co-variation of surface wind speed and sea surface temperature (SST) over the Gulf Stream frontal region is investigated using high-resolution satellite measurements and atmospheric reanalysis data. Results show that the pattern of positive SST-surface wind speed correlations is anchored by strong SST gradient and marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) height front, with active warm and cold-ocean eddies around. The MABL has an obvious transitional structure along the strong SST front, with greater (lesser) heights over the north (south) side. The significant positive SST-surface wind-speed perturbation correlations are mostly found over both strong warm and cold eddies. The surface wind speed increases (decreases) about 0.32 (0.41) m/s and the MABL elevates (drops) approximate 55 (54) m per 1℃ of SST perturbation induced by warm (cold) eddies. The response of the surface wind speed to SST perturbations over the mesoscale eddies is mainly attributed to the momentum vertical mixing in the MABL, which is confirmed by the linear relationships between the downwind (crosswind) SST gradient and wind divergence (curl).  相似文献   

李洪臣  陈希  毛科峰  王鹏皓  李明 《海洋学报》2023,45(12):179-192
走航式海洋剖面测量系统(Moving Vessel Profiler,MVP)具有空间高分辨率温盐剖面探测的优势,但由于采用无泵型CTD进行温盐测量,对测量数据进行传感器响应时间匹配和热惯量校正处理是其数据应用的重点和难点。本文针对现有热惯量校正方法在强温跃层处仍然存在盐度尖峰的局限性,提出一种基于测量温度梯度廓线分析的分层热惯量校正参数寻优方法,校正温度和电导率,进而校正盐度剖面。利用西太平洋某航次实测数据进行试验,结果表明,该方法显著降低了MVP上下行测量剖面的盐度差异,盐度尖峰基本被剔除,特别是温跃层处得到明显改善,上下行剖面的平均绝对盐度差从0.031降低到0.016 1,总体的盐度误差减小48.1%,验证了本文提出的MVP盐度剖面校正方法的合理性。  相似文献   

利用TOPEX卫星高度计资料分析东中国海的风、浪场特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用TOPEX卫星高度计和日本气象厅浮标观测资料,对东中国海的有效波高和风速进行比较,分析了卫星高度计资料的有效性。利用有效波高和风速的3种概率密度函数分布,结合TOPEX卫星高度计资料,并采用最大似然方法对统计分布参数进行估计,结果表明,有效波高的对数-正态概率密度分布与观测资料的直方图在有效波高的整个范围内符合较好,风速的直方图与Weibul概率密度分布符合较好。同时,分析了有效波高大于4 m的巨浪在东中国海的时空分布特征,表明巨浪多出现在冬、秋两季,平均有效波高最大值出现在夏季,且主要分布在东中国海东南部。  相似文献   

This study investigates the long-term changes of monthly sea surface wind speeds over the China seas from 1988 to 2015. The 10-meter wind speeds products from four major global reanalysis datasets with high resolution are used: Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform data set(CCMP), NCEP climate forecast system reanalysis data set(CFSR),ERA-interim reanalysis data set(ERA-int) and Japanese 55-year reanalysis data set(JRA55). The monthly sea surface wind speeds of four major reanalysis data sets have been investigated through comparisons with the longterm and homogeneous observation wind speeds data recorded at ten stations. The results reveal that(1) the wind speeds bias of CCMP, CFSR, ERA-int and JRA55 are 0.91 m/s, 1.22 m/s, 0.62 m/s and 0.22 m/s, respectively.The wind speeds RMSE of CCMP, CFSR, ERA-int and JRA55 are 1.38 m/s, 1.59 m/s, 1.01 m/s and 0.96 m/s,respectively;(2) JRA55 and ERA-int provides a realistic representation of monthly wind speeds, while CCMP and CFSR tend to overestimate observed wind speeds. And all the four data sets tend to underestimate observed wind speeds in Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea;(3) Comparing the annual wind speeds trends between observation and the four data sets at ten stations for 1988-1997, 1988–2007 and 1988–2015, the result show that ERA-int is superior to represent homogeneity monthly wind speeds over the China seaes.  相似文献   

西北太平洋多源微波辐射计海表温度数据交叉比对分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
海表温度产品是研究全球海洋大气系统的重要数据源,在海洋相关领域的研究和应用方面具有重要价值。以西北太平洋海域为研究区域,本文对2013年和2014年3个微波辐射计海表温度产品(AMSR-2,TMI和WindSat)的产品特性和Argo浮标进行了真实性检验,并对3个传感器数据进行了交叉比对分析,具体涉及海表温度分布、温度梯度分布、观测点分布、匹配点分布、平均偏差分布、均方根误差分布、统计分析结果的逐月演变和海表温度误差棒分析。结果表明,3个微波辐射计在空间尺度上都能比较一致地反映西北太平洋海域的海表温度变化趋势。但遥感数据与浮标数据却存在季节性变化和昼夜差异,其中冬季微波数据与浮标数据的平均偏差和均方根误差较小,降轨数据与浮标数据的结果更接近。AMSR-2的海表温度数据质量比TMI和WindSat的海表温度数据更接近Argo数据。相比于WindSat和TMI,AMSR-2和TMI的海表温度数据质量更为接近,但是由于受到近岸陆地信号干扰,AMSR-2和TMI离岸100 km以内海域的数据应当慎用。  相似文献   

Studies on climate change typically consider temperature and precipitation over extended periods but less so the wind. We used the Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP) 24-year wind fi eld data set to investigate the trends of wind energy over the South China Sea during 1988-2011. The results reveal a clear trend of increase in wind power density for each of three base statistics (i.e., mean, 90 th percentile and 99 th percentile) in all seasons and for annual means. The trends of wind power density showed obvious temporal and spatial variations. The magnitude of the trends was greatest in winter, intermediate in spring, and smallest in summer and autumn. A greater trend of increase was found in the northern areas of the South China Sea than in southern parts. The magnitude of the annual and seasonal trends over the South China Sea was larger in extreme high events (i.e., 90 th and 99 th percentiles) compared to the mean conditions. Sea surface temperature showed a negative correlation with the variability of wind power density over the majority of the South China Sea in all seasons and annual means, except for winter (41.7%).  相似文献   

环渤海沿岸海表温度资料的均一性检验与订正   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对环渤海沿岸具有代表性且资料完整的6个海洋观测站的月均海表温度(SST)序列作均一性检验和订正。我国海洋观测站密集度低,难以选择参考序列,本文首先采用不依赖参考序列的惩罚最大F检验(PMFT)方法对SST序列检验,利用详尽的元数据对检验结果进行确认,再对不连续点订正,该方法适用于元数据详尽的海洋观测站。对于元数据不详尽的观测站,使用惩罚最大T检验(PMT)方法,选取与海洋台站距离近且相关显著的气象观测站的均一化地面气温序列来制作参考序列,对SST序列进行检验和订正。结果表明,环渤海地区SST序列都存在一定非均一性,观测站较大距离迁移和观测系统变更(从人工观测到自动化观测)是造成非均一性的重要原因。订正后的环渤海地区年平均SST增温趋势更加明显。本文使用不同方法来检验SST序列的均一性,该思路对沿海其他海区观测站SST均一性检验和订正有一定参考价值和应用前景,可为沿海气候变化研究提供科学准确的第一手资料。  相似文献   

陈标  马亮  张春华  李冰  刘洪伟 《海洋工程》2018,36(2):108-118
为了能够合理准确地描述海洋锋特征体系以及锋区本身的各种结构要素,提出了一种中国近海海洋锋分海区分析方法:首先,在对中国近海27条典型海洋锋的时空分布特征和季节演变系统归纳的基础上,基于多年卫星遥感海面温度数据锋面出现频率图,得出中国近海海区锋面系统划分方法;然后,利用日益更新的高时空分辨率卫星遥感海面温度数据,对各划分海区内海洋锋时空分布特征进行分析,调整纠正以往锋面系统分析的偏差或空缺,对中国近海锋面系统进行补充完善,为中国近海各锋面系统特征参数的规范化分析和准确的特征描述奠定基础。该方法对完善我国近海锋面系统研究具有长远的应用价值,对形成中远海及世界大洋海洋锋时空分布特征具有指导作用。  相似文献   

西北太平洋的低云云顶高度(cloud top height,CTH)是气候研究和气象灾害监测中的重要参数。研究中常用卫星数据获得大范围、连续变化的低云云顶高度,但其与实际的低云云顶高度存在较大的偏差。因此,基于低云云顶一般在低层逆温层底这一观测现象,提出一种利用 FY-4A 卫星大气垂直廓线数据反演低云云顶高度的方法(称为“逆温法”),并尝试用于西北太平洋低云云顶高度反演研究。利用星载激光雷达 CALIPSO(Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation)探测的低云云顶高度,检验 FY-4A 卫星的云顶高度产品(CTHAGRI)和“逆温法”反演的低云云顶高度结果(CTHGIIRS ),表明两者均显著偏低,与 CALIPSO 探测的云顶高度差分别为 -0. 49 km和-0. 27 km,相较而言,“逆温法”反演的低云云顶高度更接近 CALIPSO 的探测结果,优于FY-4A卫星的云顶高度产品。  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze SAR wind field features, in particular the effects of wind shadowing. These effects represent the dynamics of the internal atmospheric boundary layer, which is formed due to the transition of the air flow arriving from the rough land surface to the “smooth” water surface. In the wind-shadowed area, the flow accelerates, and a surface wind stress increases with fetch. The width of the shadow depends not only on the wind speed and atmospheric boundary layer stratification, but also on geographic features such as windflow multiple transformations over the complex surface land–Lake Chudskoe–land–Gulf of Finland. Measurements showed that, in the area of wind acceleration, the surface stress normalized by an equilibrium value (far from the coast) is a universal function of dimensionless fetch Xf/G. Surface wind stress reaches an equilibrium value at Xf/G ≈ 0.4, which is the scale of the planetary-boundary-layer relaxation.  相似文献   

Wind-velocity data obtained from in situ measurements at the Golitsyno-4 marine stationary platform have been compared with QuikSCAT scatterometer data; NCEP, MERRA, and ERA-Interim global reanalyses and MM5 regional atmospheric reanalysis. In order to adjust wind velocity measured at a height of 37 m above the sea surface to a standard height of 10 m with stratification taken into account, the Monin–Obukhov theory and regional atmospheric reanalysis data are used. Data obtained with the QuikSCAT scatterometer most adequately describe the real variability of wind over the Black Sea. Errors in reanalysis data are not high either: the regression coefficient varies from 0.98 to 1.06, the rms deviation of the velocity amplitude varies from 1.90 to 2.24 m/s, and the rms deviation of the direction angle varies from 26° to 36°. Errors in determining the velocity and direction of wind depend on its amplitude: under weak winds (<3 m/s), the velocity of wind is overestimated and errors significantly increase in determining its direction; under strong winds (>12 m/s), its velocity is underestimated. The influence of these errors on both spatial and temporal estimates of the characteristics of wind over the Black Sea is briefly considered.  相似文献   

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