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The phase relations in hydrous and anhydrous mid-ocean ridge basalt were determined at pressures of 18-28 GPa. Liquidus phase relations in hydrous and anhydrous MORB are different. Garnet is the liquidus phase at pressures below 21 GPa, Ca-Al (CAS) phase and stishovite are the liquidus phases at pressures of 22-27 GPa, and stishovite and Ca-perovskite are the liquidus phases above 27 GPa, whereas Ca-perovskite is a liquidus phase of anhydrous MORB at pressures above 23 GPa. Under subsolidus conditions, we have found that in the hydrous MORB system the stability fields of Al-bearing perovskite and Na-Al (NAL) phase might shift to lower pressure by about 1.5 GPa compared to the dry MORB system. This shift could be explained by oxidation of a garnet-bearing assemblage by hydrous fluid and formation of Fe3+-bearing aluminous perovskite at lower pressures relative to the anhydrous system and/or differences in water solubility of the phases existing in perovskite-bearing assemblages. Our data indicate that hydrous basaltic crust remains denser than peridotite along the geotherm of a subducting slab, i.e. there is no density crossover between peridotite and basalt. Therefore, in slabs going through the 660 km discontinuity, basalt would gravitationally sink into the lower mantle under relatively hydrous conditions. The delamination of former basaltic crust near the 660 km discontinuity might be possible under relatively dry conditions of subduction. There are no stable highly hydrous phases in MORB above 10 GPa even at lower temperatures corresponding to subducting slabs. Therefore, MORB cannot be an important carrier of water to the deep Earth interior. However, it can be constantly supplied by water-bearing fluid from the underlying peridotite part of the descending slab. Thus, it is plausible that water can control subduction of the oceanic crust into the lower mantle.  相似文献   

A review of experimental data for systems, pertaining to anhydrous fertile garnet-lherzolite shows strong convergence in the liquidus and solidus temperatures for the range 6.5–15 GPa. These can converge either to a common temperature or to temperatures which differ by only ~ 100°C. The major-element composition of magmas generated by even minor degrees of partial melting may be similar to the primordial bulk silicate Earth composition in an upper-mantle stratigraphic column extending over 160 km in depth.The convergence of the solidus and liquidus temperatures is a consequence of the highly variable dTdP of the fusion curves for minerals which crystallize in peridotite systems. In particular, dTdP for the forsterite fusion curve is much less than that for diopside and garnet. Whether or not the solidus and liquidus intersect, the liquidus mineralogy for undepleted garnet-lherzolite compositions changes from olivine at low pressures to pyroxene, garnet, or a complex pyroxene-garnet solid solution at pressures in excess of 10–15 GPa. Geochemical data for the earliest Archean komatiites are consistent with an upper-mantle phase diagram having garnet as a liquidus phase for garnet-lherzolite compositions at high pressures. All estimates of the anhydrous solidus and liquidus for the range 10–15 GPa are consistent with silicate liquid compressibility data, which indicate that olivine may be neutrally buoyant in ultramafic magmas at these pressures.  相似文献   

High pressure experiments using the sink/float method have bracketed the density of hydrous iron-rich ultrabasic silicate melt from 1.35 to 10.0 GPa at temperatures from 1400 to 1860 °C. The silicate melt composition was a 50–50 mixture of natural komatiite and synthetic fayalite. Water was added in the form of brucite Mg(OH)2 and was present in the experimental run products at 2 wt.% and 5 wt.% levels as confirmed by microprobe analyses of total oxygen. Buoyancy marker spheres were olivines and garnets of known composition and density. The density of the silicate melt with 5 wt.% water at 2 GPa and 1500 °C is 0.192 g cm? 3 less than the anhydrous form of this melt at the same P and T. This density difference gives a partial molar volume of water in silicate melt of ~ 7 cm3 mol? 1, which is similar to previous studies at high pressure. The komatiite–fayalite liquids with 0 and 2 wt.% H2O, have extrapolated density crossovers with equilibrium liquidus olivine at 8 and 9 GPa respectively, but there is no crossover for the liquid with 5 wt.% H2O. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that dense hydrous melts could be gravitationally stable atop the 410 km discontinuity in the Earth. The results also support the notion that equilibrium liquidus olivine could float in an FeO-rich hydrous martian magma ocean. Extrapolation of the data suggests that FeO-rich hydrous melt could be negatively buoyant in the Earth's D″-region or atop the core–mantle-boundary (CMB), although experiments at higher pressure are needed to confirm this prediction.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of water diffusivity in rhyolite melts over the range 650–950°C and [PT(H2O] = 700 bars is evaluated from water concentration-distance profiles measured in glass with an ion microprobe. Diffusivities are exponentially dependent on concentration over this temperature range and vary from about 10?8 cm2/s at 650°C to about 10?7 cm2/s at 950°C at 2 wt.% water. Water solubility also varies with temperature at a rate of ?0.14 wt. per 100°C increase. The avtivation energy (Ea) appears to be constant at 19 ± 1kal/mole for 1, 2,and 3 wt.% H2O. Comparison of these data with results for cation diffusion indicates that this value is a minimum Ea for diffusion of any species in a rhyolite melt.Compensation plots of log10D0 (the frequency factor) versus Ea indicate that hydrous rhyolite melts follow the same trend as anhydrous basalts. D0 increases for H2O and Ca2+ [1] as Ea decreases. This suggests that these molecules may diffuse by different mechanisms than do monovalent cations, and that hydration of the melt affects diffusion of Ca2+ and H2O differently than it does monovalent cation diffusion. The results imply that dramatic increases in cation diffusivities by hydration [1] may occur with additions of less than 1 wt.% H2O.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxenes separated from two hydrous and four anhydrous ultramafic nodules, selected from a suit of xenoliths from Dreiser Weiher (DW), West Germany, have been studied for Nd and Sr isotopic composition. Nd exhibits a range of εJUV(T) from 0 to +12.4 and 87Sr/86Sr varies between 0.70185 and 0.70400. TICE model ages for anhydrous nodules indicate that the mantle underlying DW was originally depleted ?2 AE ago. Correlation of 143Nd/144Nd with Sm/Nd in this group of samples suggests that a second partial melting event occurred about 560 m.y. ago resulting in LREE enrichment of at least part of the anhydrous mantle. During a later episode, probably contemporaneous with the eruption of the host basalt in Quaternary times, most of the spinel peridotitic upper mantle below DW was modified. This metasomatism led to hydration and incompatible element enrichment of originally anhydrous mantle. The isotopic data for the anhydrous nodules again demonstrate that oceanic-type mantle underlies at least some continental areas. It is apparent that the separation of subcontinental mantle regions from an initially chondritic reservoir may occur in several discrete episodes. However, differing histories of depletion and/or enrichment will produce isotopically distinct mantle reservoirs. Therefore, basalts extracted from these mantle reservoirs will scatter about an average Nd-Sr trend line reflecting the nature of the differentiation in their source regions.  相似文献   

Melting phase relations of an augite-olivine high-magnesian andesite and an augite-olivine basalt from the Miocene Setouchi volcanic belt in southwest Japan have been studied under water-saturated, water-undersaturated and under anhydrous conditions. Both the andesite and the basalt are characterized by low FeO*/MgO ratios (0.86 and 0.76 in weight, respectively) and qualify as primary magmas derived from the upper mantle.The andesite melt coexists with olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene at 15 kbar and 1030°C under water-saturated conditions, and at 10 kbar and 1070°C under water-undersaturated conditions (7 wt.% H2O in the melt). The basalt-melt also coexists with the above three phases at 11 kbar and 1305°C under anhydrous conditions, and at 15 kbar and 1205°C in the presence of 4 wt.% water.Present studies indicate that high-magnesian andesite magmas may be produced even under water-undersaturated conditions by partial melting of mantle peridotite. It is suggested that two types of high-magnesian andesites in the Setouchi volcanic belt (augite-olivine and bronzite-olivine andesites) were produced by different degrees of partial melting; augite-olivine andesite magmas, whose mantle residual is lherzolite, were formed by lower degrees of partial melting than bronzite-olivine andesite magmas, which coexist with harzburgite. The basalt magmas, which were often extruded in close proximity to the high-magnesian andesite magmas, are not partial melting products of a mantle peridotite which had previously melted to yield high-magnesian andesite magmas.  相似文献   


The Proterozoic anorogenic magmatic rocks are well developed in the Bayan Obo deposit region. They are composed of trachyte, magnesioarfvedesonite-feldspatite, potash-rhyolite, dacite, rhyolite, quartz porphyry and trachy basalt. A lot of high-K diabase veins (dykes) are also found. These anorogenic magmatic rocks are derived from the mantle. They have lowerɛNd(t) (4.52-5.88) with T Nd DM = 1.54-1.92 Ga. Their Nd isotopic compositions and T Nd DM are consistent with those of ores, implying that the ore-forming materials were derived from these anorogenic magmatic rocks. The zircon U-Pb ages of the rocks are 1.8 Ga. Research results indicate that the Bayan Obo Group was replaced by the hydrothermal solution related to the anorogenic magmatic rocks, resulting in the formation of the deposit.


An oceanographic survey by H.M.S. Hecla of the 1974 active submarine volcano (12°18′N and 61°38′W) revealed a crater at 190 m below sea level and bottom-sampling yielded fresh olivine basalt pyroclastics with phenocrysts of olivine, plagioclase and clinopyroxene. Megacrysts of amphilbole, up to 16 modal percent, are subsilicic and nepheline-normative ferroan pargasites. The mineral assemblage Ol+Cpx+Pl+Amph appears to have been in equilibrium in the Kick’em-Jenny melt prior to eruption, although published experimental studies on hydrous (H2O-saturated) or anhydrous alkali basaltic compositions have not yielded this mineral assemblage at any pressure. Interpolation between the experimentally determined phase relationships for dry and water-saturated alkali basaltic liquids indicates, however, that in an isobaric section at 5 kb the observed assemblage can exist in the water-undersaturated region. The Kick’em-Jenny olivine basalts belong to a suite of variably undersaturated basaltic rocks including alkali picrites and basanites, common in Grenada and the southern Grenadines, but although the available evidence indicates the importance of the presence of water in the genesis of these melts, their origin seems most likely to be associated with partial melting of upper mantle material rather than melting of amphibolite in an underthrust lithospheric slab.  相似文献   

To investigate the isotopic composition and age of water in volcanic gases and magmas, we analyzed samples from 11 active volcanoes ranging in composition from tholeiitic basalt to rhyolite: Mount St. Helens (USA), Kilauea (USA), Pacaya (Guatemala), Galeras (Colombia), Satsuma Iwo-Jima (Japan), Sierra Negra and Alcedo (Ecuador), Vulcano (Italy), Parícutin (Mexico), Kudryavy (Russia), and White Island (New Zealand). Tritium at relatively low levels (0.1–5 T.U.) is found in most emissions from high-temperature volcanic fumaroles sampled, even at discharge temperatures >700°C. Although magmatic fluids sampled from these emissions usually contain high CO2, Stotal, HCl, HF, B, Br, 3He R/RA, and low contents of air components, stable isotope and tritium relations of nearly all such fluids show mixing of magmatic volatiles with relatively young meteoric water (model ages≤75 y). Linear δD/δ18O and 3H/δ18O mixing trends of these two end-members are invariably detected at arc volcanoes. Tritium is also detected in fumarole condensates at hot spot basalt volcanoes, but collecting samples approaching the composition of end-member magmatic fluid is exceedingly difficult. In situ production of 3H, mostly from spontaneous fission of 238U in magmas is calculated to be <0.001 T.U., except for the most evolved compositions (high U, Th, and Li and low H2O contents). These values are below the detection limit of 3H by conventional analytical techniques (about 0.01 T.U. at best). We found no conclusive evidence that natural fusion in the Earth produces anomalous amounts of detectable 3H (>0.05 T.U.).  相似文献   

The origin of Arenal basaltic andesite can be explained in terms of fractional crystallization of a parental high-alumina basalt (HAB), which assimilates crustal rocks during its storage, ascent and evolution. Contamination of this melt by Tertiary calc-alkalic intrusives (quartz–diorite and granite, with 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging 0.70381–0.70397, nearly identical with those of the Arenal lavas) occurs at upper crustal levels, following the interaction of ascending basaltic magma masses with gabbroic–anorthositic layers. Fragments of these layers are found as inclusions within Arenal lavas and tephra and may show reaction rims (1–5 mm thick, consisting of augite, hypersthene, bytownitic–anorthitic plagioclase, and granular titanomagnetite) at the gabbro–lava interface. These reaction rims indicate that complete `assimilation' was prevented since the temperature of the host basaltic magma was not high enough to melt the gabbroic materials (whose mineral phases are nearly identical to the early formed liquidus phases in the differentiating HAB). Olivine gabbros crystallized at pressure of about 5–6 kbar and equilibrated with the parental HAB at pressures of 3–6 kbar (both under anhydrous and hydrous conditions), and temperatures ranging 1000–1100°C. In particular, `deeper' interactions between the mafic inclusions and the hydrous basaltic melt (i.e., with about 3.5 wt.% H2O) are likely to occur at 5.4 (±0.4) kbar and temperatures approaching 1100°C. The olivine gabbros are thus interpreted as cumulates which represent crystallized portions of earlier Arenal-type basalts. Some of the gabbros have been `mildly' tectonized and recrystallized to give mafic granulites that may exhibit a distinct foliation. Below Arenal volcano a zoned magma chamber evolved prior the last eruptive cycle: three distinct andesitic magma layers were produced by simple AFC of a high-alumina basalt (HAB) with assimilation of Tertiary quartz–dioritic and granitic rocks. Early erupted 1968 tephra and 1969 lavas (which represent the first two layers of the upper part of a zoned magma chamber) were produced by simple AFC, with fractionation of plagioclase, pyroxene and magnetite and concomitant assimilation of quartz–dioritic rocks. Assimilation rates were constant (r1=0.33) for a relative mass of magma remaining of 0.77–0.80, respectively. Lavas erupted around 1974 are less differentiated and represent the `primitive andesitic magma type' residing within the middle–lower part of the chamber. These lavas were also produced by simple AFC: assimilation rates and the relative mass of magma remaining increased of about 10%, respectively (r1=0.36, and F=0.89). Ba enrichment of the above lavas is related to selective assimilation of Ba from Tertiary granitic rocks. Lava eruption occurred as a dynamic response to the intrusion of a new magma into the old reservoir. This process caused the instability of the zoned magma column inducing syneruptive mixing between portions of two contiguous magma layers (both within the column itself and at lower levels where the new basalt was intruded into the reservoir). Syneruptive mixing (mingling) within the middle–upper part of the chamber involved fractions of earlier gabbroic cumulitic materials (lavas erupted around 1970). On the contrary, within the lower part of the chamber, mixing between the intruded HAB and the residing andesitic melt was followed by simple fractional crystallization (FC) of the hybrid magma layer (lavas erupted in 1978–1980). By that time the original magma chamber was completely evacuated. Lavas erupted in 1982/1984 were thus modelled by means of `open system' AFCRE (i.e., AFC with continuous recharge of a fractionating magma batch during eruption): in this case assimilation rates were r1=0.33 and F=0.86. Recharge rates are slightly higher than extrusion rates and may reflect differences in density (between extruded and injected magmas), together with dynamic fluctuations of these parameters during eruption. Ba and LREE (La, Ce) enrichments of these lavas can be related to selective assimilation of Tertiary granitic and quartz–dioritic rocks. Calculated contents for Zr, Y and other REE are in acceptable agreement with the observed values. It is concluded that simple AFC occurs between two distinct eruption cycles and is typical of a period of repose or mild and decreasing volcanic activity. On the contrary, magma mixing, eventually followed by fractional crystallization (FC) of the hybrid magma layer, occurs during an ongoing eruption. Open-system AFCRE is only operative when the original magma chamber has been totally replenished by the new basaltic magma, and seems a prelude to the progressive ceasing of a major eruptive cycle.  相似文献   

Three groups of spinels have been identified in dredged basalts from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Azores region (30–40°N): (1) magnesiochromites with 0.4–0.5 Cr/(Cr + Al) are most common and characteristic of olivine tholeiites of the region; (2) titaniferous magnesiochromites are found in an olivine basalt with alkali affinities, of local occurrence and evolved in relatively high fugacity of oxygen; (3) chromian spinels with 0.23 Cr/(Cr + Al) occur in unusual high-Al picrites of local occurrence and possible high-pressure origin. Spinels are restricted in occurrence to the least fractionated lavas, with FeO*/FeO* + MgO ratio less than 0.575 and with Cr content greater than 350 ppm. A close relationship between Al content of liquidus spinel and Al content of magma has been observed for basaltic types. High-Al spinels deviating from this relationship, such as those found in picritic lavas from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, may have crystallized at high pressure. The use of spinels as geobarometers in magmas of a restricted compositional range seems a promising prospect. There is no evidence of systematic variation in spinel chemistry of occurrence along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, such as could be related to different mantle sources of the basalts, plume versus non-plume or binary mantle mixing.  相似文献   

We use the technique of direct minimization of the Gibbs free energy of the 8-component (K2O-Na2O-Fe2O3-FeO-CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2) multiphase system in order to determine the equilibrium mineral assemblages of rocks of different bulk chemical compositions equilibrated at various P-T conditions. The calculated modal compositions of rocks and experimental data on elastic moduli of single crystals are then used to calculate densities and isotropic elastic wave velocities of rocks together with their pressure and temperature derivatives. Sufficient accuracy of the calculations is confirmed by comparison with experimental data on the gabbro-eclogite transformation and precise ultrasonic measurements of elastic wave velocities in a number of magmatic and metamorphic rocks.We present calculated phase diagrams with isolines of density, elastic wave velocities, and their pressure and temperature derivatives for several anhydrous magmatic rocks, from granite to lherzolite. Density and elastic properties of rocks are controlled by their chemical compositions, especially the SiO2 content, and by P-T of equilibration, and they increase with pressure due to mineral reactions changing mineral assemblages from plagioclase-bearing and garnet-free to garnetbearing and plagioclase-free. TheV p -density correlation is high, and shows two clear trends: one for iron-poor ultramafic rocks and another for all the other rocks considered. Mineral reactions, which occur at high pressures, changeV p and density of anhydrous magmatic rocks following the well-known Birch (or a similar) law.Felsic, intermediate and mafic rocks can be well distinguished in theV p -V p /V s - diagram, although their values ofV p can be close to one another. TheV p -V p /V s -density diagrams together with calculated phase diagrams can serve as efficient instruments for petrologic interpretation of seismic velocities.  相似文献   

The Handkerchief Mesa mixed magma complex is one of several late Cenozoic volcanic complexes in the southeastern San Juan Mountains characterized by mingling and limited mixing of basalt and rhyodacite. Stratigraphy in the dissected vent complex at Handkerchief Mesa records three phases of volcanism, the first and third displaying evidence for coeruption of mafic and silicic magmas. Phases 1 and 2 erupted silicic pyroclastics and basaltic lava flows, respectively. Phase-3 eruptions were dominated by rhyodacite lava flows, rhyodacite dikes, and abundant mingled and mixed hybrid lavas.Pre- and syneruptive basalt-rhyodacite mixing of phase-3 eruptions is shown by: (1) inclusions of quenched basalt in rhyodacite; (2) partially disaggregated basalt inclusions in mixed hybrids and rhyodacites; (3) interfingering lenses of mixed hybrid lavas and rhyodacite. Whole-rock major- and trace-element analyses support a two-component mixing model whereby intermediate hybrids are produced by mixing of basalt and rhyodacite (up to 30% basalt: 70% rhyodacite). Disequilibrium phenocryst textures and mineral compositions are consistent with multistage mixing culminating in an eruptive mixing event. Protracted mixing along a boundary zone at the base of a rhyodacite magma chamber may be responsible for stabilizing Fe-rich olivine phenocrysts in some hybrids.Basalt-rhyodacite mixing is inhibited by rapid crystallization in the basalt shortly after inclusion within the lower temperature melt. The degree to which mechanical dispersion and blending ensues is a critical function of the initial temperature contrast (ΔTi) between the two magmas. Thermal models, simulating the conductive cooling histories for basalt spheres in rhyodacite reservoirs, suggest that at large ΔTi's (> 200°) rapid cooling of the inclusion leads to disequilibrium crystallization with concomitant depression of equilibrium solidi, grain boundary wetting by residual liquids, and limited disaggregation of the inclusion imposed by movement of the host. For small ΔTi's (< 100°) temperatures within the inclusion can be maintained above the solidus for prolonged time periods, enhancing the possibility of producing homogeneous mixed hybrids through mechanical blending and diffusion. Both mechanisms operated at Handkerchief Mesa and contributed to the range of observed textures and compositions.  相似文献   

Lower Carboniferous lavas from the Midland Valley and adjacent regions of Scotland are mildly alkaline and intraplate in nature. The sequence is dominated by basalt and hawaiite, although mugearite, benmoreite, trachyte and rhyolite are also present. Basic volcanic rocks display the LIL element and LREE enrichment typical of intraplate alkali basalt terrains. Low initial87Sr/86Sr (0.7029–0.7046), high εNd (−0.4 to +5.6) and moderately radiogenic206Pb/204Pb (17.77–18.89) ratios are also comparable with alkali basalts from other continental rifts and oceanic islands.When the Carboniferous lavas are compared with subduction-related lavas of Old Red Sandstone age, erupted in and around the Midland Valley ca. 50 Ma earlier (at 410 Ma) remarkable similarities are apparent. Significant overlap occurs in Nd and Pb isotopic compositions. Sr isotopic compositions are, however, more radiogenic in the older subduction-related lavas. This, combined with high K and Rb concentrations in ORS lavas may be explained by the incorporation of a sediment component derived from the subducted slab, which by Lower Carboniferous times had been lost from the mantle source region by convection. A pronounced negative Nb anomaly in the ORS subduction-related lavas may be explained by the retention of a Nb-bearing phase in the mantle during hydrous melting of the mantle wedge above the subduction zone.Allowing for the effects of the added component from the subducted slab, there appears to be no necessity to invoke separate mantle source regions for the two suites of lavas: both may have been derived from chemically similar portions of mantle. If volcanic arc lavas are derived from the mantle wedge, the implication is that such a source lies at relatively shallow depth within the upper mantle: the same may therefore apply to the Carboniferous continental rift basalts. This evidence, combined with the fact that there is no evident hot-spot trail across the Midland Valley despite a long period of within-plate volcanism and rapid plate movements during the Carboniferous, suggests that the alkali basalt magmatism is not the product of a deep-seated mantle plume. Rather, the volcanism appears to owe more to passive rifting and to diapiric upwelling from a source region within the uppermost mantle.  相似文献   

The possible effect of pressure-induced breakdown of amphibole in triggering explosive eruptions is considered. Since amphibole is a hydrous mineral, when it breaks down to an anhydrous assemblage as pressure is reduced to less than 1.5–2 kbar, the water liberated might oversaturate the coexisting melt generating the necessary overpressure to trigger an explosive eruption. Resorbed amphiboles are commonly observed in evolved lavas and pyroclastic ejecta. The amount of a volatile component, such as water that will dissolve in a melt is a function of pressure, temperature and composition, and during crystallization it is also a function of the extent of crystallization and the nature of crystallizing minerals. The relation can be expressed by the simple equation: where Xr is the water content of the residual liquid, Xi is the initial water content, XmOH, is the water content of hydrous minerals, f is the total extent of crystallization and f′ is the extent of crystallization of hydrous minerals such that 0 ≤ f′ ≤ f ≤ 1. We suggest that storage of water in hydrous minerals, such as amphibole and biotite, plays an important role in the eruptive behavior of certain types of magmas; the breakdown of these minerals liberates water to the melt at a rate governed by the kinetics of the resorption reaction. If the release of water causes the liquid fraction to exceed the solubility limit and the overpressure resulting from expansion of the gas exceeds the strength of the overlying magma and rocks in the conduit, the result can be an explosive eruption. The amphibole effect can occur at different structural levels depending on the nature of the magma and physical conditions leading to instability.  相似文献   

Rhyolites occur as a subordinate component of the basalt-dominated Eastern Snake River Plain volcanic field. The basalt-dominated volcanic field spatially overlaps and post-dates voluminous late Miocene to Pliocene rhyolites of the Yellowstone–Snake River Plain hotspot track. In some areas the basalt lavas are intruded, interlayered or overlain by ~15 km3 of cryptodomes, domes and flows of high-silica rhyolite. These post-hotspot rhyolites have distinctive A-type geochemical signatures including high whole-rock FeOtot/(FeOtot+MgO), high Rb/Sr, low Sr (0.5–10 ppm) and are either aphyric, or contain an anhydrous phenocryst assemblage of sodic sanidine ± plagioclase + quartz > fayalite + ferroaugite > magnetite > ilmenite + accessory zircon + apatite + chevkinite. Nd- and Sr-isotopic compositions overlap with coeval olivine tholeiites (ɛNd = −4 to −6; 87Sr/86Sri = 0.7080–0.7102) and contrast markedly with isotopically evolved Archean country rocks. In at least two cases, the rhyolite lavas occur as cogenetic parts of compositionally zoned (~55–75% SiO2) shield volcanoes. Both consist dominantly of intermediate composition lavas and have cumulative volumes of several 10’s of km3 each. They exhibit two distinct, systematic and continuous types of compositional trends: (1) At Cedar Butte (0.4 Ma) the volcanic rocks are characterized by prominent curvilinear patterns of whole-rock chemical covariation. Whole-rock compositions correlate systematically with changes in phenocryst compositions and assemblages. (2) At Unnamed Butte (1.4 Ma) the lavas are dominated by linear patterns of whole-rock chemical covariation, disequilibrium phenocryst assemblages, and magmatic enclaves. Intermediate compositions in this group resulted from variable amounts of mixing and hybridization of olivine tholeiite and rhyolite parent magmas. Interestingly, models of rhyolite genesis that involve large degrees of melting of Archean crust or previously consolidated mafic or silicic Tertiary intrusions do not produce observed ranges of Nd- and Sr-isotopes, extreme depletions in Sr-concentration, and cogenetic spectra of intermediate rock compositions for both groups. Instead, least-squares mass-balance, energy-constrained assimilation and fractional crystallization modeling, and mineral thermobarometry can explain rhyolite production by 77% low-pressure fractional crystallization of a basaltic trachyandesite parent magma (~55% SiO2), accompanied by minor (0.03–7%) assimilation of Archean upper crust. We present a physical model that links the rhyolites and parental intermediate magmas to primitive olivine tholeiite by fractional crystallization. Assimilation, recharge, mixing and fractional melting occur to limited degrees, but are not essential parts of the rhyolite formation process. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This paper constitutes part of a special issue dedicated to Bill Bonnichsen on the petrogenesis and volcanology of anorogenic rhyolites.  相似文献   

FAMOUS basalt 527-1-1 (a high-Mg oceanic pillow basalt) has three generations of spinel which can be distinguished petrographically and chemically. The first generation (Group I) have reaction coronas and are high in Al2O3. The second generation (Group II) have no reaction coronas and are high in Cr2O3 and the third generation (Group III) are small, late-stage spinels with intermediate Al2O3 and Cr2O3. Experimental synthesis of spinels from fused rock powder of this basalt was carried out at temperatures of 1175–1270°C and oxygen fugacities of 10?5.5 to 10?10 atm at 1 atm pressure. Spinel is the liquidus phase at oxygen fugacities of 10?8.5 atm and higher but it does not crystallize at any temperature at oxygen fugacities less than 10?9.5. The composition of our spinels synthesized at 1230–1250°C and 10?9 atmfO2 are most similar to the high-Cr spinels (Group II) found in the rock. Spinels synthesized at 1200°C and 10?8.5 atmO2 are chemically similar to the Group III spinels in 527-1-1. We did not synthesize spinel at any temperature or oxygen fugacity that are similar to the high-Al (Group I) spinel found in 527-1-1. These results indicate that the high-Cr (Group II) spinel is the liquidus phase in 527-1-1 at low pressure and Group III spinel crystallize below the liquidus (~1200°C) after eruption of the basalt on the sea floor. The high-Al spinel (Group I) could have crystallized at high pressure or from a magma enriched in Al and perhaps Mg compared to 527-1-1.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence for the role of accessory phases in magma genesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent experimental studies have established petrogenetic models based on melting processes involving major phases. The possible residual character of trace-element-enriched accessory phases is not considered for temperatures well above the solidus in these models. In contrast, geochemists, applying trace element data to independently test the experimentally-based models, have concluded that residual (or fractionating) accessory phases may have an essential role in controlling the trace element (especially REE) distributions in magmas.Some recent experimental work provides data on the stability of potentially significant accessories such as sphene, rutile, apatite, zoisite and mica in basaltic compositions at elevated P and T. Sphene is stable to 1000°C with 60% melting of a hydrous tholeiite at 15 kbar. At higher pressure, rutile is the only Ti-rich accessory phase, and is present to at least 1000°C and high degrees of melting. Published REE data on sphene and rutile suggest that these phases may be important in controlling REE distribution in some magmas. For example, island are high-Mg, low-Ca-Ti tholeiites with low REE abundances and U-shaped patterns (Hickey and Frey, 1979) may reflect the role of sphene. In addition to rutile, similar close-packed Ti-rich accessory phases such as priderite, perovskite, crichtonite and loveringite may occur in mantle-derived magmas. These phases readily accommodate the REE but their possible role needs experimental confirmation.Apatite is recorded in hawaiite (1.16% P2Os) with 2% H2O added at 5–6 kbar and 1050°C within 30°C of the liquidus, but at present no other experimental data are available on its high P, T stability, although thermodynamic calculations indicate that F may increase its stability markedly. Apatite is well known in high-pressure inclusions and as a phenocryst phase in rocks of the alkaline and calc-alkaline series.Ilmenite is known as a near-liquidus phase in some mafic magmas at 5–10 kbar, but its stability decreases to near-solidus at 25–30 kbar. Zoisite occurs in hydrous mafic compositions at mantle pressures, but it is confined to temperatures < 780°C. Finally, mica has a wide temperature range of stability at mantle pressures, especially in potassic magmas, and phlogopitic mica is stable to 1040°C at 20–25 kbar in a hydrous, K-rich “tholeiite” (1.6% K2O).  相似文献   

Three major rhyolite systems in the northeastern Davis and adjacent Barrilla Mountains include lava units that bracketed a large pantelleritic ignimbrite (Gomez Tuff) in rapid eruptions spanning 300,000 years. Extensive silicic lavas formed the shields of the Star Mountain Formation (37.2 Ma-K/Ar; 36.84 Ma 39Ar/40Ar), and the Adobe Canyon Formation (37.1 Ma-K/Ar; 36.51-39Ar/40Ar). The Gomez Tuff (36.6 Ma-K/Ar; 36.74-39Ar/40Ar) blanketed a large region around the 18×24 km diameter Buckhorn caldera, within which it ponded, forming sections up to 500 m thick. Gomez eruption was preceded by pantelleritic rhyolite domes (36.87, 36.91 Ma-39Ar/40Ar), some of which blocked movement of Star Mountain lava flows. Following collapse, the Buckhorn caldera was filled by trachyte lava. Adobe Canyon rhyolite lavas then covered much of the region. Star Mountain Formation (~220 km3) is composed of multiple flows ranging from quartz trachyte to mildly peralkalic rhyolite; three major types form a total of at least six major flows in the northeastern Davis Mountains. Adobe Canyon Formation (~125 km3) contains fewer flows, some up to 180 m thick, of chemically homogenous, mildly peralkalic comendite, extending up to 40 km. Gomez Tuff (~220 km3) may represent the largest known pantellerite. It is typically less than 100 m thick in extra-caldera sections, where it shows a pyroclastic base and top, although interiors are commonly rheomorphic, containing flow banding and ramp structures. Most sections contain one cooling unit; two sections contain a smaller, upper cooling unit. Chemically, the tuff is fairly homogeneous, but is more evolved than early pantelleritic domes. Overall, although Davis Mountains silicic units were generated through open system processes, the pantellerites appear to have evolved by processes dominated by extensive fractional crystallization from parental trachytes similar to that erupted in pre- and post-caldera lavas. Comparison with the Pantelleria volcano suggests that the most likely parental magma for the Buckhorn series is transitional basalt, similar to that erupted in minor, younger Basin and Range volcanism after about 24 Ma. Roughly contemporaneous mafic lavas associated with the Buckhorn caldera appear to have assimilated or mixed with crustal melts, and, generally, may not be regarded as mafic precursors of the Buckhorn silicic rocks, They thus form a false Daly Gap as opposed to the true basalt/trachyte Daly gap of Pantelleria. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This paper constitutes part of a special issue dedicated to Bill Bonnichsen on the petrogenesis and volcanology of anorogenic rhyolites.  相似文献   

In order to understand the role of the subducted lithosphere in producing the geochemical characteristics of arc magmas, major- and trace-element along with Sr- and Nd-isotope compositions have been determined for Quaternary volcanic rocks from the Izu-Bonin intra-oceanic arc. 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios decrease away from the volcanic front of this arc and lie on mixing lines between the assumed isotopic compositions of fluid phases mainly derived from the basalt layer of the subducted lithosphere and upper-mantle materials in the sub-arc wedge. This across-arc variation can be explained through a simple sequence of processes involving initial release of fluid phases from the subducted oceanic crust to produce hydrous peridotite at the base of the mantle wedge. This hydrous peridotite is dragged downward with the slab and releases a second-stage metasomatizing fluid beneath the volcanic arc. The higher concentrations of both Sr and Nd in the fluid beneath the volcanic front than those beneath the back-arc side may be a possible cause of the observed across-arc variation in Sr-Nd isotopic ratios. The difference in compositions of fluid phases is attributed to the different hydrous phases which decompose in the hydrous peridotite layer; amphibole beneath the volcanic front and phlogopite beneath the back-arc side of the volcanic arc. The mineralogically controlled fluid addition may also be responsible for the across-arc variation in Rb/K and Rb/Zr ratios, increasing away from the volcanic front.  相似文献   

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