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Summary Two alternative methods are presented of determining the secular changes of the geoid in the Fennoscandian uplift region. Both are based on the Airy-Heiskanen hypothesis of isostatic compensation. The first alternative is the usual Stokes integration of changes of free-air anomalies in the given region. Another alternative was derived, which is based on calculating the gravitational potential of the surface uplift layer and of the same layer at the depth of compensation. The calculated changes of the shape of the geoid were then compared with the results of Bjerhammar's geophysical interpretation of the expansion of the Earth's gravity potential (regional depression of the geoid in the Fennoscandian uplift region). Regression analysis indicates a strong correlation between the two quantities (r=0.88). The time required to level this depression of the geoid is estimated. A relation was derived for improving the accuracy of the observed values of Fennoscandian uplifts, which takes into account the elastic reaction of the Earth's body to the change of gravitational potential and perturbations, caused by the secular decrease of the depth of the northern part of the Baltic Sea.
¶rt;ma ¶rt;a auama m¶rt;a n¶rt;u uuu¶rt;a amu n¶rt;a a¶rt;uu. a u¶rt;m uunm uamu nauu u-aa. auam — umuau ma uu aau ¶rt; ¶rt; ¶rt;a amu. ¶rt; m auam, a a uuuaumau nmuaa nm n¶rt;a, u a au nauu. am u uu u¶rt;a auam mamau aaa nuu umnmauu au nmuaa u mmu u (ua ¶rt;nuuu¶rt;a amu a¶rt;uauu). u aau aam a u au u uu (r=0,88). uam , ¶rt;u ¶rt; auau a ¶rt;nuuu¶rt;a. ¶rt; mu ¶rt; mu u au n¶rt; a¶rt;uauu, a n au u a uuaumau nmuaa u u, mau u uu amu amu .

The general features of the Fennoscandian land uplift are well known. Owing to the stability of the old shield, the relative local vertical displacements are of a marginal magnitude, and the mechanism of the phenomenon is under investigation.The relevellings carried out in the last decade have, however, brought discontinuities to light that seem to correlate with the fracture systems and fault lines. The most marked vertical displacements have been observed in the Main Sulphide Ore Belt (MSOB), where the fracture density is comparatively high.The present paper gives the preliminary results of certain series of observations connected with the MSOB. The vertical displacements observed can be interpreted as block movements on a small scale.  相似文献   

The relationship between Bouguer anomalies and topography has been studied on ten selected profiles through the Apennines. After classifying the Apennines as an asymmetrical active region, a new interpretation has been made of the pairs of gravity-anomaly belts observed in asymmetrical active continental regions where there is no trench.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1982 a continuous uplift began at Phlegraean Fields, an active volcanic area in southern Italy (Fig. 1), that persisted up to September 1984. The uplift, which reached a maximum value of about 160 cm in the central part of the Phlegraean caldera, was characterized by variable velocity and occurred within an area that extended about 7 km outward from the town of Pozzuoli (Fig. 1); the surface deformation performs a bell-shape pattern.The uplift was accompanied by horizontal displacements and gravity changes that closely correlate with the described elevation changes.The horizontal displacements displayed an anomalous pattern within a narrow belt about 1 km from the center of the uplift and approximately coincident with the area of maximum seismic activity. The change in gravity is attributed primarily to a free-air effect to which a small Bouguer effect must be added.Several models have been invoked in order to explain the observed phenomenon. The one which gives the best fit to the observed data is an increasing pressure source of radial simmetry, at a constant depth of about 3 km beneath the town of Pozzuoli, and having a diameter of several hundred meters. Migration of magma at depth is believed to be responsible for the observed activity in the Phlegraean Fields caldera.  相似文献   

A land gravity survey of the Aeolian volcanic arc, including 235 measurament points, has shown the occurrence of Bouguer gravity lows related to each island, except Panarea. As Bouguer anomalies of the southern Tyrrhenian sea are only slightly disturbed by the Aeolian arc, the anomalies found in the present survey are generally due to shallow causes. These lows can be ascribed to the effect of low density superficial volcanics thickening in correspondence of each volcano. For Vulcano-Lipari and Stromboli the occurrence of a shallow magmatic reservoir can be a concomitant cause. The Bouguer high related to Panarea and associated islets indicates shallow high density masses, probably solidified within a magmatic pipe.  相似文献   

A new laboratory facility for studying gravity wave critical-layer interactions is described, and the results from one experiment are presented. In the experiment, a forced, monochromatic gravity wave is allowed to propagate into a stratified shear flow containing a critical level for the gravity wave. The early evoluation of the flow is characterized by turbulent wavebreaking and mean flow modifications which are in qualitative agreement with previous numerical simulations. The late-time critical layer flow is characterized by internal mixing regions which are phase-locked to the incoming gravity wave.  相似文献   

Summary The paper gives a simple method for the reduction of Gravity observations with electronic computer. The major part of the gravity reductions is the computation of the correction for the far zones. This process was so simplified, that all far zone correction parameters depend on the topography can be determined — independent of the gravity measurement — for the whole survey area in one computer run (subprogram). The computed gravity data will be stored for plotter or other programs.
Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit gibt eine einfache Methode für die Reduktion gravimetrischer Meßdaten mit elektronischer Rechenmaschine. Den größten Teil der Reduktion von gravimetrischen Meßdaten machen die Korrektionen für die fernen Zonen aus. Diese Prozedur wurde so vereinfacht, daß man alle — von der Topographie abhängigen — Parameter der Fernzonenkorrektur, unabhängig von den gravimetrischen Me\daten, für das ganze Meßgebiet in einem Rechenprozeß berechnen kann. Die reduzierten gravimetrischen Meßdaten werden für Plotter oder andere Programme eingespeichert.

Summary The parameters of the normal gravity field were deduced from the harmonic coefficients[3, 4] upto n=6 and compared with the parameters used hitherto. The symbols used are the same as in papers[5, 6, 8] with which this paper connects up.  相似文献   

梁晨  薛向辉  陈廷娣 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3668-3678
本文利用2007年1月至2012年12月的COSMIC卫星温度剖线,从中提取了垂直波长在3~10 km的重力波扰动信息,进而分析了全球平流层大气重力波的分布特征.赤道地区低平流层重力波表现出明显的准两年变化,这种变化与风场的准两年变化具有明显的相关性,向下发展速度约为1 km/月;赤道地区高平流层(35 km以上区域)的重力波活动则存在明显的半年变化.中高纬度重力波活动主要表现为冬季强夏季弱.在南极地区存在着与急流的时间、空间以及强度变化密切相关的重力波分布特征,这说明在南极极夜急流是非常重要的一个重力波源;而在北极极夜急流的作用则没有那么强.此外,通过考察不同高度的重力波活动特征,我们发现:30 km以下重力波活动较强区域主要在赤道地区且与强对流区分布基本吻合,地形诱发的以及与天气系统相关的强重力波活动在该高度范围内同样出现;而在30 km以上的区域重力波活动强度分布则会出现与平流层爆发性增温以及极夜急流有关的变化.  相似文献   

利用重力观测约束2011日本Tohoku大地震的震源机制   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2011年3月11日,日本东北部(Tohoku)太平洋海域发生Mw9.0特大地震.一些国际学术机构用不同的震相和反演方法,计算了大地震的震源机制解.但这些结果存在一定的差异.地球长周期自由振荡的振幅主要依赖于地震矩的大小及地震断层的破裂方式,可以约束地震的震源机制、地震大小及持续时间.本文利用地球自由振荡0S0简正模对Tohoku大地震的震源机制解进行分析和约束.0S0振幅大小与地震断层的倾角(dip)、滑动方向角(slip)、震源深度及地震断层的破裂时间有关.我们利用震源机制解得到大地震后自由振荡模拟值,利用超导重力仪得到自由振荡的高精度重力观测值.二者比较后的结果显示:由GCMT震源机制解得到的0S0振幅与观测值符合较好,而由USGS CMT震源机制解模拟的结果明显大于观测值.2011 Tohoku地震为逆冲型浅源大地震.进一步的分析表明:逆冲型浅源大地震的断层倾角对0S0振幅的影响很大,而滑动方向角以及震源深度对0S0振幅的影响较小.USGS CMT震源机制解中较大的断层倾角是导致其0S0振幅显著偏离观测值的主要原因.  相似文献   

2011年3月11日,日本东北部(Tohoku)太平洋海域发生Mw9.0特大地震.一些国际学术机构用不同的震相和反演方法,计算了大地震的震源机制解.但这些结果存在一定的差异.地球长周期自由振荡的振幅主要依赖于地震矩的大小及地震断层的破裂方式,可以约束地震的震源机制、地震大小及持续时间.本文利用地球自由振荡0S0简正模对Tohoku大地震的震源机制解进行分析和约束.0S0振幅大小与地震断层的倾角(dip)、滑动方向角(slip)、震源深度及地震断层的破裂时间有关.我们利用震源机制解得到大地震后自由振荡模拟值,利用超导重力仪得到自由振荡的高精度重力观测值.二者比较后的结果显示:由GCMT震源机制解得到的0S0振幅与观测值符合较好,而由USGS CMT震源机制解模拟的结果明显大于观测值.2011 Tohoku地震为逆冲型浅源大地震.进一步的分析表明:逆冲型浅源大地震的断层倾角对0S0振幅的影响很大,而滑动方向角以及震源深度对0S0振幅的影响较小.USGS CMT震源机制解中较大的断层倾角是导致其0S0振幅显著偏离观测值的主要原因.  相似文献   

The comparative observations of the tidal gravity in Three Gorges reservoir area, recorded with the LCR-ET20 gravimeter from Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the DZW-9 gravimeter from Institute of Seismology, China Earthquake Administration, are introduced. High-accuracy tidal gravity pa-rameters in this area are obtained, and the scale factor of the DZW-9 gravimeter is also estimated at a value of ?(756.06±0.05)×10?8 m?s?2V?1. The observed residuals of the corresponding instruments are investigated. Nu-merical results indicate that the long-term drift of the DZW-9 gravimeter appears a linear characteristic, and the observed accuracy is of the same order comparing with that of the LCR-ET20 gravimeter. The results given in the paper can provide with an effective reference model of the tidal gravity correction to the ground based and space geodesy.  相似文献   

Résumé On déduit les expressions donnant le géopotentiel et la pesanteur sur un ellipso?de triaxial extérieur, de même que la pesanteur sur la surface de niveaux extérieure et les valeurs moyennes intégrales de ces grandeurs. On discute la convergence des séries et l'usage des formules déduites à la détermination des paramètres de la forme du corps terrestre.

Address: Politickych vězŭů 12, Praha 1-Nové Město.  相似文献   

本文通过分析陆地实测空间重力异常数据、海洋船载测量空间重力异常数据、卫星测高重力异常,布格重力异常数据、EGM2008地球重力模型数据等多种来源数据的性质和精度,并对相关数据进行对比,研究了编制1:500万中国海陆空间重力异常图的数据使用方案和技术方法.在地形较为平坦、实测数据分布均匀的陆区,使用实测数据,在地形复杂,实测数据稀少以及没有实测数据的陆区或岛屿,利用布格重力异常反推空间异常的方法合成平均空间重力数据,西藏地区的数据对比实验证明合成平均空间重力异常数据是一种有效的数据补充.利用三观测列方差分解法在南海地区对船载测量空间重力数据和美国SS系列及丹麦DNSC08GRA卫星重力数据进行了方差分解计算,结果表明不同来源的卫星测高重力数据具有很大的一致性,数据精度较以往有了很大的提高.海区空间重力数据使用原则是在船载重力测量数据校准下,全面使用卫星测高重力数据进行编图.海陆过渡区的异常处理应以EGM2008地球重力模型重力场为基准参考场,实现海陆异常平缓过渡,无缝连接.对中国海陆空间重力异常场进行了小波变换处理,对空间重力异常场进行了解读,勾画出三横四竖的一级重力梯级带及其所围限的8个一级重力异常区,并划分了二级重力异常区和梯级带,为块体构造学体系中大地构造格架的建立提供了地球物理证据.  相似文献   

罗志才  周浩  钟波  李琼 《地球物理学报》2015,58(9):3061-3071
考虑到不同坐标系下各个方向观测值对反演地球重力场的频谱贡献不同,建立了顾及多方向观测值权比的动力积分法,并利用该方法反演了高精度的GOCE HL-SST卫星重力场模型.首先,分析了不同坐标系下各个方向观测值与地球重力场信息的响应关系,其中惯性系(IRF)下X、Z方向的观测值分别对扇谐系数、带谐系数最为敏感,Z方向的解算精度在全频段均略高于X、Y方向;地固系(EFRF)下各个方向的独立解算精度均与能量守恒法的解算精度相当;局部指北坐标系(LNOF)下X、Z和Y三个方向的解算精度依次递减,且Y方向在47阶附近有明显"驼峰"现象.其次,比较了不同坐标系下顾及三个方向观测值权比的加权解算模型,其中加权联合解算模型精度在20至70阶次均明显优于等权解算模型,在带谐项和共振阶次精度提升明显,且LNOF下的加权联合解算精度要优于IRF和EFRF.最后,比较了GOCE和CHAMP卫星的模型解算精度,采用本文计算方法,仅利用2个月GOCE轨道观测值解算的模型精度优于包含更长观测时段信息的AIUB-CHAMP01S和EIGEN-CHAMP03S模型,且略优于ASU-GOCE-2months模型.  相似文献   

吴云龙  郭泽华  肖云  马林 《地球物理学报》2021,64(12):4437-4448

高精度重力梯度观测数据L1级构建的系统方法是推进我国自主重力卫星任务重要的基础数据处理技术.本文以GOCE卫星L1级数据预处理技术和关键载荷原始数据为参考,面向我国发展的梯度测量卫星的任务需要,系统研究并初步实现了卫星重力梯度观测数据L1级构建方法,主要包括加速度计电压数据转换、多星敏感器联合姿态数据的角速度重建、卫星重力梯度分量构建等技术内容.计算结果表明,加速度计超灵敏轴精度为10-10~10-11m·s-2·Hz-1/2,达到重力梯度仪设计精度要求;多星敏感器联合解算最佳姿态角速度wywz在10~100 mHz内精度约提升1个量级,其精度约达到10-5 rad·s-1·Hz-1/2量级,能够有效抑制低精度角速度分量在坐标系转换中导致的噪声传播;基于维纳滤波方法恢复的角速度在5~100 mHz频段内的平方根功率谱密度提升了(5.21~6.56)×10-11 rad·s-1·Hz-1/2,显示了基于高精度角速度解算重力梯度分量的必要性;构建重力梯度各分量计算值与全球重力场和海洋环流探测器(GOCE)官方公布的重力梯度分量精度相当,其梯度张量的迹在20~100 mHz频段范围内约为10 mE·Hz-1/2,验证了本文构建方法的有效性.研究工作可为下一步我国推进实施民用重力梯度测量卫星任务提供自主的原始数据处理技术支撑与储备.


Wind observations made at Gadanki (13.5°N) by using Indian MST Radar for few days in September, October, December 1995 and January, 1996 have been analyzed to study gravity wave activity in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. Horizontal wind variances have been computed for gravity waves of period (2–6) h from the power spectral density (PSD) spectrum. Exponential curves of the form eZ/H have been fitted by least squares technique to these variance values to obtain height variations of the irregular winds upto the height of about 15 km, where Z is the height in kilometers. The value of H, the scale height, as determined from curve fitting is found to be less than the theoretical value of scale height of neutral atmosphere in this region, implying that the waves are gaining energy during their passage in the troposphere. In other words, it indicates that the sources of gravity waves are present in the troposphere. The energy densities of gravity wave fluctuations have been computed. Polynomial fits to the observed values show that wave energy density increases in the troposphere, its source region, and then decreases in the lower stratosphere.  相似文献   

武汉九峰站地下水变化对重力场观测的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文从地下水渗透过程的物理机制出发,采用一维水动力学模拟,利用井水位和降雨数据模拟计算了武汉九峰站附近的土壤含水率变化,在此基础上估计了地下水变化导致的重力效应.其峰对峰变化幅度达到15.94μGal,说明当利用精密重力观测研究长周期效应时实施台站地下水改正的必要性;频域分析表明,地下水重力效应在周年频段上的振幅最大,说明地下水变化对重力的最大影响来自季节性变化.对比模拟计算的地下水重力效应和经过潮汐、大气、极移等改正后的高精度超导重力残差(峰对峰变化幅度为12.73μGal),发现两者在时域和频域均具有良好的一致性,说明超导重力残差信号主要来源于局部地区地下水的变化,同时也验证了本文使用的水动力学模拟方法的正确性.  相似文献   




Yakovlev  V. A. 《Water Resources》2004,31(3):307-315
Widely applied bioindication methods are analyzed based on the survey data of 1980–1996 for over 400 lakes and 300 watercourses in the northeastern Fennoscandia known to experience anthropogenic impact (toxification, acidification, eutrophication, and thermofication). Representative results of hydrobiological analysis of the quality of surface waters in areas with mixed toxic pollution (or anthropogenic acidification) may be obtained if methods are applied, different from the bioindication methods that are now accepted as standard for Russia, along with methods of biotesting natural waters. The saprotoxibity index, Kola biotic index, acidification estimation scale, biotesting methods were developed and adapted to regional conditions.  相似文献   

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