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GIS analysis at 30-m resolution reveals that effectiveness of slope-destabilizing processes in the San Francisco Bay area varies with compass direction. Nearly half the soil slip/debris flows mapped after the catastrophic rainstorm of 3–5 January 1982 occurred on slopes that face S to WSW, whereas fewer than one-quarter have a northerly aspect. Azimuthal analysis of hillside properties for susceptible terrain near the city of Oakland suggests that the skewed aspect of these landslides primarily reflects vegetation type, ridge and valley alignment, and storm–wind direction. Bedrock geology, soil expansivity, and terrain height and gradient also were influential but less so; the role of surface curvature is not wholly resolved. Normalising soil-slip aspect by that of the region's NNW-striking topography shifts the modal azimuth of soil-slip aspect from SW to SE, the direction of origin of winds during the 1982 storm—but opposite that of the prevailing WNW winds. Wind from a constant direction increases rainfall on windward slopes while diminishing it on leeward slopes, generating a modelled difference in hydrologically effective rainfall of up to 2:1 on steep hillsides in the Oakland area. This contrast is consistent with numerical simulations of wind-driven rain and with rainfall thresholds for debris-flow activity. We conclude that storm winds from the SE in January 1982 raised the vulnerability of the Bay region's many S-facing hillsides, most of which are covered in shallow-rooted shrub and grass that offer minimal resistance to soil slip. Wind-driven rainfall also appears to have controlled debris-flow location in a major 1998 storm and probably others. Incorporating this overlooked influence into GIS models of debris-flow likelihood would improve predictions of the hazard in central California and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Inappropriate anthropogenic activities such as overcultivation and overgrazing of steppe and excessive collection of fuelwood are largely responsible for current desertification in China. However, quantitative information concerning the impacts of human disturbance on soil erosion remains sparse. This study investigated aeolian sandy soil erodibility under human disturbance by wind tunnel simulation. The fixed aeolian sandy soils were taken from an artificial vegetation protective system on mobile dunes at the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert. The results indicate that: (1) human disturbance such as cultivation can accelerate the erodibility of the fixed aeolian sandy soil. The ratio between total soil loss from the undisturbed soil and the cultivated soil is about 0.004; (2) surface vegetation and microbiotic crust are the main factors responsible for the natural wind erodibility of the fixed sandy soil. Wind erosion rate increases with decreasing percent of the vegetation and crust cover; (3) the grain size distribution shows a higher percentage of particles in the range >1.0 mm and a lower percentage in the range <0.05 mm for the cultivated sandy soil than for the undisturbed fixed sandy soil.  相似文献   

On the rate of aeolian sand transport   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A simple explicit formula for the transport rate of windblown sand is derived based on physical reasoning. The curve relating the dimensionless transport rate to the dimensionless friction speed exhibits the empirically well-established peak. In fact, the theory developed in the paper can explain the peaked shape of this curve. Three empirically determined coefficients in the formula can be given a physical interpretation. The formula is shown to fit transport rates measured in wind-tunnel experiments well, except for very coarse sand. Formulae for the wind profile in the saltation layer and for the grain dislodgement rate in dependence on the friction speed are obtained as part of the theory.  相似文献   

Dirk Goossens   《Geomorphology》2004,58(1-4):145-160
Field data are reported for the horizontal and vertical flux of wind-eroded sediment on an agricultural field in northern Germany. Measurements were made during a windstorm that hit the region on 18 May 1999. The magnitude of both fluxes was significantly affected by the presence of a surface crust covering the test field. Measuring the physical crust strength at 45 locations with a torvane, the relationships between crust strength (τ) and the horizontal (Fh) and vertical (Fv) sediment fluxes were investigated. Both fluxes decreased as the surface crust became stronger. The decay behaved as an exponential function for both types of flux. The horizontal sediment flux over a crusted surface can be accurately predicted by completing Marticorena and Bergametti's [Journal of Geophysical Research 100 (1995) 16415] erosion model with a crust function. The vertical particle flux over crusted soil can be calculated by adding a similar function to Alfaro and Gomes's [Journal of Geophysical Research 106D (2001) 18075] dust production model. The study also suggests that the gradual bombardment of a surface crust by impacting particles does not immediately result in a decay of the crust's protective effect, provided that the crust has a minimum thickness. However, once the crust becomes perforated, its protective effect disappears very quickly, leading to much higher horizontal and vertical sediment fluxes than predicted for undamaged crusted soil.  相似文献   

The measurement of aeolian sand transport rates on small scales is of interest to the development and testing of detailed models of sand movement by wind. This paper reports on laboratory evaluations and preliminary field tests of a new design of a piëzo-electric impact responder, called a ‘Safire’, capable of measuring saltation impacts at a frequency of 20 Hz. The advantages of the Safire are: (1) that it provides high-frequency measurements, (2) that it presents a minimal obstruction to the wind flow (no scour observed in the field), and (3) that it is of a (relatively) low-cost.Laboratory calibrations were performed with a vertical gravity flume generating known sand grain fluxes using both mixed sand and specific size fractions. Initial tests investigated three fundamental characteristics: correspondence between digital and analogue signals generated by the instrument, directional response of the probe, and linearity of instrument response to mass flux.Instrument calibration included determination of the momentum threshold required for the sensor to register a grain impact. Based on this lower limit and the known distribution of grain size and speed at different fall heights, a prediction is made as to the sand grain flux the Safire ought to measure, which is then compared with the signal response. The result of this comparison is an assessment of the instrument's efficiency in counting saltating grains. These Safires were also deployed in the field as part of a larger investigation of spatio-temporal transport variability. This experiment provided the opportunity to compare the instrument's performance with traditional sand traps, and this paper develops methods and assumptions required to convert measurements from impact responders to traditional mass transport rates.The evaluations indicate that improvements to the instrument production process are required to ensure a standard momentum threshold among individual instruments. Furthermore, the sensor design needs to be reconsidered in order to eliminate the variation in response depending on azimuth direction, so that the sensor is uniformly omni-directional.  相似文献   

A new parameterisation for the threshold shear velocity to initiate deflation of dry and wet particles is presented. It is based on the balance of moments acting on particles at the instant of particle motion. The model hence includes a term for the aerodynamic forces, including the drag force, the lift force and the aerodynamic-moment force, and a term for the interparticle forces. The effect of gravitation is incorporated in both terms. Rather than using an implicit function for the effect of the aerodynamic forces as reported earlier in literature, a constant aerodynamic coefficient was introduced. From consideration of the van der Waals force between two particles, it was further shown that the effect of the interparticle cohesion force between two dry particles on the deflation threshold should be inversely proportional to the particle diameter squared. The interparticle force was further extended to include wet bonding forces. The latter were considered as the sum of capillary forces and adhesive forces. A model that expresses the capillary force as a function of particle diameter squared and the inverse of capillary potential was deduced from consideration of the well-known model of Fisher and the Young–Laplace equation. The adhesive force was assumed to be equal to tensile strength, and a function which is proportional to particle diameter squared and the inverse of the potential due to adhesive forces was derived. By combining the capillary-force model and the adhesive force model, the interparticle force due to wet bonding was simplified and written as a function of particle diameter squared and the inverse of matric potential. The latter was loglinearly related to the gravimetric moisture content, a relationship that is valid in the low-moisture content range that is important in the light of deflation of sediment by wind. By introducing a correction to force the relationship to converge to zero moisture content at oven dryness, the matric potential–moisture content relationship contained only one unknown model parameter, viz. moisture content at −1.5 MPa. Working out the model led to a rather simple parameterisation containing only three coefficients. Two parameters were incorporated in the term that applies to dry sediment and were determined by using experimental data as reported by Iversen and White [Sedimentology 29 (1982) 111]. The third parameter for the wet-sediment part of the model was determined from wind-tunnel experiments on prewetted sand and sandy loam aggregates. The model was validated using data from wind-tunnel experiments on the same but dry sediment, and on data obtained from simulations with the model of Chepil [Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 20 (1956) 288]. The experiments showed that soil aggregates should be treated as individual particles with a density equal to their bulk density. Furthermore, it was shown that the surface had to dry to a moisture content of about 75% of the moisture content at −1.5 MPa before deflation became sustained. The threshold shear velocities simulated with our model were found to be in good agreement with own observations and with simulations using Chepil's model.  相似文献   

The physics of the two processes (saltation and sandblasting) leading to fine mineral dust emissions by wind erosion in arid or semi-arid areas has been detailed and modeled. The combination of these two models has led to a physically explicit Dust Production Model (DPM). In this work, sensitivity tests are performed with the DPM to determine the nature of the main soil parameters that control dust emissions by sandblasting. It is found that the soil roughness length and the dry size distribution of the soil aggregates constituting the loose wind erodible fraction of the topsoil have the greatest influence on the soil potential for mineral dust production. Contrary to what is often assumed, soil texture is not a relevant parameter.In the light of these new findings, results of vertical flux measurements performed over a wide variety of sources in Niger and the US south west (14 soils) have been reanalyzed. Results show (1) that for the tested soils the DPM, and hence sandblasting, explain all dust emissions, and (2) that 13 of the 14 soils that had been selected a priori for their high potential for dust emissions contained a fine soil-aggregate component. This is consistent with the sensitivity tests indicating that the presence of such a component could enhance dust emissions by one order of magnitude. Finally, it can be concluded that most of the apparent scatter in the experimental results was in large part due to an inappropriate choice of soil parameters to interpret them.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal patterns of pedogenesis on stabilized dunes at Shapotou, northwestern China, were studied on the time sequences of 0, 18, 35 and 43 years. The spatial pattern of soil formation was estimated by measuring the thickness of accumulated sand fractions on the stabilized dune surface and by analyzing the characteristics and properties of soil. The results showed that the environment of soil formation and circulation of soil material were influenced in the processes of shifting-sand fixation, and the mean soil particle size changed from >0.2 to <0.08 mm in 0–20 cm soil depth with the succession from cultivated plants to natural vegetation. The capacity of available soil water increased fivefold. Deep infiltration of water in soil no longer occurred due to the increase in soil water capacity and the change of redistribution of soil water in profiles. Soil microorganisms evolved from simple to complex. Interaction of these processes obviously brought about accumulation of soil fertility, evolution of soil profiles and development of the profiles towards aripsamments. The difference of micro-topography is closely related to redistribution of material and energy in soil formation.  相似文献   

Human health effects have been linked to airborne concentrations of fine particulate matter. One source of fine particulate matter in the atmosphere is resuspended soil dust from a variety of activities, including agricultural operations. We have established a method to measure the potential of soil to emit fugitive dust in the PM10 or PM2.5 size range. The method is repeatable, and provides an index of PM10 or PM2.5 dust that is highly correlated to the soil texture. The ratio of the PM2.5 Index to the PM10 Index produced by this method is similar to field observations of ambient PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations downwind of agricultural operations in the San Joaquin Valley of California. The PM2.5 or PM10 Index will be a more useful parameter to estimate the potential of a soil to emit fugitive dust than the currently used dry silt content of soil. Research is currently underway to relate the PM10 and PM2.5 Index to measured emission factors, accounting for soil moisture and type of agricultural operation, so that a more reliable predictive equation can be developed for agricultural practices.  相似文献   

Investigations of wind-field modification due to the presence of saltating sediments have relied heavily on wind tunnels, which are known to impose geometric constraints on full boundary layer development. There remains great uncertainty as to which portion of the vertical wind-speed profile to analyze when deriving estimates of shear velocity or surface roughness length because the lower sections are modified to varying degree by saltation, whereas the upper segments may be altered by artificially induced wake-like effects. Thus, it is not obvious which of several alternative velocity-profile parameterizations (e.g., Law of the Wall, Velocity Defect Law, Wake Law) should be employed under such circumstances.A series of experimental wind-tunnel runs was conducted across a range of wind speed using fine- and coarse-grained sand to collect high-quality, fine-resolution data within and above the saltation layer using thermal anemometry and ruggedized probes. After each run, the rippled bottom was fixed with fine mist, and the experiment repeated without saltation. The measured wind-speed profiles were analyzed using six different approaches to derive estimates of shear velocity and roughness length. The results were compared to parameter estimates derived directly from sediment transport rate measurements, and on this basis, it is suggested that one of the six approaches is more robust than the others. Specifically, the best estimate of shear velocity during saltation is provided by the logarithmic law applied to the profile data within about 0.05 m of the bottom, despite the fact that this near-surface region is where profile modification by saltating sediments is most pronounced. Uncertainty remains as to whether this conclusion can be generalized to field situations because progressive downwind adjustments in the interrelationship between the saltation layer and the wind field are anticipated in wind tunnels, thereby confounding most analyses based on equilibrium assumptions.  相似文献   

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