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Shear strength of municipal solid waste for stability analyses 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This paper investigates the shear strength of municipal solid waste (MSW) using the back analysis of failed waste slopes as
well as field and laboratory test results. Shear strength of MSW is a function of many factors such as waste type, composition,
compaction, daily cover, moisture conditions, age, decomposition, overburden pressure, etc. These factors together with non-standardized
sampling methods, insufficient sample size to be representative of in situ conditions, and limited shear displacement or axial
strain imposed during the laboratory shear testing have created considerable scatter in reported results. Based on the data
presented herein, large shear displacements are required to mobilize the peak shear strength of MSW which can lead to displacement
incompatibility between MSW and the underlying material(s) such as geosynthetic interfaces and foundation soils. The data
presented herein are used to develop displacement compatible shear strength parameters for MSW. Recommendations are presented
for modeling the displacement and stress dependent strength envelope in stability analyses. 相似文献
城市固体废弃物的剪切强度机理及本构关系 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据城市固体废弃物(简称MSW)的大三轴固结排水剪试验结果,延伸岩土工程中研究土体的概念和方法,研究MSW的剪切强度机制。MSW与大变形相关的强度特性主要是由于含有大量的纤维状成分所致,在剪切过程中试样总的抗剪能力由剪切面上的摩擦力和纤维状加筋相的拉力所产生。MSW的摩擦强度主要由3部分构成:纤维状成分与土颗粒之间的摩擦,纤维状成分之间的摩擦,和土颗粒之间的摩擦。基于MSW的剪切强度特性,采用邓肯-张本构模型来描述MSW的应力-应变关系。 相似文献
为揭示中、高龄期城市固体废弃物(MSW)的力学特性,通过向石英砂、高岭土混合物中加入不同质量比的草炭人工配制模型固废试样,开展了三轴固结排水剪切和固结不排水剪切试验研究。试验结果表明,中高龄期模型固废均表现出持续硬化的应力应变特性,固结排水试验中中龄期模型固废的体变略大于高龄期,固结不排水试验中高龄期模型固废的孔压略高于中龄期。采用15%轴向应变对应的剪应力描述其抗剪强度,并根据Skempton有效应力原理,通过对比固结排水试验和固结不排水试验结果,得出了固废的孔隙水压力折减系数和抗剪强度参数,孔隙水压力折减系数随龄期增加而增大,高龄期模型固废得到的黏聚力低于中龄期,高龄期固废得到的内摩擦角则高于中龄期。 相似文献
Four series of laboratory tests were conducted to evaluate the permeability and compression characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW) samples. While the two series of tests were conducted using a conventional small-scale consolidometer, the two others were conducted in a large-scale consolidometer specially constructed for this study. In each consolidometer, the MSW samples were tested at two different moisture contents, i.e., original moisture content and field capacity. A scale effect between the two consolidometers with different sizes was investigated. The tests were carried out on samples reconsolidated to pressures of 123, 246, and 369 kPa. Time settlement data gathered from each load increment were employed to plot strain versus log-time graphs. The data acquired from the compression tests were used to back calculate primary and secondary compression indices. The consolidometers were later adapted for permeability experiments. The values of indices and the coefficient of compressibility for the MSW samples tested were within a relatively narrow range despite the size of the consolidometer and the different moisture contents of the specimens tested. The values of the coefficient of permeability were within a band of two orders of magnitude (10−6–10−4 m/s). The data presented in this paper agreed very well with the data reported by previous researchers. It was concluded that the scale effect in the compression behavior was significant. However, there was usually no linear relationship between the results obtained in the tests. 相似文献
城市生活垃圾填埋场沉降监测与分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
2006年9月起于上海老港填埋场开展了示范工程沉降监测项目。该生活垃圾填埋场占地面积约为200 m×125 m,共填埋了约15×104 t来自上海城区的生活垃圾,最大填埋厚度约为9 m。通过填埋期间埋设的水平沉降管,监测到该填埋场不同埋深处的沉降值。介绍了沉降监测系统的工作原理,分析了2006年底至2008年底为期两年的沉降数据。填埋场底部沉降管监测数据表明,场底地基沉降较小,两年的平均沉降为 ~ cm;中部沉降管监测数据表明,该沉降管下方生活垃圾在上方垃圾填埋后产生了较大的压缩,从上方垃圾开始填埋至填埋完毕3个月内的压缩应变约为0.197~0.242;顶部沉降管和中部沉降管监测数据表明,该填埋场垃圾主压缩完成时间约为3个月;由于填埋垃圾有机物含量较高,其修正次压缩指数较大,约为0.066~0.070。 相似文献
垃圾填埋场抽水试验及降水方案设计 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
垃圾填埋场中的渗滤液水位过高会引发一系列环境和稳定问题,工程上可用竖井抽水降低渗滤液水位。通过在填埋场现场进行抽水试验,确定垃圾土的渗透系数和抽水影响半径,在此基础上对填埋场降水的瞬态流问题进行有限元模拟,分析了抽水井口径和间距对填埋场降水的影响,提出了降水方案的设计步骤和方法。抽水试验表明,现场垃圾的渗透系数约为3.6×10-4cm/s,抽水影响半径约为20m。数值分析表明,井径的变化对于降水效果影响不大,而合理选择抽水井间距对降水十分关键。进行抽水方案设计时,应首先根据工期和降水幅度要求计算井间距,按井的出水速度选择水泵,再根据水泵确定井径,最后根据井径和过滤层形式确定钻孔尺寸并选择钻机。 相似文献
Summary Slope stability problems exist within the Appalachian Basin as a result of the emplacement of coal mine waste materials on mine outslopes. Prevention or elimination of slope instability problems can be costly. In an attempt to test alternative methods of slope stabilization, the United States Bureau of Mines determined some physical characteristics and shear strengths of ungrouted and polyurethenegrouted samples of coal refuse, coal spoil and natural soils collected at a number of mine outslope sites in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The particle size distribution, per cent field porosity, per cent field water content and shear strengths of the materials were determined in the laboratory. Fifty drained direct shear strength tests were performed with the sample materials using a 0.06 m3 shear box. Tests were done at field moisture, 100% saturation and grout-infused conditions. Normal loads of 103 kN m–2, 206 kN m–2 and 416 kN m–2 were used. The grout-infused tests generally showed strength increases. An infinite slope model was used to demonstrate the potential effectiveness ofin situ grouting for a variety of field slope conditions. This modelling suggests thatin situ grouting has the potential of stabilizing slopes of up to 35° at depths of 14 m for refuse material and 30° at depths of 5 m for spoil and soil materials. The validity of these increases in material strength by grout injection will require field testing for confirmation. 相似文献
人与环境的和谐共处是当今社会可持续发展的重要内容,面对城市固体废弃物激增所带来的人与环境之间的各种问题,卫生填埋法作为最广泛也是最彻底的固体废弃物处理方法得到了越来越多的关注和研究。卫生填埋场的建设与环境岩土工程领域内的诸多方面密切相关,针对卫生填埋场的建设中涉及到的环境岩土工程问题,在依据已有资料概括介绍国内外相关发展现状的同时,结合西安地区的特点,在填埋场场址和类型选择、废弃物工程性质指标、填埋场防渗处理、填埋场沉降计算和边坡稳定这5个方面对西安地区城市固体废弃物卫生填埋场建设中的环境岩土工程问题进行了论述,提出了相应建议,展望了研究方向。 相似文献
垃圾填土压缩特性的室内试验研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
在调查分析了典型生活垃圾填埋场成分组成的基础上,配制了9组具有不同初始物理力学性质的垃圾土,共54个试样,进行室内常规固结试验。试样有两种尺寸,用来对比试样尺寸的影响;着重分析了初始含水量W、初始孔隙比e0及易降解有机物含量B0对垃圾填土压缩性的影响。试样的初始孔隙比变化范围为:e0 为2.5~4.6;初始含水量w的变化为50 %~100 %;易降解有机物含量B0 为10.1 %~45.1 %。分析结果表明,压缩指数Cc为0.824 2~1.234 6;修正压缩指数 为0.165 9~0.243 6,与国内外相似研究的取值基本一致。提出了考虑垃圾填土初始物理参数的压缩参数建议取值方法,为指导工程实践提供参考。 相似文献
垃圾焚烧飞灰水泥固化体强度稳定性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对垃圾焚烧飞灰安全处置技术要求,采用水泥对其进行固化、稳定化处理,研究了不同水泥添加量、不同养护时间和渗沥液浸泡时间对固化体无侧限抗压强度及破坏特性的影响,并对垃圾渗沥液的侵蚀机制进行了分析。结果表明:当水泥添加量小于5%,养护时间小于3 d时,飞灰固化体在渗沥液浸泡下迅速解体,垃圾渗沥液的侵蚀对飞灰固化体的强度有较大的影响,浸泡后的固化体呈现出明显的应变软化特征,而未经浸泡的固化体的强度增长符合y=a[1-exp(-bt)]模式。随着水泥添加量及养护时间的增加,飞灰固化体无侧限抗压强度增加,破坏应变减小,而随着浸泡时间的增加,飞灰固化体的无侧限抗压强度先增大后减小,转折点大约在5~7 d,破坏应变近似呈线性增大。渗沥液对飞灰固化体的侵蚀主要是其成分抑制了固化体水化反应和破坏了水化产物。研究成果可为垃圾焚烧飞灰的安全处置技术提供理论依据和参数支持。 相似文献
The shear behavior of soils rich in amorphous clay-size materials was not well reported in the literature. This study analyzed the direct shear and ring shear test data of soil samples containing 55–74% amorphous materials in the clay fraction from a slow-moving landslide in eastern Honolulu, HI. The direct shear test results showed that the undisturbed soil samples when not sheared internally had peak cohesion (c) of about 50 kPa and internal friction angle (Ø) of about 10°. This implies that the amorphous clay-size materials provided strong interparticle bonds for the soils. Breaking of the bonds during the softening process and redistribution of the amorphous clay-size materials were primarily responsible for the drop from the peak strength to the residual strength (c=0, Ø=10° from back calculation with SLOPE/W and c=0, Ø=5–7° from the ring shear test). The drained residual failure envelope is stress dependent due to the interaction of the gel-like amorphous clay-size materials with crystalline silt- and sand-sized particles. The amorphous clay-size materials act as the contact between crystalline particles. The contact increases with increasing consolidation stress, resulting in a decrease in the shear strength and the residual friction angle. 相似文献
城市生活垃圾生态填埋技术研究概况和进展 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
对城市生活垃圾生态填埋技术的发展概况及研究进展进行了综述,包括生态填埋技术的概念、意义、现状和发展趋势,并提出了目前该领域研究中需重点研究的课题和一些新的思路。 相似文献
Temporal changes in leachate chemistry of a municipal solid waste landfill cell in Florida,USA 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Evaluation of 12 years of landfill leachate chemical data from a lined cell of municipal waste in south Florida, USA shows an overall declining trend in major ion chemistry. The leachate is dominantly Cl, Na, HCO3 and organic solutes. There are significant short-term variations in concentration that appear to be related to rainfall, rather than fundamental changes to leachate composition. Inorganic parameters related to pH, such as alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium appear to be chemically buffered. Chromium, cobalt, vanadium, zinc, and the metalloid boron display significant short-term co-variance with a decreasing trend. Iron and manganese concentrations increased significantly after capping. Based on the predominance of ammonia, historic methane generation, and increasing trends for iron and manganese after closure, the landfill cell has an anaerobic (reducing) interior environment. The reducing conditions were enhanced by capping and caused the most redox sensitive metals (manganese and iron) to become more mobile. 相似文献
在环境土工实验室人工配制了新鲜生活垃圾,采用大型压缩与直剪联合测定仪器,对96个新鲜垃圾试样进行了压缩变形、剪应力及剪应变联合测定试验,研究了垃圾的压缩变形对强度的影响及规律。试样的初始孔隙比分别为2.1、2.5、2.9,试样竖向压力分别为25、50、100、200 kPa,每级压力作用下的时间分别为0、0.25、0.5、1、2、6、12、24 h。试验研究表明,(1)不同压缩时间下剪应力与剪应变的关系符合双曲线模型,模型参数a在0.028~0.144之间,参数b在0.012~0.024之间;(2)不同竖向压力及不同剪应变限值下抗剪强度与竖向压缩应变(压缩时间)的关系可以拟合成多项式的形式,得到了参数的拟合值及相关系数,相关系数在0.63~0.98之间;(3)不同初始孔隙比的抗剪强度与竖向压力的关系符合库仑定律,得到了不同剪应变限值的抗剪强度参数,黏聚力在11.1~34.2 kPa之间,内摩擦角在 11.2°~30.6°之间。 相似文献
水泥垃圾土强度特性试验研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
以生活垃圾为地基的工程事例越来越多,但垃圾土的处理方法还没有形成系统的经验和成熟的设计计算理论。经过统计分析,按一定配比制备了人工垃圾土,分别进行了未降解、降解旺盛期、降解稳定期在水泥掺入量为25 %、35 %、45 % 3种条件下不同养护龄期水泥垃圾土的无侧限抗压试验,得到了硬化的应力-应变关系曲线和水泥垃圾土强度随养护龄期、水泥掺入量、降解阶段变化的规律。试验结果表明,垃圾土中的有机质既对水泥垃圾土有加筋作用,也有减弱水泥垃圾土强度形成的作用;未降解、降解旺盛期、降解稳定期水泥垃圾土的强度变化特性不同,水泥只对降解稳定的垃圾土有较好的处理效果。同时建议水泥的掺入量应大于35 %。 相似文献