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The internal structure of coastal foredunes from three sites along the north Norfolk coast has been investigated using ground‐penetrating radar (GPR), which provides a unique insight into the internal structure of these dunes that cannot be achieved by any other non‐destructive or geophysical technique. Combining geomorphological and geophysical investigations into the structure and morphology of these coastal foredunes has enabled a more accurate determination of their development and evolution. The radar profiles show the internal structures, which include foreslope accretion, trough cut and fill, roll‐over and beach deposits. Foredune ridges contain large sets of low‐angle cross‐stratification from dune foreslope accretion with trough‐shaped structures from cut and fill on the crest and rearslope. Foreslope accretion indicates sand supply from the beach to the foreslope, while troughs on the dune crest and rearslope are attributed to reworking by offshore winds. Bounding surfaces between dunes are clearly resolved and reveal the relative chronology of dune emplacement. Radar sequence boundaries within dunes have been traced below the water‐table passing into beach erosion surfaces. These are believed to result from storm activity, which erodes the upper beach and dunes. In one example, at Brancaster, a dune scarp and erosion surface may be correlated with erosion in the 1950s, possibly the 1953 storm. Results suggest that dune ridge development is intimately linked to changes in the shoreline, with dune development associated with coastal progradation while dunes are eroded during storms and, where beaches are eroding, a stable coast provides more time for dune development, resulting in higher foredune ridges. A model for coastal dune evolution is presented, which illustrates stages of dune development in response to beach evolution and sand supply. In contrast to many other coastal dune fields where the prevailing wind is onshore, on the north Norfolk coast, the prevailing wind is directed along the coast and offshore, which reduces the landward migration of sand dunes.  相似文献   

Open‐framework gravel (OFG) in river deposits is important because of its exceptionally high permeability, resulting from the lack of sediment in the pore spaces between the gravel grains. Fluvial OFG occurs as planar strata and cross strata of varying scale, and is interbedded with sand and sandy gravel. The origin of OFG has been related to: (1) proportion of sand available relative to gravel; (2) separation of sand from gravel during a specific flow stage and sediment transport rate (either high, falling or low); (3) separation of sand from gravel in bedforms superimposed on the backs of larger bedforms; (4) flow separation in the lee of dunes or unit bars. Laboratory flume experiments were undertaken to test and develop these theories for the origin of OFG. Bed sediment size distribution (sandy gravel with a mean diameter of 1·5 mm) was kept constant, but flow depth, flow velocity and aggradation rate were varied. Bedforms produced under these flow conditions were bedload sheets, dunes and unit bars. The fundamental cause of OFG is the sorting of sand from gravel associated with flow separation at the crest of bedforms, and further segregation of grain sizes during avalanching on the steep lee side. Sand in transport near the bed is deposited in the trough of the bedform, whereas bed‐load gravel avalanches down the leeside and overruns the sand in the trough. The effectiveness of this sorting mechanism increases as the height of the bedform increases. Infiltration of sand into the gravel framework is of minor importance in these experiments, and occurs mainly in bedform troughs. The geometry and proportion of OFG in fluvial deposits are influenced by variation in height of bedforms as they migrate, superposition of small bedforms on the backs of larger bedforms, aggradation rate, and changes in sediment supply. If the height of a bedform increases as it migrates downstream, so does the amount of OFG. Changes in the character of OFG on the lee‐side of unit bars depend on grain‐size sorting in the superimposed bedforms (dunes and bedload sheets). Thick deposits of cross‐stratified OFG require high bedforms (dunes, unit bars) and large amounts of aggradation. These conditions might be expected to occur during high falling stages in the deeper parts of river channels adjacent to compound‐bar tails and downstream of confluence scours. Increase in the amount of sand supplied relative to gravel reduces the development of OFG. Such increases in sand supply may be related to falling flow stage and/or upstream erosion of sandy deposits.  相似文献   

Grain size characteristics of Namib Desert linear dunes   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
N. LANCASTER 《Sedimentology》1981,28(1):115-122
The results of a systematic sampling of linear dunes in the northern Namib sand sea show that they are composed of two distinct groups of sands: a fine, well-sorted, near-symmetrical crest and slip face population, and a coarse, moderately sorted, positively skewed plinth population. These may be explained in terms of the aeolian sorting processes operative on the dunes, which involve differential rates of movement of creep and saltation load on windward flanks and avalanching on leeward slopes, leading to the concentration of coarse sands towards the dune base.  相似文献   

Coarse-gravel bedforms which resulted from Pleistocene glacial outburst floods are identified as subaqueous dunes. Comparison of the morphology of these ‘fossil’ structures with modern dunes shows that the form of two-dimensional (2-D) transverse dunes and 3-D cuspate and lunate dunes developed in coarse gravels is comparable with sand-dune morphology within lesser-scale geophysical flows. The similarity of the steepest gravel dunes with equilibrium dunes in sand indicates that grain size is not a major factor in constraining primary duneform. Internal structure indicates that flow over 2-D dunes was relatively uniform but over 3-D bedforms flow was locally variable. Flow separation and complex streaming of flow occurred over the steepest 3-D dunes. Cross-beds are thin and few approach the angle of repose; consequently most dunes did not migrate primarily by avalanching but by stoss-entrained gravel transported over the crests rolling-down and depositing on the lee slopes. Lee-side sediments are often finer than the stoss-slope sediments, which indicates the lee formed when flood power was waning. Some dunes were slightly planed-down during falling stage because lee-side cross-beds tend to be steeper than the angle of the preserved lee slope. However, silt-rich caps indicate that any height reduction was contemporary with the final deposition of foresets. Post-flood modification has been negligible although the modern topography is subdued by loess deposits within the dune troughs.  相似文献   

Large barchan-shaped sand deposits have been observed in the north west of Torres Strait. These deposits share characteristics of both subaerial barchan dunes and subaqueous sand banks. A study of satellite imagery indicate that the deposits migrate in the direction indicated by their horns (10-15 m west per year), and that sediment is shed from their horns, features that are characteristic of barchan dunes. However the orientations of sand dunes superimposed upon the sand banks indicate the presence of mutually-evasive channels and circulation of sediment around the sand bank, a characteristic of subaqueous sand banks. The presence of mutually-evasive channels is the criteria used to categorise the deposits as sand banks.Barchan forms are known to exist in regions with limited sediment supply and unidirectional current or wind regimes. In the Torres Strait both these criteria are met. Previous work has demonstrated the presence of a net westward current through the Torres Strait that is driven by the southeast trade winds. The relatively high displacement of the wind-driven currents during the trade wind season relative to the monsoon appears to provide the necessary ‘unidirectional’ regime to form barchans. The low, and typically eastwards, displacement of the residual monsoon season current appears to have a negligible affect on the barchan form. While seasonal wind-driven currents appear to maintain the barchan shape of the sand banks, tidal currents actively maintain mutually-evasive channels observed by variations in dune orientation on the sand banks. A sediment starved environment combined with bedload transport attributed to both wind driven and tidal currents is concluded to create a unique hydrodynamic environment where sand banks can attain a barchan form.  相似文献   

Quaternary desert loess and sandstone-loessite relationships in the geological record raise questions regarding causes and mechanisms of silt formation and accretion. In the northern Sinai-Negev desert carbonate terrain, only sand abrasion in active erg could have produced the large quantities of quartzo-feldspathic silts constituting the late Quaternary northwestern Negev loess. In the continuum of source (medium to fine sand of dunes) to sink (silts in loess) the very fine sand is unaccounted for in the record. This weakens the sand abrasion model of silt formation as a global process. Here, we demonstrate that, as predicted by experiments, abrasion by advancing dunes generated large quantities of very fine sand (60-110 μm) deposited within the dune field and in close proximity downwind. This very fine sand was generated 13-11 ka, possibly synchronous with the Younger Dryas under gusty sand/dust storms in the southeastern Mediterranean and specifically in the northern Sinai-Negev erg. These very fine sands were washed down slope and filled small basins blocked by the advancing dunes; outside these sampling basins it is difficult to identify these sands as a distinct product. We conclude that ergs are mega-grinders of sand into very fine sand and silt under windy Quaternary and ancient aeolian desert environments.  相似文献   

In Holkham Bay, North Norfolk Coast, England, a wide beach and coastal dunes have formed as a result of wave action and wind activity. This article describes the experiments and field observations that were carried out to explore the nature of wind activity that is presently affecting the morphology of the beach and dunes.The experiments and field observations indicate: (1) Sand is blown off the beach surface very soon after it is exposed during the low tide if the wind velocity is above 3.0 m/sec. (2) Winds from the south, east, and west in Holkham Bay are offshore winds and do not exert much influence on dune formation in the area. (3) The dominant winds (those that exert most marked effect on the beach and dunes) are the northerly, northeasterly and the northwesterly winds. (4) The average annual accretion rate of sand by the wind on the beach is about 3,600 m3. (5) Knowing the annual accretion rate and the volume of aeolian dunes, it is possible to determine their relative ages.  相似文献   

The fine to very coarse sandstones, gravelly sandstones and intraformational conglomerates of the mid to upper Brownstones are excellently exposed in large fresh road cuttings near Ross-on-Wye in the southern Welsh Borders. Detailed mapping of the cuttings reveals an hierarchically ordered system of mainly erosional bedding contacts which divide the beds into hierarchically structured packets. The smallest packets, involving cross-bedded or plane-bedded sediments or combinations of these, are consistent with deposition from strongly three-dimensional and often large, loosely periodic to non-repetitive bars. A locally developed facies of trough cross-bedded sandstones points to the infrequent occurrence of fields of three-dimensional dunes. The bar- and dune-related units are grouped into large complexes (related to the storeys of other workers), with an internal geometry consistent with lateral accretion (in places clearly symmetrical) combined with forward accretion on shoals (sand flats) within a braided channel, as in the South Saskatchewan River. In their turn, the complexes are combined into laterally extensive, conglomerate-floored sandstone sheets several metres thick. These seem to express the wandering of a braided channel across a mud-draped floodplain. To judge from the sedimentary structures and textures, the thickness of the lateral accretion deposits, and the size of the major scours, the bankfull discharge of the rivers was a few thousand cumecs each.  相似文献   

Ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) was used to investigate the relationship between the geomorphological development of a large aeolian trough blowout and the stratigraphy and internal sedimentary structure of its associated deposits. Although analogous, many of the data‐processing techniques routinely applied in seismic reflection are very rarely applied in GPR studies. In this study, a simple migration program was used that significantly enhanced the quality of GPR images from a large trough blowout at Raven Meols on the Sefton coast, northwest England. These improvements aided subsequent data interpretation, which was achieved through application of the principles of radar stratigraphy. GPR shows the pre‐blowout dunes to have a complex internal structure that suggests they were formed in the presence of at least a partial vegetation cover. Subsequent to stabilization of these dunes a thin soil developed. This dune soil forms an important radar sequence boundary and delineates a complex topography beneath the depositional lobe of the blowout. The internal structure of the depositional lobe of the blowout does not conform to a model of simple radial foreset deposition, as derived from contemporary process studies reported in the literature. Instead, the pattern of deposition has been extensively modified by the antecedent dune topography and by varying spatial and temporal exposure to important sand‐transporting winds that is partly controlled by interactions between the regional wind pattern and local dune morphology. Trough blowout deposits in coastal aeolian sedimentary sequences are likely to be recognized by the presence of laterally continuous packets of relatively high‐angle cross‐strata, which often display a spatially‐variable radial dip pattern that is only very poorly or partially developed. In addition, a soil, or other surface representing a significant hiatus in dune deposition, is likely to underlie the blowout deposits, the topography of which will show a clear relationship to the dip and orientation of the overlying cross‐strata.  相似文献   

A large area of moraine sediments and cryogenic weathering products, formed by glacial action and a cold environment, are the main source of aeolian sand in the high and cold region of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau in China. The evolution of aeolian dunes is closely related to the periglacial environment. Owing to the freezing of dune-land surfaces, the evolution of sand dunes is dominated by expanding dune bases and vertical accretion, thereby forming large barchan dunes. The migration rates of these large barchan dunes are very slow at an average rate of 1.7–0.7 cm·a–1. The temperature mainly controls the environmental changes in the adjoining region of Puruogangri ice sheet. The 14C dating of humus layers in the studied area of the sand dune are 10,780±130, 9,549±130, 8,320±110, 7,450±100, 5,970±95, 5,330±90, 4,420±80, 3,460±80, 2,280±70, 980±70 aBP, respectively. The regions high temperature rising up during summer from the southwest monsoon intensity might be an important factor. As long as both water and temperature conditions are suitable, the plants will grow well, sand dunes will be stabilized, forming humus layers. Otherwise, sand dunes are bare and re-activate.  相似文献   

C. M. BELL 《Sedimentology》1991,38(2):289-300
Extensive occurrences of Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous aeolian sandstones form part of a thick sequence of terrigenous red beds in northern Chile. These sediments accumulated in a N-S-elongated intermontane back-arc basin on the landward side of an active volcanic chain. This volcanic chain, which was produced by subduction beneath the continental margin, provided the source of almost all the clastic sediments. The aeolian sands formed isolated dune fields covering only part of the depositional basin at any one time. Cosets of cross-bedded sandstone up to 40 m thick represent the deposits of linear draas. Cross-bedded sets, which average between 0.5 and 1 m in thickness, were produced by the migration of small dunes down and along the gentle lee slopes of the draas. The majority of foreset laminations in the cross-bedded sets are thin, parallel and persistent. They are the product of the lateral migration of dunes which developed oblique to the prevailing winds. Foreset laminations dip at low angles (averaging 19°), well below the angle of repose of dry sand. Most of the laminations originated by tractional processes, rather than by grainflow (avalanching) or grainfall. This conclusion indicates that the dunes were gently undulating with no slip faces. The orientation of the direction of maximum dip of foreset laminations does not provide a reliable indicator of the palaeowind direction. Although individual sets or cosets commonly show a unidirectional pattern, significant variations have been recorded between sets of the same age at nearby locations and vertically between one coset and the next. Variations in vertical sections were produced by the superimposition of draas with different orientations.  相似文献   

About half of the arid and semi-arid lands in the world are deserts that comprise various types of aeolian sand dunes deposits. In Shaanxi Province, aeolian sand dunes cover considerable areas of the Yulin desert and northern Jinbian. Sand dunes are moving in the main wind direction and converting some agricultural area to wasteland. Remote sensing of sand dunes helps in the understanding of aeolian process and desertification. Remote sensing data combined with field studies are valuable in studying sand dunes, regional aeolian depositional history. In particular, active and inactive sand dunes of the north Shaanxi Province were studied using remote sensing and geographic information system. In this study, we describe the Landsat thematic mapper (TM) images, covering north Shaanxi Province, which were used to study the distribution, shape, size, trends, density and movement of sand dunes and their effect on desertification of cultivated lands. Estimation was made depending on soil erodibility factor (Ⅰ) and local climatic factor (C) during the period (June to September). The result indicates that soil erosion caused sand drift of 8.957 5, 7.03 ton for Yulin and Jinbian, respectively. The mean sand dunes movement rate were 4.37, 3.11 m, whereas, monthly sand dune advance rate were 1.092 5, 0.777 5 m, for the two locations, respectively. The study reveals that cultivated lands extended obliquely to the direction of sand dune movement are extremely affected, while other segments that extend parallel to the direction of the movement are not affected. Accordingly the north Shaanxi Province was divided into areas of different classes of potential risk. Moreover, blown sands and sand movement from neighboring highlands also affect the area of western desert.  相似文献   

Using ground‐penetrating radar, optically stimulated luminescence dating, particle‐size distribution and morphological analysis, the study of the construction phases of a vegetated linear dune in the arid north‐western Negev dunefield of Israel during the last millennium improves current knowledge about vegetated linear dunes that developed in the late Pleistocene. Vertical accretion in rapid pulses forming horizontally bedded units along the axis of vegetated linear dunes, regardless of their age, was found to be characteristic of vegetated linear dunes. The combination of the unique topographic feature of a longitudinal 5 m step‐like fall in dune crest elevation with the substantial narrowing of dune width constitutes a distinct morphological marker for interpreting local dune growth and stabilization of the last, albeit localized, dune mobilization episode at ca 0·5 ka. Evidence for lateral dune migration was not observed. Where local sediment supply exists, short episodes of powerful winds within the Holocene (with recurrence intervals separated by hundreds of years) can lead to the construction of vegetated linear dunes. The spatially constrained extent of such young dunes in the north‐western Negev may be due to limited sand availability because most of the Negev dunes were stable during the Holocene. These findings imply that vegetated linear dune construction can occur in glacial and interglacial (including Holocene) environments in semi‐arid to arid climates if certain conditions are met. In times of increased wind power during the Anthropocene, a period characterized by simultaneous rises in the human impact on the landscape and in climate variability (i.e. drought), local growth of vegetated linear dunes can be expected. This study demonstrates that ground‐penetrating radar is a reliable tool for interpreting the shallow internal structure of young vegetated linear dunes.  相似文献   

The 1971 San Fernando earthquake led to the failure and large displacement of the Lower San Fernando Dam (LSFD) that was constructed by the hydraulic filling method. As such, hydraulic filling has been recognised as producing liquefiable sand deposits, while in situ relative densities as large as 60% have been reported in the LSFD. On the other hand, laboratory element tests on loosest pluviated (through air or water, resembling the soil fabric produced by hydraulic filling) specimens of primarily quartz sands have been dilative, questioning the failure mechanism of the LSFD. In this paper, the LSFD during the 1971 San Fernando earthquake is studied using the results of improved sliding block deformation analyses that incorporate shearing behaviour of two sands with different mineralogies (quartz sand and albite sand with some carbonates) from ring shear tests. The results indicate that sand particle composition and compressibility in the LSFD may have caused its failure and very large deformations even at a dense state (relative density ~60%).  相似文献   

A new occurrence of Recent stromatolites different from those known up to now has been discovered on tidal flats of the Bay of Saint-Jean (near Cape Timiris). Their most remarkable features are predominance of quartz sand instead of carbonate, characteristic surface-contouring by grazing fish, absence of cementation, intensive reworking by crabs, and connection with saline sabkha deposits. Entrapment of sand grains and great resistance of the algal sheaths are most important for stromatolitic growth, although today destruction appears to prevail over accretion. Quartz sand of aeolian dunes and carbonatic pellets of aragonitic ooze feeders are the main constituents of the stromatolitic sediments. According to the tidal range the following zonation of the algal mat exists: (A) knoll and cuspate zone, (B) flat zone, (C) gas-domed zone, and (D) crinkle zone.  相似文献   

探地雷达(GPR)在海南岛东北部海岸带调查中的应用 *   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对海南岛东北部海岸带调查采用了探地雷达(GPR)研究海岸带沙体的结构、展布和沉积序列,取得了很好的效果。文章通过和有限的露头资料对比以及对反射波形态、结构的研究,确定了海滩脊、海岸沙丘的反射特征以及潜水面的位置。雷达图像显示五龙港古海滩脊由亚水平、不连续、高振幅和透镜状反射波组成;木兰头海岸沙丘已受到人类活动的扰动,短的、陡倾斜反射可能代表未受扰动的海岸风成沙的前积层。研究表明探地雷达是一种可靠、快速和经济的地球物理方法,在砂砾质海岸可产生高质量、高分辨率和连续的反射剖面,值得加以推广。  相似文献   

The existence of a mid‐Cretaceous erg system along the western Tethyan margin (Iberian Basin, Spain) was recently demonstrated based on the occurrence of wind‐blown desert sands in coeval shallow marine deposits. Here, the first direct evidence of this mid‐Cretaceous erg in Europe is presented and the palaeoclimate and palaeoceanographic implications are discussed. The aeolian sand sea extended over an area of 4600 km2. Compound crescentic dunes, linear draa and complex aeolian dunes, sand sheets, wet, dry and evaporitic interdunes, sabkha deposits and coeval extradune lagoonal deposits form the main architectural elements of this desert system that was located in a sub‐tropical arid belt along the western Tethyan margin. Sub‐critically climbing translatent strata, grain flow and grain fall deposits, pin‐stripe lamination, lee side dune wind ripples, soft‐sediment deformations, vertebrate tracks, biogenic traces, tubes and wood fragments are some of the small‐scale structures and components observed in the aeolian dune sandstones. At the boundary between the aeolian sand sea and the marine realm, intertonguing of aeolian deposits and marine facies occurs. Massive sandstone units were laid down by mass flow events that reworked aeolian dune sands during flooding events. The cyclic occurrence of soft sediment deformation is ascribed to intermittent (marine) flooding of aeolian dunes and associated rise in the water table. The aeolian erg system developed in an active extensional tectonic setting that favoured its preservation. Because of the close proximity of the marine realm, the water table was high and contributed to the preservation of the aeolian facies. A sand‐drift surface marks the onset of aeolian dune construction and accumulation, whereby aeolian deposits cover an earlier succession of coastal coal deposits formed in a more humid period. A prominent aeolian super‐surface forms an angular unconformity that divides the aeolian succession into two erg sequences. This super‐surface formed in response to a major tectonic reactivation in the basin, and also marks the change in style of aeolian sedimentation from compound climbing crescentic dunes to aeolian draas. The location of the mid‐Cretaceous palaeoerg fits well to both the global distribution of other known Cretaceous erg systems and with current palaeoclimate data that suggest a global cooling period and a sea‐level lowstand during early mid‐Cretaceous times. The occurrence of a sub‐tropical coastal erg in the mid‐Cretaceous of Spain correlates with the exposure of carbonate platforms on the Arabian platform during much of the Late Aptian to Middle Albian, and is related to this eustatic sea‐level lowstand.  相似文献   

This study aimed at quantifying the temporal and spatial variability in sand erosion and deposition over a coastal dune field in Israel. These were measured monthly over 2 years using 315 erosion pins over four transects that were placed perpendicular to the coastline. Vegetation cover was estimated based on aerial photographs and Landsat satellite images, whereas the relative height was based on a digital elevation model. These variables were calculated for the area upwind (south west) of the erosion pins, at various lengths, ranging from 15 to 400 m. Nine geomorphologic units were defined, five related to active units, and four to stabilized units. In active units at least 65% of the temporal variance in the annual absolute changes in sand level was explained by the index of Resultant Drift Potential, with most of the sand movement occurring during winter storms. Local rainfall had no apparent impact on sand mobility, due to the low coincidence of sand carrying winds and rainfall in Israel during the passage of frontal cyclones. As for the spatial variables, only a weak correlation was found between sand mobility with the distance from the coastline (R2 = 18%). Rather, sand erosion and deposition were influenced by vegetation cover and the relative height of an area of 100–200 m upwind. The values of Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index were significantly negatively correlated with annual absolute changes (R2 = 40%), whereas the relative height was significantly positively correlated (R2 = 36%). Applying a multiple regression model, 68% of the spatial variability in sand mobility was explained. The resulting map of sand activity clearly shows that at this stage of the stabilization process, most of the dunes are now disconnected, and movement of sand grains from the beach or between the dunes, is very limited. These methods can be applied into spatial and temporal models of sand mobility, thus assessing the impact of different management practices on coastal dunes.  相似文献   

GARY KOCUREK 《Sedimentology》1981,28(6):753-780
Bounding surfaces and interdune deposits provide keys for detailed interpretations of the development, shape, type, wavelength and angle of climb of aeolian bedforms, as well as overall sand sea conditions. Current alternate interpretations of bounding surfaces require very different, but testable models for sand sea deposition. Two perpendicular traverses of Jurassic Entrada Sandstone, Utah, reveal relations among cross-strata, first-order bounding surfaces, and horizontal strata. These field relations seem explicable only as the deposits of downwind-migrating, climbing, enclosed interdune basins (horizontal strata) and dune bodies consisting of superimposed smaller crescentic dunes (cross-stratified deposits). A 1.7 km traverse parallel to the palaeowind direction provides a time-transgressive view showing continuous cosets of cross-strata, first-order bounding surfaces and interdune deposits climbing downwind at an angle of a few tenths of a degree. Changes occur in the angle of climb, cross-strata structure, and interdune deposits; these reflect changes in depositional conditions through time. A 1.5 km traverse perpendicular to the palaeowind direction provides a view at an instant in geological time showing first-order bounding surfaces and interdune deposits forming flat, laterally discontinuous lenticular bodies. The distribution of interdune sedimentary structures in this traverse is very similar to that of some modern interdune basins, such as those on Padre Island, Texas. Hierarchies of bounding surfaces in an aeolian deposit reflect the bedform development on an erg. The presence of three orders of bounding surfaces indicates dune bodies consisting of smaller, super-imposed dunes. The geometry of first-order bounding surfaces is a reflection of the shape of the inter-dune basins. Second-order bounding surfaces originate by the migration of the superimposed dunes over the larger dune body and reflect individual dune shape and type. Third-order bounding surfaces are reactivation surfaces showing stages in the advance of individual dunes. The presence of only two orders of bounding surfaces indicates simple dunes. Modern and Entrada interdune deposits show a wide variety of sediment types and structures reflecting deposition under wet, damp, and dry conditions. Interdune deposits are probably the best indicators of overall erg conditions and commonly show complex vertical sequences reflecting changes in specific depositional conditions.  相似文献   

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