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The influx of a H2O–CO2‐dominated fluid into actinolite‐bearing metabasic rocks during greenschist facies metamorphism in the Kalgoorlie area of Western Australia resulted in a zoned alteration halo around inferred fluid conduits that contain gold mineralisation. The alteration halo is divided into two outer zones, the chlorite zone and the carbonate zone, and an inner pyrite zone adjacent to the inferred fluid conduits. Reaction between the fluid and the protolith resulted in the breakdown of actinolite and the development of chlorite, dolomite, calcite and siderite. In addition, rocks in the pyrite zone developed muscovite‐bearing assemblages as a consequence of the introduction of potassium by the fluid. Mineral equilibria calculations undertaken using the computer software thermocalc in the model system Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–CO2 show that mineral assemblages in the outer zones of the alteration halo are consistent with equilibrium of the protoliths with a fluid of composition XCO2 = CO2/(CO2 + H2O) = 0.1–0.25 for temperatures of 315–320 °C. The inner zone of the alteration halo reflect equilibrium with a fluid of composition XCO2≈ 0.25. Fluid‐rock buffering calculations show that the alteration halo is consistent with interaction with a single fluid composition and that the zoned structure of the halo reflects the volume of this fluid with which the rocks reacted. This fluid is likely to have also been the one responsible for the gold mineralisation at Kalgoorlie.  相似文献   

王翠云  李晓峰  肖荣  白艳萍  杨锋  毛伟  蒋松坤 《岩石学报》2012,28(12):3869-3886
德兴铜矿是中国华南地区重要的大型斑岩铜矿,由朱砂红、铜厂和富家坞3个矿床组成。在系统的钻孔样岩相观察基础上,本文把德兴朱砂红花岗闪长斑岩划分为3种类型蚀变岩(钾化-黑云母化蚀变岩、绿泥石化蚀变岩、石英-绢(白)云母化蚀变岩),其主要标志性蚀变矿物依次为:钾长石(黑云母)→绿泥石→石英+绢(白)云母,且热液蚀变程度依次增强。以Al2O3作为不活动组分,通过Isocon分析法表明:随着热液蚀变作用的持续进行,蚀变程度的逐渐增强,主量元素(P2O5)行为较稳定,Na2O、Sr元素大量活化迁出;高场强元素Hf、Th、U、V、Co、Nb、Ta等表现为弱活动性或不活动性;成矿元素Cu、Pb、W显示出大量带入,表明热液流体和成矿流体可能属于同一流体系统。稀土元素均发生一定程度的活化迁移,其中绿泥石化蚀变岩的LREE、HREE均较原岩亏损,而石英-绢(白)云母化花岗闪长斑岩的LREE、HREE富集/亏损情况因样品而异,相对增量/减量变化幅度较大。各类蚀变花岗闪长斑岩球粒陨石化配分模式表现较一致,均为轻稀土相对于重稀土富集的右倾分布,极弱Eu负异常,曲线左陡右平缓,尾部轻微上翘,形似铲状,反映岩浆源区角闪石的分离结晶作用。蚀变花岗闪长斑岩的Y/Ho比值与球粒陨石的Y/Ho比值基本一致,表明Y-Ho在热液蚀变过程中未发生明显分离。弱蚀变花岗闪长斑岩具有较高Sr/Y比值、La/Sm比值以及中等Sm/Yb比值,暗示源区残留相主要为角闪石±石榴子石。  相似文献   

The rheology of layered meta-sedimentary rocks, and their orientation and position relative to major fault systems were the key controls on Proterozoic hydrothermal copper mineralization at Mount Isa, Australia. Compositional layering in the host rock partitioned mechanical behavior and strain, leading to selective permeability generation and the focusing of fluid flow. Shale layers preferentially failed by plastic shearing, whereas meta-siltstones remained elastic or failed in tension depending on magnitude of deformation and fluid pressure. Numerical simulations support the hypothesis that the orientation of layering and the proximity to major fault systems controlled fracturing and permeability increase in the Urquhart shale. The dilating shale provided a pathway for an upward-flowing, reduced basement fluid, from which quartz was precipitated during cooling. During a later event, the reactivation of steep structures provided access to surface derived oxidized metal-bearing brine, causing the precipitation of dolomite followed by chalcopyrite ore in the brecciated silicified shale.  相似文献   

Seafloor hydrothermal alteration at an Archaean mid-ocean ridge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A hydrothermally metamorphosed/altered greenstone complex capped by bedded cherts exposed in the North Pole, Pilbara Carton, Western Australia, is interpreted as an accretionary complex. It is distinctive in being characterised by both duplex structure and an oceanic crust stratigraphy. This complex is shown to represent an Archaean upper oceanic crust with a mid‐ocean ridge hydrothermal metamorphism that increases in grade stratigraphically downward. Three mineral zones have been defined; Zone A of the zeolite facies, the prehnite‐pumpellyite facies or the lower‐greenschist facies at high‐XCO2 condition, Zone B of the greenschist facies, and Zone C of the greenschist/amphibolite transition facies. In Zone A metabasites, Ca‐Al silicates including Ca‐zeolites, prehnite and pumpellyite are absent and epidote/clinozoisite is extremely rare. Instead, abundant carbonates are present with chlorite suggesting high‐XCO2 composition in the fluid. On the other hand, in Zones B and C metabasites, where Ca‐amphibole + epidote/clinozoisite + chlorite + Ca‐Na plagioclase are the dominant assemblages, carbonate is not identified. The metamorphic conditions boundary of Zones B/C were estimated to be about 350 °C at a pressure of <0.5 kbar. Fluid compositions coexisting with Archaean greenstones at the transition between Zones B and C were estimated by thermodynamic calculation in the CaFMASCH system (T = 350–370 °C, P = 150–1000 bar) at XCO2 of 0.012–0.140, such values are higher than present‐day vent fluids collected near mid‐ocean ridges with low‐XCO2 values, up to 0.005. The Archaean seawater depth at the mid‐ocean ridge was estimated to be 1600 m at XCO2 = 0.06 using a depth‐to‐boiling point curve for a fluid. The carbonation due to high‐XCO2 hydrothermal fluids occurred near the ridge‐axis before or was coincident with ridge metamorphism.  相似文献   

The recently discovered Salgadinho copper deposit, 7 km NNE of S. Luis, Portugal is located in the southernmost linear belt of outcropping low metamorphic grade deformed Palaeozoic rocks (Famennian) in the SW part of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. The stratabound replacement pyrite-chalcopyrite mineralisation is present in variably altered felsic pyroclastic rocks which are overlain by pyritic graphitic shales and tuffs which have undergone alteration in the lowermost 5m. The altered pyroclastic rocks are characterised by pale green celadonitic fluoro-muscovite and, in the most intense zone of alteration, quartz, ankerite, and ore minerals are present (pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, galena, bournonite). No exhalative Cu-Zn or Zn-Pb ore has been discovered associated with the submarine volcanic stratabound Cu-rich alteration zone. Alteration of feldspars and groundmass has involved a net loss from the system and gains in Fe2+, F, H2O, Mg, Fe3+, Ca, Mn, P, Ti, S, Cu, Zn, Pb, As, Sb, Ag and Au at the expense of Si, K, Al and Na. The great enrichment of F in the altered rocks, the association of zonal alteration facies with coarse grained pyroclastic masses and the intimate association of pale green celadonitic fluoro-muscovite with mineralisation at Salgadinho and most other deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt represents a powerful exploration guide for submarine exhalative ores.Text of paper presented at the 26th I.G.C., Paris, July 1980  相似文献   

The Early Proterozoic sulfide deposit at Garpenberg is located in the metallogenetic province of central Sweden. It is a strata-bound massive sulfide deposit contained in a supracrustal sequence of mainly acid metavolcanic rocks. Stratiform Zn-Pb-Cu mineralization is underlain by Cu-bearing stockwork ore and an extensive alteration zone. The sulfide ores and their altered wall rocks were formed by subseafloor hydrothermal activity. The alteration pattern observed in the wall rocks of this deposit is consistent with a hydrothermal system where the fluid consists mainly of seawater and a high water/rock mass ratio predominates. The hydrothermal activity caused the destruction of the primary mineralogy, mainly feldspars, and a general redistribution of the chemical elements in the altered wall rocks which were principally depleted in Ca, Na and Eu and enriched in Mg. Eu was redeposited with the ore metals near or at the seafloor and Ca was deposited as limestone. Most of the major and trace elements show large mobility during the alteration; only Ti, Zr, Y and REE (excluding Eu) behaved as relatively immobile elements.  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(13-14):2061-2069
A recent hydrothermal mudpool at the southwestern slope of the Rincón de la Vieja volcano in Northwest Costa Rica exhibits an argillic alteration system formed by intense interaction of sulfuric acidic fluids with wall rock materials. Detailed mineralogical analysis revealed an assemblage with kaolinite, alunite, and opal-C as the major mineral phases. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) showed 3 different redox-sensitive cations associated with the mineral phases, Cu+ is structure-bound in opal-C, whereas VO2+ and Fe3+ are located in the kaolinte structure. The location of the redox-sensitive cations in different minerals of the assemblage is indicative of different chemical conditions. The formation of the alteration products can be described schematically as a 2-step process. In a first step alunite and opal-C were precipitated in a fluid with slightly reducing conditions and a low chloride availability. The second step is characterized by a decrease in K+ activity and subsequent formation of kaolinite under weakly oxidizing to oxidizing redox conditions as indicated by structure-bound VO2+ and Fe3+.The detection of paramagnetic trace elements structure-bound in mineral phases by EPR provide direct information about the prevailing redox conditions during alteration and can, therefore, be used as additional insight into the genesis of the hydrothermal, near-surface system.  相似文献   

Fluid–rock interaction related to the circulation of hydrothermal fluids can strongly modify the physicochemical properties of wall rocks in porphyry Cu deposits. These processes can also produce compositional and textural changes in ferromagnetic minerals, which can be quantified using magnetic methods. In the Escondida porphyry Cu deposit of northern Chile, each hydrothermally altered lithology is characterized by a discrete assemblage of Fe–Ti oxide minerals. These minerals have distinctive bulk magnetic susceptibility (K bulk), temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility, and magnetic hysteresis parameters. Selectively altered rocks (i.e., potassic and chloritic alteration types) exhibit the highest K bulk values (>3.93?×?10?3 SI units), and their hysteresis parameters indicate multidomain magnetic mineral behavior. This suggests that these rocks are composed of the coarsest magnetic grain sizes within the deposit. Optical analyses and susceptibility–temperature curves confirm that the magnetic signals in selectively altered rocks are mainly carried by secondary magnetite. In contrast, pervasively altered rocks (i.e., quartz-sericite and argillic alteration types) exhibit low K bulk values (<1.93?×?10?4 SI units) and contain smaller pseudo-single domain magnetic grain assemblages. This is consistent with the destruction and/or reduction in size of magnetite under acidic conditions. The results therefore demonstrate a genetic relationship between the hydrothermal alteration processes, Fe–Ti oxide minerals, and magnetic properties of the wall rock in the Escondida deposit. These magnetic methods can be considered a sensitive and efficient petrophysical tool for the identification and semi-quantification of alteration assemblages, and facilitating the recognition and mapping of discrete hydrothermal zones during exploration and operation of porphyry Cu deposits.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1987,2(2):181-191
Na-F solutions with different pH were allowed to react under flow conditions with limestone, dolomite and siderite at 300 and 400°C at 500 bars, in order to understand the geochemical characteristics of the interaction between rock and F-bearing hydrothermal solutions. The mineralogical and chemical composition of these carbonate rocks was studied by chemical analysis, XRD and SEM/EDAX before and after reaction with Na-F solutions. Based on an approximate thermodynamic calculation the formation of alteration phases is discussed. The pH value at room conditions and the contents of K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, F, SiO2 and total dissolved CO2 in solution after interaction with carbonate rocks were determined. From solution chemistry data, it is found that the amount of Na and F in the reacted solutions seemed to have roughly similar fluctuations with time, and hence, carbonate might be an effective precipitating agent for Fe in hydrothermal solutions. The present experimental study demonstrates that hydrothermal metasomatism played a very important role in the formation of the Baiyun Ebo iron deposit.  相似文献   

Hot spring deposits in the Roosevelt thermal area consist of opaline sinter and sintercemented alluvium. Alluvium, plutonic rocks, and amphibolite-facies gneiss have been altered by acidsulfate water to alunite and opal at the surface, and alunite, kaolinite, montmorillonite, and muscovite to a depth of 70 m. Marcasite, pyrite, chlorite, and calcite occur below the water table at about 30 m.The thermal water is dilute (ionic strength 0.1–0.2) sodium-chloride brine. The spring water now contains 10 times as much Ca, 100 times as much Mg, and up to 2.5 times as much SO4 as the deep water. Although the present day spring temperature is 25°C, the temperature was 85°C in 1950.A model for development of the observed alteration is supported by observation and irreversible mass transfer calculations. Hydrothermal fluid convectively rises along major fractures. Water cools by conduction and steam separation, and the pH rises due to carbon dioxide escape. At the surface, hydrogen and sulfate ions are produced by oxidation of H2S. The low pH water percolates downward and reacts with feldspar in the rocks to produce alunite, kaolinite, montmorillonite, and muscovite as hydrogen ion is consumed.  相似文献   

The formation of large martite-microplaty hematite ore deposits in northwest Australia remains a contentious topic in part because important evidence supporting a unifying genetic model has not been observed at all deposits. Carbonate replacement of silica has been found along normal faults below ore at the Mount Tom Price and Giles Mini deposits, which suggests an early hypogene process during ore formation. However, such rocks have not been identified at the largest martite-microplaty hematite deposit, Mount Whaleback. In this study, samples of the Mount McRae Shale are examined for their chemistry, mineralogy and petrography. These samples were collected from several key locations, including an area that immediately underlies ore along the Mount Whaleback fault at Mount Whaleback. Compared to unaltered black Mount McRae Shale from Wittenoom Gorge in the north and altered black and red Mount McRae Shale at Mount Whaleback, reddish-green Mount McRae Shale along the Mount Whaleback fault is greatly enriched in MgO and CaO and depleted in SiO2. This chemistry arises from significant amounts of fine- to medium-grained ferroan-dolomite and ankerite and cross-cutting chlorite and carbonate veins. The composition is distinct from that produced during regional metamorphism, and most likely represents hydrothermal alteration after metamorphism. The lack of carbonate-rich, silica-poor rocks in the overlying Dales Gorge Member at Mount Whaleback is consistent with pervasive oxidation of most rocks in the region during or after ore genesis, a process that removed carbonates. Although several questions remain unanswered, these results support models that invoke an early hypogene stage during the formation of the martite-microplaty hematite deposits in the Hamersley Province.Editorial Handling: B. Lehmann  相似文献   

水成铀矿沉积岩的后生蚀变   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文概述了沉积岩后生蚀变的概念、判断依据、成因及分类,着重阐述了氧化蚀变和还原变各亚类的矿物-地球化学标志及其特征,分析了后生蚀变与铀矿化的关系,指出后生蚀变控矿分带性的两种模式,最后简要说明了后生蚀变的研究方法。  相似文献   

Hydrothermally altered andesites in the upper member of the Amulet formation at Buttercup Hill, Noranda, Quebec represent part of the aquifer and cap of a self-sealing geothermal system that focussed the discharge of hydrothermal fluids during the formation of massive Cu-Zn sulfide deposits. Five alteration facies are recognized

1. 1) pervasive greenschist faciés regional metamorphism (least-altered andesite)

2. 2) epidotization-silicification

3. 3) albitization-silicification

4. 4) chloritization

5. 5) sericitization-silicification. Alteration is localized on permeable zones such as amygdules, fractures, flow tops, discordant breccia dikes, and conformable breccia horizons.

Epidotized-silicified andesite is enriched in Ca-Sr-Eu and depleted in Mg and first transition series metals (FTSM) relative to least-altered andesite. Albitized-silicified andesite is significantly enriched in Na and depleted in most FTSM relative to least-altered andesite. The abundances and inter-element ratios of the rare-earth elements (REE) and most high field-strength elements (HFS: Y, Zr, Th, U, Hf, Ta) are similar in least-altered, epidotized-silicified and albitized-silicified andesites. The most silicified andesites are strongly enriched in Na-Si, strongly depleted in Mg and divalent FTSM and slightly but systematically depleted in REE and most HFS elements. Serialized andesites were previously silicified; they are very strongly enriched in K-Rb-Cs-Ba, very strongly depleted in Na-Ca-Sr-Eu and slightly depleted in light REE relative to silicified andesite. Chloritized andesitic rocks exhibit heavy REE and HFS element ratios similar to those of leastaltered andesite, but are relatively strongly enriched in Mg and divalent FTSM, strongly depleted in Si and large ion lithophile (LIL) elements and slightly depleted in light REE.

The coupled behavior of the heavy REE and most HFS elements during epidotization, albitization, silicification, chloritization and serialization suggests that they were inert during hydrothermal modification of the andesite. Mass balance calculations suggest that volume was conserved during epidotization-silicification and albitization-silicification, but that intense silicification was accompanied by volume increases up to 30 percent.  相似文献   

The waters of Arima Spa, Southwest Japan, have high salinity (Cl = 54 g/kg) and high isotopic ratios (δD = − 32, and δ18O = + 10%.), and issue from shallow wells drilled into altered rhyolitic pyroclastic rocks of Cretaceous age.Alteration of the host rocks occurred in two stages. The earlier regional alteration stage is characterized by the presence of 2M- and IM-type muscovite, albite, chlorite, calcite and epidote, whereas muscovite and Fe-chlorite formation at the expense of partly albitized plagioclase and altered biotite or hornblende occurred in the following hydrothermal stage. Pyrite, sphalerite, galena and siderite are present in the central part of the hydrothermal alteration zone. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic ratios of secondary muscovite show that regional alteration proceeded under the meteoric circulation, and that the hydrothermal fluid for the second stage had chemical and stable isotopic characteristics of non-meteoric origin similar to the present-day Arima brine. The oxygen and to a lesser extent the hydrogen isotopic ratios of the muscovite rapidly decrease with increasing distance from the central zone of hydrothermal alteration. The isotopic variation is best interpreted as reflecting rapidly decreasing fluid/rock ratios with increasing distance of fluid penetration from the narrow hydrothermal alteration zone into the surrounding area.Speciation computation for the present-day brines at Arima Spa indicates that they are saturated with siderite but not with calcite at depth, in good accord with the mineralogical observations. Upon ascent the brines are diluted by HCO3-rich shallow ground water and are saturated with respect to both siderite and calcite. The present-day Arima hydrothermal system is a remnant of the second stage hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   

Mineralium Deposita - In North Western Queensland, Australia, there are numerous small cobalt deposits of which Mount Cobalt is the largest. Recent work has shown that cobalt is also a significant...  相似文献   

Samples of granitic rock from south-central Maine contain primary igneous minerals altered by hydrothermal fluids. The reaction mechanisms (by which the over-all mineralogical change during the alteration was accomplished) involve several different mineral-fluid reactions at different reaction sites in the rock. The reactions involve both molecular and charged species in solution. The different reaction sites correspond to alteration of different primary igneous minerals. Biotite is partially converted to chlorite+sphene; microcline to muscovite; plagioclase to various combinations of muscovite, epidote, and calcite. The different reaction sites are linked by exchange of ions: some reaction sites produce ions consumed at other sites and vice versa. Physical conditions during the hydrothermal event are estimated from mineralogical and thermochemical data: P = 3,500 (±300) bars; T =425 ° (± 25 °)C. The fluid was characterized by X CO 2 = 0–0.13; ln([K+]/[H+ ]) = 10.0; ln([Ca2+]/[H+]2)=9.1; ln([Na+]/[H+]) = 10.5; Fe/(Fe+Mg) = 0.95. Amounts of secondary minerals in altered rock, when compared to the inferred mineral reactions that formed them, indicate that small but significant amounts (0.01–0.3mol/ 1,000cm3 altered rock) of CO2, H2O, H+, and K+ were added to the granites by fluids during the alteration, as well as lesser amounts (< 0.01–0.03 mol/1,000cm3 altered rock) of Mg2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Na+, and Ti4+. The sole element leached from the granitic rocks during alteration was Ca in amounts 0.1–0.3 mol/1,000 cm3 rock. By estimating the composition of the hydrothermal fluids before and after reaction with the granites and by measuring the amount of material added to or subtracted from the granites during the alteration, the amount and volume of hydrothermal fluid involved can be calculated. Two independent calculations require minimum volumes in the range 100–1,000 cm3 fluid/1,000cm3 altered rock to participate in the hydrothermal event.  相似文献   

Drillcores and waters from Wairakei and Broadlands geothermal areas New Zealand have been analyzed for Li, Rb, Cs, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Al, Ti, Mn, and Be. The drillcores were altered to various degrees at temperatures below 300°C in slightly alkaline chloride water, probably derived from rock-water interaction in untapped horizons at higher temperature. It changes its composition as it leaches Ca and Na from the rock and adds K, Rb, Cs and Li. Evaluation of these changes in relation to the dimensions of the altered zone under observation suggests that a high mass ratio of water to rock (e.g., 100) and a period of up to 1 million years are responsible for the present stage of alteration.Increase of K and Rb in the altered rocks is a result of the formation of abundant adularia in addition to illite. The KRb ratio of the rock decreases during alteration but remains higher than that of the fluid. Only clay materials and zeolites that preferentially absorb Rb give slightly lower KRb ratios than the fluid.The mineral phases responsible for the uptake of lithium during alteration are chlorite (300 ppm Li) and quartz (up to 430 ppm Li). Li uptake in quartz is considered to be the mechanism by which Al-rich quartz crystallises from alumino-silicates. LiAl atomic ratios of 0.3–0.57 and Al concentrations up to 3000 ppm have been observed.Relatively small concentrations of Cs are found in potassic minerals (e.g. 10 ppm Cs in adularia, 44 ppm Cs in illite). However, 240 ppm Cs are found in wairakite from Wairakei equilibrated at 235°C. Lower equilibration temperatures may lead to higher cesium concentrations. This effect, in conjunction with a more concentrated hydrothermal fluid, could explain a content of 4500 ppm Cs in wairakite extracted from a drillcore taken in the El-Tatio geothermal field in Chile.  相似文献   

Magnetic susceptibility and petrographic studies of drilled rock cuttings from two geothermal wells (Az-26 and Az-49) of the important electricity-generating geothermal system, Los Azufres, Mexico, were carried out to determine the relation between the magnetic susceptibility of rocks, the concentration of magnetic minerals and hydrothermal alteration. For this purpose, low-frequency magnetic susceptibility (χ lf) was measured and compared its distribution trends with those of magnetic and Fe–Mg silicate minerals, and with the extent of hydrothermal alteration in rocks of the two geothermal wells. The study indicates a decrease in χ lf values with depth in the two geothermal wells corresponding with: (1) an increase in the reservoir temperature and hydrothermal alteration; and (2) a decrease in the concentrations of Fe–Mg silicates and opaque minerals. The data suggest that ferromagnesian minerals and opaque minerals like ilmenite are the main contributors to the χ lf of rocks. The decrease in χ lf, ilmenite, and Fe–Mg mineral contents with an increase in the hydrothermal alteration degree, pyrite and haematite contents suggests the hydrothermal alteration of ilmenite and Fe–Mg minerals (characteristic of high χ lf values) to pyrite, haematite and other opaque minerals (with low χ lf values). The interaction of hydrothermal fluids with rocks results in the hydrothermal alteration of primary minerals. In a geothermal area, an anomaly of low magnetic susceptibility values of rocks in a homogenous litho unit characterized by high magnetic susceptibility may suggest hydrothermal alteration. Magnetic susceptibility can be a useful parameter, during the initial stages of geothermal exploration, in identifying hydrothermally altered rocks and zones of hydrothermal alteration both at the surface and from drilled wells in geothermal systems.  相似文献   

The 1.1 Ga volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit at Deri in the Sirohi district of south Rajasthan occurs within a bimodal volcanic suite of tholeiites and rhyolites, with minor amounts of andesites and tourmaline-bearing chert, interlayered with arkosic sediments. The ores and the enclosing rocks have undergone superposed deformation and polymetamorphism initially under amphibolite facies conditions and later under hornblende hornfels facies conditions. Metamorphism, however, has not affected the bulk composition of the rocks to any significant degree.Three distinct semiconformable alteration facies, characterized by their conspicuous magnesian mineralogy, are recognized in the host rocks: (1) hornblende-biotite-plagioclase-quartz schist (AMV); (2) cordierite-anthophyllite-chlorite hornfels (AFV); and (3) biotite-chlorite(-sericite) schist/hornfels (BCS). The first is derived from the mafic volcanics, whereas the other two represent progressive alteration of felsic volcanic protoliths. Fe, Mg and water were added and Na was removed from all the alteration facies in varying amounts. The maximum enrichment is noted in BCS for Mg and Fe, whereas the maximum depletion is seen in this facies for Si, an element which is also depleted significantly in AFV. AMV on the other hand, shows enrichment of Si, Ca and to some extent, in Al. Alumina is also enriched considerably in BCS, probably due to clayey alteration and extreme leaching of silica. Amongst the trace elements, Rb, Ba, Nb and Y are gained in most of the facies, except in BCS, where Ba and Y show distinct depletion. The LREE, from La to Sm, were enriched about 1.5- to 3.0-fold in all the facies with a maximum in AFV where the flux took place at constant inter-REE proportions: 1.0 La, 0.79 Ce, 0.48 Nd and 0.35 Sm. Eu was depleted from both felsic facies, 7-fold in BCS to 4-fold in AFV, during alteration. The HREE (Er to Lu) remained immobile in all the altered facies.The chemical and mineralogical zonation in the alteration facies are interpreted to be due to the progressive reaction of an evolving sea-water hydrothermal fluid with the bimodal volcanic protoliths during convective circulation. Fluid-rock interaction, guided by vertical and lateral thermal gradients, produced a sericite-quartz assemblage in the felsic volcanics at the expense of feldspar during the initial stages (175 °C) which formed a sericite-chlorite zone upon rising temperature (200–250 °C) by base-fixing reactions. A further temperature increase (to ~ 300 °C) and deeper circulation in the mafic pile introduced more Fe and Mg, thereby transforming the previously formed assemblage to a nearly pure chloritic zone and the most intensely altered biotite-chlorite(-sericite) facies.  相似文献   

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