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Fifty-three major explosive eruptions on Iceland and Jan Mayen island were identified in 0–6-Ma-old sediments of the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans by the age and the chemical composition of silicic tephra. The depositional age of the tephra was estimated using the continuous record in sediment of paleomagnetic reversals for the last 6 Ma and paleoclimatic proxies (δ18O, ice-rafted debris) for the last 1 Ma. Major element and normative compositions of glasses were used to assign the sources of the tephra to the rift and off-rift volcanic zones in Iceland, and to the Jan Mayen volcanic system. The tholeiitic central volcanoes along the Iceland rift zones were steadily active with the longest interruption in activity recorded between 4 and 4.9 Ma. They were the source of at least 26 eruptions of dominant rhyolitic magma composition, including the late Pleistocene explosive eruption of Krafla volcano of the Eastern Rift Zone at about 201 ka. The central volcanoes along the off-rift volcanic zones in Iceland were the source of at least 19 eruptions of dominant alkali rhyolitic composition, with three distinct episodes recorded at 4.6–5.3, 3.5–3.6, and 0–1.8 Ma. The longest and last episode recorded 11 Pleistocene major events including the two explosive eruptions of Tindfjallajökull volcano (Thórsmörk, ca. 54.5 ka) and Katla volcano (Sólheimar, ca. 11.9 ka) of the Southeastern Transgressive Zone. Eight major explosive eruptions from the Jan Mayen volcanic system are recorded in terms of the distinctive grain-size, mineralogy and chemistry of the tephra. The tephra contain K-rich glasses (K2O/SiO2>0.06) ranging from trachytic to alkali rhyolitic composition. Their normative trends (Ab–Q–Or) and their depleted concentrations of Ba, Eu and heavy-REE reflect fractional crystallisation of K-feldspar, biotite and hornblende. In contrast, their enrichment in highly incompatible and water-mobile trace elements such as Rb, Th, Nb and Ta most likely reflect crustal contamination. One late Pleistocene tephra from Jan Mayen was recorded in the marine sequence. Its age, estimated between 617 and 620 ka, and its composition support a common source with the Borga pumice formation at Sør Jan in the south of the island.  相似文献   

Mayor Island is a peralkaline rhyolitic caldera volcano characterised by numerous, sector-confined pyroclastic deposits, together with lavas forming at least five composite shields. Correlation of sequences between sectors is difficult because of the scarcity of island-wide marker beds. However, eight distal calc-alkaline fall tephras (ca. 7.3 14C ka to 64 ka) from Okataina and Taupo volcanic centres in the nearby Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) have been identified on the island. These “foreign” TVZ tephras provide marker planes to correlate activity in different sectors of Mayor Island volcano, and refine an eruptive chronology. At least seventeen pyroclastic eruptions and fourteen lava-producing events (including multiple, shield-forming events) have occurred in the past ca. 64 ka. Age controls provided by the calc-alkaline tephras confirm the extremely local dispersal characteristics of many of the Mayor Island eruptives and show that K/Ar ages as young as 25–33 ka on obsidians with 4.2–4.4% K2O are reliable.  相似文献   

Detailed geologic mapping and radiocarbon dating of tholeiitic basalts covering about 275 km2 on the lower east rift zone (LERZ) and adjoining flanks of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, show that at least 112 separate eruptions have occurred during the past 2360 years. Eruptive products include spatter ramparts and cones, a shield, two extensive lithic-rich tuff deposits, aa and pahoehoe flows, and three littoral cones. Areal coverage, number of eruptions and average dormant interval estimates in years for the five age groups assigned are: (I) historic, i.e. A D 1790 and younger: 25%, 5, 42.75; (II) 200–400 years old: 50%, 15, 14.3: (III) 400–750 years old: 20%, 54, 6.6; (IV) 750–1500 years old: 5%, 37, 20.8; (V) 1500–3000 years old: <1%, 1, unknown. At least 4.5–6 km3 of tholeiitic basalt have been erupted from the LERZ during the past 1500 years. Estimated volumes of the exposed products of individual eruptions range from a few tens of cubic meters for older units in small kipukas to as much as 0.4 km3 for the heiheiahulu shield. The average dormant interval has been about 13.6 years during the past 1500 years. The most recent eruption occurred in 1961, and the area may be overdue for its next eruption. However, eruptive activity will not resume on the LERZ until either the dike feeding the current eruption on the middle east rift zone extends farther down rift, or a new dike, unrelated to the current eruption, extends into the LERZ.  相似文献   

Pacaya volcano is an active composite volcano located in the volcanic highlands of Guatemala about 40 km south of Guatemala City. Volcanism at Pacaya alternates between Strombolian and Vulcanian, and during the past five years there has been a marked increase in the violence of eruptions. The volcano is composed principally of basalt flows interbedded with thin scoria fall units, several pyroclastic surge beds, and at least one welded tuff. Between 400 and 2000 years BP the W-SW sector of the volcano collapsed producing a horseshoeshaped amphitheater (0.65 km3) and providing a window into the cone's infrastructure. Lava flows and tephra exposed in the amphitheater are more then 200 m thick and when combined with flows erupted recently represent between 30 and 40% of the cone's history. Pacaya is ideally suited for a paleomagnetic study into the timing and duration of eruption episodes at a large, composite volcano. We drilled 27 paleomagnetic sites (25 aa flows, 1 dike, and 1 welded tuff) from four lava-flow sequences with between 4 and 14 sites per sequence. The four sequences represent initial through historic activity at Pacaya. We resolved, what appear to be, 22 time-independent paleomagnetic sites by averaging together directions from successive sites where the sitemean directions were indistinguishable at the 95% level of confidence. However, mean-sequence directions of individual lava-flow sequences yielded unusually high Fisher precision parameters (k=44–224) and small circles of 63% confidence (a63=1.6–6.1°) suggesting as few as three or four time-independent sites were collected. This indicates that activity as Pacaya is strongly episodic and that episodes are characterized by voluminous outpouring of lavas. Modelling the data using Holocene PSV rates confirms this and shows that differences in within-sequence directions (6–11.5°) are consistent with emplacement of lava-flow sequences in less than 100 years to as many as 300 years. Relatively larger differences in directions (18–23°) between subjacent lava-flow sequences indicates that repose is at least 300–500 years and could be even longer.  相似文献   

Major slope failures are a significant degradational process at volcanoes. Slope failures and associated explosive eruptions have resulted in more than 20 000 fatalities in the past 400 years; the historic record provides evidence for at least six of these events in the past century. Several historic debris avalanches exceed 1 km3 in volume. Holocene avalanches an order of magnitude larger have traveled 50–100 km from the source volcano and affected areas of 500–1500 km2. Historic eruptions associated with major slope failures include those with a magmatic component (Bezymianny type) and those solely phreatic (Bandai type). The associated gravitational failures remove major segments of the volcanoes, creating massive horseshoe-shaped depressions commonly of caldera size. The paroxysmal phase of a Bezymianny-type eruption may include powerful lateral explosions and pumiceous pyroclastic flows; it is often followed by construction of lava dome or pyroclastic cone in the new crater. Bandai-type eruptions begin and end with the paroxysmal phase, during which slope failure removes a portion of the edifice. Massive volcanic landslides can also occur without related explosive eruptions, as at the Unzen volcano in 1792.The main potential hazards from these events derive from lateral blasts, the debris avalanche itself, and avalanche-induced tsunamis. Lateral blasts produced by sudden decompression of hydrothermal and/or magmatic systems can devastate areas in excess of 500km2 at velocities exceeding 100 m s–1. The ratio of area covered to distance traveled for the Mount St. Helens and Bezymianny lateral blasts exceeds that of many pyroclastic flows or surges of comparable volume. The potential for large-scale lateral blasts is likely related to the location of magma at the time of slope failure and appears highest when magma has intruded into the upper edifice, as at Mount St. Helens and Bezymianny.Debris avalanches can move faster than 100 ms–1 and travel tens of kilometers. When not confined by valley walls, avalanches can affect wide areas beyond the volcano's flanks. Tsunamis from debris avalanches at coastal volcanoes have caused more fatalities than have the landslides themselves or associated eruptions. The probable travel distance (L) of avalanches can be estimated by considering the potential vertical drop (H). Data from a catalog of around 200 debris avalanches indicates that the H/L rations for avalanches with volumes of 0.1–1 km3 average 0.13 and range 0.09–0.18; for avalanches exceeding 1 km3, H/L ratios average 0.09 and range 0.5–0.13.Large-scale deformation of the volcanic edefice and intense local seismicity precede many slope failures and can indicate the likely failure direction and orientation of potential lateral blasts. The nature and duration of precursory activity vary widely, and the timing of slope faliure greatly affects the type of associated eruption. Bandai-type eruptions are particularly difficult to anticipate because they typically climax suddenly without precursory eruptions and may be preceded by only short periods of seismicity.  相似文献   

In thirteen years (1973–1986) of seismic monitoring of Pavlof Volcano, 488 episodes of volcanic tremor have been recorded, only 26 of which have been previously described in the literature. This paper tabulates and describes all the tremor episodes and reports on the results of all analyses to date. Pavlof tremor durations range from 2 minutes to greater than 1 week; episodes accompanying magmatic eruptions have durations greater than 1 hour, and sustained amplitudes of greater than 6 mmP-P (=54 nanometers at 1.5 Hz) on station PVV, 8.5 km from the vent. Digital data provide much better amplitude resolution than helicorders do. Helicorders, however, provide continuous coverage, whereas digital data are intermittent. Correlations of tremor with visual eruption observations shows that tremor amplitudes are roughly correlated with heights of lava fountains, but the correlation of tremor amplitudes with plume heights is more problematic. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) spectra show that Pavlof tremor is quite statinary for the entire time period, 1973–1983. All principal spectral peaks lie between 0.8 and 3.0 Hz, and may be caused by resonance of magma and gas, and resonance of the volcanic pile. Preliminary analysis of 2-and 3-component data shows thatP, S, PL, and Rayleigh waves may be present in Pavlof volcanic tremor. Other waveforms can be misidentified as tremor, most commonly those caused by storms orS-waves of regional earthquakes. A strategy is proposed to distinguish tremor from noise using automatic seismic data acquisition and analysis systems. Pavlof's volcanic tremor is briefly compared with a preliminary sample of over 1100 cases of tremor from 84 volcanoes worldwide. Finally, several recommendations for monitoring and reporting volcanic tremor are discussed.  相似文献   

Secular variations in 13C/12C ratios and chemical compositions of gas samples from October 1986 to July 1992 are reported from a 92–95 °C steam well located about 3 km north of Mt. Mihara, an active volcano on Izu-Oshima Island, Japan. The δ13C value steeply increased from −2.97‰ (relative to PDB carbonate) in December 1986 to −1.15‰ in March 1988 and then gradually decreased to −1.75‰ in July 1992. Over the same period, the CO2 content changed similarly with time, even though the experimental error is relatively large. These variations are consistent with helium isotope changes. Initially rapid and then slow enhancements of 3He/4He ratio, δ13C value and CO2 content are invoked by violent eruptions of Izu-Oshima volcano from 15 November to 18 December 1986. After the eruptive activity, depletion of magmatic gas emission and subsequent mixing with crustal fluids in the hydrothermal system may produce the gradual decreases of 3He/4He ratio, δ13C value and CO2 content. Taking into account the rates of these decreases, we suggest that helium and carbon isotope ratios will return to the situation of before the magmatic eruption within 15 years.  相似文献   

Pavlof Volcano (55° 25′N, 161° 54′W) exhibits two eruption styles: magmatic eruptions of one-to-two-days duration, and phreatic-phreatomagmatic activity lasting several days to two months. Thirty-four eruptions have occurred in historic times; of these the largest are Volcano Explosivity Index=3. Nine magmatic and 13 phreatomagmatic eruptions occurred between 1973–1983. All the magmatic eruptions occurred in the fall, between Sept. 9–Nov. 20. Four magmatic eruptions occurred during November 11–15, but in four different years. A 3-year-long period of eruptive activity between 1973–1976 bears striking resemblance to a period of activity between 1980–1983. No locatable shallow earthquakes (<50 km) have occurred within 30 km of Pavlof since 1973, which is quite unusual for an active island-arc volcano. Shallow events in the adjacent are segments have focal mechanisms with P-axes perpendicular to the arc (and parallel to plate convergence). Deep earthquakes (> 100 km) are clustered beneath Pavlof and several other volcanoes. Their T-axes show downdip tension within the slab. Deep teleseisms (> 160 km) mostly occurred between 1977–1979 when the volcano was not erupting. Catalogued volcanic activity throughout the Alaska/Aleutian arc shows a weak tendency to increase around the time of great (M > 7.8) earthquakes.  相似文献   

Between 1986 and 1990 the eruptive activity of Erebus volcano was monitored by a video camera with on-screen time code and recorded on video tape. Corresponding seismic and acoustic signals were recorded from a network of 6 geophones and 2 infrasonic microphones. Two hundred Strombolian explosions and three lava flows which were erupted from 7 vents were captured on video. In December 1986 the Strombolian eruptions ejected bombs and ash. In November 1987 large bubble-bursting Strombolian eruptions were observed. The bubbles burst when the bubble walls thinned to ∼ 20 cm. Explosions with bomb flight-times up to 14.5 s were accompanied by seismic signals with our local size estimate, “unified magnitudes” (mu), up to 2.3. Explosions in pools of lava formed by flows in the Inner Crater were comparatively weak.  相似文献   

A genetic algorithm inversion of receiver functions derived from a dense seismic network around Iwate volcano, northeastern Japan, provides the fine S wave velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle. Since receiver functions are insensitive to an absolute velocity, travel times of P and S waves propagating vertically from earthquakes in the subducting slab beneath the volcano are involved in the inversion. The distribution of velocity perturbations in relation to the hypocenters of the low-frequency (LF) earthquakes helps our understanding of deep magmatism beneath Iwate volcano. A high-velocity region (dVS/VS=10%) exists around the volcano at depths of 2–15 km, with the bottom depth decreasing to 11 km beneath the volcano’s summit. Just beneath the thinning high-velocity region, a low-velocity region (dVS/VS=−10%) exists at depths of 11–20 km. Intermediate-depth LF (ILF) events are distributed vertically in the high-velocity region down to the top of the low-velocity region. This distribution suggests that a magma reservoir situated in the low-velocity region supplies magma to a narrow conduit that is detectable by the hypocenters of LF earthquakes. Another broad low-velocity region (dVS/VS=−5 to −10%) occurs at depths of 17–35 km. Additional clusters of deep LF (DLF) events exist at depths of 32–37 km in the broad low-velocity zone. The DLF and ILF events are the manifestations of magma movement near the Moho discontinuity and in the conduit just beneath the volcano, respectively.  相似文献   

A study of the historic record of activity of Piton de la Fournaise has revealed a cyclic pattern of eruption involving effusion of oceanite lava from major-flank centers every 20–40 years. Calculated volumes of the recent lava flows and pyroclastic ejecta have established an effusion rate of 3.9 m3 s−1 since 1931 and 6.2 m3 s−1 since 1951. Flank eruptions outside the present caldera define a distribution maximum which is expected to correlate with the depth range of a high-level magma reservoir.A model has been constructed which requires replenishment of a high-level magma chamber at a constant rate and regular eruption from summit and minor-flank centers, acting as “safety valves” to the magma chamber; when the magma chamber reaches its maximum expansion, a major-flank outburst of oceanitic lava occurs.The fact that calculated effusion rates are not consistent with radiometric dates implies an increase in effusion volume with time for the volcano.  相似文献   

The history of volcan Popocatepetl can be divided into two main periods: the formation of a large primitive volcano — approximatively 30 km wide — on which is superimposed a modern cone (6–8 km in diameter and 1700m high). A major event of Bezymianny type marks the transition between these two dissimilar periods.The activity of the primitive volcano was essentially effusive and lasted several hundred thousands of years. The total volume of products ejected by the volcano is of the order of 500–600 km3. Its last differentiated magmas are dacitic.A gigantic debris flow (D.F.) spread on the southern side is related to the Bezymianny-type event which destroyed the summit area of the ancient edifice. An elliptical caldera ( 6.5 × 11 km wide) was formed by the landslide. Its deposits, with a typical hummocky surface, cover 300 km2 for a volume of 28–30 km3. Numerous outcrops belonging to this debris flow show “slabs” of more or less fractured and dislocated rocks that come from the primitive volcano. These deposits are compared to two studied debris flows of similar extent and volume: the Mount Shasta and Colima's D.F.This eruption takes a major place in the volcanologic and magmatic history of Popocatepetl: pyroclastic products of surge-type with “laminites” and crude layers, ashflows, and pumiceous airfall layers are directly related to this event and begin the history of the modern volcano probably less than 50,000 years ago. In addition, a second andesitic and dacitic phase rose both from the central vent — forming the basis of modern Popo — and from lateral vents.The terminal cone is characterized by long periods of construction by lava flows alternating with phases of destruction, the duration of these episodes being 1000 to 2000 years. The cone is composed of two edifices: the first, volcan El Fraile, began with effusive activity and was partly destroyed by three periods of intense explosive activity. The first period occurred prior to 10.000 years B.P., the second from 10.000 to 8000 years B.P. and the third from 5000 to 3800 years B.P. Each period of destruction shows cycles producing collapsing pyroclastic flows or nuées of the St Vincent-type related to the opening of large craters, plinian air-fall deposits and minor lava flows. The second edifice, the summit Popo, produced lava flows until 1200 years B.P. and since that time, entered into an explosive period. Two cataclysmic episodes, each including major pyroclastic eruptions, occurred 1200 and 900–1000 years ago. During the Pre-Hispanic and historic times effusive activity was restricted entirely to the summit area alternating with plinian eruptions. Nevertheless, despite the quiet appearance of the volcano, the last period of pyroclastic activity which started 1200 years ago may not have ended and can be very dangerous for the nearby populations.  相似文献   

On July 8, 1976, eruptive activity broke out at la Soufrière de Guadeloupe (F.W.I) after about one year of increasing seismic activity. Seismic activity continued to increase until August 1976, reaching more than 1500 events (a 200-fold increase over the preceding quiet period of a few years) and an energy output of about 1017 ergs in a day. A total of 26 major phreatic eruptions similar to the July 8 outburst took place during an eight-months period. The steam blasts that characterized the eruptions gave rise to particle- and sometimes block-charged plumes that deposited an estimated 106 m3 of solids. The H2O-rich gases emitted during the blasts presumably contained other gases (H2S, SO2, CO2...) that were partly adsorbed on solid particles. All material was erupted at temperatures of the order of 100° to 200°C.The observation of vertical migration of earthquake foci in less than a few hours and over about 6 km depth, and of abnormal variations of the geomagnetic field, indicate a deep energy source for the phreatic eruptions. A small proportion of the gases adsorbed on solid particles had a magmatic origin. However, most of the steam and the tephra seemed to originate from superficial levels of a hydrothermal system. Similar phreatic eruptions have occurred several times in recorded history. In the case of la Soufrière, the origin of the phreatic eruptions is best described by an abnormal energy input (versus steady-state) from a crustal magma chamber. The occurrence of truly magmatic eruptions is presumably inhibited by an extensive hydrothermal system. The abrupt release of more power from the magma chamber could have resulted in an explosive pyroclastic eruption.Substantial improvement of the Guadeloupe volcano observatory has followed the 1975–1977 crisis. Permanent telemetered geophysical networks and regular geochemical observations have provided a five year data base of the volcano behavior in its noneruptive state which can be compared to crisis situations.  相似文献   

A series of large hydrothermal eruptions occurred across the Waiotapu geothermal field at about the same (prehistoric) time as the ~AD1315 Kaharoa rhyolite magmatic eruptions from Tarawera volcano vents, 10–20 km distant. Triggering of the Waiotapu hydrothermal eruptions was previously attributed to displacement of the adjacent Ngapouri Fault. The Kaharoa rhyolite eruptions are now recognised as primed and triggered by multiple basalt intrusions beneath the Tarawera volcano. A ~1000 t/day pulse of CO2 gas is recorded by alteration mineralogy and fluid inclusions in drill core samples from Waiotapu geothermal wells. This CO2 pulse is most readily sourced from basalt intruded at depth, and although not precisely dated, it appears to be associated with the Waiotapu hydrothermal eruptions. We infer that the hydrothermal eruptions at Waiotapu were primed by intrusion of the same arrested basalt dike system that drove the rhyolite eruptions at Tarawera. This dike system was likely similar at depth to the dike that generated basalt eruptions from a 17 km-long fissure that formed across the Tarawera region in AD1886. Fault ruptures that occurred in the Waiotapu area in association with both the AD1886 and ~AD1315 eruptions are considered to be a result, rather than a cause, of the dike intrusion processes.Editorial responsibility: J. Donnelly-Nolan  相似文献   

The assumption that volcanic tremor may be generated by deterministic nonlinear source processes is now supported by a number of studies at different volcanoes worldwide that clearly demonstrate the low-dimensional nature of the phenomenon. We applied methods based on the theory of nonlinear dynamics to volcanic tremor events recorded at Sangay volcano, Ecuador in order to obtain more information regarding the physics of their source mechanism. The data were acquired during 21–26 April 1998 and were recorded using a sampling interval of 125 samples s–1 by two broadband seismometers installed near the active vent of the volcano. In a previous study Johnson and Lees (2000) classified the signals into three groups: (1) short duration (<1 min) impulses generated by degassing explosions at the vent; (2) extended degassing chugging events with a duration 2–5 min containing well-defined integer overtones (1–5 Hz) and variable higher frequency content; (3) extended degassing events that contain significant energy above 5 Hz. We selected 12 events from groups 2 and 3 for our analysis that had a duration of at least 90 s and high signal-to-noise ratios. The phase space, which describes the evolution of the behavior of a nonlinear system, was reconstructed using the delay embedding theorem suggested by Takens. The delay time used for the reconstruction was chosen after examining the first zero crossing of the autocorrelation function and the first minimum of the Average Mutual Information (AMI) of the data. In most cases it was found that both methods yielded a delay time of 14–18 samples (0.112–0.144 s) for group 2 and 5 samples (0.04 s) for group 3 events. The sufficient embedding dimension was estimated using the false nearest neighbors method which had a value of 4 for events in group 2 and was in the range 5–7 for events in group 3. Based on these embedding parameters it was possible to calculate the correlation dimension of the resulting attractor, as well as the average divergence rate of nearby orbits given by the largest Lyapunov exponent. Events in group 2 exhibited lower values of both the correlation dimension (1.8–2.6) and largest Lyapunov exponent (0.013–0.022) in comparison with the events in group 3 where the values of these quantities were in the range 2.4–3.5 and 0.029–0.043, respectively. Theoretically, a nonlinear oscillation described by the equation ++g(x)=fcost can generate deterministic signals with characteristics similar to those observed in groups 2 and 3 as the values of the parameters ,,f, are drifting, causing instability of orbits in the phase space.  相似文献   

Fuego volcano, Guatemala is a high (3,800 m) composite volcano that erupts gas-rich, high-Al basalt, often explosively. It spends many years in an essentially open vent condition, but this activity has not been extensively observed or recorded until now. The volcano towers above a region with several tens of thousands of people, so that patterns in its activity might have hazard mitigation applications. We conducted 2 years of continuous observations at Fuego (2005–2007) during which time the activity consisted of minor explosions, persistent degassing, paroxysmal eruptions, and lava flows. Radiant heat output from MODIS correlates well with observed changes in eruptive behavior, particularly during abrupt changes from passive lava effusion to paroxysmal eruptions. A short-period seismometer and two low-frequency microphones installed during the final 6 months of the study period recorded persistent volcanic tremor (1–3 Hz) and a variety of explosive eruptions. The remarkable correlation between seismic tremor, thermal output, and daily observational data defines a pattern of repeating eruptive behavior: 1) passive lava effusion and subordinate strombolian explosions, followed by 2) paroxysmal eruptions that produced sustained eruptive columns, long, rapidly emplaced lava flows, and block and ash flows, and finally 3) periods of discrete degassing explosions with no lava effusion. This study demonstrates the utility of low-cost observations and ground-based and satellite-based remote sensing for identifying changes in volcanic activity in remote regions of underdeveloped countries.  相似文献   

During the period 1631–1944, Vesuvius was in persistent activity with alternating mild strombolian explosions, quiet effusive eruptions, and violent strombolian eruptions. The major difference between the predominant style of activity and the violent strombolian stages is the effusion rate. The lava effusion rate during major eruptions was in the range 20–100 m3/s, higher than during mild activity and quiet effusion (0.1–1 m3/s). The products erupted during the mild activity and major paroxysms have different degree of crystallization. Highly porphyritic lava flows are slowly erupted during years-long period of mild activity. This activity is fed by a magma accumulating at shallow depth within the volcanic edifice. Conversely, during the major paroxysms, a fast lava flow precedes the eruption of a volatile-rich, crystal-poor magma. We show that the more energetic eruptions are fed by episodic, multiple arrival of discrete batches of magma rising faster and not degassing during the ascent. The rapidly ascending magma pushes up the liquid residing in the shallow reservoir and eventually reaches the surface with its full complement of volatiles, producing kilometer-high lava fountains. Rapid drainage of the shallow reservoir occasionally caused small caldera collapses. The major eruptions act to unplug the upper part of the feeding system, erupting the cooling and crystallizing magma. This pattern of activity lasted for 313 y, but with a progressive decrease in the number of more energetic eruptions. As a consequence, a cooling plug blocked the volcano until it eventually prevented the eruption of new magma. The yearly probability of having at least one violent strombolian eruption has decreased from 0.12 to 0.10 from 1944 to 2007, but episodic seismic crises since 1979 may be indicative of new episodic intrusions of magma batches.  相似文献   

Mount Nemrut, an active stratovolcano in eastern Turkey, is a great danger for its vicinity. The volcano possesses a summit caldera which cuts the volcano into two stages, i.e. pre- and post-caldera. Wisps of smoke and hot springs are to be found within the caldera. Although the last recorded volcanic activity is known to have been in 1441, we consider here that the last eruption of Nemrut occurred more recently, probably just before 1597. The present active tectonic regime, historical eruptions, occurrence of mantle-derived magmatic gases and the fumarole and hot spring activities on the caldera floor make Nemrut Volcano a real danger for its vicinity. According to the volcanological past of Nemrut, the styles of expected eruptions are well-focused on two types: (1) occurrence of water within the caldera leads to phreatomagmatic (highly energetic) eruptions, subsequently followed by lava extrusions, and (2) effusions–extrusions (non-explosive or weakly energetic eruptions) on the flanks from fissures. To predict the impact area of future eruptions, a series of morphological analyses based on field observations, Digital Elevation Model and satellite images were realized. Twenty-two valleys (main transport pathways) were classified according to their importance, and the physical parameters related to the valleys were determined. The slope values in each point of the flanks and the Heim parameters H/L were calculated. In the light of morphological analysis the possible impact areas around the volcano and danger zones were proposed. The possible transport pathways of the products of expected volcanic events are unified in three main directions: Bitlis, Guroymak, Tatvan and Ahlat cities, the about 135 000 inhabitants of which could be threatened by future eruptions of this poorly known and unsurveyed volcano.  相似文献   

Eruptions of the active Karymsky stratovolcano began about 5300 (6100 14C) b.p. from within a pre-existing caldera which formed 7700 14C b.p. As indicated by 32 14C determinations on buried soils and charcoal, the volcano has gone through two major cycles of activity, separated by a 2300 year period of repose. The first cycle can be divided into two stages (6100–5100 and 4300–2800 b.p.). The earlier stage began with especially intense eruptions of basaltic andesite to dacite. The later stage was characterized by moderate-strength eruptions of andesite. The second cycle, which is characterized by weak to moderate intermittent eruptions of andesite, started 500 b.p. and continues to the present. Eruptive patterns suggest that this cycle may continue for at least another 200 years with an eruptive character similar to that of the recent past.  相似文献   

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