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A new numerical model that simulates a downgoing slab is used to study the conditions required to produce melting on its upper surface. Models with dip angles of 26.6° and 45°, rates of subduction of 0.7 and 5.6 cm y −1, varying heat sources and rising material from the top of the slab are included. The results indicate that melting will not be greatly affected by dip angle, though the rate of subduction and the amount of shearstrain heating are important. When melting occurs, material rising from the top of the slab may produce high heat flow values at the surface of the earth on the continental side of the ocean trench, if the process continues sufficiently long. The sinking slab produces a positive gravity anomaly on the continental side of subduction, which is reduced in amplitude when rising material is present. 相似文献
High-pressure and temperature experiments (28–62 GPa, and 1,490–2,000 K, corresponding to approximately 770–1,500 km depth in the mantle) have been conducted on a MgCO 3 + SiO 2 mixture using a laser-heated diamond anvil cell combined with analytical transmission electron microscope observation of the product phases to constrain the fate of carbonates carried on the subducting basalt into the lower mantle. At these conditions, the decarbonation reaction MgCO 3 (magnesite) + SiO 2 (stishovite) → MgSiO 3 (perovskite) + CO 2 (solid) has been recognized. This indicates that above reaction takes place as a candidate for decarbonation of the carbonated subducting mid ocean ridge basalts in the Earth’s lower mantle. 相似文献
We investigated space-time lithospheric stress patterns of the Baikal rift system according to the hierarchy of earthquakes using mechanisms of 265 KP ≥ 10 events recorded from 1950 to 1998 and seismic moments of 802 KP ≥ 11 events from 1968 to 1994. The lithosphere of the region was confirmed to undergo rifting with mostly normal-slip events, while local areas of frequent strike-slip and reverse motions may record stress heterogeneity. The dominance of rifting, although being evident in the stress dynamics, is unstable, which is indicated by increase in strike-slip and reverse motions to as many as normal slip events in the latest 1980s–earliest 1990s. The lithospheric stress patterns inferred from seismic-moment data are generally consistent with those derived from the classical focal mechanism method. The suggested approach of seismic zoning according to earthquake slip geometry may provide a more reliable background for successful mitigation of seismic hazard in the region. 相似文献
A > 10‐km‐thick basin formed in Tertiary to Quaternary times in front and overlapping with the south‐east Carpathians. The Foc?ani Depression is part of this system and overlies the Vrancea seismogenetic volume, thought to correspond to the remnants of the continental slab subducted beneath the Carpathians. Slab detachment and its lateral migration are considered to control vertical movements in the area. We present the first complete analysis of subsidence patterns in the Depression and derive a substantially different picture. The strongest subsidence is Sarmatian in age, coeval with the main nappe emplacement events. Subsequently, subsidence did not stop and persisted until present times despite cessation of thrusting. The main depocentre remained the Foc?ani Depression and no significant lateral migration is detected. Post‐Sarmatian subsidence is contemporaneous with major exhumation/erosion in the Carpathians. The evolution of the basin is associated with a combination of vertical and far‐field horizontal stresses, and its position is controlled by pre‐existing lithospheric heterogeneities. 相似文献
Flow of fluids and transport of solutes in porous media are subjects of wide interest in several fields of applications: reservoir
engineering, subsurface hydrology, chemical engineering, etc. In this paper we will study two-phase flow in a model consisting
of two different types of sediments. Here, the absolute permeability, the relative permeabilities and the capillary pressure
are discontinuous functions in space. This leads to interior boundary value problems at the interface between the sediments.
The saturation S w will be discontinuous or experience large gradients at the interface. A new solution procedure for such problems will be
presented. The method combines the modified method of characteristics with a weak formulation where the basis functions are
discontinuous at the interior boundary. The modified method of characteristics will provide a good first approximation for
the jump in the discontinuous basis functions, which leads to a fast converging iterative solution scheme for the complete
The method has been implemented in a two-dimensional simulator, and results from numerical experiments will be presented.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
苏鲁-大别造山带是华北、华南地块之间的大地构造交界带.本文分析研究了我国东部地区的3000余年的地震活动性,并根据1918~2006年问苏鲁-大别及其周围地区发生的1000余个地震的震源机制解,系统研究了地壳应力场和构造运动的区域特征,探讨了超高压变质带的折返机制.结果表明,苏鲁带以及华北地区受到太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲挤压的同时,受到从贝加尔湖经过大华北直到琉球海沟的广阔地域里存在着的统一的、方位为170°的引张应力场的控制.右旋走滑运动是苏鲁地区和郯庐断裂带的现代构造运动的主要特征.地震发生类型多为右旋走滑型或右旋走滑正断层型地震.华南地区构造应力场主要表现为,受北西西向运动的菲律宾板块向欧亚板块碰撞挤压运动所产生的方位为110~120°挤压应力的控制.华北、华南地块之间现代地壳应力场的分界线,西部与秦岭带大致相符,在大别东开始则逐渐偏离大地构造,到黄山附近向东南偏转,在温州附近转为向东延伸,最终穿过东海直至琉球海沟.研究结果还表明,苏鲁-大别超高压变质带的折返运动机制,即致使大量超高压变质岩折返到上地壳或地表的岩石圈应力场背景原因为,中生代以来大华北地区存在着较强扩张应力场的主控作用.此外,岩石圈地幔的蘑菇云构造增强了华北地区扩张应力场及扩张构造运动,导致形成大量深裂谷、裂隙,深部物质上涌.苏鲁及东大别地带处于或接近蘑菇云构造运动发育地区的中心,深部地幔物质的上涌导致并加剧了超高压变质岩折返到上地壳或地表,形成了世界著名的苏鲁-别超高压变质带. 相似文献
笔者系统分析了1918—2005年间中国大陆及其周缘发生的3130个中、强地震的震源机制解,根据其特征进行了岩石圈应力场构造分区,首次得到区域应力场的压应力轴和张应力轴空间分布的统计数字结果。在此基础上研究了应力场的区域特征、探讨了其动力学来源以及构造运动特征。总体结果表明,中国大陆及其周缘岩石圈应力场和构造运动可以归结为印度洋板块、太平洋板块、菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块之间相对运动,以及大陆板内区域块体之间的相互作用的结果。印度洋板块向欧亚板块的碰撞挤压运动所产生的强烈的挤压应力,控制了喜马拉雅、青藏高原、中国西部乃至延伸到天山及其以北的广大地区。在青藏高原周缘地区和中国西部的大范围内,压应力P轴水平分量方位位于20~40°,形成了近NE方向的挤压应力场。大量逆断层型强震集中发生在青藏高原的南、北和西部周缘地区,以及天山等地区。而多数正断层型地震集中发生在青藏高原中部高海拔的地区,断层位错的水平分量位于近东西方向。表明青藏高原周缘区域发生南北向强烈挤压短缩的同时,中部高海拔地区存在着明显的近东西向的扩张运动。中国东部的华北地区受到太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲挤压的同时,又受到从贝加尔湖经过大华北直到琉球海沟的广阔地域里存在着的统一的、方位为170°的引张应力场的控制。华北地区大地震的震源机制解均反映出该区地震的发生大体为NEE向挤压应力和NNW向张应力的共同作用结果。台湾纵谷断层是菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块之间碰撞挤压边界。来自北西向运动的菲律宾海板块构造应力控制了从台湾纵谷、华南块体,直到中国南北地震带南段东部地域的应力场。地震的震源机制结果还表明,将中国大陆分成东、西两部分的中国南北地震带是印度洋板块、菲律宾海板块与太平洋板块在中国大陆内部影响控制范围的分界线。 相似文献
利用地下水数值模型MODFLOW和非饱和带水平衡模型对处于半干旱半湿润沙丘地区(Sand Hills)地下水位进行了模拟,并分析了含水层补排水量,河流与地下水补排关系,以及区域水平衡过程。揭示了独特沙丘地形和土壤特性对地下水补排量的影响。模拟结果表明,入渗率大、非饱和带厚的沙丘有利于降水入渗补给,减少了地下水蒸散发损失。加上下覆含水层具有良好的地下水储水空间,是该地区储存丰富的地下水量,以维持河流稳定流量,供给众多湖泊和湿地的原因。该研究对我国地下水资源评价和生态环境脆弱地区水资源保护具有指导意义。 相似文献
The eastern Tibetan margin is characterized by a steep topographic gradient and remarkably lateral variations in crustal/lithospheric structure and thermal state. GPS measurements show that the surface convergence rate in this area is strikingly low. How can such a mountain range grow without significant upper crustal shortening? In order to investigate the formation mechanism of the eastern Tibetan-type margins, we conducted 2D numerical simulations based on finite difference and marker-in-cell techniques. The numerical models were constrained with geological and geophysical observations in the eastern Tibetan margin. Several major parameters responsible for topography building, such as the convergence rate, the erosion/sediment rate, and the presence of partially molten crust, were systematically examined. The results indicate that the presence of partially molten material in the middle/lower crust can make a positive contribution to the formation of steep topography, but it is not a necessary factor. A steep topographic gradient may be a characteristic feature when a thin lithosphere with thick crust converges with a thick lithosphere with thin crust. In the context of a high erosion rate, the Longmen Shan range still gains and maintains its steep high topography to the present. This could be explained by exerting a large push force on Tibet side. Our numerical experiments suggest that topographic characteristic across the eastern Tibetan-type margins is mainly derived from isostatic equilibration forces and intensive convergence between two continental lithospheres with totally different rheological properties. 相似文献
与洋陆俯冲关系不同,在板内汇聚过程中,大陆岩石圈固有的多圈层、多界面结构的特点,使得地块的俯冲变形伴有多圈层顺层拆离解耦的行为,使变形结构复杂化。虽然多圈层界面拆离解耦所引发的地震点群空间分布不像洋陆俯冲关系那么规则完美,但是依据地震群与破裂位置、破裂与岩石圈分层力学特性的依次控制关系,运用深度/频次、平面密度等统计方法,再以各种地球物理实测手段得到的岩石圈结构构造数据作为界面标定依据,还是能够得出诸如拆离解耦的界面深度、界面归属和区域层间变形范围等重要的几何学信息,这些变形几何学、运动学数据是构建大陆岩石圈板内汇聚造山特别是盆山耦合模式时的关键性的依据。文中通过对塔里木盆地及周缘造山带的相关研究,在岩石圈层拆离解耦状态及其与盆山构造格局之间的关系方面得出以下几点认识:(1)塔里木盆地及周缘造山带岩石圈的主拆离解耦层均发育于中地壳,但随各区中地壳的具体深度位置不同而有所差别;(2)塔西南/西昆仑盆山构造耦合关系是构建于岩石圈尺度上的,塔北/南天山盆山耦合关系是构建于地壳尺度上的;(3)地震活动的密集程度及密集带的展布与天山的变形强度、隆升状态和地貌阶段类型的变化规律有着近乎完美的精确匹配关系;(4)塔北/南天山和塔西南/西昆仑对应于岩石圈的强拆离解耦区,塔东北/东天山和塔东南/阿尔金山之间无耦合关系,其边缘带对应于岩石圈弱拆离解耦和无拆离解耦区;(5)塔里木盆地总体上的弱变形状态与其岩石圈弱或未拆离解耦类型占据总面积90%的情形相适应;(6)塔里木地块以驱动、阻挡约束、平移滚筒约束和克拉通过渡等多重“身份”存在于相邻单元“包围”的力学环境中。 相似文献
This paper is concerned with numerical methods for the modeling of flow and transport of contaminant in porous media. The
numerical methods feature the mixed finite element method over triangles as a solver to the Darcy flow equation and a conservative
finite volume scheme for the concentration equation. The convective term is approximated with a Godunov scheme over the dual
finite volume mesh, whereas the diffusion–dispersion term is discretized by piecewise linear conforming triangular finite
elements. It is shown that the scheme satisfies a discrete maximum principle. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness
of the methodology for a coupled system that includes an elliptic equation and a diffusion–convection–reaction equation arising
when modeling flow and transport in heterogeneous porous media. The proposed scheme is robust, conservative, efficient, and
stable, as confirmed by numerical simulations.
Tectonically active Vindhyan intracratonic basin situated in central India, forms one of the largest Proterozoic sedimentary basins of the world. Possibility of hydrocarbon occurrences in thick sediments of the southern part of this basin, has led to surge in geological and geophysical investigations by various agencies. An attempt to synthesize such multiparametric data in an integrated manner, has provided a new understanding to the prevailing crustal configuration, thermal regime and nature of its geodynamic evolution. Apparently, this region has been subjected to sustained uplift, erosion and magmatism followed by crustal extension, rifting and subsidence due to episodic thermal interaction of the crust with the hot underlying mantle. Almost 5–6 km thick sedimentation took place in the deep faulted Jabera Basin, either directly over the Bijawar/Mahakoshal group of mafic rocks or high velocity-high density exhumed middle part of the crust. Detailed gravity observations indicate further extension of the basin probably beyond NSL rift in the south. A high heat flow of about 78 mW/m 2 has also been estimated for this basin, which is characterized by extremely high Moho temperatures (exceeding 1000 °C) and mantle heat flow (56 mW/m 2) besides a very thin lithospheric lid of only about 50 km. Many areas of this terrain are thickly underplated by infused magmas and from some segments, granitic–gneissic upper crust has either been completely eroded or now only a thin veneer of such rocks exists due to sustained exhumation of deep seated rocks. A 5–8 km thick retrogressed metasomatized zone, with significantly reduced velocities, has also been identified around mid to lower crustal transition. 相似文献
A solution is derived for the heat flow and consolidation which occur when a heat source is buried deep in a porous thermoelastic soil having anisotropic flow properties. This solution is used to examine the pore pressure generation and dissipation near both point and cylindrical heat sources. An increase in temperature will tend to generate an increase in excess pore pressure. However, the pore water will tend to flow from regions of high excess pore pressure to regions of low excess pore pressure, and so consolidation will occur, and temperature-generated excess pore pressures will tend to dissipate. Many natural soils exhibit horizontal layering and so have a higher horizontal than vertical permeability. It is shown that in soils the excess pore pressure generated by a heat source is significantly less than that in an isotropic soil having an equal vertical permeability. 相似文献
With the help of two-dimensional numerical models this paper investigates three aspects of heterogeneous deformation around rigid objects: (1) the nature of particle paths; (2) the development of strain shadow zones; and (3) the drag patterns of passive markers. In simple shear, spherical objects develop typically a concentric vortex motion, showing particle paths with an eye (double-bulge)-shaped separatrix. The separatrix has no finite dimension along the central line, parallel to the shear direction. Under a combination of pure shear and simple shear, the particle paths assume a pattern with a bow-tie shaped separatrix. With increase in the ratio of pure shear to simple shear ( Sr), the separatrix around the object shrinks in size. The axial ratio of the object ( R) is another important factor that controls the geometry of particle paths. When R<1.5, the loci of a particle close to the object form an elliptical shell with the long axis lying along the central line. With increase in axial ratio R, the loci form a doublet elliptical shell structure. Objects with R>3 do not show closed particle paths, but give rise to elliptical or circular spiral particle paths. The development of strain shadow zones against equant rigid bodies depends strongly on the strain ratio Sr. When Sr=0 (simple shear), they develop opposite to the extensional faces of the object, forming a typical σ-type tail. The structure has a tendency to die out with an increase in the pure shear component of the bulk deformation (Sr). The initial angle of the long axis of the object with the shear direction (φ) and the axial ratio of the object (R) determine the development of strain shadow zones near inequant rigid objects. Objects with large R and φ between 60 and 120° form pronounced zones of low finite strain, giving rise to strain shadow structures. A geometrical classification of diverse drag patterns of passive markers around rigid objects is presented along with their conditions of formation. 相似文献
本文以上海市彭越浦泵站降水工程为例,分析了连续墙周围地下水的渗流特征:上部地下水不连续,底部地下水连续,呈三维流态。根据场地的工程地质与水文地质条件,提出了粘弹性越流含水层组三维修流数学模型,并进行了数值模拟。计算的结果基本上反映了连续墙周围地下水三维流特征。 相似文献
New values of surface heat flow are reported for 13 deep borehole locations in the Northeast German Basin (NEGB) ranging from 68 to 91 mW m − 2 with a mean of 77 ± 3 mW m − 2. The values are derived from continuous temperature logs, measured thermal conductivity, and log-derived radiogenic heat production. The heat-flow values are supposed free of effects from surface palaeoclimatic temperature variations, from regional as well as local fluid flow and from thermal refraction in the vicinity of salt structures and thus represent unperturbed crustal heat flow. Two-D numerical lithospheric thermal models are developed for a 500 km section along the DEKORP-BASIN 9601 deep seismic line across the basin with a north-eastward extension across the Tornquist Zone. A detailed conceptual model of crustal structure and composition, thermal conductivity, and heat production distribution is developed. Different boundary conditions for the thickness of thermal lithosphere were used to fit surface heat flow. The best fit is achieved with a thickness of thermal lithosphere of about 75 km beneath the NEGB. This estimate is corroborated by seismological studies and somewhat less than typical for stabilized Phanerozoic lithosphere. Modelled Moho temperatures in the basin are about 800 °C; heat flow from the mantle is about 35 to 40 mW m − 2. In the southernmost part of the section, beneath the Harz Mountains, higher Moho temperatures up to 900 to 1000 °C are shown. While the relatively high level of surface heat flow in the NEGB obviously is of longer wave length and related to lithosphere thickness, changes in crustal structure and composition are responsible for short-wave-length anomalies. 相似文献
为了研究高放射性核废物地下处置库近场的水流-传热耦合问题,采用国内高放废物地下处置库预选场址--甘肃北山地区的花岗岩石块体,加工组合成米尺度的规则裂隙岩体模型,设置边界热源和裂隙水流,试验模拟裂隙水水流与传热之间的相互作用。作为该室内模型试验的前期理论研究,采用等效孔隙介质数值模型,着重分析了裂隙开度、裂隙流量和热源功率对流场和温度场的影响。在设定条件下,计算分析表明:热传导和裂隙水水流由热源作用初期的不耦合很快转化为耦合;不流动的裂隙水主要表现为热存储和热传导,而流动的裂隙水还引起流动传热和水与岩石之间的对流换热,使岩体温度场明显不同于单纯热传导的情况;如果保持裂隙水流量不变,则裂隙开度的变化对水流-传热影响不大;如果保持裂隙水流速不变,则裂隙开度的变化对水流-传热影响显著;热源功率越大,通过裂隙水的热流量越大,裂隙水压强越大,而当温度超过100 ℃时,裂隙水会因汽化而压强显著增大;加热7 d时,热量的输入和输出几乎相等,裂隙水流带走的热量接近热源供给的热量,模型系统基本达到了热平衡。 相似文献
数值模拟研究紊流问题的关键是充分考虑雷诺应力的差异,应用各向异性三维代数应力紊流数学模型(ASM)模拟研究了天然河道的次生流问题。以方形管道为算例与试验的比较表明,所应用的ASM模型精度较高;将ASM与非结构网格有机结合模拟分析河道复杂采砂坑,计算成果与前人结果类比,令人满意。ASM模型为研究河床稳定与变形提供了有力工具。分析表明,采砂坑使原稳定的水流形态发生变化,沿主流方向形成纵向涡旋导致采砂坑上游缘口冲刷,坑内的横向次生流则造成横向侵蚀;紊动特性研究表明采砂坑严重影响河床稳定。 相似文献
Although pipe transport for storage of CO 2 captured from combustion exhaust is most efficient under supercritical conditions, subcritical multi-phase transport might sometimes occur intentionally or unintentionally. To adequately assess the consequences of subcriticality, the fidelity of subcritical multi-phase turbulent transport modeling, including confinement and buoyancy effects, must be improved. For this reason, an extension of one-dimensional turbulence, a stochastic turbulence modeling strategy, for application to this regime is underway. As a step toward this extension, a turbulent liquid jet issuing from a planar channel is simulated and results are compared with liquid jet measurements and channel flow numerical simulations. A previously noted turbulence decay scaling is reproduced, suggesting that the scaling is more robust than might be supposed, given the complicating factors. This work provides a basis for extension to the primary breakup regime of liquid jets and hence to subcritical multi-phase turbulence more generally. 相似文献
The effects of stress/deformation on fluid flow and contaminant transport in fractured rocks is one of the major concerns for performance and safety assessments of many subsurface engineering problems, especially radioactive waste disposal and oil/gas reservoir fields. However, very little progress has been made to study this issue due to difficulties in both experiments and numerical modeling. The objective of this study is to systematically investigate the influence of stress on solute transport in fractured rocks for the first time, considering different stress and hydraulic pressure conditions. A hybrid approach combining discrete element method (DEM) for stress-flow simulations and a particle tracking algorithm is developed. The impact of matrix diffusion (diffusion of molecular size solutes in and out of the rock matrix, and sorption onto the surface of micropores in rock matrix) is also included. The numerical results show that stress not only significantly changes the solute residence time through the fracture networks, but also changes the solute travel paths. Matrix diffusion plays a dominant role in solute transport when the hydraulic gradient is small, which is often encountered in practice. 相似文献