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Beijing has experienced rapid urbanization and associated urban heat island effects and air pollution. In this study, a contribution index was proposed to explore the effect of urbanization on land surface temperature (LST) using Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-derived data with high temporal resolution. The analysis indicated that different zones and landscapes make diurnally and seasonally different contributions to the regional thermal environment. The differences in contributions by the three main functional zones resulted from differences in their landscape compositions. The roles of landscapes in this process varied diurnally and seasonally. Urban land was the most important contributor to increases in regional LSTs. The contributions of cropland and forest varied distinctly between daytime and nighttime owing to differences in their thermal inertias. Vegetation had a notable cooling effect as the normalized vegetation difference index (NDVI) increased during summer. However, when the NDVI reached a certain value, the nighttime LST shifted markedly in other seasons. The results suggest that urban design based on vegetation partitions would be effective for regulating the thermal environment.  相似文献   

A three-step hierarchical Semi Automated Empirical Methane Emission Model (SEMEM) has been used to estimate methane emission from wetlands and waterlogged areas in India using Moderate Resolution Imagine Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor data onboard Terra satellite. Wetland Surface Temperature (WST), methane emission fluxes and wetland extent have been incorporated as parameters in order to model the methane emission. Analysis of monthly MODIS data covering the whole of India from November 2004 to April 2006 was carried out and monthly methane emissions have been estimated. Interpolation techniques were adopted to fill the data gaps due to cloudy conditions during the monsoon period. AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model has been fitted to estimate the emitted methane for the months of May 2006 to August 2006 using SPSS software.  相似文献   

Active fire detection using satellite thermal sensors usually involves thresholding the detected brightness temperature in several bands. Most frequently used features for fire detection are the brightness temperature in the 4-/spl mu/m wavelength band (T/sub 4/) and the brightness temperature difference between 4- and 11-/spl mu/m bands (/spl Delta/T=T/sub 4/-T/sub 11/). In this letter, the task of active fire detection is examined in the context of a stochastic model for target detection. The proposed fire detection method consists of applying a decorrelation transform in the (T/sub 4/,/spl Delta/T) space. Probability density functions for the fire and background pixels are then computed in the transformed variable space using simulated Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) thermal data under different atmospheric humidity conditions and for cases of flaming and smoldering fires. The Pareto curve for each detection case is constructed. Optimal thresholds are derived by minimizing a cost function, which is a weighted sum of the omission and commission errors. The method has also been tested on a MODIS reference dataset validated using high-resolution SPOT images. The results show that the detection errors are comparable with the expected values, and the proposed method performs slightly better than the standard MODIS absolute detection method in terms of the lower cost function.  相似文献   

Quantitative remote sensing retrieval algorithms help understanding the dynamic aspects of Digital Earth. However, the Big Data and complex models in Digital Earth pose grand challenges for computation infrastructures. In this article, taking the aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrieval as a study case, we exploit parallel computing methods for high efficient geophysical parameter retrieval. We present an efficient geocomputation workflow for the AOD calculation from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data. According to their individual potential for parallelization, several procedures were adapted and implemented for a successful parallel execution on multi-core processors and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The benchmarks in this paper validate the high parallel performance of the retrieval workflow with speedups of up to 5.x on a multi-core processor with 8 threads and 43.x on a GPU. To specifically address the time-consuming model retrieval part, hybrid parallel patterns which combine the multi-core processor’s and the GPU’s compute power were implemented with static and dynamic workload distributions and evaluated on two systems with different CPU–GPU configurations. It is shown that only the dynamic hybrid implementation leads to a greatly enhanced overall exploitation of the heterogeneous hardware environment in varying circumstances.  相似文献   

Surface soil moisture (SSM) is a critical variable for understanding the energy and water exchange between the land and atmosphere. A multi-linear model was recently developed to determine SSM using ellipse variables, namely, the center horizontal coordinate (x0), center vertical coordinate (y0), semi-major axis (a) and rotation angle (θ), derived from the elliptical relationship between diurnal cycles of land surface temperature (LST) and net surface shortwave radiation (NSSR). However, the multi-linear model has a major disadvantage. The model coefficients are calculated based on simulated data produced by a land surface model simulation that requires sufficient meteorological measurements. This study aims to determine the model coefficients directly using limited meteorological parameters rather than via the complicated simulation process, decreasing the dependence of the model coefficients on meteorological measurements. With the simulated data, a practical algorithm was developed to estimate SSM based on combined optical and thermal infrared data. The results suggest that the proposed approach can be used to determine the coefficients associated with all ellipse variables based on historical meteorological records, whereas the constant term varies daily and can only be determined using the daily maximum solar radiation in a prediction model. Simulated results from three FLUXNET sites over 30 cloud-free days revealed an average root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.042 m3/m3 when historical meteorological records were used to synchronously determine the model coefficients. In addition, estimated SSM values exhibited generally moderate accuracies (coefficient of determination R2 = 0.395, RMSE = 0.061 m3/m3) compared to SSM measurements at the Yucheng Comprehensive Experimental Station.  相似文献   

地表反照率是反映地表能量平衡的重要参数。本文通过中国陆地生态系统通量观测研究网络的实测反照率和MODIS的地表反照率产品对MISR的短波反照率数据进行验证和分析:提取了中国通量网中的8个站点的数据和对应的MODIS、MISR的反照率产品用于验证。验证的结果显示,在多数站点,MISR短波反照率能与地面数据相吻合,大部分的反演误差都集中在0.04以内;MISR与MODIS短波反照率的吻合度更高,总体的误差为0.018,均方根误差在0.04左右。总的来说,MISR地表反照率产品具有较高的反演质量。  相似文献   

提出三温模型结合MODIS数据反演区域蒸散发的方法,在内蒙古草原开展案例研究,以2008年植被生长季(7—10月)的波文比系统观测数据为标准,对该方法进行检验。结果表明:三温模型反演的蒸散发量,平均值、最大、最小值分别为4.58mm/d、9.03mm/d、1.28mm/d;蒸散发反演结果在空间上分布较均匀,与草原的均一性相吻合,在时间上蒸散发的数值先逐渐增大,8月后逐渐减小,与观测结果相一致;三温模型反演的蒸散发量与观测值之间的最小、最大绝对误差分别为0.11mm/d、1.64mm/d,平均绝对误差为0.58mm/d、平均相对误差为17.10%。三温模型在1km空间尺度的反演精度较理想。  相似文献   

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is largely used to estimate Leaf Area Index (LAI) using radiative transfer modeling (the “main” algorithm). When this algorithm fails for a pixel, which frequently occurs over Brazilian soybean areas, an empirical model (the “backup” algorithm) based on the relationship between the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and LAI is utilized. The objective of this study is to evaluate directional effects on NDVI and subsequent LAI estimates using global (biome 3) and local empirical models, as a function of the soybean development in two growing seasons (2004–2005 and 2005–2006). The local model was derived from the pixels that had LAI values retrieved from the main algorithm. In order to keep the reproductive stage for a given cultivar as a constant factor while varying the viewing geometry, pairs of MODIS images acquired in close dates from opposite directions (backscattering and forward scattering) were selected. Linear regression relationships between the NDVI values calculated from these two directions were evaluated for different view angles (0–25°; 25–45°; 45–60°) and development stages (<45; 45–90; >90 days after planting). Impacts on LAI retrievals were analyzed. Results showed higher reflectance values in backscattering direction due to the predominance of sunlit soybean canopy components towards the sensor and higher NDVI values in forward scattering direction due to stronger shadow effects in the red waveband. NDVI differences between the two directions were statistically significant for view angles larger than 25°. The main algorithm for LAI estimation failed in the two growing seasons with gradual crop development. As a result, up to 94% of the pixels had LAI values calculated from the backup algorithm at the peak of canopy closure. Most of the pixels selected to compose the 8-day MODIS LAI product came from the forward scattering view because it displayed larger LAI values than the backscattering. Directional effects on the subsequent LAI retrievals were stronger at the peak of the soybean development (NDVI values between 0.70 and 0.85). When the global empirical model was used, LAI differences up to 3.2 for consecutive days and opposite viewing directions were observed. Such differences were reduced to values up to 1.5 with the local model. Because of the predominance of LAI retrievals from the MODIS backup algorithm during the Brazilian soybean development, care is necessary if one considers using these data in agronomic growing/yield models.  相似文献   

Stresses acting on fault systems before major earthquakes can produce thermal anomalies; these abnormalities can be observed using multi-sensor satellite data. Moderate resolution spectro-radiometer on board the terra and aqua satellites can provide thermal infrared (TIR) imaging data for land and ocean. These TIR data have recorded short-lived thermal anomaly prior to major earthquakes. It is suggested by others that these electromagnetic (EM) phenomena relate to stress build up before earthquakes. The objective of this study is to find an association between spatial extent and temporal evolution of thermal anomalies and known major earthquakes near the boundary of Nazca plate and South American plate. Our approach is to map the TIR transient fields from polar orbiting satellites and analysing those data using time series temperature plots to detect the abnormal thermal trends before the earthquake. This study concentrated on marine earthquakes to detect the changes in both land and ocean before seismic activity.  相似文献   

Thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing is an important technique in the exploration of geothermal resources. In this study, a geothermal survey is conducted in Tengchong area of Yunnan province in China using TIR data from Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor. Based on radiometric calibration, atmospheric correction and emissivity calculation, a simple but efficient single channel algorithm with acceptable precision is applied to retrieve the land surface temperature (LST) of study area. The LST anomalous areas with temperature about 4–10 K higher than background area are discovered. Four geothermal areas are identified with the discussion of geothermal mechanism and the further analysis of regional geologic structure. The research reveals that the distribution of geothermal areas is consistent with the fault development in study area. Magmatism contributes abundant thermal source to study area and the faults provide thermal channels for heat transfer from interior earth to land surface and facilitate the present of geothermal anomalies. Finally, we conclude that TIR remote sensing is a cost-effective technique to detect LST anomalies. Combining TIR remote sensing with geological analysis and the understanding of geothermal mechanism is an accurate and efficient approach to geothermal area detection.  相似文献   

Crop phenological parameters, such as the start and end time of the crop growth, the total length of the growing season, time of peak vegetation and rate of greening and senescence are important for planning crop management and crop diversification/intensification. Multi-temporal remote sensing data provides opportunity to characterize the crop phenology at regional level. This study was conducted during the kharif season of the year 2001–02 for Punjab. The ten-day Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) composite products, with 1 km spatial resolution, available from the Vegetation sensor onboard SPOT4 were used for the study. Twenty-one temporal datasets from May 1, 2001 to November 21, 2001 were used. Logical modelling approach was followed to compute the minimum and maximum NDVI, the amplitude of NDVI, the threshold NDVI during sowing and harvest, the crop duration, integrated NDVI and skewness of profile. The analysis showed that before July beginning, in the whole of Punjab, sowing/planting was over. It was found that the crop emergence in the eastern part of the state started earlier than the western region. The maximum NDVI, which represented peak vegetative stage, was above 0.7 and occurred mostly during August. The duration of crops ranged between 90–140 days, with majority between 110–120 days. Total integrated NDVI in Punjab was generally above 60. Using principal component analysis and divergence analysis seven best metrics were selected for crop discrimination.  相似文献   

In certain agricultural fields of Khambhat Taluka in Gujarat State, the salinity has increased considerably rendering the land completely infertile. The occurrence of salinity in this area can be attributed partly to subsurface sea‐water ingress and partly to improper land and water management practices prior to implementation of irrigation. Landsat MSS or TM and IRS IA LISS II data was used to test the feasibility of delineating saline soils by both visual image interpretation and digital analysis. The study of saline soils using multi‐temporal Landsat images of the year 1977, 1983, and 1987, indicated an evident increase in saline areas in past few years. The Soil Brightness Index (SBI) generated from the IRS‐IA data by the application of MSS equivalent coefficients brought out different categories of soil degradation. The supervised classification scheme aided in generating various salinity levels. The analysis of the soil samples of the above area exhibited increasing values of Electrical Conductivity (ECe), and the soluble cations with increasing levels of salinity.  相似文献   

A hydrogeomorphic approach is used in analyzing hydrologic conditions in the Mehsana and Banaskantha districts of Gujarat state. Using Landsat images, it was possible to delineate geological units, hydrogeomorphic features and vegetation density levels on a regional scale. A relationship between hydrogeomorphic features and vegetation density levels along with ground based hydrologic data was established in Mehsana district and the same was extended to the adjoining Banaskantha district. The ground water potential areas identified were from alluvium and piedmont zone. On the basis of different vegetation density levels, these areas were further subdivided into three different potential zones as regards the availability of groundwater viz. good, fair and poor. The applicability of the remotely sensed data has been found quite useful in quick identification of regional hydrogeomorphic setting of the area.  相似文献   


The worldwide slum population currently stands at over one billion, with substantial growth expected in the coming decades. Traditionally, slums have been mapped using information derived mainly from either physical indicators using remote sensing data, or socio-economic indicators using census data. Each data source on its own provides only a partial view of slums, an issue further compounded by data poverty in less-developed countries. To overcome such issues, this paper explores the fusion of traditional with emerging open data sources and data mining tools to identify additional indicators that can be used to detect and map the presence of slums, map their footprint, and map their evolution. Towards this goal, we develop an indicator database for slums using open sources of physical and socio-economic data that can be used to characterize slum settlements. Using this database, we then leverage data mining techniques to identify the most suitable combination of these indicators for mapping slums. Using three cities in Kenya as test cases, results show that the fusion of these data can improve the mapping accuracy of slums. These results suggest that the proposed approach can provide a viable solution to the emerging challenge of monitoring the growth of slums.  相似文献   

李东  侯西勇 《测绘通报》2020,(3):118-122
雷达卫星结合InSAR技术已广泛应用于高精度地表形变监测领域。本文选取2017年九寨沟地震为研究案例,利用Sentinel-1A地震前后的单视复数影像,基于D-InSAR技术获取该次地震的同震形变场。结果显示:震中西北侧表现出相对均匀的下沉现象,沉降漏斗区雷达视线向最大沉降量达25.1 cm;东南侧呈现不均匀抬升状态,地表破碎较为明显,最大抬升量为11.6 cm。研究表明基于Sentinel-1A数据的D-InSAR技术可以为地震形变场的定量分析提供一种快速有效的手段,为阐释地震发震机理及评估受灾情况提供必要的数据支撑,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

An effective methodology for Bohai Sea ice detection based on gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) texture analysis is proposed using MODIS 250 m imagery. The method determines texture measures for sea ice extraction by analyzing the discrepancy of textural features between sea ice and sea water. Sea ice extent and outer edge are recognized accurately by texture segmentation owing to significant differences in texture statistical features between ice and water. The texture analysis method can properly eliminate perturbations on sea ice extraction due to suspended sediment. It effectively solves the problem of spectral confusion and sea ice misassignment in the conventional gray-threshold segmentation and ratio-threshold segmentation methods. The method eliminates the need for threshold range setting for sea ice segmentation. Taking the Bohai Sea as an example, the results of the proposed method are validated using co-temporal HJ1B-CCD 30 m imagery by visual interpretation, and the accuracy of the method are evaluated using confusion matrix. The results show that the proposed method is superior and more reliable for sea ice detection compared to conventional methods, providing an ideal tool for precise sea ice extraction.  相似文献   

Forest cover plays a key role in climate change by influencing the carbon stocks, the hydrological cycle and the energy balance. Forest cover information can be determined from fine-resolution data, such as Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+). However, forest cover classification with fine-resolution data usually uses only one temporal data because successive data acquirement is difficult. It may achieve mis-classification result without involving vegetation growth information, because different vegetation types may have the similar spectral features in the fine-resolution data. To overcome these issues, a forest cover classification method using Landsat ETM+ data appending with time series Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data was proposed. The objective was to investigate the potential of temporal features extracted from coarse-resolution time series vegetation index data on improving the forest cover classification accuracy using fine-resolution remote sensing data. This method firstly fused Landsat ETM+ NDVI and MODIS NDVI data to obtain time series fine-resolution NDVI data, and then the temporal features were extracted from the fused NDVI data. Finally, temporal features combined with Landsat ETM+ spectral data was used to improve forest cover classification accuracy using supervised classifier. The study in North China region confirmed that time series NDVI features had significant effects on improving forest cover classification accuracy of fine resolution remote sensing data. The NDVI features extracted from time series fused NDVI data could improve the overall classification accuracy approximately 5% from 88.99% to 93.88% compared to only using single Landsat ETM+ data.  相似文献   

Recent developments in remote sensing technology, in particular improved spatial and temporal resolution, open new possibilities for estimating crop acreage over larger areas. Remotely sensed data allow in some cases the estimation of crop acreage statistics independently of sub-national survey statistics, which are sometimes biased and incomplete. This work focuses on the use of MODIS data acquired in 2001/2002 over the Rostov Oblast in Russia, by the Azov Sea. The region is characterised by large agricultural fields of around 75 ha on average. This paper presents a methodology to estimate crop acreage using the MODIS 16-day composite NDVI product. Particular emphasis is placed on a good quality crop mask and a good quality validation dataset. In order to have a second dataset which can be used for cross-checking the MODIS classification a Landsat ETM time series for four different dates in the season of 2002 was acquired and classified. We attempted to distinguish five different crop types and achieved satisfactory and good results for winter crops. Three hundred and sixty fields were identified to be suitable for the training and validation of the MODIS classification using a maximum likelihood classification. A novel method based on a pure pixel field sampling is introduced. This novel method is compared with the traditional hard classification of mixed pixels and was found to be superior.  相似文献   

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