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Lake basins that experience rapid rates of deposition act as high-resolution environmental archives because they produce sedimentary records that have centennial or even decadal resolution. However, identifying target fractions for radiocarbon dating of lake sediments remains problematic because reworked organic material from fluvial catchments can produce anomalously old radiocarbon ages. This study determines the extent to which reworked material from catchment soils impacts radiocarbon dates on pollen and other organic concentrates by comparing radiocarbon dates produced by these techniques against a chronostratigraphic marker in cores from Lake Mapourika, New Zealand. Pollen preferentially preserved and reworked from catchment soils was identified using soil palynology. A technique was then developed to remove reworked pollen types from pollen concentrates extracted from lake sediment. Identification and removal of reworked pollen from pollen concentrates produced ages that were consistently closer to the age of the chronostratigraphic horizon than other organic concentrates. However, these dates were still between 736 and 366 calendar years older than expected. The only organic fractions that reliably reproduced the age of the chronostratigraphic horizon were terrestrial leaf macrofossils, although terrestrial leaf macrofossils isolated from megaturbidite deposits, which are formed by high-energy depositional events, also provided anomalously old ages. The results indicate that leaf material extracted from hemipelagite, which accumulates gradually, is likely to be the only organic fraction to produce reliable chronology in lakes where a component of sedimentation is driven by the fluvial system. The results also demonstrate the importance of conducting a detailed investigation of physical sedimentology before selecting material for radiocarbon dating lake sediments.  相似文献   

Attributing the start of peat growth to an absolute timescale requires dating the bottom of peat deposits overlying mineral sediment, often called the basal peat. Peat initiation is reflected in the stratigraphy as a gradual transition from mineral sediment to increasingly organic material, up to where it is called peat. So far, varying criteria have been used to define basal peat, resulting in divergent approaches to date peat initiation. The lack of a universally applicable and quantitative definition, combined with multiple concerns that have been raised previously regarding the radiocarbon dating of peat, may result in apparent ages that are either too old or too young for the timing of peat initiation. Here, we aim to formulate updated recommendations for dating peat initiation. We provide a conceptual framework that supports the use of the organic matter (OM) gradient for a quantitative and reproducible definition of the mineral-to-peat transition (i.e., the stratigraphical range reflecting the timespan of the peat initiation process) and the layer defined as basal peat (i.e., the stratigraphical layer that is defined as the bottom of a peat deposit). Selection of dating samples is often challenging due to poor preservation of plant macrofossils in basal peat, and the representativity of humic and humin dates for the age of basal peat is uncertain. We therefore analyse the mineral-to-peat transition based on three highly detailed sequences of radiocarbon dates, including dates of plant macrofossils and the humic and humin fractions obtained from bulk samples. Our case study peatland in the Netherlands currently harbours a bog vegetation, but biostratigraphical analyses show that during peat initiation the vegetation was mesotrophic. Results show that plant macrofossils provide the most accurate age in the mineral-to-peat transition and are therefore recommendable to use for 14C dating basal peat. If these are unattainable, the humic fraction provides the best alternative and is interpreted as a terminus-ante-quem for peat initiation. The potential large age difference between dates of plant macrofossils and humic or humin dates (up to ∼1700 years between macrofossil and humic ages, and with even larger differences for humins) suggests that studies reusing existing bulk dates of basal peat should take great care in data interpretation. The potentially long timespan of the peat initiation process (with medians of ∼1000, ∼1300 and ∼1500 years within our case study peatland) demonstrates that choices regarding sampling size and resolution need to be well substantiated. We summarise our findings as a set of recommendations for dating basal peats, and advocate the widespread use of OM determination to obtain a low-cost, quantitative and reproducible definition of basal peat that eases intercomparison of studies.  相似文献   

Over the past decade several studies have shown the improvements to radiocarbon chronologies that arise when Acid Base Oxidation-Stepped Combustion (ABOx-SC, Bird et al., 1999) pretreatment methods are applied to the dating of charcoal thought to be >30 ka BP. However, few studies have examined whether the use of ABOx-SC produces dates that are not only older, but accurate on known-age charcoal samples that could not be decontaminated using the routine Acid–Base–Acid (ABA) pretreatment protocol. In this study we date 9 charcoal fragments found below the Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) tephra layer, dated by 40Ar/39Ar to 39,230 ± 45 years (De Vivo et al., 2001, Rolandi et al., 2003), from three Palaeolithic sites. When treated with the ABOx-SC pretreatment protocol, the radiocarbon dates provide an accurate terminus post quem for the CI. In contrast, the ABA protocol consistently underestimates the age of the tephra. These results serve as a warning against the use of consistency as an indicator for reliability, demonstrate that the routine ABA method is not sufficient to decontaminate charcoal samples from sites of Palaeolithic age, and show that ABOx-SC produces not only older, but accurate age estimates.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dating of fossil pollen concentrates has the potential to reduce limitations for sample selection in chronological studies of sedimentary archives. The recent development of the technology for rapidly preparing highly purified fossil pollen concentrates using a cell sorter makes it realistic to turn this dream into reality. Before utilizing pollen as a material for dating with confidence, however, it is necessary to understand the factors that may affect the result of the measurements, and to establish criteria to assess the reliability of the radiocarbon ages produced. In this study, peat soils which are commercially available in large quantities, and are hence used as our laboratory standard, as well as the varved lacustrine sediments from Lake Suigetsu, which has one of the best terrestrial radiocarbon stratigraphies in the world, were used to assess the accuracy of radiocarbon ages of pollen concentrates and to establish an appropriate protocol for sample preparation. A pollen-rich fraction prepared by a recently proposed combined method of physio-chemical pre-treatment and cell sorter (Yamada et al. 2021) was submitted to a range of different posterior treatments and radiocarbon measurement. The results were also compared with SEM (Scanning Electron Microscoic) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic observations. It was discovered that the sample prepared by the initial pre-treatment and cell sorter were not sufficiently pure and did not yield radiocarbon ages that were consistent with the terrestrial leaf fossils. Instead, the Acid-Base-Acid treatment with ultrafiltration following on from the cell sorter step proved to be highly effective in the removal of contaminants and improve the measured ages. The comparison with Suigetsu's terrestrial radiocarbon dataset also indicated that accuracy could be improved through closer assessment using the pollen taxa composition, carbon content (%C), and stable isotope ratios (δ13C) of the pollen concentrates. The age-depth models established by the radiocarbon dating of fossil pollen grains extracted from the Suigetsu sediments agree very well with that of plant macrofossils, and even improve the precision of the combined model. As long as handling was appropriate, the pollen concentrates prepared by the cell sorter provide reliable radiocarbon ages and the method can significantly contribute to Quaternary sciences in the future.  相似文献   

This study reports on the first investigation into the potential of quartz luminescence dating to establish formation ages of ferruginous duricrust deposits (ironstones) of the Xingu River in Eastern Amazonia, Brazil. The studied ironstones comprise sand and gravel cemented by goethite (FeO(OH)), occurring as sandstones and conglomerates in the riverbed of the Xingu River, a major tributary of the Amazon River. The Xingu ironstones have a cavernous morphology and give origin to particular habitat for benthic biota in an area that hosts the largest rapids in Amazonia. So far, the Xingu ironstones have uncertain formation ages and their sedimentary origin is still poorly understood. In this way, seven samples of ironstones distributed along the lower Xingu River were collected for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of their detrital quartz sand grains. Additionally, the organic content of some samples was dated by radiocarbon (14C) for comparison with quartz OSL ages. The luminescence ages of the sand-sized quartz grains extracted from the ironstones were obtained from medium (100–300 grains) and small (10–20 grains) aliquots using the single aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol. Equivalent doses (De) distributions have varied overdispersion (OD) both for medium size aliquots (OD = 19–58 %) and small size aliquots (OD = 29–76 %). No significant trend was observed between De and aliquot size. The studied ironstones grow over the riverbed, but stay below or above water throughout the year due to the seasonal water level variation of the Xingu River. However, the effect of water saturation in dose rates is reduced due to relatively low porosity of ironstones. Water saturated dose rates (dry sample dose rates) range from 2.70 ± 0.21 (2.79 ± 0.22) Gy/ka to 12.34 ± 0.97 (13.26 ± 1.12) Gy/ka, which are relatively high when compared to values reported for Brazilian sandy sediments elsewhere (∼1 Gy/ka). Samples with high overdispersion (>40 %) are mainly attributed to mixing of grains trapped in different time periods by goethite cementation. The obtained OSL ages for water saturated (dry) samples range from 3.4 ± 0.3 (3.3 ± 0.4) ka to 59.6 ± 6.0 (58.1 ± 6.4) ka, using De determined from medium size aliquots and dose response curves fitted by an exponential plus linear function. Radiocarbon ages of the bulk organic matter extracted from selected ironstone varied from ca. 4 cal ka BP to ca. 23 cal ka BP. Significant differences were observed between OSL and radiocarbon ages, suggesting asynchronous trapping of organic matter and detrital quartz within the ironstone matrix. These late Pleistocene to Holocene ages indicate that ironstones of the Xingu River result from an active surface geochemical system able to precipitate goethite and cement detrital sediments under transport. The obtained ages and differences between OSL and radiocarbon ages point out that the ironstones have multiphase and spatially heterogeneous growth across the Xingu riverbed. Our results also expand the application of luminescence dating to different sedimentary deposits.  相似文献   

Reliable chronological frameworks are crucial to paleoenvironmental studies, and high precision 14C dating is the foundation, but many factors, such as dating materials, surficial deposition (influenced by nuclear bomb), and the 14C age plateau, will affect the reliability of the 14C ages and chronology frameworks. In this paper, we present 87 14C dates of different peat fractions from three peat sites in Xinjiang, China. Plant macrofossils, rootlets, the fine fraction of <90 μm, the mid-size fraction of 90–250 μm and the coarse fraction of >250 μm from selected peat samples were measured to investigate the alternative suitable fraction for dating except for plant macrofossils. We discovered that the 90–250 μm component of peat can provide alternative and reliable results in case of plant macrofossils are not available. Additionally, more dating samples from surficial peat deposition were collected, and accurate surface chronological control points were produced by comparing 14C results of plant macrofossils with atmospheric 14C bomb data. Furthermore, multiple data sets with wiggle matching were used along the radiocarbon age plateau to minimize calibrated errors when dates on the 14C age plateau were shown. Finally, radiocarbon chronology frameworks in peat profiles were optimized. In conclusion, we not only focus on the reliable dating materials, but also highlight that the importance of surficial deposition (after 1950AD) and the anomalous 14C dates when establishing the dating framework in peat profiles. Furthermore, we propose that the obtaining chronological control points of surficial peat is an important part of the establishing and improving of peat chronological framework in future research.  相似文献   

In lake sediments where terrestrial macrofossils are rare or absent, AMS radiocarbon dating of pollen concentrates may represent an important alternative solution for developing a robust and high resolution chronology suitable for Bayesian modelling of age-depth relationships. Here we report an application of the heavy liquid density separation approach (Vandergoes and Prior, Radiocarbon 45:479–492, 2003) to Holocene lake sediments from karstic Lake Sidi Ali, Morocco. In common with many karstic lakes, a significant lake 14C reservoir effect of 450–900 yr is apparent, evidenced by paired dates on terrestrial macrofossils and either aquatic (ostracod) or bulk sediment samples. AMS dating of 23 pollen concentrates alongside laboratory standards (bituminous coal, anthracite, IAEA C5 wood) was undertaken. Concentrates were prepared using a series of sodium polytungstate (SPT) solutions of progressively decreasing density (1.9–1.15 g/cm3) accompanied by microscopic analysis of the resulting residues to allow quantification of the terrestrial pollen content. The best fractions (typically precipitating at 1.4–1.2 g/cm3) yielded dateable samples of 0.5–5 mg (from sediment samples of ∼15 g), with C content typically ∼50% by weight. Terrestrial pollen purity ranges from 29% to 88% (μ = 67%), reflecting the challenge of isolating pollen grains from common aquatic algae, e.g. Pediastrum and Botryococcus. A Poisson-process Bayesian depositional model incorporating radiocarbon (pollen and macrofossil) and 210Pb/137Cs data is employed. As all pollen samples incorporate some non-terrestrial organic matter, we assume an exponential outlier distribution treating each pollen concentrate datum as an old outlier and terminus post quem. This approach yields strong data-model agreement, and differences between the prior and posterior age distributions are furthermore consistent with theoretical offsets anticipated for the known reservoir ages and sample-specific terrestrial content. This application of the pollen concentrate dating approach reinforces the importance of microscopic inspection of the residues during the separation and sieving stages. Sample specific differences mean that the pollen concentrate preparation cannot be reduced to a simplistic “black box” protocol, and dating and subsequent age-model development must be supported by detailed analysis of the microfossil content of the sediments.  相似文献   

The archaeological Shaliuheqiaodong site, located at the junction between the estuary of Shaliu River and the northeast bedrock terrace of Qinghai Lake, is one of the earliest Neolithic Age sites in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP), which is critical for understanding patterns of prehistoric human inhabitation in the high plateau extreme environments. There are only two published radiocarbon ages by far for chronological control. Recently, a new section (Gangcha section) was found, with abundant charcoals and fish bones well-preserved in the matrix of aeolian sediments, providing a good opportunity for a combined study of luminescence and radiocarbon dating. In the current study, we obtained three luminescence ages on aeolian sediment, six radiocarbon ages (three on charcoals and three on fish bones). Our results showed that the luminescence ages (average of 3.2 ± 0.2 ka) are in agreement with charcoal radiocarbon ages (3165–3273 cal a BP) where applicable, and that the lake reservoir effect age of radiocarbon dating was approximately 0.3–0.7 cal ka BP and an average of 0.4 cal ka BP at ∼3.2 cal ka BP (age difference between that of charcoals and fish bones). The prehistoric residence in Qinghai Lake area seemed to be sequenced from 15 ka BP to 3.1 ka BP, based on our data and previously published data altogether. The obvious baked vestiges on the bones of fish and animals, as well as a number of artifacts, indicate that naked carps had become a food resource for prehistoric people at least since 3.2 cal ka BP.  相似文献   

Palaeolimnological studies together with geomorphological investigations of exposed lacustrine sections on the Tibetan Plateau provided valuable palaeoclimate records. Radiocarbon dating is the most commonly used method for establishing chronologies of lake sediments. However, 14C dating of such sediments could be problematic due to the lack of organic matter or a reservoir effect, which commonly appears in radiocarbon ages of lacustrine sediments from the Tibetan Plateau. OSL dating is an alternative for dating the lake sediments and also provides the opportunity to independently test radiocarbon chronologies. The current study tries to compare OSL and 14C dating results in order to evaluate the reservoir effect of 14C dating, and then based on quartz OSL dating and stratigraphic analysis, to construct the chronostratigraphy of a lacustrine sedimentary sequence (TYC section), an offshore profile from Tangra Yumco lake on the southern Tibetan Plateau. Results suggest that: (1) it is possible to obtain robust OSL age estimates for these lake sediments and the OSL ages of the three samples range from ca. 7.6 ka to ca. 2.3 ka; (2) The discrepancy between the OSL and 14C ages is ca. 4–5 ka, which possibly results from the age overestimate of 14C dating due to a reservoir effect in the studied lake; (3) the chronostratigraphy of TYC section and sedimentological environmental analysis show a large lake with a lake level distinctively above the present during ca. 7.6–2.7 ka indicating a wet mid-Holocene in the study area.  相似文献   

Reliable chronology is critical for reconstructing estuarine delta process. In this study, detailed chronological framework has been performed on a core HPQK01 (52 m in depth) from the central Pearl River delta (PRD) of China. Both quartz OSL and feldspar post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) methods for late Pleistocene sediments, as well as radiocarbon dating for Holocene sediments, were applied to date the core. Results show that quartz OSL ages range from 125 ± 18 ka to 58 ± 6 ka, and that all of them were minimum ages due to the OSL signal saturation. Feldspar pIR200IR290 protocol shows some overestimation in dose recovery test, with the recovered to the given ratio of 1.2, while a ratio of around 1 was obtained for feldspar pIR50IR250 signals. Robust ages have been obtained from feldspar fading corrected pIR50IR250 dating with ages ranging from 150 ± 17 ka to 98 ± 12 ka. AMS 14C results suggest that subtidal-intertidal zone was deposited during the middle Holocene from 8.21 ± 0.19 cal ka BP to 4.99 ± 0.25 cal ka BP. The sedimentology of core HPQK01 record two marine transgressive-regressive cycles. Based on the dating results, the lower fluvial sediment unit (T2) could be correlated to marine isotope stage (MIS) 6, and the lower marine unit (M2) was deposited during MIS 5. A sedimentary hiatus occurred with age range of from MIS 4 to MIS 2. Since middle Holocene, another marine stratum (M1) has been accumulated. Overall, our findings suggest that feldspar pIRIR dating method has the potential to establish the Quaternary chronostratigraphic framework of the PRD for samples with ages within 150 ka.  相似文献   

We present an overview of the problems relating to the development of sedimentary chronologies for Antarctic margin sediments, and review the recent application of compound-specific radiocarbon dating methods for resolving them. Radiocarbon dating of solvent-extractable, short-chain (C14, C16, and C18) fatty acids isolated from surface sediments of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, revealed their ages to be consistent with that of the modern dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) reservoir age (pre-bomb, Δ14C≈−150‰; post-bomb, Δ14C≈−100‰) in this region. This contrasts sharply with the radiocarbon ages of bulk organic matter in the corresponding sediments are substantially older (Δ14C=−298‰ to −712‰). Furthermore, the radiocarbon ages of these fatty acids progressively increase with the core depth. These results clearly show a utility of the compound-specific radiocarbon dating for developing sediment chronologies in the Antarctic margin sediments. This approach is potentially applicable to Arctic Ocean, as well as other areas of Southern Ocean where similar interferences by fossil or pre-aged carbon inputs have hindered the progress in the development of late Quaternary paleoceanographic records.  相似文献   

Waxing and waning ice sheets and changing sea levels have been interpreted from the Quaternary stratigraphic record at Leinstranda, Brøggerhalvøya in NW Svalbard. We have identified seven high relative sea-level events, related to glacio-isostatic loading, and separated by at least four glacial events. To establish a chronology for the high sea-level events (interstadials and interglacials) and the intervening glaciations, we have used three different absolute dating methods: optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of shallow marine deposits, and electron spin resonance (ESR) and radiocarbon (AMS-14C) dating of fossils contained in these sediments. Of the absolute dating methods, OSL has provided the stratigraphically most consistent dataset and which also matches a biostratigraphically inferred interglacial. The ESR ages of mollusc shells suffer from low precision due to unusually large uranium content in most dated shell samples, which in turn is most likely a result of significant recent uranium enrichment of the sediments. Most radiocarbon ages are non-finite. The results show that the high relative sea-level events range in age from the Saalian sensu lato (≥Marine Isotope Stage, MIS, 6) to the early Holocene (MIS 1), and include events OSL-dated to 185 ± 8 ka, 129 ± 10 ka, 99 ± 8 ka and 36 ± 3 ka. The methods used by us and by previous investigators of the same site are compared and assessed, and sources of error, accuracy and precision of ages are discussed.  相似文献   

The absence of datable macrofossils in six sediment cores recovered from northern Ungava (Canada) lakes constituted a major challenge for the establishment of reliable lacustrine chronologies for the Holocene. Consequently, AMS radiocarbon dating of humic acids was used to assess age–depth in the cores. The reliability of the radiocarbon results near some of the core tops was evaluated through 210Pb dating. The offset of sediment radiocarbon ages with their most probable time of formation and deposition in the lakes was found to be in the order of about 1000 years for recently deposited sediments. However, the basal dates in one core covering the entire postglacial period yielded a remarkable fit with previously established dates performed on marine shells at the maximum marine limit. Hence, the aim of this study was to describe how the two dating methods can be combined to address some of the problems paleolimnologists face when trying to assign ages to high-latitude lake sediment records. Suggestions are made for improving the quality of age–depth models developed in future studies for northernmost Québec and other comparable regions where paleolimnologists must deal with the combined challenges of very slow sediment accumulation rates in lakes, an extreme paucity of datable material and the sequestration of old carbon in the watersheds.  相似文献   

The offset between AMS radiocarbon ages obtained on bulk lake sediments and the true age of deposition was evaluated at four sites in Northern Chilean Patagonia. Our results show that the bulk radiocarbon ages are systematically older by 300 to 1100 years. In this region free of carbonate and carbonaceous rocks, we argue that this difference results from variable inputs of terrestrial organic carbon from the Holocene soils that cover the lake watersheds. For the four studied lakes, the age offset is clearly related to the fraction of terrestrial carbon preserved in the lake sediments, which was estimated using the N/C ratio of the bulk organic matter. We propose that N/C measurements can be used to significantly improve chronologies based on radiocarbon dating of bulk lake sediments.  相似文献   

The loess deposits surrounding the high mountainous regions of Central Asia play an important role in understanding environmental changes in Eurasia on orbital and sub-orbital timescales. However, problems with dating Central Asian loess have limited the interpretation of climatic and environmental data, especially on sub-orbital timescales. We selected a controversial loess section, Zeketai (ZKT, with a thickness of 23 m), in the Yili basin in Xinjiang Province in western China, to establish a detailed and systematic Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) chronology. Quartz grains of 38–63 μm were isolated from 15 samples and the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol was employed for De determination. OSL ages are in stratigraphic order and range from 13.8 ± 1 to 72 ± 6 ka, suggesting continuous loess accumulation during the last glaciation. We compared these dating results with that of the previously published fine-grain sized quartz (4–11 μm) using simplified multiple aliquot regenerative-dose (SMAR) protocol, and with the previous published radiocarbon dating (14C) ages on snail shells. With the exception of three young samples from the upper 6 m of the section, the SMAR dating results are basically consistent with the results using the SAR protocol. Both the SMAR and SAR OSL ages are consistently older than the 14C ages, and the radiocarbon date results should be used with caution since they appear to have been underestimated.  相似文献   

Identification of past tsunamis is important for risk assessment and management of coastal areas. Obtaining accurate and precise ages of sediments originating from such extreme marine coastal floods is crucial for a reliable estimation of the recurrence interval of these often devastating events. We present here the results of quartz optical dating and 14C dating of two sites (Boca do Rio and Martinhal) on the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). These sites contain deposits of the great tsunami of November 1, 1755. The sections were described using sedimentological techniques; at both sites tsunami-laid sands and gravels were identified, intercalated between estuarine muds. Quartz luminescence ages from these sedimentary successions were derived using standard SAR-OSL dating using multi-grain sub-samples. A multiple sampling strategy was employed with several samples taken from the AD 1755 tsunami deposit and from the sediments bracketing the tsunami layer. Our SAR-OSL protocol was shown to be appropriate using dose recovery measurements (measured/given dose ratio of 1.004 ± 0.007, n = 165). The several OSL ages from the 1755 tsunamigenic deposits are internally reproducible but yield age overestimates of between 20 and 125% (60–310 years respectively); this is in agreement with values reported in the literature for similar deposits. The age overestimation of the tsunami-laid sands is presumably due to the rapid erosion and deposition of older sediments, with insufficient light exposure for complete bleaching during the tsunami event itself. The absence of significant bleaching during the tsunami is also suggested by the shape of the dose distributions based on sub-samples made up of only about 100 grains. Analysis of the distributions with the minimum-age model seems to yield the expected age for two of the three distributions. It is important to note that age offsets of a few tens of years to a few hundred years rapidly become insignificant when dating older (>1 to few ka) tsunami layers.  相似文献   

The selection and pre-treatment of reliable organic fractions for radiocarbon age determination is fundamental to the development of accurate chronologies. Sampling from tropical lakes is particularly challenging given the adverse preservation conditions and diagenesis in these environments. Our research is the first to examine and quantify the differences between radiocarbon ages from different carbon fractions and pretreatment protocols from tropical lake sediments. Six different organic fractions (bulk organics, pollen concentrate, cellulose, stable polycyclic aromatic carbon (SPAC), macrocharcoal >250 μm and microcharcoal >63 μm) were compared at six different depths along a 1.72 m long core extracted from Sanamere Lagoon, Cape York Peninsula, northern Australia. Acid-base-acid (ABA), modified ABA (30% hydrogen peroxide + ABA), 2chlorOx (a novel cellulose pre-treatment method) and hydrogen pyrolysis (hypy) were used to pre-treat the organic fractions. The oldest date is ∼31,300 calibrated years before present (cal yr BP) and the youngest is ∼2800 cal yr BP, spanning ∼28,500 years. The smallest offset between the minimum and the maximum age for different fractions and across pretreatment methods at a given depth was found to be 832 years (between SPAC and pollen) and the largest ∼16,750 years (between pollen concentrate and SPAC). The SPAC fractions pre-treated with hypy yielded older ages compared to all other fractions in most cases, while bulk organics yielded consistently younger ages. The magnitude and consistency of the offsets and the physical and chemical properties of the tested organic fractions suggest that SPAC is the most reliable fraction to date in tropical lake sediments and that hypy successfully removes exogenous carbon contamination.  相似文献   

Lacustrine fills, including those of oxbow lakes in river floodplains, often hold valuable sedimentary and biological proxy records of palaeo-environmental change. Precise dating of accumulated sediments at levels throughout these records is crucial for interpretation and correlation of (proxy) data existing within the fills. Typically, dates are gathered from multiple sampled levels and their results are combined in age-depth models to estimate the ages of events identified between the datings. In this paper, a method of age-depth modelling is presented that varies the vertical accumulation rate of the lake fill based on continuous sedimentary data. In between Bayesian calibrated radiocarbon dates, this produces a modified non-linear age-depth relation based on sedimentology rather than linear or spline interpolation.The method is showcased on a core of an infilled palaeomeander at the floodplain edge of the river Rhine near Rheinberg (Germany). The sequence spans from ∼4.7 to 2.9 ka cal BP and consists of 5.5 m of laminated lacustrine, organo-clastic mud, covered by ∼1 m of peaty clay. Four radiocarbon dates provide direct dating control, mapping and dating in the wider surroundings provide additional control. The laminated, organo-clastic facies of the oxbow fill contains a record of nearby fluvial-geomorphological activity, including meander reconfiguration events and passage of rare large floods, recognized as fluctuations in coarseness and amount of allochthonous clastic sediment input. Continuous along-core sampling and measurement of loss-on-ignition (LOI) provided a fast way of expressing the variation in clastic sedimentation influx from the nearby river versus autochthonous organic deposition derived from biogenic production in the lake itself. This low-cost sedimentary proxy data feeds into the age-depth modelling. The sedimentology-modelled age-depth relation (re)produces the distinct lithological boundaries in the fill as marked changes in sedimentation rate. Especially the organo-clastic muddy facies subdivides in centennial intervals of relative faster and slower accumulation. For such intervals, sedimentation rates are produced that deviate 10–20% from that in simpler stepped linear age-models. For irregularly laminated muddy intervals of the oxbow fill – from which meaningful sampling for radiocarbon dating is more difficult than from peaty or slowly accumulating organic lake sediments – supplementing spotty radiocarbon sampling with continuous sedimentary proxy data creates more realistic age-depth modelling results.  相似文献   

The problem of insufficient age-control limits the utilisation of the 8.2 ka BP event for modelling freshwater forcing in climate change studies. High-resolution radiocarbon dates, magnetic susceptibility and lithostratigraphic evidence from a lake sediment core from Nedre Hervavatnet located at Sygnefjell in western Norway provide a record of the early Holocene. We use the method of radiocarbon wiggle-match dating of the lake sediments using the non-linear relationship between the 14C calibration curve and the consecutive accumulation order of the sample series in order to build a high-resolution age-model. The timing and duration of Holocene environmental changes is estimated using 38 AMS radiocarbon dates on terrestrial macrofossils, insects and chironomids covering the time period from 9750 to 1180 cal BP. Chironomids, Salix and Betula leaves produce the most consistent results. Sedimentological and physical properties of the core suggest that three meltwater events with high sedimentation rates are superimposed on a long-term trend with glacier retreat between 9750 and 8000 cal BP. The lake sediment sequence of Nedre Hervavatnet demonstrates the following: only a reliable high-resolution geochronology based on carefully selected terrestrial macrofossils allows the reconstruction of a more refined and complex environmental change history before and during the 8.2 ka event.  相似文献   

Lop Nur is a playa lake occupying the lowest part of the Tarim Basin, northwestern China, and is now a desolate and barren region. In the past decades, the ages of the lacustrine sediments from the lake were determined mainly by radiocarbon dating on bulk sediment. In this study, both optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon methods were used to date the sediments from a pit in the central part of the lake. The OSL ages obtained for ten samples range from 0.5 to 9.4 ka, and are in stratigraphic order except for one sample. The 14C ages obtained for twenty-two bulk sediment samples range from 5.8 to 30.2 cal ka BP with erratic distribution. Based on the comparison of 14C with OSL ages and their age-depth models, we argue that the OSL ages are relatively reliable. The disequilibria in the U decay chain for some samples are deduced from the comparison of the NAA and TSAC results. We suggest that the OSL dating technique should preferably be applied to the playa sediments from Lop Nur, but the disequilibria in the U decay chain should be considered in evaluating dose rates. Additionally, radiocarbon reservoir effects in lakes in western China are reviewed.  相似文献   

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