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Liu  Zhang-Rong  Cui  Yu-Jun  Ye  Wei-Min  Chen  Bao  Wang  Qiong  Chen  Yong-Gui 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(10):2865-2875

Bentonite pellet mixtures are considered as one of the candidate sealing materials for deep geological disposals of radioactive waste. One of the particularities of this material is the initial heterogeneous distribution of pellets and porosity within the mixture, leading to complex hydro-mechanical behaviour. In this paper, the hydro-mechanical properties of GMZ bentonite pellet mixtures were investigated in the laboratory by carrying out water retention tests on pellet mixtures under constant-volume condition and single pellets under free swelling condition, as well as a infiltration test on a column specimen of pellet mixture. In the infiltration test, the relative humidity and radial swelling pressure were monitored at five heights, the axial swelling pressure was also recorded. The instantaneous profile method was applied to determine the unsaturated hydraulic conductivities. Results show that, in high suction range (>?10 MPa) the water retention curve of pellet mixture under constant-volume condition was comparable to that of a single pellet under free swelling condition, while in low suction range (<?10 MPa) the latter exhibits a much higher water retention capacity. Due to clogging of large pores, the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity decreases as suction decreases to around 25 MPa. However, with further suction decrease, the hydraulic conductivity increases continuously until the value at saturated state, as in the case of most unsaturated soils. The radial swelling pressure at different heights develops with local sudden increase and decrease, which was attributed to local rearrangement of pellets upon wetting. By contrast, as the axial swelling pressure was measured on the global surface of the specimen, it develops in a more regular fashion.


Zhang  Zhao  Ye  Weimin  Wang  Qiong  Chen  Yonggui 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(10):4461-4471
Acta Geotechnica - Bentonite pellet mixture has been considered as an important candidate buffer/backfill material in deep geological repository for disposal of high-level radioactive waste. During...  相似文献   

In this study, a solid–liquid–gas coupled equation was established to simulate water retention characteristics of highly compacted GMZ bentonite. Then, modelling results were compared with laboratory test results. Results indicate that GMZ bentonite has a strong moisture expansion (or a limit drying shrinkage) characteristic. The control equation can simulate the water absorption and deformation characteristics very well at high relative humidity (or low suction). Environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) observation reveals the course grain soil texture of the surface under low relative humidity (RH), while the surface of GMZ bentonite becomes smooth (more fine-grained soil texture) as RH increases. Differences were found between the porosities calculated by macroexperiment results and microscopic observations with ESEM method. This is because only the interaggregate pores can be observed by ESEM photographs. Additionally, we find that the simulated effective porosities are close to the results calculated by microscopic tests, while the effective porosity is considered as the main flow channel of flow. Further, the intrinsic permeability, the effective water and gas permeability are calculated based on the proposed model. The modelling results coincide well with the laboratory experimental results and support the reliability of the proposed model.  相似文献   

In this study, water retention tests under free swelling conditions were performed to investigate the water intake (or loss) behaviour of compacted GMZ bentonite. First, the water retention characteristics were investigated, and then the microscopic pore structure was observed by environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM). The results indicate that GMZ bentonite has a strong swelling (or a limited shrinkage ability) due to water intake (loss). The suction behaviour of GMZ bentonite is similar to MX80 bentonite and FEBEX bentonite. We also find that the confinement conditions can affect the suction behaviour of the material, especially at high relative humidity (RH). Additionally, a mathematic model can fit the mass change data very well. Microscopic tests show that the granular sensation of GMZ bentonite is obvious for a sample at low RH. With the increase in RH, the surface of GMZ bentonite becomes more smooth. The differences in the porosities calculated by the macroscopic and microscopic tests can be attributed to image resolution. The inter-laminar pores and intra-aggregate pores cannot be observed by the ESEM method. In addition, ESEM observation can provide an intuitive basis for the further research of the seepage property of GMZ bentonite.  相似文献   

Zhang  Zhao  Cui  Yu-Jun  Yang  Jinwen  Mokni  Nadia  Ye  Wei-Min  He  Yong 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(6):2435-2447
Acta Geotechnica - Bentonite pellet/powder mixture has been considered as a possible sealing material in deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. As the hydro-mechanical behavior of such...  相似文献   

GMZ bentonite has been considered as a possible material for engineered barrier in the Chinese program of nuclear waste disposal at great depth. In the present work, the hydraulic conductivity of this bentonite was determined by simultaneous profile method. A specific infiltration cell equipped with five resistive relative humidity probes was designed for this purpose. The water retention properties were studied under both confined and unconfined conditions; the results show that at high suctions (> 4 MPa) the water retention capacity is independent of the confining condition, and by contrast, at low suctions (< 4 MPa) the confined condition resulted in significant low water retention. Furthermore, the microstructure was investigated at mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) and Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) in different states: on oven-dried powder, bentonite slurry, as-compacted and wetted samples. It has been observed that the soil powder is constituted of aggregates of various sizes; these aggregates are destroyed by full saturation at a water content equal to the liquid limit; compaction at the initial water content of 11–12% and a dry density of 1.7–1.75 Mg/m3 led to a microstructure characterized by a dense assembly of relatively well preserved aggregates; saturation of the compacted sample under constant volume condition defined a non-homogeneous microstructure with the presence of well preserved aggregates. This non-homogeneous microstructure would be due to the non uniform distribution of the generated swelling pressure within the soil sample upon wetting. The hydraulic conductivity determined has been found decreasing first and then increasing with suction decrease from the initial value of about 80 MPa to zero; the decrease can be attributed to the large pore clogging due to soft gel creation by exfoliation process, as observed at ESEM.  相似文献   

A mixture of the MX80 bentonite and the Callovo-Oxfordian (COx) claystone were investigated by carrying out a series of experiments including determination of the swelling pressure of compacted samples by constant-volume method, pre-swell method, zero-swell method and swell–consolidation method. Distilled water, synthetic water and humidity controlled vapour were employed for hydration. Results show that upon wetting the swelling pressure increases with decreasing suction; however, there are no obvious effects of synthetic water chemistry and hydration procedure on the swelling behaviour in both short and long terms. For the same initial dry density, the swelling pressure decreases with increasing pre-swell strain; whereas there is a well defined logarithmic relation between the swelling pressure and final dry density of the sample regardless of the initial dry densities and the experimental methods. It was also found that swelling pressure depends on the loading-wetting conditions as a consequence of the different microstructure changes occurred in different conditions. Furthermore, it was attempted to elaborate a general relationship between the swelling pressure and the final dry density for various reference bentonites.  相似文献   

童艳梅  张虎元  周光平  李小雅 《岩土力学》2022,43(11):2973-2982
高放废物地下处置库运营过程中,衬砌混凝土在地下水作用下产生的强碱性溶液,会扩散进入膨润土缓冲屏障,长期将使屏障性能发生退化。采用不同 pH 值的 KOH 溶液模拟衬砌混凝土溶出的碱性溶液,在室内进行为期一年的常温接触扩散试验,开展X射线荧光光谱(X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy,简称XRF)、X射线衍射(X-ray diffraction,简称 XRD)、扫描电镜(scanning electron microscope,简称 SEM)和能谱(energy dispersive spectrometry,简称 EDS)试验,研究强碱性溶液缓慢扩散对高庙子膨润土矿物的影响。XRF试验结果表明,当 KOH 溶液的 pH>12.6时,膨润土中 Si 元素的含量开始减少,即含Si 矿物蒙脱石、石英、方石英等发生了溶解;同时,K元素含量增多,表明膨润土与碱溶液发生离子交换反应,溶液中大量的K+进入蒙脱石层间。XRD 试验结果表明,在 pH=12.6时,蒙脱石矿物的 001峰开始右移、变宽,峰值强度大大减弱;在pH>13时,衍射角θ整体向右偏,晶面间距由原始膨润土样的1.385 3 nm(13.853 Å)减小为1.221 0 nm(12.210 Å),表明蒙脱石矿物晶层被压缩。随着 KOH 溶液 pH 值增大,膨润土中蒙脱石、石英等矿物的含量明显减少,长石类矿物的含量逐渐增加,伊利石和斜发沸石的含量也呈现略微增多的趋势。SEM 试验结果表明,随着溶液 pH 的增大,蒙脱石部分晶层会发生重叠,进而产生部分裂隙和孔洞,加速蒙脱石的溶蚀进程。在为期一年的接触扩散试验中,pH=13.8的 KOH 溶液扩散深度超过7.5 mm,并且在碱溶液与膨润土接触面上观察到新生成的伊利石微晶,证实强碱性溶液会导致蒙脱石溶解及伊利石化。  相似文献   

Bentonite has been proposed for use as an engineering barrier and buffer in nuclear waste repositories and has been used frequently in municipal waste landfills. The cracking behavior and deformation properties of this material can be influenced by the chemistry of pore water. In the present work, the influence of salt concentration on the desiccation cracking behavior of GMZ bentonite was investigated with laboratory experiments. Image processing techniques and SEM tests were performed on the specimens which had undergone the desiccation testing in order to analyze the cracking mechanisms. Results show that the water evaporation process can be identified by a steady rate stage, a falling rate stage and a residual stage. The water evaporation rate is strongly affected by the salt concentration of the pore water; higher salt concentrations result in lower evaporation rates; the final water content is strongly impacted by a high initial salinity; otherwise the water contents are very similar for the residual stage. During desiccating, most of cracks appeared at the steady evaporation stage. The cracking morphology and patterns were greatly affected by the salt concentration of the pore water; and larger crack lengths and lower crack densities were obtained as the initial salinity was increased.  相似文献   

深地质处置目前被国际上公认为是处置高放废物的最有效可行的方法。我国采用多重工程屏障系统和适宜的地质体共同作用来确保与生物圈的安全隔离。缓冲材料是高放废物重要的工程屏障材料之一,我国选用高庙子钠基膨润土作为缓冲材料的基础材料。膨润土作为缓冲材料的一个重要性能表现为缓冲孔隙水的化学变化。介绍了GMZ-1钠基膨润土大气条件下与蒸馏水的反应试验,并对试验结果进行了讨论。批式试验反应溶液中钠离子来源于钠基膨润土层间阳离子和矿物溶解,镁离子来源于钠基膨润土层间阳离子,钾离子和钙离子来源于矿物溶解,相关研究认识对于高放废物处置库近场核素迁移研究和评价工程屏障的长期稳定性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

To further our knowledge of coupling between the hydraulic cycles and mechanical behaviour of the swelling soils, this paper presents an experimental study on a bentonite/silt mixture using an odometer with suction controlled by the osmotic technique. A loading/unloading cycle was applied to each of the samples at different constant suctions (0, 2, 3 and 8 MPa). Moreover, successive wetting and drying cycles were applied under constant vertical stress at a suction range of 0 to 8 MPa, followed by a loading/unloading cycle at similar suctions (0, 2, 3 and 8 MPa). Finally, the compression curves of the aforementioned suctions with and without the application of suction cycles were compared, so as to analyse the influence of hydraulic cycles on the soil fabric and the mechanical parameters. It is observed that the wetting and drying cycles applied to both the micro- and macrostructure significantly influenced the virgin compression index λ(s), the apparent preconsolidation stress p0(s) and the elastic compression index values κ. However, the hydraulic cycles imposed only on the micro- or macrostructure induce negligible changes in the mechanical parameters of the soil.  相似文献   

As one of the most important properties of compacted bentonite used as buffer/backfill materials, hydraulic conductivity is influenced by various factors including temperature, microstructure and suction (or degree of saturation), etc. Based on the readily available results of both temperature-controlled water-retention tests and unsaturated infiltration tests under confined (constant volume) conditions, influences of temperature and microstructure variations on unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of the compacted Gaomiaozi (GMZ01) bentonite were analyzed. Then, a revised unsaturated hydraulic conductivity model considering temperature effects and microstructure changes was developed. With this proposed model, prediction and comparison were made on the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of the compacted GMZ01 bentonite at 20 °C. Results show that water-retention capacity of compacted GMZ01 bentonite decreases as temperature increases and the degree of the temperature influence depends on suction. Under confined conditions, influence of hydration on microstructure of compacted GMZ01 bentonite depends on pore size. The proposed model can well describe the variations of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity with suction at different temperatures. However, further improvement of the proposed model is needed to account for the phenomenon of inter-aggregate pores clogging that occurred at the initial stage of hydration of compacted GMZ01 bentonite under confined conditions.  相似文献   

The hydro-mechanical behaviour of a clay-based buffer material for nuclear waste disposal has been investigated in a laboratory program. In this program, the main focus was on the influence of confinement on water uptake and swelling pressure during suction decrease. The laboratory program and some of the results are presented by Dueck [Dueck, A., 2006. Laboratory results from hydro-mechanical tests on a water unsaturated bentonite. submitted for publication.].

The results from the laboratory tests were used to find a relationship between water content, void ratio, swelling pressure and suction. Two equations for swelling pressure represent the outline of the model.

In the first equation, the swelling pressure developed during water uptake is normalised by a pressure corresponding to the swelling pressure at saturation. This is done in order to be independent of void ratio. A relationship between the normalised swelling pressure and the degree of saturation is suggested.

The second equation describes a relationship between the swelling pressure, the water content and the actual suction (or relative humidity). The equation is based on a thermodynamic relationship and includes the retention curve (i.e. water content vs. suction under free swelling conditions).

The model can be used for a state where two of the four variables; water content, void ratio, swelling pressure and suction are known and can thus be useful to evaluate field measurements and model late stages of the wetting process. An example of an application is given. The equations are mainly based on results from tests with increasing degrees of saturation under constant void ratio but are also suggested for use with increasing void ratio.  相似文献   

Zhang  Feng  Ye  Wei-Min  Wang  Qiong  Chen  Yong-Gui  Chen  Bao 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(7):1925-1934
Acta Geotechnica - Investigation of osmotic suction effects on the volume change behavior of clay is of great importance in evaluating the performance of engineering barrier in deep geological...  相似文献   

Opalinus clay (OPA) is currently being investigated as a potential host rock for radioactive waste repository. The construction of this repository will lead to an excavation-damaged zone (EDZ) in the surrounding. Its sealing ability is crucial for the safety assessment of the geological repository. The sealing ability of OPA has a close relationship with its water retention and gas permeability behaviours. For this purpose, the water retention and gas permeability of OPA and its comparison with the artificial barrier (i.e. bentonite) were investigated in this study. The results show that OPA absorbed less water than granular bentonite material with equal suction. Compared with the other two similar materials (Boom clay and COx argillite), which were selected as natural engineering barriers for nuclear waste storage in Belgium and France, the suction behaviours of OPA are similar to those of COx argillite but notably different from those of Boom clay. The gas permeability tests show that OPA sample is quite sensitive to the changes in confining pressures but is less sensitive to applied gas pressures. Further, it is found that the OPA is more permeable than bentonite barrier after 10.5 years of hydration. Then, the OPA samples were artificially water-saturated. We find that the sealing ability can be recovered after long-time water saturation. However, when comparing with bentonite barrier, it is still a weak zone. This indicates that the EDZ should be paid more attention for the assessment the performance of the nuclear repository.  相似文献   

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