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This paper reports on the first investigations into the potential of luminescence dating to establish a chronological framework for fluvial processes in the Tisa River Valley in Vojvodina, N Serbia. A total of 18 samples were collected from a terrace exposure near Mužlja, which comprised non-fluvial deposits at the top and fluvial deposits at the base. The luminescence characteristics of sand-sized quartz and potassium feldspar grains were investigated using a single-aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) protocol. The quartz separates exhibit a complex behaviour, making this dosimeter less suited for optical dating. Investigations into the behaviour of infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) measured at 50 °C (IR50) from K-rich feldspar extracts showed that preheating in excess of 60 s at 225 °C leads to significant sensitivity changes. The effect of IR stimulation on the thermoluminescence (TL) signal and that of preheating on IRSL intensity were examined; the results are inconclusive with respect to thermal stability, but are not inconsistent with the idea that the data do not reflect depletion of an electron trap. The IR50-signal measured after a preheat of 60 s at 115 °C behaves well in the SAR protocol, although it suffers from anomalous fading. Assuming that the signal is thermally stable, the fading-corrected ages suggest that deposition occurred during the end of the Late Pleniglacial and the early Late Glacial, which is consistent with geological expectations. Our observations demonstrate that IRSL dating of feldspar holds potential for establishing a chronology of fluvial dynamics of the Tisa River in N Serbia. Further methodological investigations are desirable; however, as issues relating to the stability and resetting of the IRSL signal remain to be resolved.  相似文献   

This study presents new dating results from the Verkhoyansk Mountains in northeastern Siberia. Pleistocene sediments of aeolian and glacial origin have been studied and dated by infrared optically stimulated luminescence (IRSL). The chronostratigraphy of this vast area is mainly based on radiocarbon dating up to now. Aeolian sediments are widespread in the foreland of the Verkhoyansk Mountains. IRSL-dating results indicate two major periods of increased accumulation between 33 and 24 ka and between 13 and 9 ka. A new stratigraphy of Pleistocene glaciations in this area has been developed. Up to five end moraines have been identified in two catchments areas. IRSL was applied to date the sandy and silty sediments covering the glacial deposits in order to get minimum ages. Furthermore, glacial and glacio-fluvial deposits were also sampled from a few locations. According to the IRSL dating results, the uppermost end moraine was deposited prior to 50 ka. The three outermost moraines might have been formed during Early Weicheslian to Saalian times. It is very likely that no major glaciers reached the foreland of the Verkhoyansk Mountains during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, MIS 2).  相似文献   

Geomorphological investigations in the Russian Altai Mountains provide evidence for the extent and timing of Late Quaternary glaciations and aeolian sediments. Infrared optically stimulated luminescence (IR-OSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) dating of aeolian sediments from the central part of the Russian Altai were carried out on silty and sandy sediments that cover fluvial and glacio-fluvial terraces. Most samples from loess, loess-like sediments and sandy loess taken from different terrace sequences within the Altai Mountains provide IRSL ages suggesting a main aeolian deposition period between 25 and 15 ka. These data are consistent with those from the adjacent Mongolian Altai. Sand and silt layers within moraines yielded IRSL age estimates between 22 and 19 ka and correlate to the ice margins of the Last Glacial Maximum. Aeolian dune sands overlying or neighbouring the loess-like sediments and the fluvial terraces at some places provide evidence for Late Glacial (around 15 ka) and Early Holocene (around 9 ka) aeolian activity. The youngest sand sheets gave deposition ages of about 1.5 ka. These sediments covered graves and are related to overgrazing. They provide evidence for the significant human impact on the environment. Fluvial sediments, including silt and sandy gravel intermingled with charcoal, yielded contradicting radiocarbon and luminescence ages. IRSL age estimates obtained for the silty layers range from 19 to 18 ka and are significantly older than the radiocarbon ages, which gave sub-recent ages between 1170 and 910 BP. These data indicate fluvial sedimentation of debris and mudflows in a period of deforestation and strong soil erosion related to mining activities during the 9th and 10th century.  相似文献   

The Cueva del Silo is part of the lower karst level of the Cueva Mayor-Cueva del Silo karst system (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain), whose evolution has preserved an impressive archeo-paleoanthropological sequence since the Early Pleistocene. Cueva del Silo is remarkable for the presence of fluvial deposits that record the entry of the Arlanzón River water in the cave system, providing a key sequence to investigate the fluvio-karstic relationships that give rise to this endokarst system. In order to provide a chronological framework to these fluvial deposits, six sediment samples were dated by Electron Spin Resonance and 16 samples by paleomagnetism, collected from two outcrops: Galería de las Arenas and Sala del Caos. Our results provide maximum mean age of around 1600 ka and a minimum age of 916 ± 136 ka for the deposits in Sala del Caos. The younger date from Sala del Caos might represent the last fluvial input from Arlanzón River in the lower karst level. In contrast, ESR ages estimates of 1268 ± 133 ka and 1262 ± 108 ka were obtained for Galería de las Arenas sequence, which could indicate re-sedimentation processes from the intermediate karst level where similar ages were published. The annual dose might be wrongly assessed due to the re-sedimentation processes inside the karst, hence, ESR ages for these facies should be treated with extreme caution.  相似文献   

Fluvial sediments of the middle Atbara River Valley, eastern Sudan, contain abundant vertebrate fossils and stone tools. Previous work described two sedimentary units, the Butana Bridge Synthem (BBS) and the Khashm El Girba Synthem (KGS), with three divisions each (BBS1-3 and KGS1-3, from bottom to top, respectively). 230Th/U dating on bivalve shells suggested an age of ∼126 and ∼92 ka for the basal KGS2 and basal KGS3, respectively, and mammalian biochronology in combination with magnetostratigraphy suggested an age of late Early to early Middle Pleistocene for the underlying BBS. To establish a detailed chronology of this fluvial sedimentary sequence, we collected 17 luminescence samples from both sides of the Atbara River close to the Butana Bridge. Quartz OSL dating was applied to samples from the upper part of the profile (upper KGS2 and KGS3), but the signal reached saturation within the upper ∼10 m of the sequence. To select a suitable feldspar signal to date older samples beyond the limit of the quartz OSL, a comparison of the quartz OSL, feldspar post-IR IRSL at 225 and 290 °C, and pulsed IRSL signal at 50 °C was conducted for a sample from KGS3. The result showed that only the fading corrected pulsed IRSL yielded an age consistent with the quartz OSL, and the post-IR IRSL signals (both at 225 and 290 °C) overestimated the quartz age significantly. We therefore selected the pulsed IRSL signal to date the older deposits. The luminescence ages indicate that the entire BBS - KGS sequence was deposited between 224 ± 23 ka and <17 ± 1 ka, corresponding to marine isotope stages (MIS) 7–2, significantly revising previous conclusions.  相似文献   

The chronology of dust deposition and climate during the last interglacial is poorly known on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Here, 51 samples were taken from the ∼5 m S1 palaeosol (MIS5) at the desert marginal Jingbian site to develop what is currently the most detailed S1 chronology on the Plateau using instrumental dating techniques. We use the post-IR IRSL signal from sand-sized grains of K-rich feldspar. Signal resetting in the agricultural layer shows that it is possible to almost completely zero this signal in nature. First IR stimulation plateau measurements show that there is no clear dependence of De on first IR stimulation temperature between 50 and 260 °C suggesting negligible signal fading. Resultant ages are consistent with a last interglacial age (∼130 to ∼75 ka) and are also consistent within errors with continuous linear sedimentation rates. The average mass accumulation rate for S1 is ∼150 g m−2 a−1, considerably higher than at many other sites but within the overall range of Loess Plateau estimates. The remarkably stable sediment accumulation at the site contrasts with a more complex record of environmental and monsoonal change recorded in grain-size and magnetic susceptibility.  相似文献   

The results of a palaeomagnetic investigation of a 27 m thick loess/palaeosol sequence in Viatovo (NE Bulgaria) are presented in this paper. The sequence consists of topsoil S0, seven loess horizons (L1–L7) and six interbedded palaeosols (S1–S6) overlying a red clay (terra rossa) complex. Magnetic viscosity experiments, IRM acquisition, AMS analysis and NRM stepwise alternating and thermal demagnetisation experiments of pilot samples were implemented for precise determination of the characteristic remanence and construction of a reliable magnetostratigraphical scheme. Analysis of IRM acquisition curves using the expectation – maximization algorithm of Heslop et al. [Heslop, D., Dekkers, M., Kruiver, P., van Oorschot, H., 2002. Analysis of isothermal remanent magnetization acquisition curves using the expectation – maximization algorithm. Geophys. J. Int., 148, 58–64] suggests that the best fitting is obtained by three coercivity components. Component 1 corresponds to SD maghemite/magnetite, while component 2 is probably related to the presence of oxidised detrital magnetites. The third component shows varying coercivities depending on the degree of pedogenic alteration of the samples and probably reflects the presence of detrital magnetite grains oxidised at different degree.

The relevance of the Viatovo section as a key representative sequence for the loess cover in the Danube basin is confirmed by the presence of geomagnetic polarity changes in the lower part of the sequence. The youngest one recorded in the seventh loess unit L7 can be identified as corresponding to the Matuyama/Brunhes palaeomagnetic polarity transition. Two normal magnetozones were found in the red clay complex, probably corresponding to the Jaramillo and Olduvai subchronozones of the Matuyama chron.  相似文献   

Infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) properties of the Old Crow tephra and bracketing loess from the Halfway House site in Central Alaska are investigated in order to test newly developed techniques, including SAR and recently proposed fading corrections. Loess samples investigated show a standard growth of luminescence with regenerative dose while the tephra sample is less sensitive by an order of magnitude and saturates at lower dose. The growth curves obtained using multiple-aliquots regeneration (MAR) saturate at a higher value than those with the single-aliquot regeneration (SAR) protocol. Fading rate determinations for these samples are shown to be imprecise and no noticeable difference was observed between loess and tephra materials. Anomalous fading corrections using an average g value of 5% are applied to the natural test dose signal intensity using the dose rate correction (DRC) method. IRSL ages obtained for loess are in agreement with the expected age while the tephra age is lower than expected, suggesting the measured fading rate is underestimated for this material.  相似文献   

Two major fluvial terrace surfaces, and four less significant surfaces, are identified by aerial photographic interpretation, field mapping and levelling on one c. 2 km long reach of the upper Bowmont Water, an upland stream draining the northern Cheviot Hills, Scotland. The oldest terrace surface remains undated. Cartographic, radiocarbon and palynological dating suggest that later terraces formed very recently, within the last 250 years, with the most prominent terrace fill having aggraded in the 18th century. Incision below this terrace surface is dated to approximately the end of the 18th century, correlated with channel trenching at other sites in the region. Detailed palaeoecological and documentary evidence is used to examine whether climatic or land-use changes might have instigated aggradation, and a link with increased precipitation and flooding during part of the ‘Little Ice Age’ is suggested.  相似文献   

As part of a chronological study of the famous Upper Pleistocene Nussloch (Germany) loess sequence, three samples were collected to check the applicability of palaeodosimetric dating methods (OSL and ESR) to quartz grains. The ESR-multicentre method showed a partial bleaching of the ESR centers in aeolian sands. This partial bleaching was also observed by OSL. Laminated loess seemed to be sufficiently bleached but showed a large scatter of the doses, which we ascribed to heterogeneous responses of the luminescent grains to the SAR protocol. Ages could nevertheless be calculated for the three samples and were found to be somewhat older than the IRSL and 14C ages obtained for the same layers of the laminated loess.  相似文献   

The sediment stratigraphy of a 4 m thick intercalated Holocene alluvial fill and valley floor peat at a site in the Milfield Basin, Northumberland, has been dated by a series of eight 14C assays, and related to a previously analysed pollen record. The sequence extends from the earliest Holocene until c. 2800 cal. BP . Prior to the onset of peat inception, substantial amounts of channel-trenching can be demonstrated to have occurred in the Milfield Basin during the Loch Lomond Stadial. There is no measurable early Holocene accelerated fluvial activity, but a major flooding event occurred at c. 7500 cal. BP , much earlier than recorded elsewhere in the region. The explanation for this is not clear. However, the cessation of mid-Holocene overbank sedimentation at c. 4000–3500 cal. BP is tentatively correlated with slope stability associated with woodland regeneration. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a detailed luminescence chronology of the loess-palaeosol sequences in the Lower Volga region of Russia at the Leninsk site – an important palaeogeographic archive describing the climate and environmental conditions of regressive stages of the Caspian Sea. The chronology of these sediments has received very little attention compared to the under- and overlying marine deposits. The degree of bleaching was addressed by making use of the differential resetting rates of quartz and feldspar. Our results show that the quartz OSL and feldspar pIRIR50,290 signals were sufficiently bleached before deposition and uncertainties in bleaching have a negligible impact on the reliability of the luminescence ages. The combined quartz OSL and K-feldspar pIRIR50,290 chronology constrains the main stages of the Northern Caspian Lowland evolution during the Late Quaternary. During early MIS 5 (130–120 ka), the northern part of the Lower Volga was covered by a shallow brackish water estuary of the warm Late Khazarian Caspian Sea transgression. After ∼122 ka, the Volga incised the Northern Caspian Lowland surface following sea-level decrease and the start of subaerial conditions at Leninsk. Loess accumulation rate increased towards the end of MIS 5 and two palaeosols of presumably MIS 5с and MIS 5a age formed, exhibiting features evidencing a dry, cold climate, influenced by long seasonal flooding by the Volga River. Cryogenesis affecting the MIS 5a soil is a regional phenomenon and is dated to between ∼70 and 90 ka. The overlying thick Atelian loess unit formed during the cold periods of MIS 4 and MIS 3. Clear erosional features at the top of the Atelian loess are constrained by luminescence to ∼35 to ∼24 ka, allowing reconstruction of erosion of 150–200 cm of loess.  相似文献   

The loess-palaeosol deposits of the Central Shandong Mountains (CSM) to the east of the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) potentially provide valuable archives for the reconstruction of East Asian monsoon patterns. However, compared to the abundant attention given to the loess layer, fewer studies have explored the palaeosols documenting the processes and characteristics of interglacial climate changes. The high-resolution chronologies and provenances of the palaeosol in the CSM area are still unclear. In this work, the luminescence ages and paleoclimate proxies in the Shaozhuang (SZ) and Focun (FC) sections were studied, by combining detrital zircons U–Pb ages from the loess-palaesosol in Jingbian, Licheng, Focun, Pianguan and Dongming Yellow River sediments. Quartz single-aliquot regenerative dose protocol (SAR) and K-feldspar post-infrared IRSL (pIRIR290) dating results were obtained in the SZ (8.0 ± 1.1 ka −50.8 ± 2.7 ka) and FC (3.8 ± 0.3 ka—144.0 ± 7.8 ka) sections to develop the most detailed CSM region chronologies to date. The analyzed grain sizes and detrital zircon U–Pb ages suggest that the provenance of the CSM loess was dominated by local Yellow River sediments. The palaeosols observed in the field in these two sections were composed of both aggradation soils deposited in the interglacial period and non-aggradation soil formed by the weathering and leaching of the underlying loess. We found evidences for the presence of non-aggradation soils as indicated the relatively high 5–16 μm particle percentages, relatively low chemical index of alteration (CIA) values and the percentages of >63 μm particles compared to those of the overlying palaeosol layers. Nevertheless, the loess-palaeosol deposits in the CSM are still the product of the East Asian monsoon and global climatic variations, as the deposits have recorded the glacial-interglacial cycles.  相似文献   

Introduction3-Dseismictomographyhasbeenappliedtovariousgeophysicalproblems.AkiandLee(1976)andHawleyetal.(1981)inverted3-Dmode...  相似文献   

A detailed rock magnetic investigation of loess/palaeosol samples from the section at Lingtai on the central Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) is presented. Thermal demagnetisation of isothermal remanent magnetisation (IRM) and Curie temperature measurements suggest the presence of magnetite, maghemite and hematite as remanence carrying components. Bulk and grain size fractionated samples have been analysed using coercivity spectra of remanence acquisition/demagnetisation curves, which identify four main remanence carriers in different grain size fractions of loesses and palaeosols. A linear source mixing model quantifies the contribution of the four components which have been experimentally derived as dominating endmembers in specific grain size fractions. Up to two thirds of the total IRM of the palaeosols are due to slightly oxidised pedogenic magnetite. Two detrital components dominate up to 90% of the IRM of the loess samples and are ascribed to maghemite of different oxidation degree. Detrital hematite is present in all samples and contributes up to 10% of the IRM. The iron content of the grain size fractions gives evidence that iron in pedogenically grown remanence carriers does not originate from the detrital iron oxides, but rather from iron-bearing clays and mafic silicates. The contribution of pedogenic magnetite to the bulk IRM increases with the increasing degree of pedogenesis, which depends in turn on climate change.  相似文献   

Qinghai Lake, on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, is the largest extant closed-basin lake in China, and has been the subject of numerous palaeoclimatological and palaeoenvironmental studies. In this study, 32 samples of aeolian sand, loess and palaeosol at six sites, and 1 sample of shoreline deposits underlying aeolian deposits were dated using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Where available, OSL ages are in agreement with previously published 14C ages. Our dating results, in combination with previous published ages on aeolian deposits showed that: (1) The oldest aeolian deposits around Qinghai Lake are in excess of 165 ka. (2) Aeolian deposition then began at ∼14 ka in the Qinghai Lake area. Periods of palaeosol formation occurred at ∼16.9 ka, ∼12.2–11 ka, ∼10–9 ka, ∼5.2–4 ka, and ∼3.9–0.7 ka. (3) The accumulation intervals of palaeosols are generally consistent with drilling-core-based environmental change proxies, indicating that palaeosols were formed during wet periods with higher vegetation cover. (4) A depositional hiatus period of ∼40–50 ka exists between the surface mantle aeolian deposits and underlying gravel deposits. (5) Lake levels during the Holocene did not exceed 3205.2 m elevation (11.8 m above recent lake level of April, 2010).  相似文献   

Controversy exists regarding the chronology of loess in the Nanjing area in Jiangsu Province and the Jiujiang area in Jiangxi Province, East China. The chronology is of special interest, because the age of the initial accumulation for loess in these areas indicates that dust accumulation has been extended from the Loess Plateau in North China to East China at that time. This implies a threshold in the evolution of the East Asian monsoon, with the strengthened winter monsoon transporting aeolian dust further to the south. In this study nine luminescence samples were collected from the Jiujiang area and four samples from the Nanjing area. Quartz grains of 38–63 μm were isolated and the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol was employed for De determination. For all samples from the Nanjing area, during the SAR measurement cycles the test-dose sensitivity was dose dependent and dropped significantly when the regeneration dose reached >300 Gy, while it increased linearly when the regeneration dose value ranged from 25 to 300 Gy. The reason for this is not yet known. The OSL chronology and its implications for paleoenvironmental change are discussed. It is concluded that: (1) loess deposition in the Jiujiang area started in the early Last Glaciation; and (2) the first loess layer in the Nanjing area was deposited during the last Glaciation.  相似文献   

The inland dune “Molenberg” (Lys valley, NW Belgium) is an exceptionally well-preserved dune of more than 10 m high. To determine the phases of dune formation and identify possible levels for human occupation, this dune was sampled at closely spaced vertical intervals for Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating (every 50 cm) and grain-size analysis (intervals of 10–25 cm) over its entire depth, including the top of the underlying sediments. The resulting ages show dune formation during the late glacial period (GI-1 and GS-1), with a probable extensive deposition during the Allerød (GI-1a-c) and Younger Dryas (GS-1). Interestingly, the OSL dataset for the main body of the dune shows significant cyclical age inversions that may be caused by reworking of sediment causing incomplete bleaching of sand grains. This may further indicate the potential of high-sampling resolution OSL to contribute to the reconstruction of complex dune dynamics.  相似文献   

There are only a few luminescence dating studies of loess sediments in Japan, but interleaved with these deposits are many well-described tephras of known age based on 14C and fission track analysis; these independent age controls provide an opportunity to test the reliability of loess luminescence ages. This study provides such a comparison at two sites in central Honshu, the largest island in the Japanese archipelago. Samples were collected from sequences of interleaved volcanic tephra and loess deposited on a Middle Pleistocene river terrace in the Niigata Prefecture and on an Early to Middle Pleistocene dissected fluvial surface at in the Tochigi Prefecture, Honshu. Equivalent doses (De) were estimated from fine grains (4–11 μm) using both polymineral IR-OSL and (post-IR) blue-OSL, and quartz blue-OSL. The blue-stimulated luminescence signals could be represented by up to three exponentially decaying components; only the most light sensitive of these components was used in the final De estimation. Almost all the estimates of De from polymineral IR-OSL are smaller than those from polymineral (post-IR) blue-OSL and quartz blue-OSL, whereas the latter two are in good agreement. The blue-light stimulated luminescence ages using the most light sensitive component are shown to be in good agreement with the independent control, up to 500 ka. Although the IR-OSL signals underestimate the known age, a simple laboratory fading test is found empirically to correct for this underestimation. We conclude that the most rapidly blue-stimulated luminescence signals from quartz extracted from our loess samples give reliable ages, and that future loess dating studies should concentrate on these signals.  相似文献   

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