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Loess deposits distributed in southeastern China play an important role for paleoclimate reconstruction of the subtropical regions. These loess-paleosol deposits are mainly spread within the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River as well as in the drainage area of the Huai River. The ages of loess paleosol sequences that are distributed along the Huai River are not well constrained. In this study, the standard single-aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) protocol and two elevated temperature post infrared-infrared stimulated luminescence SAR protocols (pIRIR225 and pIRIR290) were applied on 4–11 μm quartz and polymineral fine grains, respectively, in order to obtain the first numerical luminescence chronology for a loess-paleosol sequence in northern Jiangsu Province. Our results show a good agreement between quartz SAR-OSL and polymineral pIRIR ages up to ~70 ka. These findings confirm that Xiashu loess accumulated during the Last Glaciation. For samples older than this, the ages increasingly deviate with depth. Fine quartz ages beyond 70 ka are interpreted as underestimates, as previous studies reported that quartz ages >70 ka from various sedimentary origins worldwide may underestimate even if they pass rejection criteria and dose recovery tests. On the other hand, the pIRIR ages are most likely overestimating the true depositional ages as indicated by the results of dose recovery tests, where a 30–60% overestimation of the recovered dose is reported for values larger than ~400 Gy. The overestimation of pIRIR protocols was also confirmed by the results obtained when large beta doses were added on top of the natural accrued dose. Moreover, our dating results suggest that L1/S1 transition (corresponding to MIS 5/4 boundary) occurred much higher in the stratigraphic sequence than may have been interpreted from the magnetic susceptibility enhancement. This inconsistency can be assigned to invalidity of magnetic susceptibility as a chronostratigraphical proxy due to ferrimagnetic minerals dissolution or transformation during paedogenesis processes in this humid subtropical region in the southeastern China.  相似文献   

Fossil oyster reefs are indicators of past sea levels, and their formation is usually dated by means of radiocarbon. However, radiocarbon dating of the shells from coastal areas may be complicated by the varying sources of carbon. Here we applied optical dating methods to date the samples from above and below a fossil oyster bed in a section on the coast of Bohai Bay, China. The optical ages of the sediments were used to constrain the oyster bed. Single-aliquot regenerative-dose procedures using the OSL signal from fine grain quartz, the IRSL and post-IR OSL signals from polymineral fine grains were employed to determine equivalent dose (De). The behaviors of the different luminescence signals from quartz and polymineral grains during De measurements were examined. The results showed that the quartz OSL signal is more reliable than the polymineral IRSL and post-IR OSL signals with respect to dating for these coastal samples. The optical ages indicated that the oyster reef formed between ca. 6.2 and 5.0 ka.  相似文献   

The loess deposits surrounding the high mountainous regions of Central Asia play an important role in understanding environmental changes in Eurasia on orbital and sub-orbital timescales. However, problems with dating Central Asian loess have limited the interpretation of climatic and environmental data, especially on sub-orbital timescales. We selected a controversial loess section, Zeketai (ZKT, with a thickness of 23 m), in the Yili basin in Xinjiang Province in western China, to establish a detailed and systematic Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) chronology. Quartz grains of 38–63 μm were isolated from 15 samples and the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol was employed for De determination. OSL ages are in stratigraphic order and range from 13.8 ± 1 to 72 ± 6 ka, suggesting continuous loess accumulation during the last glaciation. We compared these dating results with that of the previously published fine-grain sized quartz (4–11 μm) using simplified multiple aliquot regenerative-dose (SMAR) protocol, and with the previous published radiocarbon dating (14C) ages on snail shells. With the exception of three young samples from the upper 6 m of the section, the SMAR dating results are basically consistent with the results using the SAR protocol. Both the SMAR and SAR OSL ages are consistently older than the 14C ages, and the radiocarbon date results should be used with caution since they appear to have been underestimated.  相似文献   

The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals from quartz consist of several physically distinct components, which are commonly referred to as fast, medium and slow components. In this study, the OSL components of quartz from the Taklimakan Desert and the Hunshandake sandy land in north China are investigated. Our results show that the relative contributions of OSL components to the bulk OSL signal can be significantly different among quartz grains from both deserts. Laboratory dosing, optical bleaching and heating experiments are used to test their effects on the relative contributions of quartz OSL components. It is found that cycles of dosing and optical bleaching have insignificant impact on the relative contributions of quartz OSL components, while heating to high temperature (500 °C) can significantly enhance the contribution of the fast component to the bulk OSL signals, especially for quartz samples from the Taklimakan Desert. Such results suggest that the different heating history of natural quartz grains plays an important role in controlling OSL components. Additionally, the quartz grains from the Hunshandake sandy land can easily be distinguished from those of the Taklimakan Desert, by using a ternary plot of fast-medium-slow components. The quartz grains from the Hunshandake sandy land exhibit a much stronger fast component than those from the Taklimakan Desert. This can be explained by that the quartz grains from the Hunshandake sandy land are mainly of igneous origin, while most of the quartz grains from the Taklimakan Desert are of low grade metamorphic origin.  相似文献   

Luminescence dating has long been used for chronological constraints on marine sediments due to the ubiquitous dating materials (quartz and feldspar grains) and its applicability over a relatively long time range. However, one of the main difficulties in luminescence dating on marine sediments is partial bleaching, which causes age overestimations. Especially, partial bleaching is typically difficult to be detected in the fine grain fraction (FG) of marine sediments. The recently developed feldspar post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) protocol can detect non-fading signals and thus avoid feldspar signal instability. In the current study, fine grains were extracted from a gravity core in the northern Sea of Japan, and the aim is to test the feasibility of using different luminescence signals with various bleaching rates to explore the bleaching conditions of fine grain fraction in marine sediments. The results suggest that the quartz OSL signal and polymineral pIRIR signals at stimulation temperatures of 150 °C and 225 °C (pIRIR150 and pIRIR225) of FG were well bleached prior to deposition. The OSL ages were used to establish a chronology for this sedimentary core and the resulting age-depth relationship is self-consistent and comparable with radiocarbon dates. We conclude that different luminescence signals with various bleaching rates can be used to test the bleaching conditions of fine grain fraction in marine sediments; and the luminescence dating can be applied to marine sediments with great potential.  相似文献   

There are only a few luminescence dating studies of loess sediments in Japan, but interleaved with these deposits are many well-described tephras of known age based on 14C and fission track analysis; these independent age controls provide an opportunity to test the reliability of loess luminescence ages. This study provides such a comparison at two sites in central Honshu, the largest island in the Japanese archipelago. Samples were collected from sequences of interleaved volcanic tephra and loess deposited on a Middle Pleistocene river terrace in the Niigata Prefecture and on an Early to Middle Pleistocene dissected fluvial surface at in the Tochigi Prefecture, Honshu. Equivalent doses (De) were estimated from fine grains (4–11 μm) using both polymineral IR-OSL and (post-IR) blue-OSL, and quartz blue-OSL. The blue-stimulated luminescence signals could be represented by up to three exponentially decaying components; only the most light sensitive of these components was used in the final De estimation. Almost all the estimates of De from polymineral IR-OSL are smaller than those from polymineral (post-IR) blue-OSL and quartz blue-OSL, whereas the latter two are in good agreement. The blue-light stimulated luminescence ages using the most light sensitive component are shown to be in good agreement with the independent control, up to 500 ka. Although the IR-OSL signals underestimate the known age, a simple laboratory fading test is found empirically to correct for this underestimation. We conclude that the most rapidly blue-stimulated luminescence signals from quartz extracted from our loess samples give reliable ages, and that future loess dating studies should concentrate on these signals.  相似文献   

Numerical dating of loess is important for Quaternary studies. Recent progress in post-infrared infrared-stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) signals from potassium-rich feldspar has allowed successful dating of Chinese loess beyond the conventional dating limit based on quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals. In this study we tested the multiple-aliquot regenerative-dose (MAR) pre-dose multiple-elevated-temperature post-IR IRSL (pMET-pIRIR) procedure on samples from the palaeosol S5 (∼480 ka) and S8 (∼780 ka) layers from the Luochuan and Jingbian sections, respectively. The results show that (1) compared to sensitivity-corrected signal (Lx/Tx), a higher saturation dose is observed for the sensitivity-uncorrected MET-pIRIR signals (Lx), suggesting that MAR is advantageous for dating old samples; (2) negligible fading component can be achieved using the pMET-pIRIR procedure; (3) for the sample from the top of palaeosol S5, De values (1360 + 226/-167 Gy) broadly consistent with expected De (1550 ± 72 Gy) can be obtained using the sensitivity-uncorrected 300 °C MET-pIRIR signal. Our study suggests that a De value of about 1800 Gy may be the maximum dating limit of Chinese loess using the MAR pMET-pIRIR procedure.  相似文献   

Lake Karakul in the eastern Pamirs is a large and closed-basin lake in a partly glaciated catchment. Two parallel sediment cores were collected from 12 m water depth. The cores were correlated using XRF analysis and dated using radiocarbon and OSL techniques. The age results of the two dating methods are generally in agreement. The correlated composite core of 12.26 m length represents continuous accumulation of sediments in the lake basin since 31 ka. The lake reservoir effect (LRE) remained relatively constant over this period. High sediment accumulation rates (SedARs) were recorded before 23 ka and after 6.5 ka. The relatively close position of the coring location near the eastern shore of the lake implies that high SedARs resulted from low lake levels. Thus, high SedARs and lower lake levels before 23 ka probably reflect cold and dry climate conditions that inhibited the arrival of moist air at high elevation in the eastern Pamirs. Low lake levels after 6.5 ka were probably caused by declining temperatures after the warmer early Holocene, which had caused a reduction in water resources stored as snow, ice and frozen ground in the catchment. Low SedARs during 23–6.5 ka suggest increased lake levels in Lake Karakul. A short-lived increase of SedARs at 15 ka probably corresponds to the rapid melting of glaciers in the Karakul catchment during the Greenland Interstadial 1e, shortly after glaciers in the catchment had reached their maximum extents. The sediment cores from Lake Karakul represent an important climate archive with robust chronology for the last glacial–interglacial cycle from Central Asia.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of perennially frozen loess was tested on quartz grains extracted from deposits associated with the late Pleistocene Dawson tephra in western Yukon Territory, Canada. OSL samples were obtained from ice-rich loess bracketing the Dawson tephra, while radiocarbon (14C) samples were collected from the bulk sediments directly underlying the tephra and from a ground-squirrel burrow 2.7 m below the tephra. Here we report the OSL characteristics and ages of the extracted quartz grains, as well as additional radiocarbon ages for samples described in Froese [2002. Age and significance of the late Pleistocene Dawson tephra in eastern Beringia. Quaternary Science Reviews 21, 2137–2142; 2006. Seasonality of the late Pleistocene Dawson tephra and exceptional preservation of a buried riparian surface in central Yukon Territory, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 25, 1542–1551]. We refine the time of Dawson tephra deposition to between 25,420±70 and 25,290±80 14C a BP. Bayesian analysis of constraining radiocarbon ages places the deposition of the Dawson tephra at between 30,433 and 30,032 cal a BP. Linear modulation (LM) OSL analysis of multi-grain aliquots of quartz showed that the initial part of the decay curve is dominated by a rapidly bleached (‘fast’) component; these samples, however, had relatively dim continuous wave (CW) OSL signals at the multi-grain aliquot (each composed of 80 grains) and single-grain scales of analysis. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol was applied to multi-grain aliquots and single grains to obtain equivalent dose (De) values for samples collected from below and above the Dawson tephra. The De values were examined graphically and numerically, the latter using the central age, minimum age, and finite mixture models. For multi-grain aliquots, the central age model gave weighted mean De values between 30 and 50 Gy, which greatly underestimated the expected De of 74–81 Gy for both samples studied. Possible reasons for these underestimations are discussed, and a solution proposed based on single-grain analysis. Measurements of single grains produced De values in agreement with the expected De, and yielded OSL ages of 28±5 and 30±4 ka for the samples taken from above and below the Dawson tephra, respectively. Examination of individual grains with differing luminescence behaviors showed that a significant number of the measured quartz grains exhibited anomalous luminescence properties that would have compromised the results obtained from multi-grain aliquots. We therefore recommend analysis of individual grains to overcome the age-shortfall from multi-grain analysis of these and similar samples of quartz.  相似文献   

Late Pleistocene records of loess deposition are a critical archive for understanding terrestrial paleoenvironment changes in Central Asia. The age of loess is not well known for the deserts regions and surrounding high plateaus in Central Asia. Previous studies have shown that there remains a disparity between ages for loess deposition by luminescence and 14C dating. This study evaluates the potential of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) to date a loess sequence resting on fluvial sands in the east Ili Basin, Central Asia. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol on coarse grain quartz was employed for equivalent dose determinations. The basal fluvial sand returned a secure OSL age, with low overdispersion value in equivalent doses (19 ± 2%) of ca. 36 ka and provides a close, but maximum age estimate (within 5 ka) on the initiation of loess deposition. However, the loess yielded high overdispersion values for equivalent doses and age reversals, coincident with diffuse paleosols; indicating that pedoturbation with loess deposition may be a dominant process. OSL ages between ca. 45 and 14 ka calculated using a maximum age model and OSL ages from other sites in the Basin suggests that the latest major period of loess deposition was between 70 and 10 ka ago. A future hypothesis to test based on these analyses is that there may be three periods of heightened loess deposition at ca. 45, 35 to 19 and 14 ka, when desert source areas to the west were particularly dry.  相似文献   

We present a comparative study of quartz OSL, polymineral IRSL at low temperature (50 °C, IR50) and post-IR elevated temperature (290 °C) IRSL (pIRIR290) feldspar dating on nine samples from the Tokaj loess section in NE Hungary (SE Europe). Preheat plateau tests show a drop in quartz OSL De between 160 and 240 °C but above 240 °C a clear De plateau is present. Quartz OSL SAR is shown to be generally appropriate to these samples (recycling, recuperation) but a satisfactory dose recovery result was only obtained when a dose was added to a sample without any prior optical or thermal pre-treatment; this gave a dose recovery ratio of 1.04 ± 0.05 after subtracting the natural dose from the measured dose. The pIRIR290 SAR protocol also results in acceptable dose recovery results for the pIRIR290 signal (1.08 ± 0.01) when a large dose is added to the natural dose. Bleaching experiments suggest a detectable non-bleachable residual pIRIR290 dose of 10 ± 4 Gy. Agreement with quartz OSL ages is best achieved by correcting the IR50 ages for fading; however this is not necessary when using the pIRIR290 signal. With respect to Hungarian Late Quaternary geology our results indicate that the major part of the Tokaj loess has been deposited during MIS 3 (60–24 ka), with periods of soil formation occurring during the onset of MIS 3 (≥58 ka) and between about 35 and 25 ka. Our results also indicate episodic deposition of loess and varying, non-linear sedimentation rates during MIS 3. Proxy analyses in the literature are based on the traditional concept of continuous deposition; in the light of our new data the use of such simple assumptions must be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The usual practice in optical dating is to derive an equivalent dose (De) (and hence age) from integration of the initial part of the measured optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signal. This ‘bulk’ OSL signal is known to comprise several semi-independent components, each of which decays at different rates during measurement, and thus contributes a different proportion to the bulk signal as measurement time progresses. Data are presented here which show a strong dependence of De on the bulk signal integration interval, with reduced De for later signal integration intervals resulting from lower medium component De values. This dependence leads to two problems: (i) deciding which signal integral to choose, and (ii) the possibility that all bulk signals will provide systematic age underestimation due to medium component signal contributions. Isolating the fast component of the bulk OSL signal provides a solution to both problems and several methods of achieving this are assessed; an efficient new method is described which is incorporated in to standard single-aliquot regenerative-dose measurement sequences. This method involves the direct measurement of the fast-component signal using infrared (830 nm) stimulation of quartz at 160 °C, prior to the standard bulk OSL measurement with 470 nm stimulation. It is shown that the measured quartz infrared stimulated luminescence signals resolve pure fast-component signals and provide De estimates consistent with those from signal deconvolution. This approach can only be applied to samples with relatively bright luminescence emissions, but in these cases is expected to provide a more robust estimate of palaeodose.  相似文献   

Similar to the loess in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), the loess deposits in the Ili basin of Central Asia arid area play an important role in understanding the climate and environmental changes. However, in contrast to the intensively investigated loess deposits in the CLP, the Ili loess is still insufficiently known and poorly understood. The geochronology study of the Ili loess remains controversial. In order to examine the potential of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating for the Ili loess, we carry out a combined luminescence and radiocarbon dating study on a 6.9 m loess section in the south margin of the Ili basin. Polymineral fine grains were investigated by post infrared (IR) OSL using a Multiple-Aliquot Regenerative-dose (MAR) protocol. Radiocarbon dating of organic carbon were carried in a 3 Megavolt (MV) multi-element Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS). The results indicate that the OSL ages are in agreement with the observed stratigraphy in the field, which is well correlated with that of the CLP, but the AMS 14C ages are much younger than the OSL and assumed stratigraphical ages. Thus, the OSL dating technique may provide an absolute chronology in this loess section. Further methodological approaches and more samples analysis will lead to the improvement of this chronology for high-resolution paleoclimatic interpretation.  相似文献   

The Paleolithic site of Xibaimaying (XBMY), once considered the youngest flake tool site within the Nihewan Basin, North China, is an ideal archive to study the chronological relationship between flake tool and microblade industries in the Nihewan Basin during the Upper Palaeolithic, but the previous ages obtained for the site remain controversial. From 2015 to 2019, three areas at two archaeological localities (XBMY-I and XBMY-II) of the site were excavated, and well-preserved fossils and flake tools were unearthed. In this study, a total of 26 samples were collected from the three areas for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating using a single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol on fine-grained quartz. A shared ‘Standardized growth curve’ (SGC) for a section was constructed to reduce the time required for De estimation. The long-term weighted average water contents of the samples during their burial period were estimated based on the in-situ water contents of continuous samples from a nearby borehole. All the OSL ages were modelled via Bayesian statistics using the OxCal software, modifying the OSL ages with stratigraphic constraints in each section. The results show that the cultural layer bearing flake tool assemblages falls within the period of 122–36 ka, indicating that the flake tool industry of the Xibaimaying site is comparable to that of the Youfangbei (108–86 ka), Banjingzi (∼86 ka) and Xinmiaozhuang (75–63 ka) sites, rather than the youngest one in the Nihewan basin, which explains why the Xibaimaying site is characterized as pure flake tool culture without any ‘advanced’ trait. The OSL dating results also shed new light on the study of sedimentary processes in the Xibaimaying site area. The different deposition rates (0.01–1.61 mm/a) for the sediments at the three newly excavated areas imply complex geomorphologic processes in the site area.  相似文献   

Dating of quartz by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) has been revolutionized with introduction of the test dose (TD) in development of a measurement sequence known as the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR), whereby a valid sensitivity correction for the luminescence signal is provided in the measurement cycle. However, the size of the TD used in the SAR protocol remains controversial. Previous studies show that the TD has little effect on the equivalent dose (De) for young samples in luminescence dating in which the applicability of different deposits varies greatly in different regions. However, detailed studies are lacking on how TD size affects SAR–OSL results of samples with a relatively high De range. In this study, typical loess samples with high De values (∼60 Gy–∼250 Gy) from the eastern Tibetan Plateau were selected to investigate the effects of variation in TD size on the quartz SAR–OSL protocol. Dose recovery tests show that a known dose could be recovered successfully by applying different TDs. Test dose size has an effect on shapes of regenerated dose–response curves (DRCs) and has different influences on Des and characteristic saturation doses for quartz samples with a high dose range. A TD size of 20%–30% De is a good compromise for Tibetan loess with De of ∼60–120 Gy in the quartz SAR protocol, and a TD size larger than 30% should be considered for samples with a larger De. The results of this study highlight the importance of TD size in the SAR–OSL protocol for quartz samples with a high dose range.  相似文献   

Dust depositions are critical archives for understanding interior aridification and westerly climatic changes in Central Asia. Accurate and reliable dating of loess is very important for interpreting and correlating environmental records. There remains a disparity between luminescence ages and radiocarbon dating of late Quaternary loess from the Ili Basin in Central Asia. In this study, we establish a closely spaced quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) chronology for the 20.5-m-thick Nilka loess section in the Ili Basin. Based on OSL ages, two intervals of higher mass accumulation rate occurred at 49–43 ka and 24–14 ka. We further compare these OSL ages with 23 accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C ages of bulk organic matter. The results indicate that the OSL and radiocarbon ages agree well for ages younger than ca. 25 14C cal ka BP. However, beyond 30 cal ka BP, there is no consistent increase in AMS 14C age with depth, while the OSL ages continue to increase. These differences confirm the observation that the AMS 14C ages obtained using conventional acid–base–acid (ABA) pretreatment are severely underestimated in other terrestrial deposits in Central Asia, which could be due to 2–4% modern carbon contamination. However, OSL dating is applicable for constructing an accurate chronology beyond 30 cal ka BP. We suggest caution when interpreting paleoenvironmental changes based on radiocarbon ages older than 25 cal ka BP.  相似文献   

The quartz Al centre has been used in pioneering studies for ESR dating of sediments. Acceptable age estimates could be obtained for a range of deposits using this centre after estimating the residual level. To inspect the feasibility and reliability of ESR dating of windblown sediments, six loess samples from the loess–paleosol sequences of Luochuan profile on central Loess Plateau, China, were dated by ESR with regeneration method using the quartz Al centre measured at 115 K. The samples were exposed to sunlight for 430 h. Only about 25% signal intensity was bleached. According to our preliminary results, ESR age estimates increased with the depth along the loess profile, however, the ESR age of each sample is only about a half of the reference age of the corresponding strata. For example, the ESR age of a sample from the top of L8 loess near B/M boundary (a known age of 780 ka) yields an age of only 385 ka. It seems that ESR dating using quartz Al centre with dose regeneration protocol may have the potential for dating of loess and other aeolian deposits, but the studies on the nature of the quartz Al centre and experiment protocols have to be studied further.  相似文献   

Extreme seasonal summer rain storms are common in the mountains to the north east of Beijing and these often result in mass movement of sediment slurries transported for up to a few km. These debris flows can be deadly and are very destructive to infrastructure and agriculture. This project tests the application of luminescence dating to determining the return frequency of such extreme events. The high sediment concentration and the very short flow duration gives very little opportunity for daylight resetting during transport and only a small fraction of the total mass is likely to be reset before transport begins. Here we examine the quartz single-grain dose distribution from a recent known-age (<25 years) debris flow from a small (∼3.9 km2) catchment ∼140 km north of Beijing and compare it with those from three samples from a sedimentary sequence containing the evidence of multiple flow events.Multi-grain quartz OSL signals are dominated by the fast component and <1% of the 150–200 μm grains give a detectable test dose (4.5 Gy) response. Single-grain beta dose recovery gave a ratio of 0.97 ± 0.06 (n = 30) with an over-dispersion of 23 ± 8% (CAM). Both the recent known age and the palaeo-distributions are highly dispersed with over-dispersions greater than 50%. The average weighted doses range between ∼3 mGy and ∼6.5 Gy, indicating that all deposits are no more than a few thousand years. Minimum age modelling give an age estimate for the youngest sample consistent with the known age, and minimum ages for the older palaeo-deposits suggest that there have been at least 3 major debris flows in this small catchment in the last 1000 years.  相似文献   

A luminescence dating study has been applied to inform the history and archaeology of two early medieval buildings in north western France. Five bricks were sampled from the medieval churches (10th–11th centuries A.D.) of Rugles and Condé-sur-Risle in Normandy. The samples were divided and tested in the luminescence laboratories of the University of Durham (UK) and of Iramat-CRP2A, University of Bordeaux 3 (France). The fine grain and quartz inclusion techniques were applied, and tests included an examination of the anomalous fading of the luminescence signal from fine grain samples and coarse grains of feldspar. With one exception, the dates produced using the fine grain technique, although corrected for fading, were significantly younger than those produced with quartz inclusions. Although most of the corrected fine grain dates were consistent with the medieval construction of the churches, the brick fabric is of Roman type by archaeological assessment, and this is supported by the quartz coarse grain dates. We conclude that the bricks sampled are re-used, likely to be of Roman origin, and that the reliability of measurements with feldspars in brick fabrics requires wider investigation.  相似文献   

The site of Bonneval (France) exhibits a 6 m thick stratigraphical sequence in which Middle and Lower Palaeolithic artefacts were discovered. The stratigraphy of the site consists of an alternation of loess-like silt layers deposited along glacial stages, and paleosoil horizons corresponding to the vegetal stabilization of the area during interglacials. These layers hence provide past environmental informations and can be used as stratigraphical markers and compared with well dated sequences of Northern France. Eight sediment samples from this Middle and Upper Pleistocene sequence were dated using the recuperated optically stimulated luminescence (Re-OSL) signal of quartz grains. The middle-size fraction (40–63 μm) shows a good reproducibility of the OSL signals which allows the application of a multiple-aliquot additive-dose approach for De determination. For all samples, the growth curves are linear up to an accumulated dose of 3000 Gy. The Re-OSL ages range from ~100 to ~450 ka and are in good agreement with the independent chronological information; they establish when handaxe industries have been made during the Middle and Upper Pleistocene in the Paris Basin.  相似文献   

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