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由于吹填过程的水力分选作用钙质砂土地基颗粒分布不均匀,容易形成分布不均、形态各异的以不同细粒含量的粉细砂层为主的细粒汇集层,引起钙质砂土地基承载力和不均匀沉降问题。开展不同细粒含量的粉细砂三轴固结排水剪切试验,分析细粒含量对钙质砂土力学特性的影响。研究结果表明,(1)当细粒含量增加时相同围压下土样剪胀性逐渐减弱,且峰值偏应力也逐渐减小;(2)各组试样干密度为1.40 g/cm3状态下各含量粉细砂均表现出应变软化特征,当细粒含量为10%时粉细砂土体强度稳定性最差,之后稳定性随细粒含量增加而逐渐增大;(3)钙质细砂由于颗粒咬合作用,具有表观黏聚力,当细粒含量小于40%时,随着细粒含量增加,颗粒之间的咬合作用显著降低,表观黏聚力线性减小。研究成果可为粉细砂层的地基处理及边坡稳定分析提供参考。  相似文献   

Microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) is used increasingly to improve the engineering properties of granular soils that are unsuitable for construction. This shows MICP technique significant advantages such as low energy consumption and environmentally friendly feature. The objective of the present study is to assess the strength behaviour of bio-cemented sand with varying cementation levels, and to provide an insight into the mechanism of MICP treatment. A series of isotropic consolidated undrained compression tests, calcite mass measurement and scanning electron microscopy tests were conducted. The experimental results show that the strength of bio-cemented sand depends heavily on the cementation level (or calcite content). The variations of strength parameters, i.e. effective friction angle φ′ and effective cohesion c′, with the increase in calcite content can be well evaluated by a linear function and an exponential function, respectively. Based on the precipitation mechanism of calcite crystals, bio-clogging and bio-cementation of calcite crystals are correlated to the amount of total calcite crystals and effective calcite crystals, respectively, and contributed to the improvement in the effective friction angle and effective cohesion of bio-cemented sand, separately.  相似文献   

Cui  Ming-Juan  Zheng  Jun-Jie  Chu  Jian  Wu  Chao-Chuan  Lai  Han-Jiang 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(5):1377-1389

Calcareous sands have abundant intraparticle pores and are prone to particle breakage. This often leads to poor engineering properties, which poses a challenge to coastal infrastructure construction. A study using bio-cementation to improve the engineering properties of calcareous sand is presented in this paper. The macro- and microscopic properties of bio-cemented calcareous sand were characterized by drained triaxial tests and scanning electron microscopy observations. Experimental results show that the precipitated calcium carbonate can effectively fill the intra- and interparticle pores and bond adjacent particles, thus enhancing the shear strength of calcareous sand. The special structures (e.g. abundant intraparticle pores and rough surface) and mineral components (i.e. calcium carbonate) of calcareous sand are beneficial for improving bacterial retention in soil, which leads to a relatively uniform and dense calcium carbonate distribution on the sand particle surface, exhibiting a layer-by-layer growth pattern. This growth pattern and the abundant interparticle pores would result in less effective calcium carbonate. The strength enhancement of bio-cemented calcareous sand is significantly lower than that of bio-cemented silica sand at the same calcium carbonate content, which may be caused by the differences in the following: (a) soil skeleton strength; (b) the amount of effective calcium carbonate; and (c) interparticle pore-filling of calcium carbonate.


钙质砂抗剪强度特性的环剪试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
珊瑚礁沉积的钙质砂与石英砂的物理力学性质有较大差别。对取自南海岛礁的钙质砂进行了单次往返环剪试验以分析钙质砂的抗剪强度特性,试验中考虑了相对密实度和竖向应力对结果的影响,并与相同级配和试验条件下的石英砂进行对比分析。结果表明:钙质砂正向剪切时应力-位移曲线为软化型,具有明显的残余强度特性,而反向剪切时则表现为硬化型,正向和反向剪切强度基本一致;石英砂正向剪切和反向剪切均表现为软化型。钙质砂正向剪切和反向剪切残余强度与峰值强度的比值在0.75~0.93之间;石英砂正向剪切和反向剪切残余强度与对应峰值强度的比值在0.89~0.96之间。相同级配和试验条件下,钙质砂残余强度均大于石英砂,且强度比值基本保持在1.05~1.3之间。在100、200 kPa竖向荷载作用下,钙质砂0.5~2.0 mm的颗粒发生了破碎,破碎率分别为4%和6%。  相似文献   

为深入研究剪切速率对钙质砂强度和变形特征的影响,对钙质干砂进行不同剪切速率条件下的直剪试验。研究结果表明,随剪切速率从0.1 mm/min增至2.4 mm/min时钙质砂抗剪强度先减小后增大,其内摩擦角亦呈现出先减小后增大趋势,临界剪切速率为1.6 mm/min;低法向应力条件下钙质砂试样随剪切速率的增加更易于呈现剪胀现象,高法向应力条件下剪切速率从0.1 mm/min增长至1.6 mm/min时试样整体剪缩量逐渐减小;当剪切速率继续从1.6 mm/min增长至2.4 mm/min时试样最大剪缩量逐渐增加;不同法向应力水平条件下钙质砂加载速率效应的细观机制不同,较低应力水平条件下钙质砂加载速率效应主要由试样内部颗粒错动、换位、重新排列引起,在较高应力水平条件下钙质砂加载速率效应主要由颗粒破碎引起。  相似文献   

Nafisi  Ashkan  Liu  Qianwen  Montoya  Brina M. 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(10):3239-3251
Acta Geotechnica - Bio-mediated techniques have the potential to be an eco-friendly and sustainable solution for engineering problems in the presence of unfavorable soil conditions. During the...  相似文献   

He  Shao-Heng  Shan  Hua-Feng  Xia  Tang-Dai  Liu  Zhi-Jun  Ding  Zhi  Xia  Fan 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(2):613-633
Acta Geotechnica - In answer to the growing demands for temperature-related engineering applications in marine geotechnical engineering, this article explores the effect of temperature on the...  相似文献   

菌液注射方式对微生物固化砂土动力特性影响试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物固化技术是近年来岩土工程领域兴起的一种新型环保地基处理技术,该技术通过向待固化土体内注入细菌,利用细菌水解尿素,并在引入钙源的条件下,诱导产生碳酸钙晶体以胶结松散土颗粒。在微生物固化过程中,碳酸钙晶体分布的均匀性是目前该技术研究的热点之一。文中尝试通过在纯菌液中引入0.05 mol/L氯化钙溶液(称为混合菌液)对细菌分布进行人为干预,并基于动三轴试验及扫描电镜测试,对比分析了纯/混菌液、混合菌液及传统纯菌液等注射方式对微生物固化砂土动力特性的影响。试验结果表明:纯/混菌液注射方式能有效提高微生物固化砂土中碳酸钙晶体分布的均匀性,从而获得碳酸钙含量较高、动弹性模量较大及耗能能力较强的微生物固化砂土。  相似文献   

Lv  Yaru  Li  Xin  Fan  Chengfei  Su  Yuchen 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(10):3209-3228

Calcareous sand is a typical problematic marine sediment because of its angular and porous particles. The effects of internal pores on the mechanical properties of calcareous sand particles have rarely been investigated. In this paper, the apparent morphology and internal structure of calcareous sand particles are determined by scanning electron microscopy and computed tomography tests, finding that the superficial pores connect inside and outside of the particles, forming a well-developed network of cavities and an internal porosity of up to 40%. The effects of particle morphology and internal porosity on the mechanical responses of particle were investigated by conducting photo-related compression test and 3D numerical simulations. Two failure modes are observed for the porous calcareous sand, i.e., compressive failure indicates that the particle skeleton is continually compressed and fragmented into small detritus without obvious splitting, and tensile failure indicates that the particles are broken into several fragments when the axial force clearly peaks. Calcareous sand particles with a high internal porosity or with small and dense pores often exhibit compressive failure, and vice versa. The particle strength is considerably reduced by increasing the internal porosity, but affected by pore size in nonlinear correlation. The crushing stress–strain points can be well fitted by an exponential curve, which is supplied for discussion.


细颗粒对钙质砂渗透性的影响试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡明鉴  崔翔  王新志  刘海峰  杜韦 《岩土力学》2019,40(8):2925-2930
钙质砂地基的渗透性是影响人工灰沙岛地下淡水形成的重要因素,而细颗粒的含量及其赋存状态对渗透性有重要的影响,为此开展了不同细颗粒含量的钙质砂渗透性试验研究。选用南海某岛的钙质砂,基于不同细粒配比的钙质砂样常水头渗透试验,分析细颗粒对钙质砂地层渗透性的影响。试验结果显示,促使钙质砂渗透性发生明显变化的粒级为≤0.075mm范围。当最小粒径≤0.075mm时,钙质砂的渗透系数量级为10^-2cm/s,呈中透水性。当最小粒径介于0.075~0.500mm时,渗透系数量级为10^-1cm/s,呈高透水性。钙质砂最终稳定渗透系数与细粒含量之间表现出不同的规律:(1)当细颗粒含量小于9%时,渗透系数随细粒含量的增加而缓慢减小;(2)当细颗粒含量在9%~24%时,渗透性随细粒含量的增加而迅速减小;(3)当细颗粒含量大于24%时,渗透性随细粒含量的增加变化不大。影响渗透系数的细粒含量存在着由试样骨架形成的孔隙决定的,反映孔隙最佳充填时的细粒含量界限值,充填不佳或过量细粒均可能在渗透作用下发生细粒运移流失。  相似文献   

张小燕  张益  张晋勋  魏凯园  王宁 《岩土力学》2022,43(8):2115-2122
珊瑚岛礁常年处于复杂的海洋动力环境中,岛上堤坝围堰、基坑等构筑物的地基渗透变形甚至破坏会导致地基承载力失效的可能性变高。为探究橡胶纤维固化钙质砂的渗透特性和固结特性,采用常水头渗透试验和固结试验研究不同纤维含量下钙质砂的渗透规律和固结变形规律,并设置含纤维玻璃珠对照组。钙质砂具有颗粒形状极不规则、多棱角、内孔隙多等特点,为进一步研究颗粒形状的影响,采用高速动态图像粒度分析仪对钙质砂和玻璃珠的颗粒形状和粒径进行分析。试验结果表明,纤维含量对钙质砂试样渗透特性几乎无影响,但是含纤维玻璃珠试样中,随着纤维含量的增加,渗透系数先增加后减小。由于形状不规则橡胶纤维的加入,一定程度上填补了钙质砂之间的孔隙;钙质砂试样存在 800 kPa 的压力阈值,当压力超过800 kPa后,其压缩模量增幅变缓;不同纤维含量试样的e-lg p曲线可以用Harris模型表示,钙质砂组的材料系数 C= 5,玻璃珠组材料系数C= 3,此外,材料参数ab与纤维含量有较好的线性关系。提出了合理的预测模型指导地基加固,具有十分重要的理论价值与工程实际意义。  相似文献   

为研究钙质砂剪切特性的围压效应和粒径效应,开展了在不同粒径、不同相对密实度以及不同围压条件下的三轴剪切试验,并引入应力相对软化系数和剪胀系数对应变软化特征及剪胀特征进行了定量表征。试验研究表明,随围压的增大,不同粒径钙质砂试样应变软化特征及剪胀特征逐渐减弱,且围压与应力相对软化系数和剪胀系数均呈半对数线性相关。不同粒径钙质砂试样存在一强度临界围压和体变临界围压分别使得应变软化特征和剪胀特征消失。在粒径为5~0.075 mm范围内,对松样而言,围压对软化特征和剪胀特征存在显著影响,但与粒径不存在显著相关性;对密样而言,随粒径逐渐减小,围压对试样软化特征的影响逐渐增强,而对试样剪胀特征的影响逐渐减弱。在低围压(50 kPa)条件下,0.5~0.25 mm粒径组试样破碎最显著。  相似文献   

微生物固化(microbial-induced calcite precipitation, 简称为MICP)技术是岩土工程领域新兴起的一种地基处理技术,利用微生物诱导产生的碳酸钙晶体胶结松散土颗粒,改善土体的力学特性。选用巴氏芽孢杆菌作为固化细菌,采用单一浓度(0.5、1.0 mol)和多浓度相结合(前期采用0.5 mol,后期采用1.0 mol)的化学处理方式注射胶结液(尿素/氯化钙混合液),研究化学处理方式对微生物固化砂土强度的影响。基于试验测试分析了固化砂土试样的强度、破坏模式以及碳酸钙含量。试验结果表明,化学处理方式对固化砂土试样的强度有显著影响,对破坏模式和碳酸钙含量无明显影响;多浓度相结合的化学处理方式能够以较少的灌浆次数获取较高强度的试样。最后,对化学处理方式对强度影响的机制进行深入分析。  相似文献   

崔明娟  郑俊杰  赖汉江 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z2):397-402
微生物固化技术(MICP)是岩土工程领域新兴起的一种不良地基处理技术,不同地基土体之间的颗粒粒径并不相同,其固化效果也可能存在一定差别。选用3种不同颗粒粒径范围的砂土进行微生物固化处理,并基于无侧限抗压强度试验、孔隙体积测量和洗酸处理,从宏观角度分析颗粒粒径对微生物固化效果的影响。结合扫描电镜测试,从细观角度对微生物固化机制进行了初探。研究结果表明,微生物固化砂土中碳酸钙晶体以颗粒簇形式堆积在砂土颗粒表面及颗粒间接触处,其尺寸随碳酸钙晶体堆叠程度的增加而增大;对于颗粒粒径较小的砂土,颗粒间孔隙较易被碳酸钙晶体填充密实,固化试样内有效碳酸钙晶体比例较大,“结构性”较强,无侧限抗压强度较高。  相似文献   

Zhou  Bo  Zhang  Xing  Wang  Jianfeng  Wang  Huabin  Shen  Jiawei 《Acta Geotechnica》2023,18(2):985-999
Acta Geotechnica - The use of the calcareous soil as a backfill material in ocean constructions faces pervasive challenges due to the significant rate of particle fracture. To meet the requirements...  相似文献   

Aspects of sand behaviour by modified constant shear drained tests   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Constant shear drained tests (CSD) are probably the most suitable to simulate the strength and deformation behaviour of soils in slopes under water infiltration conditions or lateral stress relief. This is significant because soil behaviour following a CSD stress path could differ from that of traditional compression triaxial tests. In this paper, CSD tests on sand following an alternative procedure are presented and discussed. The modified CSD tests were conducted by increasing the pore water pressure at a constant rate from one end of the specimen with water free to drain from the opposite end. Among the results from specimens consolidated at variable initial void ratios and principal stress ratios it was revealed that specimens showed a tendency to dilate even for loose sands; failure was reached at low axial strains; and a pre-failure type of instability could be identified. The modified procedure has the potential to provide new insights into the failure mechanisms of slopes under a water infiltration condition.  相似文献   

桩基附近土颗粒的运动行为与宏观力学表现密切相关,对揭示界面剪切机制具有重要意义。利用自主研制的大型直剪仪,结合三维数字图像相关技术(3D-DIC)全场位移测量分析系统,开展了钢−钙质砂界面循环剪切试验,研究了界面附近砂颗粒的运动行为演化规律。结果表明:界面峰值剪切应力和发挥的界面摩擦角随循环次数的增大而增加,体变特性以剪缩为主;钙质砂颗粒左右移动的幅度与距界面的垂直距离成反比,钙质砂颗粒的位置随循环次数的增大逐渐向正剪切方向移动,试验结束时上剪切盒左侧区域的钙质砂颗粒向正剪切方向移动的距离最大;钙质砂颗粒在单个循环内出现有规律的上下移动,向下移动的幅值更大,位于上层的钙质砂颗粒向下移动的位移值大于下层;钙质砂颗粒的运动速度在沿单方向剪切时,呈现出慢−快−慢的变化规律,位于上剪切盒右侧区域的钙质砂的体变特性较左侧区域更显著;网格位移值和缺失数量随循环次数的增大而增加,在试验后期趋于稳定,试验结束时的破碎带厚度为 6.21 mm。  相似文献   

钙质砂中的桩基工程研究进展述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单华刚  汪稔 《岩土力学》2000,21(3):299-304
系统综述了钙质砂中桩基工程研究的历史和现状, 分析了钙质砂的低桩基承载力的原因, 提出今后重点研究方向  相似文献   

彭宇  丁选明  肖杨  楚剑  邓玮婷 《岩土力学》2019,(7):2663-2672
针对混合粒径钙质砂中不同粒径颗粒绝对破碎量无法获得和现有破碎率难以考虑破碎重叠掩盖破碎量这两个问题开展研究。设计了粗砂、中砂、细砂颗粒集中分布的3种级配钙质砂试样,进行侧限压缩试验。对不同粒径区间钙质砂分别染成不同颜色,拍照获取各粒径区间钙质砂破碎信息;采用Image J软件进行彩色图像颗粒分割、二值化处理、统计各颜色颗粒面积,换算得各颜色颗粒破碎后含量;并提出考虑破碎重叠掩盖的试样累积破碎率指标B_a。结果表明,随压力增大及颗粒分布集中,试样的重叠掩盖破碎量增大。混合粒径钙质砂中的中间粒径(0.25~1.00mm)颗粒易于破碎,各粒径颗粒破坏模式以颗粒边角破碎为主;累积破碎率B_a值较相对破碎率B_r较大,与垂向压力对数值间满足线性关系,为颗粒破碎研究提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

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