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山脉的隆升与夷平无不与地表岩石的风化剥蚀密切相关,暴雨冲刷作用对山区岩石的风化剥蚀至关重要。雨水顺着倾斜的山坡迅速汇聚,形成湍急洪流,冲携山坡上的砂砾与小石块,对石坡上原先小幅度的洼凹之地或薄弱部位进行机械性磨蚀与化学溶蚀,上述地质过程不断重复,逐渐形成山坡壶穴。美国加州华斯克巨岩公园、澳大利亚中部大红山以及中国北京西山的山坡壶穴都是暴雨流壶穴的典型例子。可惜过去一段时间里北京西山地区的山坡壶穴被误认为是"京西古道上骡马驴踩出来的蹄坑",这样解释的前提条件是在数百年间、数以万计的骡马驴不断地踩进同一处、且不断加深的石头蹄坑。动物行为学研究表明,马之类的动物在行走过程中会本能地躲避踩进较深(≥5~10 cm)的洼坑或水坑,以防扭伤蹄腕或折断腿骨。世界上著名的铺石古道上只见车辙痕不见马蹄坑,亦是有力的证明。  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - The hydrothermal molybdenum–uranium deposits of the Streltsovka ore field are localized in a volcanic caldera of Late Mesozoic age. The paper presents the results of...  相似文献   

Astronomy Reports - A means of generating the radio emission of polars is proposed, based on cyclotron radiation of thermal electrons in a fluctuating magnetic field. The source of these...  相似文献   

A comparison is made of elemental analyses of sediment samples (lake bottom sediments and sediments from the petroliferous Bazhenovka Formation) by five competitive methods (synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence (SR-XRF), INAA, ICP-MS, AAS and traditional XRF). The object of this study was to identify the most suitable analytical techniques for applications in sedimentary geochemistry. Advantages and shortcomings of the five techniques were considered with respect to applications related to studies of palaeo-climate changes recorded in sedimentary cores from Lake Baikal and the geochemical stratigraphy of the Bazhenovka Formation, which is rich in organic material. We have concluded that SR-XRF was the best technique for producing extensive analytical data series, from the point of view of its speed, ease of application, cost, non-destructive nature and sensitivity, which allowed for the simultaneous determination of more than twenty elements of geochemical interest in small samples of sediments. An additional benefit of the method was demonstrated when used for the independent certification of geological reference materials. International reference samples BIL-1 and SDO-1 were certified by means of this method without use of reference materials. Analyses were based on the physics of the theory of energy transport.  相似文献   

马头山组是滇中红色盆地中最重要的赋矿层位,其岩性特征主要为泥岩、砂岩、砾岩等碎屑岩.碎屑岩的化学成分可以反映源区沉积岩的构造背景和物源属性,基于马头山组非矿化岩石主量元素、微量元素和稀土元素地球化学特征分析,揭示组成马头山组的岩石具有:①SiO2含量高;②Ag、Pb、Bi、Ni等亲铜元素富集,Be、Ga、Rb、Y、Nb...  相似文献   

Total organic carbon (TOC) determination, Rock‐Eval pyrolysis, extractable organic matter content (EOM) fractionation, gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analyses, were carried out on 79 samples from eleven outcrop cross sections of the Bahloul Formation in central and northern Tunisia. The TOC content varied between 0.23 to 35.6%, the highest average values (18.73%, 8.46% and 4.02%) being at the east of the study area (at Ain Zakkar, Oued Bahloul and Dyr Ouled Yahia localities, respectively). The Rock‐Eval maximum pyrolysis temperature (Tmax) values in the 424–453°C range delineated a general east‐west trend increase in the organic matter (OM) maturity. The disparity in hydrogen index (HI) values, in the range 114–824 mg hydrocarbons (HC) g?1 TOC, is relevant for the discrepancy in the level of OM preservation and maturity among localities and samples. The n‐alkane distributions, maximizing in the C17 to C20 range, are typical for a marine planktonic origin, whereas pristine/phytane (Pr/Ph) average values in the 1–2 range indicate an oxic to suboxic depositional environment. Pr/n‐C17 and Ph/n‐C18 ratios in the 0.38–6.2 and 0.68–3.25 range, respectively, are consistent with other maturity indicators and the contribution of specific bacteria to phytol as a precursor of isoprenoids. The thermal maturity varies between late diagenesis to main‐stage of petroleum generation based on the optic and the cis‐trans isomerisation of the C29 sterane [20S/(20S+20R) and 14β(H),17β(H)/(14β(H),17β(H)+14α(H),17α(H)), respectively] and the terpane [18α(H)22,29,30‐Trisnorneohopane/(18α(H)22,29,30‐Trisnorneohopane+17α(H)22,29,30‐Trisnorhopane): Ts/(Ts+Tm)] ratios. The Bahloul OM is represented by an open marine to estuarine algal facies with a specific bacterial contribution as revealed by the relative abundance of the ααα‐20R C27 (33–44%), C28 (22–28%) and C29 (34–41%) steranes and by the total terpanes/total steranes ratio (1.2–5.33). These results attested that the Bahloul OM richness was controlled both by an oxygen minimum zone induced by high productivity and restricted circulation in narrow half graben structures and around diapirs of the Triassic salt.  相似文献   

东濮凹陷盐湖相油气成因与成藏机理研究薄弱。采用色谱/质谱(GC/MS)等常规技术,结合傅立叶变换离子回旋共振质谱、单体烃碳同位素技术,对东濮凹陷北部文明寨、卫城地区油气特征及其成因进行了解剖。结果表明,该区原油具有植烷对姥鲛烷优势显著、伽马蜡烷富集、升藿烷“翘尾”、甾烷异构化程度较低等咸水、盐湖相原油的典型特征。原油还具有正构烷烃单体烃碳同位素呈低碳重、高碳轻、近两段式分布的特征,与柴达木盐湖相原油有所差异。原油中检测到丰富的S1、S2、O1S1、N1、O1、O2、O3等芳构化程度较低的NSO化合物,其与该区低熟油的形成关系密切。油-油、油-岩详细对比表明,东濮凹陷北部原油主要来自埋深超过3 000 m的沙三—沙四段烃源岩、存在不同成熟度原油混合聚集现象。研究结果对该区进一步油气勘探具有重要指示意义。  相似文献   

Pterosaur pelves feature prominently in discussions of pterosaur terrestrial locomotion (e.g. Wellnhofer 1988; Bennett 1990), but have otherwise received scant attention.  相似文献   

AbstractAn incomplete caudal vertebral series (IVPP Vl1309) from the Yixian Formation of late MesozoicJianshangou area of Beipiao, western Liaoning Province, may represent a new bird. The tail is composed of at least 12 free caudal vertebrae and the most distal 5 caudal vertebrae co-ossified into a pygostyle. The pygostyle is plate-like and slightly curved dorsally. The anterior free caudals are amphiplatyan. The anterior caudal surfaces of the last three free caudals are concave, but their posterior articular surfaces are convex. The pygostyle is regarded as the first appeared flight apparatus during the evolutionary process from Archaeopteryx to neornithes. The pygostyle appeared in most early fossil birds and almost all the modem birds. Although their morphologies are different, they are basically formed by at least four last caudal vertebrae. The specimen V11309 is regarded as a bird rather than a non-avian theropod dinosaur based on the following characters: short caudal vertebrae, numerous pits present on the surfaces of the centra and, a foramen present between the basal part of the fused neural spines, which is similar to that of Struthio camelus. The discoveries of pygostyles from the therizinosauroids and oviraptorosaurs may provide strong evidence for supporting the origin of birds from small theropod dinosaurs. The structure of the pygostyle in specimen Vl1309 is different from those of Beipiaosaurus (Therizinosauroid) and Nomingia (oviraptorosaur). The most parsimonious interpretation is that these pygostyle-like structures are independently acquired by Beipiaosaurus and Nomingia during their evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Petroleum geologists have debated whether the hydrocarbons from Jurassic coal measures are derived from the coals, carbonaceous mudstones or coal-measure mudstones in the Turpan Basin. Based on the geochemistry analysis of the 20 crude oils and 40 source rocks from the Turpan Basin, some data have been obtained as follows: carbon preference index and methylphenanthrene index of the Jurassic oils are 1.16–1.45 and 0.28–0.80, and the ααα C29 sterane 20S/(20S+20R) and C29 sterane ββ/(ββ+αα) are 0.44–0.51 and 0.4–0.54 respectively, which show the normal maturity of oils; the vitrinite reflectance of the source rocks from the Xishanyao to Badaowan Formations range from 0.47% to 0.97%, which indicate immature to mature thermal evolutionary stage and sufficient conditions for generating mass mature oil. The effect of hydrocarbon expulsion should be considered when studying the source of coal-derived oil by using Biomarkers. Biomarkers in the Jurassic oils from the basin are similar to those in the coals and carbonaceous mudstones, with a strong predominant content of pristane, relatively high ratio of C15/C16 sesquiterpenoids (>1), a relatively high content of low carbon number tricyclic terpanes and C24 tetracyclic terpane, little gammacerane and C29 Ts detected, an absolute predominant content of C29 sterane and a relatively high content of diasterane. However, the opposite characteristics are shown in mudstones, with an approximately equal content of pristane and phytane, relatively low ratio of C15/C16 sesquiterpenoids (<1), a relatively high content of high carbon number tricyclic terpanes and a low content of C24 tetracyclic terpane, peaks of gammacerane and C29 Ts detected obviously and an increasing C27 sterane content. All of these characteristics identify the coals and carbonaceous mudstones as the possible major oil source rocks in this area, and they were formed in the stronger oxidizing environment with shallower water than mudstones.  相似文献   

Popocatepetl volcano in Central Mexico entered its latest stage of activity in late 1994. Due to the nature of its eruptive history and its location in a heavily populated area, it constitutes the highest risk in the cuntry. For this reason the volcano is currently under continuous surveillance; yet the interpretation of the information is carried out mostly on empirical basis and an integrating working model is lacking, at the present. In this paper, models of elastic deformation and mass erupted are developed to estimate the mass erupted according to the observed deformation patterns. We present results obtained from input based upon a gravimetric model of the volcano's internal structure and reasonable physical parameters of the volcanic system. These results are helpful in the planning of deformation and gravimetric observations aimed to forecast a major eruption.  相似文献   

辽西义县鹰窝山下白垩统义县组砖城子层中部发育一套湖相碳酸盐岩,可识别出4种岩相类型,其中角砾化团块灰岩相中含有大量燧石,所含的燧石可据形态划分为结核状、透镜状和团块状3种类型,据颜色和透明度识别出两种类型。燧石以微晶石英和玉髓为主,含少量的白云石和方解石晶粒。该岩相系相对干旱气候背景下的洪积-漫湖沉积体系中较浅储水洼地沉积,火山活动也具一定的影响力。  相似文献   

江西宜春武功山地区出露的震旦纪老虎塘组由薄层状的砂岩、粉砂岩和泥岩组成,岩石普遍经历了强烈的变形和变质作用。由于缺乏古生物化石和年龄值,其沉积时代和源区存在着争议。本文运用LA-ICP-MS技术,对老虎塘组两件变砂岩中的碎屑锆石进行了U-Pb和Hf同位素测定,共获得187个U-Pb年龄值,主要位于423~537 Ma和660~1 280 Ma两段。两个样品中最年轻的碎屑锆石年龄为(432.7±1.8)Ma,结合区域地质资料限定老虎塘组形成时代为志留纪。锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素表明,年龄为423~537 Ma的碎屑锆石主要来源于华夏板块北缘加里东期的花岗岩,而年龄为660~1 280 Ma碎屑锆石显示物源主要来自钦—杭结合带,而其它少量的古元古代和太古代物质可能主要来源于华夏板块基底或者再循环的物质。因此,碎屑锆石年龄显示老虎塘组物源主要来源于华夏板块北緣加里东期岩浆岩和钦—杭结合带。大量的早古生代碎屑锆石数据反映了华夏板块北緣加里东期的造山事件,这次造山事件为早古生代晚期沉积盆地提供了大量的物质来源。  相似文献   

烃源岩催化生烃机制研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘洛夫  李术元 《地质论评》2000,46(5):491-498
本文扼要综述了国内外在热模拟催化生烃领域的研究进展,并针对其存在问题或不足之处,提出了新的研究思路,设计了新的实验方案,对烃源岩催化生烃机理和过程进行定量的研究,建立定量的催化反应速率数学模型和催化生烃产离数学模型,并制作成可操作的计算软件,划分出起正催化作用和反催化作用的催化剂。在研究过程中,全面考虑某生油岩中的所有粘土矿物和地下水中的无机盐类对生烃的催化作用,即系统地分别考虑生油岩中存在的各单  相似文献   

Three thinning and fining-upward turbidite sequences are described from the Precambrian Kongsfjord Formation, a 3.5 km thick flysch succession. Their thicknesses range between about 2 and 5 m. They show a progressive upward decrease in bed thickness, bulk mean grain size and the ratio of the higher to lower energy division of the Bouma sequence. In one case, however, there is an initial upward bed thickness and grain size increase, with an increase in the proportion of the higher energy division. The absence of structureless mud of the Bouma E division and the presence of wavy interfaces between beds, together with similar palaeo-currents within each sequence suggest that these sequences resulted from related depositional events. These sequences are interpreted as the deposits of retrogressive flow slides, as an alternative to the classic mechanism of channel fill after abandonment.  相似文献   

川中须家河组流体包裹体与天然气成藏机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于本区构造演化、生烃条件和储集条件及其时空配置的综合分析,根据烃类包裹体形成时间分布的广泛性和离散性,认为须家河组油气充注和聚集成藏是一个持续的过程,主要从晚侏罗世开始持续到古近纪末.天然气成藏时期不是表现为某一或某几个时刻或时期,须家河组煤系烃源岩具有连续生烃、持续充注的特点.根据川中地区的沉积埋藏史,将须家河组的成藏过程分为早期深埋阶段和晚期抬升阶段.深埋阶段(晚侏罗世-晚白垩世)也是成岩圈闭的形成阶段和大量生烃阶段,油气呈层状蒸发式运移,形成泛气田(圈闭内气饱和度较低,致密砂岩介质中有一定的分散滞留气,大面积连片砂体普遍含气).构造抬升阶段(白垩纪末-古近纪末)产生断裂和裂缝,烃源岩中的气进一步释放,分流汇聚于孔渗性好的砂体中,形成大面积的孤立气藏(圈闭内气饱和度较高,致密砂岩介质滞留分散气较少).须家河组连片砂体与煤系烃源岩互层,生储盖配置得当,天然气成藏是一个持续充注的过程.大范围烃源层和储集层层状间互展布,产状平缓,油气以短距离垂向运移为主,是形成大面积低丰度大气区的主要原因.  相似文献   

Neogene potassic lavas in northern and southern Tibet have differentisotopic (  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Selwyn Block in Central Victoria forms the mainly unexposed basement to the Paleozoic metasediments, granitic rocks and felsic volcanic complexes of the Melbourne Zone of the Lachlan Orogen. The Late Devonian felsic rocks are largely products of partial melting of the Selwyn Block, and their chemistry implies that their sources were most probably arc-related andesite, dacite, volcaniclastic greywackes and some pelites. When plotted against the median longitudes of the plutons and volcanic complexes, the average values for 87Sr/86Srt and ?Ndt (at 370 Ma) reveal broad trends interpreted to reflect possible compositional and/or age structure in the Selwyn Block. Assuming that the trends are real, from W to E, I-type sources are progressively less crustally evolved, probably younging eastward. The S-type sources show no trend in ?Ndt, suggesting that there was efficient sediment mixing. The 87Sr/86Srt values, however, become more evolved eastward (opposite in sense to the apparent variation in the I-type sources). This is interpreted as the original Selwyn Block sediments having been more pelitic eastward, perhaps suggesting a deepening of the basin in this direction, as well as structurally upward in the succession. The opposite senses of variation highlights the spatial separation of the S- and I-type sources and suggest that the granitic magmas here are unlikely to represent any sort of mixing continuum.  相似文献   

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