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Cheng-Chao Lee Chieh-Hou Yang Hsing-Chang Liu Kuo-Liang Wen Zi-Bin Wang Yi-Jie Chen 《Engineering Geology》2008,98(3-4):115-125
Resistivity Image Profiling (RIP) surveys was used to develop a lithological and hydrogeological model of the subsurface in the southeastern part of Lishan landslide area of central Taiwan. The bedrock consists of slate in the study area. Based on RIP and rock samples collected from boreholes results, three electrical strata are recognized: colluvium, the shear zone composed of shear gouges and shattered slate, and the undisturbed slate formation. The steep shear zone with resistivity ranging between 100 ~ 260 Ω-m, plays a crucial role in the local hydrogeological environment, because it forms a natural barrier which blocks and retains groundwater flowing down the slope. Groundwater will brim over the barrier when the water level is high. Thus the inclined groundwater table remains stable from long-term monitoring. It strongly indicates that the groundwater recharge is greater than that of discharge. Therefore, the shear zone can provide information about the optimum locations for draining the excess groundwater in-situ for slope stability consideration.
The curved basal surface of the colluvium and the weathered slate can also be discerned from the resistivity variations and boreholes data. A series of circular patterns may associate with the main slope failure which migrated upwards from the lower slope. 相似文献
Tsung-Ren Peng Chung-Ho Wang Tein-Chang Lai Frank Shu-Ken Ho 《Environmental Geology》2007,52(8):1617-1629
Over a 1-year period, 343 samples, including precipitation, creek, pond, and groundwater, were collected from June 2003 to
May 2004. Analyses were performed for stable oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions. Selected samples were also analyzed
for tritium. The goal was to identify possible hydrologic factors contributing to a severe landslide in the Li-Shan area,
central Taiwan. The isotope characteristics indicate that groundwater from Fu-Shou-Shan farm located up-slope from the landslide
area is a major source for slope groundwater, in addition to precipitation. The groundwater is mainly recharged by pond water
at Fu-Shou-Shan farm. According to the calculation of a two-end member equation with δ
18O, the contribution of farm groundwater to slope groundwater is significantly higher than that of precipitation, up to a factor
of five. The estimated drainage efficiency of the existing system is only 23%. Draining off the slope groundwater in the up-slope
region to decrease farm groundwater flow into the slope area is a feasible strategy to effectively reduce the risk of landslide. 相似文献
Proposal of a method to define areas of landslide hazard and application to an area of the Dolomites, Italy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A numerical–cartographical method has been developed to create landslide hazard maps. This method allows the assigning of a rating to the various parameters which contribute to landslides. The parameters considered are: (1) erodibility and degradability of the rocks and Quaternary deposits; (2) permeability of the ground to identify areas prone to hydraulic overpressure; (3) the geometric ratio between discontinuities and slope, and thickness of Quaternary deposits; (4) angle of the slopes; and (5) land use. A thematic map is constructed for each factor considered which defines different areas through ratings, after which all the thematic maps are overlaid and the ratings added up (or multiplied). The map which is thus obtained is reclassified in order to create the final map of landslide hazard. This method, which has already been tested in various areas, has produced excellent results in this case too, allowing a map to be constructed which corresponds to the actual instability problems. 相似文献
Olivier Grünberger Jean-Pierre Montoroi Slah Nasri 《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2004,336(16):1453-1462
Stable isotope compositions (18O and 2H), determined for underground and surface waters from the watershed of a hill reservoir and downstream from the reservoir, suggest that (i) the reservoir water, which is more or less evaporated, represents a mixture between surface waters (rainfall, runoff) and the upstream alluvial groundwater meteoric in origin; (ii) the downstream alluvial groundwater have a stable isotope composition of a previously infiltrated reservoir water. The 18O isotope enrichment modelling of the mixed reservoir water shows that an input flux of 50 m3 day−1 is balanced by an output flux of 300 m3 day−1 when the reservoir water level is above 4.5 m, and by an output flux of 170 m3 day−1 when water levels are lower. The contribution of hill reservoirs to local groundwater movements must be considered in any regional scale hydrological investigations of areas that contain hill reservoirs. To cite this article: O. Grünberger et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).
La composition isotopique (18O et 2H) d'eaux souterraines et superficielles, déterminée pour le bassin versant d'une retenue collinaire et sa partie aval, suggère (i) que l'eau de la retenue, qui est plus ou moins évaporée, représente un mélange entre les eaux de surface (pluie, ruissellement) et la nappe alluviale amont d'origine météorique et (ii) que la nappe alluviale aval a la composition isotopique d'une eau de la retenue anciennement infiltrée. La modélisation de l'enrichissement en isotope 18O pour l'eau mélangée de la retenue montre qu'un flux entrant de 50 m3 j−1 est compensé par un flux sortant de 300 m3 j−1, lorsque le niveau d'eau de la retenue est supérieur à 4,5 m, et par un flux sortant de 170 m3 j−1 en dessous. La contribution des lacs collinaires aux écoulements souterrains doit être prise en compte pour de futures études hydrologiques à l'échelle régionale. Pour citer cet article : O. Grünberger et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004). 相似文献5.
The purpose of this study was to trace the groundwater flow system in the Nagaoka area using subsurface temperature distribution, stable isotopes and water quality. Temperature-depth profiles were measured four times in observation wells during the period 2000–2002. Water was sampled from both observation and pumping wells during the same period. A combination of tracers was used to conceptualize the groundwater flow system. The flow system appears to be divided into shallow, intermediate and deep systems. It is clear that land use, pumping and the infiltration rate are affecting the shallow flow system.An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献