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The sea floor topography around Taiwan is characterized by the asymmetry of its shallow and flat shelves to the west and markedly deep troughs and basins to the south and east. Tectonics and sedimentation are major controls in forming the submarine physiographic features around Taiwan. Three Pliocene-Quaternary shelves are distributed north and west of Taiwan: East China Sea Shelf (passive margin shelf), the Taiwan Strait Shelf (foreland shelf), and Kaoping Shelf (island shelf) from north to south parallel to the strike of Taiwan orogen. Off northeastern Taiwan major morpho/tectonic features associated with plate subduction include E-W trending Ryukyu Trench, Yaeyama accretionary wedge, forearc basins, the Ryukyu Arcs, and the backarc basin of southern Okinawa Trough. Off eastern Taiwan lies the deep Huatung Basin on the Philippine Sea plate with a relatively flat floor, although several large submarine canyons are eroding and crossing the basin floor. Off southeastern Taiwan, the forearc region of the Luzon Arc has been deformed into five alternating N-S trending ridges and troughs during initial arc-continent collision. Among them, the submarine Hengchun Ridge is the seaward continuation of the Hengchun peninsula in southern Taiwan. Off southwestern Taiwan, the broad Kaoping Slope is the major submarine topographic feature with several noticeable submarine canyons. The Penghu Canyon separates this slope from the South China Sea Slope to the west and merges southwards into the Manila Trench in the northern South China Sea. Although most of sea floors of the Taiwan Strait are shallower than 60 m in water depth, there are three noticeable bathymetric lows and two highs in the Taiwan Strait. There exists a close relationship between hydrography and topography in the Taiwan Strait. The circulation of currents in the Taiwan Strait is strongly influenced by seasonal monsoon and semidiurnal tides. The Penghu Channel-Yunchang Ridge can be considered a modern tidal depositional system. The Taiwan Strait shelf has two phases of development. The early phase of the rift margin has developed during Paleoocene-Miocene and it has evolved to the foreland basin in Pliocene-Quaternary time. The present shelf morphology results mainly from combined effects of foreland subsidence and modern sedimentation overprinting that of the Late Pleistocene glaciation about 15,000 years ago.  相似文献   

台湾海峡中,北部棘皮动物的分布特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吕小梅 《台湾海峡》1991,10(2):127-132
本文根据1983年5月至1984年5月台湾海峡中、北部海洋综合调查资料,研究了该区棘皮动物的分布。结果表明,该区棘皮动物83种,初步鉴定到种的有61种;以亚热带种占优势,在组成上更接近于南海,与南海的共有种占62.7%;全区棘皮动物生物量6.18g/m~2,均较南海和东海的高;细颗粒沉积区中生物量较高,而粗颗粒沉积区种类多样性较高。  相似文献   

台湾海峡小型底栖生物数量的量分布   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
海洋小型底栖生物是海洋生态环境中一重要生物类群,在海洋环境中表现出种类繁多、数量大、生命周期短、生产量高等特点,是底栖生物食物链中不可忽视的一环,在生态系统的能量转换中具有重要作用,已在生态研究中把它作为重要的研究对象。  相似文献   

台湾海峡地质构造特征   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
杨肖琪  宋文隆 《台湾海峡》1996,15(2):127-136
台湾海峡及其邻区构造可分为3个一级构造单元,即闵浙中生代隆起区、台湾峡新生代坳陷区和台湾新生代岛弧褶断区。其中台湾海峡新生代坳陷区由海峡的主体和台湾西部兵陵平原区组成,它的东、西边界分别是台湾屈尺-老浓断裂带和粤滨外深断裂带。本文在以往海峡西岸东南海海长东-南澳断裂带研究基础上,对近年来台湾海峡、特别是海峡新生代坳陷区各次一级构造单元的深部地质结构,海底地形地貌、沉积特征、断裂构造、火成岩分布和地  相似文献   

This article discusses briefly the major features of topography, geology, and crustal stability of the possible Taiwan Strait Tunnel Project (TST Project) area. Any one route of the conceived TST Project is larger than either of the English Channel Tunnel or the Seikan submarine Tunnel (Japan) by at least three times in length, and the topographic and geologic conditions are rather more complex and complicated than those of the former two projects. Moreover, the Taiwan Strait is a seismic risk area. Hence, the selection of the route of the submarine tunnel should take advantage of the favorable conditions in the topographic, geologic, seismologic, and other fields to avoid the unfavorable circumstances. At the end of the article, two supposed by comparable routes, especially the south one of TST Project are discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses briefly the major features of topography, geology, and crustal stability of the possible Taiwan Strait Tunnel Project (TST Project) area. Any one route of the conceived TST Project is larger than either of the English Channel Tunnel or the Seikan submarine Tunnel (Japan) by at least three times in length, and the topographic and geologic conditions are rather more complex and complicated than those of the former two projects. Moreover, the Taiwan Strait is a seismic risk area. Hence, the selection of the route of the submarine tunnel should take advantage of the favorable conditions in the topographic, geologic, seismologic, and other fields to avoid the unfavorable circumstances. At the end of the article, two supposed by comparable routes, especially the south one of TST Project are discussed.  相似文献   

胡毅  陈坚  许江 《海洋通报》2011,30(5):595-600
台湾海峡足我国量大的海峡,也是南海与东海进行物质和能量交换的主要通道.区域内地震、台风等灾害多发,潮流作用较强,同时受黑潮分支、南海暖流和东海环流等多种水系的影响,众多的山溪件中小型河流从海峡两侧流入海洋,为海洋沉积环境的研究提供了一个天然的实验场.基于台湾海峡的沉积环境分区、台湾海峡潮成沙脊的沉积环境、山溪性河流入海...  相似文献   

GPS observation indicates that the Fujian coastal region of China mainland, the region of Taiwan Strait and northern Taiwan island all show a generally homogenous horizontal motion with weak deformation. Historical earthquake record over more than 800 years and modern instrumental data reveal that there is potential seismic risk in and around Taiwan Strait region. After the National Seismic Zoning Map of China (2001) the expected seismic risk in northern part of the Taiwan Strait is lower than that in middle and southern part. The suggested northern route of the Taiwan Strait passage project seems to be relatively save seismically.  相似文献   

GPS observation indicates that the Fujian coastal region of China mainland, the region of Taiwan Strait and northern Taiwan island all show a generally homogenous horizontal motion with weak deformation. Historical earthquake record over more than 800 years and modern instrumental data reveal that there is potential seismic risk in and around Taiwan Strait region. After the National Seismic Zoning Map of China (2001) the expected seismic risk in northern part of the Taiwan Strait is lower than that in middle and southern part. The suggested northern route of the Taiwan Strait passage project seems to be relatively save seismically.  相似文献   

In June and November 1988 samples were collected by the improved Manta neuston net at 18 stations in the southern Taiwan Strait.One hundred and two species and variations of phytoneuston are identified.Total individuals of phytoneuston in June are more than those in November.The horiwntal distribution of phytoneuston is that the dense area occurs in the southern Taiwan Bank in June, while it appears in the western Taiwan Bank in November.The diet variations of phytoneuston are very obvious.The.abundance of phytoneuston occurs in the afternoon (16:00),and the minimum at midnight which is opposite to zooneuston.The relationships between phytoneuston and environment, and between phytoneuston and zooneuston are also discussed.  相似文献   

根据地球物理、声学探测、海底取样及实验室测试等实测资料详细分析,发现琼州海峡具有独特的自然条件以及复杂的工程地质特征。海底地形地貌非常复杂,存在沙波、沙堤沙丘、冲刷槽、冲刷脊和丘状突起、陡坡、滑坡、珊瑚礁、浅埋岩石、软弱地层等潜在的地质灾害因素,尤其在琼州海峡中央深槽区,坡度很大,分布着多种潜在的地质灾害,是海底光缆的危险区,应引起重视。  相似文献   

Transient,seasonal and interannual variability of the Taiwan Strait current   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have constructed a fine-resolution model with realistic bathymetry to study the spatial and temporal variations of circulation in the Taiwan Strait (TS). The TS model with a resolution of 3~10 km derives its open boundary conditions from a larger-scale model. The QSCAT/NCEP winds and AVHRR SST provide forcing at the sea surface. Because of the high resolution in model grids and forcing, the model achieves a previously unavailable level of agreement with most observations. On biweekly time scales surface-trapped current reversals often lead to Strait transport reversals if the northeasterly wind bursts in winter are sufficiently strong. On seasonal time scales the northward current is the strongest in summer since both summer monsoon and pressure gradient force are northward. The summer northward current appears to be relatively unimpeded by the Changyun Rise (CYR) and bifurcates slightly near the surface. With the arrival of the northeast monsoon in fall, downwind movement of China Coastal Water (CCW) is blocked by the northward current near 25.5°N and 120°E. In winter, the northward current weakens even more as the northeasterly monsoon strengthens. The CCW moves downwind along the western boundary; the CYR blocks part of the CCW and forces a U-shaped flow pattern in the northern Strait. Past studies have failed to reveal an anticyclonic eddy that develops on the northern flank of CYR in winter. On interannual time scales a weakened northeast monsoon during El Niño reduces advection of the cold CCW from the north and enhances intrusion of warm water from the south, resulting in warming in the TS.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONInfluencedbywarmcurrent,upwellingandalongshore(coastal)waters,zooplanktoniscomparativelyabundantinthesouthpartofTaiwanStrait.Inthepast,macroplanktonnetwasadoptedintheecologicalstudyofzooplanktoninthisarea,thuscausingconsiderablelossofeitherspeciesorindividualnumbersofmeso-andmicrozooplanktoninthesurvey.Inthisstudy,mesozooplanktonnetwasusedinthesamplecollection.Itshowsthatmicrozooplanktonandimmatureindividualsofmacro-andmesozooplanktonwereabundant,andthediversityofzooplanktoni…  相似文献   

利用1997-1999年间8月份台湾海峡的实测资料,分析了海水光学衰减系数的垂直分布类型、水平分布特征。结果表明,台湾海峡海水光学衰减系数的垂直分布类型主要分为5种,大部分随深度而递增;光学衰减系数等值线基本与岸线平行,水平梯度自北向南、自近岸向外海递减,近岸等值线密集,而外海稀疏;影响台湾海峡光学衰减系数的主要因素是县浮物质(主要含浮游生物)和海流运动。  相似文献   

台湾海峡南部漂浮植物   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1988年6和11月,在台湾海峡南部用改进的Manta型漂浮生物网采集漂浮植物,共鉴定漂浮植物102种及变种.漂浮植物具有明显的季节变化,6月总数量高于11月.在平面分布上,6月漂浮植物密集区出现在台湾浅滩南部.11月密集区出现在台湾浅滩西部.漂浮植物数量具有一定的昼夜变化,最高值出现午后4时,最低值在午夜前后,与漂浮动物相反.讨论了漂浮植物与环境的关系,以及漂浮植物与漂浮动物的关系.  相似文献   

AstudyonbenthiccommunitystructureinwestoftheTaiwanStraitandneartheTaiwanShoals¥WuQiquan;JiangJinxiang;XuHuizhou;CaiErxiandLin...  相似文献   

台湾海峡中,北部的蟹类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
方少华 《台湾海峡》1991,10(4):351-355
本文根据我所1983年5月至1984年5月台湾海峡中、北部海洋综合调查资料进行研究,结果表明,本区蟹类已鉴定到种的有112种,其中以梭子蟹科(30种)、玉蟹科(25种)和长脚蟹科(23种)占优势,优势程度较高的种类依次为红色相机蟹、双斑(虫寻)、模糊新短眼蟹和刺足掘沙蟹。全区蟹类平均生物量和栖息密度分别为1.55g/m~2和13个/m~2,其分布以近岸水域高于调查区东侧水域;在季节变化上以秋季最高,冬季最低;细颗粒沉积区蟹类生物量高,粗颗粒沉积区种数较丰富。  相似文献   

台湾海峡表层沉积物中重矿物特征及其物质来源   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
陈华胃 《台湾海峡》1993,12(2):136-144
台湾海峡重矿物平均分布0.95%,其分布由西岸向东岸递减;由北部经台湾浅滩朝粤东方向缓慢递减。碎屑矿物46种,以角闪石、绿帘石、磁铁矿、钛铁矿、褐铁矿和片状矿物为主,它们占重矿物含量的67%。据主要重矿物含量将海峡分成8个矿物组合区。碎屑矿物来自海峡两岸基岩,通过河流搬运入海,有部分片状矿物为海峡以北的物质随浙闽沿岸流进入海峡而沉积。其海绿石是台湾西岸、澎湖岛第三系或第四系含海绿石岩层剥蚀后搬运入海沉积而成的。台湾浅滩的残留沉积物为晚更新世低海面时期的河口滨海相沉积物。由于处在开放的海洋环境,至今没有接受现代沉积。残留沉积物中的磁铁矿、钛铁矿、锆石等重矿物相对富集,含量高于近源海域,有可能赋存浅海砂矿。  相似文献   

台湾海峡东部海域海樽类被囊动物的分布   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文根据对1997至1999年3个航次在台湾海峡东部海域(23°30'~25°30′N,118°30′~121°00′E)采集的大型浮游动物样品的分析,首次专文报道了该海域浮游海樽类(Thaliacea)被囊动物的种类组成和数量分布,其中夏季的种类最多(11种),数量最大,平均丰度达7445×10-3个 m3,优势种是东方双尾纽鳃樽(Thaliademocraticaorientalis)、软拟海樽(Doliolettagegenbauri)和韦氏纽鳃樽(Weeliacy lindrica),而冬季的种类和个体数量最少,仅小齿海樽(Doliolumdenticulatum)的出现率较高.文章讨论了海樽类分布与水温、盐度及浮游植物丰度的关系,并与邻近海域海樽类的分布状况作了比较.  相似文献   

台湾海峡西部表层沉积地球化学元素分布及砂矿成矿显示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周定成  王振民 《台湾海峡》1997,16(2):135-144
本文研究了台湾海峡西部海底表层沉积物中的20种微量元素分布特征,划分4种组合类型。Zr、La、Y、Nb、Ti元素高含量区具有海底锆、钛砂矿可能成矿的良好显示,为海底砂矿找矿提供地球化学依据。  相似文献   

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