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为了建立三维的太阳黑子磁场模型,必须确定横向磁场的方位角(x)及其随深度的可能变化。本文提出一种探测x随深度变化的方法,即对黑子的一定点依次用磁敏谱线的不同部分测量代表线偏振的两个斯托克斯参数Q和U,然后按由牧田提出并经我们改进的方法,给出磁场方位角图。如果x随深度呈现出扭曲结构,则方位角图上的曲线含有圆圈形,否则可是类似抛物线的较为简单的曲线。在测量仪器的灵敏度足够的情况下,本方法对黑子外面的日面弱磁场区域也可以使用。  相似文献   

太阳黑子研究的新进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对近年来太阳黑子研究的主要成果和存在的问题作了比较全面的描述,内容涉及观测仪器和技术,黑子的精细结构、磁场、埃弗谢德效应、振荡和磁流体波动、致冷机制、形成与消亡和新发现的早期观测资料,并对今后工作方向提出了概括性的意见。  相似文献   

本文在考虑磁光效应条件下,根据对斯托克斯参数转移方程组求得的数值解,计算了单极太阳黑子的线偏振讯号的单色像,并与美国马歇尔空间飞行中心的观测资料进行了对比,结果表明,径向黑子磁场模型给出与观测相似的单色像,而旋涡形模型导致与观测有显著差异的图像。因此可以认为径向模型更接近于实际情况。  相似文献   

本影振荡是出现在太阳黑子内的一种常见现象,精确测定它们的振荡周期对于理解黑子的结构和演化有着重要意义。应用快速傅里叶变换方法对空间望远镜HINODE在2007年5月1日观测的活动区AR10953内的黑子本影数据进行了细致的分析,结果发现在该活动区本影内存在一种典型的3 min振荡,其振荡周期约为154 s。  相似文献   

我们对第12周至第22周的太阳黑子月平均面积数进行统计分析,并与相应的太阳黑子月平均数相比较,结果表明太阳黑子月平均面积数活动周与太阳黑子月平均数活动周有一定的关系。在多数情况下,太阳黑子出现最大值的时间与太阳黑子面积数出现最大值的时间上不一致;太阳黑子平滑月平均数活动周上升期与太阳黑子平滑月平均面积数上升期在大多数情况下不相同;太阳黑子平滑月平均数活动周平均效果的瓦德迈尔效应(Waldmeiereffect)一般要比太阳黑子平滑平均面积数的活动周明显;文中还对太阳黑子平滑月平均面积数活动周的特征进行了分析。  相似文献   

太阳黑子相对数与人类疾病关系的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从日地关系的角度出发,探讨太阳活动对人类疾病有何影响。本文根据南京市传染病医院的资料,对每种疾病人数的相对比率与太阳黑子相对数对应作图比较,并求出其相关系数。我们的初步结果表明:伤寒和猩红热的发病率与太阳活动11年周期变化一致,它们在同年达到极大值,其它的不明确。  相似文献   

黑子数用国际系统RI作标准,与云南天文台RY、国内联合RL比较,分别求出总平均值:q(Y)=0.93004±0.00472,q(L)=0.91409±0.00444。这是后者删除“偶然误差”次数多于前者的结果。对国内联合数据的处理,应以一个观测点为准,以此归算作补充的部分数据,才有可能使数据系列保持相对的稳定  相似文献   

The strongest observed solar magnetic fields are found in sunspot umbrae and associated light bridges. We investigate systematic measurements of approximately 32 000 sunspot groups observed from 1917 through 2004 using data from Mt. Wilson, Potsdam, Rome and Crimea observatories. Isolated observations from other observatories are also included. Corrections to Mt. Wilson measurements are required and applied. We found 55 groups (0.2%) with at least one sunspot with one magnetic field measurement of at least 4000 G including five measurements of at least 5000 G and one spot with a record field of 6100 G. Although typical strong-field spots are large and show complex structure in white light, others are simple in form. Sometimes the strongest fields are in light bridges that separate opposite polarity umbras. The distribution of strongest measured fields above 3 kG appears to be continuous, following a steep power law with exponent about −9.5. The observed upper limit of 5 – 6 kG is consistent with the idea that an umbral field has a more or less coherent structure down to some depth and then fragments. We find that odd-numbered sunspot cycles usually contain about 30% more total sunspot groups but 60% fewer >3 kG spots than preceding even-numbered cycles.  相似文献   

During several campaigns focused on prominences we have obtained coordinated spectral observations from the ground and from space. The SOHO/SUMER spectrometer allows us to observe, among others, the whole Lyman series of hydrogen, while the Hα line was observed by the MSDP spectrograph at the VTT. For the Lyman lines, non-LTE radiative-transfer computations have shown the importance of the optical thickness of the prominence – corona transition region (PCTR) and its relation to the magnetic field orientation for the explanation of the observed line profiles. Moreover, Heinzel, Anzer, and Gunár (2005, Astron. Astrophys. 442, 331) developed a 2D magnetostatic model of prominence fine structures that demonstrates how the shapes of Lyman lines vary, depending on the orientation of the magnetic field with respect to the line of sight. To support this result observationally, we focus here on a round-shaped filament observed during three days as it was crossing the limb. The Lyman profiles observed on the limb are different from day to day. We interpret these differences as being due to the change of orientation of the prominence axis (and therefore the magnetic field direction) with respect to the line of sight. The Lyman lines are more reversed if the line of sight is across the prominence axis as compared to the case when it is aligned along its axis.  相似文献   

本文对8个活动区极性反转线(中性线)附近黑子半影纤维的形态进行了分析得出:1)具有强δ磁结构的活动区,穿过主要异极性黑子间的中性线近旁半影纤维或多或少地与中性线平行(交角小于30°),有关黑子半影呈旋涡形态;2)由新浮现发展形成的δ结构区,异级黑子在大黑子边缘或与大.黑子本影之间有一段距离,中性线两边的半影纤维有序排列,走向与中性线斜交,有关黑子呈弱的旋涡形态。3)对于较稳定的极群,N、S极性间的宽窄不一的半影稀疏区,中性线沿该区经过,两旁半影松散齿状,走向与中性线大体垂直,相反极性本影间距较远。  相似文献   

The Hanle effect has been extensively used for the determination of the magnetic field strength and direction in solar prominences. Here we address the problem of the diagnostics of weak magnetic fields in the solar photosphere and chromosphere by means of their Hanle effect in some selected absorption lines. As this is a relatively new area we will focus on the diagnostic methods and summarize some results that relate to the presence of a weak, turbulent magnetic field in the photosphere and to the chromospheric magnetic canopy. Finally we will outline some directions for future work.  相似文献   

利用Hinode卫星观测的单色像和磁图,对出现在黑子半影内的35对偶极运动磁特征进行形态特征、运动速度以及低层太阳大气响应3方面的研究,得出以下结论:(1)偶极运动磁特征正负两极成对出现在黑子半影较垂直的磁场之间并向着半影外边界运动,间接验证了偶极运动磁特征起源于黑子半影水平磁场,在2-8小时的时间间隔内,同一位置上会反复出现形态特征和运动速度相似的偶极运动磁特征,为海蛇状磁力线模型提供了证据支持. (2)光球和色球在偶极运动磁特征向外运动过程中会出现增亮,说明偶极运动磁特征会加热中低层太阳大气.(3)偶极运动磁特征的出现位置和半影磁场结构分布符合非梳子状黑子半影结构特征.  相似文献   

To understand the physics of sunspots, it is important to know the properties of their magnetic field, and especially its height stratification plays a substantial role. There are mainly two methods to assess this stratification, but they yield different magnetic gradients in the photospheric layers. Determinations based on the several spectral lines of different formation heights and the slope of their profiles result in gradients of ?2 to ?3 G?km?1, or even steeper. This is similar for the total magnetic field strength and for the vertical component of the magnetic field. The other option is to determine the horizontal partial derivatives of the magnetic field, and with the condition \(\operatorname{div} {{\boldsymbol {B}}} = 0\) also the vertical derivative is known. With this method, gradients of ?0.5 G?km?1 and even shallower are obtained. Obviously, these results do not agree. If chromospheric spectral lines are included, only shallow gradients around ?0.5 G?km?1 are obtained. Shallow gradients are also found from gyro-resonance measurements in the radio wave range 300?–?2000 GHz.Some indirect methods are also considered, but they cannot clarify the total picture. An analysis of a numerical simulation of a sunspot indicates a shallow gradient over a wide height range, but with slightly steeper gradients in deep layers.Several ideas to explain the discrepancy are also discussed. With no doubts cast on Maxwell’s equations, the first one is to look at the uncertainties of the formation heights of spectral lines, but a wider range of these heights would require an extension of the solar photosphere that is incompatible with observations and the theory of stellar atmospheres. Submerging and rising magnetic flux might play a role in the outer penumbra, if the resolution is too low to separate them, but it is not likely that this effect acts also in the umbra. A quick investigation assuming a spatial small scale structure of sunspots together with twist and writhe of individual flux tubes shows a reduction of the measured magnetic field strength for spectral lines sensitive to a larger height range. However, sophisticated investigations are required to prove that the explanation for the discrepancy lies here, and the problem of the height gradient of the magnetic field in sunspots is still not solved.  相似文献   

High-resolution MDI magnetograms are used to study the pattern of moving magnetic inhomogeneities in sunspots. We examine the inward and outward moving features in sunspots. The velocity of these features is small in the umbra while it is about 0.5 km s–1 in the outer penumbra. The inward and outward moving features may be the possible origin for the long-term fluctuations of magnetic field strength in sunspots.  相似文献   

在柱坐标下将黑子周围的环形区域(黑子除外)内的振荡分解为朝向黑子传播的(入射的)波和离开黑子传播的(出射的)波。对无黑子的环形区域内的振荡也进行了同样的分解。将黑子周围的入射波看成是被黑子磁流管磁化了的介质(介质内的磁场基本是水平的)中的波。而无黑子区的入射波看成是非磁化介质中的波。比较这两种波在固定波数下功率随频率的分布发现,在磁化介质中不同径向除n的声波(p模)频率系统降低,同时功率也降低,降低的功率最高达非磁化介质中波的功率的30%。而比较在固定频率下功率随波数的分布发现,磁场中f模及n=1,2,3的p模的脊向高波数方向位移,功率的降低受频率调制,即声波在某些有限的频带中被吸收。这些观测表明,在磁场中p模与磁声重力波(MAG)产生了模式混合或耦合。模式混合的存在支持了模式转换作为p模式被黑子吸收的机制的解释。此外,本文还分析了转换的MAG波进入黑子磁流管(其中的磁场基本上是垂直的)后进一步被吸收,吸收的功率最高达MAG波的20%。在磁流管内没有进一步观测到模式的转换  相似文献   

AR8 2 1 0活动区的黑子磁场结构是反极性排列 ,开始是负极性的主黑子上半部被正极性所包围 ,随后又在主黑子下方浮现正极磁场 ,引起主黑子作顺时针方向旋转约 90°,当正极性磁场强度减弱后 ,主黑子又呈弱的逆时针方向旋转。该区域产生的高能耀斑爆发与黑子磁场变化密切联系。  相似文献   

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