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The paper deals with the effectiveness of secondary effluent renovation with iron, alum and dolomite coagulation, electrocoagulation, adsorption on activated carbon, ammonia nitrogen removal on clinoptilolite.  相似文献   

An investigation was made in five wetland areas in the valley of the river Jhelum north-west of Srinagar. Only two of the regions have regular inlets and outlets, the others are only rain-fed. The water temperature is closely connected with the air temperature, and in the shallow water it determines also the oxygen concentration. The chemical characteristics of the alkaline and hard waters show pronounced annual variations, which are determined by the autotrophic bioactivity especially for nutrients and carbon dioxide. Due to the increased pH-values also biogenic decalcification with correspondingly reduced calcium(II)-ion concentrations results in the water. In each of the wetlands seven to ten stations were investigated, which had been chosen according to the dominance conditions of vegetation. For the differentiations as to time and space of the water chemism the variance analysis shows significant differences, except for water temperature and alkalinity.  相似文献   

Seventeen physical and chemical parameters were obtained from a hydroelectric reservoir located in a tropical region in the south of Brazil. Multivariate Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Group Analysis (HGA) were used to identify the parameters discriminating the origin of water from the Tibagi and the Primeiro de Maio River, after it has passed the mixing region. The study was conducted during the dry and rainy seasons in July 2002 and February 2003 at three depths and three sampling sites located 0, 5, and 10 km away from the mixing region. The statistical methods showed to be appropriate for identifying the contribution of each tributary in the water mixing site of a complex water system. The most important discriminating parameter was the absorbance relation A(253 nm)/A(203 nm), followed by the concentrations of Fe(III), Mn(III), and Ni(II). An anthropogenic interference was found in the reservoir due to high Ni(II) and orthophosphate concentrations caused by a nearby town sewage discharge. The interference was more important during the dry periods due to the lower dispersion of the pollutants. Urgent initiatives should be taken from the state government to build treatment stations for the wastewater of the small cities around the Capivara hydroelectric reservoir to prevent the drinking water quality from deteriorating.  相似文献   

目的:探讨乏脂肪肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤(AML)的多排螺旋CT(MSCT)和MR化学位移成像(CSI)表现及病理基础,旨在提高对该病诊断的准确率。方法:回顾性分析经病理证实的16例乏脂肪肾AML患者的MSCT和MRI资料,分析病灶的大小、形态、密度、增强血供情况及CSI表现,并与手术病理结果对照。结果:16例病灶均表现为实质性肿块,10例病灶呈类圆形,6例病灶呈不规则形,9例病灶见劈裂征,6例见杯口征,5例见皮质掀起征,11例病灶CT平扫呈稍高密度,其中4例密度不均匀,内见小灶性低密度。增强扫描病灶呈快进快退、持续强化和延迟强化三种模式,但峰值强化程度均低于肾皮质。MR成像T2WI病灶均呈低信号,CSI中3例出现反相位信号下降,其中1例呈现反相位病灶中心高信号,周围绕以线状低信号环的特殊表现。结论:乏脂肪肾AML的MSCT和MRI表现有一定特征性,薄层MR反相位CSI对该病诊断有较高的价值。  相似文献   

杭州西湖沉积物的若干物理和化学性状   总被引:40,自引:10,他引:40  
水生植物在浅水湖泊中具有净化水质,保护生态环境,生产植物产品等生态功能,同时也有加速湖泊淤浅,引起水质污染等环境负效应,通过对植被结构的调整和利用方式的改进可以优化其生态功能,东太湖水生植物覆盖率97%,年产量1120325t,吸收同化氮3916t,磷486,年收获利用水生植物500295t,带走氮1891t,磷296t,相当于东太湖年外源氮,磷输入量的28%和57%;但每年仍有521030t r  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe Lajishan Mountainlies onthe northeastern margin of Qinghai_Xizang(Tibet)plateau.It is ageomorphic gradient zone,separatingthe hinterland of Tibetfromthe Loess plateau.The Lajishanfaultis a product of Caledonian movement,havingexperienced m…  相似文献   

青海拉脊山断裂带新活动特征的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
拉脊山断裂带由拉脊山北缘断裂和拉脊山南缘断裂两条向NE凸出的弧形断裂所组成,分别长约230km和220km。它们是介于NNW向的热水一日月山右旋走滑断裂带和NWW向的西秦岭北缘左旋走滑断裂带之间的一个大型挤压构造区和构造转换带,也是分隔拉脊山南北两侧的西宁一民和盆地和循化一化隆盆地的重要边界断裂。沿断裂带的追踪考察,发现了其新活动的部分地质地貌证据。其最新活动时代为晚更新世晚期(仅局部为全新世早期),性质以挤压逆冲为主稍具左旋特征。该断裂的新活动可能导致了该区20余次5级左右中等地震的发生。可以说,拉脊山地区既是反映构造活动,又是反映地震活动的地震构造窗。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional mesoscale numerical model is used to investigate mesoscale circulation over a Gulf Stream filament. Two numerical experiments are performed with different initial uniform ambient wind speeds (U=0.1 m s–1, 3.5 m s–1 and 7 m s–1) for a typical winter day. It is found that for both low and moderate winds, a closed mesoscale circulation forms over the Gulf Stream filament. When the Gulf Stream filament was removed, the model did not predict a mesoscale circulation. The modeled circulation over the filament is in agreement with the observations, suggesting that the atmospheric circulations over the filaments may be an important mechanism in the U.S. East Coast cyclogenesis.  相似文献   

兴隆山北缘断裂是兰州盆地南侧边界断裂,也是兰州地区最重要的活动断裂之一,全长约54 km,呈东段NW走向西段近EW走向的弧形断裂.在加里东和燕山运动期,兰州地区在近NE-SW向主压应力下,断裂主要表现为由南西向北东的逆冲活动性质.新生代以来(喜马拉雅运动期),主压应力方向改变为NNE-SSW方向,断裂活动性质也随之发生改变,东段新活动表现为逆左旋运动,西段表现为正左旋运动.断裂的最新活动时代应为晚更新世早~中期,可能与兰州黄河Ⅲ级阶地的形成年代相对应.  相似文献   

-- Wood's metal wettability was experimentally studied as a function of both liquid and solid parameters. The influence of solid-liquid relative velocity, Wood's metal temperature, and surface roughness on the unit work of wetting % cos / was analysed through tests on various specimens made of quartz (synthetic single crystal), La Peyratte granite (fine-grained and coarse-grained), and Soultz micrite (sub-micronic limestone). A few tests with mercury were performed for comparison. A slight temperature dependency is found on both quartz and rocks, the largest effect being observed on quartz. The most significant dependency observed on quartz, La Peyratte granite and Soultz micrite is controlled by roughness. Rough specimens always show larger values of unit work of wetting % cos / when compared to polished ones. A range of % cos /-values is determined for each mineral and rocks, which implies the determination of break-through radii using Laplace's equation within ranges of 7-10%.  相似文献   

岩石的变形机制是研究岩石圈变形和局部构造活动的重要基础,岩石的微观结构是研究其变形机制的关键。微观层析成像(微观CT)技术可以无损地获取样品内部高精度三维数字化图像,为观测岩石内部结构提供了技术保证。新近发展起来的动态CT技术,使得观测岩石变形过程成为可能。本文利用一组莱塔石灰岩受差应力变形的三维动态CT图像数据,通过图像切割、图像分割等处理步骤,以团簇为基本表征单位,表征不同形状、大小孔隙的动态变化过程,分析对比全部孔隙、大团簇、小团簇和裂隙型小团簇的动态图像。结果表明:随着岩石的压缩变形,其大孔隙在不断地缩小;在变形的初始阶段,靠近施压活塞的样品上部出现了密集的新生小孔隙;当岩石所受差应力到达73 MPa时,其下半部出现了明显的剪切带,具体表现为大量的新生裂隙生成并且新生裂隙集中带与轴向成约45°交角。此前的研究观测到该样品中下部若干压缩带形成的过程;本文通过基于团簇的可视化技术,观测到了高孔隙度岩石变形过程中压缩带和剪切带共同形成的过程。同时,新生的沿剪切带分布的微小裂隙并没有显示与剪切带相同的方向,而是具有各方向均匀分布的特征。该特征可能与岩石内部复杂的局部孔隙结构有关,是值得...  相似文献   

An exploration of the wavelet transform as applied to daily river discharge records demonstrates its strong potential for quantifying stream flow variability. Both periodic and non-periodic features are detected equally, and their locations in time preserved. Wavelet scalograms often reveal structures that are obscure in raw discharge data. Integration of transform magnitude vectors over time yields wavelet spectra that reflect the characteristic time-scales of a river's flow, which in turn are controlled by the hydroclimatic regime. For example, snowmelt rivers in Colorado possess maximum wavelet spectral energy at time-scales on the order of 4 months owing to sustained high summer flows; Hawaiian streams display high energies at time-scales of a few days, reflecting the domination of brief rainstorm events. Wavelet spectral analyses of daily discharge records for 91 rivers in the US and on tropical islands indicate that this is a simple and robust way to characterize stream flow variability. Wavelet spectral shape is controlled by the distribution of event time-scales, which in turn reflects the timing, variability and often the mechanism of water delivery to the river. Five hydroclimatic regions, listed here in order of decreasing seasonality and increasing pulsatory nature, are described from the wavelet spectral analysis: (a) western snowmelt, (b) north-eastern snowmelt, (c) mid-central humid, (d) south-western arid and (e) ‘rainstorm island’. Spectral shape is qualitatively diagnostic for three of these regions. While more work is needed to establish the use of wavelets for hydrograph analysis, our results suggest that river flows may be effectively classified into distinct hydroclimatic categories using this approach. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water Resources - The objective of this study was to provide the most accurate presentation of the behavior of a disastrous rain flood, which had resulted in destruction of a dam, casualties, and...  相似文献   

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