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四川南部大型喀斯特漏斗和地缝式峡谷   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
四川南部喀斯特区,特别是长江三峡的右岸地区,近年来发现了多处世界级规模的大型漏斗以及地缝式峡谷等喀斯特奇观。它们是:奉节县兴隆的“小寨天坑”,云阳县龙角的“清水塘龙缸”,兴文县石林的“小岩湾”等漏斗和奉节县兴隆的“天井峡地缝”等。其中小寨天坑的深度和容积在世界同类大型漏斗中均居首位。本文讨论了此类喀斯特形态的特征、形成条件、成因和分布规律。  相似文献   

Tony  WALTHAM  张远海 《中国岩溶》2006,25(B08):I0003-I0003
天坑是世界上最壮观的喀斯特地貌,是一种大型塌陷漏斗。天坑概念之所以最近才被引入喀斯特词汇中,是因为大部分石灰岩景观最近才由喀斯特地质学家在中国偏远山区“发现”它们。天坑的“出现”是中国经济发展和基础设施建设的副产品——近几年才修了公路使科学家们接近这些喀斯特地貌。现在这种地貌已按汉语命名为天坑——大致相当英文的“sky hole”。  相似文献   

中国的喀斯特天坑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国有世界上最广大的喀斯特区域,最多样化的喀斯特景观和为数极多的漏斗与洞穴.中国南部在湿热气候条件下发育的峰丛和峰林喀斯特,在全球锥状和塔状(cone and tower)喀斯特类型中,是最具代表性的典型形态.而峰丛喀斯特区则是天坑(tiankeng)的重要分布区域.近十几年来,已有近50个天坑在中国南方的峰丛喀斯特区被发现.主要分布在重庆、广西、四川和贵州境内.目前的研究表明,天坑主要发育在特定的地貌、地质和水文地质环境下,并因此区别于常态的喀斯特漏斗.  相似文献   

张远海 《中国岩溶》2006,25(Z1):59-66
从类型范畴对天坑下个定义最具说服力的方法显然是使用地貌成因学.天坑是形成于大型暗河通道之上的特大型塌陷漏斗,漏斗周壁连续陡峭,其宽度与深度的比值介于0.5~2.0之间.这番措辞具有演化意思,即指明了天坑处在露出地表的塌陷漏斗发育早期,以及说明天坑与大型暗河之间的关系.后者把标准天坑与其它类型的大型塌陷地形区分开来,比如与蒸发岩之上的岩盖塌陷或热水洞穴之上的大型塌陷区别开来.中国南方喀斯特提供的证据实证了一种大规模的地貌过程--洞穴削顶.虽然其它地貌作用对景观进行了改造和定型,最终使洞穴削顶过程变得不太明显,但它在峰丛和峰林形成中确实起了非常重要的作用,而且可能是热带喀斯特区大型洼地、峡谷和谷地起源的主要作用.峰丛峰林喀斯特区许多马鞍状地形可能都归功于洞穴削顶.  相似文献   

Muller高原位于巴布亚新几内亚南部高地,以发育大漏斗(giant doline)群而闻名.这些漏斗中许多具有可与新不列巅岛Nakanai山地的超级漏斗(megadoline)和中国南方喀斯特天坑相媲美的特大规模和形态,都属"岩盖(caprock)"型漏斗.Muller高原的地质、自然地理和水文环境可与Nakanai山地环境和中国南方喀斯特区环境相对比.本文讨论了Muller高原上三个大漏斗群(Rogorepo,Mamo和Atea)的形成机制.Muller高原的大漏斗,像Nakanai的超级漏斗和中国天坑一样,形成于更新世.Muller高原漏斗的形成环境与其它大漏斗有许多相似性.然而,它却不可能演化成像Nakanai超级漏斗一样壮丽,像中国天坑那样具有极高美学价值,其原因在于石灰岩地层中有不纯非石灰岩夹层.  相似文献   

天坑是塌陷漏斗类型中非常极端的一员,并且其关键问题在于是否存在与众不同的"天坑作用",即是否存在纯粹的形态上的差别.在漏斗类型对应的另一端,爱尔兰的特涝群是指那些宽阔的封闭洼地,这些洼地为季节性湖泊.天坑和特涝与波立谷的区别在于天坑和特涝具有较小的体量,而波立谷具有更为平缓的周壁边坡,再者它们的形成过程也有差异.特别是,特涝仅发现于冰川沉积的区域且至少部分是冰川喀斯特形态,而波立谷出现在许多气候带并且位置通常被证明受地质结构的影响.特涝已被欧盟认可为具有特色植物组合的一种特殊的喀斯特形态,虽然除爱尔兰外,这个术语没有被广泛使用.很明显,天坑也存在同样的问题,即大多数天坑分布于中国,以其巨大的体量和特殊的形成过程与塌陷漏斗区别开来.是否将"特涝"和"天坑"列入喀斯特地貌学词汇之列仍存在争论.  相似文献   

四川兴文喀斯特包括小岩湾天坑和大岩湾退化天坑,以及猪槽井洞穴系统中潜在的洞穴崩塌大厅.这3个地方似乎可以说明天坑的演化顺序,即天坑从多重洞穴崩塌,到最后退化成大型漏斗的过程.  相似文献   

天坑释义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
天坑是一种特大型塌陷漏斗,它的演化包括大型洞穴厅堂的洞顶崩塌和大型暗河对大量崩塌块石的搬运.天坑这个术语,首先在中国使用,随后成为世界性的喀斯特词汇.  相似文献   

日前中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所朱学稳先生撰写了《“天坑”的科学发现》一文,现摘编如下。你家住在石山(注)区吗?你有没有听说过或在山里见过一种朝天开口、周壁陡峭、坑底深邃和空间庞大的陷坑,那就是喀斯特(karst)现象中的一种极端形态———天坑(tiankeng)。1天坑的发现  相似文献   

吴金  张朝晖 《中国岩溶》2020,39(1):119-126
基于贵州特殊的地貌地形,采用野外实地勘察、文献数据统计分析法,并结合目前喀斯特天坑的研究报道,对贵州喀斯特天坑发育的地质背景、成因、类型及其分布规律现状进行总结,并对其发展趋势和研究方向提出了展望。结果表明:(1)贵州喀斯特天坑共有25个,按深度和形态规模分类,超级天坑有3个,大型天坑有2个,中型天坑有18个,小型天坑(直径和深度100 m以下)有2个;(2)贵州喀斯特天坑主要以早三叠统永宁镇组、夜郎组,三叠系下统罗楼组加紫云组和三叠系中统小米塘组加凉水井组的不等厚地层为主,包括三叠统厚层块状灰岩、中石炭统及下二叠统厚层块状灰岩地层;(3)贵州喀斯特天坑成因包括塌陷型和冲蚀型两类,以塌陷型天坑为主;(4)贵州喀斯特天坑主要分布于贵州中部、南部、西部以及西北部一带,呈现出从南向北、从西向东,天坑数量逐渐减少,规模由大到小,超级或特大型天坑主要分布于黔南一带。  相似文献   

从“漏斗”到“天坑”看岩溶学术语的演变   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
KRANJC Andrej 《中国岩溶》2009,28(2):169-174
岩溶学是一门发展变化的科学,岩溶学术语也与时俱进。以术语“漏斗(doline)”为例,它来源于斯洛文尼亚喀斯特地区的方言,在斯洛文尼亚语中,它(dolina,单数)的意思是谷地,主要指河谷。因此,在19世纪以前的斯洛文尼亚语的科学文献中,就是指谷地。随着19世纪上半叶岩溶学的发展,喀斯特高原的漏斗状地形逐渐引起研究者们的注意,德语系的奥地利地质学家们将这种地形定义为“漏斗(dolines,复数)”,相当于德语的Trichter(漏斗),并声明是当地人的说法。因此,在19世纪下半叶奥地利地质学家的出版物中,普遍使用这一概念。如在Cvijic′的DasKarstp¨hanomen(岩溶现象)一书中,其漏斗(dolines)的概念可谓无所不包,除岩溶干谷和坡立谷以外,所有洼地都称为漏斗,不仅包括溶蚀漏斗和塌陷漏斗,也包括竖井、落水洞、天窗,甚至某些岩溶泉和洞穴洞口。同斯洛文尼亚语相似,在塞尔维亚语中,doline也是指一般谷地。因此,Cvijic′在塞尔维亚语文献中不再使用dolina表示漏斗状地形,而是用vrtaca,这是因为vrtaca和我们今天使用的doline的内涵非常相近,而且在法语、德语、意大利语、英语、克罗地亚语均有相似的词汇。在20世纪中期以前,斯洛文尼亚的地理学家们为了避免使用dolina引起歧义,对于漏斗状的地形均用vrtaca表达。在19世纪下半叶,漏斗(dolines)的成因有两派理论,一种持塌陷成因,一种持侵蚀成因,后者包括侵蚀和溶蚀两种作用。前者以Schmidl为代表,后者支持者是Cox,Diener和Mojsisovics。根据漏斗的形态,Cvijic将其分为三种,即碗状漏斗、漏斗状漏斗和井状漏斗。随着对漏斗状地形的深入研究,V.Panos's根据漏斗的不同发育阶段、漏斗的成因、漏斗的覆盖类型、漏斗形成的气候因素、漏斗的沉积类型以及漏斗的形态,将漏斗分为30种。根据最新的岩溶百科全书,按  相似文献   

乐业-凤山世界地质公园岩溶地貌景观特征与价值分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
乐业-凤山世界地质公园发育在“孤岛”状的碳酸盐岩区上,以高峰丛深洼地、大洞穴、大峡谷、天坑群、天窗群、天生桥、地下河为特色,景观类型丰富、系统完整、珍稀典型,观赏价值与科研价值极高。公园内不同地貌景观由于成因差异而各具特色,经定性与定量评价:天坑群、天窗群是世界级品牌景观,为公园五级地貌景观;天生桥、峡谷是公园重要景观,为公园四级地貌景观;峰丛洼地、峰丛谷地、坡立谷、洞穴景观是公园地貌景观的重要组成部分,为公园三级地貌景观;穿洞、岩溶泉、地下河景观是公园地貌景观的重要补充,为二级地貌景观;落水洞、竖井是公园点缀地貌景观,为公园一级地貌景观。   相似文献   

In the surroundings of Zaragoza, karstification processes are especially intense in covered karst areas where fluvial terraces lie directly on Tertiary evaporites. Since the beginning of Quaternary, these processes have lead to the development of collapse and subsidence dolines with a wide range of sizes, which have significant economic impacts. To reduce economic impact and increase safety, a regional analysis of this phenomenon is needed for spatial management. Therefore, a probability map of dolines was developed using logistic regression and geographic information system (GIS) techniques. This paper covers the selection of input data, manipulation of data using the GIS technology, and the use of logistic regression to generate a doline probability map. The primary variable in the doline development in this area is geomorphology, represented by the location of endorheic areas and different terrace levels. Secondary variables are the presence of irrigation and the water table gradient.  相似文献   

The Taurus Mountain is one of the most important karstic region of the world and dolines are characteristics landforms of this area. However, the number and distribution of doline are unknown in the study area. The aims of this study are to explain the total number of dolines, distribution of doline density, effects of slope conditions and the change of doline orientation in the Taurus Mountains. According to the 1/25000 scale topographic maps utilized in this study, a total of 140,070 dolines were determined in a 13,189 km2 area on eleven high karstic plateaus bordered by steep slopes and deep gorges. These plateaus are substantially affected by highly-faulted and jointed systems and about 80% of each plateau is covered with neritic limestone. The dolines are located at an elevation between 10 and 2870 m. Average elevation of all dolines is 1842 m. 90% of dolines are located between 1300 and 2270 m and only 5% of dolines found under 1330 m. According to this results, the densest doline zone corresponds to the alpine and periglacial zone above the treeline. Doline density reaches?>?100 doline/km2 on Mt. Anamas and the Seyran, Geyik and Akda? ranges as well as the Ta?eli plateau. Maximum density (187 doline/km2) is found on the Akda? Mountains. However, 66% of the study area is characterized by low density, 29.9% with moderate density, 3.4% with high density and 0.7% with very high density. The highest doline densities are seen on gentle slopes (15°–25°/km2) and steep slopes (>?35°/km2) are limited doline distribution. According to the rose diagram formed by the azimuths of the long axis of the dolines at the Central Taurus, two direction are dominant in doline orientations (NW–SE and NE–SW). However, dominant directions are NE-SW at eastern, NE–SW and NW–SE at central and NW-SE at western part of the Central Taurus. According to this elongations, doline orientations are formed an arc which is formed by tectonic evolution of the Central Taurus.  相似文献   

天坑是我国学者朱学稳最早提出的,区别于普通漏斗、发育于大型暗河通道上的塌陷地形。根据小岩湾天坑形成的基础条件(沉积环境、气候与水文条件、地区地层条件以及该地的地下河条件)进行分析,并对其发育过程作了深入探讨,研究结果显示,小岩湾天坑完全符合天坑的定义,是一个发育完好并处于的成熟阶段的特大天坑。  相似文献   

Karst in Gypsum and its environmental impact on the Middle Ebro Basin,Spain   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
The Middle Ebro Basin in characterised by strong evaporitic profiles from the Miocene period, and in which gypsum formations are predominant. These groups of easy solubility produce in many areas typically karstic landforms, although there are certain features specific to them. The generated landforms appear on the surface as different morphological types of doline, which very often develop on the alluvium deposited by the River Ebro and its affluents. On the agricultural land of the Peñaflor-Villamayor area the functional character of karst causes collapse dolines to appear after heavy storms, and these are constantly filled in by farmers. Motorways and roads that cross these areas, as also the industrial estates existing on the outskirts of Zaragoza, are affected by dissolution processes that bring about continual collapses. The infiltration of water from unlined canals causes the generation of numerous dolines along canal banks.  相似文献   

Mapping subsurface karst features with GPR: results and limitations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) has been applied, with relative success, to locate paleo-collapses and cavities and to detect and characterise karst. One of its main advantages is that, while the penetration depth is limited to several tens of meters or even just several meters, the obtained resolution can be in the scale of centimeters. In this paper, we illustrate the applicability of GPR prospecting to the study of alluvial karst and the structures associated with subsidence areas. GPR radargrams obtained with two central frequency antennas (50 and 100 MHz) are balanced against direct observation of geological features of collapse structures in vertical exposures of gravel quarries. GPR-surveys offer the possibility of obtaining nearly continuous vertical cross-sections of the subsoil, and integration of data within a 3D frame. However, the study of the internal structure of the subsoil by means of the GPR-profiles has been usually neglected. In this work, we show that some hints about the evolution of individual dolines can be established from the study of the geometry of the sedimentary filling by means of GPR. The obtained results indicate that GPR allows to characterise the structures associated with karst features and can therefore be useful evaluating hazard susceptibility in doline fields, because: (1) when no surface evidences exists, it permits the detection of karst hazards in the subsoil, and (2) when surficial evidences of karst activity are present, it permits the characterisation of processes associated with subsidence.  相似文献   

奉节天坑地缝景区, 位于重庆市东北部, 景区内喀斯特景观总体可概括为天坑、峡谷(含地缝、常态、复合式三种类型)、峰丛洼地、洞穴、象形山、水文遗迹等6大类, 它们以下三叠统大冶组和嘉陵江组的碳酸盐岩地层为物质基础, 或呈线状, 或呈面状, 或呈点状, 有序分布于奉节天坑地缝喀斯特水文系统内, 共同构成一个以目前全球规模最大的天坑及世界上最长的地缝为核心, 峰丛、洼(谷)地、峡谷、洞穴、地下河、地表河等为重要补充, 形态雄伟、典型、幽美、珍稀的奉节喀斯特景观群。同时在对景区喀斯特景观特征及区域地质背景进行分析和研究的基础上, 系统研究和探讨了奉节喀斯特“横纵分异”式的形成演化过程, 并认为它是一个能充分展现天坑、地缝和峡谷喀斯特复杂演化过程和规律的典型代表地, 是全球天坑、地缝和峡谷喀斯特地貌演化的杰出范例。  相似文献   

姜光辉  刘凡  王奇岗  郭芳 《中国岩溶》2022,41(2):165-173
岩溶峰丛洼地地区石漠化、饮水困难和水污染等环境问题高发,生态环境十分脆弱。低影响开发概念的引入有助于规范开发行为,促进水资源的高效利用,降低石漠化和地下河污染风险。根据水文条件和开发方式岩溶洼地空间分为坡耕地水土流失敏感区、表层岩溶泉水源地敏感区和落水洞污染输入敏感区。低影响开发模式总体是在3类敏感区实现5个管理目标。坡耕地敏感区的低影响开发目标设置为降低农田耗水量和减少水土流失,开发途径是减少蒸发和调控坡面洪水径流。表层岩溶泉敏感区的管理目标是降雨-径流资源化利用和饮用水安全保障,通过实施雨水收集回用工程和设置水源地保护区来实现。落水洞敏感区需要通过设置径流缓冲区和沉淀过滤池来预防污染物进入。我国南方石漠化地区探索和总结出以表层岩溶带降雨-径流管理为特征的低影响开发模式。该模式要求峰丛顶部留置生态保护区涵养水源。岩溶洼地底部为落水洞排洪预留缓冲区,利用岩溶裂缝设置下凹式绿地,实现自然渗透和净化。“峰”、“洼”之间过渡区划定水源地保护区边界,同时设法增加雨水资源化利用率,补充生态和生活缺水量。低影响开发模式也适用于峰丛洼地发育的东南亚和中美洲等地区。   相似文献   

This study aims to explore the condensation and fractionation trends of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the karst soils. The tiankeng is a karst surface expression that can act as a focal point for introduction of contaminants to a karst aquifer, which may serve both as condenser for vapor phase POPs and as barrier/sink for particulate associated less volatile POPs. The fractionation of POPs in soils from the upper rim and floor of tiankeng is of interest in understanding the role of tiankeng in the long-distance transport of POPs. In the present study, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the surface soils from the upper rim and floor of Dashiwei tiankeng in Southern China were analyzed. The total PAH concentrations in soils were 23.40–190 ng g−1, with phenanthrene being the most abundant. The distribution patterns of PAH compounds in the soil samples matched well with their properties. It indicated the heavy PAHs were susceptible to retention by the floor soils of tiankeng than light PAHs. A plot of Cfloor/Crim against PAH molecular weight gave a good positive relationship in the molecular weight range of 152–276. It is suggested that the floor soils can be focal points of more concentrated PAH and deserve attention. The concentrations of total PAHs in the floor soils (43.40–190 ng g−1, mean 87.76 ng g−1) were higher than those in the upper rim (23.40–88.94 ng g−1, mean 57.74 ng g−1). In addition, there was a shift in compound pattern with an increase in the proportion of light PAHs (2–3 rings), a decrease in heavy PAHs (5–6 rings) and a relatively stable content of 4-ring PAHs. A combination of particulate scavenging and cold condensation is proposed as the major mechanism for the compositional fractionation of PAHs in the soils from the upper rim and floor of tiankeng.  相似文献   

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