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summary . Recent theoretical work has clarified the spatial characteristics of ULF (1–20 mHz) plasma waves in the magnetosphere, and the magnetic perturbations that these waves cause at the Earth's surface. This paper uses ground-based observations from seven, three-component, flux-gate magnetometers ranging in latitude from 58.7 to 77.7° N corrected geomagnetic latitude in order to evaluate the relevance of these theories. During the day, the sense of polarization and direction of the major axis of the pulsations in the horizontal plane follow the trend predicted by recent theories proposing a Kelvin—Helmholtz instability at the magnetopause as a source for these pulsations. The H component shows a distinct trend for the power to peak at lower latitudes as the frequency of the pulsation train increases. This feature is consistent with recent theoretical work which predicts pronounced latitudinal resonances in the D component in the magnetosphere, which are then rotated to the H direction on passing through the ionosphere to the ground. The experiment shows that at the ground the latitudinal resonance is most clearly marked by sharp peaks in the H and Z components, and by pronounced latitudinal phase shifts in the H and Z components. These phase shifts are not always accompanied by a latitudinal reversal in the sense of polarization in the horizontal plane.  相似文献   

魏兴琥  刘志民 《中国沙漠》1996,16(4):422-427
在海拔3810m的西藏日喀则河谷沙地上,引进P2、郑杂5号和金龙宝3个西瓜品种,采用小拱棚、地膜加盖帽子棚和露地3种不同的栽培方式进行了栽培试验。试验结果表明:采用小拱棚和地膜加盖帽子棚技术栽培西瓜完全可以成熟,露地西瓜不能完全成熟  相似文献   

We explore a practical approach to earthquake early warning in southern California by determining a ground-motion period parameter  τ c   and a high-pass filtered displacement amplitude parameter Pd from the initial 3 s of the P waveforms recorded at the Southern California Seismic Network stations for earthquakes with M > 4.0. At a given site, we estimate the magnitude of an event from  τ c   and the peak ground-motion velocity ( PGV ) from Pd . The incoming three-component signals are recursively converted to ground acceleration, velocity and displacement. The displacements are recursively filtered with a one-way Butterworth high-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 0.075 Hz, and a P -wave trigger is constantly monitored. When a trigger occurs,  τ c   and Pd are computed. We found the relationship between  τ c   and magnitude ( M ) for southern California, and between Pd and PGV for both southern California and Taiwan. These two relationships can be used to detect the occurrence of a major earthquake and provide onsite warning in the area around the station where onset of strong ground motion is expected within seconds after the arrival of the P wave. When the station density is high, the methods can be applied to multistation data to increase the robustness of onsite early warning and to add the regional warning approach. In an ideal situation, such warnings would be available within 10 s of the origin time of a large earthquake whose subsequent ground motion may last for tens of seconds.  相似文献   

In an attempt to improve the ground motion modelling, the characteristics of the slip velocity functions (SVF) generated using the kinematic k −2 source are investigated and compared to the dynamic solutions proposed in the literature. Several numerical simulations were performed to test the influence of the model parameters on the SVF modelling. Overall, the shapes of SVF are very complex and exhibit a large variability in time and space. However, we found out that the mean SVF is a simple boxcar with duration equal to the largest rise time value. In the areas of weak slip, the SVFs are characterized by the existence of negative values, whereas in large slip areas, the SVF is more impulsive. Overall, on the examples investigated, the SVFs modelled with this k −2 source model are different from a typical Kostrov's solution. The critical analysis of the kinematic k −2 source led us to identify the Fourier decomposition of the slip to be responsible for these difficulties, and to propose a new recombination scheme. It consists of adding a positive correction to the Fourier slip components. The slip is described as the sum of positive contributions at various scales. The SVFs modelled using this new scheme are greatly improved. Moreover, through several parametrical analyses performed to qualify this new approach, we show that the SVF are corrected while preserving the essential quality of the k −2 modelling, that is, the ω2 spectral shape and C d apparent directivity of the synthetic accelerograms. Strong ground motion modelling in the near-fault region was made and numerical ground motion parameters were compared to the empirical relationships. We show that predicted peak ground motion is consistent with near-source attenuation laws.  相似文献   

张希月  陈田 《地理研究》2016,35(3):590-604
旅游产品开发是非物质文化遗产市场开拓的一种重要方式,但目前非遗旅游产品市场存在诸多问题.非遗传统手工艺旅游开发更是陷入了一种旅游购物单一开发模式的困境.以苏绣为例,基于结构方程模型的构建,从游客感知的视角实证研究影响非遗传统手工艺旅游产品开发的系统机理.研究发现:① 遗产吸引力感知,市场问题感知和展示内容偏好对旅游者的遗产保护态度有显著正向影响.② 展示内容偏好,展示方式偏好对旅游者的旅游产品开发态度有显著正向影响.③ 旅游者对遗产保护的态度越强烈,其支持旅游产品开发的态度越明显.④ 旅游者对旅游产品开发的支持度越高,其对参与遗产旅游的支付意愿越高.⑤ "对旅游产品开发态度"是"对遗产保护态度"和"对遗产旅游的支付意愿"两者之间的完全中介变量.  相似文献   

In the Kalahari desert the tree skink Mabuya striata sparsa occupies Acacia trees separated by areas of open sand. On a single day in austral spring, the effects of tree size and structural complexity, presence of colonial nests of weavers, and fallen limbs on lizard abundance, and of time of day and air temperature on numbers of lizards active, location on trees, ground, or ground cover, and occupation of sunny, shaded, or partially shaded sites were examined. Multiple regression showed that the numbers of adult and total lizards increased with tree size, amount of ground cover, and air temperature. Neither number and size of sociable weaver nests nor complexity of tree shape affected lizard abundance. Proportions of lizards on trees and ground did not vary with time of day; neither did height above ground among individuals on trees. The proportions of lizards fully exposed to the sun was higher early and late in the day than at midday, when more lizards occupied shaded sites.  相似文献   

色彩在旅游开发中的作用探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从色彩及色彩文化的基本内涵出发,指出在旅游开发中可以借鉴利用的主要色彩理论,并在理论推理的基础上,分析色彩文化对于旅游资源评价、文化发掘、特色主题打造、色彩景观设计、资源整合、线路设计等方面的作用,阐明了色彩文化在整个旅游开发规划过程中可以作为旅游开发的"红颜"、"红娘"、"红豆"、"红装"、"红线"等形式的可行性.  相似文献   

从色彩及色彩文化的基本内涵出发,指出在旅游开发中可以借鉴利用的主要色彩理论,并在理论推理的基础上,分析色彩文化对于旅游资源评价、文化发掘、特色主题打造、色彩景观设计、资源整合、线路设计等方面的作用,阐明了色彩文化在整个旅游开发规划过程中可以作为旅游开发的"红颜"、"红娘"、"红豆"、"红装"、"红线"等形式的可行性.  相似文献   

黄震方  黄睿 《地理研究》2018,37(2):233-249
快速城镇化和旅游发展背景下的乡村文化衰落现象,已经成为制约国家新型城镇化战略和乡村旅游发展的重大紧迫问题。以乡村文化保护为主线,通过综述乡村文化的研究进展,围绕城镇化和旅游发展对乡村文化是“繁荣”还是“衰落”、是“原真”保护还是“创新”利用、是景观“美化”还是文化“重构”等学术争论的焦点问题,提出了乡村文化保护利用和恢复重构的研究思路、研究方向及主要科学问题。强调应运用区域性、综合性的地理思维和人地关系的视角,综合集成多学科理论和多种研究方法与现代技术,聚焦引领性科学问题,关注城镇化对乡村文化胁迫效应测度及其影响过程与机制分析,重视乡村文化的科学保护、旅游活化利用、旅游村镇化与村镇旅游化、特色田园乡村建设和乡村多元价值提升,运用社区恢复力理论构建乡村文化恢复模型,依据文化基因、乡愁记忆等理论和建构主义方法确定乡村文化重构内涵,构建符合中国乡村特点的文化重构模式,从而为乡村振兴、乡村文化保护和乡村旅游持续发展提供理论支撑和实践依据,为国内学者进行乡村文化和乡村旅游研究提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

浅析中国山地村落的聚居空间   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
徐坚 《山地学报》2002,20(5):526-530
中国传统村落数量多、分布广、个性鲜明,被称为“传统文化的明珠”、“民间收藏的国宝”等,其人与自然高度和谐的人聚环境,近年来逐步受到世人的瞩目。山地村落由于所处地形地貌的特殊性,空间特征明显,形象清晰,无论是选址、布局、意境追求、景观建构均呈现显著的空间意象和外在景观,构成历史文化价值丰富的村落文化景观。开展中国山地村落聚居空间的系统研究,不仅是文化研究、乡土研究的需要,而且也是城乡规划、旅游规划及现代旅游文化村落设计的需要。特别是在传统村落面临急剧损毁的今天,倡议传统村落及其保护研究,就显得十分必要。本文从乡土建筑、地方文化、景观资源三方面入手,提出山地村落研究的基本框架,主要分析中国山地落环境空间、生活空间和精神空间等的形成及布局特点,并试图探讨以下几个论点:对中国山地村落的类型及境界进行分类;阐述中国传统的、系统的村落规划思想;对山地村落作多维空间的立体图象研究,寻求景观后深刻的文化影像;完善“中国历史文化名村”保护制度的措施等等。希望能对山地村落文化景观的理论研究有抛砖引玉的作用,为我国的可持续发展之路提出一些理论依据。  相似文献   

袁俊 《热带地理》2011,31(1):82-87,99
基于野外调查和文献分析,对深圳市文化产业与旅游业互动发展的现状和问题进行分析,并依据产业融合和产业链理论,结合两者互动融合发展的实践成功经验,归纳出两者互动发展的基本模式.结果表明:深圳市加强旅游业与文化产业互动具有必要性;两者互动发展基本模式主要有3种:产业融合的旅游新产品模式、产业链延伸的文化产业景点化模式、产业联...  相似文献   

最近30年,许多关于美国政治地理的讨论主要包含4个州际种族和民族理论:黑人威胁论、州际文化差异论、种族多样性:哩论和社会资本论。本文将同时应用这4种理论来解释美国历史上第一位非裔总统巴拉克奥巴马的当选原因。研究表明:种族构成复杂程度和白人选举黑人候选人的意愿之间存在负相关性,而美国的多元文化却正面影响白人选民对黑人的支持。具体而言,黑人密度不断增加与种族之间的紧张度的提高都负面影响白人选举奥巴马的意愿。然而,白人投票者的社会资本积累和“道德政府”的州际政治文化的存在则有助于大选中自人对奥巴马的支持。  相似文献   

杨宏烈 《热带地理》2013,33(6):737-747
广州“十三行”地名文化已构成一个时空大系统,虽然当时地面上的历史建筑较少,但遗址地名可考,后续相关建筑很多。研究“十三行”地名,不仅可了解其产生、沿袭和变革情况,还可鉴识遗址环境参照物及所涵丰富的中外贸易关系史。为培育广州世界文化名城,亮出“十三行”国际名牌,构建国际性的“十三行”商埠文化旅游项目。文章梳理了有关“十三行”的主要地名系列,分析了“十三行”地名文化的构成特色,揭示了其沿江近水的分布规律和时空传播的文化功能,提出了保护运用“十三行”地名文化这一非物质文化遗产的具体措施。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In teaching and learning geography and global education in Australia, understanding a range of perspectives is important because content and practice are inextricably linked. Currently both geography and global education promote a 'perspectives' curricula approach requiring effective implementation of a range of perspectives theories such as positivism, multiculturalism, deep environmentalism, feminism and globalism. This paper outlines the philosophical basis of perspectivism, discusses some of the major perspectives theories and their backgrounds, and describes how they are applied in teaching geography and global education with particular reference to the Australian (principally New South Wales) and New Zealand curricula. It concludes with some comments on the current classroom reality of the 'perspectives' curricula approach.  相似文献   

 随着旅游业发展的日渐成熟,旅游研究定性分析的局限性也日渐显示出来,成为制约当今此类研究的瓶颈。基于上述考虑,通过结构方程模型的定量分析,以喀什地区为示例,研究了旅游目的地家庭文化、道德规范、价值观念等影响因素对传统风俗的影响。结果表明:价值观念对传统风俗的影响显著,家庭文化、道德规范对传统风俗的影响并不显著,而是通过对价值观念产生正向和反向影响,外化为人们的行为方式间接对传统风俗产生影响。从而,为相关研究的定量分析进行了有益的探索与尝试。  相似文献   

重建地方:人文地理与GIS结合研究的路径   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
叶超  塔娜 《地理科学进展》2020,39(8):1249-1259
地方是很重要的地理学概念。中外学界对地方的研究有丰富积累。围绕地方的理论与现实问题,探索人文地理与GIS结合研究的路径和方法对中国地理学尤为重要。“重建地方”旨在打破学科界限,重新发现学术研究的“地方”,并将学术与生活、思想与技术紧密结合起来,反思和重建生活中的“地方”。人文地理与GIS结合研究主要聚焦于流动性的大尺度城市空间与稳定性的小尺度社区空间。通过运用开放的街景地图、3D-VQGIS等新GIS工具和方法,整合大数据与小数据,将定量与定性结合,丰富了地方性研究的方法与理论,使人文地理与GIS结合有新的方法论与可操作的手段。以地方为主题,人文地理与GIS的结合还将重塑这2个子学科,进而促进地理学发展。未来应该大力探索人文地理与GIS结合的思想、理论与方法,实现学科内的交融互动,并将其应用于解释尺度交错的现实问题,进而在理论和实践上重建地方。  相似文献   

翁时秀  闫罗彬  王华 《地理研究》2018,37(12):2411-2419
彭华先生长期从事丹霞地貌和旅游地理研究,为中国丹霞事业和旅游发展做出了突出贡献,是“把论文写在祖国大地上”的科学家的典范。作为中国丹霞地貌研究国际化阶段的代表人物,彭华先生在丹霞地貌分类系统、丹霞地貌发育过程、国内外红层分布及其地貌发育的对比等方面开展了系列研究,同时,针对中国南方湿润环境下红层区严重的地貌灾害和荒漠化问题,用跨学科的思维和方法,开展了红层区地质构造—岩石特性—地貌发育—自然灾害—水土流失—生态退化—综合景观—社会经济发展之间相互关系的综合地理学研究实践,将原来的红层地表研究拓展为“地下+地表+地上”(红层的地质问题+地貌与土地问题+生态问题)的一体化研究,为丹霞地貌的未来研究指明了方向。彭华先生在旅游开发实践中不断总结新思想、新方法和新理论,在旅游地开发、旅游文化、城市旅游、区域旅游发展和旅游规划理论研究方面取得了大量成果,所提出的“大旅游”理念在学界有重要影响。在“大旅游”理念基础上提出的旅游系统及动力机制、旅游地发展阶段论、旅游开发与城市建设一体化、市场分类研究法、产品—需求对应分析法等理论,创新意义显著。彭华先生的学术研究典型体现了地理学的综合性思维和系统性思维。  相似文献   

区域规划理论的演进   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
方中权  陈烈 《地理科学》2007,27(4):480-485
根据区域规划理论的形成、产生和发展及不同时期理论指导意义的不同,将区域规划理论划分为三个阶段:①早期区域规划思想的形成—没有形成系统的区域规划理论;②传统区域规划理论的产生—着眼于经济的增长;③现代区域规划理论的发展—注重经济、社会和环境协调发展。未来区域规划理论在坚持可持续发展思想的同时,将在动态性、创新性及区域调控等方面得到发展。  相似文献   

旅游区位的理论已被广泛地运用到旅游空间的优化和布局中.就旅游区位的5个因子方面分析了日本客源市场的现状、发展前景;并根据对西安入境外国人进行的1008份市场调查问卷、通过数理方法分析比较取得的结果,探讨了以增长极、中心地、点-轴、带状、网状等多层次、多边的西安旅游市场开发的空间布局和旅游线路优化组合的模式.最后就开发西安的日本市场,提出了相应的对策和建议,对细分旅游市场和有针对性的市场促销有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲全新世环境变化与文化起源及传播的关系   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  

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