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This article builds on the previous studies on storminess conditions in the northeast North Atlantic–European region. The period of surface pressure data analyzed is extended from 1881–1998 to 1874–2007. The seasonality and regional differences of storminess conditions in this region are also explored in more detail. The results show that storminess conditions in this region have undergone substantial decadal or longer time scale fluctuations, with considerable seasonal and regional differences. The most notable differences are seen between winter and summer, and between the North Sea area and other parts of the region. In particular, winter storminess shows an unprecedented maximum in the early 1990s in the North Sea area and a steady upward trend in the northeastern part of the region, while it appears to have declined in the western part of the region. In summer, storminess appears to have declined in most parts of this region. In the transition seasons, the storminess trend is characterized by increases in the northern part of the region and decreases in the southeastern part, with increases in the north being larger in spring. In particular, the results also show that the earliest storminess maximum occurred in summer (around 1880), while the latest storminess maximum occurred in winter (in the early 1990s). Looking at the annual metrics alone (as in previous studies), one would conclude that the latest storminess maximum is at about the same level as the earliest storminess maximum, without realizing that this is comparing the highest winter storminess level with the highest summer storminess level in the period of record analyzed, while winter and summer storminess conditions have undergone very different long-term variability and trends. Also, storminess conditions in the NE Atlantic region are found to be significantly correlated with the simultaneous NAO index in all seasons but autumn. The higher the NAO index, the rougher the NE Atlantic storminess conditions, especially in winter and spring.  相似文献   

Climate change has the potential ability to alter the occurrence and severity of extreme events. Though predicting changes of such extreme events is difficult, understanding them is important to determine the impacts of climate change in various sectors. This paper presents the change in rainfall extremes in the monsoon season in south-west Indian peninsula. Daily rainfall data were analysed for the entire Kerala state in India to determine if the extreme rainfall had changed over the 50-year period. Several indices were derived from the data to identify the extreme rainfalls. The trends of all the extreme indices were assessed by parametric ordinary least square regression technique, which were tested for significance at 95% level. Results showed significant decrease in monsoon rainfall extremes in Kerala that would affect the tendency of change in seasonal total rainfall. This study provides a comprehensive knowledge on extreme monsoon precipitation in Kerala, which could also be employed to study changing climate at local scale in other regions.  相似文献   

Arctic marginal ice zone (MIZ) widths in the Atlantic sector were measured during the months of maximum sea ice extent (February–April) for years 1979–2010 using a novel method based on objective curves through idealized sea ice concentration fields that satisfied Laplace’s equation. Over the record, the Labrador Sea MIZ (MIZL) had an average width of 122 km and narrowed by 28 % while moving 254 km poleward, the Greenland Sea MIZ (MIZG) had an average width of 98 km and narrowed by 43 % while moving 158 km west toward the Greenland coast, and the Barents Sea MIZ (MIZB) had an average width of 136 km and moved 259 km east toward the Eurasian coast without a trend in width. Trends in MIZ position and width were consistent with a warming Arctic and decreasing sea ice concentrations over the record. Beyond the trends, NAO-like atmospheric patterns influenced interannual variability in MIZ position and width: MIZL widened and moved southeast under anomalously strong northerly flow conducive to advection of sea ice into the Labrador Sea, MIZG widened and moved northeast under anomalously weak northerly flow conducive to diminishing the westward component of sea ice drift, and MIZB widened and moved poleward at the expense of pack ice under anomalously strong southwesterly flow conducive to enhancing oceanic heat flux into the Barents Sea. In addition, meridional flow anomalies associated with the NAO per se moved MIZB east and west by modulating sea ice concentration over the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

Summary Three empirical distributions of the daily rainfall collected at the Fabra Observatory from 1917 to 1999 are fitted to different statistical models. The first two are designated as the distributions of cumulative amounts and cumulative times. The third distribution accounts for the time interval between two consecutive rainy days with rain amounts equalling or exceeding a threshold amount. Whereas the distribution of cumulative amounts follows an exponential model at monthly and annual scale, except for a few cases, the distribution of the cumulative times is well modelled by a Weibull function, whether monthly or annual scales are considered. The distribution of time intervals also follows a Weibull distribution for the different thresholds considered. In addition, the combination of the two first distributions leads to the normalised rainfall curve, NRC, which is also reproduced satisfactorily by a beta (type 1) distribution. It is worth mentioning that the NRCs follow the expected behaviour with respect to the coefficient of variation of daily rain amounts at monthly and annual scales. In addition, a better understanding of fluctuations and time trends affecting the daily pluviometric regime is achieved by analysing the annual NRCs. The impact of some features of this rain regime, developed for Barcelona, a crowded metropolitan area, on many human activities, may provides the focus of future interdisciplinary analyses.  相似文献   

The present study aims at studying the role played by high-frequency wind variability, wave reflection and easterly wind anomalies in the western Pacific in the onset, growth and termination phases of the 1997–1998 El Niño using the Trident intermediate coupled model and observations. While the anomalous strength of the trade winds in 1996 favored the initiation of a warm event in 1997 (via western Pacific boundary Rossby wave reflection), the actual timing of the onset and the amplitude of the event resulted from the large March 1997 wind event. Once initiated, high-frequency westerly winds strongly contributed to the rapid growth of the warm event and to the displacement of the eastern edge of the warm-pool. Moreover, both easterly and westerly high-frequency wind variability in 1997–1998 contributed to the amplitude of the event, set the evolution of the warm event and potentially influenced the equatorial Pacific conditions at least one year after the El Niño event. In addition, eastern boundary reflection also significantly contributed to the amplitude and duration of the warm event, whereas its termination was a combination of various factors: reflection of upwelling Rossby waves at the western boundary and large easterly wind anomalies observed in the western Pacific from November 1997 to early 1998. These factors were sufficient to terminate the event and to switch temperature anomalies from warm to cold. To conclude, understanding the coupling between the high- and low-frequency wind variability, i.e., studying ENSO as a multi-scale phenomenon, will certainly lead to a better comprehension of the diversity of its behavior and potentially to an improvement of its predictability.  相似文献   

Summary Using ECMWF and NCEP/NCAR analysis and reanalysis data sets, 6–9 day wave-like oscillations have been described in the African and tropical Atlantic troposphere during the summers of 1981 and 1985. In spite of several kinematic analogies, their structure was quite different from the African waves. In this paper we study the connection between the 6–9 day oscillations and the cloud cover with help of the ISCCP-Cl data set. The largest cloud cover oscillation (±30%) occurs in the 800–680 hPa layer, a maximum (minimum) is connected with a cyclonic (anticyclonic) circulation. The influence of the 6–9 day oscillation on horizontal water vapor flux and temperature is also displayed.With 8 Figures  相似文献   

We compare two 28-year simulations performed with two versions of the Global Environmental Multiscale model run in variable-resolution mode. The two versions differ only by small differences in their radiation scheme. The most significant modification introduced is a reduction in the ice effective radius, which is observed to increase absorption of upwelling infrared radiation and increase temperature in the upper troposphere. The resulting change in vertical lapse rate is then observed to drive a resolution-dependent response of convection, which in turn modifies the zonal circulation and induces significant changes in simulated Atlantic tropical cyclone activity. The resulting change in vertical lapse rate and its implication in the context of anthropogenic climate change are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship of prolonged dry spells in Eastern Mediterranean with large-scale surface and upper circulation is investigated on seasonal basis with the aid of the Singular-Value Decomposition Analysis (SVDA) for the period 1958–2000. The study was based on daily precipitation data of 56 stations, evenly distributed over Eastern Mediterranean region. Extreme dry spells are defined using the CDD index (maximum number of consecutive dry days). It was found that teleconnection patterns centered over Northern Atlantic and northern Europe seem to affect the duration of the longest dry spells over the Eastern Mediterranean, while surface synoptic scale systems in Northern Africa play a substantial role. The SVDA results compare well with the corresponding results of Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA), mainly for the surface circulation during winter and summer.  相似文献   

China national air quality monitoring network has become the core data source for air quality assessment and management in China. However, during network construction, the significant change in numbers of monitoring sites with time is easily ignored, which brings uncertainty to air quality assessments. This study aims to analyze the impact of change in numbers of stations on national and regional air quality assessments in China during 2013–18. The results indicate that the change in numbers of stations has different impacts on fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone concentration assessments. The increasing number of sites makes the estimated national and regional PM2.5 concentration slightly lower by 0.6?2.2 μg m?3 and 1.4?6.0 μg m?3 respectively from 2013 to 2018. The main reason is that over time, the monitoring network expands from the urban centers to the suburban areas with low population densities and pollutant emissions. For ozone, the increasing number of stations affects the long-term trends of the estimated concentration, especially the national trends, which changed from a slight upward trend to a downward trend in 2014?15. Besides, the impact of the increasing number of sites on ozone assessment exhibits a seasonal difference at the 0.05 significance level in that the added sites make the estimated concentration higher in winter and lower in summer. These results suggest that the change in numbers of monitoring sites is an important uncertainty factor in national and regional air quality assessments, that needs to be considered in long-term concentration assessment, trend analysis, and trend driving force analysis.  相似文献   

Variations of precipitation amounts, atmosphere circulation, and relative humidity at three high mountainous stations in Bulgaria are investigated. The research period is 1947–2008. Three stations are peaks Musala (2,927?m), Cherni Vrah (2,293?m), and Botev (2,378?m). Homogeneity checks were performed. Some adjustments of monthly precipitation amounts were done due to the change of rain gauge placements. Methods employed in this research are statistical—trend analysis, multiple linear regression, autocorrelation, spectral analysis, correlation, etc. The main conclusion is that annual precipitation amounts in high mountainous parts of Bulgaria decrease over the last six decades. These trends are statistically significant in lower and northern stations of Cherni Vrah and Botev. Observed tendencies are due mainly to precipitation in months of the cold part of the year—from October till March and also June. Atmospheric circulation, on an annual basis, shows a decrease in the number of cyclones and an increase of the number of anticyclones. Atmospheric pressure has no significant change during the research period. Relative humidity, on an annual basis, increases at the two western stations (Musala and Cherni Vrah) and decreases at Botev peak. Multiple regression statistical modeling shows good results at stations Cherni Vrah and Botev. Station Musala is more difficult to model with the five predictors used because of the winter months. Correlation coefficients reveal a good connection between precipitation amounts at all three stations. Only Botev station has a significant cycle in precipitation distribution, which is about 3.7?months.  相似文献   

Change and variability in the timing and magnitude of sea ice geophysical and thermodynamic state have consequences on many aspects of the arctic marine system. The changes in both the geophysical and thermodynamic state, and in particular the timing of the development of these states, have consequences throughout the marine system. In this paper we review the ??consequences?? of change in sea ice state on primary productivity, marine mammal habitats, and sea ice as a medium for storage and transport of contaminants and carbon exchange across the ocean-sea-ice-atmosphere interface based upon results from the International Polar Year. Pertinent results include: 1) conditions along ice edges can bring deep nutrient-rich ??pacific?? waters into nutrient-poor surface waters along the arctic coast, affecting local food webs; 2) both sea ice thermodynamic and dynamic processes ultimately affect ringed seal/polar bear habitats by controlling the timing, location and amount of surface deformation required for ringed seal and polar bear preferred habitat 3) the ice edges bordering open waters of flaw leads are areas of high biological production and are observed to be important beluga habitat. 4) exchange of climate-active gases, including CO2, is extremely active in sea ice environments, and the overall question of whether the Arctic Ocean is (or will be) a source or sink for CO2 will be dependent on the balance of competing climate-change feedbacks.  相似文献   

Recent climate change is substantially affecting the spatial pattern of geographical zones, and the temporal and spatial inconsistency of climatic warming and drying patterns contributes to the complexity of the shifting of temperature and aridity zones. Eastern Inner Mongolia, China, located in the interface region of different biomes and ecogeographic zones, has experienced dramatic drying and warming over the past several decades. In this study, the annual accumulated temperature above 10 °C (AAT10) and the aridity index, two key indicators in geographical regionalization, are used to assess warming and drying processes and track the movements of temperature and aridity zones from 1960 to 2008. The results show a significant warming at the regional level from 1960 to 2008 with an AAT10 increase rate of 7.89 °C·d/year (p?<?0.001) in Eastern Inner Mongolia, while the drying trend was not significant during this period. Spatial heterogeneity of warming and drying distributions was also evident. Analysis of warming and drying via piecewise regression revealed two separate, specific trends between the first 31 years (1960–1990) and the subsequent 18 years (1991–2008). Generally, mild warming and very slight wetting occurred prior to 1990, while after 1991 both warming and drying were significant and enhanced. Continuous warming drove a northward shift of temperature zones from the 1960s to 2000s, while aridity zones displayed enhanced temporal and spatial variability. Climate change effects on temperature and aridity zones imply that the patterns of cropping systems, macro-ecosystems, and human land use modes are potentially undergoing migration and modification due to climate change.  相似文献   

Outputs from a high-resolution data assimilation system,the global Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model and Navy Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation (HYCOM+NCODA) 1/12° analysis,were analyzed for the period September 2008 to February 2012.The objectives were to evaluate the performance of the system in simulating ocean circulation in the tropical northwestern Pacific and to examine the seasonal to interannual variations of the western boundary currents.The HYCOM assimilation compares well with altimetry observations and mooring current measurements.The mean structures and standard deviations of velocities of the North Equatorial Current (NEC),Mindanao Current (MC) and Kuroshio Current (KC) also compare well with previous observations.Seasonal to interannual variations of the NEC transport volume are closely correlated with the MC transport volume,instead of that of the KC.The NEC and MC transport volumes mainly show well-defined annual cycles,with their maxima in spring and minima in fall,and are closely related to the circulation changes in the Mindanao Dome (MD) region.In seasons of transport maxima,the MD region experiences negative SSH anomalies and a cyclonic gyre anomaly,and in seasons of transport minima the situation is reversed.The sea surface NEC bifurcation latitude (NBL) in the HYCOM assimilation also agrees well with altimetry observations.In 2009,the NBL shows an annual cycle similar to previous studies,reaching its southernmost position in summer and its northernmost position in winter.In 2010 and 2011,the NBL variations are dominantly influenced by La Ni(n)a events.The dynamics responsible for the seasonal to interannual variations of the NEC-MC-KC current system are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, synoptic-scale analyses of frontogenesis, moisture budget, and tropospheric diabatic heating are performed to reveal the development and maintenance mechanisms for the extreme heavy rainfall in Henan Province of central China from 19 to 21 July 2021, based on station observations and the ECMWF Reanalysis version 5(ERA5)data. The results demonstrate that owing to the blocking effect of local topography, low-level wind convergence in Henan appeared underneath high-level divergence, ...  相似文献   

We use long instrumental temperature series together with available field reconstructions of sea-level pressure (SLP) and three-dimensional climate model simulations to analyze relations between temperature anomalies and atmospheric circulation patterns over much of Europe and the Mediterranean for the late winter/early spring (January–April, JFMA) season. A Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) investigates interannual to interdecadal covariability between a new gridded SLP field reconstruction and seven long instrumental temperature series covering the past 250 years. We then present and discuss prominent atmospheric circulation patterns related to anomalous warm and cold JFMA conditions within different European areas spanning the period 1760–2007. Next, using a data assimilation technique, we link gridded SLP data with a climate model (EC-Bilt-Clio) for a better dynamical understanding of the relationship between large scale circulation and European climate. We thus present an alternative approach to reconstruct climate for the pre-instrumental period based on the assimilated model simulations. Furthermore, we present an independent method to extend the dynamic circulation analysis for anomalously cold European JFMA conditions back to the sixteenth century. To this end, we use documentary records that are spatially representative for the long instrumental records and derive, through modern analogs, large-scale SLP, surface temperature and precipitation fields. The skill of the analog method is tested in the virtual world of two three-dimensional climate simulations (ECHO-G and HadCM3). This endeavor offers new possibilities to both constrain climate model into a reconstruction mode (through the assimilation approach) and to better asses documentary data in a quantitative way.  相似文献   

Climate records of air temperature (AT) and total precipitation (TP) are standard inputs for soil carbon dynamic models, i.e., for calculating temperature and moisture effects on soil biological activity. In this study our objective was to determine both spatial and temporal differences in soil biological activity in the Province of Québec, Canada. Soil biological activity was here calculated on a daily basis with the ICBM re_clim parameter using data from weather stations. When keeping soil and crop properties constant, re_clim (unitless) allows us to assess relative differences in soil biological activity. The magnitude of the temporal changes in re_clim, AT and TP were analyzed using Sen’s slope, which is a nonparametric method used to determine the presence of a trend component. The re_clim varied across Québec from 0.50 (58 °N) to a high of 1.66 (45 °N). Considering only the area with significant agricultural production, re_clim varied from 0.99 at Gaspé (48 °N) to 1.66 at Philipsburg (45 °N), i.e., soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition rate is 68 % higher at the latter site (1.66/0.99) and correspondingly more C input is needed to maintain SOC. Soil biological activity increased from 1960 to 2009, with a mean slope variation in re_clim of about +10 %. The temporal variation in AT had more influence than that of TP. For 1980–2009 the mean annual slope of re_clim was significantly different from zero for 29 out of 49 climate records (mean?=?+14 %; N?=?29). We also emphasize that analysis of seasonal changes in AT is an issue that needs further attention, as well as modeling climate-induced changes in SOC dynamics based on future climate scenarios.  相似文献   

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